Michigan Arts Education Instructional and Assessment Program Michigan Assessment Consortium

THEATRE Assessment

Performance Task T.T401 Character Analysis: The Diary of

High School Level 2

Student Booklet Student Directions Assessment Questions Teacher Scoring Rubric Student Worksheets

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School: ______

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“Anne Frank: Facts and Information” from www.primaryfacts.com. Copyright © 2014 Primary Facts.

“11 Facts About the Holocaust” © www.DoSomething.org. Reprinted by permission of DoSomething.org

1 STUDENT DIRECTIONS This assessment has five parts to it:

o Part 1–Assessment Questions (Day 1) o Part 2–Character Analysis (Days 1–2) o Part 3–Rehearsal (Days 3–5) o Part 4–Filmed Performance (Day 6) o Part 5–Reflection (Day 7)

The directions for each part are given in the Student Booklet.

PART 1–ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS (DAY 1) This assessment begins with two assessment questions. Turn to page 16 in your Booklet. First, write your name in the space provided on page 16. Then read and respond to the two questions. You have five minutes to respond to the two questions.

When you are finished, tear off page 16 and give it to your teacher.

PART 2–CHARACTER ANALYSIS (DAY 1) Today you will take on the role of an actor in the play The Diary of Anne Frank by Francis Goodrich and Albert Hackett. This play can be found at this website:

http://www.nexuslearning.net/books/holt- eol2/collection%205/diary%20act%201%20scene%201&2.htm

In your Student Booklet, you will find helpful resources on the Holocaust and Anne Frank. Begin by reviewing these resource materials on pages 6–9. Quickly look through the material on pages 6–9.

This historical background information will help you understand the play and characters. You may refer to these sheets as you work throughout this project.

After the directions for Part 2 have been read to you, turn to page 6 to begin reading the resource materials and then, using the URL listed, start reading the play. You will eventually be analyzing a character and performing as this character, but for now, it is important to read the script in its entirety. Read the play silently to yourself. Be sure to read the stage directions as well as the dialogue. You may make notes about the script as necessary. What you don’t finish reading by the end of today’s class period, you need to read at home if you have a computer with Internet access or in school outside of class. If you finish early continue with the rest of Part 2.

You will each be assigned a character, scene partners, and a scene. After you finish reading The Diary of Anne Frank by Francis Goodrich and Albert Hackett, begin working on the Character Analysis Worksheet on pages 10–13. Turn to page 10 in your Student Booklet. Listen carefully as your teacher reads your assignments, and then fill in the scene and character you are assigned to analyze.

2 You will be analyzing one of the following characters: Anne Frank, Peter Van Daan, , , , , Mr. Kraler, or Mr. Dussel. Listen carefully as your teacher reads your assignments, and then fill in the scene and character you are assigned to analyze.

Use the information from the script and the resource materials to complete the Character Analysis Worksheet on pages 10–13. You may want to revise your Character Analysis Worksheet, so keep it available as you rehearse your scene.

Now turn to the Teacher Scoring Rubric on pages 4–5. This rubric will be used to evaluate your Character Analysis Worksheet and performance in this assessment. Read Level 4, the highest level of performance.

You will have the rest of today’s class period to read the script and resource materials. You will have another class period to finish your Character Analysis Worksheet and study your scene. After that, you will begin rehearsing your scene.

When time is up, if you have not finished reading the resource materials and the play, you may take your Student Booklet home to finish tonight. Remember to bring it back with you for the next class.

PART 2–CHARACTER ANALYSIS (DAY 2) Today you will use the Character Analysis Worksheet on pages 10–13 of your Student Booklet to analyze the character you have been assigned. You have also been assigned a scene, but your character analysis should go beyond your scene to include the entire script and the resource materials on pages 6–9. When you finish, study your scene. You will begin rehearsing your scene with your partners tomorrow.

When time is up, if you have finished your character analysis, leave your Student Booklet on your desk. If you have more to complete, you may take it home. Remember to bring it back for the next class.

