T 3 4 U IA BKCOAKA ( T O g g g D OP m I I B M H g » * uUaiilttetg bangot bo- r f l t o , teronko e* Birkly t Oa i repreaentatitfw of th* I think it thii; thit wt must txtend tnagolego* otlho * « AJ.O. tnd of the South African Na­ How to Promote a the rlghti of natire* and girt theae Unpontili a nt t thuu tional Natire Congrm, it U .WlraM. people self-government to t certain ex­ JU T A ’S that there ihould be dtttr cooperation WOMEN’S PASSES AND MEDICAL Revival ol the Work of tent. I don’t think wt .hall girt eon- th* Colon red ^ EXAMINATION. tentment in Sonth Africa if wt treat Text Booki for Sonth Africa. of Sooth Afrie*." Tht rub camt when the matter of the God. both 'racsa on tht umt line*, hot wt It was further decided that the two women’, passe, waa touched. Mr. Mapi­ must treat thet* peopl* t. we woald R10HNT ADDITIONS. bodle* abould keep in cIom touch with kela pointed out that they in the Free treat oumlre*. W* mast trett the** Deputation to Govern­ —1 other, and diKun matter* *fect- St*t» hare had so many promiae* and addrrsa delivered by Bet. I. people with dignity and justice. Gir* Korop*: IU lafltiraM oa Srath -PirUntatt ti Hung- non-Europe»n«, and where n«w Motahumi at th* Wesleytn Methodist in extent of responiibility to th*t Africa." Jute’. Dainnity Hatory "flijerTmin* a Botlhibitutel koa ment. lakt united action.—• AJ’^O” menU that tht women folk hav* con­ Synod, Bloemfontein, January, l»U:- an build np tomithing for their Count fog tht Juth-r Oertificate Ex- , fokodits* Uolo m Kgosi cluded that the men wrr* not properly iot deal with tha (abject of tmiattlmi. B» fl. C. Oirifcrtooe, EA. mo UUm1» 1b|. Ggotit ‘ RAILWAY MATTERS. representing their cue. and ther think ••(J lion of a revival o! the work ever become ooe. W* muit not tolt- (Ljodoo). Price i t nta J * ,« Mmusho e» t itiist On Tueeday morning. Uarch 19. tho that It ia *bout timt they came « • ithoat Irst well under.taad- A C m * Book of KifUsH O n » >t* th*t. We mad.w oor infloenee BAT. h Parlsmento « u fttolt mafoko aatito depnUtion waited on the Hon. and taw the Government tbemselrts. Bt W. R <3. Clirkt tad A. a Tbe Squatters Bill. not (0 tllow social equality, because Muller. iDcludioz to'ti oe Rgnrtt t i Uj to. mo boggodag. Ga ftp*- J. W. Siuer, Minuter of Btilwap anJ The s inter-marriage of bUck and white it Harbour!, in hi. oSce. Parliament petition for signatarea which a depu­ of languor or deprewuoo, Bpeccb tnd tht W o e of Eadkh " k, dipoo Gormeatt a ba art o wa. Mr. Viljoen (Prir.te I. U. Burton, K.C.. M.LA., Mini*- awn ways, and thereby make a better Oonrte. Bt H. Jtektoo, BjL, Sooretary). Tho deputation included come down. The dilculty is that no­ we tuNt with the M. ^-Tj« If motlhn opt gi t tt nkt ke for N.tire ABaira. Mr. i . L Dube, uian of him than ht U today. Im­ Loodco and Capt Qonotumaa ia Eng* i dichoanelo t»» morafe, mme Mr. S. M. Makgatho, T. N. Mapikela President of the Congress, outlined the thing can be doee nnW ooe changed ur mind, are at i prove him. I uy. bat do not try and tht Uw, Power waa reated in these tvious sUte of ao- liab of tht UtinnitT of Loedoa; 5,-il llotla fela fo mottfe le one a and S. T. Plaotje, who detailed the feara of tbe native, in »n intelligent intermingle the two race.. Along those English Muter Boyi' Rigb 8ehool, Seo - J'<* mt. grlorances of natire pawengern on the speech. Amongst other thing, ho Municipalities by the Uw of the Frew vity. • len lo Inactivity, my opinion, poniblt to State, and all he coaid do wa. lo ask life In that tonne Point Priot 3/- Dttt .railwtya. Mr. Sauor replied that urged that natives wcro taicd too improiv Ihe nstive. (Cheers.) JatA’a Stoo lord Arithmetic* Vuihni.—I>eksotla ja morafo ko* Bo- thoee matter* were alrrady engaging bearily already in coin pari son with these Municipalities to modify their re- revival of trade, < (Excellent sentiments if they win gulations: bfyood that he could nol By R. M Chrktopher tad J. J. ■ ^ it De le coocoo maloba go tahe- hia attention. earning., «nd to .ugjewt M i- nly reduced lo aetioa; bat th* Prim* IJewelljn For Sooth Africa). 8cbook pOMibly go. He feared that if he went ^ naChache mo lothung lot Moruti Mr. Plaatje further referred to a Ulation of £2 10s. and 13 U... *a linister's aweet assurance* without Staadinli 1 », J, L 5, 6 tad 7. 64 S»»ii Maria Bnrton, eo o tunai- a tbe ri which •ed in this Bill was to make the lo (he Boor of (he Iloase with a motion ot thinga that had previously reds are very much like mustard t«*n active, alive, but had declined into nth nett Thi. tetiet fir doth »ay- iithnlo taa Cbache mo Bothotho ia likely lo lead to blowi Utwevn ihe tai unpayable. reducing the powers of the local auth­ itbout beef.—Ed.. T"J thlng of the kind jet produced. Drpartment’s officiali and tbeir natire! Burton said that could be looked orities. it would raiie «nch a ronflagra- • of death. The Premier also compared native jiytgi dil'1 dintii 0 ahoa tion that the door which was now word "Beviial," then, is a rery Now Onion Reodtr By Rtr. J. tsa gsgoe dile 7* customen. In the Pre* State and md the amounts wtr. only placed isation in the different Province*. In WhitetWe. Contiim chipten oo Trtniml a natire cannot get a ticket clowd, and which he waa endeavouring Siting one in dealing with (he work of the C*pe, with a native population of to open, might be locked lor ever. Per­ G«l. of the Church. It is a word in Hygiene, Ttnperanee, Ooreniinent of fi, David GriiJ.—Kgotl ea dipote le without producing a paw. He had ooe and a half million., they paid 8ooth Africa, Uw Ooorta, Fttedocn, £ttltkrafa e u loala koa Ka pa. ■omrtimei been forced to take the train sonally. he wa. against the idea of ice II remind* ua thst one* £1(0,000. In Natal K0.000 native, paid forcing women to carry pamea. and they Thrift, Money, Ac. A ooiqnt book, without a ticket, and when he com- »; in tbe Transvaal 1.200,000 un­ mounted, i/6 nett jilaincd of thii ihe General. Manager could believe that he will do bis hr.t paid CBS, ; and in tho Fro* fnfeuor Houghton Oray.-Adwokiti • ith tbe Municipalities for them -be­ 000 Bontb Africa and tho British t mataetaelfko ea Grthamitown, er wrote Moling that thoae who refined Stale 339,000 native, paid £75,000. Thia Empire. By tht litt Min A. S. yond that he could nol promt** any. Lu ka lefaratlhatlha ja diwontu a bo to give him tho lickot were acting in iu a question Ihsl wonld have to b* Bltby, B.A. (Load}. Thoroajhly “• |, kIuIo aa' Tombtiland le Dr. order, and tbot those who supplied lealt . rtriied by B. 0. Oltdlettoot, B.A. lana, Tebolo ja mo *egn ka dithole, him with tickets when he had no pau, rrstand hi u that in one State Lood). Uooi'ld* in 1 Vol, 4/6 nttt feeding tbeir authority. (he farms whe iled ou( (hat the degradil *roe maloba ko* Middelburg ga-j J . O. iT D T A 3 b O o , tbe n amng o radically nothing. ocuile dipharant. . 1 wu felt by Natire* throi md others to (be location*. ______BOOKSELLERS A PUBLUHUI, ipplifd in regard to /.ululand. but in on. If anch a degrading permitted in the Free St raal. Vital. Flee State, and Transvaal they lafoko a Paseka, 1912 »a«d aa a precedent for iti Amateur Interpreters. Mr. Sauer: What l*w? I would like lad nowbere (o go to. In theM Utter ut Loodoo, ui to set that !*w. Province, the Government found na­ I real) il last oar editor again (0a*h Win Mr. Plutje Went on to say (hat aa a tes residing on large tracts of Und. Mini.ter for Natir* Af- rule thr Pass Laws were administered The Government attoe/td these under '. P. Schniner ind Mr. (Ke Ur. N. S.. Motahumi). by- the Police. He very often went to them, and gave them out to Europeans *s inied him. Amongst the Transvaal, and no policeman had is. theee in turn told them to con­ r things. Mr. Schreiner told the Iiaaaa: Ditiro II., S2: "Jea!» eo, Mo- insulted him by asking him for a es and other landowners, with the mister Ihsl ' he e badhsd receired teveral jiao o mo cosiUo; fornt rotlhe re pass; (he railway official, do that, llo vea residing thereon .and the latter mplaiuti y tfardmg tl incompetent tulopi ba gone. stood that the object of this ar- now paving for their occupation. It some of ths ment was to protect employers leor that this law will disperse Balaug: 1 Bakorint# it., 1-11. and will ultimately le*d to He made no apology in men* from desertion* by nativo servants. Yet e people, and where will they go :he fact, as it was of the ut- IU Shoutaga oa cogo e» Morpnn re mint of the pass, ben you produced documentary proof m said that matter wa. er- portance that in tho interests ijcp mtkfcoa oa tirelo o re o tloae- » tho satisfaction of booking officer. c nstives ihould fully under- Mg prt' re tlhomanmiie mogopolo ea something will have to be done 'onfuacd with the propoaed nt of hotel, ii Pretoria e proceeding, of e*se« where 0 0 diponalong dingoe t»o t leng if your lie number, of native, reside on eoncerned. aud he would be Ik to oa tumelo e* rona, t leng cogo ined a class of native girl, it. (bey ram their kraals apparently Horens oa rona. Go eiame gore the ticket, and the natives would like not properly cultivating the Und, . foe jalo gonne dilo cotlbe tie re di got amongat eril inlurnrea know if the railway authorities are these absentee landowners. It lal. alreping with one fellnw I Mr. Piaai Hotttomisang kaga tiro ea gagoe mo •e acting within the four rarner. 0o eotlhe ts* ro ntacng re di tlhotlho- Personally, he did not see what the Ur. llurton: How can that do away iu do botnholong jot Moronn oa rona railways had (o do with administering •ith the difficulty? It will not stop me *ort of control more with gobo re di lekile It kantlht ea cogo. the congregation of large numbers of rt of protec(ing (hem. Thai 1 jo to go rcun cogo polelo ea botahelo alive* on these farms. On the other d appeared in Ihe paper-. AititUo Jtwtllary *nd Plctotlal * bo nntseng rurt t ka bo elo ditlba- legates returned from the ind, there is the forther fact that tbe Native Congress they were population, both European and Native, rkito ea rona e chocot mo dikalong hurled oB the train at Brandfort. The increasing, and there is not much when tl up Paul, co o na amogela kico le id available, but in the interests of 8*nd at a port card or UOtr with yoor eneral Manager promised an enquiry ired that nothing wonld be doc. namo and iddrtaa plainly written thanon le Kreaete morago gn cogo ea i January, and nothing had been done without consulting the Native* . So and wt will tend to yoo port (nt: w Temana >e ’ tlhophilra mo the- yet. that if they objected to the medical ter ■I eaga Petero co, o na nale SO packsts of oor Ftaoas Flowtr and Ttj- Mr. Hoy said tbe inquiry waa still tilcate being demanded by the police it *tabl* SMd. al td. par paekrt, fcnsete pele ga losho le cogo ea gagoe, going on. the atreeta ample opportunity • ill b> !i|wt» jalo o m M ka a bo i amo- Plaatje drew the Minister', at­ giren them lo ofer aoggeation.. or (5 paektU of o« Vo 18*tdi st (d. pat U kico e tletaeng le kopano le ene fela paekrt, tention lo another anomaly on tho The inten-iew which lasted nearly or 10 paeketi of onr rimooi - Katadonla' ne norago go cogo t kantlha ea eone through traip t. It is a rule (hat p*t- three hour, terminated with thank- t’c "I conxretatlons, and then I •rag a tha loa lot bobedi go is* cholo- Fsrfams at Sd, per packai, ----*-i..—Pngors taking .s-iirtheir mealsi in (ho com- the Minister. or wt will tend half B**diand half Potato loog e tahediung. arged ejtro. o the Mini* nolo f ka eon! o gateleln bogolo joo bat i. the rule. t s a l a e a be c o a n a At toon u we notfn your 151- w* will to (ore ke ntlha ngoo ea leano jt Immediately post to you FRKB uf ill Ir. Hoyt: You refuse ohirgu, your choiot of t Ladles’ ot Oent's ►IMimo mme o o buelela ka mo­ lo cot in (be dining urchasing land except under certain lt oa hashupi ba nnete le bo botlolo. Ouanntetd Watch or other article which (Tbe Friend of the Beehuana). you coa wlcctjrommx llite uni with i«lo bolela kaga diponolodi lo thataro there? That is putting him Mr. Burton said that was done in the l«t«i di .hupa ta* Uortna. 'K tho deril and the de«p blue iterests of both Europeans and Na­ of the deputation 10- 0 bolela (a a nt bontlt pelo mogo (To (he deputation): The beat ves. He would always *dvi«e tbe . L. Dube. Prrident *' l.uka le ene o tlhomanmiaa thing, in the circumstances, seems not Governor-General to diwuade Natives greaa. Mr S. T Plaai- Oir Pictorial Putcaris > mo Kfangeling ea gagoe. Gt to eat tt all. 1 will go into the m*t- purchasing land in a European Seeretar.; Jlea.r- T an worth doohls the money ind will ope oa bone eo ro tlhalosetung •i. and communicate tlfr result to you. centre like what they did iu the Trans- M Makgatho. and F. proT* * boon to collector*. kopano kgotaa paiiano t Tidimalo wbere the position wu what the The deputation thanked Ihe Minis(er. I- IJepu .nd Mat.hl tend fo* a ot eosi e ihupa kaga kgaltlelo ea ko- nd withdrew. Dutchman calls "boot”—partly white a st the Brat meetiuc. eo. Ga go belietego gort puiuao and partly black. Natives buying Und ENGLISH AND SECHUANA. •* tosi ke cone t o nt t lo mo mogo- An interesting sidelight on officialdom t*y, surrounded by Europeans, will and u soon u ws noein tok *(- w* *»g oaga Petero fa a koala mafoko be eery uncomfortable in tht future, as Subscription |J/. p«r lnnum. will ssnd you s prtunt which yoo can occurred befot* Ibis interview. The Personalia. select from th* list wat with ths csudl. re selseng re a kaile, menibens of the deputation reached the (hey would lie suspected of the crimes Advirtliemtnfi. DON'T Mill THII OtnltOUl OfTtai ■Oo t«begoftlo Modimo le rm oa office punctually at 10 a.m., the appoin- taking place in the neighbourhood, and V- per Inch, Slnglt Column. ti Jeso Krciete 0 kofa mtutloelong ■d timt, and were ushered with great uid be best to regulate that Na- Riptiti, Half-Price. WrtU rt sue. tt whoko a one a mogolo 0 re Ualet- ..•remoiw into the preaenco of t clerk purchase Und near Native settle­ tl- per inch, Double Column. THI . . . g*pe mo choloftlong e o tabelang, ments so as to keep the races apart. who see tied all affability. He told them Rtpeiu, Htlf-Prlct. .Q.»oil07i. C A PETO W N . 0>la take it down, and ensure a reply. The The only authorised medium to reach •...... - paka tao pedi tio o Minister, be told (hem ,w*a too buiy to "kern; but much of the content- twng pele mo go ba' b* leahome, in tha C*pe sras do* .to th* fact Tbe Ben A. S. Gabaaham and S. II. Native consumers in tb* O F.S., Trans­ them. i*nd if they acted on bit *d- rnamela. of th* Free Sta(e snd Trans­ vaal. GriquaUnd West, and Beehuini- jr f a *fke e latelang t ponalta gape things would be all right. They that tht NttiTM then wer* mainly In We moat break the u. koa e teng ko fo.ba Jtopanoia koa ion from time to timt of tracti ■of Und Prayer, one of our Methodi.l P.O. Box I4S, Frel Sc tat* It Tnniml: bo tbit to (wo you for dtyi. /tut tell i (own commonage* and min*ral re- of Kimberley, left “UM. fa a U* bt bolelelo mafoko t all about it, tnd I will wo thit you lymna - Sccoanille English. " * %>«i; gapo o bolelt iponaco week for Wynberg on Kimberley. with -him * pleaunt st Ms I itian'a vital breath Theko t f boleloeng kt opo gapo ea Th« Minister proceeded, and uid The Christian', 15K Morena o iponadito* mogoJtkobe, hert must bt restriction in the other nlo all this w*we are guided by the I t* ntlha o* b*po«tolt eo o ahoct- direction too, for if the door Holy fihoat. who*lOac law we must obey. tunelo ea gtgot; gapo o nmakt the Minister by orrtngement with tn- Richanl ll'Wle, for the paat 8 other Miniiter, and if ht cannot te« ut thrown wide open for everybody to boy " nn to the wil the Spirit wiU -«» mo bapoatoleng botlho ft t tlo land anywhere there waa no doubt a. years interpreter in native tdraaiL in HON. M. CAMPBELL’S PRIZES. re'will go back tnd uk Mr. Bnrton the Reudent Magistrate’. Office here, s * perpetual rival. We i UVU koa ntle go «* gotaena kot ho would bt linafe*. in a of Pratacoat al rhy ho ttnt n> at tea o’clock, ihtrp, to hu been transferred to Kuruman * ily h * the ui , * * fitlha * kgaogana nabo fong. yean from now. mea, bat the gradual addition t*04 co ea bofelo t rt t btltng ea i Miniltt.- who U unablt to Mt ut." After couiderable discussion tht Min­ Sechuana interpreter. The Magiatrati HF, Hon. M&rahall Campbell, of Mount Edgecombe, Natal, hcs offered It trinipirod thit jutt it thit mo­ " iruman. fnr whom Richard is go harrh of such u are being ke f* • » ' itihenolela. ister uid he uw tht reasonableness of I'hcn Church organisation will T I*Hm9 valued at £25 lor bes-t (*sty51 n thee History cfi the Ban to ^ ooUhang o nt a ihokologt fa ment Mr. Saner wat expecting tht dt- (he deputation'* reprt*ent*tioes; that i interpret, ia a un of a forme Notion. pujttion. Magiatrate of Burghendorp, for whon spirit.propelled machinery, a Uamaaiko, ke nako t Sanlo o na t if the Bill it to becoat Uw wondera. for then it will lie Beet 1st Essay... £15 “olaudi oa g* KretttO! f* 8»r}o vision must bt mode for tbe thouunds Mr. M’bell* senior was interpreter;; / A. MEMORABLE MEETING. thus the reUtioni between Iho Burghers- ._ might nor by power, but , „ 2nd „ .. u* bona ka matlho -s --* of Natire., especially in th* Transvaal, by My Spi/it. uith the laid." - -r ium «ro Mona who, he agreed, art .Ore to be erieted, dorp Magistrate and his interpreter . 3rd ...... 8 0 0 THE FIRST STEP TO UNION OF ed thu week st Kuruman by their ■““I ntekano ke Moront bat whatever ia undertaken will ba ap­ Essays must not be of mow thon 2,500 words, and are to be sent N0N-EUB0PEAN8. proached from the point of ri*w of ja* GENERAL BOTHA ON THE NATIVE “ na oa ront o gagamatu At our Ittt.Qonftrtnw, It will b» re­ tleo tnd .ympathetio modification. PROBLEM QUESTION. Mr. Bichard Matexa. who hu been on lib.* 0' "J“ U *° Modimo/o mo collected. a retolution wat ptatod ox- On tht EdncaHonal problem Mr. There wer* a few questions bewlsbid Hon. M. CAMPBELL, pressing the detirtbilily of counting Barton aaid ther* was no use taking up the teaching ataS of the Tiger Kloof In- to refer to in connection with the na- Mount Edgecombe, Natal p „,V r,h* poco "V* ko® m'follon* 'ttitatioe, passed through Kimberley r,ntekoata e e rtng; "dilo/Ut dl with- Nttive*. uid ompowtring tht time with the .abject ,u h t ---- I wu to uy th* black man. Satarday morning to take a ntw ap­ After July 10th no Essay will be acccpted. All Bssntc *ho an “**•" Barntlot ene tle bt/nnt It Executive to meet their tcoredittd rt- tiroly in Empathy with it. and ht brown man. "This is a rerj irtmetn go Uolt.iJ' prewnUtivet. Through Mr. Sol Pint- woold tupport erery request contained pointment at Maaxeba’a. fro mile, ft natives of Sonth Africa ore eligible to compete, bat no European. Beaaonrale Inst, Hersehel. delicate question, a matter which you d°Vrw“ l kt Petoro ft' Jo, who hit. beta in'towa for tht put in the resolution of tht Nitirt Coo- np with the greatest pra- wtlhe- bt go bt go three w*fa, oor Eiecutivt trrtnged t grtts. He recognised the diSculties one which you should not * • I* rt ktkt r, ’ meeting -*ith: tht Nttive deputation, encountered by Nitire* rush into. Alterations must be made St rt kt a* oooo which ctme to town to ie« Mr. Burton. Mints, ind wu fully ilirt lo tht sitaa- aha 11 bt faced with the greatest t e e w i s e wt«helo It tahisolo Ult Friday thit memnr*ble muting tioa. He, however, did not think that diScaltie* in the world. One of the : took pltct it tht A.P.O. oSoet, 1I», Loop their condition would be bettered by ex­ kit £ iMoren* THE FREE BRIDGE. things I hire thought of it how must BOY THKIK * ba b» tlhoktng mo leftUhtng Strttt, Ctpttowa. Thn* »ert pment tending to them the operation of the w.' take ap thi. quewtion? Mast we pr» , . t«Po ea maaaete ke \bt. nkt Mr. J. Dube, Nittl; Pretident of tho Workmra’a Compcnution Act, aa they The hert news thit eter read would bt pitting them entirely it the from Capetown ia th* throwing open ceed along the line, of rqaality, or PIANOS, 0RQANS, CORNETS “ •» t*ecocng gapt b* bt chot- SouA Africtn Nttivo Coogren, Mr. ». uiust w* proceed along such line* as to mercy of- liwyeft. Formerly the mines of the Vial Rim bridge if- fflmt rorit bt rt IpT— Plaatje, Secretary of tho Congrett, tnd solve the questions, and gire sati.fac­ VIOLINS, AUT0HARPS* Editor of “Titlt tt Becotnt, tnd wr. paid t sum of tit u tn act of gract to ter iti purchase by the Got- Mlt ..ntifertbtlo eminent. It ii o xrmoval of it tion and content. If I anderstand -4 *°r* f» ttnolt iponaco et Mapikela, Chtirmta of tht Fret SUtt tht relitim of i dtctaNd natire miner: AND 0TBBR the Act of 1111 had mt least one of those serious anomalies un­ South Africa, the giving of equality BtitHo.lt metaamoo ea NtliTt.AtiooitUon.Tht AJ.O. wu re- will never cow utisfactioo. If wt pretented by tht Pmident. Dr. Abdu- for the mine owner, to pty op to der which Griqualiod We*t people MU8I0AI. INSTRTJMWT8, H !* b#n* **CTO*““ injared NatirW, md i lamp sai bar* to pif heavily for commodities ire going (o give thit equality, thit ***tt no aetaamtong ea rcma. r oh roan, Mr. Mitt J. FndeHcki, Gtn*. wiD not be I solution, and therefor* PROM ral Secretary, Mr. H*rtog, Trttwm, a S to tht reUtiret of a ailirt which inhabitant, of other parti of the .nd .Mr, Ctrlett, Execohrt OBctr. dir in (ho mint,. Et did not think country get tcott free. Naturally we we most g^in mother direction. This J“ >*t Smith, Frtd Norn, tnd autter nu»l be considered by every­ After ctreful dtUbention, tht follow­ that it wu i very Urgt taa, bat it art thankful for th* hippy outcome of repeated aad loag-eontinned repretenti- body, because it will tat* to be solred R. MULLER, ing retolution wu tdopted- pat tht natire Uboarerw in i aach bet­ ter poution than they-- ** * ~ much sooner than wt thought. What 77 Strond Street, Cap* Town i&SSSiSr*dnHag .tkt vttk. » m opW

T8ALA EA BECOANA (THE FBffiW) OF THE DE BEERS CONSOLIDATED H IES , Ltd. (Metlobo ea Komponi ea ga Mokebisa.)

------V i f h f - ; DmiuW oiiwi.1- Babereki Botlhe ba ba Batlang Tiro mo Dikepong Tseo, ba Laeloa go Botsa Agente oa Cone: Mr. L S. GLOVER, Lobatsi.

