84 Extra-Terrestrials

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84 Extra-Terrestrials Extra.Terrestrials study well ~ Other Worlders QUARAN has 23 Hidden Text lines the book of OTHER WORLDS BLUE MEANS NOT FRIENDLY PINK MEANS TRUE ANGELIC GODS LEGEND DARK RED MEANS FRIENDLY BLACK TEXT MEANS NOT CERTAIN NAME OTHER COLOUR NOT CERTAIN WHICH WAY THE INCLINATION IS AQTI DESCRIPTION aqti [a program with a hidden agenda] COUNCIL OF see PLEIADES and [google] JAMES GILLILAND not because these come out of a volcano, I “LOVING LIGHT” certain if this ‘’loving light’’ is Lucifer/Allah-Lu question they may be from Alcyone Alcyone {Plejaren] are allied with Anu all [western] "police" are reptilian ASHTAR COMMAND ASHTAR COMMAND –the word “COMMAND” means sourced. Also from the constellation ILLUMINATI reptilians are involved: the “brotherhood of light” Bo-ötes the ‘’lost hoe’’ ALTAIRIANS of AQUILLON [these are the "AQUILLON of CORPORATE dreaded "hanix" of Nostradamus 8 85 the NORTH" [meaning the Eagle = SCORPIO] which breathe, vapourise people "respire burst’’ “belong to CHERTAN” the shadow of the shadow ‘govt’ EMPIRE ALPHA DRACONIS, CHERTAN ORION, ZETA45 SIRIUS B represented by a pope in the vignettes J-Rod which “appeared” with the “FEDERATION” crashed ufo at Roswell came to repair timelines, assistant to Nostradamus TRIAD ARYAN/ANU ERIDANU DRACO one of three triads = 9, the Ennead UNHOLY SIX OF THE SECOND COMING, one from Argo (Mantids) of the Mazzaroth the one from Argo (Mantids)are the “the desired” see Simon Parkes, David Huggins Shape shifting creatures (jelly fish/anemone craft etc : 5 29 1 La liberte ne fera recouvree ALBI BELIAL 14 lines Hidden Texts Cent 5: Quat 29. Line 1. ‘’care-free’’ means Reverent Ur Ea elect error free core care-free crueller Leo shape shifter do not care. True veneer creature avenue [portal] reveal outer reference eleven elite CORPORATE ARYANISM "CAUDATE (thick trunk) "aims mortal ray" 1:94.1 ALDEBARAN in ETHNOS" 3:81.1 SEXUAL ROGUES 5:46;1 AUROX "pertains istar (Sirius) serpentari – Taurus see ‘’MANNEQUIN A.I.’’ James Michael Casbolt (Oannes)" 8:93.2 "QUEER UNAGILE STEP, A GATES; CENSURE" 2:56.1 Caeneus "unified fiend" white greys – ALPHA CENTAURI "STRANGE ANGULAR STEP" 1:20.3 See Caeneus walk "like donald duck" SHADOW Aryan Caeneus "unified fiend seduce U.N. cause. GOVT see earthfiles Queer unagile step NERO FACET 3 11 3 ANAPIS. no gender small penis " uncited star ~ Perseus (algol) ALGOL = "PENTAPLOID [5 chromosome]"1:33.1 repulses As regent steersman" 1:39.1 PERSEUS "CITED STAR [Nibiru], REPULSES PERSEUS U.N Steersman: assistant to Nostradamus constellation STEERSMAN STRANGE E (greys) EASTER" 1:39.1 “E” is Entity HAVING WINGS "NO UROGENITAL REGULATIONS" ceres. "air glows" sirius 2:94.1 ALIGEROUS 3:100.1 UUYVERN ALPHA the texts NEVER say those of Sirius are SEE ALSO SIRIANS . QUESTION MARK ON AGENDA CENTAURIANS benevolent ALPHA DRACONIS ETC ORION, ZETA RETICULI~2. near vega closest to the pole in 2787 ALPHA-DRACONIANS THUBAN – OPHIUCHUS - MABUS bc. now near big dipper. ursa major "TO THE NORTH" AQUILA "HANIX OF THE NORTH" reptilian the corporate. ties with ALTAIR AQUILA big nosed Semetic alien ashtar (?) should that be "ishtar?" 