Michigan Law Review

Volume 88 Issue 7


Periodical Index

Michigan Law Review

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This Index includes articles, comments, and some of the longer notes and recent developments that have appeared in leading reviews since the publication of the last issue of this Review. Pierce, Jr. 674 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 1239-85 (Dec.). ABORTION See also Constitutional Law, Feminist AIRLINES Jurisprudence. The legal and regulatory implications of air­ Beyond the Roe debate: judicial experience line computer reservation systems. 103 Harv. with the 1980's "reasonableness" test. Daniel L. Rev. 1930-50 (June). A. Farber & John E. Nowak. 76 Va. L. Rev. 519-38 (Apr.). ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES In the beginning: the legal status of early Warning labels may be hazardous to your embryos. John A. Robertson. 76 Va. L. Rev. health: common-law and statutory response 437-517 (Apr.). to alcoholic beverage manufacturers' duty to The prohibition on abortion counseling and warn. 75 Cornell L. Rev. 158-89 (Nov.). referral in federally-funded family planning clinics. 77 Calif. L. Rev. 1181-210 (Oct.). AMICUS CURIAE See also Attorneys General. ACCRETION The development of legal doctrine through Periodicity and accretion taxation: norms amicus participation: the SEC experience. and implementation. Jeff Strnad. 99 Yale L.J. David S. Ruder. 1989 Wis. L. Rev. 1167-91 1817-911 (June). (No. 6). ACTIONS AND DEFENSES ANIMALS Separating the joint-defense doctrine from See Equine Law. the attorney-client privilege. 68 Texas L. Rev. 1273-302 (May). ANTITRUST LAW ADMINISTRATION OF CRIMINAL See also Entertainment, Sports. JUSTICE Antitrust and the market for corporate con­ trol. Edward B. Rock. 77 Calif. L. Rev. 1365- See Law Reform. 428 (Dec.). ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE The indirect-purchaser rule and cost-plus sales. Herbert Hovenkamp. 103 Harv. L. See Separation of Powers. Rev. 1717-31 (May). ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCIES The leasing monopolist. John Shepard Wi­ See also Administrative Law. ley, Jr., Eric Rasmusen & J. Mark Ramseyer. The death of the gullible consumer: to­ 37 UCLA L. Rev. 693-731 (Apr.). wards a more sensible definition of deception Market power and monopoly power in anti­ at the FTC. Roger E. Schechter. 1989 U. Ill. trust analysis. 75 Cornell L. Rev. 190-217 L. Rev. 571-623 (No. 3). (Nov.). Maximum resale price maintenance and the ADMINISTRATIVE LAW antitrust injury requirement. 58 U. Cin. L. See also Politics. Rev. 689-716 (No. 2). Interagency privity and claim preclusion. Raising rivals' costs: of bottlenecks, bottled 57 U. Chi. L. Rev. 195-220 (Winter). wine, and bottled soda. 84 Nw. U. L. Rev. 321-74 (Fall). ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE The Sealy restraints: restrictions on free In lieu of preclusion: reconciling adminis­ riding or output? William F. Mueller. 1989 trative decisionmaking and federal civil rights Wis. L. Rev. 1255-321 (No. 6). claims. Marjorie A. Silver. 65 Ind. L.J. 367- 442 (Spring). ANTITRUST LAW.· MERGERS See Tender Offers. AGENCY See also . APPELLATE PROCEDURE The role of the judiciary in implementing an See also Confessions, Constitutional Law. agency theory of government. Richard J. The appealability of partial judgments in

2254 June 1990] Periodical Index 2255 consolidated cases. 57 U. Chi. L. Rev. 169-94 BIRTH CONTROL (Winter). See Abonion, Constitutional Law. The risk of legal error in criminal cases: some consequences of the asymmetry in the BLOOD TESTS right to appeal. Kate Stith. 57 U. Chi. L. See Constitutional Law, Paternity. Rev. 1-61 (Winter). BONDS APPELLATE PROCEDURE: CRIMINAL See Corporations, Tons. RULES Speedy criminal appeal: a right without a BUSINESS remedy. Marc M. Arkin. 74 Minn. L. Rev. See International Trade. 437-506 (Feb.). CAMPAIGN FUNDS ARBITRATION AND AID1.RD The best laid schemes of mice and men: See also Securities. campaign finance reform gone awry. 1989 Arbiration of securities disputes: Rodriguez Wis. L. Rev. 1465-93 (No. 6). and new arbitration rules leave investors hold­ ing a mixed bag. 65 Ind. L.J. 697-722 CAPITAL PUNISHMENT (Summer). Death penalty for female offenders. Victor L. Streib. 58 U. Cin. L. Rev. 845-80 (No. 3). ASSOCIATIONS The death penalty in late imperial, modem, Dilemmas of group autonomy: residential and post-Tiananmen China. 11 Mich. J. Intl. associations and community. Gregory S. Al­ L. 987-1038 (Spring). exander. 75 Cornell L. Rev. 1-61 (Nov.). Tison v. Arizona: the death penalty and the non-triggerman: the scales of justice are bro­ ASYLUM ken. 75 Cornell L. Rev. 123-57 (Nov.). Reforming asylum adjudication: on navi­ gating the coast of Bohemia. David A. Mar­ CHILD ABUSE tin. 138 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1247-381 (May). See Child Custody. ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGE CHILD CUSTODY See Actions & Defenses, Securities. See also Tons. The relevance of temporary child custody ATTORNEYS orders to the formation of an established cus­ Gender & race bias against lawyers: a class­ todial environment: a model statute for uni­ room response. Suellyn Scamecchia. 23 U. form application under Michigan law. 23 U. Mich. J. L. Ref. 319-51 (Winter). Mich. J. L. Ref. 353-73 (Winter). ATTORNEYS' FEES The voice of a child: independent legal rep­ resentation of children in private custody dis­ The validity and propriety of contingent fee putes when sexual abuse is alleged. 138 U. Pa. controls. 37 UCLA L. Rev. 949-84 (June). L. Rev. 1383-409 (May). ATTORNEYS-GENERAL "You get the house. I get the car. You get The Solicitor General and the evolution of the kids. I get their souls." The impact of activism. 65 Ind. L.J. 675-96 (Summer). spiritual custody awards on the free exercise rights of custodial parents. 138 U. Pa. L. Rev. AUTOMATION 583-613 (Dec.). Automating the workplace: mandatory bar­ CIVIL PROCEDURE gaining under Otis II. 1989 U. ID. L. Rev. 435-70 (No. 2). See also Civil RICO Actions, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Race Discrimination. BANKRUPTCY Jacks or better to open: procedural limita­ Accounting for relational financing in the tions on co-party and third-party claims. Ar­ creditors' ex ante bargain: beyond the general thur F. Greenbaum. 74 Minn. L. Rev. 507-62 average model. 76 Va. L. Rev. 815-51 (May). (Feb.). Constructive trusts in bankruptcy. Emily Mandatory and summary jury L. Sherwin. 1989 U. ID. L. Rev. 297-365 (No. trial: guidelines for ensuring fair and effective 2). processes. 1989 Duke L.J. 1086-104 (Mar.). Involuntary bankruptcy and the bona fides Restraining the overly zealous advocate: of a bona fide dispute. Lawrence Ponoroff. 65 time for judicial intervention. 65 Ind. L.J. Ind. L.J. 315-65 (Spring). 445-69 (Spring). BANKS AND BANKING CIVIL RICO ACTIONS See International Banking. "Mother of mercy, is this the beginning of 2256 Michigan Law Review [Vol. 88:2254

