N°74/March 2021 EPFMA BULLETIN Former Members Association www.formermembers.eu WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT COVID-19

Current Affairs FMA Activities

“A new chapter in transatlantic Together for the relations” by Josep Future of Europe Borrell Fontelles Page 05 Page 30 2 FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021


03 Message from the President FOCUS 31 Former members network 04 EP at work 12 Europe’s Recovery Plan 32 EP to Campus Programme (Elisa Ferreira) 35 Book Review CURRENT AFFAIRS 14 Economic Consequences through COVID 19 05 A new chapter in and the Recovery Plan transatlantic relations (Ivailo Kalfin) LATEST NEWS (Josep Borrell Fontelles) 16 Drug landscape for 37 Activities 06 U.S. election result: a glimmer severe COVID-19 disease 39 In memoriam of hope ... (Zita Gurmai) (Prof. Flavia Franconi) 07 There is no strength without 18 Psychological explanations (Brian Crowley) and consequences (Nadja Hirsch) 08 How Brexit happened (Edward McMillan-Scott) 20 Nutrition and COVID-19 (Dr Carlos Enrique Rodríguez 09 AI could be what we want it Jiménez) Safer Internet Day (9 February to be (Zofija Mazej Kukovič) 22 Overview of the Pandemic 2021) was a call to action to contribute to a safer and (Prof. Isabella De Martini) 10 Europe 2020, a better internet, especially renewed momentum Quarantine on Syros Island for its youngest users, to be (Michel-Ange Scarbonchi) 24  (Anna Karamanou) prepared to handle digital technologies responsibly, FMA ACTIVITIES respectfully, critically and creatively. 26 Together for the Future of Europe


The Editorial Board would like to thank all those members who took the time to contribute to this issue of the FMA Bulletin. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the decision to include an article lies with the FMA Editorial Board and, in principle, contributions from members who are not up-to-date with the payment of the membership fee will not be included. Due to the long time lag between the call for contribution and the publication, some articles may be outdated. The FMA Bulletin is published by the European Parliament Former Members Association (FMA) with the assistance of the Europe- an Parliament. However, the views expressed in articles represent the views of contributing FMA members or guest writers and do not necessarily represent the views of either the European Parliament nor the FMA. Similarly, any advertisement does not imply an official endorsement by the FMA or Parliament.

EDITORIAL BOARD PREPARED BY CONTACTS Brigitte LANGENHAGEN Elisabetta FONCK [email protected] Jean-Pierre AUDY Lisseth BRAVO Tel.+ 32(0)2 284 07 03 Monica BALDI Valeh NASIRI Fax.+32(0)2 284 09 89 Edward McMILLAN-SCOTT Valerie RASKIN Teresa RIERA MADURELL to remember the hard work we the event organised in December Message from have all put in over previous years 2020 informing citizens about digital and that we celebrate the FMA’s transformation. Members who were the President accomplishments. In June, we will not able to attend the round table publish a special edition of the FMA can watch the full video on the Dear Members, Bulletin, in which we will retrace our FMA website. achievements of the last 20 years Although 2021 will be a year of This year, we are delighted and and look to the future. Meanwhile, celebration, we cannot forget that honoured to be celebrating the I am pleased to present the logo the COVID-19 pandemic is still taking 20th anniversary of our association, for the FMA’s 20th anniversary on over our lives. This edition of the established many years ago by this page, which will accompany FMA Bulletin is fully dedicated to Former President of the European us throughout this year. We are the challenges we have faced in the Parliament and FMA Honorary counting on your active participation past year and what we should know President, Lord Henry Plumb. He laid in all our various events. about COVID-19. Specialists will talk the foundations for what has now At the end of last year, we launched about the psychological, economic grown into a successful organisation an initiative to foster debate on the and general impacts of COVID-19 on with almost 800 members, who challenges the EU is facing, the work our lives and on the functioning of proclaim the European values of a reflection group composed of the EU institutions. of democracy and unity beyond experienced and prestigious former We have all experienced a sense their mandates. MEPs with the academic support of powerlessness, but that did Over the last 20 years, we have of Professor Steven Van Hecke (KU not prevent us from continuing to worked on these values by Leuven University). proclaim and defend our values. The promoting political dialogue, This reflection will be fuelled by our organisation of our EP to Campus democracy building and active ‘Together for the Future of Europe’ programme online allowed us to citizenship through education. We series of events, organised together get in contact with universities in could not have achieved all that we with the main European political other continents. In this issue, four have in recent years without your foundations and the European former Members talk about their commitment and dedication to our University Institute (EUI). The event virtual EP to Campus experience. association. After a turbulent year series was launched last year and Among other things, this initiative due to COVID-19, we must not will continue in 2021. In this Bulletin, has proven that we as former forget to stay positive. Therefore, you can read four articles written Members of the European Parliament I suggest that we take the time by the experts who participated in can be innovative and creative and are motivated to get through this difficult period in the best possible way. We are proud of our progress and look forward to celebrate the 20th anniversary of our association with you soon.

Hans-Gert Pöttering FMA President 4 FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021



MEPs paved the way for an effective EU “Minority SafePack”: Parliament supports health programme. (November session - P9_TA proposals for diversity across EU. (December (2020)0304). session - P9_TA(2020)0370) To close gaps exposed by COVID-19 and ensure that MEPs called on the Commission to act on the health systems can face future threats to public health, European Citizens’ Initiative proposals that aim to an ambitious EU health programme is needed. . enhance cultural and linguistic diversity in the EU. Steps to improved EU democracy ahead of 2024 Guidelines for military and non-military use of elections. (November session - P9_TA(2020)0327) Artificial Intelligence. (January session - P9_TA- MEPs adopted a resolution that draws conclusions to PROV(2021)0009) enhance democracy and enable full participation in MEPS called for an EU legal framework on AI with the European political space, based on lessons from definitions and ethical principles, including its military the 2019 European elections. use. Parliament approved the “Rule of law MEPs: Minimum wage is a remedy for inequality conditionality” for access to EU funds. (December and in-work poverty. (February session - P9_TA- session - P9_TA(2020)0356) PROV(2021)0044) Under the new regulation, EU budget payments To fight inequality and in-work poverty, MEPs called can be withheld from countries in which established for a minimum wage, equal labour conditions for breaches of the rule of law compromise management platform workers and a better work-life balance. of the EU funds.

Other main dossiers discussed in the plenary sessions were: November 2020 women’s sexual and reproductive and security policy (20.01.21) • Parliament warns against “risk of rights in Poland and stress the • MEPs called on the Commission abuse of power” in the context EU’s legal obligation to uphold to propose a law that enables of national measures to tackle the and protect them. (26.11.20) those who work digitally to COVID-19 pandemic. (13.11.20) December 2020 disconnect outside their • Parliament wants to boost • Parliament approved the working hours. (21.01.21) sustainability by promoting agreement with member states on • MEPs called on the EU to recognise reuse and repairs and by the new drinking water directive access to decent and affordable tackling practices that shorten the that will give better access to housing as an enforceable human right and to push for measures to lifespan of products. (25.11.20) high quality tap water. (15.12.20) eradicate homelessness. (21.01.21) • Parliament points to “attempts • MEPs approved provisions by governments of some member for a smooth transition from February 2021 states to silence critical and the current EU farm policy • MEPs called on the Commission independent media and to the future one. (16.12.20) and member states to increase their undermine media freedom efforts to prevent the pandemic January 2021 and pluralism”. (25.11.20) from having lasting negative • Foreign and security policy: • Parliament adopted its effects on young people and MEPs called for unity and strategic 2018-2019 report on the the sports sector. (10.02.21) autonomy. The COVID-19 pandemic state of fundamental rights is a wake-up call for Europe, in the EU, identifying multiple For more information, please visit : which needs a stronger, more http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/ areas of concern. (26.11.20) united and more assertive foreign news-room/plenary • MEPs condemned the setback to FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021 5



The inauguration of Joe Biden opens world needs American and European and developing a proper dialogue a welcome new chapter in EU-US leadership in this battle and I am to discuss the full range of issues relations. We agree with President very happy that President Biden has related to China. Biden that there is much to rebuild, already signed an executive order Many US administrations have both at home and abroad. As EU we to reverse the decision to leave the insisted that Europeans take better want to revive the EU-US partnership, World Health Organization. care of their own security and act which is so important at a time of as a security provider. So it matters tumultuous global change. “After four turbulent that we are already actively working As I have stated in my address to to strengthen EU defence policies, the European Parliament a few days years, Europe wants its capacities and operations. Our after the election of Joe Biden, this closest partner back at flagship defence initiatives already is a moment of opportunity that the world’s table.” include the Permanent Structured we cannot afford to miss. President Cooperation (PESCO), the European Biden has clearly indicated that he In the same way, the decision of Defence Fund (EDF) and military wants to work closely with the EU, President Biden to re-join the mobility. Indeed, a strong and as part of a wider return to working climate agreement is fundamental. capable Europe is not a rival to with allies and multilateralism. All Working together on the climate the trans-Atlantic alliance but a EU institutions have a key role to crisis is at the forefront of our precondition for it. play in this new phase, including the agenda: Together with my colleague Finally, the area of technology is fully Parliament though the Transatlantic Executive Vice-President Frans part of our modern foreign policy Legislators’ Dialogue. Timmermans and EU Foreign agenda. We want to cooperate The reason is simple: after four Ministers, we spoke with the new US on devising clear rules and their turbulent years, Europe wants its Climate Envoy John Kerry about how enforcement on the responsibility of closest partner back at the world’s we can cooperate again in the fight online platforms and Big Tech, ensure table. In my conversation with the against climate change. fair taxation and tackle market new Secretary of State Tony Blinken, We have proposed a transatlantic distortions, and develop a common we agreed that the EU and US must ‘green agenda’, to mobilise more normative approach to the future pull in the same direction to solve ambitious global climate action, development of key technologies. Let pressing global problems. He has starting with a joint commitment to us in the ‘tech democracies’ provide joined EU Foreign Ministers on 22 net-zero emissions by 2050. For this, a response to these challenges before February for an in-depth discussion we must forge a green technology it is too late. on how we advance our partnership alliance; phase out fossil fuels; avoid In sum, the list of issues to work on and define common priorities for carbon leakage; develop a global is long. And sometimes differences action. As EU we are ready. Together regulatory framework for sustainable in views between us will persist. with the European Commission, I put finance and help poorer countries to That is normal. But with the Biden forward a comprehensive “EU-US adapt to climate change. We have administration, the tone and basic agenda for global change”. It spans much to do together and we have posture is clearly changing. In four broad areas: green leadership, no time to waste. diplomacy, that matters a lot. C’est le the COVID-19 response and global The US also plays an essential role ton qui fait la musique, as they say in health, trade and technology, plus in the maintenance of peace and French. Let’s get to work. global action and security. security, including on our continent In the coming weeks and months, and at our borders, from the Josep Borrell Fontelles the focus will remain on tackling the Western Balkans, to the Eastern High Representative for Foreign pandemic, rolling out vaccines and Mediterranean to and Affairs and Security Policy/ ensuring a solid green economic beyond. Our key priorities also Vice-President of the European recovery. What is clear is that the include reviving the Iran nuclear deal Commission 6 FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021