PART 3–REHEARSAL (DAYS 3–5) You will now rehearse your scene. Turn again to pages 5 to see the Teacher Scoring Rubric that will be used to evaluate your work. Review level 4, the highest level of performance.

Turn back to page 3 in your Student Booklet and follow along as your teacher reads the directions.

Now you will take what you have learned from analyzing your character and use it as you rehearse and perform your scene. You and your partner(s) will rehearse your scene for the next three class periods. You may use up to eight chairs and a table to establish your scene.

Your goal is to create a believable, truthful character and scene. In order to do so, you must memorize your lines, and this will require some work outside of class. You will work with your partner(s) to stage the scene, create relationships, and bring the script to life.

3 Use your time wisely and memorize all of your lines. You will perform your scene in front of the class, and your performance will be filmed. You will also be graded on how well you use rehearsal time. You will have three classes to rehearse.

You may take your Student Booklet home to continue practicing your lines. Do not forget to bring it back to class with you.

PART 4–FILMED PERFORMANCE (DAY 6) Now that you have had time to prepare your scene, you will perform it in front of the class. It will be recorded for reflection and assessment purposes. Turn to pages 5 to review the Teacher Scoring Rubric that will be used to assess your performance.

You will be recorded with a video camera as you perform your scene in one take. The scene will be recorded using a wide-angle shot. You will also watch the other students perform. The audience will be seated to one side and you will have an open space that allows movement. After the performances, you will watch the recorded versions in class, and you will complete a self-reflection on your character portrayal and scene work, as well as those of your classmates.

PART 5–REFLECTION (DAY 7) You will now watch the scenes performed by you and your classmates. Turn to pages 14– 15 of your Student Booklet to look over the Reflection Worksheet. As you watch your scene and those of your peers, take notes on the Reflection Worksheet.

After all scenes have been viewed, you will be given 30 minutes to evaluate your work using the Reflection Worksheet. You will be allowed to take your Student Booklet home for more time to reflect upon and organize your thoughts. The completed Reflection Worksheet, along with the rest of your Student Booklet, will be turned in at the beginning of the next class period.

When time is up, you may take your Student Booklet home with you to complete your Reflection Worksheet. The Reflection Worksheet and your Student Booklet are due at the beginning of the next class.

After you turn in your Student Booklet, this assessment is complete.

4 TEACHER SCORING RUBRIC Dimension 1 2 3 4 Character Analysis is Analysis is Analysis is Analysis is accurately Analysis incomplete completed but has accurately and and thoroughly and/or some inaccurate thoroughly completed. The inaccurate. responses or is completed. The analysis shows accurate but work is solid but excellent insight, incomplete. lacks in creativity creativity, and strong or characterization. characterization. Rehearsal Student hardly Student came to Student came to Student came to class ever came to class class prepared, class prepared, prepared, used time prepared or used used time wisely, used time wisely, wisely, and worked time wisely. and worked and worked cooperatively with Rarely worked cooperatively cooperatively partners all of the cooperatively with partners with partners time. with partners. some of the time. most of the time. Character Student showed Student showed Student Student developed Development little or no some attempts at developed original, strong consistent characterization consistent characterization. characterization. but was characterization. Body and voice were Most lines were inconsistent in Scene lacked used to create a not memorized. portrayal. Some original choices consistent character choices were not and/or intensity. suitable to script. consistent with Lines were Lines were script. Most lines memorized. memorized. were memorized. Ensemble/ Student showed There was little Student Student listened and Partner Play little or no response between responded to responded to consistent partners. Some partners, showing partners. Character response between choices were not understanding of development and partners. Choices consistent with the script. Most relationship portrayal did not show the script. choices in show clear analysis understanding of interaction and understanding of the script. showed the script. relationships between characters. Reflection Student wrote Student Student writing Student writing little or no attempted some reflected clear showed thoughtful evaluation of reflection of observational analysis in notes and characterization. characterization notes and expressed supported but lacked comments on insights in evaluation thoroughness in characterization of character. Student notes, but did not clearly expressed observations, express ways to ways to improve and/or strengthen future future improvement characterization. characterization. plans.