RICO?": the proper point of accrual of a pri­ COMPUTERS vate civil RICO action. 65 N.Y.U. L. Rev. See also Airlines, Copyright, Representatfre 172-242 (Apr.). Government. RICO and a uniform rule of accrual. 99 Artificial intelligence and law: stepping Yale L.J. 1399-418 (Apr.). stones to a model of legal reasoning. Edwina RICO's "pattern" requirement: void for L. Rissland. 99 Yale L.J. 1957-81 (June). vagueness? 90 Colum. L. Rev. 489-527 Computer intellectual property and concep­ (Mar.). tual severance. 103 Harv. L. Rev. 1046-65 CIVIL RIGHTS (Mar.). See also Administrative Procedure, Critical CONFESSIONS Legal Studies. Voluntariness of confessions in habeas Correlating municipal liability and official corpus proceedings: the proper standard for immunity under section 1983. Mark R. appellate review. 57 U. Chi. L. Rev. 141-67 Brown. 1989 U. Ill. L. Rev. 625-90 (No. 3). (Winter). Implementing Brown in the nineties: polit­ ical reconstruction, liberal recollection, and li­ CONFLICT OF LAWS tigatively enforced legislative reform. James S. See Employer & Employee. Liebman. 76 Va. L. Rev. 349-435 (Apr.). Qualified immunity for civil rights viola­ CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS tions: refining the standard. 75 Cornell L. See Constitutional Law, Evidence, Informed Rev. 462-95 (Jan.). Medical Consent, Labor Law, Law & the Arts. Relief for hostile work environment dis­ crimination: restoring title VIl's remedial CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY powers. 99 Yale L.J. 1611-30 (May). See also Federalism. Stirring the ashes: race, class and the future Dead stepfathers. Suzette Hemberger. 84 of civil rights scholarship. Frances Lee Ans­ Nw. U. L. Rev. 221-31 (Fall). ley. 74 Cornell L. Rev. 993-1077 (Sept.). CONSTITUTIONAL LAW · COASE THEOREM See also Appellate Procedure: Criminal "01' man river . . . he keeps on rollin' Rules, Corporate Acquisitions & Mergers, along": a reply to Donahue's Diverting the Debtor & Creditor, Evidence, Executive Power, Coasean River. James Lindgren. 78 Geo. L.J. Federalism, First Amendment, Foreign Invest­ 577-91 (Feb.). ments, Informed Medical Consent, Judgments, Labor Law, Libel & Slander, Military Law, COLLECTIVE BARGAINING Minority Business Enterprises, Nonprofit Cor­ See Employer & Employee. porations, Right to Counsel Search & Seizure, Statutes. COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES The American war in Indochina. Part I: The doctrine of in loco parentis, liability the (troubled) constitutionality of the war they and the student-college relationship. 65 Ind. told us about. Part II: the unconstitutionality L.J. 471-90 (Spring). of the war they didn't tell us about. John Hart Ely. 42 Stan. L. Rev. 877-926; 1093-149 (Apr. COMMERCIAL SPEECH &May). Who's afraid of commercial speech? Alex Article III courts and the constitutional Kozinski & Stuart Banner. 76 Va. L. Rev. structure. David A. Strauss. 65 Ind. L.J. 307- 627-53 (May). 12 (Spring). COMMON LAW Aspects of deconstruction: the "easy case" of the under-aged president. Anthony See also Environmental Law, Opinions, D'Amato. 84 Nw. U. L. Rev. 250-56 (Fall). Right of Privacy. Closing the circle of constitutional review James Wilson's "assimilation of the com­ from Griswold v. Connecticut to Roe v. Wade: mon-law mind." Stephen A. Conrad. 84 Nw. an outline of a decision merely overruling Roe. U. L. Rev. 186-219 (Fall). William Van Alstyne. 1989 Duke L.J. 1677- COMMUNICATIONS 88 (Dec.). See Sociological Jurisprudence. The Constitution as Architecture: a charette. Larry Kramer. 65 Ind. L.J. 283-89 (Spring). COMMUNITY PROPERTY The Constitution as architecture: legislative See Associations. and administrative courts under article III. Paul M. Bator. 65 Ind. L.J. 233-75 (Spring). COMPARATIVE LAW The constitutional catechism of Antonin See International Trade. Scalia. 99 Yale L.J. 1297-357 (Apr.). June 1990] Periodical Index 2257

The constitutional conundrum of black lung CONTRACTS appeals: two proposed solutions. Pete S. See also Corporate Officers, Franchising, Michaels. 23 U. Mich. J. L. Ref. 27-45 (Fall). Marriage, Taxation. Constitutional protections in FBI investiga­ Contract modification and "self-help spe­ tions. William Sessions. 78 Ky. L.J. 393-401 cific performance": a reaction to Professor (No. 2). Narasimhan. Robert A. Hillman. 75 Cornell Constitutional stare decisis. 103 Harv. L. L. Rev. 62-82 (Nov.). , Rev. 1344-62 (Apr.). Relationship or boundary? Handling suc­ Exchange on the eleventh amendment. Cal­ cessive contracts. Subha Narasimhan. 77 Ca­ vin Massey, William P. Marshall, Lawrence C. lif. L. Rev. 1077-122 (Oct.). Marshall & William A. Fletcher. 57 U. Chi. L. Rev. 117-40 (Winter). COPYRIGHT Exposing Sunstein's naked preferences. Ste­ Digital audio tape: new fuel stoke$ the phen M. Feldman. 1989 Duke L.J. 1335-56 smoldering home taping fire. 37 UCLA L. (Nov.). Rev. 733-76 (Apr.). Flag burning and the Constitution. Geof­ Fair's fair: a comment on the fair use doc­ frey R. Stone. 75 Iowa L. Rev. 111-24 (Oct.). tiine. Lloyd L. Weinreb. 103 Harv. L. Rev. The free exercise boundaries of permissible 1137-61 (Mar.). accommodation under the establishment Manufacturers Technologies, Inc. v. Cams, clause. 99 Yale L.J. 1127-46 (Mar.). Inc. - the legal fiction created by a single In search of a fourth amendment for the copyright registration of a computer program twenty-first century. Lewis R. Katz. 65 Ind. and its display screens. 65 Notre Dame L. L.J. 549-90 (Summer). Rev. 536-63 (No. 3). Is prosecution a core executive function? Of bread and roses and copyrights. Linda J. Morrison v. Olson and the framers' intent. 99 Lacey. 1989 Duke L.J. 1532-96 (Dec.). Yale L.J. 1069-88 (Mar.). Toward a fair use standard. Pierre N. Legislative courts, legislative power, and the Leval. 103 Harv. L. Rev. 1105-36 (Mar.). Constitution. Daniel J. Meltzer. 65 Ind. L.J. Underlying copyright renewal and deriva­ 291-305 (Spring). tive works. 58 U. Cin. L. Rev. 1069-95 (No. The lessons of Miller and Hudnut: on pro­ 3). posing a pornography ordinance that passes The value of copyright law as a deterrent to constitutional muster. 23 U. Mich. J. L. Ref. discovery abuse. 138 U. Pa. L. Rev. 549-82 179-215 (Fall). (Dec.). Mandatory testing of public employees for the human immunodeficiency virus: the CORPORATE ACQUISITIONS AND fourth amendment and medical reasonable­ MERGERS ness. 90 Colum. L. Rev. 720-59 (Apr.). See also Corporations, Stocks. Morrison v. Olson: a balancing approach to Delaware's section 203 antitakeover statute the appointments clause and the separation of survives constitutional challenge: BNS, Inc. v. powers. 36 Wayne L. Rev. 161-87 (Fall). Koppers Co. 75 Iowa L. Rev. 235-58 (Oct.). Political rights and freedoms in the context When the medium is the message: corpo­ of American constitutionalism: a view of a rate buybacks as signals. F.H. Buckley. 65 concerned Soviet scholar. Vasily A. Vlasihin. Ind. L.J. 493-547 (Summer). 84 Nw. U. L. Rev. 257-89 (Fall). Reassessing the applicability of fundamental CORPORATE OFFICERS rights analysis: the fourteenth amendment See also Corporations, Environmental Law. and the shaping . of educational policy after A framework for satisfying corporate direc­ Kadrmas v. Dickinson Public Schools. Stuart tors' responsibilities under state non­ Biegel. 74 Cornell L. Rev. 1078-117 (Sept.). shareholder constituency statutes: the use of Sentence enhancement based on unconstitu­ explicit contracts. 138 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1451-97 tional prior convictions. 64 N.Y.U. L. Rev. (May). 1373-415 (Dec.). "Success" and the judicial power. Frank H. CORPORATE REORGANIZATION Easterbrook. 65 Ind. L.J. 277-82 (Spring). See also Corporations. The takings clause: in search of underlying Failed markets and failed solutions: the un­ principles. Part I - a critique of current tak­ witting formulation of the corporate reorgani­ ings clause doctrine. Andrea L. Peterson. 77 zation technique. 90 Colum. L. Rev. 783-802 Calif. L. Rev. 1299-363 (Dec.). (Apr.).