U.S. ELECTION RESULT: A GLIMMER OF HOPE ...... but there’s still a long way very difficult. Similar authoritarian and Harris’ campaign promises may to go. tendencies exist in Europe, where hopefully be realised. Moreover, some male leaders do everything to Biden’s cabinet will be one of the At the time of writing, the United stay in power while undermining most diverse in US history and States is preparing to swear Joe fundamental rights. Harris will be the first female vice- Biden and Kamala Harris into office. president of colour – a victory for As contentious as the 2020 US “The defeat of Donald representative democracy. elections were, there is a glimmer Yet, the road to a more equal U.S. of light at the end of a four-year Trump hopefully is not without its challenges; on the long tunnel of chaos and darkness. signals a shift in the Supreme Court, Trump replaced For Europe, the defeat of Donald US’s international feminist icon Ruth Bader Ginsburg Trump hopefully signals a shift in with conservative Amy Coney Barrett the U.S.’s international approach, approach, making it a right before the elections, and he making it a stronger ally in fighting stronger ally in fighting managed to appoint over 200 COVID-19, climate change, inequality COVID-19, climate conservative judges across the federal and corruption – issues we must change, inequality judiciary. Furthermore, as shown by tackle together globally. However, the alt-right attacks on the Capitol, as the attack on the Capitol in and corruption.” bigotry and hate still permeate the January showed, it is too early for US political discourse. The deep progressives to let down our guard Progressives have not been silent. wounds of Trump’s presidency will against far-right movements. Biden and Harris’ victory (thanks not heal overnight. Recent years have seen a to women voters) follows years of Europe is trusting Biden and Harris conservative backlash against progressive outcry, from the women’s to set the US back on a course women, LGBTIQ persons and marches against Trump’s misogyny to of democratic leadership and minorities in the US. From curtailing the Black Lives Matter protests. For transatlantic partnership. Progressives access to abortion and threatening feminists and LGBTIQ activists, Biden are counting on them to start closing Roe v. Wade, to removing protections and Harris have an encouraging the gaps around gender, racial and for trans people and committing record when it comes to standing up economic inequality. Europe must acts of violence and discrimination for equality, affordable healthcare, offer its support, but also hold the against people of colour, American same-sex marriage, reproductive new administration accountable. The right-wing forces, with Trump as health, gender equality and minority women’s movement will definitely do their figurehead, have made life rights. Biden’s agenda for gender so. The new presidential term brings for anyone who does not belong equality focuses on economic energy, but the fight is not won as to a white, male, heterosexual elite security, health care, work-life long as hate, patriarchy and racism balance, combatting violence persist in America, Europe or the rest against women, and protecting and of the world. empowering women globally. Harris, one of Trump’s most vocal critics, has made expanding healthcare and defending sexual and reproductive rights a priority. Such policies are sorely needed, as women in America have borne the brunt of job losses, unpaid care and Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. President-elect frontline work during the pandemic. Zita Gurmai of the United States. © With a tied Senate working in the S&D, Hungary (2003-2014) 2020 - Source : EP Democrats’ favour, some of Biden [email protected] FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021 7


“N� neart go cur le chéile” Ireland both North and South and rather than the real benefits of the There is no strength the hope that that we will never to student exchanges. without unity return to the dark days of the past. The sacrificial lamb of this new trade It is people not borders who are deal was unfortunately once again Once the news of a last minute needed to create peace. The new our fishing and coastal communities. trade deal emerged on Christmas status now granted to Northern The UK is so very dependent on eve an audible sigh of relief could Ireland, might pave the way for the selling its fish to the EU that it is be heard across the EU and in potential benefits of a united Ireland unfortunate that we were not able London that the cliff edge of no-deal in the near future. to secure those extra percentages had been avoided. Not quite an of quota which would make more early Christmas present perhaps, “The shock of the for a more viable ‘landing’ for those communities. The EU now needs but it must be remembered that BREXIT referendum 4 although there are no winners, the to put a package together to help deal does ensure less of a loss than ½ years ago, was and innovate and add value to the no deal. An unfortunate situation still is, a wake-up call to future catch. which has been called a ‘lose-lose’ the EU. We need to reach The shock of the BREXIT referendum by - the glue which 4 ½ years ago, was and still is, a held the unity of the EU together. out and communicate wake-up call to the EU. We need to He, along with his team, should be better with people across reach out and communicate better congratulated for his composure and the regions and cities of with people across the regions and cities of Europe. We need to be skill in crafting this trade deal. Were it Europe.” not for his depth of knowledge and more reflective of their needs and patience, we would not be here now. faster responding to them. Individual I very much welcome the decision A real demonstration of “there is no institutions promoting their own of the Irish Government to allow strength without unity” - “Nί neart work, what I would call ‘navel students in Northern Ireland to have go cur le chéile”. gazing’, instead of all EU institutions continued access to ERASMUS - an As an Irish person who for working together has not worked amazing programme which has really many years supported the Peace and will not in the future. benefited students across the EU. In programme from within the The process of negotiating the my humble opinion this withdrawal European Parliament, I can say the withdrawal of the UK demonstrated of the UK government is something ‘withdrawal agreement’ was crucial clearly the huge loss to the EU of a they will regret in the future as it for peace as well as economic and valued partner but moreso the tragic may have been based on false facts social development on the Island of loss of past benefits of membership to the UK. My hope is that the young generations, in which we have great hope, from the UK and EU will forge a new greater and deeper vision of our future together similar to what Schuman and Monnet achieved in the very beginning of the European Dream.

Brian Crowley Ireland, UEN, EDA, UFE, ALDE, EP Plenary session - Withdrawal Agreement of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and ECR (1994-2019) Northern Ireland from the European Union © European Union 2020 - Source : EP [email protected] 8 FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021


Brexit happened because of a constituencies. Nearly 52 per cent of the “People’s Vote” campaign for parliamentary stalemate, unfortunate voters supported parties in favour of a second referendum. This united judgments by pro-European UK a second referendum compared with several pro-EU campaign groups political parties and the lack of a 47 per cent who supported Brexit- in one HQ with a mostly young, proportional electoral system for backing parties. enthusiastic staff. But as Campbell Westminster elections. At the end Farage had said the month before said “at the start, you could fit the of 2019 it was a choice between a the June 2016 EU referendum that Members of Parliament openly parliamentary election or a second a 52-48 per cent result would be backing People’s Vote in the back of EU referendum – a People’s Vote, for “unfinished business” – but he a cab.” which I campaigned for two years. accepted the result nevertheless. The proposal for a second On the verge of achieving a However public opinion since referendum was first put to the parliamentary majority for a second the referendum has been tested House of Commons in March 2019 referendum, the internationalist weekly in pollster YouGov’s Brexit with a motion to extend the Article Liberal Democrats – who had been Tracker and has consistently shown 50 deadline – the process ending the told by pollsters that they could win a “wrong” of double digits to the UK’s EU membership - where it was nearly 200 seats from their base of question “In hindsight, do you think rejected by 334-85, with the Labour 11 Members of Parliament (MPs) Britain was right or wrong to vote to Party (and all but 43 of its MPs) – and the nationalist but pro-EU leave the European Union?.” abstaining. Scottish National Party who also Noting this, a pro-EU forum of However by October 2019, after expected to win seats (they gained over 100 academics, journalists, stunningly large People’s Vote rallies 13 MPs to a total of 48) conceded parliamentarians and campaign across the country – the last with the holding of a General Election. organisations which I have over a million people marching This decision led to Boris Johnson’s coordinated since 2017 decided peacefully on London’s Parliament Conservative Party winning an in early 2018 to create a media Square - and a skilful lobbying 80-seat majority in the 650-member hub to campaign for a second EU campaign to change Labour’s policy, House of Commons, claiming to referendum. Alastair Campbell, a second referendum was only short “Get Brexit Done” through the former media adviser to Tony of 14 votes. distorting UK “first past the post” Blair as prime minister, became The same weekend that the 10 single-member constituency electoral honorary editor-in-chief. He later Ulster Unionist MPs – who vigorously system. A key factor was former said that the first £1 million (about opposed Johnson’s Brexit agreement MEP Nigel Farage’s decision to €1.1 million) which I raised from to keep Northern Ireland tied to the withdraw his Brexit Party candidates Superdry clothing millionaire Julian EU’s Single Market - and a handful of in favour of the Conservatives in 317 Dunkerton effectively launched pro-EU Conservatives who by then were ready to back a People’s Vote to end the stalemate, the decision to concede a general election was announced and the People’s Vote campaign collapsed.

Edward McMillan-Scott Member of FMA Management Committee United Kingdom, ECR, ALDE, EPP Edward McMillan-Scott during the People’s Vote rally in October 2019. Over a million (1984-2014) people attended to Parliament Square, London [email protected] FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021 9


We live in a time when even the implementation of ethical rules in the the symptoms of the disease, and European Parliament, the home of healthcare sector. given hospitals the ability to share the democracy, has literally had to close best ways of treating the virus. its doors, and open up the possibility “As digital technology Coronavirus response measures have for MEPs and staff to work remotely. accelerated the transition to telework As European citizens we would like becomes central to and distance learning by using AI. digital data as the source of Artificial every aspect of people’s The majority of jobs in the future will Intelligence (AI) to benefit all of lives, they should be require at least moderate computer us, in our workplace and at home. skills, which is why the education During the epidemic and lockdown, able to trust it. We need system needs to be geared to our lives have continued through to reinvent our mind-set these needs. digital communication channels. This within this digital reality, There are also some dark sides COVID-19 virus has changed our and to find the positive to AI. Scientists do not have the habits and the way we socialise. goal of developing AI for it to be Digital Europe is one of the EU’s five effects of AI in our daily misused. They do not want to create priorities for the next five years. As lives.” platforms for fake news. Fake news digital technology becomes central leads to false ideas, and therefore to every aspect of people’s lives, they The response to the recent health misleads citizens and undermines our should be able to trust it. We need crisis has in many ways been democracies. to reinvent our mind-set within this mediated by data and information Privacy and data protection are at digital reality, and to find the positive used by AI algorithms to better risk of cyberattacks, which misuse effects of AI in our daily lives. understand the virus, including personal data. As citizens and The European Commission has tracking its spread. consumers we are afraid of being released its white paper entitled Sharing health data between under somebody else’s control. ‘Artificial Intelligence: a European countries will be essential in the That’s why we need to discuss these approach to excellence and trust’. ongoing fight against COVID-19. matters, to learn, and to build trust Parliament has discussed the ethical Data sharing has allowed scientists between all of us. Not every aspect aspects of AI regulation, and voted to exchange genetic sequences from of our lives can be regulated. But it on 200 amendments on it. the virus to track how it has spread, is possible to develop a sensitive and It is important to ensure rigorous enabled doctors to learn how to spot more ethical society. We were able to predict the future, but it is actually very difficult to predict what kind of consequences AI will have on our lives. With knowledge, awareness and trust among citizens, with politicians with high ethical standards, artificial intelligence could be what we want it to be.

Zofija Mazej Kukovič Member of FMA Management Committee Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of Europe fit for the Digital Age during a meeting of the Special Committee on Artificial EPP-ED, Slovenia (2011-2014) Intelligence in a Digital Age (AIDA) © European Union 2020 - Source : EP [email protected] 10 FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021


How was the European Union’s all its ailments and continued in a of the ‘Erdogan threat’ in the situation in the wake of its managed decline and disappearance Mediterranean. enlargement in 2004? An economic from the world stage. The lengthy, hard-fought Brexit market without political power; an But, under the leadership of the negotiations which ended on original model, constantly being ‘2Ms’ – Merkel and Macron, Christmas Eve were testament to deconstructed by deregulation political will was finally expressed the determination and unity of the imposed by a European Commission and brought to bear against Member States. in thrall to Anglo-Saxon influences; this weakening and to kick-start In the fight against Islamist terrorism endless disagreements between Europe’s recovery. in the Sahel, the establishment member countries... Is it also true that throughout its and rising strength of ‘task force A Europe of contradictory and history the EU has only advanced Takuba’, made up of special forces nationalised migration policies; in times of crisis, and while crises from the Member States, is already a Europe that combined deficits, sometimes make it vulnerable, they looking like the precursor of a future unemployment, social imbalances have always made it grow. European army.... and lags in innovation; In a few short months, Europe has Europe has thus been equal to the A ‘defenceless’ Europe of Defence, made a significant leap forward. So challenges of a string of deadly crises which is both faceless and without much so that we could speak of a that threatened to overcome it. identity; ‘European revolution’! In order to finally punish the A Europe that had never The health crisis that has hit all the lawless GAFAM for their disgraceful ‘Europeanised’ but which was, alas, Union’s countries and the entire behaviour, on 15 December 2020 the increasingly ‘Americanised’. world has amplified the feeling of EU published two draft regulations And 2020 is the evidence that the European citizenship, activating to bring these digital giants to European Union has changed. For solidarity mechanisms between its heel, thus drafting a ‘European the better! members to the point of shattering Digital Constitution’. the orthodoxy of budgetary Admittedly, the hardest part is to yet “In a few short months, parsimony that used to govern to come since, from 2021 the EU’s the EU. people will start to feel the economic, Europe has made a This change of direction has given social and financial consequences significant leap forward. rise to a EUR 750-billion economic, of COVID-19. So much so that we could financial and social recovery plan to But the months of adversity we have support Member States in mitigating just lived through have been marked speak of a ‘European the pandemic and its consequences; by such far-sighted EU decisions that revolution’!” the largest since the Marshall Plan our belief in our European destiny in 1945. can only be strengthened. Admittedly, a number of events have Although health policy falls outside taken place over the last four years its remit, the Union has decided to to give rise to this new European set up a dedicated Health Agency impetus: Donald Trump’s presidency, and to purchase millions of doses heralding the USA’s global and of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines European political and military in order to launch a campaign to withdrawal, the ascendency of China vaccinate all European citizens and Russia, Brexit, the terrorist threat, in all countries on the same day, the COVID-19 pandemic, not to 27 December. Michel-Ange Scarbonchi mention the expansionism of Recep In the conflict between Turkey and , ERA, PES, GUE/NGL (1997- Erdogan. Greece, the EU showed its solidarity 1999 & 2001-2004) The EU could have succumbed to and finally woke up to the reality [email protected] FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021 11



