e had a great 2014! We were busier this year than in We will also be discussing your ideas for contract proposals at the recent years and 2015 looks to be an even better upcoming general membership meetings. year for our Membership with the passing of tax incentive As you know, we have not had a bill AB1839! dues increase since 2010. To help put our Local on a sound financial We reached settlements with Warner footing going forward, beginning Bros. over meal money violations. To in April, our dues will go up $5.00 date, WB has paid our members more per month. This will also greatly than $40,000.00 in meal penalties reduce the need for special assess- that occurred from August 2013 on, ments in the future. Please read the and our Courier Dispatchers received “Dues Increase in 2015” article in Wan additional $23,000.00 in meal this issue for much more infor- penalty payments. mation on this change. We had a near-record turn out We will continue to meet for the ratification meeting with all of our com- on January 11th regarding mittees and look for- the tentative agreement with ward to greatly expand- the AICP, which covers approx- ing our education classes imately 500-600 Members who in 2015. Our revamped web- work regularly in the commercial site will roll out in February and industry. Those in attendance voted our new callboard software system at that time to reject the initial agree- should be in place by the end of the ment, thus authorizing a strike action, first quarter. We will continue to be and we are asking all members to visiting you on sets to discuss your contact the Call Board to sign up for issues and concerns. picket line duty. Obviously, a strike I believe we’re making the difficult is never the first choice in resolving decisions that need to be made in issues and we are continuing to work order for our Membership to thrive towards an equitable solution. It and prosper into the future. We was a spirited meeting, and I want to cannot do it without your support acknowledge all who attended for taking an active roll in their union and counsel. I hope and encourage you to make every effort to and encourage all to do so. Go to for updates on this issue. participate in your Union and make this a great year! There is much more work ahead for the staff in the coming year. Negotia- tions for our basic agreements with the major studios will be taking place this I wish you and yours a happy and prosperous New Year! year. We have prepared a Membership survey (please see survey notice in this issue) for you to fill out online or return to us via mail. Please take the time to Fraternally, Steve Dayan let us know where you think we should focus our attention in these negotiations.


PAGE 2 __ PAGE 7 THE BIZ: The Importance of the Log Book Western Conference of 7-day Recap Teamsters Pension Trust PAGE 8 & 9 _ PAGE 3 __ SPOTLIGHT: Casting Associates No Cost Financial Workshop Sony Pictures Employee Announcement for 399 Members PAGE 10 PAGE 4 __ James Hoffa Scholarship

Commercials: An Evolving Industry Memorial Fund Call for Entrees PAGE 5 ______PAGE 11