Babangoe ba ka ea fela koa Dihekeng tsa Dikomponi mo Kimberley le Beaconsfleld Maina a Metlhatihelo le bo Menenchere Botlhe ke a: LEG AX! 'UtGAE I! BULTFONTEIN: Mine Compotmd DE BEERS: Rock Shaft Compound j W. a GLiss. J. NlCHOIflOS. Stable Compound Surface Compound FatokoaiakaPoM lore:- Floor Compound C. E Hoplet. KIMBERLEY: Mine Compound ) P. Waldek. DUTOITSPAN: Mine Compound . M. N. RAMAILANE, Na 2 Compound G 'E. Rorrav. Floor Componnd J Surface Compound P.O. Box 573, Floor Compound J. Swanson. WESSELTON: Mine Compound ) BLOIMFONTBIN. Surface Compound [ J. Swanson-. WORKSHOPS: Compound 8 T idd Pratt. Floor Compound J CENrRAL POWER Ka Tbapo:-“ RAMAILAHB, 8TATION: Compound j E Gallow.

Katlele e Ncho e* Fora e e kgabiaicoeng thata k» kgotlho, mo dltlhosong mo maiekcng Ic mephakalego Tekanyo ea eone :• l‘ run go « go tholola madi a b*nk»rons gore ta tie ba gapeloe BLOEMFONTEIK, Ja bodipa. Pa U ea go NT ALA kgotaa U ea 8ELALELONG E Go taletsa BikereKta ta Amerika gore ba leke go than go romela Bsneho 0 tbala bo malhini le difw^ ta Amerika ta bi nooo6leng mo mooeog le mo dilirong go ta bosetsi koa ga booe Re ka go ^horaola lu paka go coa ka Monoto go fa koa I’hogoog. 0 rekisa bo masMai ta bi sh* le tai kot Afrik* ka maikaelelo a kagkba The Direct Supply Stores, gologolo a rekiie le diuhianij ir. Go ruta banitoaaa ta ba tlhophiloeng diuro lie di ta lttnnjreng bogolo go tla bo malhini tae di koa thiko. : grroteEliigeli e* kagUho le lonto lo* batbo lo eleog lone lo k* maojaog tatho le Fa a ea go Ixma kgo no u ea Diklemcng, Re ka go baakanyetsa aparo Ua methale Eotlbe tae di that* thata, Tsa Babereki BOX 284, CAPETOWN Dilonjana dile di ntai Hi ks bon, T. Go boleia Etaogeli e* kigtiho le taaluo ea merale eotlbe gotlhe mi Pusho < Ecgelaae e tnnnung teng le go Ieka gore poiho le taulo ta bok»nM e tlogp, go leer Lefa D sa batle Paka eotlhe U ka reka B A D , BORUKHOE. HEMPE, ptuko e» lonto le go din mmogo a DITLHAKO, a HUTSHE, KOLORO, kgonc eng sa Banna, fela se U se batlang U Ua bo fitlhela. W. N. COOPER, A b*tho botlbe ta ta dnmalinang lc maikaelelo a matlhano a ta gagjle kape- ina e e fa tlaao ta e romele ko* go Pa.tor JOSBPH BOOTH, . M0RBKI8I OA DITLHABH, Hod. Secretary, British Christian Union, Re rekisa Thoto taa Banna fela ga gona taa Basadi le Bana. P. GOLDSTEIN, 42, Prwtwicb Street, Capetown. WEST END, KIMBERLEY. (Le koa MAFIKENC le ZEERU8T koa MADIKOE. Mosogi oa Diaparo, Ea pelo eotlhe ke dumslsnn le inaikielelo a matlhano a British Christian Union, SENEIRE o mo Lewonkeleng, a ka go segala fela jaka U rata NT8E LE BECOANA ka baka te se telele thata, ebile o aetso a ebQe ke eletaa go coa tokololo ea mm Hang lo itlbophele ka losi mo ga lemogile thata go ba baakanyetsa ditlhare. A ko leke mothusho Koa THABA ’NOHft ea bone o e ntsang. COOPER'S GREEN PILL (Pile e itaeng go tlhacoa mall) letlojana, Dilo tM di tlhophiloeng, Hal WALTER H. ADAMS Talere. ea maanete ka. PECTORAL BALSAM (Molemo 01 Olgotlholl), 1/6 le 2/9 botlolo. Tlhoatlhoa tee di jleng. INFLUENZA MIXTURE (Molemo oi Mmele), 2/- kl botlolo. Morale...... Siege Buildings l0pp^ u PMt o®„), BLOOD MIXTURE (Molemo oa go tlhacoa Madi) o o tumlleng thiti Motlha.. thata oi go COOPER, Botlolo o tlmololi ka !/• i ee go 10/-..... T ingle itebatebelenj De Beers Road, Kimberley. Mo lek eka boloetae bongoe lebongoe jo bo go choenjrang i ka ' gu tIUkanyetta methuiho e e siameng thata mo lewenkeleng ja gagoe KATLHOATLHOA T8E Dl OKOOOLOOOENQ pa Ynninnp John Henderson, MELSMO BA GAGOE E TSU8A THATA. Dikgomo le Melora Cd Iuniuiie M m Sa Ba M ( m m Bi ba agileng kgakala ere ba mo'koalela ka pose ba romele madi ba beele botlolo ngoe le ngoe Sekisipense ea pole fa Oihutshane UNION SOAP). godimo. Ebile re na le Kala koa Hemming Street, E SHONE SELAGA se se baakanyang Dinama ka kelo thloko BELGRAVIA. K 0 reka Dikgomo le dilo tae di tsamaeang. SELAQA sa ...NABafantaire utloataa (a tea ntlha-ntlha mo difantisa taa mino. JAANONG DISEPE ga di tlhole Kgotdiad MOLORA o o tlbaeonng thata. )*TWEE8PRUIT 8rATI0N,Ditfa MOLORA o o aa nyrrologcjg. THABA NCHO. w. N. COOPER, Thaba ’Nchu. MOLORA o o gaisang dichulo (se gale ill ii'kis'ilinang Beoun GOAFI LB KEKEKE BA MABGOOA. KOA WEST END, KIMBERLEY.

Fa u taena mo Lewcnkrl mg u taile go rtks Molota lei* bitsa Union Soap e e THE mI M m REMEDIES. Live Stoek Anotioneen, diroang mono Kimberley Thunrnt Ditirn lia mono hu flirt cheletc isa loni di lele M KAPLAN tadiri ta bancba. "ACUR A" PILLULES.—For Coughs and Colds. They relieve Moreklsl Diaparo le Dijo, BLOEMFONTEIN. that soreness of the throat and chest that accompanies coughs and Dipereko le Mashini tsa Rona di koa West End. i colds in a few hours, and will completely core in a few days. In- Mo Marakeng oa THABA 'NCHO. ■al liable to public speaker) and singer* Sold at 2/6 ptr bottle, or D io n s i: throe bottles for 6/6, Post Free ir 0 REKISA DILOANA TSE DI IK aNYEGANG THATA. " ACDBA " PELLETS.—For Rheumatism and Gont, Si d'at 2/6 IC . Mrnlii per box, or three boxes for 6/6, Post Free in the Union. 0 POKOLETSA ka go abela bareki diloana tse di siameng Thata. MOSEGI Union Soap Co., Ltd.,.' ACURA " PILLS.—Cure Indigestion, Constipation, Sick Head­ ache, Heartburn, and all the disorders of the stomach caused by Eo 0 Xawenkele U i, 7 Stockdale Street, Kimberley. inactive liver. Sold at 2/6 per box, or 6/6 for three boxes, "Past Free in the Union. Fa Hukung ea frLOBPj J. KLEIN. HOAD le ROPER Fraction! Tailor and Outfitter, Gaufi loSteishene. To bo bad direct from the Sole Propiletora, 27 k 29 OLD MAIN STREET, KIMBERLEY. 14, NEW MAIN STBB1 Go lebagana leKorckoe Makgooa ea Pre«bytei» Colonial Seed and Supply Coy. ( S i,) , M0S1GI oa Maan&to, PAKA taa gagoe di simolola ka £2 10/-, SIMON PRADES, Di fela ka £6 6/-. A u batla Bemolo, Koantle ga tae di segiloeng, ebile 0 nale methale 0 mentsinti ea Semapa, ’Mar&60i M0REKI8I LE MOANAflYI, 71 Burg Street, Bn 1,171, Ditlhako, Hafcutshe, Bo Hempe, Dituku le Dikommerese taa meehorotp Beltunata, Mafadnl Eotlho-Iele. . ^ C A P E T O W N . d tta t o Mgel* M* ** 36 Zulu Street, BLOEMFONTEIN, keleoong ea g m Fa U Batla Utkatlelc, Thtalole le Dituio, Dipt tea Dilo tsa Ntlo Thaka e e coang mo D4* cotlhe tae di siameng ka tlhoatlhoa e potlana tae di Neha le tae di tala IHE STOBIE RESPIRATOR. Diaparo, Dikobo, Ditlbakc Ir Dishtute, Dikomerese le Sose i ning e itumediuoa thata ke methale eotlhn. Mmogo le dikoforto tsa Amerika re di dara mono. (Kgetsana eu Stobie e e beoao? mo nkoog.)

Dijo, Dijana, Dilee lc Dishtikere le dilo tae dingoe taa Matlo. Ebe ere fa o rata re di olole re di isc Steisheneng lefa ebile u rata di romela kac. Ga go Hoepi ope oa Uetlobo ka dirang ka itekanelo a sena naeo. Ke Setoro se se lebileng Waohuku ebile segaisa Toro tae dingoe 0 cotlhe ka bo chipi Bogolo mo Metlobong ea koa Gauteng. So Lebaleng 11 Mang le mang eo o tlang go itekclc o tla booa n itnmetao JOSEPH STOLLER, 21 Giddy Street, S t LobalM* LOROLE lo lo iroanf} ke Boro mo diamaeneng lo gololeloa ka dinko Go Lebagang le Kantoro. ke Babereki. Lob*phttnja makgoakgoa lo ee go ikgata mo Makgoa- hong a babereki, ba ahoe. Ba ba tsamaeang ka bonako ba ia tahedile WENKELE JE LE CHIPI GO FETA eare bo fitlha koa gae lo ba bolaise mafatlha. Bitlnaplng le Baooto* botlbe. 8TOBIE RESPIRATOR e kganela lorole loo gore pereko ea metlobo e HadJeNawiepW LOUIS WENTZEL, nne bokgoabo fela jaka eadipolase. — * ' .. .JS,ROSSWBfrt A BLOEMFONTEIN, Oyole Dealer, STOJIE RESPIRATOR e kganela lorole loo Ie moai ebile ke eone e K

“ As cold inter Is to a thirsty soul, so Is good news fron a far coon try.' -Proverbs of Solomon

KIMBERLEY, APRIL (MORANANG) 18, 1912. Tlhoatlhoa 8d.-Ngoaga 12/8 ka pose 15/-


RE NALE THOTO E NTSI EA DILO TSA KBMO. Mekgaboea Basadi, Dlooalo tsa koa Teng, Boloslre, Le Dlkranse, Dlshushe, Koforto tsa tshlpl. Paka tsa Majentlelemana Hutshe tsa Basadi Selika tsa Maledl jalo jalo.

tk& go naea Tlhako tse di siameng ka Tlhoatlhoa tse di okocolocoeng.

gin BihenkigoiimoWa In ...... 7 e lOaBannataaMekjabogoannolola b ...... 10/6 ) tta Maledi le diahow go aimolola b ...... ve i in Baaimarae lejBasetaana ta Sekole le Tahipi b TlLtnilhoai iwdi

Tlang lo Iteb&tebele ka Losi Be tla lo itamedisa di kgabisicoeng, le Na 0112. Isefaga r» ms Swiss MOSESE OA KOA TENO OA NAINSOOK, diftie MASHINI OA AM BY. Eo sekhnromelo sontlo ka le lente Ka 5/6 fela. Ue pedi le kante e e kgabisicoeng le ditaka ft godir v- karantie ea nyaga dile tlhano £2 15/-. Oo nale be dingoe Fela ka 4/11. Go nale tse dingoe gape ka GO NALE BO MASHINI BA BANGOE KA gape ka 2/6, 2/11, 87 Dutoitspan Road, Kimberley. £3 7s. 6d le £3 17s. 6d. 2/6, 2/11, 3/6 le 3/11. 3/6 le 8/11. f-oe ABERDEIN & BUTT, DIHEMPE TSA NAINSOOK, marokoe a bahnmagadi ; Ditempe taa Bareki mo Mangaung. le deleife ka 1/6,1/9,2/-. 2/6 le 1/1L

Koala re tla go romela Koalo loa Ditlhoatlhoa Io lo nang le dichoanoho. Re Ntsha Di Trading Stamps ABERDEIN & BUTT, Maitland Street, Bloemfontein.

WEHKBLE je le eteletseng & mangoe pele ka Ditiro.

WO, DINO, DIAPARO THOTO TSA MATLO le TSHIPI taa Balemi, Qa goni Wenkele opo 0 THOTO e kana ka ea rma mooo THABANCHO. (E8ENQ OA MOGENTE), MOTSBI OA BASHOI APARO Tsa MOTLUNG. I Os re ntahe Ditempe, ffms B‘ ikm gore TLHOATLHOA BA RONA LBW ElTKEIiB JE LES5A JA | b 8IAME KA METHLA. le METLI OA MATLOLE A Komereae, Dibubne, Khai e Choeu. Klanelete, Diale, Dikobo, Roto tat IonaBedirekaka Kootue. Be itb b tlbr*tlbo» ( e godileng, Dibnaho, me Coilo le Mekgabo, &c, &c, MIDI, KORONG, MAbKLB, MOBOKO, KAFA FURU.Ialo, jalo. Kbile Ro Tbaba Noho. W Re» rekiaa. Be anuya b Dihutahane, Dikgomo, Dipitae le Diwele. PAKA le DITLHAKO I Gape r« Magente a DIKOIiOI, DIKOOHRKARA le Dikolom tae di tumeleng Taa Ganna le Baaimane ■ bo Oltnnia. Rmle mokooa oa Diaeake, Ditihomoho Is thoto tn go aga H*pl» t« Ditahipl e e. mitloa le DipiJe. 11 IT.SISl Becoana botlhe bogolo l« KAFA MORAGO GA GOORA K0N0NG. Dipaka. Marakho. Bohempe, Pi jama, Aparo taa koa ! U Bloemfontein, (a 1 budugile koa St. RB KOALBLB, SB ITHHLB MOGALA, QONO Bohutabe, Kraiipane, Ditae le Sabtuku taa Selib George Street, jaanong ale mo Baumann U ITUBB, OA NKB U IKOATLHAA MEOOALO Lefa u b ipaabnreUa letlole, ene 0 D A R E K1SI ba methale-thale ca DINO le DIJO le DIAPARO ea Bahumagadi, le Buyut. I tla ntaha kare kgono dipiUe koa ntle ga ^ 0 reka le MABELE le dilo tie dingoe tae di ka rekisiaang ke I kara. Ka motbo a bellle Keae mo go rne ! leikl e 'aio* Irbitleng koa ntle ga tefo) go Becoana. Koala mo tsa Vleaeie Is Dibaki, Diblooat, Boatmko, Khai t. «* Waalhukn kgono Kaflrfonteln. Ditahea, Maab teng jalo jalo. Tae do aiametaeng gi. Fa motho a »ena nnill rtlbe 0 ka Ooaloj b dumalana nae go lefa ka kgoeili kgono Ebilo re aimolotao tiro c ncha e entae e sa itaioe mono Thaba N'cho ka diweke. [/> tla mbi'JheU mo Fa motho a reka rc mo naea ditempe le bokanyann n di manege tto go MARIGA le SELEMO. tone. Ere a sena go tlataa ditaebo dingoe tsa Buk» u di gngole u di BAUMANN SQUARE, lero koano, u nooe dithoto tse di lebanyeng tlhoatlhoa ea cone. Be Koalele re tla lo romela Kataloko ea Ditlhoatlhoa BLOBMFONTHIN, Fa lo reka batlang ditempe fela jaka koa toropong tae drkgolo. O L IV E R & Co.

I l l , Jones Street,

Tils Wedding Rian MoMokgoathengoaNo. 111. Boded Gold - - 3/S Set Uold • 8/8, an, 10*6,16A. Selaga sa Nama tse di Mahura. Central Shoe Coy, Write for our IUnstrated Catalogue. Sent Post Free. 80c LO W ER JO N ES [STREET, DI PBOTHOLOCOE GOMPIENO: K a fa tlase g a Tleloko. Mososo le di bald tsa basadi: Ka khai ea Melton. Boncho KamD) Boncho go botala, ka dipoloi tv> thUaro fa pele, 3/-, DITLHAKO T A RONA TSA BANNA 8 > Jewellers and Watch Manufacturers, Mesese lo di bakl tea basadi ka khai taa aenna, ka Bohuaou, di tla itamedisa peloea gago ••• ka 9/8. BoUla jo boncho, BoUla ja bojang. Motshegoo ea gompieno, e DITLHAKO T8A B0NA TSA BANNA kgabisicoeng ka di talama, 4/-, 4/6 le 5/6. di siame, di chipn mo di t h a t a •••• ... kalO/8. 72 Burg Street, C A P E TO W N , Meseae ea khai ea basadi e onang le di aoloi gotlhe 6/6. Mesese e bobooa ea di serege: DITLHAKO TSA RONA TSA BANNA 7/6,8/6 le 10,6 tea diaminislunit® metlobo letia go tsamaea ... ka li/8. Di Hempe tsa Mahnba tse di logoelesg tae di naleng mabogo: i/» :• l/e. ^ B MATLHO A BASADI a tla phatehima ha a bona difenstere tsa rona Marskgoe a Mahnba a logoeleag: 2/6.3/6 la 4/6. title* ditlhako Aedi ntle. Di Hemps tsa kafa teag tse dl pinkie tae di logoeW tae di nale mabogo: 1/N * Di Hempe tsa banna tse di klma taa kafattng t* di naleot KIMBERLEY. mifogo: 1/6. Di Hempe tse di Choeu tee dl bore thi: 2/-, S/6,3/- le 3/6. Le di tae tea 8ilika tea banna tso di ntlha tta di phapbathi: 1/-.

Se lebaleng addreete ca rona: 68 Ie 60 DUTOITSPAN ROAD, A PR IL (MORANAXG\ i » , TSALA EA BECOANA (THE FRIEND OF THE £ Maitisbo. WANTED, s s ista n t it Wwieyan Mis­ ;——- Utebele le tagilo* n>« toropoai )a »*»• sion School, Vryburg Salary A Mr. D. N. Smith tichara u i chaokanoig ft mosejt. Ja nnbolo- to begin £36 per annuia-Apply, u makgooa otla tumau go felei gdo* botigo >• kubrip mo teronkong b 88' ding testimonials, to Seeleboalgo, go ea go rata koa T U jt mttihomolt. K» ft le ithua ltr* stud. 1* ko* |» lt bitu mondi Mma-Mang- Rev. GEORGE HOLLAND, msng! Mma-Manir-mtng!! Jt nu fare ‘ to-u-B" mo Un( J« le choung. ______g fa jfrE Mosadi mongoe oa Lekhndokaaa ocho- MortgS j. nn. jt *pMp* j* Itehda f* eroe koa Osuteng ana le taolera eo p n i t l i tsididi feU jtb tthlpl. Ja Kitsisho Tsa Gopomente. Ooromente oa trena, kago ntn goojde- ntsht mod kt aekhurumelo l» au la di tade tu gonna jalo ebile dile *5*1. Tsala ea Becoana. tw di fa bonaleng erile a ipoodela ar that* ke* lo r*ea, Makgooa a bt tla go le rae* are fa le u didimde melato n nadi eo are, o ichotse ka posho. eooe e* tla cog* e nn* mebedi.

MORANANG IS, 1911 Kgosi M'Borane Mabandla oa Alice fitlbile mono, Kimberley, k* lo*bonae, ke tla itiu ka nydo, b*itid KDWAKD DOWER. ba gaeoho. Nytlo baitid b* gt miu, onna koa ga Mr*. Ntiogana ka ile Kgod ke koatrtb e e boitshepho. S* n TlhujM oa Tiro tia B inch a ea bone le bo Ma Saint?. mas bot fd* ke b batho ba gabletae Mafokonyana. go e gttakela ka dinao, ebile ba tlotlile Xtlt« Tiro tn Bucko, Hon. Mr. Johann Bieaik, Molebdeb* akorto ea go adima pitae go tlola koo- uS Melao ea Choane otda tela koa trab e e reng a n se gomaucoeag kt MooiraBri go ea go bula Sboi gone. A MAFAT8UE OTLBE. Modimo se n ptcdoe kt ope.