CONSUMER PROTECTION CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY See Administrative Agencies, Antitrust Law. See Corporations. 2258 Michigan Law Review [Vol. 88:22S4

CORPORATE TAXES ary Act of 1789, and the invention of the fed­ Disaggregation and subchapter C: rethink­ eral courts. Wythe Holt. 1989 Duke L.J. ing corporate tax reform. Paul B. Stephan III. 1421-531 (Dec.). 76 Va. L. Rev. 655-711 (May). CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION CORPORATIONS See Constitutional Law. See also Antitrust Law, Stockholders. CRIMINAL LAW Are takeover premiums really premiums? See Electronic Surveillance, Ethics, First Market price, fair value, and corporate law. Amendment. Lynn A. Stout. 99 Yale L.J. 1235-96 (Apr.). Corporations, shareholders, and moral CRIMINAL PROCEDURE choice: a new perspective on corporate social See also Appellate Procedure, Race responsibility. Jeffrey Nesteruk. 58 U. Cin. L. Discrimination. Rev. 451-75 (No. 2). Nineteenth annual review of criminal proce­ The Delaware judiciary and the meaning of dure: United States Supreme Court and corporate life and corporate law. Lyman courts of appeals 1988-1989. 78 Geo. L.J. Johnson. 68 Texas L. Rev. 865-936 (Apr.). 699-1473 (Apr.). Does a target corporation have standing to CRITICAL LEGAL STUDIES sue under the all holders rule? The Third Cir­ cuit says no in Polaroid Corp. v. Disney. 58 U. See also Jurisprudence. Cin. L. Rev. 717-49 (No. 2). Beyond critical legal studies: the recon­ Equity financing for public corporations: structive theology of Dr. Martin Luther King, reasons and methods to encourage it. 138 U. Jr. Anthony E. Cook. 103 Harv. L. Rev. 985- Pa. L. Rev. 1411-49 (May). 1044 (Mar.). Fiduciary obligations to holders of converti­ Legal iconoclasts and legal ideals. A.W.B. ble debentures. 58 U. Cin. L. Rev. 751-77 Simpson. 58 U. Cin. L. Rev. 819-44 (No. 3). (No. 2). CULTURAL PROPERTY Poison pills: recent developments in Dela­ Group rights in cultural property: justify­ ware law. 58 U. Cin. L. Rev. 611-51 (No. 2). A preliminary inquiry into the utility of ing strict inalienability. 74 Cornell L. Rev. 1179-227 (SepL). vote buying in the market for corporate con­ trol. Thomas J. Andre, Jr. 63 S. Cal. L. Rev. DEBTOR AND CREDITOR 533-636 (Mar.). American Savings Bank v. Waschkat: Iowa Radically altered states: entering the "Rev­ continues to frustrate the rights of codebtors. lon zone". 90 Colum. L. Rev. 760-82 (Apr.). 75 Iowa L. Rev. 259-76 (Oct.). The relevance of the duty of care standard The debtor as modern day : a problem in corporate governance. Michael Bradley & of unconstitutional conditions. Karen Gross. Cindy A. Schipani. 75 Iowa L. Rev. 1-74 65 Notre Dame L. Rev. 165-205 (No. 2). (Oct.). Review of board actions: greater scrutiny DEMOCRACY for greater conflicts of interests. 103 Harv. L. See Judicial Review. Rev. 1697-716 (May). Swaps, the modern process of financial in­ DIPLOMACY novation and the vulnerability of a regulatory See Foreign Relations. paradigm. Henry T.C. Hu. 138 U. Pa. L. DIPLOMATIC PROTECTION OF Rev. 333-435 (Dec.). CITIZENS ABROAD COURTS The Omnibus Diplomatic Security and An­ titerrorism Act of 1986: prescribing and en­ See also Agency, Constitutional Law, Corpo­ forcing United States law against terrorist rations, Criminal Procedure, Employer & Em­ violence overseas. 37 UCLA L. Rev. 985-1024 ployee, Opinions. (June). The D.C. Circuit Review, September 1988- August 1989. 58 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 821- DISCOVERY 1104 (June). See Copyright, Federal Rules of Civil Judicial lawmaking. Sol Wachtler. 65 Procedure. N.Y.U. L. Rev. 1-22 (Apr.). The Supreme Court and the separation of DISCRIMINATION powers: a welcome return to normalcy? Dean See also Civil Rights. Alfange, Jr. 58 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 668-761 Accelerating integration: effective remedies (Apr.). in public housing discrimination suits. 23 U. "To establish justice": politics, the Judici- Mich. J. L. Ref. 375-400 (Winter). June 1990] Periodical Index 2259