Visit your Union website: Union your Visit 246 N PERMIT

o AMPTP Contracts set to expire Local 399 website gets a new look

Van Nuys, CA Nuys, Van In 2015

91602-1262 PAGE 12 PAID

North Hollywood, CA Hollywood, North PAGE 6 Events, Announcements, Retirees and

U.S. POSTAGE U.S. Dues to Increase in 2015

4747 Vineland Avenue Vineland 4747 Obituaries

NON-PROFIT ORG. NON-PROFIT Teamsters Local 399 Local Teamsters RELEVANT INDUSTRY ARTICLES FROM TOP ENTERTAINMENT SOURCES NO COST FINANCIAL WORKSHOP FREE ADVICE FOR ALL LOCAL 399 MEMBERS THE MOTION PICTURE BUZZ The Society for Financial Awareness, through up these workshops in the coming months and AFL-CIO Labor Community Services has intro- offering them to the Membership free of cost. duced a program to help Members find finan- Whether you are just starting your career or THE WESTERN CONFERENCE OF cial comfort and success. The time has come a seasoned Teamster the time is now to start to break the cycle of Financial Mediocrity and planning for your retirement. The Local is level the playing field by raising the bar for looking to empower and educate Members so all. Just like a trade, you can learn to master that they and their families are equipped to TEAMSTERS PENSION TRUST the art and science of personal finances – all it plan for the future and protect against unfore- takes is knowledge and discipline. seen financial burdens. n mid-December, Congress passed, and the Pres- It allows the benefits of retirees to be reduced SOFA offers 3 workshops to equip and empow- You work hard for your money, let SOFA ident signed the Omnibus Spending Bill. The in limited and specifically defined circumstanc- er all Members to plan and achieve financial teach you how to make your paycheck go far- legislation is lengthy, complex and controversial. es. This is the section of the Act that has generated goals: Early Career, Mid Career and Pre-re- ther and help to minimize financial stress in Yes, it kept the doors of government open, but it the most publicity and controversy. It amends the also included a section dubbed the Multi-Employ- Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 tirement. Teamsters Local 399 will be setting your life. er Pension Reform Act of 2014, which makes major which prohibited a reduction (cutback) in a retiree’s changes to the multi-employer funding and with- pension benefits. The legislation will allow a reduc- drawal liability rules. You may hear this new law re- tion, but only if a plan is “Severely Underfunded and ferred to as MEPRA. in Critical and Declining Status and facing Insolven- The changes under MEPRA cy in less than 20 years.” In Iare comprehensive, as we “Answers to your reality, there are only a few said controversial, and in plans across the Country WHO questions about the A 501(c)3 Non-Profit organization some instances misunder- that would face reductions, providing relevant financial education as a stood. Omnibus Spending Bill & and the Western Conference value added service through… Multi-Employer Pension of Teamsters Pension Plan is The media stories following not one of them. FINANCIAL WORKSHOPS the law’s passage have creat- Reform Act 2014” ed a myriad of questions and generated emotions, running By: Chuck Mack EARLY CAREER MID-CAREER RETIREMENT PLANNING January 2, 2015 the gamut from concern to WHAT MEPRA Fundamentals of personal Fundamentals of personal Developing plans for reducing panic. finances with an emphasis on finances with an emphasis on debt, distribution planning, understanding employer building wealth and reducing taxation, Social Security Hopefully this communica- WILL NOT DO WHAT savings plans and getting risk while gearing up for maximization and avoiding tion will -- answer questions that Retirees, Mem- started on the right track funding retirement outliving financial assets bers, staff and representatives might have about the It will NOT reduce retirement benefits of retir- ** Custom workshops also available at no cost new law -- reduce Member/Retiree anxiety levels ees or actives under the Western Conference Plan and -- and point out what the legislation will do, what it MPIPHP. We have never been deeply troubled, seri- won’t do, and the specific impact it will have on the ously underfunded or in a critical declining state. We Some of our Brothers and Sisters struggle from paycheck to paycheck in an endless pattern of fi- operations of the Western Conference of Teamsters are, and always have been, in the PPA’s “green zone”, nancial frustration while their co-workers find financial comfort and success. The time has come Pension Trust and your Motion Picture Plans. the best funded zone under law. The Plan’s actuaries to break the cycle of financial mediocrity and level the playing field by raising the bar for all. believe our future funding outlook remains strong. Just like a trade, you can learn to master the art and science of personal finances. It only takes WHY knowledge and discipline. These workshops are offered to equip and empower all Members to It will NOT affect our asset or liability base. The plan and achieve financial goals. WHAT WILL MEPRA DO? Western Conference Plan is the largest multi-employ- er plan in the United States, and we continue to grow. Our assets are close to 37 billion dollars. It extends the Pension Protection Act (PPA). The first SOFA workshop hosted by Teamsters Local 399 will take place on The PPA was originally passed in 2006 and was set It will NOT affect how our assets are invested. WHERE to terminate at the end of 2014. The new law ex- Over the past 20 years, our annual return on invest- Saturday, February 7th, 2015. tends PPA indefinitely. ments has averaged 8.4%. & The workshop is open to all Teamsters Local 399 Members however space is very limited only 20 spots available. You must RSVP to attend. It increases the Pension Benefit Guarantee In short, the new law will NOT affect the oper- WHEN Contact Business Agent Lindsay Dougherty at: [email protected] to reserve a spot. Corporation premiums for multi-employer plans. ations of our Plan and the benefits of our retirees and The premium, which is used to subsidize insolvent members will NOT be reduced. plans, will go from $12 to $26 per participant in 2015. Thereafter premiums are indexed based on In light of the controversy and misinformation gener- the national average wage index. ated by the passage of MEPRA, I wanted to share this Attend the workshop being hosted by Teamsters Local 399 information with you. It makes a number of technical changes to the HOW or Contact Local 399 for more information original PPA. In general, the changes will ensure In Union, greater efficiency and quicker response. Chuck Mack, Chairman WCTPT