©iStock 12 FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021


The current landscape The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic has changed the economic outlook in the European Union and globally, for the years to come. Investments and reforms are needed more than ever to ensure convergence and a sustainable economic recovery. Carrying out reforms and investing in the EU’s common priorities, notably green, digital, social and geographical resilience will help create jobs Elisa Ferreira during the EP Plenary session on additional resources in the context of the and sustainable growth, while COVID-19 pandemic: REACT-EU © European Union 2020 - Source : EP modernizing our economies. Such reform and investment effort will Cohesion policy in action challenges persist1. allow the Union to recover in a In spring 2020, the Coronavirus On top of this first-response and to balanced, forward-looking and Response Investment Initiatives (CRII follow up on the emergency support sustained manner. The crisis and and CRII+) allowed for a prompt under cohesion funds, REACT-EU, different national response measures emergency response to the crisis. It with a budget of €47.5 billion, adds risk increasing regional disparities. introduced extraordinary flexibility substantial resources to the 2014- Therefore, national recovery plans that facilitated redirecting cohesion 2020 cohesion funding. It is financed need to involve regional and resources to the most urgent needs by the newly agreed local stakeholders and the reflect in each Member State: healthcare, ‘Next Generation EU’, the €750 territorial dimension. workers and small businesses. billion European Recovery Instrument, In total, some €20 billion of cohesion enabling the EU to raise additional “The Coronavirus policy funding has been re-allocated financing on the capital markets to Response Investment so far to counter the crisis. As ensure the rebound in the first years economic activities were seriously following the pandemic. Initiatives (CRII and affected by the restrictions, the REACT-EU will continue the CRII+) allowed for a majority of the support (over €11 successful measures under CRII, while prompt emergency billion) has been dedicated to helping bridging the gap to long-term SMEs stay afloat and cover their cohesion investments with crisis response to the crisis. It bills in a context of dwindling, and repair efforts: strengthening the introduced extraordinary often completely cut off, revenues. In resilience of healthcare systems, flexibility that facilitated Italy alone, business support stands preserving and creating employment, at almost €3 billion, followed by especially for young people, redirecting cohesion Greece with €1.3 billion. Support to supporting the poorest of our society, resources to the the health sector reached around €7 most urgent needs in billion, including for the purchase 1. Updates and detailed information each Member State: of ventilators, masks, testing and per Member State and type of support direct support for people, including are available at the ESIF open data healthcare, workers and workers and vulnerable groups of platform in a dedicated CRII dashboard: small businesses.” over €3.2 billion. New measures keep https://cohesiondata.ec.europa.eu/ being adopted as the pandemic stories/s/CORONAVIRUS-DASHBOARD- COHESION-POLICY-RESPONSE/4e2z- pw8r/ FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021 13

and providing working capital and investment support for SMEs.

“The Commission, REINFORCING EUEU SOCIAL CORONAVIRUS FUNDS through a dedicated TORESPONSE HELP RECOVER FROM THE CRISIS Technical Support #EUSolidarity #StrongerTogether Instrument, can support Member States in designing and © European Union 2020 - Source : EC implementing growth “Making Europe more resilient, sustainable and inclusive in the future means prepared for the future.investing The in support its people now, Instrument, and especially thecan younger support generations. Member Our enhancing reforms, will take the form ofpriority up to is to€672.5 quickly overcome States the social in and designing economic shock and caused implementing by the including building the billion in grants andcoronavirus loans. Member crisis and to ensuregrowth that no one enhancing is left behind.” reforms, including States are working on their Recovery building the necessaryCommissioner administrative Nicolas Schmit necessary administrative and Resilience Plans (RRPs) to capacity to do so. It can also support capacity to do so.” access Theboth coronavirus grants pandemic and will loans have a under negative impact onMember the labour market, States in particular in preparing regarding youth and the RRF.unemployment. They need We must to repairreflect and prepare and for the nextimplementing generation, building a themore sustainable,RRPs. resilient and fair Europe. Those most deprived will be disproportionately affected, especially when it comes to REACT-EU will complement the outlineaccess a substantive to basic material reform needs. Higher and levels of child povertyThe isway also a aheadgrowing risk. future-proof foundations for the investmentThe Commission effort, has which put forward will changes improve to the EU’s socialThere funding is programmes light at to the tackle end these ofchallenges, the and to ensure that the recovery will be socially fair. EU social funds will also play a major role in the twin digital and green transitions and the Membergreen and digitalStates’ transitions. situation The European in the Pillar of Socialtunnel, Rights remains as vaccination our compass in thisbreakthroughs endeavour. a sustainable socio-economic following areas: will allow a gradual protection of development, supported by the new • Green transition Europeans in the coming months. EU long-term budget of more than • Digital Whattransformation is changing underMember the existingStates will continue €1 trillion, and a €350 billion strong • Smart,1 Europeansustainable and Social inclusive Fund making(ESF)? best use of CRII, REACT-EU, cohesion investment within it. Over growth, includingKeeping economicpeople in work: To finance investmentsRecovery in people, andMember Resilience States can use partFacility of the €55and billion in fresh funding available under the new REACT-EU initiative. The ESF is being made more flexible the next seven years, the regional cohesion, jobs,thanks productivity, to the Coronavirus Response InvestmentTechnical Initiative. The Support additional ESF Instrument, resources will be usedso development funds will help regions to support job maintenance, including through short-time work schemes and support for the self- competitiveness,employed. research, The funds can be used to support jobthat creation, we to emergesupport youth stronger employment measures,from the to notably reach the green and digital developmentfund and education innovation, and training and and skills a development, coronavirus and to enhance pandemic access to social services,and move including objectives in line with European well-functioningfor children. single market with with confidence towards tackling priorities for climate neutrality and strong SMEs the climate crisis. So that when it competitiveness, while making sure • Social and territorial cohesion comes to telling the story of the EU no one is left behind, with the Just • Health, and economic, social and during the coronavirus pandemic, it Transition Fund targeting specifically institutional resilience, including with will be a story of solidarity, reforms fossil-fuel dependent regions. a view of increasing crisis reaction and cohesion, of a moment that Reforms at the heart of recovery and crisis preparedness facilitated a concerted European In close complementarity with • Policies for the next generation, effort towards a more prosperous, the above-described actions, the children and youth, including digitalized and greener Europe. European Commission stresses the education and skills role of reforms for the European In this effort, it is crucial to recovery through the centrepiece of ensure that Member States have ‘Next Generation EU’; the Recovery the necessary institutional and and Resilience Facility. administrative capacity to design The RRF consists of large-scale and implement such reforms and financial support to both investments, which are essential to investments and reforms, notably foster resilience and underpin the supporting the green and digital national, regional and local recovery. Elisa Ferreira transition, which make EU countries’ The Commission, through a European Commissioner for economies more resilient and better dedicated Technical Support Cohesion and Reforms. 14 FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021


The COVID 19 pandemic created a new type of economic crisis. Economists estimate that its magnitude is unseen in Europe over the entire post-war period. First, the crisis was unexpected – as long as nobody considered a pandemic an immediate threat. Second, the crisis hit simultaneously all member states. Hence, it produced a symmetrical shock to the EU economy. However, the effects on the national economies were divergent. Third, the pandemic Closed shops in Brussels during the second lockdown period imposed by the authorities to paralyzed entire economic sectors like stop the spread of COVID-19 virus. © European Union 2020 transport, tourism and entertainment but boosted others like digital the personal life as well as public will develop further. Nevertheless, services and home deliveries. Fourth, systems like education, health care, we know much more than in March- the uncertainty with the medical administrative services, etc. That April 2020, when the EU leaders solution of the pandemic was implicitly means that overcoming the and institutions had to react. After transferred into economic uncertainty crisis we should not seek to return to accumulating several months of about the length and the impact the known but rather to make a leap experience, we can now say that the of the economic crisis. Fifth, the ahead and prepare the society for the EU reaction to the looming economic COVID-19 provoked crisis acts as next level of its evolution. and social crisis was timely, massive a powerful change agent and the The extraordinary reasons for the and well targeted. recovery should not be associated crisis required innovative solutions. with a return to the pre-crisis Measures had to be fast, impactful, “The increased use of situation. The increased use of common for the EU and forward digital tools will change considerably looking. We still do not know how digital tools will change and for good the nature of work, the pandemic and its consequences considerably and for good the nature of work, the personal life as well as public systems like education, health care, administrative services, etc.”

From the outset of the COVID-19 crisis it was clear that governments had to mobilize enormous financial resources to preserve essential production and supply chains and to restrict a sharp increase of unemployment and poverty. Time was of essence. The answer had to © European Union be European. The alternative would FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021 15


be to use the known tools, to place months from the crisis amounted to that the repayment of the debt the effort mainly at national level 2 trillion euro. The relaxation of the should be financed by introducing and as a consequence – to end up fiscal policies was the fastest way to new own resources. These decisions with destroyed national economies, enable member states to mobilize will have a lasting effect on the EU sweeping unemployment and huge resources for mitigating the first integration. poverty. The Eurozone would fall immediate effects of the crisis. These apart and the very existence of the funds were mostly used to save jobs “The consistent policy of EU would be challenged. Facing and to preserve some critical levels these risks, the action at EU level had of income. The consistent policy European Central Bank a clear added value, compared to of European Central Bank and the and the creation of new possible national alternatives. creation of new instruments like the instruments like the European instrument for temporary European instrument “We can now say that Support to mitigate Unemployment Risks in an Emergency (SURE), for temporary Support to the EU reaction to the allowed the member states to mitigate Unemployment looming economic successfully mitigate the risks of the Risks in an Emergency increasing interest rate spreads. and social crisis was (SURE), allowed the timely, massive and well At the end of 2020 the EU successfully agreed on the next MFF, member states to targeted.” coupled with a massive recovery plan, successfully mitigate the both amounting jointly to 1.84 trillion The EU reaction to the looming euro. There are three milestones to risks of the increasing economic crisis started already in note in this decision. First, the EU interest rate spreads.” March with practically lifting all puts at the disposal of the member restrictions for government aid states a historically unseen amount of In conclusion, another important and public spending, as well as money. Second, a substantial part of fact to note – the unprecedented mobilizing all unspent money from these funds comes from debt issued EU financing will come with strings the Multiannual Financial Framework by the Commission and ensuring attached – member states will (MFF) expiring at the end of 2020. the best possible market conditions. not have to merely restore and The government aid for the first two Third, the member states accepted consolidate their economies. They will have to make the leap forward and deliver in achieving the ambitious goals of the Green Deal and the digital transformation. We have to acknowledge that under the pressure of an unprecedented crisis, the EU succeeded to deliver for its citizens.