The Richmond set-aside case: a tougher EMPLOYEE OWNERSHIP look at . Gary Charles When does worker ownership work? ES­ Leedes. 36 Wayne L. Rev. 1-49 (Fall). OPs, law firms, codetermination, and eco­ DISPUTE RESOLUTION nomic democracy. Henry Hansmann. 99 Yale LJ. 1749-816 (June). See Civil Procedure. EMPLOYER AND EMPLOYEE DOMESTIC RELATIONS See also Civil Rights, Constitutional Low, See also Child Custody. Longuage, Torts, Women. This child does have two mothers: redefin­ Beyond collective bargaining and employ­ ing parenthood to meet the needs of children ment at will. Panel Discussion. 58 U. Cin. L. in lesbian-mother and other nontraditional Rev. 431-50 (No. 2). families. Nancy D. Polikoff. 78 Geo. L.J. Expanded employee drug-detection pro­ 459-575 (Feb.). grams and the public good: big brother at the DRUG TESTING bargaining table. Marion Crain. 64 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 1286-345 (Dec.). See Employer & Employee. Food for thought and thoughts about food: DUE PROCESS OF LAW can meals and lodging provided to domestic See also Economic Jurisprudence, Judg­ servants be for the convenience of the em­ ments. Londlord & Tenant. ployer? Erik M. Jensen. 65 Ind. L.J. 639-47 Substantive due process analysis and the (Summer). Lockean liberal tradition: rethinking the mod­ The future of wrongful claims: em privacy cases. 65 Ind. LJ. 723-76 where does employer self interest lie? Henry (Summer). H. Perritt, Jr. 58 U. Cin. L. Rev. 397-430 (No. 2). ECONOMIC JURISPRUDENCE The Sixth Circuit's double standard in hos­ See also Coase Theorem. tile work environment claims. 58 U. Cin. L. The first great law & economics movement. Rev. 779-817 (No. 2). Herbert Hovenkamp. 42 Stan. L. Rev. 993- The specific incident exemption of the Em­ 1058 (Apr.). ployee Polygraph Protection Act: deceptively Good finance, bad economics: an analysis straightforward. 65 Notre Dame L. Rev. 262- of the fraud-on-the-market theory. Jonathan 86 (No. 2). R. Macey & Geoffrey P. Miller. 42 Stan. L. Welcome to the big world: the emerging Rev. 1059-92 (Apr.). tort of the public policy exception to employ­ Resurrecting economic rights: the doctrine ment at will and its chaotic encounter with of economic due process reconsidered. 103 conflict of laws. 1989 U. Ill. L. Rev. 795-827 Harv. L. Rev. 1363-83 (Apr.). (No. 3). . Wrongful discharge: proposals for change. ECONOMICS 36 Wayne L. Rev. 143-60 (Fall). See . AT WILL See Employer & Employee, Federal Preemp­ See Constitutional Low. tion, Torts. ELECTIONS EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION See also Campaign Funds, Minorities. Employment discrimination and the recon­ Regulating our mischievous factions: presi­ sideration of Runyon. Lee Modjeska. 78 Ky. dential nominations and the law. Andrew L.J. 377-91 (No. 2). Pierce. 78 Ky. L.J. 311-75 (No. 2). Restricting election day exit polling: free­ ENTERTAINMENT dom of expression vs. the right to vote. 58 U. See also Copyright. Cin. L. Rev. 1003-21 (No. 3). Colorization of films: painting a moustache on the "Mona Lisa"? 58 U. Cin. L. Rev. ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE 1023-41 (No. 3). Electronic surveillance and conversations in Vertical integration, monopoly power, and plain view: admitting intercepted communica­ antitrust policy: a case study of video en­ tions relating to crimes not specified in the sur­ tertainment. Walter Adams & James W. veillance order. 65 Notre Dame L. Rev. 490- Brock. 36 Wayne L. Rev. 51-92 (Fall). 535 (No. 3). ENVIRONMENTAL LAW EMINENT DOMAIN CERCLA, successor liability, and the fed­ See Londlord & Tenant. eral common law: responding to an uncertain 2260 Michigan Law Review [Vol. 88:2254 legal standard. 68 Texas L. Rev. 1237-72 lie service. Robert G. Vaughn. 58 Geo. (May). Wash. L. Rev. 417-50 (Feb.). Disclosing the environmental impact of Finally, government ethics as if people mat­ human activities: how a federal pollution con­ tered: some thoughts on the Ethics Reform trol program based on individual decision Act of 1989. Eric J. Murdock. 58 Geo. Wash. making and consumer demand might accom­ L. Rev. 502-25 (Feb.). plish the environmental goals of the 1970s in From ethics issues to criminalization: de­ the 1990s. 138 U. Pa. L. Rev. 505-48 (Dec.). terring the wrong conduct. Thomas L. Patten. Improving California's Safe Drinking Water 58 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 526-35 (Feb.). and Toxic Enforcement Act Scientific Advi­ Litigation ethics: a Niebuhrian view of the sory Panel through regulatory reform. 77 Ca­ adversarial legal system. 99 Yale L.J. 1089- lif. L. Rev. 1211-58 (Oct.). 108 (Mar.). Reluctant soldiers: the criminal liability of The quest for equality in regulating the be­ corporate officers for negligent violations of havior of government officials: the case of ex­ the Clean Water Act. 138 U. Pa. L. Rev. 935- trajudicial compensation. Thomas D. 78 (Jan.). Morgan. 58 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 488-501 Superfund Amendments and Reauthoriza­ (Feb.). tion Act of 1986: limiting judicial review to Regulating government ethics: when it's the administrative record in cost recovery ac­ not enough to just say no. Beth Nolan. 58 tions by the EPA. 74 Cornell L. Rev. 1152-78 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 405-16 (Feb.). (Sept.). EUTHANASIA ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Do not resuscitate: the failure to protect the See Environmental Law. incompetent patient's right of self-determina­ tion. 75 Cornell L. Rev. 218-45 (Nov.). EQUAL PROTECTION See Government Contracts. EVIDENCE See also Electronic Sun•eillance, Federal EQUINE LAW Rules of Civil Procedure, Opinions. See also Investments, Sales & Use Taxes, On justifying fourth amendment exclusion. Securities. William C. Heffernan. 1989 Wis. L. Rev. Practice and procedure before racing com­ 1193-254 (No. 6). missions. Jewel N. Klein & Ray H. Garrison. Power and responsibility in evidence law. 78 Ky. L.J. 477-515 (No. 3). David P. Leonard. 63 S. Cal. L. Rev. 937- The priority race: winner takes the horse. 1013 (May). R. David Lester & David E. Fleenor. 78 Ky. Spencer v. Commonwealth and recent devel­ L.J. 615-58 (No. 3). opments in the admissibility of DNA finger­ Thoroughbred certificate law: a proposal. print evidence. 76 Va. L. Rev. 853-76 (May). Cary Robertson. 78 Ky. L.J. 659-703 (No. 3). Thoroughbred racing - getting back on EXCLUSIONARY RULE track. Thomas H. Meeker. 78 Ky. L.J. 435- The exclusionary rule's application in tax 45 (No. 3). proceedings: reconciling the rule's purpose for tax defendants. 68 Texas L. Rev. 789-817 EQUITY (Mar.). See Corporations, Insider Trading. EXECUTIVE POWER ESTABLISHMENT CLAUSE See also Constitutional Law. See Constitutional Law. The president's power of the purse. J. Greg­ ory Sidak. 1989 Duke L.J. 1162-253 (Nov.). ETHICS See also Law & the Arts, Liability Insurance. EXPERT WITNESSES America for sale: when well-connected for­ Defining the boundaries of admissible ex­ mer federal officials peddle their influence to pert psychological testimony on rape trauma the highest foreign bidder - a statutory anal­ syndrome. Karla Fischer. 1989 U. Ill. L. ysis and proposals for reform of the Foreign Rev. 691-734 (No. 3). Agents Registration Act and the Ethics in Government Act. Michael I. Spak. 78 Ky. EXPORTS AND IMPORTS L.J. 237-92 (No. 2). See also International Trade. Ethics in Congress: agenda and action. Regulation of imports and foreign invest­ Ann McBride. 58 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 451-87 ment in the United States on national security (Feb.). grounds. David Scott Nance & Jessica Was­ Ethics in government and the vision of pub- serman. 11 Mich. J. Intl. L. 926-86 (Spring). June 1990] Periodical Index 2261

