May 2, 2019 Volume 100 Number 14 the DUQUESNE DUKE PROUDLY SERVING OUR CAMPUS SINCE 1925 Getting Wacky and Saving the Planet Lt
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May 2, 2019 Volume 100 Number 14 THE DUQUESNE DUKE PROUDLY SERVING OUR CAMPUS SINCE 1925 Getting Wacky and Saving the Planet Lt. Gov. takes listen- ing tours Kellen Stepler staff writer Lt. Gov. John Fetterman and Gov. Tom Wolf launched a state- wide “listening tour” to discuss the possibility of legalizing rec- reational marijuana on Jan. 24. Fetterman plans on visiting all 67 of Pennsylvania’s counties to hear citizens’ opinions. Fetterman, the former mayor of Braddock, was sworn in as on Jan. 15. “[Fetterman’s] efforts will help ensure we are looking at this is- sue from all perspectives and from every corner of Pennsylva- nia,” Wolf said in a press release. Wolf’s stance on the topic of legalized recreational marijuana has shifted. Previously, Wolf told KDKA that, “I don’t think Penn- sylvania’s actually ready for rec- reational marijuana.” In December 2018, Wolf said in a tweet that it is “time for Pennsylvania to take a serious and honest look at recreational marijuana.” Katia Faroun / Photo Editor “We want to make sure all On Friday, April 26, the Evergreen Club put on their annual Waste is Wack Earth Day Celebration, despite the rain. The event had different tables about how to live a zero-waste life and how to help contribute to a greener environment. see PA — page 2 A history of bad air makes itself present again in Pittsburgh Katia Faroun the tenth-most polluted county in ing, and Pittsburgh is on track to photo editor the U.S. based on year-round par- become one of the most polluted ticle pollution. Its ranking for 24- cities in the country based on air hour particle pollution decreased quality. Welcome to Pittsburgh: the city of four spots from the 2018 report In a statement, Director of Al- bridges, champions and some of to 24th, and it did not rank within legheny County Health Depart- the worst air quality in the nation. the top 25 for high ozone levels in ment Dr. Karen Hacker acknowl- The American Lung Association either report. However, Allegheny edged the urgency of purifying the released its annual State of the Air County had four more high ozone county’s air. report for 2019, evaluating the air days and six more high particle pol- “The latest report is an- quality of the majority of cities and lution days in the 2019 report than other reminder that air qual- counties throughout the U.S. from in the 2018 one. ity continues to be one of the 2015 to 2017. It conducted mea- The city of Pittsburgh itself most pressing public health surements on ozone levels and par- claimed the seventh spot on the list challenges in our area,” Hacker said. ticle pollution, commonly referred of cities most polluted by year-round “While we have ramped up our en- to as “smog” and “soot,” respective- particle pollution and maintained its forcement efforts over the past two ly. The report studied annual aver- 10th-place ranking for cities most years, doing more than our agency ages and 24-hour levels of particle polluted by short term particle pollu- has ever done, we must continue pollution. In all three areas, Allegh- tion across both reports. to be aggressive and proactive and eny County received failing grades. This data reveals that Alleghe- hold polluters accountable.” The county moved up two spots ny County’s air quality is declin- from its 2018 ranking to become Katia Faroun / Photo Editor see CLIMATE — page 2 opinions features sports a & e Follow us on... All Out of Love Think Tank on Dukes to NFL Avengers: campus camps Endgame Editor-in-chief Local group aims Crawford, Decade-long arc says goodbye to restore justice Fitzpatrick get ends with a bang shots at NFL @theduquesneduke PAGE 4 PAGE 5 PAGE 6 PAGE 7 2 THEDUQUESNEDUKE Pittsburgh fails 2019 air quality evaluation Air Council. to public health, according to the heart attacks, inflammation of lung POLICE briefs CLIMATE — from page 1 “They’re old factories,” Smith Clean Air Council. tissue, asthma attacks and other Pittsburgh’s history as an indus- said. “They need updates, specifi- “Environmental groups, com- respiratory and cardiovascular ill- Tis the last Police Brief of the trial center has contributed to its cally equipment updates.” munity people, U.S. Steel and the nesses. Studies referenced in the semester. Sister PB wishes you poor air quality. Steel-producing U.S. Steel was sued by PennEn- health department need to come report also show evidence of an in- all good luck on the finals, and companies in the Mon Valley, vironment and the Clean Air Coun- together and have meetings and creased likelihood of preterm birth she shall see you again in the including the