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-" 1 00 KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS VOLUME XXIII, NO 90 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL ISLANDS FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1986 BUSINESS LEADERS SEE ROSY TIMES House Committee AHEAD FOR AMERICAN ECONOMY Approves Budget By JANET STAIHAR Councll, made up of 200 execu In ltS semlannual report on For Fiscal 1987 Assoclated Press Wrlter tlves from the country's larg the economy, the councli sald By STEVEN KOMAROW HOT SPRINGS, Va -- The coun est corporatlons lt foresees a strengthenlng of AssOclated Press Wrlter try's top bUSlness leaders, say The executlves generally the U S economy for the rest lng the economy lS ln an upbeat gave a nod of approval to the of the year, "as the economy WASHING10N -- The House mode, today predlcted that over tax package adopted thlS week moves out of the lethargy that Budget Commlttee approved a the next two years, Amerlcans by the Senate Flnance Commlttee has prevalled SInce the mlddle flscal 1987 budget that en wl1l beneflt by stable lnterest They dId not see the added tax of 1984 " dorses a tax Increase but, un rates, low lnf1atlon and hlgher burden on corporatlons as detrl The councli sald the "out llke the Senate, puts most of lncome mental to buslness, but eApress look lS more upbeat than pre that money toward deflclt cut Desplte the buslness execu ed a skeptlcal walt-and-see at vlously, ln part reflectlng the tlng lnstead of Pentagon pro tlves' glowlng forecast, they tltude on any flnal verslon expected effects of lower lnter grams also explessed "a sense of un emergIng from a conference wlth est rates, a lower dollar, and Democrats on Thursday push easlness" because of weakness the Democratlc-controlled House lower 011 and energy prIces " ed through a $994 2 blillon ln buslness lnvestment, and "If lt passes ltS shakedown The councIl forecast econom spendIng plan over RepublIcan hard tImes ln the agrlculture crUlse and there are no pot- IC growth of 2 7 percent -- as complalnts that lt would crlp and oll-patch area~ of the na holes I would be support- measured by the gross natlonal pIe the mliltary and that Dem tlon lve," sald councll Vlce Chalr product -- for 1986, "a dlS ocrats would spend any new tax The forecast was made at the man James D Roblnson, chalrman tlnct lmprovement over the dollars sprlng meetIng of the Buslness of the Amerlcan Express Co 2 7 percent" recorded ln 1985 Only a single Republlcan, Rep Vln Weber of Mlnnesota, JOlned Democrats ln the 21-11 FIRE OUT A T CHERNOBYL REACTOR, flnal vote to send the package to the floor Full House actlon could CHILDREN LEA VE SCHOOL EARL Y corne next week KIEV, U S S R (AP) -- An In en sald radlatlon at the rear "It 1S clear thp radloClctlve The budget, proposed by ternatlonal Atomlc Energy Agen tor sIte reached 36 mlillrems cODsequpn,cs of thIS aLcldent commlttee ChaIrman Will lam H cy offlclal sald today that the per hour shortly after the ac are far more serIOUS tnan In Gray III, D-Pa , would In flre at the Chernobyl nuclear cldent The agency statement any qccldent so far crease taxes by $7 3 bllllon reactor has been put out Ihe sald radlatlon had dropped BllX also saId the SOVIets over Presldent Reagan's budget mayor of Klev sald a quarter Thursday to 0 15 lllillrems never shut doWl' theIr 11 other plan -- the same lncrease ~llilon chlldren wlll leave about 18 mIles from the reactor Chernobyl-tvp~ reaLtors, as passed by the Senate last school early thlS year because Mlillrems measure the eftect some report~ Ind1c~ted earller week of the devastatlng accldent of radlatlon on humar tIssue EarlIer, KIev Mayor Valentln But whlle the Senate's bl The agency offlclal, Morrls Experts estImate that exposure Sgursky sqld schools attended partlsan plan boosted mllltary Rosen, told a news conference to 1,000 mll11rems 10 a year by a quarLer-m1ll10n of the spendIng to cover lnflat10n, ln Moscow that an adjacent re can create one or two chances CIty'S chIldren wlll close the House plan would freeze actor at the Ukralnlan faclilty In 10,000 of developIng Cdncer Ilay IS, severa] ,... eeks early, the mliltary bUlldup was not damaged bv the fIre and "The flre lS out," Rosen because of the power plant ac The deflclt ln the House was not ln danger of releasIng saId, speclfYlng that he refer cldent He sald the ~ove wa~ plan would be $137 blillon, radlatlon red to a fIre In graphlte In not an emergency measure $7 blillon below the statu He also sald there was no the reactor core The Chernobyl "We are slmply advdnclng the tory llmlt that the Senate's meltdown of the reactor core reactor uses graphIte to slow normal school hollday a llttle budget Just met But Robert Avery, a senlor SC1- nuclear reactIons blt," Sgur5l(\ tc,ld " hrC'uP of Republicans sald they entlst at Argonne Natlonal Lab In