EXTRADITION and state regulation of pregnancy. 103 Harv. Human rights v. extradition: the Soering L. Rev. 1325-43 (Apr.). case. Stephan Breiterunoser & Gunter E. FIRST AMENDMENT Wilms. 11 Mich. J. Intl. L. 845-86 (Spring). See also Constitutional Law, Freedom of FEDERAL JURISDICTION Religion, Freedom of the Press, Libel & See Jurisdiction. Slander. Criminal attempts and the "clear and pres­ FEDERAL PREEMPTION ent danger" theory of the first amendment. Federal labor law preemption of state Edward J. Blaustein. 74 Cornell L. Rev. wrongful discharge claims. 58 U. Cin. L. Rev. 1118-50 (Sept.). 491-558 (No. 2). The first amendment and the paratroopers' Preemption and regulatory efficiency in fed­ paradox. Ronald K.L. Collins & David M. eral energy statutes. 103 Harv. L. Rev. 1306- Skover. Responses by Max Lerner, David M. 24 (Apr.). O'Brien, Martin H. Redish, Edward Rubin, Herbert I. Schiller & Mark V. Tushnet. 68 FEDERAL RULES OF CIVIL Texas L. Rev. 1087-193 (May). PROCEDURE First amendment claims against public See also Civil Procedure, Public Interest. broadcasters: testing the public's right to a The preservation and discovery of evidence balanced presentation. 1989 Duke L.J. 1386- under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 27. 78 419 (Nov.). Geo. L.J. 593-623 (Feb.). Modem-day sirens: rock lyrics and the first amendment. 63 S. Cal. L. Rev. 777-832 FEDERAL RULES OF CRIMINAL (Mar.). PROCEDURE O'er the land of the free: flag burning as FRCrP 6(E) and the disclosure of docu­ speech. Kent Greenawalt. 37 UCLA L. Rev. ments reviewed by a grand jury. 57 U. Chi. L. 925-47 (June). Rev. 221-47 (Winter). FOOD, DRUG AND COSMETIC LAW FEDERAL RULES OF EVIDENCE See also Narcotics. See Impeachment of Witnesses. I want a new drug: RU-486 and the right to choose. 63 S. Cal. L. Rev. 1113-49 (May). FEDERALISM The ancient Constitution vs. the Federalist FOREIGN AGENTS IN THE UNITED empire: anti-Federalism from the attack on STATES "monarchism" to modem localism. Carol M. See Ethics. Rose. 84 Nw. U. L. Rev. 74-105 (Fall). FOREIGN INVESTMENTS Anti-Federalist/Federalist dialogue and its implications for constitutional understanding. See also Exports & Imports, International Daniel Walker Howe. 84 Nw. U. L. Rev. 1- Trade. 11 (Fall). The constitutionality of state attempts to The anti-Federalists, representation, and regulate foreign investment. 99 Yale L.J. party. Wilson Carey McWilliams. 84 Nw. U. 2023-42 (June). L. Rev. 12-38 (Fall). FOREIGN LAW The changing historical fortunes of the anti­ See also Capital Punishment, International Federalists. Saul A. Cornell. 84 Nw. U. L. Trade. Rev. 39-73 (Fall). Constitutional development of Estonia in Democracy, justice, and the multiplicity of 1988. Igor Gryazin. 65 Notre Dame L. Rev. voices: alternatives to the Federalist vision. 141-64 (No. 2). Jennifer Nedelsky. 84 Nw. U. L. Rev. 232-49 (Fall). FOREIGN RELATIONS The original misunderstanding: the Eng­ See also International Law. lish, the Americans, and the dialectic of Fed­ Controlling tin cup diplomacy. 99 Yale L.J. eralist constitutional jurisprudence. Stephen 2043-62 (June). B. Presser. 84 Nw. U. L. Rev. 106-85 (Fall). FOREIGN RELATIONS OF THE UNITED FEMINIST JURISPRUDENCE STATES See also Attorneys, Law & the Arts. See Foreign Relations. Feminism, theology, and abortion: toward love, compassion, and wisdom. Ruth Colker. FORFEITURE 77 Calif. L. Rev. 1011-75 (Oct.). Asset forfeiture and third party rights: the Rethinking (m)otherhood: feminist theory need for further law reform. Michael Gold- 2262 Michigan Law Review [Vol. 88:22S4 smith & Mark Jay Linderman. 1989 Duke HEALTH CARE INDUSTRY LJ. 12S4-301 (Nov.). Controlling health care costs by controlling FORUM NON CONVENIENS technology: a private contractual approach. 99 Yale LJ. 1109-26 (Mar.). See Jurisdiction. Rational health policy and the legal stan­ FRANCHISING dard of care: a call for judicial deference to medical practice guidelines. 77 Calif. L. Rev. Problematic relations: franchising and the 1483-S28 (Dec.). law of incomplete contracts. Gillian K. Had­ field. 42 Stan. L. Rev. 927-92 (Apr.). HISTORY FRAUD See Constitutional Law, War. See Economic Jurisprudence, Securities. HOMICIDE FREE EXERCISE CLAUSE The importance of clarity in the law of homicide: the Wisconsin revision. Walter See Child Custody, Constitutional Law. Dickey, David Schultz & James L. Fullin, Jr. FREEDOM OF RELIGION 19S9 Wis. L. Rev. 1323-93 (No. 6). The origins and historical understanding of HOUSING free exercise of religion. Michael W. McCon­ See also Discrimination, Sociological nell. 103 Harv. L. Rev. 1409-517 (May). Jurisprudence FREEDOM OF SPEECH Law and racial geography: public housing and the economy in New Orleans. 42 Stan. L. See also Elections, First Amendment, Law & the Arts. Rev. 1251·90 (May). Beyond "public concern": new free speech HUMAN RIGHTS standards for public employees. 57 U. Chi. L. See Extradition. Rev. 249-77 (Winter). HUSBAND AND WIFE FREEDOM OF THE PRESS See Marriage. Free press v. privacy: haunted by the ghost of Justice Black. Peter B. Edelman. 68 Texas IMPEACHMENT OF WITNESSES L. Rev. 1195-234 (May). Character evidence by any other name .••: a proposal to limit impeachment by prior con· GOVERNMENT viction under rule 609. SS Geo. Wash. L. Rev. See Agency, Ethics, Municipal Corporations, 762-SOl (Apr.). Politics. IMPLIED TRUSTS GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS See Corporations. See also Products Liability. Standards of review of specifications in gov­ : CORPORATIONS ernment procurements: an equal protection See Corporate Taxes. analog. 58 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 573-98 (Feb.). INDEPENDENT COUNSEL GOVERNMENT IMMUNITY AND Independent counsel - checks and bal· LIABILITY ances. Thomas S. Martin & David E. See Civil Rights. Zerhusen. SS Geo. Wash. L. Rev. S36-4S (Feb.). GOVERNORS The Wisconsin partial veto: past, present INFANTS and future. 1989 Wis. L. Rev. 1395-432 (No. See Abortion, Parent & Child. 6). INFORMATION SYSTEMS GRAND JURY See Representative Government. See Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure. INFORMED MEDICAL CONSENT HABEAS CORPUS "She's got Bette Davis['s] eyes": assessing See Confessions. the nonconsensual removal of cadaver organs under the takings and due process clauses. 90 HAZARDOUS WASTE LIABILITY Colum. L. Rev. S2S-74 (Mar.). See Environmental Law. INHERITANCE AND SUCCESSION HEALTH (E)state of the law: an estate's right to , See Medical Jurisprudence, Torts. purchase its decedent's apartment during a co- June 1990] Periodical Index 2263 operative conversion. 64 N.Y.U. L. Rev. A European peace order and the German 1347-72 (Dec.). question: legal and political aspects. Jost Del­ The spousal share in intestate succession: brueck. 11 Mich. J. Intl. L. 897-911 (Spring). stepparents are getting shortchanged. 74 A functional approach to "general princi­ Minn. L. Rev. 631-59 (Feb.). ples of international law". M. Cherif Bas­ siouni. 11 Mich. J. Intl. L. 768-818 (Spring). INJUNCTIONS The Nuremberg legacy: an unfulfilled See also Jurisdiction. promise. 63 S. Cal. L. Rev. 833-905 (Mar.). The dual role of the structural injunction. Panel discussion: Europe 1992. With bibli­ 99 Yale L.J. 1983-2002 (June). ography. 11 Mich. J. Intl. L. 525-670 INSIDER TRADING (Winter). Resisting enforcement of foreign arbitral Equitable claims to disgorged insider trad­ awards under article V(l)(e) and article VI of ing profits. 1989 Wis. L. Rev. 1433-63 (No. the New York Convention: a proposal for ef­ 6). fective guidelines. 68 Texas L. Rev. 1031-71 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (Apr.). See Computers, Copyright, Trademarks. The role of international law as a canon of domestic statutory construction. Ralph G. INTERNATIONAL BANKING Steinhardt. 43 Vand. L. Rev. 1103-97 (May). See also Corporations. The role of the Court of Justice in the im­ A safety net for the Eurodollar market?: plementation of the single European act. Wells Fargo Asia Ltd. v. Citibank. 65 N.Y.U. Michel Waelbroeck. 11 Mich. J. Intl. L. 671- L. Rev. 126-71 (Apr.). 90 (Spring). Throwing a monkey wrench into the wheels INTERNATIONAL LAW: CODIFICATION of international finance: Wells Fargo Asia Ltd. v. Citibank, N.A. 11 Mich. J. Intl. L. 1039-72 See International Law. (Spring). INTERNATIONAL TRADE United States home bank liability for for­ See also International Law, Labor Law. eign branch deposits. 1989 U. Ill. L. Rev. 735- Comparative development strategies of 59 (No. 3). South Korea and Taiwan as reflected in their INTERNATIONAL COURTS AND respective international trade policies. J.W. TRIBUNALS Wheeler. 11 Mich. J. Intl. L. 472-508 See also International Law. (Winter). "Normative surrender" and the "duty" to European Community trade policies vis-a­ vis appear before the International Court of Jus­ Korea and Taiwan in the eighties: a com­ tice: a reply. H.W.A. Thirlway. 11 Mich. J. parative perspective. Jean-Fran~is Bellis. 11 Intl. L. 912-25 (Spring). Mich. J. Intl. L. 509-24 (Winter). The GATT Uruguay round: its significance INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC for U.S. bilateral trade with Korea and Tai­ RELATIONS wan. Judith H. Bello & Alan F. Holmer. 11 See International Banking. Mich. J. Intl. L. 307-25 (Winter). The hormone conflict between the EEC and INTERNATIONAL LAW the United States within the context of GATT. See also Asylum, Foreign Law. Werne P. Meng. 11 Mich. J. Intl. L. 819-39 The boundaries of the Hague Evidence Con­ (Spring). vention: lower court interest balancing after The impact of U.S. trade law actions on the Aerospatiale decision. 68 Texas L. Rev. government policy decisions in Korea. Jong­ 1003-30 (Apr.). Kap Kim. 11 Mich. J. Intl. L. 410-22 A community within the community: pros­ (Winter). pects for foreign policy integration in the Eu­ The impact of U.S. trade law on govern­ ropean Community. 103 Harv. L. Rev. 1066- ment policy making in the Republic of China. 85 (Mar.). P.K. Chiang. 11 Mich. J. Intl. L. 279-87 Constitutional developments in the Euro­ (Winter). pean Community and the impact of the single International trade and investment regula­ European Market after 1992. F.G. Jacobs. 11 tion: developing jurisprudence in Taiwan. Mich. J. Intl. L. 887-96 (Spring). Paul S.P. Hsu. 11 Mich. J. Intl. L. 368-93 Deviation and the package limitation in the (Winter). Hague Rules and the Carriage of Goods by Legal and policy perspectives on United Sea Act: an alternative approach to the inter­ States trade initiatives and economic liberali­ pretation of international uniform acts. 68 zation in the Republic of China. Lawrence S. Texas L. Rev. 977-1002 (Apr.). Liu. 11 Mich. J. Intl. L. 326-67 (Winter). 2264 Michigan Law Review [Vol. 88:2254