he Entertainment Industry is a cor- carries the task of preparing all locations The current AICP Contract is set to expire on January 31st, 2015. nerstone of the Los Angeles economy. “Commercials make you learn to be for the production company on short no- Per the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Constitution a “no” While motion pictures and television comfortable with last minute book- tice. They arrange contracts, pull permits, vote authorizes a strike action. All Members working in the Com- productions get the lion’s share of all the ings and cancellations, schedule and maintain a relationship with the city mercial Industry are expected to register for Picket Line Duty with press, commercial production should not and with homeowners in neighborhoods changes, equipment and crew the Call Board by phone (818) 985 -7550 or by email: callboard@ be overlooked. we’re filming in.” (If emailing the Call Board, please provide your First & demands on a daily basis. Last Name, Craft, Phone Number and Email Address). Much like their long-form counterparts, It’s challenging to manage the entire From 2009 through 2013, Commercial commercials are a key economic indica- rolling stock at such a quick pace, and producers working in Los Angeles have Please head to to get the most up to date information tor of a thriving Entertainment Industry. on such short notice,” notes shifted approximately 11% of their work regarding the Commercial Contract. The money spent on commercials in and from soundstages to on‐location filming around Los Angeles trickles down and Commercial Gang Boss and Driver due to shrinking production budgets, ac- T Damian Baker. cording to the Association of Independent ripples throughout every single goods and services sector in in the economy, and pro- Commercial Producers’ (AICP) Annual vides Union jobs for our Members. FULL TIME COMMERCIALS WORK IS Industry Survey. APPROX. 20% Over the past few years, FilmL.A. has ob- The Local 399 Commercial roster is OF LOCAL 399 MEMBERSHIP served explosive growth in the production the same Industry Experience roster as of Commercials for web‐based distribu- features and television, but there are tion. This reflects a change in the Com- approximately 700 Members working mercial production market as increased in commercials full time. This includes broadband connectivity, coupled with the almost 400 Drivers and Gang Boss proliferation of smartphones, tablets THE PROPOSED COMMERCIAL and other media consumption de- Drivers (Which are the equivalent vices, has created promising new AGREEMENT WITH THE AICP WAS of Captains in TV/film) and opportunities for online adver- about 200 Location Scout/ tising. Managers, in addition to VOTED DOWN BY THE MEMBERSHIP roughly 100 Wranglers, “New Media,” including video Animal Handlers and games, web development and ON JANUARY 11TH. s many of you know, our major contracts are set to expire Trainers. This represents other interactive technolo- in the summer and fall of this year. In preparation for nego- gies, are emerging as an im- tiations, we will be sending out survey forms for you to fill about 20% of total portant, high-growth area of A “NO” VOTE AUTHORIZES A out online or return by mail. Your participation really does make Membership. the commercial economy. STRIKE. PLEASE VISIT HT399.ORG a difference! When you receive your survey, please take a few Commercial production So while Commercial production minutes to fill it out and give us your feedback on the changes is a different beast than may be up thanks to new media, TO RECEIVE THE MOST UP-TO-DATE you’d like to see in your contract. In addition, we will be dis- film and television. As the share of Union jobs has not risen cussing contract proposals at the January and April Membership Business Agent Ed Duffy, along with it. meetings. We encourage you to come to those meetings to give who represents Commer- INFORMATION REGARDING THE us your input. Head to to sign up for email updates from cial Location Scout/Man- “We’ve gone from a film and the local and to be notified when the survey is published online. agers, explains: photographic society to a digital, SITUATION. ALL MEMBERS AOur major goals in these negotiations will be to make certain online, society and that has com- “Once a commercial budget WORKING IN THE your Wages, including Pension Health and Welfare Benefits, keep is approved and awarded to a pletely changed commercials. Things pace with the cost of inflation. We will also be looking at ways to commercial company, it could be are looked at online, and that has COMMERCIAL INDUSTRY NEED TO provide for more employment opportunities for our Members in 4 or 5 days before they have to start changed the perspective of how they shooting and most departments put to- every contract. We will not consider any changes to our Group- gether their entire crew and schedule just even do their jobs,” says Business REGISTER FOR PICKET LINE DUTY ing provisions under the “Black Book” agreement. We will be days before a shoot.” Agent Ed Duffy. negotiating the “Black Book” and Location Manager agreements first and, if time permits, we may be negotiating the Casting Di- “It’s very rapid and fast paced. That’s not It can be a grueling daily schedule, with “Digital technology in cameras and editing WITH THE CALL BOARD rector agreement at the same time, before its expiration this fall. to say that television and features are not, longer hours per day, but Baker notes there has taken commercials and advertising in but they are in and out of situations very is a tradeoff. Since each job is only a few a new direction,” says Baker, “and hopeful- (818) 985-7550 For the first time ever, Driver & Transportation Coordinator quickly. Because of that, they have to hit days at a time, and rarely more than a week, ly everyone can adjust to this trend.” Bak- Committees have been formed to consider your proposals and the ground running and setup shop a lot there is more time between jobs to spend er has been a member of Local 399 since make certain we are focused on the changes you’d like to see faster” Business Agent Joshua Staheli com- with family or take vacations. 1996. He focused on features and television in your contracts. Our Location Manager and Casting Direc- mented. “In the 5 years since I worked full- until approximately 2001, when he starting tor committees will also be formulating and reviewing propos- working in commercials full time. time in commercials we’ve seen the size of The margin for error on a commercial is als. We will be focusing our attention on these negotiations and the trucks shrink and the number of loca- razor thin and Locations Managers work- working hard with our committees to make certain we get what’s tions shot in a day grow.” ing on Commercials must also work with Local 399 recently concluded contract ne- lighting speed and efficiency. Commercial gotiations with the AICP. On January 11th inmportant to you. Commercial productions can bring a film shoots require teamwork in order to pull Local 399 held a ratification meeting. Over crew of 100 people to up to 4 or more loca- off a successful shoot. The short produc- 600 Members were in attendance at the We must show our solidarity to the major studios to let them tions per day. Each location requires dress- tion schedules leave little time to scout and meeting. After hearing from the Member- know that we expect a good contract from them. The Interna- ing, rigging, shooting and complete wrap lock each location of the shoot. ship it became clear the proposed MOA for tional Brotherhood of Teamsters Union, our Joint Council 42 out. All of the crew cars, picture cars, crew the Commercial Contract would be voted and all of the Basic Crafts Unions with whom we negotiate, stand shuttles, equipment trucks and catering “We work hand-in-hand with our counter- down. The Low Budget provision proved to in solidarity with us. Together, we can negotiate good contracts trucks have to be accounted for on multiple parts, Local 399 Location Managers,” con- be of the most concern amongst the Mem- this year that provide certainty, security and continued employ- fronts in a day. tinues Baker. “The Locations department bership. ment for our members.

PAGE 4 How often are dues due? NOVEMBER: DUES + $20 LATE FEE IMPORTANCE OF

Members’ Dues are to be paid on a Quar- terly System. January, April, July and : DECEMBER: THE LOGBOOK In 2015 we will be increasing dues moderately, by $5.00 per month, bringing the new quarterly total to $273.00. In light of this October are the months in which pay- DUES + $40 LATE FEE ment is expected. Payment outside of these (You will go suspended if you fail to pay of or change, we want to take a moment to explain the importance of Membership dues and the reasons behind this rate increase. If 4 months will result in additional late fees. there are any questions that you do not see answered below, please feel free to contact the Local by emailing [email protected]. before the last business day of this month) 7-DAY RECAP We will also be sending official notices in the mail when the dues increase is set to take place.

