An Investigation of the Nonverbal Communication Behaviors And

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An Investigation of the Nonverbal Communication Behaviors And AN INVESTIGATION OF THE NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION BEHAVIORS AND ROLE PERCEPTIONS OF PRE-SERVICE BAND TEACHERS WHO PARTICIPATED IN THEATRE SEMINARS Allen Hale Vandivere, B.M. (Ed.), M.M.E. Dissertation Prepared for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS August 2008 APPROVED: Donna T. Emmanuel, Committee Chair Nathan B. Kruse, Committee Member Warren H. Henry, Committee Member Graham Phipps, Director of Graduate Studies in the College of Music James C. Scott, Dean of the College of Music Sandra L. Terrell, Dean of the Robert B. Toulouse School of Graduate Studies Vandivere, Allen Hale. An Investigation of the Nonverbal Communication Behaviors and Role Perceptions of Pre-Service Band Teachers who Participated in Theatre Seminars. Doctor of Philosophy (Music Education), August 2008, 316 pp., references, 138 titles. This qualitative study used a multiple case study methodology to explore the nonverbal communication behaviors and role perceptions of pre-service band teachers, and the extent to which these individuals found meaning and value in theatre seminars with respect to those factors. The informants participated in three theatre seminars taught by theatre faculty at the researcher’s university. The researcher collected data in the form of videotaped theatre seminar observations, videotaped classroom teaching observations, videotaped informant reflections of teaching episodes, online peer discussions and journaling, and informant interviews. Data were analyzed, coded, and summarized to form case summaries. A cross-case analysis was performed to identify emergent themes. The broad themes identified were past experience, adaptation, realization, and being aware. The informants found that the theatre seminars increased their awareness of nonverbal communication behaviors in the classroom, and had the potential to be meaningful and valuable with respect to their perceptions of their roles as teachers. Copyright 2008 by Allen Hale Vandivere ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my family and friends for their love and support, without which I could not have done this. I would like to thank my advisor, Dr. Donna T. Emmanuel, for her accessibility, her guidance, and for being a friend. Finally, I would like to thank the other members of my committee, Dr. Nathan B. Kruse and Dr. Warren H. Henry, for their valuable insights and suggestions. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS............................................................................................iii Chapters 1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................. 1 Communication Skills in Music Teaching ...................................... 5 Acting and Teaching.................................................................. 8 Immediacy ............................................................................. 11 Symbolic Interaction................................................................ 12 Teacher Role-Identity .............................................................. 14 Statement of the Problem ........................................................ 16 Purpose of the Study ............................................................... 16 Definition of Terms.................................................................. 17 Assumptions and Limitations .................................................... 18 Theoretical Framework ............................................................ 19 Significance of the Study.......................................................... 20 Research Questions................................................................. 20 2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE................................................................... 21 Acting and Teaching................................................................ 21 Theoretical Basis for the Connection ............................... 21 Characteristics of Teacher as Actor ................................. 24 Arguments For and Against the Use of Theatre Concepts in Teacher Education.................................................... 28 Applications of Theatre to Teacher Education .................. 33 Summary...................................................................... 45 Music Teacher Role-Identity..................................................... 46 Perspectives.................................................................. 46 Symbolic Interaction Studies .......................................... 48 Summary...................................................................... 54 A Different Perspective ............................................................ 54 iv Summary...................................................................... 56 Immediacy ............................................................................. 57 Origins ......................................................................... 58 A Tale of Two Constructs ............................................... 59 Effects of Teacher Immediacy ........................................ 66 Evaluating Immediacy.................................................... 77 Immediacy and Teacher Education ................................. 81 Immediacy and Music Teaching ...................................... 86 Summary................................................................................ 97 3. METHODOLOGY................................................................................ 98 Symbolic Interaction................................................................ 99 Informants ............................................................................103 Informed Consent ..................................................................104 Strengths and Weaknesses of Case Study Methodology.............106 Role of the Researcher ...........................................................108 Triangulation and Audit Trail ...................................................111 Instrumentation .....................................................................112 Data Collection.......................................................................113 Phase 1: Theatre Seminars ...........................................114 Phase 2: Online Journals/Discussion ..............................116 Phase 3: Observation of Classroom Teaching Episodes ....117 Phase 4: Video Reflections ............................................118 Phase 5: Interviews......................................................120 Data Analysis and Coding........................................................121 Phase 1: Field Notes.....................................................121 Phase 2: Online Components.........................................122 Phase 3: Teaching Observations ....................................122 Phase 4: Video Reflections ............................................122 Phase 5: Interviews......................................................123 Coding.........................................................................124 Cross-Case Analysis ......................................................125 v 4. INFORMANTS, SETTINGS, AND SYMBOLS..........................................127 Informant Backgrounds and Influences ....................................127 Mark ...........................................................................127 Paul ............................................................................130 Laura ..........................................................................133 Summary.....................................................................136 Theatre Seminar Setting .........................................................137 Teaching Observation Settings ................................................140 Categories of Nonverbal Symbols.............................................143 5. RESULTS .........................................................................................145 Nonverbal Communication Behaviors while Teaching.................145 Mark ...........................................................................146 Paul ............................................................................151 Laura ..........................................................................157 Summary.....................................................................165 Differences in Nonverbal Communication Behavior from Middle School to High School........................................................165 Mark ...........................................................................166 Paul ............................................................................169 Laura ..........................................................................173 Summary.....................................................................173 Meaning and Value in Theatre Seminars Regarding Nonverbal Communication Behavior ...................................................174 Mark ...........................................................................174 Paul ............................................................................175 Laura ..........................................................................177 Summary.....................................................................178 Role Perceptions ....................................................................179 Mark ...........................................................................179 Paul ............................................................................182

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