Ivailo Kalfin Press conference by David Sassoli, EP President - EU long term budget - MFF © European S&D, Bulgaria (2009-2014) Union 2020 - Source : EP [email protected] 16 FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021


The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has raised serious global public health concerns. It constitutes a societal and economic emergency across Europe and worldwide, and has resulted in the collapsing of health systems and triggered lasting geopolitical and economic changes, with billions of people being placed under strict lockdown measures. To date, social distancing is the only truly effective solution for stopping the spread of the virus as we wait for vaccination Prof. Flavia Franconi and Monica Baldi, FMA Board Member programmes to take effect. The vast majority of people with are at risk of developing severe the most pressing medical challenges COVID-19 are able to recover at COVID-19. These drugs may cut is to minimise the alterations induced home by getting enough rest, staying down on the risk of hospitalisation by CRS without reducing the well hydrated and taking medication and emergency room visits by effectiveness of therapy. In particular, such as acetaminophen (also known attacking the virus’s spike protein antiviral immune responses (which as paracetamol) to reduce fever and and reducing its ability to attack and involve inflammatory mediators aches and pains. In some countries, enter human cells. implicated in CRS) are important the use of bamlanivimab and a One symptom of severe cases for the eradication of SARS-CoV-2. combination of casirivimab and of COVID-19 is an abnormal Consequently, CRS treatment may imdevimab has obtained emergency systemic inflammation, or not be effective in certain patient use authorisation for people who hyper-inflammation, also called subsets if the timing of treatment have not been hospitalised but who ‘cytokine storm’ (CRS). In fact, one of and the context of the disease are not taken into consideration. Notably, older men experience both a higher severity of COVID-19 and a higher mortality rate than women.

“To date, social distancing is the only truly effective solution for stopping the spread of the virus as we wait for vaccination programmes to take effect.”

Inflammatory and infectious diseases Coronavirus - Vaccinations of healthcare professionals © European Union 2021 - Source : EP largely alter pharmacokinetics, FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021 17

changing the absorption, distribution, this process in humans. for men (see for example drugs for metabolism and excretion of Unfortunately, no specific drugs are autoimmune diseases). Notably, medications. available to fight this pandemic, inflammation is more serious in despite desperate development male patients compared to female “Notably, inflammation efforts. A different form of drug patients, and, as mentioned above, discovery has therefore been put into COVID-19 severity and lethality is more serious in male practice: existing medications have is greater among older men than patients compared to been repurposed or repositioned in older women. female patients, and, an effort to shorten research times It is therefore possible to speculate and reduce costs, including on that this could contribute to [...], COVID-19 severity pharmacokinetic testing and studies generating sexual dimorphism in and lethality is greater of safety profiles. the pharmacokinetics of COVID-19 among older men than Therefore, we wonder: treatments. Looking at clinical older women.” 1. if the drug kinetic obtained in trials for COVID-19, it emerges healthy individuals or in patients that gender is scarcely considered, without a massive inflammatory despite: i) the fact that the severity of For example, hypoalbuminemia may reaction is transferable to patients the disease and the mortality rate are increase the serum concentrations with COVID-19; higher among older men than older of free drug in relation to the daily 2. and if drug repurposing has the women; ii) known sex differences in dose, leading to overmedication. effect of perpetuating the gender immune function; iii) sex differences In addition, inflammation also gap in medicine. Although things in pharmacokinetic parameters. downregulates numerous enzymes are slowly changing, clinical trials In addition, breastfeeding and that metabolise the drug. In animals, are still heavily male-biased. This pregnant women were not included the effects of inflammation on means that there are large gaps in vaccine trials. However, mRNA enzymes appears to be sex and in the information available about COVID-19 vaccines can safely be enzyme dependent, while we still do women, while there are relatively few administered to pregnant and not know if sex has an influence on cases where information is missing breastfeeding women, according to the US Centre for Disease Control DID YOU KNOW..? and Prevention, the American College of Obstetricians and Before approval, all vaccines in the EU are evaluated against the same Gynecologists, and the Society for high standards as any other medicine. Maternal-Fetal Medicine. What is different for COVID-19 vaccines is that speed of development In my opinion, the COVID-19 emergency can also give rise to new and potential approval is much faster due to the public health opportunities if the choice is made to emergency. apply a gender approach to research and clinical practices, in order to EMA has put in place a dedicated expert task force and rapid review optimise care for all. procedures to evaluate high-quality applications from companies in the shortest possible timeframes, while ensuring robust scientific opinions.

The European Commission makes use of all existing flexibilities to accelerate the approval of any potential vaccines for use across the EU, but this is only possible if EMA receives sound scientific evidence Prof. Flavia Franconi establishing that a vaccine’s benefits are greater than any risks. Director of National Laboratory of Gender Medicine and Gender You can find more information on the page of the European Pharmacology of INBB Medecine Agency. [email protected] 18 FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021


The virus has changed the lives of everyone in the EU - massively, suddenly and in ways we certainly did not want. These three hallmarks of a crisis - it was unforeseeable, it is unmanageable, and it has undesirable consequences - lead to extreme feelings of loss of control. Shocking images from hospitals are seared into the collective European memory. The pandemic, which has had a disastrous impact on most people’s lives, can be seen as a collective trauma.

“National health services must ©AdobeStock ensure that therapy appointments can be For many of us, the social networks which keep us anchored have broken “Society is being made quickly and easily. down in recent months. More Likewise, hospital people are already seeking therapy. forced to deal with staff must be given the Many patients who had already the phenomenon of undergone treatment are relapsing. increasingly ruthless opportunity to deal with We can be sure that over the next traumatic experiences 12 to 24 months more people will self-centredness. and stress-related develop psychological disorders. Many believe that they disorders as soon Social distancing and hygiene rules, are entitled to have but also existential fears, are factors all their own needs as possible.” in the increased prevalence of social phobias, compulsive washing, met immediately Since February 2020, basic human depression and generalised anxiety - with no regard for needs (autonomy, a sense of social disorders. In fact, mental illnesses the consequences belonging and the feeling of being are well treatable. Therapeutic in control of one’s life) have gone help should therefore be sought for others.” unmet, leaving many with severe at an early stage, so that they do psychological problems. not become chronic and develop Autonomy, our second basic need, The necessary restrictions on social into long-term incapacity for work. is also being severely undermined contacts are loosening vital bonds National health services must ensure by the COVID restrictions. In the last with family, friends and work that therapy appointments can be few months, our everyday lives have colleagues. This is particularly evident made quickly and easily. Likewise, been severely circumscribed. In recent in people who live alone or who hospital staff must be given the decades, more and more importance already suffer from a mental illness opportunity to deal with traumatic has come to be placed on freedom or an addiction. The risk of relapse is experiences and stress-related and individuality in the EU - a particularly high for those who have disorders as soon as possible. welcome trend. Unfortunately, this already gone through a withdrawal. development also has its downsides. FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021 19

For example, society is being forced to deal with the phenomenon of Coping with stress during increasingly ruthless self-centredness. the 2019-nCoV outbreak Many believe that they are entitled It is normal to feel sad, stressed, confused, scared or to have all their own needs met angry during a crisis. immediately - with no regard for Talking to people you trust can help. Contact your the consequences for others. If this friends and family. trend is to be reversed, public debate about ways of reconciling freedom If you must stay at home, maintain a healthy lifestyle - including proper diet, sleep, exercise and social contacts and responsibility is essential. Climate with loved ones at home and by email and phone with change triggered just such a debate, other family and friends. but COVID has put any new-found Don’t use smoking, alcohol or other drugs to deal with consensus to a severe test. These your emotions. issues facing society are certain to If you feel overwhelmed, talk to a health worker or become more controversial in the counsellor. Have a plan, where to go to and how to seek help for physical and mental health needs if required. coming years. Although lockdown experiences Get the facts. Gather information that will help you accurately determine your risk so that you can take vary greatly depending on a range reasonable precautions. Find a credible source you can of factors (housing, mental strength, trust such as WHO website or, a local or state public health agency. job security, etc.), our entire way of interacting with others has changed Limit worry and agitation by lessening the time you and we have seen at first hand and your family spend watching or listening to media just how vulnerable our society is. coverage that you perceive as upsetting. The threat to our own livelihoods and our own lives has become a Draw on skills you have used in the past that have collective experience. helped you to manage previous life’s adversities and use Every day seems to bring new those skills to help you manage your emotions during the challenging time of this outbreak. changes and restrictions, the world is upside down, there are no quick fixes in sight. Many people are difficult. Sufficient resources must be restrictions and lockdowns, and if unable to cope with this - feelings made available to ward off long-term public support for these measures of uncertainty have become even problems and offer people hope for is not to be forfeited, politicians more pronounced. Crises act like a the future. must communicate transparently catalyst: the underlying discontents in This is as true for society as a whole and clearly. Willingness to abide by a society are magnified and come to as it is for the individual. During a the rules, despite the psychological the surface. crisis, our self-confidence is put to the burdens involved, is contingent on test. Those who were already unsure the purpose of a measure being “Many are drawn to of themselves lose their way, become readily understandable. fearful and judgmental. Frustrations Even if the vaccines bring a return conspiracy theories as a and fears are often eased by meeting to something much more like way of regaining a sense and talking to others, but that is normality, the consequences of the of security and control.” not currently possible. The danger pandemic will be with us to the end that people will find everyday life of the decade. The unease prompted by reports too much and give in to anti-social of the increasing number of people behaviour is all the greater, therefore. Nadja Hirsch who have lost their job or their Many are drawn to conspiracy Psychologist and Former Member business will continue to grow in theories as a way of regaining a ALDE, Germany (2009-2014 & the coming months. Some will find sense of security and control. 2017-2019) the return to school or university If people are to endure the severe [email protected] 20 FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021


To sum up briefly, COVID-19 (SARS- CoV-2) is here to stay. This means that it will be as much a part of our future as climate change will be. One hundred per cent of the population is susceptible to coronavirus infection. Our immune system has to be at its best. Not only does being overweight or obese make us propitiatory victims of the virus; a poor diet can also ‘tire out’ the immune system itself. It is important to understand the relationship between diet and the immune system, to protect it from infectious diseases, which we can do throughout our lives, to keep the immune system on ‘high alert’. © European Union 2021 - Source : EP

What does the immune system have or destroying them, including the “Our immune system to do with nutrition? A lot. More coronavirus, of course. has to be at its best. than 75% of the immune system Not only does being is generated in the gut, where the “It is important intestinal microbiota, with its 2 trillion overweight or obese ‘workers’ (microbes), transforms food to understand the make us propitiatory into molecules useful for nourishing relationship between victims of the virus; a the cells of the immune system, diet and the immune poor diet can also ‘tire the main agents of three basic tools: immunoglobulins, cytokines system, to protect it from out’ the immune system and antibodies, responsible for infectious diseases, itself.” blocking the infiltration of assailants which we can do throughout our lives, to keep the immune system on ‘high alert’.”

A balanced, high-quality diet is obviously essential, as it provides the raw materials for the development of a strong microbiota. By contrast, a diet of dubious origin or an unrestricted, meagre or unbalanced diet alters the production of these molecules, which are useful to the immune cell team: - A protein shortage/excess Dr Carlos Enrique Rodríguez Jiménez and Former EP and FMA President, Enrique Barón - An excess of refined sugars and Crespo saturated fats FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021 21

- A deficiency of high-quality fats - Alcohol abuse - Low water and vegetable intake In what proportion should these nutrients be consumed? A balance of 40-50% carbohydrates, 20-30% proteins and 30% fats of marine or vegetable origin, essentially, would be highly recommendable.