Q What happens if I go Suspended? I am already paid through 2015. Will I What are the methods Members can use to At what point am I at risk of going be expected to pay the remaining balance pay their dues? Suspended? brought upon by the increase? If you get suspended, you will be expected A to pay re-initiation fees in order to restore Dues are due within the months of Janu- It is our goal to help our Members pay their to a status of “Member in good-standing”. ary, April, July and October. Any payment Yes, you will have to pay the difference. Lo- dues easily and on time. We have many received outside of these months will result cal 399 will notify you of the difference and payment methods set up in order to better in a late fee. If you fail to pay within the month 1 First suspension is $200. you will be given 60 days to pay your re- WITH serve the Membership. your dues are due, late fees will increase each 2 Second Suspension is $400, if the STEVE maining balance. Have a question you would month until suspension. Please see the chart second suspension is within 3 years of like to see answered in our below for a visual representation of when dues the first offense. next Newsreel? Email : DAYAN WAYS YOU CAN PAY YOUR DUES ARE AS FOLLOWS: are due, when fees are expected and when sus- SECRETARY TREASURER Why are Members expected to pay dues? Q3 Third Suspension is $600, if the third [email protected]. pension will occur. Q Q suspension is within 3 years of the Q 1 Mail a check: When a new Quarter begins Please see the chart below for a visual second offense. The bulk of the income generated by Team- you have the entire first month of the Quarter to breakdown of when dues are due. Why are dues set to increase? sters Local 399 comes in the form of initi- get your Dues paid without accruing a late fee. A4 Thereafter is $1200.Under this new ations fees, re-initiation fees, and dues. Of Mailing a check helps save on credit card trans- A procedure, the re-initiation fee for ll major studios and most independent that, the Teamster International collects 15% Aaction fees as well as keeps you from having to First Suspension will no longer be production companies require Local 399 Let me answer that in 2 parts: & Aof the initiation and re-initiation fees paid and drive down to the Local. waived. Drivers to fill out a 7-day recap before 22% of all dues paid by our Members. In addi- Mail Check to: P.O. Box 6017 North Hollywood, JANUARY: employment commences. It’s imperative that • Simply put, our dues increases have not tion, the Joint Council is paid $2.25 per month CA 91603 NORMAL DUES AMOUNT What are some ways to ensure Members each Driver knows the total amount of his or kept up with wage increases and inflation. per Member as well. As you can imagine, it her “On Duty” hours. On Duty hours are line Per our International Constitution, Article takes significant resources to run the Union at 2 Make A Payment Online: Starting October are not late with their dues? X, Members of all locals are required to pay a all levels. Dues have not been increased in near- 1st, 2014 we launched our online dues payment 3 (Driving) and line 4 (On Duty) of the Driver minimum of 2-and-a-half times their hourly Q logbook added together. ly five years even though wages have increased option. You can make a one-time payment or FEBURARY: rate in the form of monthly dues payments In in the Black Book and other major contracts by setup a quarterly recurring payment plan. We DUES + $20 LATE FEE One way to stay up to date with your To ensure accuracy and compliance, use the 2010, Leo Reed addressed a letter to the Mem- 8% compounded. are still working to improve this method of pay- payments is to set up a recurring pay- carbon copies of the Driver logbook to help bership stating that the dues rate at that time Q ment, however currently you can make a $258 ment plan either through our website or keep track of the amount of “On Duty” hours should have been $95 per month. However, the A payment, which covers most of our Members’ that have accrued. Some studios will ask to directly through your bank. Executive Board at that time increased the dues quarterly dues. This amount will be changed on MARCH: Aphysically see the previous carbon copies of Q How does the Local use the Member’s dues to only $86 per month. Meanwhile, our wag- DUES + $40 LATE FEE the website as of April 1, 2015 to reflect the new the logs as well as the 7-Day recap to confirm es have increased a compounded 8% since that money? amount due as of that date. We will also be ex- (You will go suspended if you fail to pay of or DOT compliance. According to Federal Law, if Atime. As our wages increased our dues should panding this method further as time goes on. before the last business day of this month) have as well. Our current dues rate should be ANOTHER WAY TO STAY ON TOP OF PAYMENTS IS a Driver is going to travel interstate it is man- $103 per month. InA light of that fact, we are datory that he or she has copies of the 7 previ- The following is not intended to be exhaus- TO STAY CONNECTED WITH OUR VARIOUS proposing a more moderate increase of $5.00 Q ous days of logs. tive but are some of the ways dues help pay COMMUNICATION CHANNELS. per month, bringing the total monthly rate to for operating costs. APRIL: Please remember that the 7-day recap is a Fed- $91. click on Quarterly Dues Payment NORMAL DUES AMOUNT eral DOT document and must be accurate. If a studio concludes that a 7-day recap is falsified • There has been a significant change in phi- A• Sign Up for our Emails or inaccurate then possible discipline such as LOCAL 399: 3 Stop by the Local: We are open 9AM-5PM losophy regarding our approach to the enforce- suspension or permanent termination can oc- ment of our contracts. Historically, another Monday through Friday. Pay with cash, check MAY: DUES + $20 LATE FEE cur. source of income to this Local was liquidated or debit card to avoid any credit card transac- Like us on Facebook If any Driver finds himself or herself in a sit- damages. These monies were paid from pro- tion fees. If you stop by and our office is closed • Q• Negotiates collective bargaining agreements you can always drop a check off in our Drop Box uation where less than an 8-hour turnaround ducers directly to the union fund when specific with major studios that are part of multi-billion is unavoidable then the Captain, Coordinator, individuals could not be identified as recipients located to the right of our entrance when ap- dollar corporations. proaching the front doors. JUNE: Follow us