Kiniwilliamatown.-Ur. Blenkins. Ma- Mr Iran 11. Haarbinger otlhopiloe Bttho ba b* kabo ba tlotlile ayalo go Mopitlo 5J, 1911 gentrata oa bogologolo oa mono o gonna (Major) Mongoa toropo ea Man- gaiu bttho b* bangoe ke llaticher* neilo* i tape losho: tdo u gagoe »e cho­ itaung. bormong joa ga Mr. Ehrilich gonne f* e oe nydo go bbo go nna Taa e Toot Conner* Geirale mo Kgoti* o kgttlbr*ile bft mtlokuog a ke Mr. Saeene; eo o ntw ale koa dikole, matichere t kabo * bopama. Oo Temtnt IIM Molao Na « ot 1907 lOrtrge Prei Srttta) go duuelela ditaelo tie Malmeaburj. nale thaka ngoe e e tshelang muhoe di Uiduc, tn di nUbieoea* b Boroto et Baacho c* Wiuieahoek, kafa mtfo- thata me go bonalt ft nydo ele tiro * * kung a Temtnt « laboms (*) ca Molot oo. Nsirobi.-Ujaramaop lengoe le oeiloe gtltleling ka lrft bangoe b* tlhalana ngoaga mo teronkong ea mono ka go (ka gore basadi ba bangoe ba* sot. 1. Btrni botlbe ba dlkolobe ba ehotortn go di tlbatlbrla oo ukeog ba di ‘ i Ooromente. A pbola mo chanka- banna he bangoe ba Irtu thupa, ba boko- eoalde aentle mo laakea( kjooo bgtldo e*de, kgooo ere fa di ca pi hula dl neng koa, godimo. a itatlhela fa fatfhe bulla tl letse mba mo tlhogong ea moudi go are “kea tlhokofalelea J, tamie le moduua. fotu dilo 10. A coga a seloa ke lla- tlogr go ngtltltnoe ke boor* beoa fela b uitae gotor ea t ibe molao. Leftgotlator 1 Kolobe dingoe tie dl ka fltlhdoug di bul* mo ntgoig kgotu mo gare ga a I* mo ditlhabing tso di botlbo- le boor* mosimane) dilo .taeo cotlhe ga Koa lldenburg go no go aeki.io* bo; ka alia gaV ha boleia ka T motn moogo* o o antng hotho, ebile di eboeojt b go tla Utldt moo ga rant, fa n ts H robega upo lepe. Ngaka Mr. Macollnm oa H*il»aj Hotel le le- di tlhokomrtoe bt nyadiu b* nydant. ture o kgaogile mokolela. ■an lria It *eaya moUe 8 ^ * di nale lefa di M aa nae di ehouetn go bolaea ka taelo ta kgoti kgono kgooa |e lengo ka go rekis senkgane phatU-phatla ra mhail^aU^T| kgount ea motw oo. mo banrhong baagoe. Chupo ea bathaui llashi ba cboanetae go tuea aulebda rabuetuaa ba u Ma ditire ta ] Mr. Page.-Mo«ki«i oa I’ieteraborg babancho ine isa kopane le ea bangoe. boishelong jo* b*nn* btgdo le ba- Coecoeng bo r*b*sets*u at lim,! 1 DikoLbe di tla letlelot go bolt fela no ditabesg ta- di beecoeog tboko ke romecoe Pretoria. Faeule boloelse kgon kgooo mocolo oa mow kpno motatn* o beng ba kolobe tno ba nnang mo bo khooe ba gololeg*. bagolo m ba tshedileng mmogo b Dumelaag baitiai b* gtaea. ■ ia dikgomo Ik> llbasda ka 19M. ke dinyaga-nyaga ba ntn ba atloana le none F» dl lia Btlhdoe di bala di cboeayt go ule di be di ki bolaoa ke kgtai a ntlha terena e pega kgomo dile kgooo kgouna ea motn kgmo motatnt oo. bona Mr. Joshua gompieno ba santse bt *gile ba god isa TEUOGO MO TSALBXO. I SO go ea fan lining koa Oanteng. ______* Molopolole, eo na ban* ba booe. liana ba kgori mono- Mr. JOHN MABELE mo Ee I Ta godimo ga polao to ea eoar, moor* « o tlolang ditaelo tae o tla nu etae nale koa No. 2 Location gotla seog. tsika * ea baneng es ae-' Weade ko* Serfoalrm I* l i dodo tefiabo a t u feteng Ponto dile Pedi, en fa a tena madi a go dnelo » bona bena. Kimberley. Mo boemoog jo* gore go tsror tefiabo eo a bo a b taengoa mo teronkong b tiro e e '.hata kgooo koi ntle ga mo mttshdong a * itsheki- K* boikokobeco ke it> eooe kgoedi * ago* fela. Le Mr. Petroa Sidsumo le ene go utloa. t* r*to lo lo taecorng ke b»- go kotld*, Monlaganii i fa atla gaolrla koa Malikeng go ea go lo* bt In* itsala thaka e wna go kaga Koranta ra rona ■agangoa e ba e tloadaoa) jam i tse ke iboaa K ___ _ mosokana o aele one o ipatlela botlhale hudogilr no Serfonteia ki J dithutnbudong ere go sena go jeo* Kerrde ea ma Wnde. ja Mopitlo 14,1911, Ka Daster Monday mono Kimberley dikukisi go Isros go opeloa n utloe ka- It*I hi, bone bale bantae fel* jaka tsie boemo joame ke BothanUe D mosho motbo oa bone are he b nna Kroonstad. Coe _ ea poctaca fi koa di Reisising. ile go?s go bona ba Ma- Molemanr Twla ea terena fedile c|,mi babafhofang koa loaping. Mr. C. Nydo e simologeleng b dikid b Sondaga eoo Moratug il|l kgatlbegile go dnmelela kafa mtfoknng a Trmana H ea Tbrro No. MO e* 1883 e coang Mafikeng ebile go atlans, ea choaraOangoe ke ke tla bo ke le ko., iWkirfV | (British Becbnanalaod) g» goga ditaelo tae di M di gtluicne go laola kafa Bancbo sgoa j I'aterson mongoa oa Mac him eo, o mo Kerekeng, ere kgoedi di feta moratho o fang Sefitlhuie. Batho dira goba go shoela. 0 fhofa gocoa mo- Tsala eame e ee trng I ta tla remang dikgoag b gone mo Dirererag tu Ktocho koa Britub Bechuana- 0 ba gakaletae gore « liuloe. Fa i ro fa notoe ke gone me e chotra- gofatae Tula ra rom land, tn dl rekidettg, kgooo tn di oroaag, le go bua ditaelo mo mtnnong i bulrga dm-uiaing go ea koa bo Oreenpoint le •t«hen« u Malka h tla ata ganyrng, n Btlhele lorato lo bettefile ka bise lejedi mo pedun; cone, ditaelo tn di kdoang mo Sbednlocg e e fa tlue. Ma j,, Alrsandprsfontem ka »ebakanyana. Johannesburg le Ma-Xatala e * Le mo metlobong ea Toispane Ic Bult- Kitdaboe* Goromcote No. IRM ee badiloeag b Noremher 7, 1911, ea roa Oa-Mot«elek»t.v a fapogc •"*- fontein okile ago okomela. Odnle mono Tula ea Brcotna Amogels dilt phimolo* gompieao. a nine a fhofa goea ntleng taa Traansraa) ilia ekile are babereki bale Mornlsganyi. iriloe go agelela polase e* Maaboropo. -Oatoe Mabnro Ma- malobo ka loabobrdi. Otsile a fhofha got ------i ■ nasi" dimo ga tsela ea trena go coa mono a feta Lekgoo* gotoe Hamilton—Ele Makgooa nymmane a tlhakane a co ko* Ostreli* ga gona 'le ngot fela; me go u retetse. Bo ka bo Warrenton, Christiana. Bloemhof. Urcoana-eare ba ntse ba bereka Jak- Magesetrata ba Mtnyewmane fa go le Wolmaranstad abo a ra go Nelsono are: "Monna CONFERENCE E. ALSfli | General Herttog koa Klerksdorp. 0 ikaeletse go Igo le le josi ba ka kgokologa goroga gspe mo Kimberley ka loabonne. utloa gotoe eare f* re ile go agelela di- Phutbego ee itla ko! utloa gotoe eare fa re ile go agelela d>- ton ka di 17 Ua Moranaag. I mo raakgotlmft ga pegoa ba Maburn. * * * * Koa Kridjane ba lelekilr Mr. King, Mr Bennet Mlamleli oa Bloem/on- polase Ramerotong (Hamilton) eo go rang koa Coaferensmi kr b tichere oa le Njeaemane mo Sekoleog teia o fitile ka fano a coa koa Vrede. toeng base oa rona * bo * ntae * go Herd. William IWod f( pusbo eare ka tshsb* tlebn ko* Boshof le Jaoobsdal ke ene ehoenyetu moudi?" District ea Kimberley Ir B khukhela hu ba ba mo ocbomang dipu tsa bancbo mo gogo Odulr Doao maabanr, ka mi kgogola. Dijoehe bt Tikolologo ea Frei Stata. Nelaono a tuka. a nna jajarega ar* •ra ko* BrandJort 1. Oa go Moocbo o tla remang, a roha kjpno i attain botlhoko letlhare • • • Keke boitumelo jobo golo thata fa a fa Kamrnrtong a tla gtpe ba tit ae Bo. Rerda. A. J ( Urkr •epe at mokalan ie emeng mo Rearm? r* Bancho lefa a kane a e* go dirang l-oadon.-Mo dikrpong tse dinclia- bona Kg«i Kgoa.motse Oueitsioe oa utloana. Jrksooo a ibnt gore ka a C. K. Hodge* (Bloemfnatn*) bibooe. -|la tae go n, laamaisio* ka lhata Kanye ka bane bale mogo ko* aekolong tamile mo Koloning ea New South yane (Beaoouteld). Kali J ika kepo ra diteemaae ele malepa a koa loredale Kgo*i Kgoaimotae le ene mo dikepoog tu Bdarat gore kana). baikadetse picoa o: •enang moitai. Mosimane mongoe o egorogile mono maloba a lerile Moha- ■kt kt muhetla le makeoele bone ka Mantaga. r mo koloing ea metse e tletse. Ea | msgadt modmgakeng tsa meno. ira ka motlhango ba kopanang le Ramerotong layman bo Mrur> reddoug gou lengoe tlbare tn di emeng le tn di golang 0 gala aba a se’oa a thologa madi . halitlbetse dipallartar ka ntl* t«* di koa tlung eaga Ndsooo o tla Ida a (Kimberley), llethach Kama > dmko Ir ka ditsebe I bolodei. Bo Kgo«i bt gorogetse ko* tae a akgt diledu. fontein). Henry Poho oa f Unge le boae batla bollola molshii permiti e e koadiloeag, mo Kg"*ing ea gMpe kgooo mo kgnuacnr, e bnlele tlbare Erile ktmosbo Nelsono t tlogelt tiro tn gon fa di chracki di ritdetae di Syaodo, gore Cottad tn o tla di remang gon di be, le koa o tia ea go retains teng, le ntko e o tla Te r* ftntising kot Btltril. Jeksono t remang b eooe. i go tun dijo koa kampeng, a Itlhdt itla di dirda jatg^ Mrs. Nelsono a di baakantrr a belrgolo- 1 Kgo*i le kgotana ngoe e e losoaor go h* jalo e tla romeli koa go Mtgoe- s. Ke ft Mrs. Nelaooo Irata lefaele koa go Mokgcthiai palo eadipenniti eotlbe tn go rema dikgong tae Billy Ingoana) Mr. Jrk- od> ntihitnng. i go reka pepere. Erile Bokooa Morago Gi| mohumagadi a ea kafa motlhaoka onga 6. Moocbo eoo agileng b molao too Rewamua 3aocbi, eo o rataog go Oa Koranta ea gone eare Mr. Dornehl ke reraa mekgoro ea go agelela kgooo ra ga ira aeogoe n nle. ew tn di diriiioing Hamilton a tla ka koalo loaga mogitu Influenza 90 tlang, o tla batla laenan pele mo go Mokgethm. Ui-aenM eo e tla tolrla ene Molebeledi <>a Ukeahrne. Seaha Nelsono. Jrksono a loa le mogopolo ka |ana go no go chneroe baroetsna goloe di tsa bana ba mpa ga di taenoe, bale 30. kago sanne le chupo e* di pase . itse gore o ka reng go tsa ra 1iko- t»* g nna mo I/Aesheneng. Mongoe le ka bt iktnne le Nelsono gore b* mongor odnrtse ponto. Beile es ot bone •rotong 41* mo ilele bcs-bili. Bo Ka K gando a Motho i t u | Maanete. botlhe i emecoe kr Mr. Shtrman. Kgetai Fod isioa Sefltie ke is* He koa go baba llele. Re sholofela a Ml* ea rona Mr. M. M. Tlabakoo ;o itse ope ko* tlhase e dulens atla thuaa ba gazabo bancho ka ene ka R WILLIAMS' PINK P kapetlanyana Ma batho le ile moitsi oa machoenyego a mo Kimber- 7. MoUhegetii oa permiti ngoe kgooo lacarnn o tlbare fa a bitloa a e *bup«, sa gasam* k* ntlha rotlhe ley. Mashoc a a tla a Utele n fitlhela lo u koaloa si fa e batloa ke lepoliii kgooo b moagoe eo o letleoxog go di tlhatlhoha ; mme a le manta bogolo infloew 1| etlare fa nako e feta e laeaeon a> kgooo permiti e ae e letla moremi b eone fela gatoe moratio* ke tla ■win.—Moeteledi-pele oa Man- He kile ra bona Mr. Lauras Matsio II kloko oa maitsibooa. maloetae a a ngotUng ™*bo ff- motih-getdaeboietu koaofiting eoe cbotnog mo gr eone gore e w go oa Orange Siding a tsile go bona * Ke°f|k! pbimolo*. mo Parlamenteng ea South iksna bo rrtgoe mogolotne are o tla korosiki, mafttlha li isioa Engelane ke boloetar “Tula" Office / mpona gompieno Ramerotong. A tuea diroa mtshoe S. Qa e nke e nna molai gore m-4»begrtii mongie oa laeaeon kgono per­ •ro go bo go gogs Dr. Smtrtt. dithoto a iptu jab oa beleu ntebne miti a t nede motho o nit kgmo go rema kgong tu mothde o nle kg no go Maloba ka Mortnang ale ( jaka re baitiai ba g* echo g* ee gope. 0 ea mo malocUcfaoatlea nle, kgooo go fita tn di boleloang ke lokwb h* gagot, kgono go remi dikgong Jsggrrsfonlcin.-Maloht go no go dihoteleng fela ere bosigo a tla go gag*- tlogele madi t morago ga uko e laeaeon kgnoo pmniti e e ntahHicoroi horror babereki hale 12 gatoe erile bs go lla nna le phothego ra go tlhopa ba a tsena mo tlnng ra gt Nelsono kt go one. Se se m marnrng bt eta ba tlhodia mo tro- Kouiiti ea gr, t«hegetu sekoto na Lyivd- ?. Mongoe le moogoe eo o aeecoeog bensn kgooo permiti o tli ana le bokukuntsha a manara a eago ingti tlhokafalang ke ong Ajrnt* a ema sentlr ba gologa hurst Road, me Komiti e itlbopiloe, lega are o tla leta go utloa mogoai maibrabdo a tahenje*tlo ngoe e e b diraaog ke me kgooo ke motho mongoe o Tiskj r rhoanetse go tsara malebela botnadi In tlhopile di tokololo tse dintse madi a a nonneng •d* fa a tumaiu thata eoe oeeeoeBg ke lokmlo. ytot fela t hoi o tlhasela fa de B srr e coa mo metlha-tlhelong e ea gar di tshegeditsr mo ngoageng tse di feti­ ito o motonjana. A let* a b* a I aaphepaa mahi- j ne e kokobetu tlhapedi. 10, Pa mo tahekoog e e b nkidnaag motahegetai, a nkiaifla go roba ditaelo leng. la go thnlamda. bidn, go isa natla lae, fa go tlhokafala goltn gon a axxeki o ule laoenao kgooo permiti, go tla SXEOOA. a nyaga tse thtro tw di le go fola koa Mr. ff S VThitirorth.- * | tlang"11 toep na naeo go tumaraa e ahnpi kgooo a ntaha chupo e e itumediuog gore o «odl oa mrllobo ea KoSj Ntebne Nelsono e tlare mo tn le tolls. M jUjgJl ie Engelane. Her. I. J. Hlangwana. kopane le korante tsa Balarat di in Mr. Mkululi Num. i fa fantisi eoe eang e se nko e nn Mr. Michael Ngoman, « j Mr Richard fl’belle.-Toloko'ei Mt- Mr. Sol T. Plsstje. ke fa * phecogt mo tseleng * boelt koa gesrtrala on Kimberley oile go lolokt Mr. B. Benjamin. ■00J. mme t e* go feta kt Ktmp*'go Lake's Marion Station, Newu*1 koa Kudomane. R* Msgesetrata oa go bon* btot. Ft t u lebile ktmp* koa East London, GG, « :- Kimberley a nt a tolokelot ke Ra Mr feta b polase eaga Ramerotong Nkile ka tlhaeeloa ke iam Kitsisho tsa Goromente. utloa gotoe base o ile Kampeng. A M'bellr koa Hurgheredorp bogologolo ka natla, a ntlogela ka*B Jaanong bana ba bone ba ile go raka- b a tlhola an kimoaho, * e kokotel* Ka nrla gape ko* Kantorong ea go Motl- diporo petuna eabo e koeba a ikana thata. Ieka difo dile dm»Pj ■rley e dira goba go shodt. Mslobs gore tla falalanya boboko jot gt Ra­ iphodisa gape ga ee Kitaiabo e e latelang e oa go nn poldo ea pontaha tshanekile le ngoe e« di Clnb ka merotong mo boaigoog joo. sepe. KeUhabakoaka ntlha W Eaurtr Holidiys. c eleng enoe ea be-1 mtlaakaahodoegilemogoK® R F L0NSDALP, io go tse di tshamebng. e eleng Erile Jeksono a sa ntn a disitae molemo. ^--wteleloa ke jJ Eo o tihegeleditaeng Tlhangoe ot Tiro tn Makgotla. > cone cotlhe ea mt Selamtn e tlung o utloa rnooito oa pitae a bi Bosbotho. bidibang Red Creweot erile maloba ipaakany* aentle a rakana I* Nelaono le& ele eng, taa mpobodaa tt Ka ba ka leea Ieka Ofid ea Tiro t« Makgotla, Pretoria. ka Mantaga go no gosb logong, go puecheng ar* ke Ramerotoag. Ere go tiro b " «ala molora btnnt be choaragtnye b ire kea botu Ndtooo le eat an ke ne ke sena thaU eaeonekeiW" itedu, Eccentric eabo ejesa Red Cre*- b a t h a t i. Ramerotong: m b a tlhola ar* bao- pobok) ka baka *oflhe b j j arlamente snt lorole e tuea Cop ka M run* e mo bo a fdtlanya Jeksono boboko i atleng enoe janong. choaneloa ke go ea mo diph»W Tikologo ea Bodijocbe ba Prd Stata o bt o Uogela nrepa. Lekgotla ja bo Dijoehe ba Tranmal Dibanka.—Baoka ea Afrika e komedi- letla dikologa jata mo kgoeding ea Mo )e kc National Bank. Ke gore ft ele Re otloela ft Kgoti Abrtm oa Otsyett, ntse k# dilekadiaanthtaesip^ P«tlo Moranang le Motabiganoog mono Afrikt Standtrd gt tlhole t itsa- kganscoe ke MagMtrita gort tn simolo tse go iwtaa Vrede, Lotbobedi, Monsang 1 Rtaadertoo, Mantua, Mortnang 1. iaist jaka pele o lebaganye 1* kopano tlose lonao lot gagoe koo gokn ea gope. Beiddberg. Ltbocaro, Mortnang J. e thata ea Banb tse pedi tse. Ka gotoe okile * choenya ka lekegtbo di khiNeoana taaga Dr. Betbof, Lotbobedi, Moratang 9 Bethal, lot bobedi, Mortaang 9. ja dincht ebile le mo lo feretlhong jt Ka ira jalo taa mphi Enedci, lot bortro, Mortnang 10. Maledi a a Balang Tult !-Botolang go ferctlb bo Ratahidi ant le kabela- Tsa baakanya mala aka kabo Jaeobtdal, Labooe, Moraaaag I]. CanJiaa, lot bitlbano, Monning 11 matlho lo tie Ip ntlo* se re tla se lo "o ntjo. ka ba ka boeloa ke that*««il»J| Midddborg. Matlico, Mortnang 11 bolelelaag mo kgatishong e e tlang. DitauJ. Nokthiu CiiooiT Conn, OPA Ljdeobojj, Maaiaga, Mortnang 15. Emiung ditsebe bthuoagadi le bthu- Mr. John Reet mokodedi Bufceitnn, Mintaga, Mortnang 21 magttuna lo tit utloa mafoko a a mo­ Board) mono o tumiile mdobt kt loa- ntl^rla 1« jw » g» ■* k* Bethlehem, Maatafa, Moraatng 16. HyhtitMD, Mantagt, Mortnang Jl lemo mo go bo.kgaltsadia ront ba ba boraro b trena et boaigo ou gtdda PietenUirg, Labxtro, Mortnang it dinrtUhyin*. ■■ kot Engelane. S K i y k l k w i i t a a i » Mn. Eliubelh Packwood oa Da Beer n* * I* f* pele ga bo nko di « b lo* bonsi ka go melult Me'i BA2W0DIE&L tuning mongoe o* lekgoo*, to shuleng koa Ouepitali, gttoe one t MnyegiU mi moaadi *o o mo n a * ---- * thot b sebakanytnt nytnt d l ting bo.'.

