Vo!. 25, No. 27 July 5, 1982
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Vo!. 25, No. 27 July 5, 1982 OF :. \Yi\ tlf some international eVenl s HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK (p. 1o). US Policy Towards Taiwan a Coalition Government of Dem- "Forbidden City" ls Open ocratic Kampuchea spells out To Alt A historical analysis of US in- the purpose, rasks and operat- volvernent in China's internal The f ormcr inrpelial palacc' ing principles as well as com- strife which developed into a has been translormed intcr a position and operation of the' full-scale civil wal in the late museum. Orrr corresp<lndent coalition government (pp. l3-1 a). 1940s. The article reviews the provides a brief description oI lole US the government's efforts 1o pre- of aid to Chiang Kai- Halt the lsraeli Aggressors shek. the subsequent US dilem- serve the palace and its vaiuable (rf The ma resulting from its attempt to China's Permanent Reprc.- collection ar1 treasules. separate Taiwan from China and sentative to the UN condemned article also depicts the Present its the dispatch of the US Seventh Israel for its new ac[s of aggres- circumstances oI some o{ Flcet to the Taiwan Strait in sion against Lebanon. He an- lormer t'esidcnt.s (pp. 11-28) 1950. This well-documented alysed the motives of the Begin essay sheds mrrch light on the government as well as the igno- present US policy towards Tai- minious role the US is playing wan which still constitutes a in the present serious situation seLious obstacle in Sino-US rela- (p. e). tions (pp. l5-20). Mounting Peace Movement .i:,, --.,. .,,1 , New Coalition Government ln lhe West ' l' Kampuchea ln With an intensified nuclcar' ' f :i''l';;; ' '. common the race between the trvtt 'r: The desire of arms ?itil Kampuchean people is to unite superpotvl'ers and continued eco- against the Vietnamese invasion. nomic recession as the back- A Renmin Riboo Commentator glound, a peac(r movement is I{\ gleets the f ormation of the gaining momentum in the West ,,". a Coalition Government rtf Dem- and its influence has been felt IIall ol Suprcrnc llat'rnon1 in the ocratic Kampuchea (p. 9). The in the internal politics o[ some l'ulut'c IlInsrum. I)cclaration on the Formation of countries and the development Photo br \\';rnq [)onghirr Greeting 12th Congress of the US Policy Towords Toiwon REVIEW LCY (1948.50) Zi Zhongyun 15 BEIJING Moltese Prime Minister Visits - Chino SPECIAT FEATURE Published everY MondoY bY Chinese Scientists Receive Former "Forbidden CitY": lt BEIJING REVIEl,V Foreign Honours t '- 24 Boiwonzhuong Rood, Beiiing Belongs to the PeoPle "Gentle Breeze ond Sunshine" Li Ming The People's RePublic ol Chino Predicted Our CorresPondent for Creotivity Efficient Monogement 21 An lrresistible Attroction 23 Vol. 25, No. 27 July 5, 1982 INTERNATIONAL 9.12 "Culturol Relics HosPitol" 25 Former Residents of the lm' CONTENTS Greeting Kompucheo's New periol Poloce 26 Coolition Government -- "Renmin Riboo" Commento- CUTTURE E SCIENCE 29-30 NOTES FROM THE EDITORS tor ART PAGE 11 lsroel Must Holt lts Aggression Angolo lnternotionol Editor Agoinst Lebonon Mu Youlin- Mounting Peoce Movement in Clorificotion of Terms Polit- the West Mo Weimin BEIJING RtVltW {USPS No 658-ll0} is icol Editor An Zhiguo- Superpowers'- Fierce Recrim- prblished weekly for uS\ 13,50 per year by inotions on Disormoment Beijing Review. 24 Baiwanrhuang Road, Xin Zhong posta0e paid LETTERS 4 - Eeijing, China Second'class at San Irancisco, CA Postmaster: Send EVENTS & TRENDS 5-8 ARTICLES E DOCUMENTS addless changes to China Books & Periodicals. lnc , 2929 24th Street. San Steody lncreose in lndustriol Declorotion on the Formotion Francisco, CA 941 10 Production of o Coolition Government New Woys to Hit the Rood of Democrotic Kompucheo 13 Nofr.s l,'rorn llre ltrdilnrs grasp the m€aning of democracl' Angola and gradually turn to the Left. and that loyal members of the Is China u,illing to nornralize tr,ve'en the three organizations. Kuomintang would all become its relations with Angota? It was under those circum- Lef t-wingers." Of course, it stances that China stopped its China is willing to normalize was used thelr'e in a commenda- support to all parties. its relations u,ith Angola. As tory sense. early as during the Angolan Angola became an indepen- in the people's struggle for national dent. sovereign country on In 1926, Liu Shaoqi said inde,pendence, China gave ener- Nove,mber 1i. 1975. The Chinese article The Position of the getic suport to all three of the Foreign Ministry issued a state- Working Closs in the' Great country's liberation organiza- ment on behalt of the Chinese Re.