Stockholm, a Swedl,h of tore~~n reporters couldn't go along w1th the oratory ln Ililnols, sald ln an flCldl, Goerdn Mandeus, lnfor 1~ralrlrl~ PremIer ~lexander mliltary cuts or new taxes Intervlew today, "It would be matlon chIef ot the SwedlsP Nu Lydsnko ~ad saId IhursQ~; t~~t "The Defense Department unreasonable to Imaglne a huge cledr In~peLtlon Board, saId crews stLll were trylng tn put can't llve wIth that budget," amount of (radloactlve) materI ~aleillte photos taker today out the reactor flre BIIX flew sald Rep Delbert L Latta, R al gettlng out -- as It appar showed no smoke lomlng from over the reactor T~ursddy dnd OhlO He proposed more cuts ln ently dld -- wlthout there be the damaged reactor sald on SO"let televlslon tni'lt domestlc programs to brlng lng a meltdown " The dlrector of tllp U }, -af ~moke was clmlng froIT It mliltary spendlng up to the In the flrst dlsclosure of f111ated agenLY, Hans BIIA, Bu[ I-osen saId today, "fhe Senate's level, but was de specIfIc radlatlon levels, Ros- saId at today's ncws Lo~rerenc~. flrE' lS out" feated by Democrats George Shultz Brings Assurances Of Support To Corazon Aquino THE By BARRY SCHWEID AP Dlplomatlc Wrlter terrorIst" when he arrlved at the gates of Malacanang Palace CHALLENGE MANILA, Phlllpplnes Sec- for the meetlng wlth Aqulno retary of State George P The protesters, who held Shultz met wlth Presldent Cor slgns saYIng "Marcos Mad Dog Anthony Hack azon AqUIno today to assure her Made In USA " and "Reagan ett releases hlS of U S support for her govern the Great TerrorIst," dIspers foot from the ment but rule out Increases ln ed peacefully soon after "rat trap" of hlS aId beyond $150 mllllon already Shultz left for a serles of pedal as he nears pledged meetlngs WIth other offlclals. the end of the Shultz made no comments to Includlng Vice Presldent Sal bl ke port lOn of reporters after hlS 40-mlnute vador Laurel and Defense Mln Sunday's Rustman/ meetlng WIth AqUIno at a guest lster Juan Ponce Enrlle Rusty Lady Hack house next to the presIdentIal EarlIer, pollce held bdck ett and 30 others palace However, he earller more than 200 Marcos loyalists met the challenge saId the Flllplno government who shouted "We want Marcos of the KwaJaleln should concentrate on rearrang back" as Shultz stopped to lay Runnlng Club's lng the economy rather than a wreath at the foot of a mon seventh annual askIng for more U S aSS1S ument to the PhlllpPlnes' na tnathlon See tance tlonal hero, Jose R1zal, on Page 5 The secretary of state also hIS way to Malacanang met wlth former supporters of Shultz met wlth former La deposed PresIdent Ferdlnand E bor Mlnlster BIas Ople and Marcos who saId they appreCIat seven other members of Marcos' ed U S lnterest ln Phlllpplne New SOCIety Movement after a stablilty, and that they men breakfast meetIng WIth Aqul (Photo by tloned Marcos "only In pass no's economIC mInIsters JIM PAQUIN, Ing " Ople broke wlth Marcos' Kentron Photo As when he arrlved Thursday, party after the February rev Lab) Shultz was greeted by about olutlon that ended the strong 200 leftlsts chantlng "Reagan man's 20-year rule e 0 LOCAL/WORLD NEWS PAGE 2, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1986 Mother, Son Enlist In Army; Working On Husband Worship Services For By TARA BRADLEY-STECK way for me to get a good career and help Kwaialein And Roi-Namur Assoclated Press Wrlter the fam1ly," she sa1d Thursday CATHOLIC PITTSBURGH -- A mother of three who de George Wayland, a product10n englneer Saturday Mass (Antlclpated) c1ded to be all that she could be by J01n- for a food company, was at work Thursday 5 15 pm, Island Memorlal Chapel 1ng her teen-age son 1n the Army says and could not be reached for comment Sunday Masses she'll help a recru1ter persuade her hus SmIth sa1d he dldn't pa1nt rosy plctures 7 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel band to J01n them too about Army hfe 9 15 am, Island Memor1al Chapel "I'm g01ng to get her whole fam1ly 1f I "The famIly gr1lled me for f1ve hours 5 pm, ROl-Namur Commun1ty Center have anyth1ng to do w1th 1t," Sgt Stanley about the Army, about everythlng," the re Monday-Frlday Masses Sm1th sa1d Thursday crulter sa1d "And we don't 11e to them 10 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel "Sergeant Sm1th and I dec1ded we were about war If It comes up, It Just comes Confesslons g01ng to talk h1m 1nto gOlng Into the ser up That's a poss1b1l1ty " Saturday, 4 30-5 pm, Blessed Sacrament V1ce so we could travel together," sa1d Mrs Wayland saId she Isn't afra1d of Chapel Also In the chaplaln's off1ce, call She1la Wayland, 34, of suburban W1lklns gOIng to war 82116 beforehand, and In Tr 835, call 84535 burg "You llve In fear every day," she sald beforehand If George Wayland, 31, slgns up, he and "There's so much that happens 1n our world hlS wlfe would be ass1gned to the same that 1S