I i I , t (HOMHANO) 18,1911 T8ALA EA BECOANA (THB FRIEND o f THB BECHUANA). •rately from SUndardi I. to VI., thing in their handa but th* Ooepel B*W- After perusing a few beliereP We. u a race, owe the mi*- pages we hesrtily recommend them lo of peace and evirluUng life. They •ionary a debt we shall never be able Native Affairs. *»*ry school teacher for trial, and we '• Ibe spirit of God ■ to pay. Think af tta* of tbosundi JTJTA’S hare no doubt about the result. of onr yonng men aad yonng women who hat* passed through the gatee of MASS MEETING OF THE BAROLOSO. Text Booki for South Afnea. "EUROPE: ITS INFLUENCE 0N "ire any explanation from me. establiihmeatt, many of wham SOUTH AFRICA." The grave* of these men and thot* gona iato nil* in dark comer* B1CH5T ADDITIONS. of their succe«*or* and children who We with to draw our re*d*rs' stteo- of thi* land ta h*ip their own fellow ... ADDRESS BY MR. PEREGRINO 'irid as exilee from their native land tioo to Mes.rv J. C. Jut* 4 Co.. ,dr„. countrymen. The** native colleges and Reviews. site a voice in the wilderness, ipsak- institutions have give* us minister*, A mats meeting of th* Barolong people Afrl'a." JuU'i Unlvenity Hutarj tuement in thi* istue. The fir.t book ng to u. sons tnd daughter* of Africa.' Ooute (or tb* Junior Ovtoeata Eg- mentioned therein is the one in our evangelist*. Itachers, politician*, and wu held oa the aftarnoo* of the Uh What are yoo going to do with your joumaliit*—men of no me«a standing, uninatm Br EL C. Obdkrtoe*, BJL title—JaU’s Unireraity History Conn* inst , at th* S|ad, to hear aa addiwa (Loodoa). Prict lit ntti ■iruvuS IN THE EVANOHJ8A- lire* for your feHow-men tnd Oodf" who** good inluenc* it being felt not for the Junior Certificate Extni'in.lion- The truth of the muim, "Ht got* from Ur. F. I. 8. Peiegnaa. of Capo- AO auBeok of la tte * Orut- "nON OK SOUTH AFRICA.' by 11. C. Gerdlestone, B.A. (London), of only ia the nlxontuieat, bat even K ■thest who knowt not .hithtr he foreign land*. Howerer. «e mutt ■V. Br W E. 0. Clark* xad L 0. abort i» th* title book the Diocesan College, Bondebosch. It toes,' hu been proved in the cue of forget that the itruggle lor right- Chief Lekoko Medfsioa. who presided, Muller. Indnding note* oa FVnnt i4 jJ, B. B. A. Gtrdener, JLA, pub- i* a good desk book as well is * class •rit*. Their high, noble idealt 8peech ud the Scaotico of EaAk book, the marginal headings and date, nes* and advancement i* oaly be­ wu supported by Chieft Joshua aad '•ene. M nett , new and entirely i j ’by Mcnr*. Lon*n“ > ar**“ 4 irried them to higher,region* of ginning, aad each ona of u. irrespee- Silat Molema. Joauh Motshegaae. Head­ reviled Editica r\ j (, one of thoto boakt which making it a ready reference book o> usefulness never dreamt of before, ive of tex. mutt take his proper historical event*. Beginning with thi Jata'f Oalverdty Karllak the c*reful etody of oil Sooth rheir son* and daughters have been Isoe before it it too Iste ia the fight. men Bogacn. Katlhagana. 4c. vJLja. Jt ii full of ripo infortna- Henausinct about 1,500 or the three inspired by the chivalrous achievement* Truly plenteoo* I* the harvest but Chief Ukoko. in introducing Mr. terw- IS YOURS OM'M. Bt M. H. Jacktoo, BA, dearly that it ie th. systems of the Middle Ages-the Scho- grino, ob»rved that tha latter wu aa Loadca aad Upe Hoaoormu la Eae* •turned by their foref.ther* in th* the btrvester* are few. When thall li*L of the Univcnity of Loadoa; of porwnal experience id<1 direct ia»tic, the Eceleeiutic snd the Feud.l minion field. God raise u* men like the late Tiyo old and .ell tried friend of the Baro­ Englith Muter Boyi1 High School, 8m jLntion. tnd' nobody, after reading When the missmnspiA. Ami mm* ;••• Soga .Asere Sehahabane. Pambani J. long people, who, visiting the district oe Point Priea 3/• nett 1% npet the trouble, if ouch it it. revolution* and eiolutions rani this | with the Reformstioo of Korope >f Afric* there wer Mximtn. and tevertl < private botinMa. had Wa lavitad to Jata't Standard Arithaitlofl •ti-book il * truthful te*tiroony of ior houses of t far dist; Bt B. M Ckriitopher aad J. „lo( of minionary enterprise in which led up to the discover, c addms them on important topica which J. New World. concerned them. Mr I'eregrino's fnead- Uewdlyo For Sooth African School*. country, which the author tayt “Most fortuntely, |Ust about But the mia- Standard* 1 J. J, L 4, 6 aad 7. M. Mfolt a more complex and difficult •hlp lor their people dated from many time, I lire* things combined to gn •evening infiu- Send at a port cud «r l*U*r with your each nett. Thia trriet far excel* uy- ^ tkjo *ny other mission field." movement a special impetus." namely, ,ur’. *oo»e reouiia have besn far- yeart back He tthe speaker), u well ud addmt plainly writ taa theraoa thing of the kind yet produced. ne »«thor very rl*h£y dedicate* it to inching, judging by the date of th* en due to the united efforts and the (a) the invention of the printing preti •s otheri of their Chiefs, kne. Mr Per*- re vtn tend ta yoa port ft**: Mew Onion Reader By Ber. J. j Christian student*. Educated na- luntry and the conditions of the isiiooary campaign »hirh hts been and it* employment by Caxlon; (b) thi grino m his private life u .ell u pub- » paefcrta of on Famoat Flow* ud Tig- Whiteside. Contain* chapter* oa tim irill be belter fuided by ita study; vice of home and (cl the discoveries o ropl» Si the present day. After their iged against the mighty forces of etabla B**d* a> id. pat packrt, Hygiese, Temperance, Govern meat o( gt aisaionarin will be enconra*vd; rrival churches and school* saw their dsrkneM. and 1 tay most emphatically <4 packet* of ear Ha 18e*dt at td. ptt South Africa, Us Uoorta, Kree6o<*,‘'. ■critic* will ** conciliated after read- Winning. Many lot souls ..re re- lhat nothing but the two greatest re­ packrt, Thrift, Money, &c. A unique book.' IjU ji; tnd men like Dudley Kidd will aimed and brought to Jesus the ining influences, namely Christianity that place on important mailers .itk the 10 penkrti of on Famowt • beedoala* Illiatratcd. nett - •; that it il more useful, as it sviour of msnkind, To-dsy peace ind Education, only will leed us on 'iovernment. and they bad invited the Perfu* at td. ptr packet, Sooth Africa aad the Britlah ___ rith questions of to-day and not ■Igns throughout the length and ind on. higher and higher, .here tof wl will end half Budtud half Pofnm*. Kmplra. By the late Mia A 8. Jf a quarter of a century ago. readth of our land. Our tons and Bltby, B.A. (Load). Thoroojhly lUghier. sit side by side in the clue • ays glad o( the opportunity lo do so, 1* tooa u w* laaeira year Ilf wa wtn lould be difficult ■ to qoote any tamadlxtaty port Is yoa FRXB ot aU rented by H. C Qudlntoaa, B.A. piuage in th* book to show its mm. in the Church. Md in the rail- chaij**, yo*r thole* of * LadW Ol Otst’i Load). Comilete in I V'oL, 1/8 nett *y compartment. (onfWul of the trouble sith the Pitsans pes^ilr. tbs ss the pates teem with inch. Oaanatud Watoh or otbai articl* which J . O. JT JT A A) O o , Toothing the black peri), the gifted ’. insignificant be- speaker Introduced Mr Perrgrino, .ho yo* eaa nhrt faom tc llrtt nai with litkor nytt "There aro tome who •till Occasional Notes. BOOUUXIll A PUBUIHUt, fur the black peril ai the outcome of 'ing jeer by y Adder ay Street, Cape Tswm. fom or numerical, predominance. A earning-<'ollrites i Brucbet: Johanoeaiurg, Port Qiubeth, i sprnng np. and tl hr PictirtU Postcards protijonut of thi* view i* Prof«*or Honourable Sir Percival Maitland Uu. ” Broom, of Johaoneabor*. who be- everlasting mooumi art worth double U* aoaey aad will nee. Knight, at Acting Judge Pre-i- __jt* thot “whether the Kair be nt of Ihe Natal Provincial Division rrra the full franohi*e, or not, he Fori Beaufort Native be absolute master of Sooth Africa ■ ring the absence on leave of the TS4LA EA BECOANA lin SO yean.” The author diipoae* Teachers’ Association. idge President, the Honourable J C. the people The man, or a l toot u v) rtotive your (/■ n _ Jim notion with an ocean of con­ Dove Wilson, from the 1st day of April, win nod yoa a prettag which yo* tu (The Friend of the|Bechaao>). tinent and logical argument*. Spcak- o tnd including lb' Vth day of J friction among the peopl t*l*rt bon th* IM mat with U* card*. tiro leadership, the author STRIKING NATIVE TRIBUTE Til oowt ma* this oiagnou* orrta i hat “it i* in it* inception, MISSIONARY EFFORTO exposed these people to t. be carefnlly cultivated.* A WnU t *a*l I* y It may. be necessary that 1 ante from n t« . . . feller recognition i* required of the the outset thst the two grestMt refining bet that the guidance' of the native* ihich 1 am going to bsse ENGLISH AND SCCHUANA. er remain in white hands, my srguments are Christisnity and Edo. •cd his long tern at Judge President Goloilil SeedS SipplQ hare ihown, *s editor* of C. R Moikangna in the f the High C*«ft here teacher*, or minister*, that . sidential address to the what he did for the Bantu races le lan upheld the natire il neither hopelemly without above association) r.o. *exl07l. CAPETOWN. P.O. Box 113, .tire nor ' incurably la*y.'" The the Dark Continent To those .ho THE CIRCUIT c o m Touching on the trouble with ihe Pit- About a century ago this country of d not know this .onderful man sne people, the speaker admitted that i6c»nt work at Ohlange of the ir* was a densely wooded land. The For Ihe *eoood time the Circuit Court Eiahtrlty. rsonally, I would say pay * vi*it hanged a J. L. Dube, the President of the ephant, the Eebra, and other member* the institution; there you will stv Sooth African Natire Congreee, is fa- ! their family roamed the land, and only the shadow of that large-hearted rably mentioned in thia book. And had their homt* in the vast forests. The t the shadow of a man is not on. the tuthor treat* on all the Bantu races, the aborigines of the land. the man himself. He (Dr. Ste.artl te body of d 1*1 tae* it queation* touching the natire'* i pretty well spread over the whole *n a vision in his early day* of ie wu prepared to disagree with hu *1, spiritual .education, politi- of Sooth Africa. Whence they came it to which be remained loyal till riends aa to a hat appeared to him at life, and on' hi* relatinn with the namt s problem for anthropo '*d lhat he had tnorkol out The Tsala ea Becoana, id of his earthly pilgrimage-hia int to be an illegal act. nor did he heai- ten. It would be adrantageou* to o solve and tell u. Oxford champion in Ihe Hr»t round glorious vision of winning Africa Judge himself it a rery powerful c ate to say to. as the Chiefs could ti» introduce thi* book in South African juntry now known as Transvaal for God. For about to year* he had The Friend of the Bechuana. institution* for the benefit of South inly inhabited by various Bantu Originally, three dar> hsd been ify lint closer enquiry elicited th* practically no borne, air hit name Som- lowed for the Court here, but s African race* of the future. tribe*, whose dialects did not differ bears witness. He wu here, much, and who, for the sake of brevity, Ihe Department heard-.ii of them hose a bo had rebelled against constitu­ >, and everywhere. He died in 1905 murder *nd teven for rspe or tttero THE ONLY BLACKMAN’S PAPER might be called Basuto We still find great schemes in hit mind for ted authority, aad that it *u custom­ slong the bank of the Veal and Wilge •*pe-it teemed doubtful whether THE STORY OF THE ZULU#. promotion of native education in lour day* would be suflrienl. ary In snch cases to send a strong fores* rw great ruina-once the home* of sunny «outh The Institution last PRINTED OH LINOTYPE. - J. Y. Gibson. Published by Long­ Bstlokoa. who were once s strong Court merely to imprt** the recalcitrant el*- man, Green i Co.) was giving training to a little i. till 8 p.m., with oi tribe, but were finally subdued, and now !W pupils of both texee, repre- ment. that the object wu rvally to pre­ in interesting book oo a rery in­ lunch), and s vent lewleasnes*, and that object wu at­ form a part of the Basuto nation from the disposed of (several plea* of "guilt: teresting people," is a neat summary piece of land lying between e /.am tained; that the killing of cettle consti­ of thi* work by a well-khown natire Thaba 'Ncbu and the Vaal Hirer was The llealdto* der being accepted, with other pleas tuted a sort of punuhmat which .u An independent Race hiitorisn, who confessed to h*re known mainly occupied by the Bataung. and founded about 60 yeart ago by the Rer. goilty), that il was clear there wou supported also by nativs custom. 0« rery little of the Zulu* until he read they were found by the voortrek- John Ayliff, whose name, I have oo imple time. The fact that t learning theae (acts the opinion of the Mr Gibaon’i book. Ererybody in­ of IMS. The country they dwelt io 'er be forgotten by the Judge tpeakt the Taal perfectly .as terested in the people of "The Garden undulating grassy plain, dotted Fingoes because of what he did tor speaker wu changed He had eeen brth aid, while the two official Inte parties. He had taken with him to Pit- Colony,” and South Africa as a whole i kopje* Here wild He acted as a mediator in poli- a (Mr. Celliert for Ihe Dutch, si should forthwith secure a copy of the game abounded. matten between them and Go- Mr Bud M'belle (oe the native dules-i sane Mr. IV Mosho«*hoe. a man whcM book ahich end* wilh a genealogy of The Zulu* in the East had acquired a leot. He wu a devoot ma and the shorthand writer (Mr. Midgle fidelity, integrity, and hooeaty .ugea the Zulu klnp, starting with Ualon- irge tract of land .Inch they were en- e rarely met with. He lived left nothing to be desired Mr. Bud erally admitted by the whita community dels, the great-grandfather of Nkotin- irging time after time, and was alter- »i*ry among the Fmgoe* »t M’belii no less than the nativea They roe- kulu ka Zulu^way back m the dim srds known as Zululand. As year* Peddie settlement, and t versed freely with Ihe people at Pitaana. •nd distant put. ime and went there ro*e''to prominence quently came to another Fingo tettle- and he (the speaker) returned.com The Zulu* are now found in nearly in that land of the Zulu* a man who Ilealdtown in 185], wht etery part of South and South Central gained him*elf an undoubted military fficuitict, founded the i that the party led by Joshua Molcc Africa; indeed, erery person whit* and fame, though he tyrannically displayed tion, Thit school ba* done tremindou* the exercise of tact, patience, and good black, who cannot make a *imple re­ King thata, the Attila of in oative education. Yon will judgment, averted more senooe trouble quest in Zulu on the Witwateruand South Africa. He, applying his Europ- luvuber Healdtown wu indnded He (the speaker) trusted that th* people PUBLISHED IN SECHOANA AND ENGLISH » * r*r* aris; and kitchen Zulu i* training, wsged wars list of the three natire tl sou Id continue in tb* futnre w t the medium of con venation between - tribe*, and decimated ition* which received Pheai f the' past s model people in the obtwr Kuropean* and natiree in Eliiabeth- Owing to ravages of mention by the Education Department „ isl Morrev; the^ two gentlemen (AT 3d. PER copy, rille, no doubt became the Zulu ia al­ scarcely »ny ‘ for the excellent and creditable result wer specially retained. most a* ubiquitous a* the inrineible iuse peopls were moving they produced last ye*r. Th* Rev The murder cases .ere defend'd "pro ,.s Molema followed, ex P08T FREE 15/- PER ANNUM), urns and usages of the Baro- • bite man. from place tn place. Peking place* John Ayliff died with prayer on hit lip* deo" by Mr W ,F. Schreiner teldeat son Simultaneously every Saturday Morning at Kimberley, The author of thi* *tory w*s (or •afety. The land remained untilled, and for his people, th* of Ihe famous K.C.), Mr l^wu ing such que»tions and sltsa- many year* a Magistrate in Zululand, thus famini followed on'the path of war: succeeded by Mestr*. Mr. Pienaar-"Midland Newt." Bloemfontein, Thaba ’Ncho, Klerkadorp, Potchefstroom, and the content* dearly *how that the path <-f famine followed caiv- Impey, Ch*pfntn, Briggs. Chubb, Hoi- Pretoria, and Johannesburg. . it it compiled by one who had *t hi* nibaliam when men w«re feasting on ford and ievera! others. Today the In- disposal ail the official information and uman flesh (titution it under the governorihip of publication* on the nbject, beside* his To estape Tchsks's tyranny there wa* the Rev. R. F. Hornabrook, who*e de- The Bechuana are the only branoh of the Bantu (beddea intimate knowledge of the Zulu and great wave moving southward. on to doty i* undoubted. No bet- ‘‘ Tsala ea Becoana" the Zulus) mentioned In the " Inoyclopadla Brltannloa" duciplintrian than he could be dose a*soci*tion with him, and wa* At this time in a country now known ch wer* not in conffict with, bat and the “ Universal Cyolopsedla." The latter says of thus entitled to ipeak. The \only pity • Basutoland tlu-re had also risen to found anywhere. ("The Friend of theBecbuana), luciv* to good government, so that is that the atory end* with the first ime a shrewd ond far-seeing young The St. Matthtw'* College will ever repetition of such proceedings might them:-"They are the mort olvlllsed nation In South retrain anociated with the name* of Urrkiiioa, kt Diweke eotlhe kt Matlhic deportation to SL Helena of Dinuulu, lan who was gathering around him Africa The Kuruman Mission of the London Missionary be black Napoleon, and thu* (topped nunants of tribe* broken up by Bishop* Gray and Merriman-th* lat­ do Kioberley. short of the *nbi Tch*k*. and was thus laying a strong ter wat the father of thit great lover Iter a vote of thanks to the viaitor, Society has done them muoh good." of the Zulu* with the colonist* of N*t*l. foundaion of the present little king­ of humanity, the Right Hon. John X. Krei Setatalo Tmuvial: the renewal of the el press wc* of their Christianisation and educational dom of Baiutoland. This diplomatic Merriman. who i* a thining itar in Sccoana le Efljjluh. lidence reposed in him daring hit development. r*» the late Moshoeshoe I the Wi*e, the the Union Parliament ot to-day. These Theko • 18/*. ly yean of association nth tha Ban* Only Sechuana Gazette for the Govern­ '»o were th* chief *mong the promo- It is difficult to belitre that any lather of the Baiuto Nation. It wa* I. the meeting terminated African monarch erer *h«d a* much it thi* time, too, that the Amahlubi ir* of thi* minion of the 8aint*. Hood as King Chaka, and hi* and other tribe* found their way into The Rev. John Armitrong, who ment of the Union of South Africa, with bloody operation* are luorintly nar­ the Colony. Howerer/ tome of them coniecrated Biihop of Grahamitown rate in thi* book. The n*tir*» of remained in Baiutoland, and (till form in 1853 did more than we can oonctlvt a wide and constantly Increasing circu­ South Africa will do well to digest part of the Basuto n*tion to-d*y. Urn- building np thii college. Hit HON. M. CAMPBELL’S PRIZES. thia authentio narratire of a moat im­ ■ilikaxi had also broken away from remitted energy and prodint foresight lation. ______portant branch of the Bantu family, Tchaka, and he, with hi* men, had deep the foundation of the college, HE Hod. MarshtJl Campbell, of Mount Edgecombe, NaUl. ban offered at of yon, I have no and Ur. Gibson is to be congratulated :romd the Drakensberg Mountain* Priwe vtlned at £25 lor beat eeaays od tho History cf the Basoto on haring produced a rery good book. and made hi* way through the Trani- acquainted with the name of the S**. T A Good Advertising Medium for Native Th* illustration*, too, are r*ry interest­ vaal, destroying every human being in Mr. Taberer, whoaa jubilee of 5(^ Nation. ing. Anyone *ecuring the book will hi* path, thu* (caving a desolate desert year* u a minionary among th* Beit 1st E»ay...... £15 0 0 Consumers. ______hare some rare photo* of notable Af­ behind him./lie. went and etUbliihed celebrated lut year, „ Snd ...... 7 0 0 rican king* *nd prince* of former days. the kinnkim of Matabeleland, which a faithful nrvant in the „ 3 r d ...... 8 0 0 European* would do well to read the hu noyditappeared. caute of God'* kingdom. The noblt Messrs Aberdein St Butt, High-01 ass Drapers, ■tory, a* it U doubtful If many of them Now/we cone to tbii que«tion-For iplithed by thii vtteran Eaays must not be of more than 2^00 words, and are to be ten Maitland Street. Bloemfontein, write to the can be aware that the territories in how joog wu our country to remain in toldier of Chriit inrputei human 'he possession of the whit* man today thii/*t*to of confuiion and blood*!ied; underatanding. He hu been connected 10 Hoo. M. CAMPBELL, Editor: "Our Advertisement in your paper has with thi oolleg* I don't know for hoi •ere aeiied from the original natire bos/ long wa* the natire to remain in Mount Edgecombe, Natal occupier* by ]«ytl natire tolldiert, who bacbariim and savagery? many y**r*. Increased our Native Trade by 50 per cent endured much, laying down life and Ui all thil the unseen hand wu hand­ greet German poet remarked After^July 10th no Eany will be aoccpted. AllBasotc « ho are property aa * token of their loyalty ling and thiping th* affair* of our be­ thu*. "What you ifttlr* in natives of Sooth Aftica are eligible to compete, but no European. *o the early colonial pioneer*. The nighted land. A dawn wa* t*t(ing in younger d*y*, you g*n*rally attain popularity of Mr. Oibaon'a book is at- uifnotlced. A foreign infinance from only when old-age i* upon you." To- Advertise in the twted by th» fact that tomt half r foreign people in a foreign land w diy the veteran i* itanding at the doien friends who MW it in th* writer' beginning to mak* Itaelf felt by d threthold of hi* life'* evening tide, htnds hare already purchased cople*. gree*. Men hitherto unknown lor M and what doe* he tee? He **** th* THS WISE •nd ai *eeing U bellering, we say, “Oo tlrie* were miking their ippuranc* college grow from year to ynr and TSALA EA BECOANA, one by one. two by two, three by three, •end out into the minion field a bud BOY THEIR into thii country then known, u the of promising yonng men and youg women to dl* for th* Cron. Th* col­ PIANOS, ORGANS, CORNETS W W STANDARD ARITHMETIC. lind of the black. . It will Increase your Native Trade. These m*n,''Bdt unlike Abraham lege had last ynr, under th* guidance ,"very useful text-booki" i* the rer- old, had reepoodid to th* call. 'Oet of the Rer. F. D. Binyon. over IM VIOLINS, AUTOHARPS, diet of neerly erery t**cier who aw of thine.oonntry, and boarder*, while 41 ynr* ago there Offices: Corner of Shannon Street and these arithmetic*, and w* ar» inclined thy own kindred, unto a land that 1 were only 15. to concur in the rerdict. What make* rill ihow the*.' Their menage wu I km *orry time doe* not allow me MUSICAL IN8TRUM1NT8, Ike test*jo inter**ting and lnitractm Brett Street, Kimberley. OniKtrue God to all humanity.’ It to tpeak about th* work of inch In- FROM « that they are confined to practical ob­ iu a''aimple menage from ilmple ititutkai u Morija. Zonmblotm. and ject* that are familiar to erery 8outh gen to, * *impl* peole, for *impll


H I N m ia.iDSti.i.m ! (WtltalMn,. (Metlobo ea Kompbni ea ga Mokebisa.) _ MOKTJBNA HO®,

DITSALA eoltbe di iltuioe (a tht. k*a H. h. RAMAlLANBe Wu Wi a DUO le MARUBALO mono i J ? Babereki Botlhe ba ba Batlang Tiro mo Dikepong Tseo, ba ea BEOOANA WAALHOKK, lobd? 211 ka total ja 10th Phnku, lollop go Botsa Agente oa Cone: Mr. L. S> GLOVER, Lobatsi.

Babangoe ba ka ea fela koa Dlhekeng tsa Dikomponi mo Kimberley le BeaconsBeld. s s s s r a s t s Maina a Metlhatlhelo le bo Munenchere Botlhe ke a: UCOAII LXQAEI: impoond BULTFONTEIN: Mine Compound | J. Nicholson. Ft lo koala kt Pote lore Stable Compound Surface Componnd Floor Compound | C E. Hopley. KIM BERLEY: Mine Compound H. N. RAMAILANE, P. Waldkk. Mine Componnd Na 2. Compound J a E. Rorm. Floor Compound Surface Compound P.O. B u i 673, Floor Compound | J. Swanson. WESSELTON: Mine Compound BLOKMrONTILN | & Tidd Pratt. Surface Compound CompoundWORKSHOPS: Floor Compound CENTRAL POWER Ka ThapoRAMAILANE. STATION: Componnd | E. 0ALLOW.

Katlele e Ncho et Fon e e kgibiticoeag thata kt kgotlho, mo ditlhopng mo maaekcog le mephakalrgo Tekanro ea eone: 4ft 6m. l 6ft 6in_ Mlnogole matnae ot apring, le oa l»bo» le meamo e mebedi ea dipbafa. E olec* aentle eabt N. STEIN, THE BRITISH CHRISTIAN UNION Banna! Banna, Bonang Fa!! et ptkot kt aule et et go pejot mo atetsbrneng a Capetown, SA 5a. Madi a tie le koalo lo lo bitaag katlele. loki u Fort Street It lull. JIAttBO: (Wenkele eo montle eo mo Re tinogetae makjplo t dikotlo tat Btncbo ba bt itumedisicoeng ke tboto tat rooa L Go batla le go koptnyi hatho botlhe bt ht eletaang go choletaa, ma Street. Hukung go leba Post Offloe) Koalelaig:— Afrik* le Btaebo bt butoe go ta n&et chotnelo Ue di lektnang, BLOEMFONTEIN, iL Oo gtoelt run go et go thololi mtdi » t Fa U ea go NT ALA kgotaa U ea ELALELONG i kt bsdipt. 8 H. Oo laletaa BakereKte bt Amerika gort bt leke go tbuaa go romrla Bancho O thola bo malhini le diloaoknh. b* Amerika babaaooofileag mo mooeogle mo ditiroog go bt buaetai koa ga boot O re kin bo maaHnt ba ba aha le tola tfcA. V« mWUln t ktriiba. Re ka go shomola ka paka go coa ka Monoto go ea koa Phogoog. The Direct Simply Stores, Rologolo a rcki-e le ditahieomi ta h Oo rata twtote* b» bt tlbophilaeng ditiro t* di ht lehtnjeng bogolo go Ut bo maahiel tae dl koa thoko. Fa u oa go Loma kgo no n ea Diklemeng, Ro ka go baakanyetsa aparo gHntitJUaagtli tt ktgiaho le lonto lot batho lo eleog loee lo kt raaojang bttto le Dilonjana dile dintsi dikt tmmtw tsa methale Eotlhe too di tEata thata, Tea Baoereki. B O X 284, C A PET O W N . t. Oo bolelt Efaogrli et kagiaho le Ualtoo et mertfe eotlhe gotlhe mo Potho et e tnminog trog le go lekt gote pnaho le taolo et bokariga e tloge, go taeoe Lefa U Ba batle Paka ootlhe U ka reka BAKI. BOROKHOE, HEMPE, paabo et lonto le go din mmogo a DITLHAKO. a HUTSHE, KOLORO, kgono eng ea Banna, fela so U ee batlang U tla so fitlhela. W. N. COOPER, A bittw botlbe U bt dumalanang le maikaelelo t matlhano a ba gagule kape- MORHKIHI OA DITLHARH, Putor JOSEPH BOOTH, Hoe. Secretary, B> itith OhriiUan Union, « rokisa Thoto toa Banna fela ga gona toa Basadi lo Bana. P. GOLDSTEIN, <9, Prettwich Street, Capctoirn, IWEST END, KIMBERLEY. Mosogi oa Diaparo, 8EN E IR E (Lt kta MAFIKENG It ZEERU8T koa MADIKOE. Ka pelo eotlbe ke dumiltna le maikaelelo a matlhano » Btitiah Christian Onion, o mo Lewenkeleng, a ka go flogala fela jaka U rata NT8E LB BECOANA ka baka ae ae tolelf thata, ebile 0 setae a Koa TH^BA ’N0H0, ebile ke eietaa go coa tokololo et eone. Tlang lo itlhophele ka loai mo ga lemogile thata go ba baakan^etaa ditlhare. A ko leke methusho ea bone e e ntaang. COOPER’S GREEN PILL (Pile e iUeng go tlhacoa aala) letlejaaa, Dilo too di Uhophiloeng, Meroko WALTERH.ADAMS Talere. ca maanete ks. PECTORAL BALSAM (Moline oa Digotlhola), 1/8 le Vi botlolo. . Tlhoatlhoa toe di oleng. INFLUENZA MIXTURE (Moleaio oa Mnele), V• ka boUolo. Siege Buildings (0wMtt. Pm, oaw. BLOOD MIXTURE (Maleaie oa go Uhacoa Madi) 0 • tnnileng thata thata m gt COOPER, Betltle 0 aioolola ka t/- a to g( II/-.... Tlang le itebatebeleng. De Beers Road, Kimberley. Mo Itk eka beloetu boagot leboagoe jo bo go chooa]raag a ka ga ULakaayttu nethasho t a tiaaeag thaU aa lewenkeleng ja gagoe KATLHOATLHOA TSE Dl OKOCOLOCOENO John Henderson, MELSMO SA GAGOE B THUSA THATA. Dikgomo le Melora ea Yunione B. ba agileng kgakala ere ba mo koalela ka pose ba romele Selaga Sa 6a Banosesanjaiie. madi ba beele boUolo ogoe le ngoe Sekisipense ea pose fa Dihutshane I (UNION SOAP). godimo. Ebile re na le Kala koa Hemming Street, E SHONE SELAGA se so baakanyang Dinama ka kelo thloko BELGRAVIA. K 0 reka Dikgomo lo dilo too di tsamaeang, SELAGA sa RONA Baftntai re utloa taa fa re oa le ntlha-ntlha mo difanliaa taa marea^ JAANONG DISKPK ga di tlhole di coa Engelane fela. di Iroa le mono Teemauenc Wunatata oa Ntlha oa Kgoivli cotlhe MOLORA o o tlbiatng thttt koaTWEBSPRUIT 8rATI0N, Diitrict MOLORA o o at ojerologrng. THABA NCHO. W. N. COOPER, Thak’Nebo. MOLORA o o gaiaang dicbalo ttegale di tekit»dloang Ueci'ana. GDAFI LE KEKBKE EA IARGO0A. THE “ ACUHA” REMEDIES. KOA WEST END, KIMBERLEY. h r & Scott, Ft a taena mo Lewrnkel eng r tails go reVa Mobia fela bitoa Union Soap i M. K A PLA N (Bagaisane), Live Slock Auctioneers, dirett* dodo Kimberlej' Thuung DiUru Ua mono gae gore cheletr Ma loni di lefe BLOEMFONTEIN. tadiri bt bancho. " ACURA" PILLULES.—For Coughs and Colds. They relievo MoreklHi Diaparo le Dijo, that soreness of tho throat and chcet that accompanies coughs and Dipereko le Mashini tsa Rona di koa West End. colds in a few hours, and will completely cure in a few days. In­ ■0 Marakeng oa THABA ’NCHO. valuable to public speakers and singers Sold at 2/6 per bottle, or three bottles for 6/6, Post Free in the Union. 0 REKISA DILOANA TSE DI IKANYEGANG THATA. " ACURA ” PELLETS.—For Rhoumatism and Gont. Sold at 2/6 0 FOKOLETSA ka go abela bareki diloana tse M. C. Sehrneder per box, or throe boxes for 6/6, Post Free in the Union. dl aiamnng Thata. MOSEGI Union Soap Co., Ltd., 11 ACURA ” PILLS.—Cure Indigestion, Constipation, Sick Head­ ache, Heartburn, and all tho disorders of the stomach caused by an Eo o hmteli IiW i, 7 Stockdale Street, Kimberley, inactive liver. Sold at 2/6 per box, or 6/6 for throe boxes, Post Free in tho Union F» Holuni « tlOKINCI J. KLEIN, ROAD Ii ROPER STREET, Ppaotlooi Tailor anrt Ontflttep, Gaufi lo Stoishono. To bo had direct from the Sole Proprietors, 27 & 29 OLD MAIN STREET, KIMBERLEY. STREET, ------Makgooa ea Presbyterian. (Si.), MOSIGI oa Maanetc, P A K A toa gagoe di simolola ka £2 10/-, Di fela ka £5 5/-. SIMON PRADES, A n batla Semolo, Koantle ga too di eegiloeng, ebile 0 nale mothale e men tain ti ea Semapa, Harase, MOREKI8I LB MOAN ANTI, 71 B u r g S t r e e t, Bai 1,071, Ditlhako, Mahutahe, Bo Hempe, Dituku lo Dikommereae toa meehoroto Beltunata, Mafadu I Eotlhe-lele. 36 Zulu Street, BLOEMFONTEIN, C A P E T O W N . 0 tla go segela fela kafa fa U batla Diketlele, Ditatoie le Ditulo, Dipits* Dilo tsa NtTo cotlhe toe di siameng ka tlhoatlhoa e potlana toe di Ncha le toe di tala THE ST0BIE1ESPIRATOR. Diaparo, Dikobo, Ditlhako le Dishuse, Dikomerese le Sose tsa methale eotlhe. Mmogo lo dikoforto toa Amerika re di dara mono, (Kgelsana a Stobie e e beo&og mo okoo;.)

