Jesty, Is Pleased to Ckclarte Aucloofestituiey Those Whose
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[.48 ] jesty, is pleased to ckclarte aucloofestituiey those 49. Admiral Sir William whose names are und4rtii£n(tianedy to be the 50. Geoieral the Hereditary Prince'of Orange. Knights Grand Crosses^ jcompostog -the'" Fiist 51. Admiral Lord \iHse$«»t^ Hood. Class of the Most Hpaontable Military > Order -of 52. Admiral>Sir Ritefrard Oufelow, Bart. the Bath. ,\^" •„ / ; 53. Admiral the Ho3jourii>le AVilliam Cornwallis. Military Knights Grctnd' v Civil KnighM Grand 54.'Admiral Lord Rad&tock. " Crosses. .• , Crosses. 55. Admiral Sir Roger Curtis, Bart. 1 . The Sovereign. 56. LicutenantVGeiveral'-the Earl of "Uxbridge. J. His Royal Highness 57. Lieutenant-General Robert Brownrigg. the Duke of York, 5S.. Lieutenant-General Barry Calvert. Acting as Grand 59. Lieutenant-General the Right Honourable Tho* Master,. masMaitland.- « ..•-.- •, Sir Rober GO. LieuteoautrGeneral William Heixry CliHton. .. •" t- St. Vincehty 9th. And His Royal Highness the Prince Regent 4. General 'Sir Rottert TbeEfarlofMalines- is further pleased to ordain and declare, that the Abereromby. •!. bury. Princes of the Blood Royal holding Commissions S.Adni.ViscountKeith; ' 8! Lord Henly. as General Officers in His Majesty's Army, or as 6. Admiral Sir John B. 4. Lord Whit \vortb. Flag-Officers in the Royal Navy, now and hereafter Warren, Bart. may be nominated and appointed Knights Grand 7. General Sir Alured -Sir Joseph Bapkes, Crosses of tiie MosX, Honourable Military Order Clarke. • i •* of the Bath, apd SjiialtUQt, t>e included in the num- 8. Admiral Sir John $! Right Hon. Sir Ar- J< ber to which the First Class of the Order is Colpoys. • thur Paget. limited by the third article of the present "instru- 9. General Lord Hut- 7. Sir Philip Francis. ment. chinson. 10th. By virtue of the ordinance contained in 10. Admiral Sir John 8. Sir George II, Bar- the foregoing article, His Royal Highness the Thos. Duckworth. low. ' Prince Regent is pleased to declare the following 11. Admiral Sir James 9. Viscount Strangforcl. Princes of the Blood Royal to be Knights Grand Saumarea. Crosses of the Order of the Bath, viz. 12. General Sir Eyre 1-0'. The Honourable Sir Coote. Henry Wellcsley. His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence.. 13. General Sir John 11. The Right Hon. Sir His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent. Francis Cradock. Charles Stuart. His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland. 14. General Sir David 12. His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge. Duridas. ' His Highness the Duke of Gloucester. 15. Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington, K. G. 11th. The Second Class of the-Most Honourable 16. General the Earl of Lndlow. Military Order of the Bath shall, be composed of 1.7. Vice-Admiral Sir Samuel. Hood. Knights Commanders, who shall have and enjoy in- 18. Admiral the Earl of Northcsk. all future solemnities and proceedings, place and 19. Vice-Admiral Sir Richard J.'S tract) an. precedence before all Knights Bachelors of the 2.0. Vice-Admiral the Honourable Sir Alexander United Kingdom, and shall enjoy all and singular Cojcbrane. the rights, privileges, and immunities enjoyed by 21. Lieutenant-General Sir John Stuart. the said. Knights Bachelors. 22. Vice-Admiral'Sir Richard G. Keats. 12th. Upon the first institution of the Knights 23. General SUV David Baird! • ' Commanders, the number shall not exceed one 24. General Sir George Beckwitlh. hundred and eighty,, exclusive of Foreign Officers 25. Lieutenant-General Lord Niddry. holding British commissions, of whom a number, 2"6. Lieutenant-General Sir Brent Spencer. not exceeding ten, may be admitted into the Second 27. Lieutenant-General Sir John Cope Sher- Class as Honorary Knights Commanders, But in the brooke. event of actions of signal-distillation,, or of future 28. Lieutenant-General Lord Bei-esford. wars,.the number may be increased by the appoint- 29. Lieutenant-General Lord Lynedock.. ment of Officers who shall be eligible according to- 30. Lienfenant-General LOJX! Hill. the regulations and restrictions now established, 31-. Lieutenant-General Sir Samuel Auchmuty. ." J3th. No persdn shall be eligible as a Knight 32, Lieu^nant-General Sir Edward Paget. Commander of the Bath, who does not actually, 33. Lieutenant-General Lord Combertnere. hold, at the time of his nomination, a commission .34. Admiral.the Hon. Sir George C. Berkeley. in His Majesty's Army or Navy -} such commission 35. General Sir George Nugent. not being below the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in. 36. General Sir William Keppel. the Army, or of Post Captain in the'Navy. ! 37. Lieutenant-General Sir John Doyle, Hart, 14tb. The Knights Commanders shall from the 38. Lieutenant-General Lord William Cavendish publication of the present Instrument, be entitled Bentinck. severally to assume the distinctive appellation of 39. Lieutenant-General Sir James Leitli. Knighthood, and shall bear the Badge and Ensign •40. Lieufenaut-General Sir Thomas Picton. assigned as the Distinctions of the Second Class of 41. Lieutenant-Genera^ the-Honourable Sir Gal- the Order, on their being duly invested with .the • b faith Lowry Cole. same • that is to say, each Knight Commander shull 42 Lieuterlant-General Lord Stewart. wear the appropriate Badge or Cognizance pendant 43. Lieutc«ant-Geacral -the Honourable Sir Alex- by a red ribband round the neck,—and for further ander Hope. honour and distinction he shall wear the appropriate 4-1. LicuJcnant-Gelieral Sir Henry Clinton. Star, embroidered on the left Side of his upper Vest- 45. Licnteriant-General-the Earl of Dalhpiisie. ment. There shall also be affixed in the Cathedral 4G. Lieutenant-General the Honourable William Church of St. Peter, Westminster, Escutcheons and Stewart. /.' . • - Banners of the'Anus of each Knight Commander, 47. Major-&ei)eriil Sir' Ge-or>e Mur-ray. : under which the Name dud Title, of such Knight 48, Major-General the Honourable' -i>ir .Eitwa'r;!. Commandery with llie'dUte'of hte Nomination shall Pakenham. be inscribed. The Knights Commanders shall no.