12 lines see OANNES. SAURIANS OR REPTILOIDS "ALIEN webbed fingers and toes. pelagian = AMPHIBIANS PELAGIAN, FEAR FALSE FLAGS" 1:99.1 underwater breather ANAKIM DAGON of the BIBLE 8 mentions Nephilim are "weakness is duodenum seal" and ANAKIM Ursa/Orion offspring The GIANTS before the fallen ones 120 names extra large spinal cord neck cavity Group-area PERSEUS = ALGOL. "PENTAPLOID [5 CHROMOSOMES] ANAPIS dog/fox face ANAPISIA PETUS [VERY SMALL PENIS]" 1:33.1 NON PHYSICAL Extra Dimensional priestesses WHO See REGENCY ORDER OF GUIDE WOLF 424, PLEIADIANS,DAL,VEGANS and the WHO ARE THE ELOHIM & E.D. ANDROMEDA Cassiopeian ELOHIM ANT/PRAYING MANTIS key ELOHIM IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER names: PRINCESS, MULIEBRA ‘’V’’ HEBREW/HIBURU/Nibiru WORD FOR "MESSENGER" "Lucifer/satan/Allah-Lu" means "the ANGELIM THE KEEPERS "SERAPHINA [fiery ones] SACHINESS accuser" exists millennia in time gates [deal breaker] SCHISM PERIL" 1:65.4 hence the ‘living dead’ 1. E.D. EFFULGENCE OFF from FACE Scorpio HEXADECIMAL [2016] Although Penre calls the SA.AM the ANGELIM 2. CURES APPROXIMATE[vb] FREE STANDING (free energy) ‘’Watchers’’ they are the ‘’Keepers’’ as 2. EXECUTE TRANSFORM, DISAPPEARING (beam me up) in zoo keepers. 3. REFER.ENCE APPARENT HOTEL FAR FLUNG Earth in space Page 1 3. THEREFORE ENTRANCE [from] FAR-FLUNG in APPLE[Yule] The real Watchers are the Elohim these text 4. FINE [Sine/On]APPEARANCE FOURTEEN IN YOUR FUTURE alliance of the Living Library lines are from 3 78 4. REFERENCE ON’S INFATUATION: EUROPEAN FURY UP volcanoes: Etna, Stromboli, Vesuvius 4. IS UNFORTUNATE EYE OPENER, UNFAIR RACE UP 3:78 “Eruptive Serbian Basin Alive” 6 59 3 WITH RINGS, SHAFTS HELD TOGETHER AT INTERVALS. "liquate [to separate by melting, as ANNULATED INSECTOIDES wasps do] inflict non nuclear" 2:39.1 ANNUNAKI ANAKIM named after the first king Anu – over 120 names A.K.A said to mean ‘from Heaven to Earth – KEEPERS. DAGON Nephilim on Earth - FALLEN ANGELS. TITANS. See came’ Olmec. book of Baruch. giants See Anton Parks and SUMER. Nibiru Solar System. Reptilian origins. At least with "strange" horns. Titan cannibals Wes Penre whose six differing factions, use those of ALCYONE in the around the moon. In league with Zeta “WingMakers” web Pleiades as a human front. BLONDES. VERTICAL PUPIL. reticulan~2 – Zeta45, a hive mind site is infiltrated … (NOT RELATED TO PLEIADAN WITH BLUE EYES). "quaere (query) Federate fleets are hundreds of lines, ARYANS & OANNES 3:96.1 "FOES COUP GORGE" left (of the map) feared aureoles" over 41% of the OANNES – cannibals from LEECH near ORION originally [force field] 9:90.4 1:16.1 entire 10,000 lines Camped in the Antarctic NOTICING VERTICALNESS FLEXURA (duodenum) ANTIGNOSTIC AGEIST GIANT [Biblical] Interesting that ‘’Ares’’ means ‘manslaughter’ as well as with a breeding "queen", may be the ANTARES archaic for Leo. Antares is in SCORPIO constellation. insectoides seen on cows "nitrous depot" 6:5.4 SPIDER/TYPES. MAY BE USING THE PLANETOID IN ‘’SAURY’’ means reptoid, a grayle ORBIT "SAURY INVERSED PRIVIES" 4 51 3 Nazi link with Aldebaran shape ANTARCTICAN ARYANS are OANNES 3:96.1 "FOES COUP GORGE" shifting Aldebaran ‘’sexual rogues’’ ALTERIANS & THE CORPORATE REPTILOIDS OF THE "hanix of the north" Semitic looking AQUILLON NORTH, THE ‘’HANIX’’ (HUN) Large nosed humanoids ANURY means NO UROGENITALS [REGARDING WATER] "1:50.1 PELASGIAN OANNES being Monsanto et alia, chemtrails, AQUATILE TRIADS AQTI" (HIDDEN