*olution and the Principles of tions - the People's Liberation Government and people, warm- the Workers Mouement'. "The Movement of Angola, ther Na- ly congratulating the Angolan working class should urge the tional Union for the Total In- people and the Angolan libera- petty-bourgeoisie to move to dependence of Angola and the tion organizations on the occa- the Left so as to remedy the Angolan National Liberation present, sion. At we maintain Iatter's vacillating and conser- Front. When Angola was about w-ith the Angolan Gov- contact vative shortcomings." Again. to win indepe,ndence, the Soviet €rnment and have suggested Left clearly was used in a posi- Union thrust itself into the in- normalizing relations between ternal affairs of Angola, sup- the trvo countries. tiver sense porting one faction and op- But both Zhou and Liu some- posing the other two, thereby - International Editor Mu times termed particular tenden- aggravating the conflict be- Youlin cies within the Party as Left when they rvere actually being Glarilication ol Terms quite cr itical In order to avoid any Possible Sometimes you put "Left" in On the other hand. in the confusion that could arise from quotation marks. Other times mid-1930s, somc' people in our this lack of differentiation. you don't. Why? Communist Partv headed by after liberation in f 949 we Wang N{ing pushed an adven- We rvould like to clarify hovv adopted the practice in our Pub- we use turist political and military use the two terms. We' lications of putting the term in the word Left (without quota- policy anC brought heavy losses quotation marks when it was tion marks) as a positive indica- to the revolutionary base areas used as a negative designation. tor of political inclination. and the Red Army. Wer call meaning progressive or revolu- this a "Left" errol'. We also call In the past few years. how- tionary. We use "Left" as a many of the mistakes made ever, the, terms have not always revolution" negative description of rvrong during the "cultural been used consistently. Some- "Left" emors. tende,ncies such as adventurism times the quotes have bee'n in revolution '"r'hich arises from Howe,ver. because the gang of omitted when the term was in- an inabilitl' to distinguish be- four pushed the "Left" errors to tended negativeiy, othcr times tween the various stages oI extremes in ordet to serve their what should have been called social and political development. or,r,n schemes. we call rvhat they "Left'' was called ultra-Lett. For instance. we call Marxist advocated ultra-Left policies. Recently the confusion has been Parties Left. and reler to Marx- In sorne historical documents. brought to the public's attention ists as Lettists In the 1930s. by Chinese newspapers and ptogressive however'. the words are used in- China's writers' other journals. In the future. organization u/as called the terchangeablv. For instance. the me,thod that prevailed after' League of Left-Wing Writers Zhou Enlai said in the article Iiberati<-rn again be strictly Betorr. liberation we referred to Communist Part.y itr, Presenl will Chinese publica- the proglessive members of the Political Struggle; "The Com- follorved by tions. including Be.ijing Reuiew. I(uomintang as the Leftists in munists have alway.s hoped that the Kuonrintang the Right-u'ingers'"n'ould Iull]' - Political Editor Art Zhigtto .luly 5. 1982 If you could spotlight a third taking place in Guatemala with world country each week, it could the military and moneyed interests TETTERS prove interesting because the only on one side and the guerrillas and coverage such countries get people you lmprovernents in the the on the other, fail Western press consists of accounts to mention in your article "Guate- of coups, wars, famines and other mala From Election to CouP" Your magazine has improved. I "sensational" news. (issue No. 14) that there is a can say this lsgstr.a I also have guerrilla some copies of Beijing Peter Hunter opposition. ,,cultural Reoieu dating from the revolu- Ont.. Canada Chris Campbell tion." Your journal has turned Baltimore, Md., USA from a subjective magazing which lncome Tqx eontained a lot of cliches, to an low Concerning objective one u,hich realisticallv Foreign Enlerprises Covor ond Grophics depicts Chinese society and news and events about The article which I found to be China and the I am satistied with the new world. more informative is the one on the Detailed Rules and Regula- lront cover, especially the one of The layout of your magazine tjons for the Implementation of the f irst issue of 1982 which is more vivid than the old ones. The has also advanced. The cover is the Income Tax Lau' of the Peo- more eye-catching, especially since ple's Republic of China Concern- red colour ).ou use is nice and it you placed photographs on it. ing Foreign Enterprises (issue makes your magazine highly people No. l4). It's good because it will attractive to in my country.