U.S. Steel-owned cil on April 29 for violating the discuss this, because this has been in pregnant women exposed to fall with more updates on the Clairton Coke Works, Irvin Plant Clean Air Act at all three of these going on for decades,” Smith said. particle pollution and reveal limi- wrongdoings of your fellow and Edgar Thomson Plant, have locations. It had been operating its High levels of air pollutants, spe- tations in lung growth of children students. been major contributors to Al- plants for more than three months cifically ozone and particle pollu- exposed to air pollution. legheny County’s air pollution for without critical pollution control tion, are harmful toward personal The report lists ways for individ- On April 24, a student reported decades. These companies have equipment. Without pollution con- health, according to the State of uals to minimize their exposure to that her clothes were stolen not been in compliance with regu- trol, these plants have been emit- the Air 2019 report. Individuals ozone and particle pollution, such from the Brottier Hall laundry lations, according to David Smith, ting high levels of sulfur dioxide exposed to high ozone levels can as paying attention to forecasts for room. outreach coordinator for the Clean and likely benzene, both harmful suffer from immediate breath- high air pollution days and avoid- ing problems such as shortness of ing exercising near high-traffic ar- On April 26, an employee re- breath, wheezing and coughing, eas or outdoors when air pollution ported that her vehicle had asthma attacks and increased risk levels are high. been damaged while it was of respiratory problems. Exposure The Allegheny County Health parked in the Locust Garage. can also lead to the development of Department plans on addressing cardiovascular diseases, and strong the problems presented in the re- Also on April 26, a student evidence shows that breathing air port in the county by updating the under the age of 21 was found with high ozone levels can lead to Liberty monitor, which measures to be intoxicated outside of premature death. Long-term ex- sulfur dioxide and particle pollu- Duquesne Towers. They were posure can cause health problems referred to the Office of Stu- tion levels, to current EPA stan- dent Conduct. such as the development of asth- dards. It also intends to submit a ma, risk of death due to respira- new sulfur dioxide state implemen- Another student under the age tory infections and decreased lung tation plan to the EPA that would of 21 was found to be intoxicat- function in newborns, according to address the failure to reach federal ed on April 26. He was issued a studies referenced in the report. standards for particle pollution, ac- citation for underage drinking. Exposure to particle pollution cording to Hacker. can have similar results. Short- “We all want and deserve clean On April 27, marijuana para- Katia Faroun / Photo Editor term exposure to particle pollu- air,” Hacker said. “And we will con- phernalia was found in a St. The Evergreen Club on Duquesne’s campus works to help combat the effects of tion can result in increased risk of tinue to use all of our tools to im- Ann’s restroom. climate change and educate others on how they can help. premature death due to strokes, prove the air that we all breathe.” On April 29, a theft of Student Government property was re- ported. Lt. Gov. seeks opinions on legalizing marijuana an admitted user. Citizens know JOKE CORNER! PA — from page 1 this. So thus far, this tour has Pennsylvanians have a say,” said simply been a cheerleading ses- Knock! Knock! Fetterman. sion in every county for marijua- There is an online form Penn- na legalization,” Kauffman said. Who’s there? sylvanians can fill out to state “The Lt. Gov has already stated their opinion on the issue if they his support for legalizing mari- Candice. are unable to attend the town- juana, he is not looking to be hall style meetings in person. convinced of anything. This tour Candice who? He has visited 52 counties so is just about giving the appear- far, but it hasn’t been without ance of strong support from the Candice door open, or am I controversy. public, nothing more and noth- stuck out here? Fetterman invites all state reps ing less,” Schemel said. and other elected officials to at- Schemel also asked if citi- tend these meetings, but some zens know that Fetterman is a Q. Did you hear about Courtesy of Associated Press state reps have called the tour a “staunch advocate” for marijua- Fromer Braddock mayor was elected Lt. Gov. in November 2018. the cheese factory that “sham,” while others agree with na legalization, then why would exploded in France? Fetterman’s idea. those who oppose it show up, be- the earlier stop in Juniata Coun- College.