on Twitter Dispatcher or Transportation Department on of damages in a grievance. Our main focus is all Chases independent producers around the DUES + $40 LATE FEE • about jobs. So, we now take a different tact. We • 399 the production should be notified immediate- country to make sure our Members are treated 4 Give us a Call (818) 985 - 7374: One of our (You will go suspended if you fail to pay of or ly. If it has been less than 8 hours in between will waive damages if we can put people to work Aproperly. staff would be happy to assist you with your pay- before the last business day of this month) employment with various studios, please re- instead, as a resolution to a grievance. This ap- At times, must litigate issues with the pro- Read the Quarterly Newsreels • ment over the phone. Please note you can only • member that work can still be performed for proach has reduced our income but has served ducers either in a court of law or in arbitration, our Members by getting individuals their hours make a credit card payment over the phone so that day. which costs significant money in attorneys’ fees additional credit card transaction fees will apply. and putting money in their pockets. To further explain, it is not illegal to have less and other costs. JULY: If you have any further questions or NORMAL DUES AMOUNT than an 8-hour turnaround as long as the “On • Must enforce our contracts to their fullest 5 Contact your Bank: Most banks have an au- suggestions regarding dues for Team- extent, which means we must employ the best Duty” hours are managed and are logged cor- tomatic bill pay option. You set the day and reg- sters Local 399 or your personal account How often should we expect to see Business Agents possible who work 24/7 to rep- ularity that you would like the bank to send a rectly. Member’s dues increase? resent you. These employees generally come check on your behalf and it automatically pulls please contact Please contact the appropriate person on pro- from our industry, which means they came AUGUST: duction for information regarding hours of from your account. DUES + $20 LATE FEE from well paying jobs. In order to attract talent, [email protected]. service. Also, please contact Teamsters Local We propose to increase dues by the same we need to compete in the areas of wages and 399 if you have any questions or concerns re- percentage as your wages are increased on benefits to lure them away from their employ- garding this matter. August 1st of each year, rounded to the ers. Why does it cost more if I pay online or over SEPTEMBER: nearest dollar. We are raising the dues on April • Must participate in International affairs to the phone? DUES + $40 LATE FEE STUDIO CONTACT PHONE NUMBER: 1, 2015, but additional increases will not take ef- make sure other locals do not destroy your right fect until August 1, 2016. So, for example, since to work in other jurisdictions. These other lo- (You will go suspended if you fail to pay of or CBS...... (818) 655-5351 before the last business day of this month) your dues rate will already be $91.00 per month cals now want to take away your right to work When you pay online or over the phone Paramount...... (323) 956-5151 by August 1, 2016, if your wages increase 3% on outside of Hollywood. your payment card has to be run as cred- Universal...... (818) 777-2966 August 1, 2016, your dues rate would also in- • Must conduct maintenance and repairs to the it. The additional amount you are paying is Warner Bros...... (818) 954-4106 Qcrease by 3%. Keep in mind that we are starting 399 Union Hall systems and facilities. the credit card transaction fee that our merchant OCTOBER: Sony...... (310) 244-7016 from a dues rate that is $12.00 below the $103 The bottom line is the cost of running Local 399 charges us. The amount you are paying in credit NORMAL DUES AMOUNT 20th Century Fox...... (310) 369-2533 is not cheap and our major source of income is per month you should be charged, so your dues card fees is proportional to the amount you are Disney...... (818) 560-1285 are still at a discounted rate. initiation fees and dues. paying for dues. A PAGE 6 Q PAGE 7 A “CASTING THE FIRST STONE” Casting Associates ATTENTION SPOTLSPOTLA CASTINGIGIG ASSOCIATESHTHT SEARCH FOR A LIVING WAGE ALL SONY PICTURES ENTERTAINMENT Finding an Actor is easy. Head to any Starbucks in for perfection daily. A Casting Department must Los Angeles and I’ll bet you will find one. Head find and audition Actors for every role in a EMPLOYEES PAST & PRESENT to the beach, or to the mall, or ask around at television or film production. On any giv- Sony Pictures Entertainment has released the following statement your favorite restaurant, and I bet you will en day this could range from lead roles, directed to all Members that have been employed by the Company. find even more. The hard part is not finding to bit parts or to cattle calls for behind the Please follow the directions below as Sony Pictures Entertainment works an Actor; it is finding the perfect Actor for a scenes extras. To handle the massive task of to correct the issue and protect their employee’s private information that role. Casting Directors and Casting Associ- casting dozens, and even hundreds of roles, a may have been compromised. We encourage all Teamsters Local 399 ates, who have been Members of Local 399 since Casting Director needs a seasoned Casting Associ- Members that have been employed by Sony Pictures Entertainment to they were organized in 2006, take on this search ate to act as their right hand. follow the directions below, and take the necessary steps to protect all The issues facing the Casting Associates personal and professional information. will be taken up in earnest this year as By Matthew Klekner Local 399 begins to plan for their new Collective Bargaining agreement, which he Associate is steering the ship, but at the same time, on a TV series, it can be quite demanding.” is up this coming September. “SONY PICTURES ENTERTAINMENT (“SPE”) and the Casting Director, through they don’t want someone brand new – so “Casting Associates do an awful lot of EXPERIENCED A SIGNIFICANT SYSTEMS contact with the Producers, is say- they’ll go to England or Australia and work,” says Duffy, “and they are not paid In the Spring of this year the Union and ing which way the ship should go,” says a salary that reflects how much work they DISRUPTION ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2014. the Steering Committee will meet with SPE has determined that the cause of the disruption was a brazen cyber attack. After