European Parliament 2014-2019
European Parliament 2014-2019 Committee on International Trade INTA_PV(2015)1022_1 MINUTES Meeting of 22 October 2015, 09:00-12:30 BRUSSELS The meeting opened at 09:10 on Thursday, 22 October 2015, with Bernd Lange (Chair) presiding. 1. Adoption of agenda INTA_OJ (2015)1022_1 The draft agenda was adopted in the form shown in these minutes. 2. Chair's announcements 3. State of play of ongoing trilogue negotiations INTA/8/02083 Exchange of views 4. Annual Report 2014 on the Protection of the EU's Financial Interests - Fight against fraud INTA/8/03641 2015/2128(INI) Rapporteur Sander Loones (ECR) PA – PE567.824v01-00 for the opinion: Responsible: CONT – Benedek Jávor (Verts/ALE) Consideration of draft opinion Speakers: Sander Loones, Jarosław Wałęsa, Joachim Schuster, Marietje Schaake, Helmut Scholz, Eleonora Forenza, Bernd Lange, Tiziana Beghin, Edouard Ferrand, Ska Keller, Michael Mcalinden (European Commission). PV\1077376EN.doc PE571.479v01-00 EN United in diversity EN 5. Implementation and review of the EU-Central Asia Strategy INTA/8/04359 2015/2220(INI) Rapporteur David Borrelli (EFDD) for the opinion: Responsible: AFET – Tamás Meszerics (Verts/ALE) Exchange of views Speakers: David Borrelli, Maria Arena, Sander Loones, Marietje Schaake, Helmut Scholz, Ska Keller, Edouard Ferrand, Balazs Kiss (European Commission). 6. Transparency, accountability and integrity in the EU institutions INTA/8/04692 2015/2041(INI) Rapporteur Bernd Lange (S&D) for the opinion: Responsible: AFCO – Sven Giegold (Verts/ALE) Consideration of draft opinion Speakers: Bernd Lange, Marietje Schaake, Helmut Scholz, Ska Keller, David Borrelli, Edouard Ferrand, Jude Kirton-Darling, Sven Giegold, Jean-Charles Van Eeckhaute (European Commission).
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