For the Sake of Argument Practical Reasoning and Credibility In

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For the Sake of Argument Practical Reasoning and Credibility In Mari Erlandsen For the Sake of Argument Practical reasoning and credibility in commentary journalism Master thesis in Media Studies Institute of Media and Communication University of Oslo 2012 2 ABSTRACT This analysis explores the credibility of commentators by analysing the argumentation they present in support of their standpoints, views and opinions. The pragma-dialectical theory of argumentation and its concepts of fallacy and strategic manoeuvring are used to identify argumentation strategies and evaluate their quality in contributing to public debate. Credibility is explored through the concept of Aristotle´s ethos, where the commentary is understood as a place for gathering. Giving ethos this primordial meaning allows focus on the commentary as a contribution to public life, making it a necessity that commentators express arguments and ideas. The normative analysis reveals that commentators – albeit exceptions do exist – mainly argue in ways that violate the ten rules placed by the pragma-dialectic theory as the ideal in discussions. Pundits often do little to provide readers with the ability to try their assertions and check the probability of their claims. Instead, ambiguous phrases, assertive language and faultily applied argumentation schemes hide explanations, reasoning and analysis. The definition of ethos as dwelling causes the occurrence of fallacies and lack of sound argumentation to influence the credibility of pundits negatively. 3 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Aspiring to one day become a journalist excessively loaded with the indispensible quality that is credibility, nothing seemed more beneficial than dedicating my master project to getting to the bottom of this elusive concept. My fascination for the commentary and the pundit´s expert status made the commentary seem like the most appropriate place to start. And even if the true quality of this thesis might not fully manifest until my credibility is tried in a future newsroom, it is of course my hope that it brings some theoretical value to others in the meantime. My thanks and appreciation goes to my thesis advisor, Associate Professor Gunn Sara Enli (S-11/A-11/S12), whose discipline and encouragement in all stages of the process has been widely beneficial. Jenny deserves thanks for numerous discussions and constructive criticism that have greatly enhanced the quality of this work. To Hilde, Siv Anita, Merethe, Liv Oddrun and Fredrikke: our discussions on everything else but commentary journalism have been much needed and appreciated. Trine is neither one to shun away from test-driving alternative argumentation techniques, and I also thank her for proofreading and correcting linguistic bloopers. My family must be recognised for offering both support and home cooked meals. Lastly, I owe much gratitude to my partner in crime, Mathias, to whom I now return the kitchen table. Oslo January 4th 2012 4 TABLES Table 1 Rule violations (fallacies) made by the commentators p. 49 Table 2 Overview of Marie Simonsen´s commentaries p. 76 Table 3 Overview of Arne Strand´s commentaries p. 89 Table 4 Overview of Harald Stanghelle´s commentaries p. 98 5 TABLE OF CONTENT ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................................................... 3 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................................................................................... 4 TABLES ............................................................................................................................................................... 5 TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................................................................................... 6 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 10 2 COMMENTARY JOURNALISM ................................................................................................................ 13 2.1 THE POLITICAL STAR COMMENTATOR .................................................................................................................. 13 2.1.1 The development of the commentary ...................................................................................................... 14 2.2 JOURNALISM AND DELIBERATIVE DEMOCRACY ................................................................................................... 17 2.2.1 A sophistic triumph .......................................................................................................................................... 19 3 DEFINING CREDIBILITY ......................................................................................................................... 21 3.1 FROM CLASSICAL RHETORIC TO MODERN ARGUMENTATION THEORY ............................................................ 21 3.1.1 Pragma-dialectical argumentation theory ........................................................................................... 23 3.2 DEFINING ETHOS ....................................................................................................................................................... 24 3.2.1 Ethos as a place of dwelling ......................................................................................................................... 27 3.2.2 Deliberation from choice ............................................................................................................................... 28 Arête ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 28 Eunoia .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 29 Phronesis ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 29 Authenticity ................................................................................................................................................................................... 30 3.3 RHETORICAL COMMUNICATION AND RHETORICAL SITUATIONS ...................................................................... 31 4 PRAGMA-DIALECTICS ............................................................................................................................. 32 4.1 THE IDEAL OF THE CRITICAL DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................ 32 4.1.1 Fallacies ................................................................................................................................................................ 32 4.1.2 Criticising the pragma-dialectical theory .............................................................................................. 34 4.2 METHODICAL CLARIFICATIONS .............................................................................................................................. 36 5 ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................................................... 38 5.1 THE RHETORICAL SITUATION ................................................................................................................................. 38 5.1.1 The political situation 2010/2011 ............................................................................................................ 38 5.1.2 The commentators and their newspapers ............................................................................................. 41 Marie Simonsen and Dagbladet ............................................................................................................................................ 41 Arne Strand and Dagsavisen .................................................................................................................................................. 43 Harald Stanghelle and Aftenposten .................................................................................................................................... 44 5.2 FALLACIOUS ARGUMENTATION .............................................................................................................................. 46 5.2.1 Ambiguous arguments ................................................................................................................................... 51 5.2.2 Asserting opinions as fact ............................................................................................................................. 55 5.2.3 Faulty argumentation schemes .................................................................................................................. 58 Leaning on the authority of others ...................................................................................................................................... 59 On behalf of the people ............................................................................................................................................................. 61 what really happened ..............................................................................................................................................................
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