Allen Hooper, the Shop Steward for the really do. They need a raise, and that’s Casting Directors and Casting Associ- Casting Associate Steering Committee. something we are working hard to do and identifying the disruption, SPE took prompt action to contain the cyber attack, ates to develop ideas about what they engaged recognized security consultants and contacted law enforcement. I think Casting Directors are as well, be- need to get in their next collective bar- SPE learned on December 1, 2014, that the security of certain personally identifiable In that regard, it’s no different than any cause Associates are an integral part of gaining agreement and the best plan of other department. Just as Transporta- what they do.” attack to move forward. information about its current and former employees may have been compromised. tion Coordinators need Captains, Loca- SPE has made arrangements with a third-party service provider, AllClear ID, to offer tion Managers need Key Assistants and “With technology, everybody thought “One of my concerns,” says Hooper, “is 12 months of identity protection services at no charge to potentially impacted Directors need A.D.’s, so too do Cast- it was going to allow us to work less, if we get the wages up to where we want current and former production employees of SPE or an SPE affiliated company. ing Directors need Casting Associates but it does not,” says Hooper. “I’ve got them, the studio has the option of saying “Tto make sure their department runs an iPhone with email on it and I am the Associate position is just an assistant Please contact AllClear ID directly to initiate the enrollment smoothly. expected to respond to emails and position, and assistants are all non-union. phone calls regardless of if they are So all the benefits we have fought for go process and/or learn more about their services. Casting Associates spend much during office hours or not.” out the window.” of their time seeking out actors AllClear ID US/Canada: (855) 731-6013 with the right look, appropriate As Hooper points out, the min- Hooper would also like to see Local 399 skills and who fit the roles the imum hourly rate for a Casting implement a permit system for new Cast- Outside of US/Canada: (512) 201-2183 office is given to cast. It is the Associate is $11.22 an hour ing Associates, to make sure the current Casting Associate who does the right now, which is barely above Members are working before they bring Please note that in most cases, current production employees will be able to bulk of the administrative work California Minimum wage. And new ones in. enroll in the AllClear ID services immediately. required to narrow down a pool like other crafts, their work is of Actors, get them auditioned seasonal, so they rarely work “I know with the Drivers, they have to all IF YOU ARE A FORMER PRODUCTION EMPLOYEE YOU WILL BE ASKED TO for a role and get them hired on the whole year. be employed when they get into permits, PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IN ORDER TO CONFIRM YOUR a production. so I think there is precedent there, which ELIGIBILITY FOR AllClear ID SERVICES: With their rate being roughly I hope could be applied to our Craft as Casting Associates are the peo- $770 per week and unemployment well,” says Hooper. ple in the trenches daily, pushing only being $450 per week ($400 if Legal First and Last Name paper, making calls, scheduling you elect to take taxes out), if an “We have a very good working relation- Email Address meetings, re-scheduling meetings, Associate only works half the year ship,” says Duffy. We are working with Capacity in which you worked for or with Sony Pictures or an affiliated company video taping sessions, editing video, their net income is under $30,000. them on a continual basis and I think Whether you worked on a TV or Motion Picture Production (or other) sending correspondences and finally, This has forced Members out of the that everyone is striving hard to focus Name of production (if applicable) when that perfect Actor is found, they Union because they were unable to sup- on improving their salary position and Union Affiliation (if applicable) hire the Actors too. port their families. Even Hooper has had to address any other concerns.” to take time off to “shore up his finances” Position/Title “My boss negotiates the deals for the by working in computer programming. “Steve (Dayan) has been very pro-active Approximate dates you worked for or with Sony Pictures or an affiliated company name actors, but I do all the other deals. with the Associates,” says Hooper. Location: (City and state, or country) I create all the deal memos, contracts and “If the California legislature has its way, “I know he has ideas and plans to get us the cast lists. I believe that’s fairly stan- the state minimum wage will surpass an what we need and has awareness of how Due to the high volume of inquiries, it may take several days (generally between dard for TV,” says Hooper. Associate’s minimum wage within two little we are paid.” or three years. It seems insane to me, that 2-4 business days) for AllClear ID to validate your eligibility. In order to do their jobs well, Casting find somebody that is new to America, any Hollywood craft would be making “And hopefully we can get the support Associates must draw upon years of ex- but has a resume of work that would that little, much less a Teamster,” says of the Drivers and Location Managers perience during which they’ve devel- allow them to do quality work and Hooper. and all the other Crafts in 399, so that We appreciate your understanding and patience during oped instinct, taste, and an encyclopedic succeed at it,” notes Hooper. Hollywood understands our plight and knowledge of the many different local, “If you look at the numbers, the Associ- supports us in our fight for what we this time. Potentially affected individuals can review the national and international actors in the “Their jobs have grown with the internet ate craft has become like a First A.D. or want next year, which is a living wage,” full text of the individual notifications and learn other world. and the expansion of their casting um- a Second A.D. and it should be a position says Hooper. brella,” Says Business Agent Ed Duffy. that you could do for your whole career,” information about how to protect yourself from identity “There is always a desire to find some- “They are expected to cover much more he continues. theft and other potential loss at” body new, somebody ‘fresh’ as they say, ground, they have to be Global, making