Natural gas in the European internal mar­ JURIES ket: a comparative analysis of common car­ See Civil Procedure. riage and price transparency. Ernst-Joachim Mestmalicker. 11 Mich. J. Intl. L. 691-767 JURISDICTION (Spring). Access to state courts in transnational per­ Overview: U.S.-Korea and U.S.-Taiwan sonal injury cases: forum non conveniens and trade law issues in comparative perspective. antisuit injunctions. David W. Robertson & Clyde D. Stoltenberg. 11 Mich. J. Intl. L. Paula K. Speck. 68 Texas L. Rev. 937-75 273-78 (Winter). (Apr.). Panel discussion: the impact of U.S. trade Clarifying comity: state court jurisdiction law actions on business decisions in Korea. 11 and section 1983 state tax challenges. 103 Mich. J. Intl. L. 452-65 (Winter). Harv. L. Rev. 1888-908 (June). Panel discussion: the impact of U.S. trade Constructing the state extraterritorially: ju­ law actions on business decisions in Taiwan. risdictional discourse, the national interest, 11 Mich. J. Intl. L. 288-306 (Winter). and transnational norms. 103 Harv. L. Rev. Regulation and liberalization of imports and 1237-305 (Apr.). foreign investment and the role of trade ac­ Finley v. United States: unstringing pendent tions in the Republic of Korea. David A. Lav­ jurisdiction. Wendy Collins Perdue. 76 Va. erty. 11 Mich. J. Intl. L. 423-51 (Winter). L. Rev. 539-73 (Apr.). Section 301 and the appearance of unilater­ Forum shopping reconsidered. 103 Harv. alism. Warren Maruyama. 11 Mich. J. Intl. L. Rev. 1677-96 (May). L. 394-402 (Winter). "Incorporating" limited partnerships into The U.S. importer's perspective on U.S. an­ federal diversity jurisdiction: correcting titrade actions against Korea and Taiwan. Va­ Carden v. Arkoma Associates. 65 Notre Dame lerie A. Slater. 11 Mich. J. Intl. L. 403-09 L. Rev. 287-307 (No. 2). (Winter). Rethinking choice of law. Larry Kramer. A U.S. perspective on the EEC hormones 90 Colum. L. Rev. 277-345 (Mar.). directive. Holly Hammonds. 11 Mich. J. Intl. L. 840-44 (Spring). JURISPRUDENCE U.S. trade policy toward the new NICs of See also Legal Realism. Southeast Asia. Linda Y.C. Lim. 11 Mich. J. Law's limits. Richard Janda. 63 S. Cal. L. Intl. L. 466-71 (Wmter). Rev. 727-75 (Mar.).

INTERVENTION (CIVIL PROCEDURE) LABOR BOYCOTTS See Civil Procedure. See Unions. INVESTMENTS LABOR LAW See also International Trade, Securities. The sale of horses and horse interests: a See also Employer & Employee, Federal transactional approach. Robert S. Miller. 78 Preemption. Ky. L.J. 517-600 (No. 3). Deference to NLRB adjudicatory decision making: bas judicial review become meaning­ JUDGMENTS less? 58 U. Cin. L. Rev. 653-87 (No. 2). See also Appellate Procedure, Separation of Equal access in NLRB elections: determin· Powers. ing the voting eligibility of economic strikers. Due process requires notice of entry of final 58 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 549-72 (Feb.). judgments in Ohio. 58 U. Cin. L. Rev. 1043- Labor rights conditionality: United States 67 (No. 3). trade legislation and the international trade order. 65 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 79-125 (Apr.). JUDICIAL ACTIVISM The labor vision of the thirteenth amend­ See Courts, Prisons & Prisoners, Separation ment. Lea S. VanderVelde. 138 U. Pa. L. of Powers. Rev. 437-504 (Dec.). A primer on power balancing under the Na­ JUDICIAL REVIEW tional Labor Relations Act. James B. See also Corporations, Military Law, Repre­ Zimarowski. 23 U. Mich. J. L. Ref. 47-104 sentative Government. (Fall). Judicial review of direct democracy. Julian N. Eule. 99 Yale L.J. 1503-90 (May). LABOR MANAGEMENT RELATIONS Reflections on workers' participation, influ­ JUDICIAL REVIEW OF ence and powersharing: the future of indus­ ADMINISTRATIVE ACTS trial relations. William B. Gould, IV. 58 U. See Environmental Law, Labor Law. Cin. L. Rev. 381-95 (No. 2). June 1990] Periodical Index 2265

LANDLORD AND TENANT Lying to clients. Lisa G. Lerman. Com­ Tenants' rights in police power condemna­ mentaries by Carrie Menkel-Meadow, Freder­ tions under state statutes and procedural due ick Miller & Edmund B. Spaeth, Jr. 138 U. process. 23 U. Mich. J. L. Ref. 105-49 (Fall). Pa. L. Rev. 659-804 (Jan.). LANGUAGE LEGAL HISTORY English-only rules and the right to speak See also Common Law, Courts, Critical one's primary language in the workplace. Legal Studies, Precedents. Juan F. Perea. 23 U. Mich. J. L. Ref. 265-318 Culture and certainty: legal history and the (Winter). reconstructive project. Joan C. Williams. 76 Va. L. Rev. 713-46 (May). LAW AND THE ARTS LEGAL POSITIVISM See also Entertainment. Convergences: law, literature, and femi­ See Jurisprudence. nism. Carolyn Heilbrun & Judith Resnik. 99 LEGAL Yale L.J. 1913-56 (June). Panthers and pinstripes: ihe case of Ezra See Philosophy. Pound and Archibald MacLeish. Jean LEGAL REALISM Stefancic & Richard Delgado. 63 S. Cal. L. Reconstructing the origins of realistic juris­ Rev. 907-36 (May). prudence: a prequel to the Llewellyn-Pound Post-modem art and the death of obscenity exchange over legal realism. N.E.H. Hull. law. 99 Yale L.J. 1359-78 (Apr.). 1989 Duke L.J. 1302-34 (Nov.). Standards for federal funding of the arts: free expression and political control. 103 LEGISLATION Harv. L. Rev. 1969-88 (June). See also Governors, Statutes. "Tilted" justice: site-specific art and moral Legislation, well-being, and public choice. rights after U.S. adherence to the Berne Con­ Herbert Hovenkamp. 57 U. Chi. L. Rev. 63- vention. 77 Calif. L. Rev. 1431-82 (Dec.). 116 (Winter). LAW ENFORCEMENT LEGISLATIVE BODIES See Narcotics. See Privileges & Immunities. LAW FIRMS LIABILITY INSURANCE Why the big get bigger: the promotion-to­ The ethics and the economics of tort liabil­ partner tournament and the growth of large ity insurance. Gary T. Schwartz. 75 Cornell law firms. Marc Galanter & Thomas M. Pa­ L. Rev. 313-675 (Jan.). lay. 76 Va. L. Rev. 747-811 (May). LIBEL AND SLANDER LAW REFORM Libel reform: an appraisal. C. Thomas See also Civil Rights, Employer & Employee, Dienes. 23 U. Mich. J. L. Ref. 1-26 (Fall). Ethics, Foifeiture, Homicide, Libel & Slander, Masson v. New Yorker Magazine: actual Military Law, Products Liability, Torts, Water malice and direct quotations - the constitu­ & Watercourses. tional right to lie. 65 Notre Dame L. Rev. "Truth in criminal justice" series Office of 564-85 (No. 3). Legal Policy. Introduction by Joseph D. Grano and foreword by Stephen J. Markman. LIE DETECTORS 22 U. Mich. J. L. Ref. 393-1122 (Spring & See also Employer & Employee. Summer 1989). The Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988 - should the federal government regu­ LAW SCHOOLS late the use of polygraphs in the private sec­ Responses to Randall Kennedy's Racial tor? 58 U. Cin. L. Rev. 559-609 (No. 2). Critiques of Legal Academia. By Scott Brewer, Milner S. Ball, Robin D. Barnes, LIENS Richard Delgado & Leslie G. Espinoza. 103 See Equine Law. Harv. L. Rev. 1844-86 (June). LOANS LEGAL EDUCATION See Bankruptcy. See Law Schools, Philosophy. MARRIAGE LEGAL ETHICS The partnership theory of marriage: a bor­ See also Attorneys' Fees, Ethics. rowed solution fails. Bea Ann Smith. 68 Can lawyers be trusted? Sissela Bok. 138 Texas L. Rev. 689-743 (Mar.). U. Pa. L. Rev. 913-33 (Jan.). Promulgating the marriage contract. Lynn 2266 Michigan Law Review [Vol 88:2254

