A Boring Follow-Up Paper to “Which ITG Stepcharts Are Turniest?” Titled, “Which ITG Stepcharts Are Crossoveriest And/Or Footswitchiest?”
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Categories and Subject Descriptors In which I deliver on last year’s promise ofAbstract future work. Fitness ACH ...$15.00 Copyright c SIGBOVIK ’17 with credit is permitted, but abstractingCopyrights with for cash components is of preferred. this And work pleasefee, owned tip provided... by honestly, us, provided others nothing. for The than the ACH ACH is love already must of flatteredPermission be Turing. enough to that laughed make you’re even digital at, reading or then this hard notice. ignored. copies Abstracting of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without defined the facings for Recall Table 1 from the2. last paper, in Revisiting Turniness which (Flashback Scene) I leftvik/blob/master/itg/code/ITG un- freely available at /crossoveriest goodies in a giant spreadsheet at times it’s smarter than me innaturally amusing identifies ways. I footswitches putwhich all and charts the ultimately jacks, had the and most. Theway algorithm some- also (short of double-steppinghow everything), to then foot found stepcharts in the leastwhat’s going crossovery on. possible of interest only tothis other one anyway, ITG which is players gonna whofirst be sort already and of know get dry, and back really tobackground material, me. and I It’s can probably just say a goSIGBOVIK read lot that doesn’t make paper funnier me than waste space repeating2016), all shown the in Figure 1. Unlike mainstream conferences, Let’s resume right where I left off in1. my last paper (Blum Introduction Keywords The TL;DR is that I made a program which figures out ] 2017 held by owner : Arcade Dance Games Pittsburgh, PA, USA crossovers, footswitches, jacks, sidefoots . “ * ˇ , / 3 “ ) author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACH. ˇ https://github , “ ) ˇ , and the program itself is of course , 3 “ ( ˇ , “ ( ˇ , 3 “ ˇ , “ ˇ LL “Which ITG Stepcharts are Turniest?” Crossoveriest and ITG gameplay, including score indicator (top), An ITG cab. RIP in peace, Roxor (Konami 2005). , Titled, “Which ITG Stepcharts are DD Figure 1. protagonist avatar (mid), directional obstacles (low), and step judgement, lifethese bar, out for and yourself, I’m combo getting tired). indicator (figure Figure 2. is associated with one(henceforth, or more “stepcharts”). fixed These patterns chartsnot of always, are synchronized arrows to often, the beatgameplay, but the of stepcharts the appear song. on During screenwards and the scroll protagonist to- avatar at aable rate (henceforth, either “BPM”). fixed When or the vari- positionin of the an chart arrow coincides with the avatar,tuate the the player arrow must of ac- the corresponding direction.will The game judge the player’s timingreward them accuracy, and accordingly penalize with“Fantastic” or scores judgement and (as in life Figure bar 1)error indicates fill. not a A timing exceeding 15include milliseconds. Excellent, Great, Other Decent, judgements Way Off,visual and assist Miss. to As the player, a notes are coloured according to their beat granularity: , , a Ben Blum A Boring Follow-Up Paper to http://tinyurl UU factor. [email protected] Exercise and . [ com/bblum/sigbo . D.D.R. turniness hs , and In The Groove D.D.R. Which ITG Stepcharts are Turniest? RR [ , may range among any level of com- Exercise and author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACH. / , the four in, the, groove stepchart Pittsburgh, PA, USA : Arcade Dance Games 2016 held by owner ] [email protected] The game includes a library of rhythmic audio ac- dance rhythm music video arcade fitnessplayers game, in control which a protagonistfloor-mounted using their directional feet indicators. toshown step The on in protagonist, Figurearrow-shaped 1, directional receptacles, and takes must navigate thea form world of ofrows”) any similarly-shaped by consuming number obstacles them with the (henceforth of appropriatecle. recepta- “ar- Roxor Games, Inc. In Theis Groove most commonly (henceforth played “ITG”) using the “cabinet” formshown factor, in Figure 2, which includespads, two large each metal with dance fouralso, directional “arrows”). indicators (henceforth, companiment files (henceforth, “songs”), each of which Permission to make digital or hard copiesfee, of provided... part honestly, provided or nothing. all The of ACH is this already work flatteredCopyrights for enough for personal that components or you’re even classroom of reading this use this notice. is work grantedwith owned without credit by is others permitted, than but ACH abstracting must with be cash laughedSIGBOVIK is at, ’16 preferred. then And ignored. please Abstracting tip us,Copyright for the love c of Turing. Fitness Keywords 1. Introduction In 2005, Roxor Games, Inc. released ACH ...