“A proper food and supplement plan mitigates COVID-19, or keeps it in the 18% of mild to moderate cases.” Farm to fork strategy on sustainable food ©European Union 2021 - Source : EP

What is more, catering for the empty stomach, one dessertspoonful system a double boost: immune system not only involves in water • It helps the release of stress defending against or attacking o AMPK500: 1-2 pills hormones, and intruders but also plays an extremely o Plenty of water, ideally with lemon • it improves natural immune important role in slowing down or o Enough physical exercise is defence activity. speeding up ageing. desirable, no less than 30 minutes’ In short, a decent lifestyle has been A good diet, without a shadow walking a day my main weapon in my battle of a doubt, equips the body to o Sleep for 7-8 hours at night to overcome a severe bout of overcome a host of obstacles; o No stress under any circumstances COVID-19: this fact is irrefutable and can What about wine? ‘Wine is the • An agile and rational mind make the life of any ‘beast’ very thinking person’s health drink’! In • Consistent physical exercise difficult. If we add supplements a situation that requires a perfect • Garden, sea and farm considered immunostimulants to ‘balance’ of any toxic or foreign that, the likelihood of their removal substance, it is not advisable to feed IF IN DOUBT, SPEAK TO A DOCTOR! increases considerably. A proper the liver on too much alcohol. Have food and supplement plan mitigates a maximum of two good glasses of COVID-19, or keeps it in the 18% of wine a day (200 ml). Avoid spirits. mild to moderate cases. Remedies and vaccines will have o What to keep in stock: blue fish, to be updated ‘once tomorrow is shellfish, eggs, yoghurt, lean meat over’. What will never be over is and vegetables; homemade bone what we have done for our mental broth; olive oil; vegetables, rice, nuts; and physical constitutions. We must fruit, particularly citrus fruits and diligently keep our own ‘houses’, berries; plenty of water our bodies, in order with the aim of o Multivitamins and minerals, with strengthening our immunity, without Dr Carlos Enrique zinc, iron, copper, selenium, etc. slipping into hyperbole. Rodríguez Jiménez o Vitamin C: 1-2 grams Stress decreases the number of white Doctor. Endocrinology, o B vitamins: 50 milligrams blood cells that help to combat Metabolism and Nutrition. o Omega 3: 2-4-6 grams infection. The lower their level, the Hospital de la Beata María Ana. o Vitamin E: 400 IUs greater the risk of infection. What is Madrid (Spain) o immunocompetent probiotics more, exercise gives your immune o Concentrated amino acids, on an [email protected] 22 FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021


On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organisation (WHO) officially declared the existence of the SARS- CoV-2 pandemic. The whole world crumbled in shock.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has proved through a series of events that saw our lives change in an instant, wiping out our normal activities, projects and plans.” COVID-19 - Scientific staff manipulate the samples and use various medical instruments. ©Courtesy of GSK - European Union 2020 - Source : EP Why did this actually happen? We, as people of the third event, from economic crisis to danger of increasingly destructive millennium, live in a privileged era the possibility of suffering a heart weapons, we have been brought to compared to previous generations. attack. It seemed to us that these our knees, if not to say humiliated, The evolution of human ingenuity rigid forecasting models could cover by a tiny virus. and creativity, from basic sciences to every eventuality. medicine, has led us to believe, or Was this actually the case? “The European Union has perhaps to the illusion, that we know Not at all – the COVID-19 pandemic all about not just natural phenomena has proved this through a series of had a crucial say in the but also our own bodies and minds. events that saw our lives change in matter considering that, We have statistics and risk factors an instant, wiping out our normal while the management that enable us to predict – according activities, projects and plans. of health systems is to those who compile them – any After decades of worrying about the the responsibility of individual countries, prevention is a uniquely European responsibility.”

Our health systems have all sunk under extreme pressure, especially those in countries that have cut costs in recent years. In some countries, doctors have been forced to make drastic choices due to a lack of resources: deciding who should live and who should not, upending every rule of bioethics. We have learnt the hard way how vital prevention ENVI Committee - Exchange of views with Emer COOKE, Executive Director of the European Medicines Agency ©European Union 2021 - Source : EP investments are and how they must be boosted. On this point, the FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021 23

European Union has had a crucial say in the matter considering that, while the management of health systems is the responsibility of individual countries, prevention is a uniquely European responsibility. Through the Healthy Gateways programme, the EU has been the first in the world to publish guidelines for restarting cruises during the COVID-19 emergency, which has helped relaunch a key sector of the tourism industry as a whole, while the EU has been the role model for the maritime industry worldwide and for the National Maritime Health Associations. The WHO, on the ©iStock other hand has appeared slow to react to events, so much so that this and composition of vaccines. This turn our lives upside down at any prompted a backlash from its main has led to the emergence of a ‘No moment, how can we best calmly backer (the USA). Let us hope that Vax’ movement in several countries, deal with its effects? Psychological President Biden will now reconsider whose members began by denying balance is now more difficult than Trump’s decision to freeze that the very existence of the virus and ever to maintain, precisely because funding. are now refusing to get vaccinated. of the gap between science and This is of fundamental importance chance, between the belief that we because it is liable to compromise can control everything and the ability “Psychological balance the swift vaccination of the 70% of to accept the unexpected. I would is now more difficult the population who would then also like to remind you of the words of than ever to maintain, protect all the others. The possibility Victor von Weizsacker, father of of making vaccination compulsory psychosomatic medicine: ‘There is precisely because of the should therefore be considered, no physics classroom anywhere in gap between science as has happened in the past with the world where mechanics does not and chance, between smallpox, for example. In fact, as we define the concept of force as the the belief that we can have seen, physical borders do not product of mass and acceleration. prevent the spread of the virus and in There is no such classroom for the control everything and many European countries there are concept of life.’ the ability to accept the a significant number of cross border This reopens one of the most unexpected.” workers in epidemiological terms. interesting debates of modern times: The idea of issuing a health passport how to reconcile science and instinct, While institutions and governments granting total freedom to travel intellect and wisdom, medicine and have tried with all their might to could act as a genuine incentive to philosophy – or in other words, mind tackle the pandemic and help ensure that even the most hardened and heart! people through this difficult period, doubters get vaccinated. the same cannot be said for some Science and government regulations media outlets. In fact, the spread get us thus far. of conflicting news has created However, what about the equally Prof. Isabella De Martini considerable confusion as to whether important psychological impact of Doctor and Former Member or not to use masks, the right way the Pandemic? ECR, Italy (2013-2014) to treat the virus, and the testing If, as we have seen, a tiny virus can [email protected] 24 FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021


For the last 30 years I have been cobbled streets, and is a paradise is constantly enriched and updated spending my summer holidays in my for migratory birds. Here, one can with new e-orders delivered to my cottage in Chroussa, on the island relax, lulled by the sounds of nature. door. I read a lot, attend online of Syros. Every summer! In July There are no tavernas, bars or conferences, listen to music and am last year, after the first wave of the supermarkets. Nothing to disturb the writing a book about the 200 years pandemic, I travelled from Athens to calm and tranquillity. Yet there are since the Greek uprising against Syros, determined to stay until the plenty of shops selling everything, the Ottoman Empire in 1821. I am ‘second summer’ in October. Never cultural events, museums, a hospital, writing about the silent contribution would I have imagined that I would sports and services in Ermoupoli and of women to the struggle for be spending the whole winter here, medieval Ano Syros, which is only 8 liberation and the building of a too... Chroussa is a beautiful, green, km away. That is, when they are not modern Greek State. quiet, traditional village, with around all closed because of the lockdown... I also cook healthy food and do 100 permanent inhabitants out of Apart from its favourable pilates, a little gardening and an a total of 20 000 on Syros. Built on Mediterranean climate and hour of hiking to control my blood sunny hills, surrounded by gardens tranquillity, it is renowned for the pressure every day. Once a week I with fruit trees, olive groves, aromatic longevity of its residents. So far visit the supermarket. I wear a mask plants and many conifers, for many there have been zero cases of the and socially distance myself from years it was a favourite resort for the coronavirus! It is as if the Aegean is others. At Christmas, there was one residents of Ermoupoli, the island’s protecting us from the scourge of more person at the table. And on capital, when the beaches were not the pandemic. You can see why I New Year’s Eve I was invited to a so popular. Located 2 km from the had a good reason to stay when the dinner for four! sandy beach of Vari, it overlooks second outbreak occurred in Athens I am not a fan of television, nor do the Archipelago and affords views at the beginning of October. I easily I waste my time on social media. over Mykonos, Delos, Paros and adapted to the new circumstances. But now, I have finally found two Antiparos. In the evening, the With the help of technology and good TV programmes to watch passenger liners, the fishing boats, frequent communication with my apart from the news: the French the fireflies, the nightingales and the loved ones, I feel fine, safe and documentary ‘Des Trains’, with the lights of the neighbouring islands healthy. In addition, the company of amazing Philippe Gougler, and an create a magical atmosphere. my beloved cat does not allow for Australian series, ‘A place to call Chroussa is also a special place for boredom or loneliness to set in! home’. To sum up, I feel privileged walking, jogging and exploring the My home has all amenities and, to be in Syros. I must confess that mysterious pathways, streams and above all, a very good library, which I am now able to appreciate my cottage for the first time, free from the guilt I felt after spending all my money building it given the financial crisis. And now I’m considering living here permanently! May 2021 be the best year for everyone, with no quarantine!

Anna Karamanou PES, Greece (1997-2004) Syros island - Greece ©AdobeStock [email protected] FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021 25


European Parliament Former Members Association Association des anciens députés au Parlement européen 26 FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021



The Artificial Intelligence revolution brings unique opportunities to help improve every citizen’s life and new (unknown) threats. In the last decade, there has been an explosion in AI’s progress and applications in our society. AI and digital technologies have profoundly changed how we organise and live our lives. We have seen and see its positive and negative uses in a multitude of settings. What is more paradoxical is that the more successful - more a multitude of other users, almost caused by AI-based technologies in straightforward to use - the every citizen probably know that their the global economy, none is more application of AI-based systems is, data is being collected, stored and salient than Internet platforms’ the more becomes invisible. Citizens analysed. Agencies and governments growth. already dominant before become skilled and avid users, but are also aware of these abuses, the COVID-19 pandemic, have unaware of the real functioning but their responses are either slow become even more prevailing during of the technology at hand. This and not very forceful or are entirely it, as so much of ordinary life is situation makes it simpler to control non-existent. moving online. users who are satisfied with the Indeed, the GDPR and the HLEG-AI In this changing scenario, AI is technology and are unconcerned guidelines for a trustworthy and becoming part of our lives, dissecting about what is possible to do, at all human-centric AI help change this and analysing them and deciding times, of their personal data and the situation in the European context. what would be best for each aggregations of these with those of Among the many transformations individual in every situation, even if we do not explicitly request those services. The way these companies govern the information flows and their economic capacity pose newer threats to a well-functioning democracy. It is also true that the citizen response to this domination is novel and, sometimes, use those same infrastructures to organise and give collective answers, long before governments. Given the wide variety of technologies subsumed under the term AI and the lack of common knowledge about the full extent of its potential impact on fundamental rights, the legal definition of The Moderator Brian Maguire with FMA President, Hans-Gert Pöttering and some speakers AI-related terms might need to be of the event Dr. Elda Brogi, Maryia Sadouskaya-Komlach, Guillaume Klossa, Dr. Peter Kreko, Michał Boni, Žiga Turk and Ulises Cortés assessed regularly. Companies and FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021 27


economic leaders well-versed in an AI transformation’s disruptive powers. One step forward, in this direction, is to advance the digitisation of primary schools and teachers. Preparing citizens for life in this digital ecosystem implies developing, among other goals, to accomplish the essential competencies for understanding and making use of digital technologies, not only as a toolbox of skills and abilities of a technical nature but as a blend of behaviours, specialised Ulises Cortés during his intervention knowledge, technical knowledge, humanistic knowledge, work governments must use a simple, clear trustworthy AI may help our societies habits, arrangements and overall and precise language that allows achieve fair digital well-being by critical thinking. the user to understand the real improving the services in critical areas We have to ensure - governments implications of using an intelligent such as knowledge and science, must be the first in this effort - that tool and the legal protections health and healthcare, education the population is digitally literate and that the state guarantees. Until and employment, governance uses digital technologies consciously today, prior impact assessments of and social development, and and responsibly, this is not a unique AI-based systems mainly focus on media and entertainment. need for AI-based tool users. Digital technical issues. These assessments It is precisely the confirmation of literacy is needed to assure that the rarely address potential effects digital illiteracy among citizens, which European core democratic values also on fundamental rights or the multiplies the ethical responsibility apply in the digital age. environment. Human oversight is of those who have the technical not an option when using AI-based or legal capacity to regulate AI, technologies if it impacts living doing nothing to overcome this beings or the environment. condition is in itself an act of great AI has no moral or legal responsibility, irresponsibility since it leaves a large but humans have. Therefore, I urge part of the population defenceless Ulises Cortés policymakers and the scientific against possible abuses. In this Professor of Artificial Intelligence community to embrace and address scenario, to achieve technological at the UPC. Scientific manager these challenges from an ethical sovereignty in Europe, Digital and of the HP-AI group at the BSC. perspective as readily as they are Technical Education for all citizen is Coordinator of the Ethics-WP in exploring the fascinating and exciting a must. We need society to become the AI4EU platform new uses of AI-based systems. A fluent in AI, and our political and [email protected] 28 FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021