PAGE 8 PAGE 9 THE THE TEAMSTER LOCAL 399 WEBSITE Is Getting A New Look! JAMES R. HOFFA PROJECTED SCHOLARSHIP MEMORIAL FUND LAUNCH Application for the 2015-2016 Academic ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Year of the James R. Hoffa Memorial FEBRUARY Students: Scholarship Fund Application 1. Applicants to the current program must grad- Deadline March 31st, 2015 uate from high school during the 2014-2015 ac- James R. Hoffa became a Teamsters ademic year. Students participating in a con- 2015 Member in 1934, served as General current enrollment program, where they President for 14 years, and, in rec- are attending college courses prior to ognition of his tireless service completion of their high school re- to the Union, was honored as quirements, must apply the year General President Emeri- before they begin full-time tus for life. At the No- college course work. vember 1999 Gen- 2. The applicant must eral Executive be a son, daughter or Board Meet- financially depen- ing, then Sec- dent grandchild of retary-Treasurer a Teamsters Mem- C. Thomas Keegel ber. Financially depen- presented a resolution dent grandchildren and to establish the James R. other financial dependents Hoffa Memorial Scholarship (i.e. stepchildren and wards) of Fund. Teamster Members are eligible if Scholarship applicants compete the Member contributes in excess of in one of the five geographic regions 50% of the applicant’s financial support where the Teamsters Union affiliate is lo- and if the applicant is a financial dependent cated. of the Member for federal income tax purposes. One category of awards totals $10,000 each. These four-year scholarships are disbursed at the Teamster Member Relation: rate of $2,500 per year and are renewable annually. 1. In the application, the Teamster Member whose Other awards are one-time $1,000 grants. These schol- child, financially dependent grandchild or other qualifying arships are disbursed to the college or university at the be- financial dependent is applying for the scholarship is referred ginning of the recipient’s freshman year. to in the application form as “Teamster Member Relation” Eligibility requirements and application procedures are the same 2. The applicant’s Teamster Member Relation must have been a for all awards. Recipients are selected by an impartial committee of Member in “good standing” as defined in Article X, Section 5 of University admissions and financial aid directors based on academ- the International Constitution on the application deadline of March ic achievement, SAT/ACT scores, character, potential and financial 31, 2015. In addition, the Teamster Member Relation must not have need. We consider all applicants without regard to race, religion, been a full-time elected officer or full-time employee of the Interna- gender, disability or any other legally protected status. tional or Teamster affiliate during this period. The James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarship Fund awards schol- 3. If the applicant’s Teamster Member Relation is retired, he or she must be retired from a craft represented by his or her local Union and arships annually to outstanding high school seniors. All applicants We are seeking to improve communication must comply with the following eligibility and application criteria. must have been a Member in good standing for 5 years prior to his or her retirement. In addition, the retired Teamsters Member Relation with the Membership - tailoring information must not have been a full-time elected officer or full-time employee and updates to each unique craft. We must GUIDELINES: of the International or Teamster affiliate during this period. stand as a united, informed Membership to 4. A seasonal employee eligible to vote pursuant to Article XXII, protect our jobs and constantly improve The scholarship Fund has established some guidelines to be used Sec. 4 (c) of the International Constitution, shall also qualify as a and adapt with the changing times. Our by students when deciding whether or not to apply to this program. Teamster Member Relation. new website will be more visually engag- Applicants should: To receive an application, come down to the Local or fol- ing and will have a cleaner look to simpli- 1. Rank in the top 15 % of their high school class low this link to find the application online: fy navigation. We are excited to give each 2. Have, or expect to have, excellent SAT or ACT scores Please be sure to read through the application carefully to Member a specific page to check for up- 3. Demonstrate Financial Needs ensure you are not missing any piece and are also eligible dates and event announcements pertain- Due to the highly competitive nature of the program and the large number to apply. If you have any questions please email: ing to their craft. of applicants, students should carefully consider these criteria before [email protected]. submitting an application. This is a big year for Teamsters Local 399. We Wishing all of our applicants the best of luck! have a lot of information we need to dissem- MAKE SURE YOU: inate to the Membership in a timely manner. 2015 is the year to get and stay connected Do not send the application directly to the Scholarship Fund. • Send the completed application to Local 399 with the Local! We want all Local 399 Mem- • Do not send any IRS statements or W-2 forms. The Scholarship bers to be in the know and actively engaged • Fund will not accept these documents in the Local’s operations. • Do not send a picture