5 RESOURCE MATERIALS: ANNE FRANK: FACTS AND INFORMATION "Anne Frank: Facts and Information." Interesting Information for Kids, Pupils, Parents and Teachers. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2013. http://primaryfacts.com/937/anne-frank-facts- and-information/

Here are some facts about Anne Frank, the famous young Jewish diarist who was tragically killed during the Holocaust. o Anne was born on June 12, 1929, in Frankfurt, Germany. o Her father was called Otto and her mother was called Edith. She had an older sister called Margot. o Anne’s family were “liberal Jews.” They didn’t live in a Jewish-only community, and they didn’t strictly follow all of the Jewish customs. o Following the elections in Germany of 1933, which were won by the Nazi Party (led by Adolf Hitler), the Franks moved to Amsterdam in order to escape the anti-Semitic (anti- Jewish) feelings that were being promoted by the Nazis. o In Amsterdam, Anne started to develop a love of reading and writing. o In May 1940 the Netherlands was invaded by Germany. Laws were made to discriminate against the Jewish population. Anne and her sister had to leave the school they were attending and transfer to a Jewish-only school. Anne’s father, Otto, had to transfer his shares in the companies he owned to Johannes Kleiman (a non-Jewish Dutch citizen) to avoid having his businesses confiscated. o Anne celebrated her 13th birthday on June 12, 1942. One of her presents was a red-and- white autograph book. Anne decided to use it as a diary, and she started to write in it straight away. Many of her early entries are focused on the everyday things that happened in her life, but she does discuss how the German occupation of the Netherlands had a severe impact on her. o We know from her diary that Anne wanted to be an actress when she grew up, but she was unable to go to the cinema to see films because Jews were not allowed to enter movie theatres. o In July 1942, Margot, Anne’s sister, was ordered to go to a labor camp. Anne’s father, Otto, wasn’t prepared to allow this to happen, so he came up with a plan to hide his family in Amsterdam. On July 6 the Franks went into hiding in some rooms attached to one of Otto’s companies on a street called Prinsengracht. He was relying upon his employees to help the family survive. o Anne had to leave her cat, Moortje, behind. o Four of Otto’s employees—, Johannes Kleiman, Miep Gies, and —along with and Johannes Hendrik Voskuijl, were the only people who knew that the Franks were hiding in the rooms. They became the Franks “helpers” and were their only link to the outside world. Others were told that the family had fled to Switzerland. o On July 13 the Franks were joined in their hiding place by the Van Pels family. o On August 4, 1944, the Franks’ hiding place was discovered by German police. Nobody knows how the police got the information about the hiding place. o The Franks and Van Pels were interrogated and then transported to the Westerbork transit camp. o Victor Kugler and Johnnes Kleiman (two of the helpers) were arrested. Kleiman was eventually released.

6 o Miep Gies was questioned but was never arrested. She went to the Franks’ hiding place and gathered up all of Anne’s papers and her diary. She was intending to return them to Anne after the war. o On September 3, 1944, the Franks were part of the last group to be transported from Westerbork to the concentration camp at Auschwitz. When the transport arrived, Otto was separated from the female members of his family. Anne, her mother, and her sister were used as slave labor to haul rocks and dig rolls of turf. o Anne would have had her head shaved, and she would have been tattooed with an identity number. o Anne, Margot, and Edith all became very ill. They were transferred to the infirmary. Anne and Margot were then moved to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Edith, Anne’s mother, was forced to stay behind, and she died of starvation. o In March many of the prisoners in Bergen-Belsen contracted typhus. Both Margot and Anne died, and they were buried in an unmarked mass grave. o Otto Frank survived his imprisonment in Auschwitz. He returned to Amsterdam after the war and tried to discover what had happened to the other members of his family. He soon learned that they had died.