the kind of democracy that was written into the constitutions by the founding fathers in the context of paper based communication technology. It is important the Europe remains innovative in the development From left to right: Ziga Turk, President Hans-Gert Pöttering and Brian Maguire of democratic institutions, as it has always been. The strength of Europe - in comparison with the The history of civilization is about the COVID pandemic. The East civilizations to the East - were not just improving collaboration among contained it as people were obeying the competition among individuals. an increasing number of thinking the measures. The West did not. But It was also the competition among people. For collaboration trust is invented a number of vaccines. The political entities. Contrary to Islam essential. Among relatives and difference also showed in different or China, Europe was rarely a acquaintances, trust came naturally. economic success of socialist and monolithic block. It was broken into But we have few of those. Complex capitalist Europe after the 2nd World several entities. Europe has always projects require collaboration War. In the socialist one only a few been strong when it entities were among strangers. Institutions were allowed to think. competing with each other – be it emerged that facilitated that. The Human institutions essentially use Greek city states, Renaissance Italian market is such an institution for communication to connect the towns, trading ports of the Hanseatic economic collaboration. The political elements together. Therefore, any league or the Atlantic powers market - democracy – has been an kind of collaborative organization conquering the world. efficient institution for the general depended on the available To paraphrase Sir Roger Scruton, collaboration of individuals about communication technology. In Europeans were always competing public matters. ancient Greece, for example, with each other yet they always Both political and economic markets democracy was limited to the men knew they had something in are built around an individual. More that could gather at a square and common – their Judeo-Christian collectivist systems too organize the would hear the speaker. Democracy . This combination of unity use of brains and muscles of many as we know it - with rule of law, due and diversity is also a receipt for people, however, in market driven process, informed electorate etc. our future. Unity in core values and economies and in democracies – depends on the communication diversity in the freedom to explore, all individuals are invited to think technology of printing. to try differently, to learn from each differently, originally. Digital communication technology is other, and to move forward. Theological invention of the providing new ways to communicate. individual, the weakening of kin New kinds of collaborations and based institutions, and emergence institutions are becoming possible. of institutions that encouraged It would be wrong to assume that collaboration among these is does not enable new political individually thinking persons resulted institutions. Some 500 years ago in the industrial and scientific printed press made feudalism Žiga Turk revolution of the West. Western uncompetitive. Feudalism too was Professor at the University of society is optimized for innovation. a system for enabling peaceful Ljubljana - Slovenia, and Member But it is not so well prepared for collaboration, creating trust between of the Academic obedience. This difference shows in the various layers of society. But Council the very different success between democracy was better. Digital will [email protected] the East and the West in containing make democracy obsolete. At least FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021 29


Identifying the main trends in the “intermediaries” play essential roles procedures, including elections, media in Europe, and the trends in determining the influence of that are, in the end, the core and at policy level too, has increasingly media’s outreach. Services provided substance of democracy itself. become a challenge, considering by these new actors have become The extraordinary evolution of the complexity of the current media essential to find information, and audio-visual and communication environment, due to the advent of at times, turn these intermediaries services caused by the technological the Internet. into gatekeepers playing an active development has created the The “digital revolution” has and consequential role in mass conditions for a wider European undoubtedly created positive communication processes. These intervention and jurisdiction in developments, the possibility services have complemented and this broader field. The challenge to cheaply produce and share even replaced traditional media is to define a new EU regulatory information on a large scale, actors, both on the consumption framework that complies with amplifying the choices of the users side – changing the way in which human right standards and the rule as well as boosting new business people access the news – and on of law: the path has to be defined models based on the new digital the production side – disrupting now under the proposal for a Digital ecosystem. It has also spurred the the legacy media’s business model, Services Act and with the Democracy progressive blurring of boundaries based on advertising, thanks to the Action Plan published by the EC in between established media and capability to collect data and micro- December 2020. This path is relevant communication industries, based target the messages. Consequently, to define an EU policy, but also on which similar services, that in the the role of the new intermediaries to contribute to the international past could have been distributed in influencing the public opinion debate on the role of digital only by predefined platforms, now has grown. intermediaries, on how to protect can be distributed using multiple The digital disruption has affected freedom of expression online, on digital technologies. Nowadays, in the notion of media pluralism too. what type of governance to envisage comparison with this recent past, The “new media” environment for digital platforms, in order to new actors have assumed functions is characterized by audience embrace the huge advantages of in the production and distribution segmentation, the proliferation innovation, preserving and fostering process of media services which, of personalized information the fundamental features of a until recently, had been performed services, and an algorithmic-driven democratic society. only (or mostly) by traditional communication based on consumer media organisations; a number of profiling. While it is widely acknowledged that a plural media environment is needed to ensure the integrity of democratic processes, what type of communication can be considered relevant to public discourse, and what should be measured when assessing the level Elda Brogi of pluralism of the digital media Scientific Coordinator of the environment, in the new fragmented Centre for Media Pluralism and digital environment? Media Freedom at the European All these developments matter in University Institute (EUI) and a policy perspective and have an Member of the Executive Board impact on democracy, on the weight of EDMO, European Digital Elda Brogi and Guillaume Klossa during of different constitutional powers, Media Observatory the event on the integrity of democratic [email protected] 30 FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021


There are many threats for other it is related to the transparent influence. The 17 millions records democracy in the current times. media market and the special role of also can be used in the future the public media, which should be for the political, manipulative Some of them come from the impartial. micro-targeting, for instance during digital world and tools (unbelievable The experience of the Polish electoral campaigns. development of social media with situation can be important as a The citizens empowerment is unintended consequences) - and very special lesson. necessary if we want to recover very often can lead to the lack of real From 2016 Polish public media the democracy. debates, because all groups formed are completely dependent on the For this purpose it is essential: to in the network are closed in their ruling party and became the tool for help citizens to be informed properly bubbles, extremely polarised, acting propaganda and manipulation. There and make informed decisions, to in the tribal modes. In addition - is no possibility for representatives give and guarantee the citizens a there is a lack of real, powerful and of the opposition groups or real real participation and influence on credible fact-checking platforms civic society organisations to present decision making processes. supporting the fight against the their view on many issues without Concluding: to recover the disinformation. But, first of all the ideological comments done by democracy we need the traditional key reason is linked to the populism journalists as a special “propaganda media - as an independent, free, and the neo-authoritarian ways of officers”. There is no possibility pluralistic, and especially the public governing in some countries. The to explain the social and political media under the direction of the democracy and the democratic rules processes in the impartial way. The impartiality principle. But in the are undermined. messages are totally simplified, based modern world there is a new The real recovery of the on emotions and the dominant phenomenon - people are living in democracy is obviously needed. perspective done by the populists. the hybrid offline and online sphere. It is crucial to keep all democratic Those messages create the polarised It means that we ought to consider rules: as the rule of law, full society, which is a real danger for the significance of social media independence of the judiciary system democracy when the extreme and networks for the democracy and the media independence and polarisation stops any dialogue development. To counteract pluralism, which are fundamental as between various social groups. against disinformation becomes the a democratic tool for civic watchdog Additionally, there is no transparent crucial challenge as - at the same views and the paramount instrument oversight of the public media - the time to change the functionalities for democracy - open dialogue. On National Media Council was of algorithms leading us to the the one side it requires the media established as political body, strictly bubbles and echo-chambers (also digital media) literacy, on the dependent on decisions of the ruling groups. And, of course - we need party leaders. alternative solutions for citizens to Last weeks, the state owned communicate, not only under the Big company (“Orlen” - the petroleum Tech control. company) bought the “Polska Press” conglomerate from the “Verlaggsgrouppe”. By this business decision (with clear political intention) just about 24 Michał Boni regional daily newspapers, 120 Senior Research Associate, weekly newspapers, 500 websites Martens Centre. Former MEP and - addressed to 17,2 millions people Polish Minister of Labour and Michał Boni and Ulises Cortés during the will start with new, as many predict, Social Policy event content and power of ideological [email protected] FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021 31


The FMA, as full Member of the European Association of Former Parliamentarians (FP-AP), supports the “Appeal for Democracy and Dialogue” an initiative taken jointly with our American and Canadian partners.

European association of former Former Members of Congress Canadian Association of members of parliament of the member of the United States of America Former Parliamentarians states of the Council of Europe

Appeal for Democracy and Dialogue

We, the FMC, Former Members of Congress of the United States of America, the European Association of Former Members of Parliament of the Member States of the Council of Europe and the European Parliament and the Canadian Association of Former Parliamentarians are deeply concerned about recent attacks on democracy in America and dangerous tendencies in Europe.

Conspiracy theories, unprecedented baiting against the results of democratic elections, spread of fake news despite clear evidence, the misuse of fears of an invisible pandemic and the culmination through a brutal and violent mob put the fragile democracy at risk.

Our common democratic values are under threat. Democracy is an ideal as well as a goal, based on fundamental values shared by many open-minded peoples on the planet, regardless of cultural, political, social or economic differences.

It is the prerequisite for rule of law, the respect of human rights and the protection of the weak ones in our societies. It is the guarantor of inviolability of human dignity, freedom, gender equality, tolerance, freedom of religious belief, respect for minorities, cultural diversity, and peace.

We, former lawmakers from the USA and Europe are therefore forging an “Appeal for Democracy and Dialogue”. Democracy is our highest value. Democracy is not the rule of the majority over the minority; true democracy is based on dialogue.

We commit ourselves to defend democracy whenever and wherever it is at risk and to closely cooperate for this aim. We invite all associations of former parliamentarians to join the Appeal for Democracy and Dialogue.

The patrons of the Appeal will carefully watch the global development of democracy. Our task is to raise our warning voice if we will see dialogue diminishing and democracy at stake.

Paris, 29-01-2021 Washington, 05-02-2021 Ottawa, 05-02-2021



Early evening hours in Brussels, of the recent Commission climate the industry as well. Other clashes people start to sit down to their proposal is its ambitious target at of views appear around the role of dining tables, but in some homes, a 55% level by 2030: it is a real nuclear energy in decarbonization, its online conference platforms are just breakthrough compared to the costs and inherent risks. But a clearly warming up. It’s noon in Chicago, previous EU ambitions. Still, there are visible disagreement is experienced and students of the University of different views on the importance about technology as a solution itself. Illinois Urbana-Champaign gathered of such political targets: do they Technology is clearly essential, but at the University’s European Union truly represent a major driving force alone is not able to bring us the Centre to discuss the issue of climate in Europe’s decarbonization, or it answer to the challenge of climate policy and technology with former is finally up to the business sector change. We need more profound, MEPs. Together with Hans-Olaf to perform practical emission cuts, systemic changes in our societies, Henkel (DE) we share our views on and targets are rather political economies, in the way of our lives, in the EU climate targets, the cost of slogans? Green and ECR positions the architecture of our trade systems, the energy transition, the importance clearly go to different directions. transport networks or agriculture – I of technology in this shift, the Dr Henkel gives more trust to argue. But a common platform is controversial role of nuclear energy actions and innovation by economic found again when it comes to the in decarbonization, carbon leakage, actors. I argue that innovation, issue of the next MFF and the New the European Green Deal, the green technological development and Generation EU programme. It is mainstreaming of the next MFF and practical emission cuts are rather clear that both financial frameworks many more. triggered by political decisions, should finance to achieve the climate After a short introduction of the strategies and programmes. and sustainability targets of the EU, two speakers and moderator Dr Renewable energy market comes the decarbonization of the world’s Peter Christensen, an environmental up in the discussion as an example: biggest single market by 2050. economist in the College of decades of maintained support The lively one hour debate passed Agricultural, Consumer, and and commitment by governments quickly with excellent moderation Environmental Sciences by EU Centre and the EU took as to the present and questions, presenting two director Dr Emmanuel Rota, “The situation where renewables have different, but well-argued positions New Speed of Politics: Technology become the cheapest and most on the issue. The event was followed and Sustainability in the EU” event competitive energy sources, making by a separate workshop one week sails to open waters. We agree that the switch to a sustainable energy later with some interested students the most important characteristic system economically rationale to where I had the opportunity to discuss additional subjects including global climate negotiations, links between business and sustainability as well as my personal experiences as national MP in Hungary compared to my time in the European Parliament. Thanks to the University of Illinois for the invitation, and I hope students got closer to understand ongoing debates in the EU.