Dijo, Dijana, Ditoe le Dishukerc le dilo toe dingoe toa Untie. Ebe ere fa u rata re di olele re di iso Stoisheneng lefa ebile u rata re di romola kae. Qa go Moepi ope oa Metlobo 0 ka dirang ka itekanelo t Ke Setoro se se lebiieng Waebuku obile segaisa Tcro Ue dintroe Bogolo mo Metlobong ea koa Gauteng. cotlhe ka bo chipi Mang le mang eo o tlang go itekele o tla Iwoa a itumeUo JOSEPH STOLLER, 21 Giddy Street, LOROLE1 ' Go Lebagana le Kantoro. ke Babereki metbalo eotlba 1 ' - ' e nwutt k{ WERKELE JE LE CHIP] GO FETA LOUIS MAWENKELE A BLOEMFONTEIN, O y o l e : *e le fa Hukung go lebagana le borogo Joa Terena, 58 De Beers Road,r KIMBERLEY.

Ho Mangaung, r ----ISA -D IBAESEKELE tsa metbalo coUhe le ■ cono too motho 0 ka di batlang. 1 lc toa gagoe di REKEGA THaTA. rdgong gaufi lo Stoisbene, DI BEKISIOA 10 UTLOBONG KA MO LSKENQ. SHELEMG. Registered at the General Poet Office as a Newspaper.

ea BecoanaOOVX STAB Dm “ As oold watar Is to a thlrsi; toul, so Is (rood news fro n a far country." THE FRIEND OF THE BECRUANA. —Proverbs of Solomon

t ...... ■ I H.-NO. 80. KIMBBRLBY, APRIL (MORAN ANG) 20, 1912. Tlhoatlhoa 3d.-Ngoaga 12/6 ka pose 15/-.

HI. CUTHBERT & Co, GO BOTLHE BA BA EANG GO NYALA. UMITHD.a RE NALE THOTO E NT8I EA DILO TSA KBMO. Mekgabo ea Basadi, Dlcoalo tea koa Teng, Boloslre, La Dlkranse, Dlihushe, lotorto t«a tshlpi, Paka t u m lm tlalem ine Hutshe t n Basadi, South Afrisan Boot Herehants. Selika U a Haled! jalo Jalo

^ I ka go naea Tlhako tse di siameng ka Tlhoatlhoa tse di okocolocoeng.

b Babereki go aimolola ka lo tn Bancs tu Mekgabo go tinololi k> a Meledi le diahnae go limoloU lu... tn Beaimaiae le] Burbuuu tm Sekole le Tihipi ka TlUaUhnu tae iti okocolocoeng.

Tlang lo Itebatebele ka Losi Be tla lo itamedisa Na 01 li

MASHINI OA AMBY. Eo sekhornmdo eentle ka MOSESE OA KOA TENO OA NAINSOOK, difale HI, Cuthbert & Co., Ltd., karantie ea nyaga dile tlhaoo £2 15/% tae pedi.le kante e e kgaliiwoeng le ditaka f* godimo 00 NALE BOMASHINI BA BANOOB KA Fela ka 4/11. Go nale tae dingoe gape ka 87 Dutoitspan Road, Kimberley. £3 7a. 6d lo £3 17a 6d 2/6, 2/11, 3/6 le 8/11

Oa gona ope Ue»*< A B E K D E IN & B U T T , Dill KM PE TSA NAINSOOK, manikoe a bahnmagadi (da oo ontahang Ditempe taa Bareki mo Man^anng. lo deleife ka 1/8,1/9. J/-, 2/6 le 1/11.

Koala re tla go romela Koalo loa Ditlho&tlhoa lo lo nang le dichoanoho. Re Ntsha Di Trading Stamps. COM ING & Co.,, ABERDEIN & BUTT, Maitland Street, Bloemfontein. WE8KELB je le eteletseng a mangoe pele ka Ditiro. | S. A. Oliver & Oo. |U0, DINO, DIAPARO THOTO TSA MATLO I# TSH1PI tea J. VAN DER RIET & Co. Balemi. Oa gona Wonkolo opo o THOTO e kana ka Phatlho a ntanta ea (B8BNG OA MOGBNTE), oi rona mono THABANCHO. MOTSEI OA BASHOI APARO Tsa MOTLUNG. Oa it Dtahe Ditempe, mme Be ikaaa gore TLHOATLHOA RA RONA le ’METl.l OA MATLOLE A LE WliNSELE JE LESHA JA e STAMP. KA METHLA. Komerw, Dilaakane, Khai e Cfcoco. Flanrlete, Diale, Ihkobo, _ Thoto tra Ion* Re dl reka ka Konlaoe. Re raka ka tlhoatlhoae c Dikaoahc, me Ooalo k Mekgabo, At, Ac, A BASHOI. Thaba ’Xolio. ■MIDI, KORONG, MABELE. MORORO, KAPA FURU, |alo, jalo. Kbik Ka PAKA le DITLHAKO ■ta Ra rekiae, Re aoaaje ka Dihutehaos, Dikgomo, Dipitae le Diearle. Taa Banna lc Baaunint I Oaoe re Magente a DIKOLOI, DIKOOHBKARA lo Dikoloana t« di tumdenj In bo Olenniea. Renale mokooa oa Diaeeke, Ditlhomoaho le thoto taa go ag» ITSISI Bemana tntlhe t»gnlo la KAFA MORAGO GA GOORA KONONG. prpia ea Ditahipl e e mltioa le Dipale. Bloemfontein, la a budo*ile koa 8t. Oeotjje Strtel, jaiDoog ale mo Baumano RB KOAL0LB, BB ITBELB MOOALA, QONO MBCOALO T1 ARE KISI b methale*thale ca DINO le DIJO le DIAPARO U ITHRB, OA NEB U IKOATLKAA “t t ea Bahnmagadi, lc Ban me. tla atahi______. ^ 0 reka lo MABELE le dilo tae dingoe too di ka rokiaioang ke kara. Fa motho a belile Kcae ______lehitleos »o» ntle gt trfo) go Becoana. Kortumo tn Vleae* le Dtf'aki, Diblbau, Boatroko, Kh«i taa c* W aalhnko kgooo KAflrfonUln Ditahea, Maaka teng jalo jak Tie do aiametaeog p> Ebilo re eimolotee tiro e ncha e entae e aa itaioe mono Thaba 'Ncho Ooaloaka Pa motho a reka ro mo naea ditempe lo bakanyana a di manege mo go MARIGA le SELEMO. IIS eone. Ere a sena go tlataa diteebe dingoe taa Buk* a di gagole a di BAUMANN SQUARE, lore koano, n nooo dithoto tao di lebanyong Llhoatlboa ea eone. te Koalele re tla lo romela Kataloko ea Ditlhoatlhoa. Thaba ’Ncho, O.F.S. BLOBMPONTBIN, Pa lo reka batlang ditempe fela jaka koa toropong tae di kgola [ OLIVER & Co., VAN DER RIET & Co., BATLAN6! BATLANB!! BATLANB111 E. T. C06LE, Thaba 'Noho. 9 III, Jones Slrcel, DITLHAKO 11 DITLHAKO I! I * KITSISHO E TLOPEGILENG TilS Wedding Ringa Till. Set Imitatioe Tll7. 9ct Ring* M o N o k g o a th e n g o a No. 111. Rolled Gold • ■ W Diamooda I Heart ■ • ■ 9et Uoid ■ b/t, &«, Rolled Gold - - 3 I Hearta ■ • • Selaga sa Nama (se di 10'S, IV-. 1 Hearta • • - ZITTEL & CO. Ke gone o putolol&ng Dlkhal tsa gigoe tsa methale taa Shoe Coy., Write for onr Illustrated Catalogue. Sent Post Free. Mahura. MA&IOA Ka Tlhoatlhoa e Ikotlase. 20o LOWER JONES STREET, Ra Tlhoatlhoa Tse dincha, tao di pepa, le tae di boikanyo, Taedi Ok-icoloe «ng. K a fa tlase ga Tleloko. BONOHO JA PANAMA JOBO TAU KA 1 • ja:ata I. Mendelsohn &Co, TSE DI MEL000 B INT8BN0 JAKA LESAPO JA HERRUJO,taedi Paolo, B.>oebo ja bo Tala, le tie di Botala joa bojani ka, 1/S jarata DITLHAKO ISA BONA ISA BANNA Jewellers and fitc h Hanufaoturore, DIKHAI TSE DI LBTLALO JE L a agela Pnaho teronko Itangoulii bone o -nna koa Bethel ko loane ekete gogo lumi fe « f t Mopitlo Si, 19.1, tia bolaeang artone fela Udi e ntse if^axenn koa motaing oa Baku. Jaana lekgooa; ba goletso rao polasing ea baloa magr T e amusa; e ere e bolaea motahegare . choc roc o tlhatlheooe mo teronkong Du Frees ebile mogolooo o na a nyaloa Thaba Ncho a te kc a Oo iUiiioa go nna polelo ea pootiha (a Taa a Tom (kronen ebile e thusioang mo pontsheng ke o ka iwi gatoe 0 bolnilt* motho, ko monna oa Lehontoto. kmllbegll# go domelela kafa mafokung a Temana 8 ea Thero Na BO<* 1835 dikoranta dingoe taa makgooa! Karstina a itnt ol a nba a bidibma. Tea Thuto.-Tir im (Briiiih Bechuanaland) gogoga ditwlo tae di oe dl ptiaicoc go lwUW»B^ 0 Kopano e cboeu e simolotse ti. India.—Slnchaohe a mono n bua-bua Are rragoe kc Lcfora inmagoc ke Lckgo­ coeletse. Mr. Alb.:, Kgogo o i_ ba tla remang dikgong b gone mo Direcweog taa Baneho koa British Bechuana­ ea eone mashoe. E simolotse ka nmala ka morati oa Lckula 0 »a coa ba ja Kapa. Daniel Davidson le ene ka natla koa SL land, tae di rtkiiioang, kgono tae di oroang, le go baea ditaelo mo mannong a lekudukama. Eka- ■o iroa Uishopo. la are o kopanyo le mosadi a li cone, ditaelo tM di bioang mo Shedulung e e fa tine. simolotse ka kudukama ja tlhegile a mo »cla fela a sena legao monna, le ne le ie nke le sala le Kltaliboea Ooromente Na 1834 ee koadiloeng b Noremher 7, 1911, ea motsa gore ko mokae are Lekgoba, ke ledioa palo ea mat siiloe ke terena le le jot). i«a mo sela a aga nae. kano diklase taa Srk phimoloa gomplena ’ Mo Biasing sa Elansfontein ma Dnjochc erile a buisa bojuri ene 0 boile koa etong loba fa Express e e coang Paka e Molao o go loeng thaka e o tlodilo ke Ka jaanong Kimberley Ic IlftkiJ ea Pretoria e tlv Mr. Green Ea*l Afrika.-Mom r dltlbare Teoiana ea boraro ea Molao 16 oa 190 lu nale Bishopo oa Hlornifoatriatsil A baum o paUma le kpitsadie le le- i) laela gore fo mosadi oa Lekgooa lofela Bishop Cbandlo lata ja kgaitaadie le lose*, irena a magolo a lla tie go ta bonoa a ja le monna eo moncho tlbokomela Ma^'bachr elelo ele gore lelatanjrana le ralale G ka fitlhela tlbare w koadiloe aeoe nyaga dile 5 monna dile 6. So I bone fa ba tlhoka ditii ka paaedte le ae koa ke » tlhomiloe ke Moreoa kapa Mo- rhoanetwng go atlholoa ke juri ke gore MELAO EA DIKGOA MO DIRESEWENG TSA BANOHO KOA nebmg e e pegang Barrtio ka e homagali Mokcte. Maloba go fellhe- I ba bololela ruri fa bare mosetsana Koa Weaele le gone g, sena kgora fa tlhikoreng. Erile ■ntoe ae koadiloe jaana: Tlhare ;a moshou Moncho ka go nna mogo ka thata. Koterrlc Mating • BRITISH BECHUANALAND. fa ba taena b kgoro kgooe tlhomiloe ke Modimo, ae thibogi ra ba go latole. Fade ene Dijoehe April 10, ba phuthrgilrbareriUla|| teng a bo a thulela mosrUanyana ka tebo en gagoe o fitlhela gore moei ba Seketo ea Thaba Ncho, Her. i. | mungoigoe are g* kake Sana kr lekgooa fela je le choanang Uouseham ale mo setulong, a I a ba a feta ka tana Erile e ntsha 1. Ga go Moocho o tla remang, a rota kgono a utluiaa botlhoko tetlbare Ba Dinala.-Koa Gauteng bo Ra-Ma bomn-lsi ba ba mo toropong. Rers. J. D. Goronyane, A. 1 mobidi e tsamaea mosetsannnaa jmt.l- ■- -—irnrium >» Im1—— u„iu r» •». ■epe aa mokala ae ao cmeng mo Rwwng »_Bwclakt»*-bna- a ca ta.ditang. R -aroitiugt. oa re M ri ui bagoe•. ,v.v ba bo ba akabeUe • felar. 'jaka ' ■ ■ ■ chupo go lolame e e reng kgarebc rhoeu, gore "Koterele" e rileng ks ho rekr, ntebne bt UNt™ Katlbolo: mosadi kgoedi dile 18 gn Mr. D. Romochoana tickm al S. Moncho mongoe le mongoe eo o agileng senile mo Rosoteng ea Bancho o bakgoeiai ba tartna. E tlhoeoe jorc baa di keleks, ncoe k* roalcla a ea go rekisa kgono a ea go on dikgong tae di omileng tae di b dlle IS. A ha are fa ha ka aga mmogo kopano e ehoeu rare fa jaanong e yetsa mo dirokhoeng taa roaleloang goes sen goo tlbare tae di eoeng je tae dl golang. tshabela bo Makgatbo mo basetsa ipr Im lla tlhokofadioa monna a nyaneng. 3. Moncho mongoe le mongo* ro o agileng mo Reaeweng ea Baacho b a se ke b* nioe chanka- >Sc re «a sc tlhaloganycng ke molao, o b rema matlhaka go ea go aga maraka kgooo difero, (a a amogetie [obc en" o shoelang ka mown permiti e e koadiloeng, mo Kgoaio? ca gagoe kgooo mo kgoaanen;, e bolele tlhara annc gore o boleletse kgobe gore ke Matichere a Wewlc mo gse tae o tla di remang gote di be, le koa o tli ea go reming teng, le nako e o tla Te Tsa Bakoaledi. O Choeror.—Mapotisi a Fordaburg marataro. Erile Mm. I. T. remang b eooe. •hoerr Khooe mo Vredidorp Ba i a myaloa, ngogola. ba sala halsS;) -hoxanyetu a na a lla aboa a ikaleti i Kgoei le kgoeana ngoe e e locoang go iia jalo e tla romela koa go Mageie- go ilo Mr. Ramochc KAGA COGO FJ tIORENA. ta a na a kalelw pxtolo tae di tlha- bane. Etlare go 'oo trata lefaele koa go Mokgethiai palo eadipermiti cotlhe taa go rema dikgoog taa llhrroenj ka dikgetie. Gatoe inolato Coogotlega lego lu ll le gt o d> ntahltaeng. MoroUpayi o> 'Tula n llxuna. bale bararo jalo. ji o rekiallae ditlhobolo koa Fri coa botlhe go u sa R« rosilf ka nako ra boraro ka i 5, Moncho eoo agileng b molao ino Re«e»eng ea Bancho, eo o ratang go 0a n, Bechuanaland koa ntle ga Mjsgi gi letlolo. Sigohke dingoe eare diklase di olrixti dioe matichere. Koa Wnelrai rema mekgoro ea go agelela kgono ea go ira ttngoe se tele, eae ta* di dirisiosng ra din cwlroo r intlntlr that*, mo tlung. o tla batla laeaenae pele mo go Mokgethiai. Laeaeose eo e tla bolrla gi ililo i kt t a o , mtdi a cologa Boo Selrb llhatlhaorsi cofroe kr L G. ti. Uorpadira palo I a Setokgo.-Koa Engel palo le selekanTO aa mekgoro e e tla rcogaog, koa di tla rengoang teng le nako Ibrro moto dilr mo (o Mala fa! e Moooana o e letlecoeng go di rema b eone. Oo ntaha laosense eo go tla lerena r tabosa maele • Coineeoe go iip lw » trmana (10. Molthrgar fa|»ga ditshipi ea bapa ibtlholeloa ke Mokgethiai b eai, ere Ta a b gaoa go e otaha motho a bo a b palo tana moco Johane k*aolo » tin Koa Topia .. ira boipileco koa go Mageaetrata. leganya lefatshe la kgong Sef&tlogo so « sinyegileng, dinto Rev. J. Mpuru o f.ratlhallhaayaf Maanete. an. l». Tiro ra Modimo Ma Wrarlr »g diporo. ba akoft ba 8 tao di babang, dipeise, le machoeQ- natla ebile oa aga. Ilisbopo o 0. Oo tla oe go dueleloa pele laeaenae ngoe le ogoe e e ntabioang ke Mokge­ ilvnfalr ka iMgolalo ra Modimo. M » ha bo enehiniri bai etela ma Thaba Nrho a ha a I thiai ditefo tae Kgoei ea tiro taa Bancho e tla di e hoebuig, a I* a di itaiac Wn»lr rogan*. Morrna Modimo o m yeeo a mantai a letlalo, ko dikao pbuthego mo sckolcng sa Wb»I«; J > rona llibolagan* hadibr. Mageaetrata. cotlhe tea tainyego, di boleia gore bangoe ele loa ntlha hi ' Umadi oa "Tala." 9 7. Motahegetli oa permiti ngo« kgono laeaenae o tlhare fa a batloa a e shupe, madi agago aleshoo a maseeai lo Amerika je le rali-gileng biape® fa e batloa ke lepoliii kgono ke mongoe co o letlecoeng go di tlbatlboba ; mme L G, S. MOKPADIBA. Gao kake oa al&fa matlhoko gontae jalo be ne ba kile bt boatf^ etlare fa nako e feta e laeaenae eo kgono permiti e oe e letla moremi b cone Itrandlorl. opedi ba ga Makadu. Moruti Kiphafa.-Koranta ngoe ea letlalo ka diteaao. A alafioa fela tgt Kereke o Iona koa Lady Bi motab'getai i e boaetae koa ofiling eoe chotaeng mo go eone gort e ee go beile £10.000 (a motho mongoe a ka lobakanyana me eseng pholo ea pbimoloa. KGUTAIt) MO TSULENG. lornlaianyi oa "Tsala « Bwoanv" tota, kagobo le coenyego tota lotlo- Go Kile ga tla Mosbotho: 8. Oa e nke e nna molao gore motahegetai mongoe oa laeaenae kcooo per­ mame mo mading fa eae fela goka ka mafoko a a bocoecoeng. Krnna oa maloba oa 1/i. kr ikarlrtw boshoa le ngoana rangoonape. mit! a e nctle motho o sele, kgono go rema kcong taa mothale o aele Kgono go i kopa Modimo *oir O le tom da, le go tlhapisa le go ■ele, kgono go fita tie di boleloang kt lokoab loa ogoe, kgono go rema dikgoog dikgomo tsa mogataa rragoe ta morago ga nako e laeaenae kgooo permiti e e ntaheaieoeog. ka nthaw ke Usm kr okrtsa. (a O nonntaa madi. ■ na oa nrrta boUhrlo. Gompirrnt di ja jaana:— FODISA Dikgolokoane teaga Dr. Wfl. Rragoe o na a nale basadi W* | “ > romrla (1 kc kntla Kr*. A raanfw 6. Mongoe le mongoe eo o oeecoesg laeaenae kgooo permiti o tla ooa le er SrhiUinxifnrtt a ilatotie boxoai liams tee di khibi- maikaiabelo a tihenyegelo ogoe e e b diroang ke ene kgono ke motho moagoe o afoko kr a. kadi 7/1. U ka Sontaja ka ibrlebejanr laa jone a myaleli kgarr coana di alafa di ba phallalala. sele fa a taamaiaa thata eoe neecoeog kc lokoala I kr Ir koa pulong ra ntlo r* Thoto ra a Ujuta e ntle. hodugela koaao t I mdon. kaa Schmidtadrift, Kloomplat, matlhoko a letlalo 10. Fa mo tahekoog e c b tekitioang motahegetai, a sekiaioa go robs ditaelo ktpala dikgomo thata. Xpaai Morati Batairta ki Port Elisabeth.—Trbelc mongoe o pi ka bonako, di buse. klai a tla go nna le maoogoloa|» tae, fa go tlhokafala go itae gore a mosekio nale laeaenie kgooo permiti, go Ua DDZ00A. lo fa tn a dikologa ki to taetofhataa' aotw Selrpe mono, a kalakatlegs It madi ale a gatsa Ba-motekisi). toe ga na naeo go taamaeaa e abopa kgooo a ntaha chupo e e itumediaang gore o a palo r la prte (o ra oils tm jo boloa aga a eta a ralha mongoe le mongoe ngotleloeog ke > ntlo ka pako ra lit Erile r aka nang nae. Mapolisi n re ka i coenyegagaletlaTo, Erile ba ntto ba a^tk fa l i bo ilr di boaiso, jotlhe, boaa ka dipistolo a a gasagasa ba ba bs lagadl a shoecoo ke bana t at*“ ® anna Rontlr phaa mooatr thata-thaU. io hnla a ahoa. Ra dikgolokoane gomo mo sakeng taa nyala biwi. * A. A. JACKAUS. di ootla, di ntla- , fa loapong, Moaeki b nale ■'a* Sydnry^)n-Vaal. Makgooa.—Selo «e ae cwlcdiKan fateemadi.lelotlalo (From mogoloagoo a tien*jno L... , April 11. Hit gooa mo lofatahing ao ichupile gape Kitsisho tsa Goromente. popa, setnnya eo o nyecoeug ko mmagoe “ ,‘‘77 “ io ickcng e e fetileng. mohuini mongoe a bona nae bana balo bararo kt a»» neile Kolecbi ea Ojford £100.000. na botahelo so booe, le that* oi logele. Qa go na molemo ope o loruo loa gagoo loa dilo 1st di »■» Mafallana.—Mr». Monroe Bennet Kitaiaho e e latelang e gatiaiea go ona polelo ea pontaha Uorolajranyi oa ‘ Taala ra Becoana.' okilcng oa nna lo posholoeo co mo ang le mosadi eo 0 mooyetseag kt .mrrika erile ka 1910 a bono bana I „ f gomo a booyo bana bale bajaro H » i ko nl^nrrlae malokonyaaa a mi go a'afeng maloetei otlhe a a diri- E. P. LON DALK, araro maloba o khubame a hona tana 8 TIISA ■ten* ra rona t t Bnoana. Ka ka »lr i-hanimane babedi baaetsana bar- loeng ko mtdi aaa siamaug, Eo o tahegeleditaeng Tlhangoe oa Tiro ta Makgotla. to r r molemo go mokanlrnt oa oi ro fa hetai botlbe ba ka hona bana jalo, Fha eae Dikgolokoane tee Dikhi- Toa Mo^otht »» dirrlmi mafoko a, okopa karatx mo nyageng dile pedi ga go sh bicoane. utloola gotoo mogata rrspe oa Ofiai « Tiro tv Makgotla, Pretoria. mafoko a molemo mo go rona. Bare- ka tlbola le tima. Mr. Ranthile Qhala, Qeme, koa iihule a tlogela go ntae i Ion* karato ra mafoko a ri[» botaa dilo tsa mmagoe. Mono BATEATI. r redulor kr koi. le ditee. Nteko' Vrede.—Jache Ward o atlhotae Mu- Hlalele, P.O. Masern, Basato- shupai a botsa ootadi Ie baaa W 1a milw re lebeletae iarabo i oana maloba mono gatoe o bolail C , o koala are nyecoeng b kgomo coo mnur* ■* Tikologo a Bodijocbe ba Prei Stata ' )a Kjom. Bona rt lebelet longoe ka 1(99. Art moahui o Da I Kc boitomelo go lobollelagompi- aUshupa. . Ktfa a batla bkoalt booe. Fa ha ka Ua gango letla dikologa jaoa mo kgooding____ umotse. A neoa nyaga dilo pedi. yeno kapa pholo e ke ibonengka go Una lt dilo mo moseklng to« IUa taamaaa jana rt "A re «** rt tla ema. Ba leke pltlo Moranang le Motibaganoog dirisa Dikgolokoane tee di Khibi- tuea pue a gogobo a ee Bcshotl ro hokoUa Khadi Ie Sekookonyane Uitenhagp.-Naga eno ga ea tiamela seki a gana ont mafoko •*;»»*£ Vrede, Loabobcdi, Moranaog 2. Staoderton, ManUfa, Moranang I. ' ig o mogolo oa Mannong. ipola. a coana. Ke ne kile mocoenyegi coo mma ga di kgoedioe-kgodiotj#*- Heidelberg, Uboraro, Moranang J. re ktotu ten coe ja Ktosi le t|„ golo. Ka «eko o e fetileng go nelfr kgoedi dile 15, ke coengoa ke ainto Boahof, Loabobedi, Moranang 9. Betbal, loa bobedi, Moranang 9. a diioa ke Dikofi to di Khadi. ke metlholo ea pula mono go ea ba Moseklsi a tla go tlbatlhela W Emelo, loa boraro, Moranang 10. tea madi dithoiog» metsi, le pabo kopa ka boikokobero, “mo ea k*otla ga Port Elisabeth, batho bale bantsl ba mono ThaU Ncho, mo MakgoW* Jacobedal, labour, Moiaoang II. Oarolina, loa botlbano, Moranang IS. •ekiaioe.” mchoareleng. Ke I coa ka chobo ja mogodu, matlo a bont\ ca lotlalo tea tloga tea coa dinto tee Middelburg, Matlaco, Moranang 13. ko ene ngoana oa mostdl fetola mafoko a taala came, k a tseoa ke mcroalelt. dikgolo, Ka Ieka dingaka me ka mogolo; kgomo'tiedi hapecoengk^ Nobthhh Cl.co.t Coueh, 0 F.& tloka thnsho. Oompiyeno, ke agot It iottdi to 0 WJJ v& stizxxsss: Pietermaritiburg.-Mono go thtiloo fodisicoo ke molemo oa gago, fa ele kt ot MM.muoeole11***.mmogo lei Bethlehem, Mantaga, Moranang 15. Nrlltroom, Mantaga, Maranaos SS. MOGAPI MONN.tGAEATOE. komponi e ncha e o t'a dlrang1 m ‘ PWaMwg, Laboraro, Monnang M. chmx) e eaka o ka itloatea. oUbcUyengle mottki.gonat VViaborg. April J. Hit eotlhe ea ditlhako gort go se I Harrisnitb, Laboraro, Moraoatg 17. Uhako te tla tlhola se coa b t mottja. Dikgolokoane tee di khibicoana . ro e thsioa b £15.000 eblla go Dr. Williams di rekitioa mo Pldtahorfc Matlhae*,'Moraaat g SO. Lkhtenburg, Lttooe, Motahagaaoog 9. Wolmarauatid, HaUhaccy MoUhagan- ilt go tseoa baitsqiapt koa Engelane, ba “ “ otlhe ». ditlhare le Ladjbn :■ >■- 'Tv-'.' *■ W m i) ao, w u W U EA BECOANA (THE FEBM D OF THB BKCHtJANAV