A. Baker. 23 u. Mich. J. L. Ref. 217-64 MUNICIPAL CORPOJUTIONS (W'mter). 0ur localism: part n - localism and 1ega1 theory. Richard Brilfault. 90 Colum. L. Rev. MEDICAL ETHICS 346454 (Mar.). Genetic causation and the physician·patient privilege in Michigan: shield or sword? 36 NARCOTICS Wayne L. Rev. 189·220 (Fall). Special project: current issues in drug en· forcement law. 43 Vand. L. Rev. 125S-400 MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE (May). Claim preclusion in modem latent disease cases: a proposal for allowing second suits. NATIONAL DEFENSE 103 Harv. L. Rev. 1989·2008 (June). Reform of the National Guard: a proposal to strengthen the national defense. 78 Geo. MEDICAL MALPJUCTICE LJ. 62541 (Feb.). The medical malpractice imbroglio: a non· NATIONAL SECURITY adversarial suggestion. Eliott M. Abramson. 78 Ky. LJ. 29J.310 (No. 2). See Exports & Imports. NATUJUL LAW MEDICAL PROFESSION See Jurisprudence. See Health Care Industry. Medical technology and the Jaw. 103 Harv. NEWS MEDIA. L. Rev. 1519.676 (May). See First Amendment. MENTAL HEALTH UW NONPROFIT CORPOJUTIONS See Parent & Child. Religious nonprofits and the commercial manner test. 99 Yale LJ. 1631·50 (May). MILITARYUW Judicial abdication of military tort account· OBSCENITY ability: but who is to guard the guards them· See Canstitutional Law, Law & the Arts. selves? Barry Kellman. 1989 Duke U. 1597· OIL A.ND GAS 653 (Dec.). Military justice and article m. 103 Harv. See International Trade. L. Rev. 1909·29 (June). OPINIONS MILITARY SERYICE A common law lawyer on the Supreme Court: the opinions of Justice Stevens. 'Wtl· See National Defense. liam D. Popkin. 1989 Duke LJ. 1087·161 MINORITIES (Nov.). The Supreme Court, plain meaning, and the See also Discrimination, Stockholders. changed rules of evidence. Randolph N. Defining the minority·preferred candidate Jonakait. 68 Texas L. Rev. 745-86 (Mar.). under section 2. 99 Yale U. 1651.68 (May). PA.RENT A.ND CHILD MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISES See also Child Custody, Calleges & Universi· FcC tax certificates for minority ownership ties, Domestic Relations. Inheritance & Succes· of broadcast facilities: a critical re--examina· sion, Support ofDependents. tion of policy. 138 U. Pa. L. Rev. 979·1026 Compensating parents for the loss of their (Jan.). nonfatally injured child's society: extending Minority business set·asides must be su~ the notion of consortium to the filial relation· ported by specific evidence of prior discrimina· ship. 1989 U. Ill. L. Rev. 761·93 (No. 3). tion. 58 U. Cin. L. Rev. 1097·135 (No. 3). Presumptions of justice: law, politics, and MORTGAGE FORECLOSURES the mentally retarded parent. Robert L. Hayman. Jr. 103 Harv. L. Rev. 120J.71 The new mortgage foreclosure law: r~ (Apr.). demption and reinstatement. 1989 U. Ill. L. Setting the standard: a mother's duty dur· Rev. 471.91 (No. 2). ing the prenatal period. 1989 U. Ill. L. Rev. MOTION PICTURES 493·516 (No. 2). See Entertainment. PARTIES TO ACTION See Carporations. MOTOR VEHICLES Preemption of airbag litigation: just a lot of PARTNERSHIPS hot air? 76 Va. L. Rev. 577.626 (Apr.). See Jurisdiction. June 1990] Periodical Index 2267

PATERNITY tbe doctrine of legislative immunity. 75 Cor­ The probability of an ultimate issue: tbe nell L. Rev. 384-410 (Jan.). strange cases of paternity testing. D.H. Kaye. 75 Iowa L. Rev. 75-109 (Oct.). PROBATE LAW AND PRACTICE See Inheritance & Succession. PLANS Who should pay when federally insured pension funds go broke?: a strategy for recov­ The modem day scarlet letter: a critical ering from the wrongdoers. 65 Notre Dame analysis of modem probation conditions. 1989 L. Rev. 308-74 (No. 2). Duke L.J. 1357-85 (Nov.). PERSONAL INJURIES PRODUCTS LIABILITY See Jurisdiction. See also Torts. The evolution of useful life statutes in tbe PHILOSOPHY products liability reform effort. 1989 Duke The I and thou: a new dialogue for tbe law. L.J. 1689-751 (Dec.). Maria L. Ciampi. 58 U. Cin. L. Rev. 881-907 The Supreme Court and tbe products liabil­ (No. 3). ity crisis: lessons from Boyle's government PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS contractor defense. Michael D. Green & Richard A. Matasar. 63 S. Cal. L. Rev. 637- See Medical Ethics. 726 (Mar.). POLICE POWER PROSECUTORS See Landlord & Tenant. See Constitutional Law. POLITICS See also Abortion. Courts, Parent & Child, PUBLIC INTEREST Prisons & Prisoners. See also Support of Dependents. The politics of unregulation: public choice Public interest groups, public law litigation, and limits on government. Peter L. Kahn. 75 and Federal Rule 24(a). 57 U. Chi. L. Rev. Cornell L. Rev. 280-312 (Jan.). 279-310 (Winter). POLLUTION PUBLIC OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES See Environmental Law. See Freedom ofSpeech. POVERTY LAW PUNISHMENT See Right to Counsel. See Prisons & Prisoners. PRECEDENTS PUNITIVE DAMAGES See also Constitutional Law. Should punitive damages be nondeductible? Precedent and tradition. Anthony T. The expansion of the public-policy doctrine. Kronman. 99 Yale L.J. 1029-68 (Mar.). 68 Texas L. Rev. 819-40 (Mar.). PRETRIAL PROCEDURE RACE DISCRIMINATION Compelled participation in innovative pre­ See also Attorneys, Civil Rights, Minority trial proceedings. 84 Nw. U. L. Rev. 290-320 Business Enterprises, Segregation. (Fall). Racism in tbe adversary system: tbe de­ PRISONS AND PRISONERS fendant's use of peremptory challenges. J. Al­ Haven or hell? Inside Lorton Central exander Tanford. 63 S. Cal. L. Rev. 1015-60 Prison: experiences of punishment justified. (May). Robert Blecker. 42 Stan. L. Rev. 1149-249 Rt1,CES (May). The politics of prison crowding. 77 Calif. L. See Civil Rights, Housing, Law Schools, So­ Rev. 1125-80 (Oct.). ciological Jurisprudence. Resolving tbe remedial dilemma: strategies RADIO AND TELEVISION of judicial intervention in prisons. Susan Sturm. 138 U. Pa. L. Rev. 805-912 (Jan.). See First Amendment. PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATIONS RAPE See Securities. See Expert Witnesses. PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES RELIGION Chastain v. Sundquist: a narrow reading of See Nonprofit Corporations. 2268 Michigan Law Review [Vol. 88:2254

REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT really be protected? Perry E. Wallace, Jr. 43 See also Elections. Vand. L. Rev. 1199-251 '(May). Computer models and post-Bandemer redis­ Using finance theory to measure damages in tricting. 99 Yale L.J. 1379-98 (Apr.). fraud on the market cases. Bradford Cornell & R. Gregory Morgan. 37 UCLA L. Rev. RES IPSA LOQUITUR 883-924 (June). See Torts. Using rule 9(b) to reduce nuisance securities litigation. 99 Yale L.J. 1591-609 (May). RETROACTIVE LAWS AND DECISIONS Resolving retroactivity after Teague v. SECURITIES FRAUD Lane. 65 Ind. LJ. 651-74 (Summer). See Securities. RIGHT OF PRIVACY SEGREGATION See also Due Process ofLaw, Freedom ofthe See also Women. Press. Attacking school segregation root and The social foundations of privacy: commu­ branch. 99 Yale L.J. 2003-22 (June). nity and self in the common law tort. Robert C. Post. 77 Calif. L. Rev. 957-1010 (Oct.). SENTENCING See Constitutional Law• . RIGHT TO COUNSEL The constitutional basis of the indigent ap­ SEPARATION OF POWERS pellant's right to appointed counsel. 58 U. See also Constitutional Law, Courts. Cin. L. Rev. 1137-60 (No. 3). Reaganist realism comes to Detroit. Ste­ phen F. Ross. 1989 U. Ill. L. Rev. 399-433 RIGHT TO DIE (No. 2). Model aid-in-dying act. 75 Iowa L. Rev. Separation of powers and the Reagan ad­ 125-215 (Oct.). ministration's policy on consent decrees: have the courts overstepped the limits of judicial SALES AND USE TAXES powers? 1989 U. Ill. L. Rev. 541-70 (No. 2). Sales and use tax planning for the horse in­ dustry. Richard W. Craigo. 78 Ky. L.J. 601- SETTLEMENTS 14 (No. 3). The costs of settlement: the impact of scar­ city of adjudication on litigating lawyers. Ke­ SCHOOL INTEGRATION vin C. McMunigal. 37 UCLA L. Rev. 833-81 See Constitutional Law. (June). SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL DISTRICTS See Segregation. Pluralist myths and powerless men: the ide­ SEARCH AND SEIZURES ology of reasonableness in sexual harassment law. Nancy S. Ehrenreich. 99 Yale L.J. 1177- An ill wind blows: restricting the public's 234 {Apr.). right of access to search warrant affidavits. 74 Minn. L. Rev. 661-88 {Feb.). SOCIOLOGICAL JURISPRUDENCE Making sense of sense-enhanced searches. See also Associations, Civil Rights, David E. Steinberg. 74 Minn. L. Rev. 563-629 Legislation. (Feb.). Law, community, and communication. SECURITIES Meir Dan-Cohen. 1989 Duke L.J. 1654-76 (Dec.). See also Amicus Curiae, Arbitration & Racial diversity in residential communities: Award, Equine Law. societal housing patterns and a proposal for a Basic, Inc. v. Levinson: the Supreme Court's "racial inclusionary ordinance". 63 S. Cal. analysis of fraud on the market and its impact Rev. 1151-235 (May). on the reliance requirement of SEC rule lOb-5. Social movements, law, and implementa­ 78 Ky. L.J. 403-33 (No. 2). tion: a clinical dimension for the new legal Disclosure under the securities laws: impli­ process. Harold A. McDougall. 75 Cornell L. cations for the attorney-client privilege. 90 Rev. 83-122 (Nov.). Colum. L. Rev. 456-88 (Mar.). Protecting security interests in equine col­ SOVEREIGNTY lateral under the clear title provision of the Sovereignty in silence. Heidi M. Hurd. 99 Food Security Act of 1985. Richard A. Yale L.J. 945-1028 (Mar.). Vance. 78 Ky. L.J. 447-76 (No. 3). Securities arbitration after McMahon, Rod­ SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE riguez, and the new rules: can investors' rights See Contracts. June 1990] Periodical Index 2269

SPORTS Universities, Constitutional Law, Corporations, Sports and antitrust: should college stu­ Employer & Employee, Liability Insurance, dents be paid to play? Lee Goldman. 65 No­ Medical Malpractice, Parent & Child, Punitive tre Dame L. Rev. 206-61 (No. 2). Damages, Right of Privacy. A critique of torts. Richard L. Abel. 37 STANDING TO SUE UCLA L. Rev. 785-831 (June). See Corporations. From res ipsa /oquitur to diethylstilbestrol: the unidentifiable tortfeasor in California. Ste­ STATISTICAL EVIDENCE phen A. Spitz. 65 Ind. L.J. 591-636 See Verdicts. (Summer). STATUTES Injuries and institutions: tort reform, tort theory, and beyond. Neil K. Komesar. 65 See also International Law. N.Y.U. L. Rev. 23-77 (Apr.). Gadamer/statutory interpretation. William Intentional infliction of emotional distress in N. Eskridge, Jr. 90 Colum. L. Rev. 609-81 the child custody context: proposed guide­ (Apr.). lines. 36 Wayne L. Rev. 125-42 (Fall). The new textualism. William N. Eskridge, Smoker battery: an antidote to second-hand Jr. 37 UCLA L. Rev. smoke. 63 S. Cal. L. Rev. 1061-112 (May). STOCKHOLDER VOTING Unraveling the Illinois retaliatory discharge See Corporations. tort. 1989 U. Ill. L. Rev. 517-39 (No. 2). What standard of care should govern the STOCKHOLDERS world's shortest editorials?: an analysis of See also Corporations. bond rating agency liability. 75 Cornell L. The evolution of effective remedies for mi­ Rev. 411-61 (Jan.). nority shareholders and its impact upon valua­ tion of minority shares. Charles W. Murdock. TRADEMARKS 65 Notre Dame L. Rev. 425-89 (No. 3). Expressive genericity: trademarks as lan­ guage in the Pepsi generation. Rochelle STOCKS Cooper Dreyfuss. 65 Notre Dame L. Rev. Analyzing stock lock-ups: do target treas­ 397-424 (No. 3). ury sales foreclose or facilitate takeover auc­ tions? Ian Ayres. 90 Colum. L. Rev. 682-718 TRIALS (Apr.). See Civil Procedure.

STRIKES AND LOCKOUTS TRUSTS AND TRUSTEES See Labor Law. See Bankruptcy. SUPPORT OF DEPENDENTS UNFAIR COMPETITION Child support reassessed: limits of private responsibility and the public interest. Harry See Antitrust Law. D. Krause. 1989 U. Ill. L. Rev. 367-98 (No. UNIFORM LAWS 2). See Child Custody. TAX PRACTICE See Exclusionary Rule. UNIONS See also Labor Law. TAXATION Keeping the faith: the problem of apparent See also Accretion, Jurisdiction, Minority bias in labor representation elections. John W. Business Enterprises. Teeter, Jr. 58 U. Cin. L. Rev. 909-87 (No. 3). Tax treatment of notional principal con­ Secondary boycotts after DeBartolo: has the tracts. 103 Harv. L. Rev. 1951-68 (June). Supreme Court handed unions a powerful new TENDER OFFERS weapon? 75 Iowa L. Rev. 217-34 (Oct.). The regulation of market sweeps in connec­ VENUE tion with tender offers. Terence L. Blackburn. See Jurisdiction. 58 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 619-67 (Apr.). TERRORISM VERDICTS See Diplomatic Protection of Citizens Veridical verdicts: increasing verdict accu­ Abroad. racy through the use of overtly probabilistic evidence and methods. Jonathan J. Koehler & TORTS Daniel N. Shaviro. 75 Cornell L. Rev. 247-79 See also Alcoholic Beverages, Colleges & (Jan.). 2270 Michigan Law Review [Vol. 88:2254

"W.R "W.TER POLLUTION See also Constitutional Law. See Environmental Law. Vietnam haiku. Louis J. Sirico, Jr. 74 Cor­ WOMEN nell L. Rev. 1228-33 (Sept.). See also Attorneys, Capital Punishment, "W.R CRIMES Feminist Jurisprudence, Sexual Harassment. See International Law. Telling stories about women and work: ju­ dicial interpretations of sex segregation in the WATER AND "W.TERCOURSES workplace in title VII cases raising the lack of Replacing riparianism in the twenty-first interest argument. Vicki Schultz. 103 Harv. century. Robert H. Abrams. 36 Wayne L. L. Rev. 1749-843 (June). Rev. 93-124 (Fall). Toward a rational scheme of interstate water compact adjudication. 23 U. Mich. J. L. Ref. 151-78 (Fall).