Facts About Anne Frank’s Diary ● Miep Gies gave Anne’s diary to Otto. ● Anne’s diary was first published in the Netherlands in 1947 and was published in Germany and France in 1950. It was published in the U.K. and U.S. in 1952, and its title was Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. ● Anne Frank’s dairy continues to be published today.

OVERVIEW AND BACKGROUND Anne Frank was one of over one million Jewish children who died in the Holocaust. She was born Annelies Marie Frank on June 12, 1929, in Frankfurt, Germany, to Otto and Edith Frank. For five years of her life, Anne lived with her parents and older sister, Margot, in an apartment on the outskirts of Frankfurt. After the Nazi seizure of power in 1933, Otto Frank fled to Amsterdam in the Netherlands, where he had business connections. The rest of the Frank family followed Otto, with Anne being the last of the family to arrive in February 1934 after staying with her grandparents in Aachen.

The Germans occupied Amsterdam in May 1940. In July 1942, German authorities and their Dutch collaborators began to concentrate Jews from throughout the Netherlands at Westerbork, a transit camp near the Dutch town of Assen, not far from the German border. From Westerbork, German officials deported the Jews to Auschwitz-Birkenau and Sobibor killing centers in German-occupied Poland.

IN HIDING During the first half of July, Anne and her family went into hiding in an apartment which would eventually hide four Dutch Jews as well—Hermann, Auguste, and Peter Van Pels, and . For two years, they lived in a secret attic apartment behind the office of the family- owned business at 263 Prinsengracht Street, which Anne referred to in her diary as the Secret Annex. Otto Frank’s friends and colleagues, Johannes Kleiman, Victor Kugler, Jan Gies, and Miep Gies, had previously helped to prepare the hiding place and smuggled food and clothing to the Franks at great risk to their own lives. On August 4, 1944, the Gestapo (German Secret State Police) discovered the hiding place after being tipped off by an anonymous Dutch caller. 7

ARREST AND DEPORTATION That same day, Gestapo official SS Sergeant and two Dutch police collaborators arrested the Franks; the Gestapo sent them to Westerbork on August 8. One month later, in September 1944, SS and police authorities placed the Franks, and the four others hiding with the Franks, on a train transport from Westerbork to Auschwitz, a concentration camp complex in German-occupied Poland. Selected for labor due to their youth, Anne and her sister, Margot, were transferred to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp near Celle, in northern Germany, in late October 1944.

Both sisters died of typhus in March 1945, just a few weeks before British troops liberated Bergen-Belsen on April 15, 1945. SS officials also selected Anne’s parents for labor. Anne’s mother, Edith, died in Auschwitz in early January 1945. Only Anne’s father, Otto, survived the war. Soviet forces liberated Otto at Auschwitz on January 27, 1945.

WHAT WAS ANNE FRANK’S TATTOO ID NUMBER? On September 3, 1944, Anne, along with her mother, Edith, her sister, Margot, and her father, Otto, boarded the last transport from Westerbork to Auschwitz-Birkenau. The transport arrived in Auschwitz on September 5, 1944, with 1,019 Jews on board. Men and women were separated. The women selected from this transport, including Anne, Edith, and Margot, were marked with numbers between A-25060 and A-25271. Records indicating their exact numbers have not been preserved. Approximately eight weeks later, in late October 1944, Anne and Margot were transferred from Auschwitz-Birkenau to Bergen-Belsen, where they both died sometime in March 1945. Though Anne’s death certificate documents her movement between camps, it, too, does not include her tattoo ID number.

DIARY While in hiding, Anne kept a diary in which she recorded her fears, hopes, and experiences. Found in the secret apartment after the family was arrested, the diary was kept for Anne by Miep Gies, one of the people who had helped hide the Franks. It was published after the war in many languages and is used in thousands of middle school and high school curricula in Europe and the Americas. Anne Frank has become a symbol for the lost promise of the children who died in the Holocaust.