JlTrfc k* • P * * * <*«&- ‘ WANTED, otttar I- shall be glad to alord it. If tribnted s pinea at the Synod, but tbe oOcei of Registrar, Tiling Matter sad he Ina'i aottc* ia oar nna her, anyiag lour association can noUfy partkultr smallest contribution wonld be re SheriS in one persoo, ihould aot be hat th* adrertiiratat haa inereutd ctses in which the undesirabls introduc ASSISTANT *t Wesleyan Mis- The following smonnti were raised generally aldoptid for ill Ihe Provinces, li idea by JI per rent, aaongi JTJTA’S k* tediaeat* ■ ti ts> b bolortM jo* Signed. EDWARD DOWER, Mr. M- Nom mored that a grant of to time. foaad wt that they wear uy dothaa Mafcking. __ „ (ittah- T lk kakdai-A Acting Secretary for Native Alairs. SX be given to tha Superintendent, the The Comminioa, after consideration, at dL Bat what ii th* air of arga- r* . . baUin thakaaa tlala. Are meeting uutnimoutly agreed. In Ihtnk- conclude! thit (hough l( might be iag aith a Dateb paper which call* the By H. C GinOeatooe, BA. *' lh' l« ‘ “ Ceting of thr Executive ing the meeting, Mr. Diria aaid thii K.'tbatt i“ mo TW“ f,ck* ** of thr T. M. A it has been decided to ticibl* to hive one Mister for the C phrare "loa* doth night drreare" era (Loaioal Price aett * who hi ba»cho p ha ita p Of waa a new thing to him, he had super­ it wguW be ittended by much i wooed, thus breakiag the ralaa of th* AC am Book of Zaxilah Q rut. Ulni»'" for Nttive Affaire for intended lereral Circuiti in the Colooy, r r ^ to i«»». b. dif»f«w» permission to circuisto the terms of this lenience ind Ion of ficilitie* lo the pub­ ptaair af the Patch laagnap. ■ «. Bv W. E. C CWks sad A. a i^T-otko 0* b0M a bolaoa ke twba letter ss widely as possible. Thit per- and never had thii tort of gift; he was lic. The Commission aa of opinion thit Muller, tadnding notes ta Rgnrrecf a kjorlt digotBria fa fttehe all the more (hankful. broauar he tho police forre in i larp mtjor Speech sad the Seaaaioa of EagU •APRIL 20, 1911 mission having brrn grtntid we are di itire loapa ere p M a i sending you this circular atih th* re- neither aougbt nor expected it. The diitricta could cirry out the dutii U ba lo goldele ka dinko l« ka desirability of banding Prieska over performed by Deputy Sherifs. KITSISHO. revM toioT1 ******* tomske this letter known tmongst to Colesberg was diieoasrd, and Irfl JaU s UatronUy SgfUak re Ir mtkgotkgoa lo e* le l,n* thtt they mty undrrattnd Dealing wifli Ih* Migutricy, thr re­ i, lo itire aetlhap mo ma- In the carrying out uf tbeir pro over for nest meeting, the freling ii port criticises thr pradire whereby cer­ Oottrto. By M. H. Jacboa, RA. tbit wr hand Prteaka over The very Loadca sad Cape Haagarasn ia Ear o etlare aorap a la gramme (or rather apology fur onej is in this mittrr. Wr aould tain nagintracin are attached t Pil* a Ktto u Di]« k lirabilt _ abo jaHa pelr. Ba oar friends, beg pardon, our en profitable tnd busineislike qusrterly Native Alaira Department. Il liah of the Uaireoaty of L»doe; „ h bo thrlana ka to adiauaa Ihe "right point of view and Ihe objw-t English Master Bryi’ Btgb School, Sea emirs, of tbe White League have p.m. by Benrdiction. Poiat Price S'- nett. u . ««hi jtana ptoe bo In a made an inglorious beginning. The to work for u that thr utivr should br administered by thr same mid MOKUBNA H0MJ3. Jat*’* Standard Arlthmitlcn _jt bangoe ba bo aoele le mashi, first victim of their objects—which By R M CbrWt»h3 and J. J. Jj ta bangoe ba bo thela bana ka the "Sunday Post rather aplly »• ha* been dralped for thr man.” Thr Commi**loners, ho lieveOya Fog Soatk Alrfatn Schooia rt,!koW. dincho ba thee ba jrea says are " to (ling Kafirs out ul rail Standards 1,1, 1, t, », 6 sad 7. M. ” • onr. Are ere fa |0 aale ino- way carriages "-n an innocent col Public Service Com­ DITSALA collie di itsiaioe (a tala ea each nett Thia arriea far ctceli any­ (nbakatouii ntlo en* e kga- oured girl. This is an inglorious looa M V RAMAlLANEe bota NTLO thing of th* kind yet produced. „ |a dipi ( r I feeJoe, frnitrre movement, as ae are sure that the mission. ca DIJO le MAROBALO mono motacng Vow Union So^or. By Rev. J. ,1* (0 tale ka actio, pbefo le at- pliant White Leaguer would also ca BECOANA WAALHOEK, Loksd No. Whiteaide. Ooataia chapters oo , t IfliatM a tlkabele mo tlung ka have been left behind if the victim IT IS NOT IMPROBABLE THAT IN'- Ol ka tatsi ja 10th Phukn, 1911 fJnly) Hygiene, Temperance, Government of [7*ia • ka bolietng bacili (pea) ea were a coloured man, and not a TERPRETERSH1PS WIU BE Dijo ta methale Eotihe ka dinako cotlbe, Sooth Africa, Law Coorta, Freedom jo. Ba hangoe ba bo thrloa ke yirt It was the duty of each ABOLISHED Dinao ta di tsididi, Diano tic di bothntbo, Thrift, Money, fe. A taiqne book- .to tM ba direkang mo Makprag South African citizen irrespective Rambling Notes. Diknfi. Ditne le Eankan, Mtshi, t Lcknka Illustrated. i,e nett ,r itm ben* ba cone. Erile fa a of colour to put his or her shoulder AND NATIVE SUITORS KEQl'lltED le Muhi s Lobeae ka tlhoatlhoa e dunie- Sonth AMoft aad tho Britlnh ■ ATIVK SETTLEMENT AND SQUAT- rrk*dor| rite* -Oa Uoodai lanan g le Btlamti, Ihkrpe Kara tn ..Uk>»t« are lenoeJo ae ae fapaaae- to the wheel and help to rid society TKKS' BILL IV ADDRESS THE UE.V II IN Empire. By the lau Mia A. S. j j no irldrloag le thone gantn ae of the pest noiimionly known aa the ENGLISH AND Dl'TCll Bancho di goae ta di kopanyrtaag Bleby, BA. (Load). TVrowhly |l aolato. A boa thakaaa ea ba ra ‘black peril. This consists of Thr Kirrutitr of tbr Transvaal Mia- rr*ted for residing oo di.ting. aithool Treine eotlhe. di tin Icon gona, galo bolo reviled by H. C. GorBretcee, RA. lonary Association rm-nlly passrd the ONLV. rla telalclo; ebile Barwti ba da black brutes who assault white being rmployrd there. They were found choenyep bobe. Load). Coniletein 1 VoL.llnett. , jo reka dinodo tsa Sdnleio women and whit* mask wearers, >llo*iiig resvlutioiis regarding the Na­ Stilly snd (onl tl eirb. The Migi» ur S|nailer* Kill, which have brrn TRANSKEIAN MAOISTR-U'IES irate'* dr-uion tnuat hr ol *ome in- LXQAII LKOAE11 J.C.aTDTAAiOa, la be mongoe le aoagoe o a who paint their faces black with WITH THEIR NATIVE CI.KRKS ANI rnt to Ihr Minuter for Native ABair. tere.| to diggers, aa it will male war igrioana aa gago*. (Bl bo ba allot the same object. It is difficult NATIVE INTERPRETERS TO HE Fa lo koak ka Pose lore BOOKULUM A POILUHm, jbaronn.) conceive how the blacks can be i This Exrrutirr. haung doly discuasod diferrnre in ihe future labour awpply Adder!*j Street, Cap* Town. TRANSFERRED Tv> The .rction undri ahleh thr womrn pect.-d to find time to assist t THE DEPARTMENT OK JVSTH E, Braxhea: Johanaci' org, Port Eliabcth, whites to combat this scare wb wrre charged reads: “That all oatuea IH. N. RAMAILANE, t Loadoa, aad Stdleabnarh. WHICH IS BUT A 1IAI.FWA1 empiojed on the diggings *hal! resade their separate difficulties the white HOUSE TO THE ” SACK * iCa»n with OtMt'. Ttauto. peril-which hitherto ravaged un P.O. Bex 573. der cover of the night are added t< >inted out by thr Mini He derided that by the programme of a lawless so BLOKMrONTIIN aely which, besides operating ii c the right to re»ide the broad light of day enjoys thi WHAT LS THE NOgl’NOglTELA Ka T tapo * RAMAILANE. foua> Johan* XT., tt: "Ga loa ka loa kudos of a large section of the whit* DOING? iatahcnkcla. ke i u ke lo iblenke- press and has its headquarters ii INUyVIIKRE IS THE “BRANCH 01 tW m ka lo laoMa p the administrative capital of thi GKESSr N. STEIN, I Balanj Mtreko iii.. «-B; llatbra *, Hukn e i Port Street le lu tfe An instructive incident occurred | an „rnl Nat,., Lacalion. onl, Iforena oa rooa o na boa aaUa recently at Uermiston Station Ju Street. .11 leal prr annum, it will uio ea ditbero tsa pipe ta Paaeka as the evening express lo Pretori rry bitter ferling of rrsriil- BLOEMFONTEIN. aot la aako eo k» eoti o aa boa was leaving, Mr A (ireenbaun Ufa boikarabelo joa banaboa ba p,tr with his sister-who has a baby i 0 thsla bo malhini le difoaokiafa La erchoanclo aa aetlbare aa aoreiaa red Go t» tlbokafaMa gore aechoaacbo w board thi 0 rrknt bo ma^iai bt bt sba le ba ta llorraa o aa ae diriaa »r ae t® t compartment had been _ set ap r Tranavaal ia rUr*ed when il ha. gologolo t rrkiie le ditihinam ta Motion* l«a Bajuta mme «* for coloured people, but" there \ bo ta di koa thoko. Ik*(tor thata. Ms Dikoaloag tse Ba- no door leading directly into home*. The. wan! ibr nali.r . lat DQoayaat dile di tta di ka boa jita ba ne ba cboantihioa le m Mr (ireenhaum, who had paid (aorrtlna) mogo aisiaoceng boika a first class ticket for liis sisti maid was bringing her into a Ci . Pa a Tewtaa partment occupied by wnite peot • Ggoloplo lor the purpose of passing P. GOLDSTEIN, aailaclrlo a Modimo gore mom down the corridor to the col i* law. and p lo ren ue lounp loa Btnfe (otlbe. Bajata Gordon it. (bi Nltil. tel Free Slat ■r treated at least a Mottgi oa Diaparo, ha atae par pre kaatlKa ra boar merafe scheduled to half min­ (iriquoland Writ, and the Bordrr di eotlkr ra lafatihe e tthegofadi utes. so there is not much time to I nets of Ihr Ctpe Pronncr, (dl II Koa THABA ’NCHO. ba Iserade kafa ntlhrng ea boor ba be lost Since there was no dir •ratrrn bilf of the Capr Province ,ll Bead m a part caal m litter with par ba rrtrlrloa fr& ptlbe p tlbagua entrance to her own compart eluding Gordonia and Wallsh Bay; (i aaaa aad iddrea plainly writhe thasnta it it might have been thought Iho rtatrrn half of tbr Capr Province tad w* will Had ts yen pal bat: baap lo mme Modimo oa kxaopi Dilo tae di tlhophiloen^, Meroko aarbaka. Ke kaatlka ea moo Morraa e than reasonable that the Thr report atalrs that a professioni Ooth. Hen European* are eutllled SOpackiti of oat Faaoas F low« aad T^- ea maanete ka tng a tla ka fai pre a lla tar maila suiatant ia rrquired for the Attorney- their idio.yncri*ie*. What wr do dahla8adsatH.ptrfadB^ tirnrral* of the Ctpe and Nitll t strenuousl? object lo la whrn Ihr bio a ma^olo a Modimo mme rr boaa Tlhoatlhoa be di deng. oe tl packiti of car Ral lads al <1 far a botlalo ae o Baa ae kara fa are * Kr Not s< and rquilablr idministrilH icr in our Court., Ihr bulwa aa artlhare aa moTeiaa aa bvamann ~ A gallant White leaguer in de of II Free fence of the privileges of his col liberty of the aub>ret. is stjiln] e (one o aa a iUbenkela ba pcor. L That ibe confrrr iltty. A whitr man writing lo a Tlang le itebatebeleng. lair In artlbare sa mcrrtloa. prr ba ■■1 1 btless imbued with a if duty, and the neces ■r baabtdni ba cboaaelo • tlotlrsau the rrcrnllj tormrd "Europran As noo a w* nodvn par IU- w* wdl nopleeoe. shy of maintaining the prestige of laaadiaWy pod ta pa n i l of dl He ckoanetae p elallKoko maoror a tt the white race, thrust the coloured chaiga, yoar chaiei af a LadW m Oaafi ana: "Ca loa ka loa iaUbralrla, I jirl back from the door, refusing Dikgomo le Oaaraatead Watch *r oUw artid* whkh ia Ir lo itshenkrisrot" Ga pna to listen to the explanations of her pa oaa sdat trea oar Uds ant with a maneornj a p abnpa motbro oa ib employer or of the bewildered offi Dihutshane! brekrlo r. Gape, "ka lo laolrla p «• rial on the platform. J» onsoa," p a bolrlr aepr taja ike- “She shan t come in her*. ’ shout lir PliMI Pesltirt: ra ba o ba ibbeakrtaeax kpao po ed this chivalrous up.wlde i;f the ra tirelo ra bone. 0 bcJrla rights of the white man, and as a n of M and do­ RONA Bafutai re ullotta fa re na le result of a general scramble which difantm ta mareo. larlo frla. Mo tbaton; ra noa to aale iide for those lo hr « diktaolo di le pedi. Mareko oh ook place the anfoimnate *«l m the brat market: Wnwtnra oa Ntlha ot Kgocli cotlbe oured girl was left seared and lerk on the Mogul ratr'a ir’principle* of the lily- km TWEESPRDIT STATION, Diitrict at* p tlbopbioa p ba ba Inbome ig of ihe Bill will 1 m|l Thaba 'Ncho. afro r mrbrdi. Matbeo o shop* popep .eeping upon the platform to fol discontent j (be | tad a m a w* recaire par V wa • tirrlo ea one. jw her master and mistress as best lt the !* snd put The win aad pa a praiat which yon na she might Uo kpolong ranUha re cboaMo p strain upon their ,hou ideal fna the IM aat with tk* auk takolojrloa pre erile fa ba-U ba til So the ilignitv and nobility of the white race is demonstrated, and if ba ne ba ta bilrdior boretioa. «f those present blushed for — ■ a 1 frrs ba itabeakNoe p kopana mo ti: I0®* ea p tlhaji-a maonp kr ba ha their colour, why, they could onlv ; ba iatetae Jen p naa Momaa have been weak kneed nrgrophil isis, and arc of no account. acirs m Ihe Free Lire Stock Aactiooeers, « booe. Xnrte n e re tbnva nx*o Ih thr collection of eniiiii sin (sum tlbotlbombeaf temana re n»a. lie impo-rd by Statute BLOEMFONTEIN. co* (1A.X rile mo temaatai e p paa «epe ee ae shupan; motbro oa iUhrakelo e re Mor Correspondence. f a ion 1071. CAM TOWN. na. lefa pa tae jalo map MatWo mo r thit Cepe coloured woman and her ( * 11 kra o oa bnaala Oaa balrtta frla mo NATIVE CHBIsm.S MARRIAGES fither t Frenchman, which, according . wir,fl*1 iteloBx boa* ba baae ba erfac ba iaetrdint lo mstrurtiona re- The jury diabeliewed ber .tory, tnd the•hou'<11 ‘,I,M on.d,rr th' fela joa pre ba nr ba itakrake- aentrnced to 18 months' hard lab- j ••cptrtmrnt of Juiticr, is in the Upr. the prr>on* of Grni IB E Hon. Marshall Campbell, of Mount Edgecombe. XaUJ. has offered e-red ti the Annul Conferenre of the inmatdant Opprrmm. rlea* le popep ra p laoduioa p She further awore in the wilnre.ITh* Commiaion doe, not aee my uee- Prizes valued at £25 for bent eaaap on the Hinton cf the Basuto Saatlka o aa ba b&ba ikrlrt- Tranaraal Missionary Association which aet io Jahaunteborg in A op it laatthe thtt she hid given the min to un-l'"1 Purpo~* to be «r.ed by loalitutmg Nation. poae ptoe o aa ba laletia r ur.at.nd tbit .be wu coloured, tnd,* d',‘ lW ln,“ ,h' ***• or; »- Go taa le Morroa ke eoae Exerotirej baa corresponded on tbe Beet 1st Essay...... £15 o q above antject with the Miniater for he prtclicdly picked her up ind ttvrd. *tnlutlon Not much edrcli.e work ' ea nnete ea tirelo ea Modimc hrr from atarvation, believing that ahe could bo possible until onehomogenoua - ^ ...... 7 0 0 Native Alain, and hia received the appriri l< *JLr» aelekaa* u aaeta la roe; p ai colour. For ao believing her' krre haa b«n ntabliahrd. It ii re- - ^ ...... 3 0 0 mo trbdrlont le mo laaikarlr folloaini reply wai aentenced to 15 months' commended thit the heid of tbo Crim- “* Morraa o ba biletaai mo kopa Native Christian Manage* E*ays must not be of more than 2,500 worxfa, and are to be f a t ir inconsistency is that it ten- 'n*1 InveHigalion Department should Of blacks wilting it Ihe same rail- Pretoria. Sth October, 1911. ick men for believing tb, b« at thje poli« h^dajuartw™. eha.pr sent poaitioo of that department ctrriap with Europran*. but aoat Tbe Ee* S. Bovet. atoriea of women, but freely permits' " * ‘l "‘ J * " '* of ua will alao be inclined to agree that Hoc II. CAMPBKLU JS. Urixht Street, Johannesburg. o keep black women ai hannesburg being unaatiafictory. In the report on the Nitivo Alsira Europeina who form • "While Leape" Mount Edgecombe, Natal. Mareko o dlipa ka botlalo bophara Department, the Commiuioneri recom­ or the purpose of roetaakking Kalrs After July 10th no Essay will be acccpted Allllasotc mho an am diretted by the Honourable the rilh Ihe tore of their boots mast have lot tirelo ea boar. Ba ae ba balrdi«>e mend the ippomtment of in laaiatint Mtiven of Sooth Africa are eliphle to compete, k t no Karopean. Minister of Native Adairs to aekno»- very poor tense of the dipitv aad w U P kpromelttn atlr bade- M p tbe receipt of your letter of tho NNA JOB L BOQAOU lecretiry. in view of the niture of the "lwu- MatWo jaka re bolrtar work, and Ibe fid thit the aeyetiry. uperiority of the white rice. One Mr *Sth ultimo, upon tbt subject of the (on WfsseltoD, No. I, [Bet emu field) Van Alphen held forth il grett length bonttdia popap ra Hreio I* kala ^ pardiaaship of the ofeprin* of native' owing to the Pirlinmcntiry letsjon md ft ill mo JohaniMtwrga o do o t l t m o 'hoaoetaea* p atlaaleU lefatake It ke lebogs di'itls tse dl mains skotdl the necesaity...... , for inapection, will bo he ifter-elrdt of the late war. me Christians. rhich. he uid. wat that the Kafr *°»e. le boikarabelo joa badiredi »op In the Transvaal Province native loen<{ fs tlate ks tholsguyo mo thoihong1 twiy from hetdqui ”"Tar»i xrodnmo ia booR Be Ootrt» es moloetsl os rota. Jiiderable period of the year. Except hid been lllowed lo get out of bis plar*. jarriapt contracted under Uw No. S the kitchen. Apparently Ihe dieaaaaebo Ue JbreM • aa di/dirio, of UW involve the -ame conwquouco* ■J* letoai lo Ireadi. Leeoai/1* kare giddy Ktir'n Sabbath locks and kid reprd to tbe pardianthip of the s s x " . i r* get 00 Mr. Vtn Alphea'a aew Banka ea Koloni le ea Poloka ea Komponi , *U • kpaelaa* p pla p p bola __Wren of aocb mtrriaget at in case Mr. J. P. Monaakgosi (Thaba ’Hchn), Hnoaoe* of the Diitrict Native Com­ he imiginre the lupreairy of Ihe * * rotiediaaat pde tskiaao. /Lrerdi le of European marriage*, and no ques- fit. ; Mr. A. R Mskooe (Wleburg), fifc J' miuioner. in Natal il not recommended. e rice il in dinpr when Sixpence ea Africa, Ltd., “ »» tabedifaro ea botabelo e/* aareal of " Bopdi-Ukulobola" can legally Mr. J. L Bogsco (Bloemfonteb), Js. fld. [ The oitcnaion of the Trsoivul prin- •ppeirs in lemon-coloured glove* tad “«b» ktakoloplo ea bo-utarnri le . If lobola il aupeMdded » a Mr. J. Pheko (Blocmfontcm), fit.; Mr. J. eipl* of aub-Natire Commiuioners ii iiala polokelo fela a k tineoeot Baaoo [tla. ■***• ea p bo lalrta. Boikarabrlo joa tn ortnp tie on hia Sandty oot. la mtrriap. it^has no eject in law,] Mobos (Bloemfontein), 3s.; Mr. A. reprded by the Commisiion aa deierving Johanneaburg people jnat aaile at this « •» biltdiroeac tinkaf aa Modimo aad aon-ptymrnt doet not in tny wty Kojsne (Bloemfontein), 6 i ; Sir, John B. «* eerioua conaiderition, eepecially in form of native cecentricity. and yrt thr Ntlong lo tlo go re two* me fa lo tloko go katla, koalelang lokoakmvana iaka ha la k«al jba bolak. Moshfea (Hope Stain), l a ; Mr. 8. districts where the bulk of the popu- afect the rigbta of guardanahip of the Ktlr ia kept in hi* place ia Ikis loan, loa rona lo lo Ua lobolelelang GOTLHE kaga R*nhn e. parents who tro in law the natural Twirjl (Bloemfontein), fld.; Mr. E. Istion ii native, and where larp Crown jnat ai well ai in Pretoria. Silly- taardians. . . ' |Moraakgomo (Bloemfontein), Sa; Mr. K. locatiooi exist. Thii itep would ap- minded leagnn of thii aort aoat do 0 ka simolola go boloka 5/- (Sbeleng tae tlhano) lefa ele go fela mo Aa rep nil ecclesiastical marrisge* P. Monpedl (Winbwg), la.: Kr. D. pear to promue niccemful iasus isi thi much to "rain tbe ititaa of tb* white fela mo lokotkng jaka rraU. aolemaised before the promulption of Leen« (Orsaff Bdnet), la ; Mr. J. P. *rent of the number of Zololind Mag s= = = sa| K'S'1L Ther* ii a middle coure* be­ Law No. J. of 1897, special previaion MothlU (Bethslle), la ; Mr. J. Olifant utrsein being reduccd, snd in diitricta deviling the natire no the wild Relctlela 3 J mo lekgdoog mataadisho mo lokoalong ka polokelo, madi W - M o o je was made Iqr Ordinance No. 9, of 1903, '" ’ lberley), fld; Mr. M. iUkgnabt like KinpiUiimatown. Qurrnitown, theorie* of Exeter ItaU aad elevating agngo o kana oa a bona kafa oratang. for the recepition of such marriages iltolsna) 3d.; Mr. R Tiheuhm tnd Tiungi. In the event of iub-Ni- the tore of thi "Whit* Leape ." ^ P di rapla metlbalo. Mooaa aoltndi fld.; Mr. M. Mpethe lire Commiaiioneri being appointed In Gare batlo pulelelo pel* ft o batla madi agago. “oap* koa Sepaau a amopta mopla after registration, so that it is possible boot*. Neither of those wap will make far tha parrot* to take action with a (Basutoland! fld.; Mr. EL Jsoobos renpect of csrtsln diitricti now admlnU- him a better or m*re docile inbjeet. *~a Kama obatn. Udm U p mpr, inX la: Mr. J. Marnpin{ (Bethtdie), terrd by a Msgiitrste or Aniatsnt Mig- J J * "*•»" bare p trea M«t view to placing such marriage* upon a legal footing, entailing the natural Isr. A. Saphole (Biatpultns), Id.; iitrite, the CommiHlon recommendi The Fanmmilh Ditch paper has The Colonial Banking & Trust Co., R - X , Tib*, re Kerefca aa Mr.' P. Ollphant (Ramapultni), fld.; Mr. thit three oflciili ahould be inreited guardianship of both parents to the ex- mtde n rude discovery. It wdie ip oa* ao Watduai jotlh. kr rar T. 'Molstadl (Miftking), k .; Mr. J. with the powers ol sn Assistant Msgli- V j* * * ; ,-&» ka a atae a laala p dusion of all other persons unless claim­ morning to Ind th* native* of Psire- of Africa, Ltd., ing by teataaaentary appointment. nspulan61; Mr. A. trate. amllh reading a Kalr newspaper, ea- iti*. Mocala «a aa ‘ J. It ««tU appear that the position is Mobslls (I ipulsne), 61; Mr. J. Ai regards the nuperior courts, the titled the "Tiala ea Becoana.' Corner 8IMM0NDS in d X A B K R I STREETS, actually such as is desired by th* Trans­ ___ fllj Mr. E, E. Commiision aecs no reaaon why (given jren it onr advertiieneat colaa mit Missionary Association, but If you ^ l e (Trusnal), 61 ; Mr. E. Rting adequate assiitsnce) the Trsnivssl and insinutee that Paarremith native* do (Oap*ToirB),9i , Pre* Slste predict of im in 'm r farther Information is the not waac long dothet; ia th* fan if P.O. a o x UML pfflgggg gMmapwa i