Benedek Javor Greens/EFA, Hungary (2014-2019) Benedek Javor and Hans-Olaf Henkel during their participation in the online conference of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign [email protected] FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021 33


It was a great pleasure giving a Rebooting our economy by making lecture for the University of Colorado it climate neutral and circular can Boulder European Union Centre of also create new opportunities, Excellence on the European Green trigger innovation, entrepreneurship Deal. Testing structural challenges and technological revolutions. It are reshaping our world. The climate could also increase the quality of crisis is without any doubt the most life in our neighbourhoods and threatening. We see the planet address inequality issues altogether. civil society, networking organisations continuing to get dangerously hotter Achieving a more sustainable world, and citizens, that aspire to create a and know that no action will come however, will require far-reaching lasting impact and want to achieve a at a very high cost, even threatening societal change, engaging all actors more sustainable world by rethinking human life on earth. It also has of the society. business models, making policies clearly the potential to significantly To have a real and meaningful futureproof, or by addressing affect all sectors of the economy impact, change will have to be unsustainable behaviour. as technological disruptions and systemic, across the key systems that I applied this thinking to a recently regulatory interventions will result in define the way we live, work, eat, adopted strategy, the Renovation stranded assets, new players entering travel and move our goods. Hence Wave, to make the agenda the markets and others disappearing. the very broad policy agenda that concrete and tangible. Questions I therefore used this opportunity is being rolled out. Even though and comments from the audience to emphasise that the Green Deal the design of the broader narrative focused very much on how is actually about much more than and the building blocks look like a we achieved in Europe a broad reducing emissions to address the top-down exercise, it is only going consensus on the way forward, global warming and its increasingly to happen with the support at all and how we can address resistance devastating effects. Indeed, it has policy-levels and by all actors of to change. We also discussed the been positioned as the EU’s flagship society. This requires a multi-level implications for the financial system, initiative around which the other and multi-stakeholders approach, an issue that is being addressed priorities should be aligned to ensure bringing together different actors through the sustainable finance consistency. Furthermore, we see across value chains and silo’s. agenda in the EU. this transformation of our economy That’s why it is crucial to work with not only as a difficult challenge. businesses, policymakers at all levels,

Saïd El Khadraoui Saïd El Khadraoui during his participation at the event of University of Colorado Boulder S&D, Belgium (2003-2014) European Union Centre of Excellence [email protected] 34 FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021


the town and the country. Google is very useful and quick access to background material, for example articles the political situation in the respective country, and its relations with the EU. Then there is the planning of the trip, the pleasure of travelling, the experience of a new location, getting a feel for the atmosphere of the city, the university, and the classrooms. Of course I still did and enjoyed the research for my Michael Hindley during his participation at the event of York University zooms. But the only actual physical participation was turning on my In May I took part in my first “zoom” another one to my Strasbourg office. laptop, clicking the link testing the seminar for the FMA with Ilia State I also took a transistor radio to both sound levels and finding the best University, Tbilisi. The event itself was offices to keep up with the news. angle to set the screen. Et voilà, novel and enjoyable and the students But then came the fax machine, instead of watching the students were well informed and eager then pagers, then mobile phones, assemble there they are suddenly, questioners in excellent English. For and by the time I left Parliament in head and shoulders only. my part, I was pleased to have the 1999 our offices had enough new And when the “zoom” seminar is opportunity of extending my range technology to control a space shuttle. over, there’s no socialising, general of communications skills. Since then My latest smart phone is an office in conversation and I’m back in my I have participated in a “webinar” my pocket. home and the students are back in for the FMA with York University, Previously when I have accepted an Tbilisi or Toronto, perhaps marvelling Toronto. In addition have a “zoom” invitation on behalf of the FMA’s and being thankful for new with the Euro Culture Masters “Parliament to Campus” there has technology but somehow missing programme at Göttingen University, been a sense of adventure. A new the atmosphere of human contact. a contact originally facilitated destination, sometimes, as with The discovery of an anti- Covid by the FMA. Georgia, in a country I have never vaccine, which is in itself an inspiring When I was first elected as MEP visited. I take down the atlas; take example of international research in 1984, I thought I was being out the encyclopaedia (still my cooperation, has lifted all our sprit resourceful by taking a portable preferred starting point rather than and I am looking forward to taking type writer to my Brussels office and “google”) and look up the university the atlas off the shelf again next year.

Michael Hindley PES, United Kingdom (1984-1999) [email protected]

Thanks to Candriam for supporting our EP Michael Hindley with the students of Ilia State University to Campus Programme FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021 35


On 17 November 2020, I had the This led me to choose the them to working only with Christian opportunity to give a lecture at York aforementioned title. organisations. I responded that University in Toronto. The format meant that I had 10 this is not the case. They are active The lecture was part of a series of minutes for an introduction. I everywhere and they understand seminars organised by the university’s began by describing the tasks and their role as being guided by the political science department. The challenges facing German political principles of Christianity. Indeed, both university was founded on 26 March foundations, both in Germany and foundations today employ people 1959 with a total of 76 students. In abroad. I also explained how these of different religions, many even 2011, York University was Canada’s foundations are financed. I made no of no religion. third largest university, with more secret of the fact that the method Another speaker raised the question than 50 000 students enrolled. of financing political foundations of whether the establishment of the The series was held under the title of almost exclusively through public tax European Armed Forces would pose JMC (Jean Monnet Guest Speakers, revenues is the subject of vigorous a risk to the global military balance. Glendon College). debate in Germany. Nevertheless, I The European Armed Forces should Due to the pandemic, the lectures stressed that I consider the existence indeed destabilise NATO and be were given online. This format of these foundations to be beneficial. seen as a competitor to the United was indeed justified in view of the I also outlined the history of these States in the military field. While current situation, but it should be foundations in Germany. After the stressing that I am not an expert on an exception as online debates are Second World War, political leaders security issues, I pointed out that somewhat lacking in liveliness. were convinced that there was the European Armed Forces are, Despite the unfortunate a need for political education in in my view, a project that aims to circumstances, the discussion Germany. So the political foundations give structure to and strengthen the unfolded well. started out by providing political national armed forces. This is a good Professor Willem Maas, the organiser education in Germany. However, idea in my view. I cannot see why of the series, opened the session from the 1960s onwards their these united European Armed Forces by introducing the speaker. The activities expanded abroad. Today could not participate in NATO in the professor had asked me during about 60% of their resources are place of individual EU nations. the preparatory phase to focus spent internationally. The budget Finally, one speaker made the on my role as the director of a of the largest political foundation argument that the establishment of German political foundation which amounts to more than EUR 210 united European Armed Forces could supports political education in million per year. This sum enables it not be used as a tool to strengthen different countries. to maintain more than 100 offices European integration. A thought worldwide. Consequently, German which I find quite remarkable. political foundations operate these The session lasted only one hour. I days more as development aid would like to thank Professor Willem organisations in their areas of political Maas, the students and the speakers. education, and they are backed up by liaison offices. The remaining 40% is split between national political education departments, political analysis, scholarships and political archives. During the debate, students asked me whether the fact that two of Dr Stefan Gehrold these political foundations refer EPP-ED, Germany (2018-2019) Stefan Gehrold during his participation at the event of York University in Toronto. to themselves as Christian restricts [email protected] 36 FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021


“EU Financing for the Next Decade: Beyond the MFF and the Next Generation EU” by Brigid Laffan and Alfredo De Feo, published by European University Institute, 2020.

All seemed to follow this well a triple breakthrough that the known patterns when suddenly Parliament had not been able to in March 2020, the situation wrest from the Council for two changed. The Covid pandemic decades: unfreezing of the amount, progressively invaded all the issuing of a common European European countries. Although debt, decision to create genuine health was not one of the EU fresh own resources to repay that competences, voices were raised to debt. But this unprecedented have greater European coordination effort was meant to fund national and, suddenly the Sleeping beauty policies, to the detriment of In October 2019, the European (the Commission) awakened and European ones. The big question University Institute, invited us in May 2020 a ‘revolutionary’ mark is now: when the economic to contribute to a stimulating proposal was presented and even crisis is over, will the European workshop on the MFF 2021-2027, the surprised institutions be willing and able to with a number of academics everybody reaching unanimity on maintain such a financial arsenal and other practitioners. At this the Next Generation plan only a and to re-orient it to the financing moment, few weeks after the proposal. of Europeans policies through the was already President of the The present volume, which gathers MFF? Commission, waiting for the contributions of the different The book, edited by Brigid Laffan approval of the entire college. authors, offers a global view and Alfredo De Feo can be The proposals on MFF was on of all the issues touched by the downloaded freely from the code the table, the Parliament ready to MFF and the Next Generation EU QR below open negotiations waiting for the with the aim of highlighting the Council to define its position. It potentialities that it could develop. is not exaggerate to say that the Our personal contribution is based Multiannual Financial Framework on the experience we had the (MFF) is one of the most important privilege to acquire during our years moments in the EU life, where in the EP. Scholars, students and the Member States and the EU practitioners will find in this book Institutions decide the direction ideas, suggestions and criticisms of Europe: the responses to the that go well beyond the current challenges and expectations. The debate and will continue to be a negotiation on the MFF is one source of inspiration for the future. Reimer Böge of the rare moments in EU life The definitive agreement, reached EPP-ED, Germany (1989-2019) attracting the attention of national by the European Council in [email protected] media. These negotiations have December 2020, with the approval a quite consolidated pattern in of the European Parliament, allow Ivailo Kalfin which all the actors play their roles, to start the next programming S&D, Bulgaria (2009-2014) sometimes with dramatic tones, period with an European Union [email protected] but in which at the end there is stronger and more resilient to face a conclusion, one of the classic the challenges of the next decade. Alain Lamassoure Euro-compromises where everyone To conclude the disruptive crisis in EPP-ED, France (1989-2019) is equally unhappy. 2020 triggered in three months [email protected] FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021 37

“Elogio dell’Assemblea, tuttavia” by Andrea Manzella, published by Mucchi, 2021.

parliaments therefore also sounds to terms with the information a warning - to all parliaments society, which is now structured everywhere - and proposes by the digital revolution, by innovative solutions on the solid rethinking their organisational and unimpeachable basis that is arrangements, their procedures, the role of the Assembly. In limpid their rules and very way in which prose, the author defines the the parliamentary mandate is to be Assembly’s original function — exercised in a diffuse but connected which has stood the test of time parliament. — as a body fundamental to the This slim but incisive work, written political organisation of society. It is at the height of the pandemic as The word tuttavia (despite through the Assembly that separate governments adopted legislative everything) which appears in individual energies are channelled. acts which ‘seriously undermine the title of Andrea Manzella’s A force is created which takes democracy’, is a clarion call to ‘parliamentary’ pamphlet — a on a life of its own: it reduces politicians to restore parliaments to dense work of constitutional theory the level of violence in society, their key central role, so that they which is the fruit of many years’ settles conflicts and prompts us can ‘leave the old ways behind’ experience in the field, gained to examine our consciences, thus and address the new challenges in the European Parliament, in forging a common identity. by innovating in harmony with the Italian Parliament and in the The Assembly is the soul of the European Union. The task Council of Europe — harks back parliaments, gives expression to set is to breathe fresh life and directly to the Italian Constituent their dynamism and, through force into our fragile democracy. Assembly. The word appeared argument and public debate It is precisely by drawing on the on an agenda adopted in that and decision-making, brings our vitality of parliamentary assemblies pre-constitutional era: it was fragmented society together that democracy can regain its intended to draw attention once again. Manzella employs regenerative power. to precisely those dangers an evocative image to describe inherent in the ‘degeneration’ this centrality: ‘the church of parliamentarianism which in the village’. had fuelled the rise of fascism This reflection on the current and ushered in 20 years of political and parliamentary crisis dictatorship. It thus represented a cites liberally from constitutions call for institutional measures to and interpretations issued by address, in particular, the problem constitutional courts. Distortions of government instability. But wrought by the realities of day- almost 80 years later, alas, we to-day politics are duly noted, but can look back and say that that also assessed with an eye to the word tuttavia has too often been future: to the need to re-establish, disregarded: the consequences on a new footing, the relationship have been particularly detrimental between representativeness of to the resilience of the Italian society and political representation. institutional and democratic system. For Manzella, it is inevitable that Gerardo Bianco Manzella’s ‘hymn of praise’ to parliaments will have to come EPP-ED, Italy (1994-1995) 38 FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021


31 May 2021 MEMORIAL SERVICE At 18.30 we will commemorate former MEPs who passed away in 2019, 2020 and 2021.

1 June 2021 ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION “TOGETHER FOR THE FUTURE OF EUROPE” The Secretariat will provide more information by email.