PAGE 10 PAGE 11 January 25th ANNOUNCEMENTS GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING When: 8AM Bill signed into law reverts 34-hour restart back to prior version: President Open to ALL Members Obama signed the FY 2015 Omnibus Appropriations bill into law late on Decem- Where: Pickwick Gardens ber 16, 2014. Language in the legislation immediately prohibits the enforcement of 1001 Riverside Drive the 34-hour restart restrictions as currently written in Section 395.3 of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations. As a result, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Burbank, CA 91506 Administration (FMCSA) is forced to revert back to the pre-July 2013 provisions for use of the restart even though the agency is not ordered to change the actual regulation. The new law will remain in effect until September 30, 2015, or until the January 31st FMCSA completes a study involving the use of real drivers in their natural envi- FEDERAL MEDIATION AND CONCILIATION ronment, not in a lab. FMCSA is mandated to begin the study within 90 days of the law taking effect. FMCSA has indicated it is preparing a Federal Register Notice SERVICE SHOP STEWARD to advise the public that it is suspending enforcement of the restart restrictions. TRAINING CLASS FMCSA also stated it is working with state and federal motor carrier enforcement When: 9AM-12PM personnel to ensure a smooth transition back to the prior version of the 34-hour restart. Where: Teamsters Local 399 Hall Reminder to ALL MEMBERS – Drivers, Casting, Wranglers, Trainers and Loca- 4747 Vineland Ave tion Managers please remember to call in ALL your shows. All Transportation Co- North Hollywood, CA 91602 ordinators and Captains are to send in daily rundowns to the Call Board everyday. What: The FMCS (Federal Mediation and Conciliation Please keep in mind that it is your responsibility as a Teamster to report non- union productions. Per section 32(n) of the Teamster 399 Bylaws, “A Member hav- Service) will be teaching the Shop Stewards training ing knowledge of a non Union production or a proposed non Union production class. The FMCS is an independent agency of the shall immediately report the same to the Local Union business office.” United States government that provides mediation ser- Working Non Union without any benefits not only undermines your future, but vices in our industry and helps mediate labor disputes also that of your fellow Teamster sisters and brothers. You can call the callboard anonymously, email a call sheet or call your favorite Business Agent. We will make around the country. every effort to get the project signed, so that you can receive the benefits that you This course is meant for new Shop Stewards or Stew- deserve. ards that need a refresher on how to represent employ- Make sure you are up to date with your safety classes to prevent suspension from ees, working with supervisors, and how to avoid a La- the roster. You can check your status online at and click on the General bor Charge.This course will also be offered to Members Access link or call contract services 818–565–0550. This is VERY important. Being suspended for an extended period of time will affect your grouping. that are interested in becoming a Shop Steward. Please make sure to open ALL of Contract Service’s mail. If they send you some- To RSVP contact Business Agent Lindsay Dougherty at thing in the mail, they may require a response. Failure to pay attention to their [email protected] or (818) 432-3319 announcements and requests could affect your work and your grouping. Location’s Educational Classes for 2015 will be announced by February 1st. Please check for more information. February 7th Associate Casting Directors availability list is being kept at the Callboard. If you are available and looking for work please register by calling: (818) 985-7550 SOCIETY FOR FINANCIAL AWARENESS Laminated Social Security cards cannot be excepted as evidence of employment (SOFA) authorization if the card reads on the back “not valid if laminated”. Lamination of such cards renders them invalid. Employers may except a Social Security card When: 9AM-12PM if it has not been signed. Employers cannot accept printouts in lieu of the Social Open to all Members. Security card. Only an official Social Security card or a receipt for a replacement Space is very limited must RSVP to attend - only 20 card issued by the Social Security Administration is acceptable. spot available Don’t forget to pay your 1st Quarter Dues! They must be received before the last business day in January to avoid any late fees. Head to to pay online! Where: Teamsters Local 399 Hall Every weekend we have a Business Agent that is on-call. To reach the on-call 4747 Vineland Ave Agent please call: (818) 397-2131. North Hollywood, CA 91602 Remember: Starting January 30, 2015, the DMV requirements for medical exam- What: Helping Members find financial comfort and ination certificate (MEC) states that you only need to have it in your possession for 15 days after your exam. The FMCSA requires you to provide a copy to every success. Teaching Members to master the art and sci- employer. Due to the transient nature of our work & multiple employers, you need E ence of personal finances. to keep your MEC with you at all times. To RSVP contact Business Agent Lindsay Dougherty at [email protected] or 818.432.3319 Saturday March 7th RETIREES ORGANIZING TRAINING CLASS When: 9AM-12PM ocal 399 would like to take a moment to recognize the hard work put forth V Where: Where: Teamsters Local 399 Hall by the Members listed below. Our most recent retirees have devoted years of 4747 Vineland Ave service to this Local and we cannot thank them enough for their dedication North Hollywood, CA 91602 to our Teamster family. We wish them the best of luck in their next chapter and What: Teamsters Local 399 is proud to announce that appreciate their contribution to the tradition and legacy of Teamsters Local 399. the Joint Council 42 Organizing team will begin training Michael Allen William Kulak Donald Riesau here at our Local. There are (7) trainings that JC 42 Arthur Bauer Stephen Latina David Scher offers and we will start these trainings in March of 2015. David Bianga Molly Lopata Charlene Smith Our Members will walk through the steps of organizing and will be able to learn the intricacies when it comes to Tom Calzia Richard McLaughlin William Smith E organizing. Michael Clark Kenneth Mofhitz Edward Thomas Space will be limited to 20 students per class. Each class L Kelly Colgan Clifford Morton Raymond Van Holten can only be attended by an RSVP that has been con- Ronald Cowan Sergio Olvera Melanie Williams firmed. More details will be announced at a later date. Edward Graham Robert Poto Gary Zimmerman Please contact Business Agent Lindsay Dougherty at Jacqueline Kaptan Barry Jones [email protected] or (818) 432-3319 if you have any questions or if you were like to request more details N about the Class. OBITUARIES

ocal 399 extends our heartfelt condolences for those Members that have COMING SOON passed since May 2014. To those that have lost a Father, Mother, sibling, spouse or friend, Local 399 mourns the loss with you. The memory of these Members will not be forgotten: Gary Davis Joe Gary Jonny Johnson Classes Coming Soon in 2015: Steven Grossman Ken Fredine Anthony Santoro T Please check on a regular basis to stay up to date Jayce Garcia Geoff White Tony La Scala with the classes we are offering to our Members:


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