PICO EA kOHOLOSQ. DE BEERS CONSOLIDATED HUES, Ltd. Mafeking.-Pnlelo e. n Mr. Penpal Pieo e kgolo ea Btrolonj iu jo I thefi'e mo k|otleng mo ne to I (Metlobo ea Komponi ea ga Mokebisa.) ka MoranaDf ale S mo I n retU. I Peregnno oa Kapa. Kgod Lekoko eo I nen, oooh»u. I » Pieo eo, ana le bo Kfo«i 1 4 * ■ Babereki Botlhe ba ba Batlang Tiro mo Bikepong Tseo, ba Laeloa le Silas Molema, Joaiah Uolihftu. l Matuna bo Bogaeo le Ralhju, y? I •%lo. ' il go Botsa Agente oa Gone: Mr. L. S. GLOVER, Lobatsi. Kgoai Lekoko erile a itiiw Ur. p__ I grino are baits! (a e'e tula „ i l * kgolo le e ba i'ekilenj. Eo ju ^ 1 gaoletaeng koano ka«a ditire 1 Babangoe ba ka ea fela koa Dlhekeng tsa Dikomponi mo Kimberley le Beaconsfield. tw di koa tnko, o laledieoe to t jT go bolela kaga dintla drngw u* ^ Maina a Metlhatlhelo le bo Menenchere Botlhe ke a: foko a a lebanyeng Barolont. p, j taalano e«gi Mr. Perifrino It . BULTFONTEIN: •* bogologolo. Ene (Moon) |, j DE BBERS: Bo:k Sluft Compound \\ B. Oust. _ »i tae dinjoe mo. ba itae Mr. p** Slake Compound grino mo botahelong joa ttpx j<* le joa pontaia, ka ba kile ba ^ Mine Crtnpwixl I thata koa Kapa jaka ba kile ta a Na 2. Compound teng ka go ea go bona Gorommt* h Floor Com pound i a foko » morale. Ba lateditae moeng eo tore aka 11»- Mine Compound itlegele, ka ea bo intae Ue bnih,^ WORKSHOPS: Surface Compound goriealo. Erile Kgoai item to bu h Floor Compound CENTRAL POWER kaga loferetlo jaba Pitaaaa, u, Componnd Mr. Peregrino a bne. Erile mo mat, STATION: igoe Mr. Peregrino are. ke Katlele e Ncho ea fo u e e kgabUicoeng thaU ka kgodbo, mod.Uhw^tno ea batho, golimo ga dilo nUb maaekcog le mephakalep; Tekanjo « eooe: 4ft 6m x 6h. 6m. Minogo « ba obaoele ba ntloe Magoai a u l n « n .Frin*,To. b.to, le n^amoe »ebed. ea d^bafa. E olee« «tk * b a ka Magoai ke One a bokete )oa e» ea pakoa ka «aile ea e« go prgoa mo iieubcatog Hukung go leba Poet Offloe) Afrika Ic Fsr*1" ha tentoe to ta ue* eboaaelo tie di lekxoaaj. i batho, co ka ditiro tu gagoe. Id, Go gsaeU rmi go ia go ttmbSa nudi a bM-k»-n»a gore bi lie b» gapeloe e Ua bone eo (eretlaag batho, Ba r a U ea go N T AL A kgotsa U ea SK LA LELO N G . dire gore batho bao ba ntloe botlkob **^Eh(fcIWetiiWen«tl* bt Amerikspra baleke go thnu go roods Bancho ka loferetlo jeo la gore bane n.., ht Ameriks ba b» noao61eog mo tnooeng le ido ditirong go ba boaeiai koa ga booe llie Direct Supply Stores, ithata go a reotae melao, motbo to W« Re ka go shomola k& paka go coa ka Moncto go ea koa Phogoog. ele batho bao ke baha mo to la p. ir j io ratabrato^a* teUUbophil*n« ditiro bD*°l°£ l!‘ BOX 284, CAPBTOWN Ba ehoanecoe ke kotlao r botlka m nta Efangeli a ksgiaho le lorslo loa balbo lo eleog loot lo ka raanjant bathp le Fa o ea go Lema kgo do a ea Djklemeng, Re ka go baakanyetsa aparo iko thata, gore mrkgoa le »Im tea methale Eotlhe tse di thata thata, Tsa Babereki. morafo itxhegMlioe. Erile a bu r. Oo bolela Efangtli ea kumho le t«lnno “ merafr eotlbc pJtlbe mo I'naho ea ka loferetlo jaba Pitaane ramm u, fcpj*” «tssmstang teng le go leka p*e posho le taolo ea bokariga e tloge, go tseot Lefa U na batle Paka eotlhe U ka reka BARI, BORUKHOE, HEMPE, laikntlo a gagoo a n*«e ka go tela ua pinko fa I onto le f) din mmogo W. N. COOPER, a go ikela kelela ka «i. Kri'r > otlor- a DITLHAKO. a HUTSHE, KOLORO, kgono eng sa Banna, feb i fha kgomo dingoe di bolailoe. ebilt se U se batlang U tla ae fitlhela. A fcslbo botlbe babadomalamaglc maikaeleloa matlhano a ba gsgole k»|>* MORBKI8I OA DITLHARH, i jiloe ga ba ga rome'oa c-nalho ia Pitaane a fitlhela fa ana ■. dwmelu}, Uann s e [a tlase be e rooek ki« go ^ m Z P B BOOTH, [WEST END, KIMBERLE\. ditiala (aa gagoe, erile ie ne », Hoc. Seottaij, British Chriatian Union, « rekisa Thoto tea Banna fela ga gona tea Basadi le Bana. naia go ene gore ke thomolo fela p. «, PjMtwicb Street, Capetown. (Le koa MAFIKENG le ZEERU8T koa MAOIKOE. ■ Pitaane, aaa belaela, an kabab NT8K LE BECOANA ka baka ae ae telele thjUa. ebile o setae a e. ebile Dikgod di ka abnpa jalo. X) K» pdo eotlhe ke dwaahaa le naikaddo a Bjatlbaao a British Cbrutaa Union, S E N E IR E o mo Lewenkeleng, a ka go scgala fela jaka U rata lemogile thata go ba baakanjetaa ditlhare.^ A ko leke methnaho nong are erile a aena go keleb k ehflakeelrtM go cca tokololo eae«. Tlang lo itlhophele ka los mo ga ea bone c e ntsang. botsa ka kelotloko e ikgolo a fillfb ba ne ba dira le ba baneng ba ngtla COOPER’S CREEN PILL (Pile e itaea* go tlhacoa «ala) letlejaai, flao eo. gape le gore me Ue eboaarfs Tale re. bo morafe go romela mopato a a PECTORAL BALSAM (Molemo oa Diiotlhela), 1/« le l/» botlolo. nofileng go ea koo kan dikgomo tm. WALTER H. ADAMS i gore ba lie go ea go kganela lofentla INFLUENZA MIXTURE (Molemo oa Maele), V■ ka botlela. BLOOD MIXTURE (Moleao oa {• ilhaeoa Madi) o o tiaileig thata 1. me I a ele polao ea dikgomo ke » oe aa dikao aa kotlao ea bo moraft thata oa go COOPER, Botlolo o limolola ka I/- a ee go !!/•..... Siege Buildings (0ppod« p . « o®w , • aena go ntloa dilo tae eotlhe aaiki- Mo lek eka boloetae bongoo leboagoe jo bo go choeayaag a ka g« i ame otlbe a fetogile. Ke bonje nab De Beers Road, Kimberley. tltakanjretaa methoaho « e aiaaeng thata no lewenkeleng ja pedi taa morafe. Ke lie le Hr. P. gagoe KATLHOATLHOA TSE Dl OKOCOLOCOENG Uoahoeshoe koa Pitaane monna (0 oleat boikanjo mo bancbong b« tafaho le baahoeung. Ke boile ka putolop la ba MELEMO EA OAOOE E THUSA THATA. Pitune ka boea ke kgonoe ke gore lo- ctlo jeo le kokobedicoe ke mopato John Henderson, B. ba agileng kgakala ere ba mo koalela ka pose ba romele 0 no o lie le Chief Joahna Molema, Melora ea Yunione madi ba beele botlolo ngoe le ngoe Bekiaipense ea pose fa katlolo ea gagoe e aiameng. Ua an abolofela gore batla aga mo loba- i 8a Ba I godimo. Ebile re na le Kala koa Hemming Street, og lo lotlang jaka lo lofitilent tonna (UNION SOAP). BELGRAVIA. ngoe, le go ela tloko kagiabo, le E SHONE SELAQA se se baakanyang Dinaoia ka kelo thloko I, le kntlo. i t ema Kgoai Silaa Molema a ihipa K 0 reka Dikgomo le dilo tee di tsamacang. SELAQA sa mekgoa le ditiro taa Baroloaf taa ntlhvntlha mo JAABONG DISRPE ga di tlhole di nn Enjelanr frla, d' iroa le m .no Teei di bipang ma«no a* It di poeo taeo. W. N. COOPER, ■bortaa kago kopa moeeng oa boot MOLORA o o tlhsanng tlata. ire a lope Goromente ka ga bone too MOLORA o o ■ njerotograg. THABA NCHO. GDAFI LE KBKBKE EA IABG00A. thuae go eoletaa mabogo a Dikgoa b MOLORA oopisaogdidiulu tae gale dirrkia'di-us Becana. KOA WEST END, KIMBERLEY. ela tloko. mekgoa le ditiro taa boat 1 di ainang paphane. fha eae taolo •

■e dilo ta T H E W I S E KrUe _ _ laa di polelelo taa to ma- Fa a taena mo Lewenk'l mg u tafle gonka Moloia fela bitaa Union 8o*p e i THE "ACUflA" REMEDIES. BUY THEIR kanjra mo di njrageng tae di fetileng Ie diroang mooo Kimberley Thu Ihtini ta arnon gae (ore elielete t«a luoi ill lefi PIANOS, ORGANS, CORNETS kapano ea gagoe le Barolong. Pieo ea badiri ba baseha kutla. “ A C U R A ” P IL L U L E S .— For Coughs and Colds. They relieve VIOLINS, AUTOHARPS, that soreness of the throat and chest that accotnpinies coughs and AND OTHER Dipereko le Mashini tsa Rona di koa West Hnd. colds in a few houra, and will completely cure in a few days. In­ valuable to public speakers and singers Sold at 2/6 pt r lx>ttle, or MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, three bottles for / , Post Free in the Union 6 6 FROM “ A C U R A ” P E L L E T S ,—For Rheumatism and Gunl Sold at 2/6 per box. or three boxes for 6/6. Post Free in the Union. R. MULLER, HOSEGI Union Soap Co., Ltd., “ A C U R A " P IL L S .—Care Indigestion, Constipation, Sick Head­ 77 Strmnd Street, Cape Town ache, Heartburn, and all the disorders of the stomach caused by an gn o Kiwnkeie IM inactive liver. Sold at 2/6 per box, or for three boxes, Poet 7 Stockdale Street, Kimberley. 6/6 Fs Hnknng ea rLORKNQt Free in the Union J. KLEIN, R O A D le R O P E R S T R H T , Gaufi le Steishene. To be had dlreot from the Hole Propiletor*, 14, NEW MAIN STREET, 27 & 29 OLD MAIN 8TRBET, KIMBERLEY. Go lebagana le Kereke e kgolo ea Makgooa ea Proebytcnan. • The Colonial M and Supply Coy. ( S i,) , MOSIQI oa Maanete, P A K A tea gagoe di simolola ka £2 10/*, SIMON PRADES, Di fela ka £6 5/*. A u batla Semolo. Semapa, ’Maraee, 71 Burg Street, Box 1,071, Koantle ga tee di segiloeng, ebile o nale methale e menteints ea MORBKISI LB MOANAim, Ditlhako, Mahulahe, Bo Hempe, Ditokn le Dikommereeo tea meahoroto Beltunata,Mafadul C A P E TO W N . 0 tla go segela ftla 36 Zulu Street, BLOEMFONTEIN, keleoong ea gago.

Fa U BallaDIkstlele, Ditafole le Diwio, Ulpiuia Dilo tea NtTo Thaka e e coang mo Dikompfr cotlhe tee di siameng ka tlhoatlhoa e potlana tee di Ncha le tee di tala o Diaparo, Dikobo, Ditlhakc .e Diabase. Dikomerew le Sow t*a IHE STOBIE RESPIRATOR. ning e itumcdi«ioa thata ke en methale eotlhe. Mmogo le dikoforto tea Amerika re di dara mono. (Kgelsana cn Stobie e e beoanj rao nkong.)

Dijo, Dijana, Ditee le Dtshukere le dilo tse dingoe te' Matlo. Ebe ere fa u rata re di olele re di isc Steishenong lefa ebile u rate di romela kae. Ke Setoro w se lebileng Waehuku ebile segaisa Tr.ro tee dingoe Qa go Moepi ope oa MeUobo o ka dirang ka itekanelo a w ialatalaagl cotlhe ka bo chipi. Bogolo mo Metlobong ea koa Qaoteog. St LaUlengH ... Itlabalaagiu Mangle mang eo o tlang go itekele o Ua boca a itnmetee JOSEPH STOLLER, 21 Giddy Street, Go Lebag’ana le Kantopo. LOROLE lo lo iroaiig ke Boro mo diamaeseng lo gololeloa ka «^lm ke Babereki. Lo ba pbnnya nukgoakgoa lo ee golkgaU mo Makgoa- hung a babereki, ba shoe. Ba ba taamaeang ka ba ya tshodile Btllnaplng le Bscoaoa botlbe. WENKELE JE LE CHIPI GO FETA eare bo fitlha koa gae lo ba bolaiae 8TOBIE RESPIRATOR e kganela lorole,loo gore pereko ea metlobo e HadJeNaniepAinos, LOUIS WENTZEL. nne bokgoabo fela jaka eadipolaae. sa, iota araaar, MAWENKELE A BLOEMFONTEIN, Oyole Dealer, STOBIE RESPIRATOR e kganela lorole loo le mod ebile k#' eone e MALAY EASFA- K

" T ^ | i i

P a ■> jika metse a tsidldl mo moeng o , ■ 1 BToriloen? mafoko a a ® onate a fatse i " As cold water Is to a thirsty soul, I [eie kgakala a ntse fela jalo," so Is good news fro s a far country." THE FRIEND BECHUANA. —Proverbs of Solomon

. ‘ § 0Ji.E - N O . 87. K IM B ER LE Y , A P R IL (MORANANG) 27, 1012. Tlhoatlhoa Sd.—Ngoaga 12/6 ka pose 15/-.

I. M. GUTHSERT & Co, GO BOTLHE BA BA EANG GO NYALA. IiIMlTHD,Q B E N A LE THOTO E NT3I E A DILO T8 A KSMO. Mekgabo ea Basadi. Dlooale t u koa Ton*, Eolo.lre, Le Dlkraiua, Dlihuiht, (otorto tia tshlpl, Paka tia Majentlolamaoe lutihe taa laaadl, I k Great Soalh Afriean Bo Sellka tsa Haled! jalo Jalo

ft: ka go naea'Tlhako tse di siameng ka Tlhoatlhoa tse di okocolocoeog.

Ikito ta Bibcuki go (iDol l* kt Tfakn (it Raoua ttt Mckfctlo gc limolola b iftiko t>i Maledi lo dubiue go tiraulola kt... « Barmatte le Baaetuni Ut Sekole le T.hipi kt TlW Iku

F,> (no telele ka di leiai le inaeeher.e tae Tlang lo Itebatebele ka Losi Be tli lo Itamedisa di kgabiticoeng, le Na 0112. tefaga «a tna Sifim MOSESE OA KOA TENG OA NAINSOOK, difale MASHINI OA AM BY, Eo aekharamelo wntle kt le lente Ka 5/6 fela tae pedi le kante e e kgabiaicoeog lo ditaka ft godimo. W. M. Guthbert & Co.. Ltd., karantic oa nyaga dile tlhano £2 15/-. Go nale t*e dingoe Felt ka 4/11. Go nale tae dingo# gape kt OO NALE BOMASH1NI BA BANGOE KA gtpe ka 2/6, 2^ 1, 37 Dutoitspan Road, Kimberley, £3 7a 6d lo £3 17a 6d. 2/6, 2/11, 3/6 le 3/11, 3/6 le 8/11.

Ga gona ope facae ABERDEIN A BUTT, DIHEMPE TSA NAINSOOK, niamkoe t bal.nmtgtdi fe!a eo ontanang Ditempe taa Bareki rao Manganng, le deltife ka 1/6,1/9, 2/-. 2/6 le I/ll.

Koala re tla go romela Kcsio loa Ditlhoatlhoa lo lo nang le dichoancho. Re Ntsha Di Trading 8 tamp& CONNING & Co., ABERDEIN & BUTT, Maitland Street, Bloemfontein. XWEIEELB je le eteletseng a mangoe pele ka Ditiro. j H. A. Oliver & Oo. DUO, DINO, DIAPARO THOTO TSA MATLO lo TbHll'I laa VAN DER RIET & Co. Balemi. Ga gona Wenkolo opo o THOTO e kana ka J. Phitlho e ntaintai at (E 8 BNG OA MOGENTE), c i rona mono THABANCHO. MOTS El OA BASHOI APARO Tsa MOTLDNG. ic METLI OA MATLOLE A LEW EITSELE JE LESHA JA e, Dilttktoe, Kbti e Cboeu, Flanelete, Disle, Dikobo, Thoto taa lont Be di rekt kt Konltne. Re rekt kt tlboatlhc* e c nodilcr Diktutbo, me Cotlo le Mekgtbo, 4c, &c, IIMIDI, K 1RONG, MABELE, MOHOKO, KAFA PURU, lalo, Jala Ebile R A BASHOI. Tliaba Noho. -L " t rtki»t, Be tatojt kt Dihiitahaoe, Dikgomo, DiplUe le Dicarlc. PAKA le DITLHAKO K re lltgeate t DIKOLOI, DIKOOHEKARA le Dikoloana ti Mig*It rt Diitblpi e e miUot le Diptle. KAFA MORAGO GA GOORA KONONG. Dip*kik Mtrukbo. Bohempe, Piitma. Aparo tu koa (erg \_7 Bloemio«teia, (a a hudngile___ RB KOALELH, RB ITBBLB MOOALA, OONO BohuUbe, Kni'ipane, Ditaele Sautuka la Selikt Street, junoof! ale mo Baamann U ITMRB, OA NKB U IKOATLHAA. MECOALO U a kt ipaakanretu letlole, ene o DA R E KISI ba methale-tliale e* DINO le DIJO le DIAPARO et Bthumtgtdi, leBinjur. lla ot>iu kara kpiLO dipity koa ntle g> 0 reka le MABELK Ic dilo t* dingoe tae di ka rekisioaog ke kan Kt motbo a Mile Kne mo go toe 'leiki c tir« Wbitleag toa ntle gt te(o) p> Koitumo lu Vl«e*e le Di>*ki; Diblonii, Batioko, Kb«i tu na Wajdhnka kgnno KaflrfonUln. Ditahea, Mukt teng jtlo jalo. Tae do litmeteeog to Outloaka Ebile re siaolotae tiro e ncha e enUc o sa itaioe mono Thaba ’Ncho MARIGA le SBLEMO. Fa motho a rska re mo naea ditempe le bnkanyana u di manege mo go I t eooa Ere u sena go tlataa d itae be dingoe taa Buka u di gagole a di BAUMANN SQUARE, Re Kealele re Ut lo romela Kataloko f» DiUhaatlboa. lere koaoo, u nooc dithoto tae di lebanyeng tlhoatlhoa oa cone. i Thaba ’Ncho, O.P.S. BLOBMFONTBIN, Ft lo rekt batlang ditempe felt jaka koa toropong tae di kgokx OLIVERS C o , ~ B S “ VAN DER RIET & Co., B A T U M I BATLANG!! BATLANGIII E. I. COBLE. Thaba Noho. I l l , Jones Street, DITLHAKO! DITLHAKO! I DITLHAKO!!! m KITSISHO E TLOPEGILENG TitS WidJing Riogt rt ••• kft l9/8> BALA, Ttedi Botala jia Boltnie le jobo pepa. tae dl Botali jot bo]tng, tae dl B018SJ. j ______Pudoebotat twdl Botali i» boltle tae di Poaodu, 1/C itrtta. D1TLHARO m feQNA TSA BtflNA t Mosegi oa Diaparo LE T8ADI SELEKA TSE BOSHOEU JO BO TLAKAflYENQ LE BONCHO, tsa di aminMdni (sa metiobo lo tea go taamaea .,, ka 1 2 /8. t- itrtta. No oonneotloa with any other firm. LESEftEGEEOBONOHO BOTALA JOA DI BAKI, EO ELENG BO BOOA MATLHO A BASADI a tia phatehitpa ha a bona di^enatere taa rona 41, Old Main Street. FELA KA. 1/S itrtta. di tletse ditlhako tae di ntta j LESEBEGBGAPE EO BOKETBEOMALA 0 BONCHO JO B000L0 THATA ■ in; Eetuaed IF lot BtaW . Write not. KA. i l t iinttr Gtufl la Oflat h Dlpaaa, LE BO KASHEURBE BA BRADFORD bt bt Rokea ba \» Bilele bt bt Ttlt ka S i jtma Itumeleng! Itumeleig!! Itumelenglll KIMBERLEY. LE BO FLENB BA D1RANQ DI BOLAUSE bt bt ditelt tte di logtgilesg kt, 6d.jutx Lo la Vmt lebenkelo mo lo ka nkang ditlhako tsa Ions. © 9 LE BO FLENE BA BA DIT3ELA BA DI HEHPE kt, jutta. TBI. 8et Imitation Tm srt.K«*. TSOt SetlmiUUoe Dikaprtlm ta dl Kbtl tn go 8hopt dl Khtl tae di b booea kt poao eotlbe Ditmoni , Set Initttka Duoondt Ditoood. AIoBkaiabelaela tepe no tabegoeg kctnUe gtgo dotlt lepe. Belled Gold - - V-. tod Rabiet - - • 8/-. Boiled Gold . - J/% et gtgoe. OUt lo trgdtfelt}tb Shoe Coy., Glo nU. Ke mona Iitl' Mo goo P a SSittel & Oo., eo oat t tumile bobe too! 68 U 60 DOTOIT8PAM ROAD, K lM B tfiU Y . APRIL (HOmNATOa.,1

