CIS400/401 Project Proposal - Designing Rhythm Game Simulators for Touchscreen Devices Dept. of CIS - Senior Design 2010-2011 Philip H. Peng Stephen H. Lane
[email protected] [email protected] Univ. of Pennsylvania Univ. of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia, PA ABSTRACT with specialized hardware, such as custom arcade game ma- As tablets and other touchscreen devices become increasingly chines or video game console peripherals. For most gamers, common, consumers are expecting new interaction models however, going to an arcade or buying special controllers is that fit the new touch-driven input paradigm. Application an issue of inconvenience or inaccessibility. Touchscreens, interfaces need to be redesigned such that their methods of in- however, are becoming increasingly common and will soon teraction must feel "natural" to users as well as contribute to be the de facto input mechanism for personal electronics. By or enhance the apps usage itself. This is particularly impor- designing rhythm games for touchscreen devices, this genre tant for games and the currently under-represented rhythm of games will become more widely available to rhythm game game genre. If designed to take advantage of this shift in in- enthusiasts as well as casual gamers. put paradigm, rhythm games can turn touchscreen technology into an integral part of gameplay, leading to enhanced, more When creating rhythm games for touchscreen devices, the immersive user experience. focus is the impact of the touch-driven input paradigm when designing the game menu interfaces and the gameplay modes. There are two main challenges in designing rhythm games A touchscreen device is an electronic device that receive user for touchscreen devices.