By: Stephy Misquith

Yoga for Peace and Harmony is the slogan of the first ever International Yoga Day which has been celebrated on a huge scale across India and other parts of the world. Now June 21 will be marked as International Yoga Day which was actually driven by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, being himself a regular yoga practitioner. Practicing yoga and meditation is believed to bring positive changes in our lives by making our body fit and mind refreshed full of positive energy and PM Modi believes that Yoga will help bring the world together. In Sanskrit, yoga means 'to unite'.

It is a spiritual practice that does not promote or hurt any particular faith, hence can be practiced by all. Stress, anxiety, health, unhappiness and anger can be transformed into peacefulness, vibrant actions and love towards all nations. The three main aspect of yoga are:

(i) or Poses (ii) or Breathing (iii) Meditation

Regular practice of yoga helps in developing a strict discipline in food habits, cleanliness, and character enabling one to become a better person. Equally important is the proper time, place, dress and the right diet. Yoga has to be practiced in a quiet open place where fresh air is easily available -like a verandah, terrace, garden, etc. Ideally, yoga should be practiced in the early hours of either morning or evening (on a relatively empty stomach).

However, it can be practiced after four hours of a heavy meal, or after 20 minutes of having a glass of juice or a cup of milk. Yoga should be practiced at a fixed time every day. One may feel an initial stiffness of the limbs and muscles with regular exercise. One must always practice barefoot to ensure contact with the ground. . During Yogasana, one should breathe through the nostrils and not through the mouth. The Eight Limbs of Yoga. It means a progressive series of steps which purifies the body and mind ultimately leading the yogi (one who practices yoga) to enlightenment.These are:

(i) YAMA : Moral observances for interactions with others

(ii) NIYAMA : Moral observances for interactions with yourself

(iii) : Postures

(iv) Pranayama: Breathing

(v) Pratyahara: Sensory inhibition

(vi) Dharana : Focus

(vii) Dhyana : Meditation

(viii) Samadhi: Blissful absorption of one's individual consciousness in the essence of God.

Asana is one of the eight limbs of yoga it means staying or abiding through asanas that an individual achieves the unity of body and mind. Some of the asanas are: Adho Mukha svanasana, Adho Mukha vrikshasana, , Ardha , , Balasana, , , , , Eka Pada Sirasana, , Padmasana and many more.

For the transformation of society and the globe; there must be the transformation of the individual first, since the individual is the basic unit of society, the creation of a transformed society begins with the transformed individuals. Without healthy and purified individuals, the transformation of society is not possible.

Name: Cdt.Stephy Misquith (DL19SWA911959) GROUP-C

Jesus and Mary College, 3DGBn, Delhi Directorate