8 RESOURCE MATERIALS: THE HOLOCAUST "11 Facts About The Holocaust." Do Something. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2013. http://www.dosomething.org/tipsandtools/11-facts-about-holocaust

The horrific events of the Holocaust are taught around the world through movies, history books, and compelling nonfiction publications such as The Diary of Anne Frank. In remembrance of the brave Holocaust victims, here are 11 facts you can share to remember this time in history. 1. Holocaust Remembrance Day marks the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camps in 1945. 2. In Israel, the Knesset made Holocaust Remembrance Day (also known as Yom Hashoah) a national holiday in 1959. 3. Yom Hashoah has been observed with speakers, poems, prayers, songs, candlelight ceremonies, and more tokens of remembrance. 4. The Holocaust began in 1933 when Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany. It ended in 1945 when Allied powers defeated the Nazis. 5. Jewish people were excluded from public life on September 15, 1935, when the Nuremberg Laws were issued. These laws also stripped German Jews of their citizenship and their right to marry Germans. 6. Once World War II began, the Nazis ordered all Jews to wear a yellow Star of David on their clothing so they could be easily targeted. 7. Jews were forced to live in specific areas of the city called ghettos after the beginning of World War II. In the larger ghettos, up to 1,000 people a day were picked up and brought by train to concentration camps or death camps. 8. Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass) occurred on November 9 and 10, 1938. Nazis pillaged, burned synagogues, broke windows of Jewish-owned businesses, and attacked Jewish people in Austria and Germany. 30,000 Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps. 9. In prison camps, prisoners were forced to do hard physical labor. Torture and death within concentration camps were common and frequent. 10. Eleven million people were killed during the Holocaust (1.1 million children). Six million of those victims were Jewish. Other groups targeted by the Nazis were Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals, disabled people, and Gypsies. 11. Two-thirds of Jewish people living in Europe at the time of World War II were killed by Nazis.


Student Name: ______Character Name: ______Scene: ______

Get into character and fill in the following details about “yourself” (your character).

1. Age:

2. Physical Characteristics: o Voice:

o Posture:

o Walk:

o Distinguishing Marks:

o Physical Description:

3. Occupation:

4. Interests:

5. Beliefs (religious and otherwise):

6. Dreams:

7. Where are you from?

8. Who are your parents? What did they do? Do you have any siblings or other close relatives? Who are they?

9. Explain your choice for each of the following. What is your favorite o color? o food? o song or kind of music? o play, movie, book, and/or radio show? 10

o habit or hobby?

10. What type of animal are you most like? Explain.

11. What are some important items or images associated with you?

12. How are you different from the actor or actress portraying you? (Write one full paragraph analyzing how the character you have been assigned is different from you.)

13. How are you similar to the actor or actress portraying you? (Write one full paragraph analyzing how the character you have been assigned is similar to you.)

11 14. What is your relationship to the other characters in the play?

Character Relationship Feelings towards Evidence from the name to you him/her script

15. Super Objective:


Super Obstacle:



12 16. In the space below, write a detailed character history. It must be written in first person, from your character’s point of view. ______

13 REFLECTION WORKSHEET 1. As you watch the recorded scenes, take specific notes on the characterization in the scenes of your peers.

Positive Choices: Constructive Comments:

2. As you watch your own scene, take specific notes on the characterization.

Positive Choices: Constructive Comments:

14 3. Look over your Character Analysis Worksheet and notes. Review the observations you made about your scene and the scenes of your classmates. If you were to perform this scene again, what would you do to improve your character portrayal and make it even stronger? Answer these prompts in paragraph form in the space below. ______


1. When analyzing a character’s objective, the actor focuses on the character’s

A. wants. B. problems. C. point of view. D. background.

2. A character flattering another character to obtain results is an example of

A. an obstacle. B. an objective. C. a tactic. D. a conflict.

When you have finished, tear off this page and give it to your teacher.