$15.00 Abstract ITG is a popular dance gamerows in which while players listening step to on ar- music.cated by The a arrow patterns, indi- plexity and difficulty. Among the many factorsing contribut- to a stepchart’s difficulty is how muchturn the player from must side to side.as Other raw more speed, obvious have factors, been such paper well presents studied an in analytic prior study work.We of This study this the turniness ofpresent many a existing novel (but stepcharts, unsurprising) and approachically to automat- generating maximally (or minimally)Among turny real-world charts. songs, we findturniness stepcharts with ranging overall from 0%maximum. to 81.33% of the theoretical Categories and Subject Descriptors . com Ben Blum / or Footswitchiest?” that the second foot should switchalways, onto include the a same “mine arrow. cue” (shown init the figure) with to hint her othermust foot. lift Chart one foot authors off willthese the patterns, often, repeated the arrow player but before still not alternates stepping feetforth as usual, “crossover but footswitches”) intern in Figure Figure 2(a), 2(b). andfootswitches. To typical I step show a typical Figure 1. Left foot Table 1. (okay twist your head to read this) ! " # Facing directions. DRR DL # " ! DDRDL ? DD URULU Right foot LL ? / / RR UU LUL ? switches (hence- footswitch pat- UR ? (a) DD, UU (b) LL, RR (c) RR, LL (a) T = 8=3(?) (b) T = 3(?) Figure 2. Footswitches of various crossoveriness/facing. It is tempting to assign the facings L, U , U , and R respectively to the LL, DD , UU , and RR footswitches. However, Figure 2(c) shows that if a footswitch begins with a crossover on U , the facing should be reversed: the RR footing should face L, and LL should face R. “Spin- (c) T = 2. (d) T = 2 + ε. switches” with D facing are also theoretically possible, arising from patterns such as LU RD D L or LD RU U L, Figure 3. The turniest footswitch patterns. (a) and (b) are or similarly, “270-switches”, as shown in Figure 4(a). false positives (see prose), while (c) and (d) provide theo- Before I realized that, I modified the turniness algo- retically maximal turniness. rithm (Blum 2016) to face footswitches as above, and it surprised me with charts of T > 2, in excess of the theo- retical maximum! I show one such chart in Figure 3(a), in which the step from LL (φ = L) to UL (φ = DR) has in- dividual T = 3, and so on for UL R UU L RU R RR. The steps RR L LR R LL are both candles (T = 2), resulting overall in T = 8=3 for the whole chart. Indeed, when I further modified the algorithm to force DD switches to face D (i.e., always facing the direction of the repeated arrow), it produced the chart shown in Figure 3(b), with overall T = 3. (Note its resemblance to the basic spin pattern, LD RU , whose T = 2.) To fairly represent a human player’s desire to step in the least turny of ambiguous ways, I extended the algo- rithm to provide either the assigned facing, from above, or its polar opposite, chosen at runtime by whichever is closer to the presequent facing. This restores the maxi- mum overall chart turniness to T = 2, a new example of which is shown in Figure 3(c). Figure 4(b) also shows a real-world chart exhibiting this pattern. However, note that individual steps may still have T = 3, as shown in Figure 3(d). In this example, the step (a) Web33,260.8 (b) Fuego DL L LL assigns LL to face L, but the subsequent step to LD cannot avoid facing UR. The reason charts still (12, Rikame 5) (12, Best of Gazebo) cannot exceed overall T = 2 is that setting up such a sit- Figure 4. Real-world examples of turny footswitches. uation requires a T = 1 step, which negates the benefit. A chart could conceivably end right before such a step, sneaking through some small ε extra turniness (VII 2014) (similar to the case of 270s in (Blum 2016)), but sustained 3. Analyzing Crossoveriness average T > 2 remains impossible. The major flaw of the turniness algorithm (Blum 2016) Another approach could assign such a footswitch the was that it didn’t care whether a stream started with the opposite footing of the previous facing, regardless of the left or right foot; it simply exploited the symmetry of Ta- arrow itself; so in this case the LL would face UL, and ble 1 to find turniness regardless of footing. Hence, it each step would have exactly T = 2. could not distinguish technical footing patterns which data Step=L|D|U|R| Jump deriving Eq data AnalysisState=S { steps :: Int, xovers :: Int, switches :: Int, jacks :: Int, lastStep :: Maybe Step, doubleStep :: Bool, lastFlip :: Bool, lastFoot :: Bool, stepsLR :: [Bool]} commitStream :: AnalysisState -> AnalysisState commitStream s = s { xovers = xovers s + iff then ns - nx else nx, switches = switches s + fromEnum (f == lastFlip s && doubleStep s), jacks = jacks s + fromEnum (f /= lastFlip s && doubleStep s), lastFlip = f, stepsLR =[]} where ns = length $ stepsLR s nx = length$ filter not $ stepsLR s -- reverse the stream’s footing if more L/R steps were crossed over than not.