1 June 2021 DEBATE WITH ELISA FERREIRA, EUROPEAN COMMISSIONER FOR COHESION AND REFORMS FMA members and special guests will be invited to participate.

20th GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2 June 2021 Starting at 10.00 a.m. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic FMA members will participate remotely. The Secretariat will provide more information by email.

On this special year of celebrations, we want to hear the voice of the FMA members, for that reason, we would like to receive short statements (30-50 words) or videos (1-2 minutes) to be published on our social media and website: What does the Association mean to you? Send an email with your contribution to the Secretariat at : ©George Pagan III [email protected] on Unsplash We look forward to hearing from you!


On the new FMA website, you can find a page dedicated to publications written by FMA members. If you published a book and you would like to inform your colleagues and the public, please send an email to the FMA Secretariat with a picture of the cover of the book and a short description. The text can be written in English or French and should count 100 words max. ©AdobeStock FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021 39


In the person of Valéry Giscard the task of drafting a European emigrated from France to establish d’Estaing, France has lost a great Constitution, it was a pleasure a new Huguenot homeland in what statesman, and Europe has lost a and privilege for me, as President was then Prussia. great European. I would not be of the EPP Group, to offer Valéry Valéry Giscard d’Estaing was the writing these lines were it not for his Giscard d’Estaing our group’s driving force behind ‘Re-Imagine exemplary commitment to Europe unstinting support. Unfortunately, Europa’, a think tank set up a few and its institutions. It was in part the Constitution was rejected in years ago to reflect on the future of thanks to him that from 7 to 10 June referendums in France and the Europe and put forward proposals 1979, for the first time in the history Netherlands, but we worked with for the ‘Conference on the Future of Europe, a European Parliament Giscard to ensure that the substance of Europe’. I will be forever grateful was directly elected by the peoples of the Constitutional Treaty was to him for having asked me to of the then European Community, preserved. The result was the Lisbon take part in that initiative. This was which became the European Union. Treaty, which is now something what brought us together in recent Valéry Giscard d’Estaing was one of similar to a constitutional basis years, sometimes in Berlin, at the the founding fathers of the European for the European Union. Without Konrad Adenauer Foundation, and Parliament. The development of a Giscard d’Estaing, this would not sometimes in Paris, at his home. European democracy was a matter have been possible. The many enriching conversations of great importance to Valéry Giscard Valéry Giscard d’Estaing was a friend I had with him will always remain d’Estaing. He stood for election to of Chancellor Helmut Schmidt. in my memory. the European Parliament after his At Helmut Schmidt’s funeral The unification of Europe consumed term of office as President of France on 23 November 2015, at the Giscard d’Estaing emotionally and had ended. When I was elected to Michaeliskirche in Hamburg, Giscard intellectually. His faith in Europe is a the European Parliament in 1979, d’Estaing and I met by chance as legacy which will inspire others to I never imagined that we would we were leaving the church and I continue his work. At the Conference become colleagues one day, first in accompanied him outside, to where on the Future of Europe which is the European Parliament and then in the military ceremony in honour about to start, we will maintain the Group of the European People’s of Helmut Schmidt was to take our commitment to the unification Party (EPP). When place. There we met the federal of Europe in memory of him. In so was elected Chair of the Group of minister Peter Altmaier and Thomas doing, we will be guided by this the European People’s Party (Christian de Maizière, whom I introduced to insight: we can only defend our Democrats) and European Democrats Giscard d’Estaing. Peter Altmaier European values — human dignity, in January 1992, we cast our ballots said that he had been an alternate freedom, democracy, justice and one immediately after the other. member of the Convention chaired peace — in an uncertain world if the When he became Chairman of the by Valéry Giscard d’Estaing. And Europeans of the European Union Convention which had been given Thomas de Maizière’s ancestors had are united, strong and determined. This is how we intend to carry Valéry Giscard d’Estaing’s legacy forward.

Hans-Gert Pöttering Former President of the European Parliament FMA President

* This text is an adaptation of the letter sent by President Hans-Gert Pöttering to President Valérie Giscard d’Estaing at a meeting with President Hans-Gert Pöttering in Paris the son of Mr Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, (2017) Louis Giscard d’Estaing. 40 FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021


What set Valéry Giscard d’Estaing apart as a political leader was his staying power: 40 years after he left office, it is historians, and not journalists, who are now assessing his achievements. Voices from all countries and across the political spectrum have paid tribute to the former French President’s contribution to European politics. It was his friendship and close understanding with Chancellor Helmut Schmidt that yielded the European Council, the election of Alain Lamassoure and Valéry Giscard d’Estaing during the presentation of Re-Imagine Parliament by universal suffrage, Europa ©European Union 2018 - Source : EP and the European Monetary System, But it was when chairing the made a considerable impact. A few which paved the way for the single 2002-2003 Convention on the Future years later, 95% of the text that had currency. That is already quite of Europe that he really proved made up the draft constitution was some legacy. himself to be a great European, repackaged as the Lisbon Treaty. Yet much of what Mr Giscard as he stepped into a role that was While important budgetary questions d’Estaing did for Europe is often commensurate with his ambitions remained unanswered, the Treaty overlooked. You may not know for Europe. While his style had its anchored the Union’s powers, put it, but, once ousted from the detractors as well as its admirers, the institutions on a more stable Elysée, he led a second political no one could deny that he was the footing, and established a democratic life – one serving Europe. Firm in man for the job. In stewarding the political architecture that drew on his belief that, from then on, it was ship, he held his course, yet showed the federal parliamentary model in all Europe that would hold the reins flexibility at the helm by looking to but name. So, although it underwent on France’s future, he decided to counsel from those he deemed ‘the a name-change before coming become an MEP, placing himself in young generation’s finest experts into force, the spirit of the ‘Giscard the Community’s engine room. As on Europe’. In the final weeks, with constitution’ will continue to inspire President of the European Liberal governments deeply divided over the Union for years to come. Democrat and Reform Party, and the Iraq war, he forged a seemingly A few weeks before his passing, later a member of the European impossible alliance between MEPs Valéry Giscard d’Estaing was still as People’s Party, he gave his support to and national politicians that led to driven as ever in his quest, overseeing the very first democratic campaigns the approval of the first real draft the work of his new foundation in Berlin – when the effects of the constitutional treaty: consensus was – given the multilingual name wall, although razed, were still reached among over 200 delegates, ‘Re-imagine Europa’ – which aspires keenly felt – Poland and Hungary. representing governments and large to invent the Europe of 2040. True Again with Helmut Schmidt, he political parties from all EU Member greats never really die. lobbied tirelessly for monetary union States and candidate countries. in the run-up to the Maastricht Alas, the glory was short-lived. The Treaty, and remained unwavering ‘no’ dealt to the constitutional treaty in his commitment throughout the by the Dutch and French referenda difficult ratification process and delivered a painful personal setback the painstaking preparations for Alain Lamassoure on a par with his national defeat in EPP-ED, France (1989-2019) its implementation. 1981. And yet, as in 1981, he had [email protected] FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021 41


11 November 2020 Marie-Claude VAYSSADE PES, France (1979-1994)

She served as a French Member of the European Parliament from 1979 until 1994. From 1989 to 1994, she was Vice-Chair of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens’ Rights. At the national level, Ms Vayssade represented the ‘Parti socialiste’.

29 November 2020 Remo SERNAGIOTTO EPP-ED & ECR, Italy (2014-2019)

He served as Italian Member of the European Parliament from 2014-2019. At the national level, he represented ‘’ (2014-2016) and ‘Conservatori e Riformisti’ (2016-2019).

2 December 2020 Valéry GISCARD d’ESTAING ELDR & EPP, France (1989-1993)

He served as French Member of the European Parliament from 1989 until 1993. At the national level, he represented ‘Union pour la démocratie française’.·

6 December 2020 Jaromír KOHLÍČEK GUE/NGL, Czech Republic (2004-2014 & 2016-2019)

He served as Czech Member of the European Parliament from 2004-2014 and 2016-2019. At the national level, he represented ‘Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy’. 42 FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021


11 December 2020 Lydia SCHÉNARDI N, France (2004-2009)

She served as French Member of the European Parliament from 2004 to 2009. At the national level, she represented “Front national”.

17 December 2020 Enrico FERRI SOC, NA, FE, UEN and EPP-ED, Italy (1989-2004)

He served as Italian Member of the European Parliament from 1989 until 2004. At the national level, he represented “Partito socialista democratico italiano”, “Centro cristiano democratico’”, l’”Unione democratica per la Repubblica” and “Forza Italia”.

18 December 2020 Michał MARUSIK EFN & NA, Poland (2014-2019)

He served as Polish Member of the European Parliament from 2014 until 2019. At the national level, he represented “Kongres Nowej Prawicy”.

2 January 2021 Marco FORMENTINI NA & ELDR, Italy (1994-2004)

He served as Italian Member of the European Parliament from 1994 until 2004. At the national level, he represented “Lega Nord per l’indipendenza della Padania” (1994-2002) and “I Democratici” (2002-2004). FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021 43

6 January 2021 Alfred LOMAS SOC, United Kingdom (1979-1999)

He served as British Member of the European Parliament from 1979 until 1999. At the national level, he represented the Labour Party (1979-1999).

11 January 2021 Konrad K. SCHWAIGER EPP-ED, Germany (1994-2004)

He served as German Member of the European Parliament from 1994 until 2004. At the national level, he represented “Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands” (1994- 2004).

13 January 2021 Marielle DE SARNEZ EPP& ALDE, France (1999-2017)

She served as French Member of the European Parliament from 1999 until 2017. At the national level, she represented “Union pour la démocratie française” (1999-2008) and “Mouvement Démocrate” (2008-2017).

23 January 2021 Karl Erik OLSSON ALDE, Sweden (1995-2004)

He served as Swedish Member of the European Parliament from 1995-2004. At the national level, he represented “Centerpartiet”. 44 FMA BULLETIN 74 - MARCH 2021


4 February 2021 Paolo BARTOLOZZI EPP-ED, Italy (2001-2004 & 2008-2014)

He served as Italian Member of the European Parliament from 2001 to 2004 and from 2008 to 2014. At the national level, he represented ‘Il Popolo della Libertà’ and ‘Forza Italia’.

9 February 2021 Franco MARINI EPP-ED, Italy (1999-2004)

He served as Italian Member of the European Parliament from 1999 until 2004. At the national level, he represented ‘Partito popolare italiano’.