PL9801710 The Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics Krakow, Poland REPORT No. 1760/PH MESON CLOUD IN THE NUCLEON AND ITS CONSEQUENCES IN VARIOUS PHENOMENA Rozprawa habilitacyjna Address: Main site: 29-29 High Energy Department: ul. Radzikowskiego 152, ul. Kawiory 26 A, 31-342 Krak6w, Poland 30-055 Krakbw, Poland e-mail:
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[email protected] REPORT No. 1760/PH MESON CLOUD IN THE NUCLEON AND ITS CONSEQUENCES IN VARIOUS PHENOMENA Rozprawa habilitacyjna Antoni Szczurek Krakow, June 1997 PRINTED AT THE HENRYK NIEWODNICZANSKI INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS KRAK6W, UL. RADZIKOWSKIEGO 152 Xerocopy: INP Krakow To Magda, Krysia, Alik and Mateusz ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The results presented in this report have been obtained in collaboration with physicists from different research and educational institutes. I am particularly indebted to Prof. Josef Speth from the Forschungszentrum Jiilich (KFA) for interesting me in physics of mesons and baryons and his continuous collaboration on the issues presented below. I am also particularly indebted to my younger collaborator Harald Holtmann (Forschungszentrum, Julich) who shared with me the en- thusiasm during all stages of our common work. I have gained a lot by discussing various technical problems with Kolya Nikolaev (Landau Institute, Moscow). I am also indebted to Zbigniew Dziem- bowski (Temple University, Philadelphia) for collaboration on the subject of electromagnetic form factors. In addition I am indebted to many experimental and theoretical physicists and colleagues for discussions and exchange of helpful information: Barbara Badelek, Steve Bass, Jerry Blazey, Arie Bodek, Gerard Bosted, Stan Brodsky, Wojciech Broniowski, Antje Brull, Alfons Buchmann, An- drzej Budzanowski, Nicolo Cartiglia, Tomir Coghen, Alex Dieperink, John Durso, John Ellison, Magda Ericson, Torleif Ericson, Amand Faessler, Gerry Garvey, Krzysztof Golec-Biernat, Dieter von Harrach, Johann Heidenbaur, Karl Holinde, Pauchy Hwang, P.