AGENDA) H.A.A.R.P G.W.E.N. towers & C.E.R.N. ARCTURIANS ARCTURUS [brightest star in Boötes] OF THE ELOHIM teach love. Biobics: short and greenish and WATCHERS, ELDERS, LEPTORRHIN, DALS, PROCYONetc slender. three fingers. telepathic. ARGENTAL ANGELS SILVER GREYS. Females NEED SEAWEED & NITRATE. clubbed feet from other dimensions ‘GOLDEN OARS LEAGUE’ of 2:5 aka VELA, PUPPIS, the AND the bluish white grey of Whitley ARGO - MANTIDS MAST, CARINA & CANOPUS part of Second Coming Strieber & part of the Elohim Alliance uncertain of details, could be Sirius, there is nothing Dagon-Oannes shape shifters in league ASTARTE 15 lines good of or from Sirius in the hidden texts with those of Chertan, the Leo ‘rib/hip’ tall blonds-vertical iris, (shape shifts) ARTEMIS is ORION as ORION, ISTAR ASTERISM (3 STAR constellations) & no gender, 3 fingers associated alpha is DIANA CRANE Constellation southern hem,. Tail of Pisces centauri 2:56.1 "PARASITE SECOND DISCS ENCODES DANGER 4 74.2 "CAUDEX [thick body] TO ARIANISM ARYANS ~ defoliant PERTAINS ISTAR SERPENTARI" (Sirius Oannes) 8:93.2 ASSEMBLE DIQUAT YR OF THE ALDEBARAN AQTI [hidden agenda] HAARP. "AIM MAIA" (in the HORSE" MORTAL RAY, the same Pleiades) 7:8.3 "AIMS MORTAL RAY" 1:94.1 which dropped the Twin Towers SOMEHOW INVOLVED WITH NINURTA AND CAUDATE – HAVING A TAIL ARYAN ~ CAENEUS ANTARCTICA AND NAZIS. "CAUDATE ETHNOS" 3:81.1 the word “policing” here is not quite ASHTAR POLICING THE UNIVERSE/ORION GROUP, SIRIANS & the same as our police (COMMAND) ALPHA CENTAURI REPTILOID BENEVALENT HUMANOIDS. UFO TECHNOLOGY. live underground ATLANS EQUATORIAL AMERICA the CHARIOTEER with victim kids, aka ASS, MULE of the Second Coming in the Mazzaroth AURIGA 7 lines 22 lines REPTILIAN. One of the unholy six users of Rennes portals under AURORA PIRAEUS ERIDANU 3:25.1 ASCHENAR 15 lines U.N. shape shifter toluenes "joint orbs hell in Capricorn" AUROX TAURUS CONST. HORNED ONES OF SUMER/ TRACHEOLE CHLORELLA CHLORATE 3:9.1 ALDEBARAN. "QUEER SEXUAL ROGUES" 5:46.1 "canal regions" 5:70.1 basal chimera "ALIEN BACHELOR(greys) ABLE ECHO DESIRES"6:35.1 "SPUN" IN HERON (Crane/Grus) BAAL 29 lines "STEALTHIER ETHERIAL SPINNER" 5:90.1 8:40.4 SEE THE ORANGE. CORPORATE. [CARNIVOR Orion dragonry, spirulate (from BERNARDS STAR ACCORDING TO NOSTRADAMUS] 3:70.1 Ophiucus) ‘FORSEEN SACRIFICERS’ "fear null vultan neutral" 10:23.4 1:44.1 in South America humanoid & reptiloid BERNARIANS TALL STALKY ORANGE HAIRED HYBRIDS seen mostly earthfiles articles BERNARIANS collaborators towards conservatiive intervention. Page 2 managed by CHERTAN BERENICES from "CELESTIAL PAPULA RETURNED – from the ‘tail hairs’ "FORSEEN SACRIFICERS, REROUTES COUNTER- wheel [precession] APPEAR TURNED" of Leo TRADES" [IN PEOPLE] 1:44.1 2:43.1 (after 2012) INSECTOIDS (spiders from ANTARES/SCORPIO) ‘’ANNULATED’’ are these the strange BIOME [not to be confused with 'BIOBIC's of the Elohim] huge ‘spider-men’ seen on buildings? BIOME greys "OANNES AGENNOS GOBLINISM BIOME DOCTRINES" 1:54.3 part of shadow ‘government’ some think the Booteans are in the Black Knight see “ELK HUNTER” earthfiles.com BOÖTEANS REPTILIANS. IMPLANTATION. BOOTES IS IN LIBRA, RED HAIRED TALL AND WHITES - not to be confused THE ‘’LOST HOE’’ - VIOLET BEAM - LIGHT BEINGS. AROMATIC – VIOLET LIGHT with Arcturans which HALO.
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