THABA Bu DINYALO. ka ooe 0 thibonle. JtMhooo- Kot Thaba-boiigo g, shomo ft a nang 1« botuOft m seke- bo Api le Seiiho a , e h e ^ l : teo aa Titanic ft tlau ka dio- _____ .-fcua'^IUttaUI gratia jena le tseoels koa Maieru tlhuelo* kapelapela, ,0 "**)! ■ r tsft dikepe go nt!o«l* b« gft mafoke.’s bafoa N»po, rV.ila bone, ele tube«o e e ngwwlang Unala tokololo dil. I * Tia di M-dl tlhophiloe ke Kgoii • Kgolo « ho Ji'dchtkd; Lekgotla Ie releleWt? pelo. Batsamaisi ba re ka leu go bua «pe ka a ae ka a iters * gomotu babotsi, ka mafoko s gore ba turataro Molaodi, Sir He.-t»rt Sloley Jxa ganchoe ke tDoruti E«t. Geo, Rol- LEBIBE, lef* ebile go ntae jang sekepe sro Le ene mookami- La taehela bo kad mokerakeog » Wm k , I n Maf»- Slavru mo tlaag e ntle e e igiloeng Koa Setrekeng u Leribe n m n se kake a noelft, lei* »e retelelo* ea ga Letiika le bo moroaee , ke go ta»m*e», kepe tae di » tnolo- ronlabole jaka Kereke e* Majuta in Kimberley. Erile dia Uluna di cbo- jare dikgosi di ee teng di ^ getseng di tU se fitlhela. Bo r»- chupo ea banna bagoto le hi maaka bangoe ba ba bft nna ba ro? una kn aenko t»e di khubldu. ; .FeU N0ANC mela telekrama ta* gore kepe di­ Sin.gogo ea Kimberley o agiloe k» di- leua Lekgotla ion* le agilo* aeatlentle ngoe di se fitlhetae di se gogela koa boipileco jpt Morena Mol>t«^! Kltsisho Tsa Goromente. Cape Bace go ea go se ololelft teng; ka maje. l^.aala tulo tw dl .fliko- logang fa pelo ga »tulo ea Mookami kgotla te lopa kgang l-e d: |M' KEJ. melaetaa mengoe ea coa koa Kanada u boleloang ke lokoelo le ere ao sa itelanetse se lekela koa Ditulo tu Marena di no teng, fa fakhe t4* dingoe di di rarlle di ita di gola kaogoe ka bonako gore kagoe Halifax.. Mogala 0 mongoe oare Ga amogeloa le koalo 10 |0 N Carpathft le Parisiiv dikepe Ue difi- ka dikgato gore ba ba fa pele ba ie kn gjf.i.hr' Ue dl ktckng di giUsioa go om polelo ea jMsntaba. Mohnmagadi kgono Kgarftbe e lit aira ba ba koa.morago. Foromo go Iiord Uleditono lo lo|« tlhileng pele di bapile nasho di olo- dingoe mo melaong ea ngorat. J etlareng mo bakeng leu e rr lola batho ba ahone; Olympic (e e ea (one cotlhe mmogo ke ea tlhako ea EDWARD DOWER. Mojela a leboga Chief Mi romriomaluaa masba le mad agiloeng ka nako ele ngoe fela le ba Komiti. ■* It Ui Tlhangoe ot Tiro ta Bmcho. Titanic eo noetseng) se utloataa ^'kc nyaga dile 7 Kgotla jeo le aimolo- a one, go gaisa ba bangue o Ui gile mo nakong ea Moahui Morena Lero- Motlotlegi erile a roalj pjw gore e aanogetse mogala oa Titanic ka Loabono are. Kg»>i , j chuWoa ka OMLOSI It en noetseng eft utloataa g thodi. Magosi a magolo otlhe a leng Kak m Tiro Im Bancbo, woutu ea ono o leknna le ea tokololo marena a' Boahotho le Iona dil SELEFEIAea basadi amogetae mogala oa Titanic m. _ Bnahotho ba choanetse co le Pretoria. gareng a leoatle le .ene 0 jagela laa thaka. Ke lenino jo lo eian Eo o romelang palo e i thata gonne thaka e nale leucoe taela e e utloahng e lo 1 N tnushong mmogo le Baltic. foko a morafe ka cono ou pit®, dikganyvng taa morafe bogoai bo gaisangeababangos. loatlbodi Eane ekete dipelo dift kokobela, ga Jaka lo lebogile banna la koai«* ^ ba gatoe ntla go molemo fa g" bo eteletae pele. Mopitlo 24, 1911 le mmadi oa maina lemadi e thr Ka nyaga tae di fetileng tekololo di tbolofela gore l» moraf* o tli ^ ij yeple dithoto batho ba tsl jalo. Dikoalo ke di badileog Ji ma lon fi P. I lootijaoe 01 ebile ba leboga botlhale goa baitae ne di 6m dijo fela di aa leahoe jaanong Tu e Too* Goronere Oeoralo mo Kgotk o k^Ube^e k»f» mJokuog . go reriloe gore la ne ba lenhon. romeloa le mofoko a le kgoili ko* Ta, Beaconsfield. ba metse ka ba fokoditse diphatsa e, tonn, ebile ke bona Dliomamii Temint 11 e* Moko No. 0 ot 1907 (Orange FreiSetata go dumelek ditaelo lie tsa metae gole kalo. Erile doo aa Ke mo e ikgagolakang teng u e tona Morena Motehoene eo fa ^ o tla dl itnmeleli, lo bo lo a di kkkng. ke di akhlcoeag ke Boroto ea Baocho et Witrieahoek, kafa mato- LE1DI je le romelang mai^a 1 gabo go tia mogala 0 o reng ae kung * Temana et kahome'(K) et Molot oo. w oMiienekoanyane a lefatahe jeno'(a karabo ea gagoe pieo » e ee e noetae ka thausante oa meoa eo o Ke ihoaba-ka k|__ Bi»ha go feta maina a 1 coang ka makgolo a matlhano, go .1 l*ainaeang ka go feta a siraiirana) o 1. Barui botlbe bt dikdobe bt cbotoetM go di tlhstlbek mo likens bt di kalo ele ene Kgosi e kgolo ea Boaho- mine ke gopola gore p| cotleJeientle mo lenkeag kgono kigtlolo dele, kgono ere (a di et go buk dl romeooeng ke ba bangoe ki tsedi le BOO fela. _ ie di molemo thata me E Erile motshegarc oa maitsibooa tho. Name e Iona e o fetung kgoai twnule modiitna. palo. mo Parlainenteng tokololo di didi- tie di Hgoe cotlha ka mmele. U ka fitlhrlo a gogomogile fela jaka faki Se Goromente o ae tlhokong c osgeng kgotea mo gare g metse. Mr. Asquith tlhogo ea 1 Kolobediidingoe tee di ke fltlbelotag di bull mo oagcng kgt 0B0L0SIB TLA TSEOA KB I4IG metse. Se »e gakgakiutung lefa ale e ke gore pueho e utloa ta rose o o nnang botho, ebile di cnoeoy* ka so tk Utlak Pusho ea Engelane a bala mafoko motie mongoe o o kalokalo o tsamaea ka motlhofo le dikeleoo tu Baihotho rim di sale median*u lefa dl M nt nae di ebotoetie go bolaoa ka taelo TAITA-KCOEOI e e (lakgoaga a morago a losho loa baeti bao are Mo picong e r* bony* a* |0 H Engelane a ikeetleeletae setlhogo ae gaisang botielw joa mosimanyana. Ka ka Jane 30,1912. SinoloU goto.- o ratilu metshameko ea eenyana I/O batla gore melao mengoe ei_ ae bokete se batshed ba lefatahe ke rone e ino tloaeditaeng gore ere lefa Gladstone e e among Bo*hotlo*i (J 3. DikoLbe di tk letlelot go bnk fela mo dikbeng tee di beecocng tboko ke jaanong a romele maina koa jeno baa tie ba se direloc ke mmopi luod kgooo mogolo ot moke kjpno motiana o bens bt koloi* tieo ba nnang mo a I mi m ura thata a ee ka a ba a ikimeln. loe kn lebotlanyam, ebile le belli In go oa bone, ae se tajeditaeng bonontlhu Se se teng kabo a leaitae go palama *--- lefakhing jepo. 0- ra ooe. Fa di ka fiUbeloe di hak di choenya go eele di be di k» bolioa ke kgoet tlho joa bone, ae chosa maitlhomo 0 kgono kgoiauet moke kgono motaana oo. Editor “ Tsala eaBeeoana, dipitsenyoua tsa di poni o tla di boalaej, s motho. Se se itumediseng ke \ ere fa a rata go palama pitae bogolo cong eo ke dumalana le Iona. Ft ^ :i i . Ft godimo gapolaoeoet cone, raonpe eo o tlolang ditaelo tae o tk nna C Box 148, Kimberiej. gore temalo e e tlotlegang ea ba- co tu Iona di dirigadioi |a U lo a laelse pitae di tonatona tu Amerika k t t dodo tefiabo e e • feteng Ponto dile Pedi, ere fa a ieoa madi a go duelo taarnai ba.leoatle e ene e le teng le t*e pitsa ea eooe ea lie e goge koloi gore di tla kgoreledioa eng luj te&dweo a bo a kataengoa mo teronkong ka tiro e e that* kgooo koi ntle ga mo baahuing ba, gonne go utloala. * oletae ^le eosi. Ke cone di ko mo ngoa mo marigeng ano. Ke tU n eooe kgoedi e ngoe fela. Tsala ea Becoana. fa ba ha fokolang bogolo ele bone lekananfr 0 nale namnna e tona gone ke iketleeditae go *a geem ba nciloeng taela ea go falols pele. ngongorego ka thaka ea diterena e eare gongoe go thnu go atlhola u' ' Palo e e falotaeng bogolo ke basadi Moshotho a palaoie terena e Ke bona mo mafokung a Ion. le banyana. Mr. Asauith are mo­ ga duela. Gap* o lela ka diteiahene batla itekanelo: ga lo batlr boti|te, rafe oa Engelane 0 tshedisa botlhe ta* di aeuang matlo a go tahabela.pola, lo batle bogodu; ga lo batla gore hit MORANANG 27,1911 ba ba shoecoeng mo loshung lo lo to- Mopitlo 25,1912, na toe a a teng ke a Makgooa, .ga di na ba nne ba boleoe go diroe diphtb 1 natona la lefaele mo Moahotho o ithomelang teng. bone. Tse cotlhe le tae dingoe 0g Mo Parlamenteng ea Jeremane 11 polelo et pootaba fa Tail e Tona Goronere Genoralr a T GO NOELA GA TITANIC. A gakolo fa a go|»la gore tlhaolo e e mente o tla di tlhokomele. ___-______Ink h li mafalning a Temana 8 et Tbero No. 220 ea 1805 koa Berlin le gone ga diroa matshe- .itaeng jalo e diroa le mo taeleng ca Fa re kgaogana nka lopa dikgui k Erile maloba ga boleloa fa wkepe diaho a a ntseng jalo, fa Mookami ditokololo gore ba coelele pels ii (British Btrtnanaknrt) go goga ditaelo tae di ne di gatiriooc go kola kafa Bancbo ae se tonatona, ae- ae bidioang Ti­ l-ady Brand e e agiloeng ka madi a a (a tk remaag dikgoog ka gone mo Direieireng taa Bancbo kot British Bechuana- a kaea matahediaho a Jeremane le adimilorng mo Rashothong. Are o e koa magaeng a bone. Lo jt k laad, tie dinkialotng. kgooo tie di orotag, le go bsee ditaelo mo manooog a tanic, ae boloUe. mo Engelene ae b F.ngelane, mmogo le merafe e mengoe lebala mafoko a a monalenatm Icsitsa palo e ntai thata ea bahui kile a ea Gauteng. Eare ale teng a woe, ditaelo tae dl kaioang mo 8bednlong e e fa tlase. e e shoecoeng. rekn tekete ea klaae ea bobedi le ma* lo a buileng mo K’golln. l/> bcatpj le bahumagadi ba Engelane Bo radikepc ba chogile. Sekepe melao o.reedioe le gore bogodu b)% Amerika le mafatahe a mango tona a gagoe. SMehene mastere a mo boeaGoromente No. 1834 ee kotdiloeng ka November 7, 1911, ea seo se agiloe ka £1,175,000 Thoto tmiya mo keriehing. Ga tla molekodi le botagoa.le dipolaano. Fa pit Bekepe se ae aa coa go diroa ka b e ntai e e noetseng e ne ele dictsela dikgang a di tie dikgoftg le iso & kg&bane jo'bogolo ebile ke gone oa ditek*. ba «li ntaha ba di-me'licela tee di Uhoatihoft kgolo ta di coang a di loma, ka ba nale temalo ea go ntorong It mo kgotleflLio. gert A ne se lekelelos. Ga ae malatai bo India, China le Janane, fa go aae tholo ge. Ke eBfcfela gora k di loma. ' Erile a aena go di loma are mantai fa sekepe se ae tlogela South­ kopana Ie diteemane tae di ne di ea moraf* o ka boa dira jaka Irtpfiib ampton ka dikeaWelo tae Hi fetele- ba roe mo keriehing ro ke ea Makgooa. Amerika, le diphafa tsa boncEe di Ba.omana long a ba are ga reka tekete buile ba ehotbo ba tla aga taeng. Se beleaitae mantlentle umakoa ke bontaintai jo bogolo. pele. Eo ko one keleco ra otlhe a batho ba ba jang fa fatihe ka madi a Mnkgoon o e rekile ka madi Mohumagadi mongoe oa Amerika 0 a gagoe. Kgooa jaro "he monna koloi Scnatla ee sentle. fela eaeng mo metaing; ka dika; na a chotte diperela le difaga tse MELAO EA DIKGOA MO DIRESEWENO T8A BANOHO KOA a-k* aa me, fa Jetu Kreaete ale mo go Moruti X. Mpiti a rapela, Lekgads more tae di mataabalsabf, tse di dime* tsa llhoatlhoa ea £120,000 ja phala coa ditokololo tea ahupang joa baagi ba gotlhe fa go baloa ke meleuni magaeng. BRITISH BROBUANALAND. dikepe; d itimela taa shone di duma Ke fa ana Motahoene ke mo raea kere koa ntle ga dilo tsa sekepe le tlho­ Go aiame kc Mokereeete, ga nkako ka Sir Herbert Sloley ke Uoliodi at mo maleng ft shone jaka aedumrdi atlhoa ea ahone. nna mo koloing e Krewte o ka lele- popota rare ka a direts* Buhotbe Par- aa badimo; bahumi ba ba humileng iamente goro Makgooa le one a bote R khumo ea dinaane, le tm matrosho koang mo go (one. Ba ne ba palamo ka mojako terena e untae e emo, jaa- gore -tlalo je lencho le nale go ipulv tkae k emeng oo ReMweog ea BicdM lefa a kane a ca go ditang le magosi ba thone ekete ke mrpha nyetu fela fa le ka neo* lobaka. f tophato e e abfloanc ntoa, batlha Konferense ea ma oong fa a tumsaa ga bonak goro ba feamae ka paaeche ba ee koa kerecheag r* itu gore’ Imperial eo I nka le magosi ba shone ekete ke ea Baneho. Erile ka gobane ke ne ke Bncoana ke ea mocoanna < 1 Honcho mongoe le moogoe eo o agileng sentle mo Reeeweng ea Bancho o mephatophato - e e abeloang ntoa, Wesele. broaJekaeegjrenakgonoae* go on dikgoog tae di omilcng tie di ka >a ota jaka gompieno eare malehela mo puihong en Imperial e batlhanka ba shone le ba apei ka Inolnng mo Bonhotho. Ebile o gii«a roaleloaog goa aengoe tlhaie tae dl emeug le tae di gokng. bontsi jo bo ese bo ko bo kobo KONFERENSE EA UA WESELE. « ka mojako oa paneche Lefaele legetla ja thama ke Kopano ea ga Botha ka roni k kaneng mo mokoroancng o le mon 3. Moocho mongoe le mongoe ro o agileng mo Rettveng ea Bioebo ka Jiehrnrhe L«e lUrali di unite di eno. Eita* hobane hore Tranakci le mo Wikieehoek goe fela; rare ele niotse fela mo molao, o ka retna matlhakn go ea go aga maraks kgono difero, fa a amogetae tttfoM lot Konferenseng m mi Weiele a bloho are "the dolang'1 gotla je le tiro di etung Iu loatleng; baagi ba motae oo ba > Komini n.-ithant, Ber. J. N'capai; ka gakala le nm kare-. monna atolou itebetae ba sa gopola aepr fela fa Te I'itrnhage. I.v J April; Peddle, Ber kgoro ca gagu u mme ko eoo u rile ko ese tlhapedi ebile ekete ga ba itae C. Bek»*; Newtondalf, B*r. W. J. Kgooa jare ro nne, kare ga ke fa ba raletse mateng teng Iroatle .1 Mann; llorton. Rer. E. Mdolotnba; pitlolosa kgoro e.n inme ke coe gn sa Modimo ae ne se le bokete " irghertdorp. Her C. Sidriyo; Kitnber- me mo koloing e Jean Kreiete o aa morafeng kalokalo dikai Go Paleloa Ga Mungoi 0 0 '. Rer J. Motnhumi; Beaeonrfeld. •ng a nna mo go eone. Ga thata- tsa shone tsa tsiedioa ke mrnoane t. N Uokae. Kalerfontein, Ker. J. fala kgooa ja ba ja ntlogela le noa ka e e lefifi ea maoatle; aa fokrloa ke Ntlo. 6. Moocho eoo agileng ka molao moReie »"ng ca Bancho, eo o ratang go Oa Sam IB; llrandlort, Rer. C. B. Liphako. aleloa ke go eo* ka nna. diphefo tae di tsididitsididi; ntekanr Tbaba neli u, Ber. P. K. Motirane; Monongoaga kgwi tse di tona di io retna tnckgoro ea go agelek kgooo n gv ira lengoe ae lele, eae tw di diriaioang aetlhogo ae ba latetae koa pele. Lefa mo tlnng, o tk batla keteotc pele mo go Mokgethisi. Luuenae eo e tla bolela Kroonitad, Rer. A P. Pitao and I. i *a tla. Ilonno joa Kgosi e kgolo Coolelo pele ea gago ea bokhrti motho a rata go fapoaa mogopolo ea Hokako; Mainland. Rer. R. Mdaxoin. palo le adekanro ea mekgoro e e tk reogotog, kot di tli rengoaug teng lo nako Let.le bo lie Ik) litoe ko Moreua Mokga- k fela rao go bobofokeng Katti»n» gagoe mo maemong a aetlhogo ae ae Kndirrndae. Rer. II. Matebula; George c Moeoana o e letlecoeog go di rema ka eone. Oo ntaha lacacnae eo go tla Fa mokotla oa gago o reteleloi ikatlholelca ke Mokgetoisi ka esi, ere fa a ka gana go c ntaha motbo a bo a ka ^aiaang sa losho loaga Faro, ma Dale, Ber. W. O. Mtembn; Mdaleni, kgotta I* sa bnioa. a ntae a re Morena ira boipileco koa go Mageactrata. oko a e Uikinya koa e ikgatileng Ber. S. P. Gule; Artonhomea, Ber. J. Jonathan* o rile Kgotla le mo lebaleli- ko gore o emele godimo, Maanete. teng, fa 0 gopola iaka 'gotoe erile se Bam: F.nr«t*dq, J. Mtobi (Radfbe). nka a tla oa loala. Morena mamng mongoe o phampanyega ditokoWo, 6. Go tla ne go dueleloa |h-1o laeeentc ngoe le ngoe e e ntahionng ke Mokgo- aa gagametse ka iobelu lo re lo bo Tm Baruli baha Shoeo mg are oa loala. Motahoene are Go In ditHhika dilapile, boboko js ga, nang fela mo ditereneng le dimoto Port Eliubeth, Rev. C.'K. Hodge.: thiii ditefo tie Kgoii ca tiro tja Bancho o tla di e heelang, o ba a di iteisc bo imeliBCga, se diegele dikgakok Magcaetreta. kara, aa thula thaba ea aeranie ka Tmwio, Rer. C. I,uca*; Lewejton. Iter. llosliotho jaanong go bonala jaka ekete go tbula mo re tlhoraamiaang sentle Itarrat. M.A.; Bloemfontein, Rer. tie Dikgolokoano tsa ga n-! tillage liolovtae jo botha joa 7. Mokhegeki oa permit) ngoe kgooo laesetue o tlhare fa a bitloa a e ehupo, gore go ile ga taitsibosa le ba ba ne F. Rotb le Thorler; Frankfort. Ber. A Williams too di Kbibieoan* (a e batloa ke lepolisi kgooo ke mongoe eo o letlecoeng go di tlhatlholo ; mme a loala wkoeoa. Boloetae joo Ba robetae ka nako eo ea losho J. Tat lor; Kimberley, Ber. Bromler, idiahioa ka go ttama ditokolo tu tbusitee banna bale banlsi b*b* etlare fa nako e fek e lacaeaie eo kgooo permiti e oe e letk moremi ka eone E mo fifing ia boaigo. Mogopoln oa NVrra Bet. F. Weir; Peddie (J). Ber lekgotla gore di tl* fa la^ioloa. Ka ditshika difokolang, ba bono tui jrakbjfftai a c buaetae kot ofiiing e o e cbotieng mo go eone gore e ee go taidibana ta u akanya gore gt no go 0. B, Thompson; Knyana, Bet. W. II. ng lokolo ts* eaeng

  • gagoe ea mo aliogaka m ||a laodi/ le kgoai e kgolo. lokoek). Mo tse di boitahegang; macetla, » E. F. LONSDALE, TjISA 1 ba ne ba tahela leoatle oaha oa eat ka pek-pela. to lone kgotla le ba laela go atlhola Eo o tibegeleditaeng Tlhangoe oa Tiro taa Makgotla. C mokotla gochoana, ile botaat*, P dikgetae le di nyeo tie di huduileng Bo­ sent tehidilegfo epe, kafelo* » ahotho tw ebile di kileng Iu tholola Ofiai ea Tiro ta Makgotla, Pretoria. KALfl EA TAOLO Eft BANOHO. madi. Kgotla le ba bololela eentlentlo keleco ea dijo, kanna le phoWW »: gore fa kgang taeo di ka diegeloa ntai- go tloka goikhutaa bosigo, Ntw* BATEAU. karabelo a Komiti le tokololo ta» lekgo­ a nkgakolola gore ke^roW] Goromeate o elttaa gore dikihkbo tae dl latekag dl gatiaidioe batho botlbe. tla a tla khatla jaanong ba latofatae DikeoluHoane tsa g* Dr. Wil iM^i bogoei mo go Tau e tona Lord Oladatone, Tikologo ca Bodijocbe le Frei Stata UEBEA. tw i Khibicoan*, tee le eno Kgang tsa kkiti e ntloeta* ka dikoranta gore Oo ikkioft ka botlhalo gore Taa e Toea e itumdetae Jaeobadal, Labone, Moranang 11, Carolina, loa Intlbano, Moranang 12, i taek taa kgaolo 8, (sa babereki-koa Oanteng jaanong ba tla Ke itomel* tbaU ka bojotlbej* Middelburg. Matkco, Moranang 13. molao oe borataroot 1907, koa Fret Setata (Oruga Free 8kte). Gotlhopa jimt aieloa, direine mo ke go ba lootaa pelo. eeae mo Dikgolokow*^ Lydenburg, Mantaga, Monnang 18. ^*<“kata oa kot TWa^Tebo Ie Da>5lleffhitter memeco gore papadi tu bone dl Well N o m a s Cncc.T Coffrs, O.F.8. McKechnie, Eaqtdre, Mageatreta eo aotkaa ea Tlala’Nda, gonna Mooaaaetnlole tsaga Dr. Williama tee ^ Barberton, Mantaga, Monnang 21 feta mo etokganeng. Oa nke ba tlhola coStadinkalafllemodUlhabi^f Moonaaetalo a» boew*g(ric»ChainBaa)ko*Sthl»|otaa(eka LEKGOTLA j»kt Iu romela madi ne; U go tk gj nke Bethlehem, Mantaja, Monnang 16. Kjlatroom, Mantaga, Monnang 22. Pietenburg, Ubonro, Monnang 24. tharo go eoa ao n MofsUo ale 10,1911 ba tlhola U tk. ' Eankoith, Labonro, Monnang 17. Roatenbore, labone. Motibaganorg t go itakioe gape ^ire Taa a Toe* t toaeletae ka taek ea kgaolo ea boone Kotdl a hoahoe go b.ea Mookeki m»- ‘HStafcae W 4 Zeeraat Mantaga, Mokhaganong 0. ino kafa mafokung * temana 8 ea me- taag* l)r. Williams di rekisioa P° Fichborg, Matlhaco, Monaug SO. ,lao Lekgotla e e rang kgoii. ngoe le ngoe - tla abala bttho ba ba fa tlue ga matlnne otlhe a ditlhare le i Iedjhaad,Mantaga,Monaaag21 \ BAHGODIEGL t J a s s r t a S .'S k '* ” nuimo; Leahoboro a boehoe co mawenkeleng. kgotaa u k* << Thi la 'Ncho, Lcetobcdi, Monaaag S3 m — v , IfallSaM. Moraaang 27. : 1 be dj M kag dl m gp |aHkn|ffigire Ka ga kikliho a* di put ka Tiataml* mo Tialeag e ailing, »a duelo poto,

    € B m BA BECOANA (THt W g m OF THE BKHUANA^ U W »» BM»kW ki marumo alt ma- ^l^aolaoyana. r»ro. Eekautn are oa thuia a rakaaa I* lerumo Ja mktUha tlhogo. Ka fa ba Mafokonyana WANTED, Sub Rosa. Wa Mgajaja oo go lo Jori. U ba JU TA ’S h h h . baago* ha ISSISTAKT it Wolajui Mis- •Ms, J & '^ L dipod. 1. a tlhollhomise THE IJLT-WmTE LEAGUE. Most Sueeeeafal CoHeetion of ba bangoe. lu fa ba kapa ooiolegoa * MAFATSHE OTLHE "Bo Tranitaler- cooaidtn-iU colour A non 8chool, Yrybnrg. Salary Tot looks fl» Sooth AMea. n. »ocw«» o U rw b« mo ptp pi tie ba t.habeU dithaben*. Djnca-MafokUi a Jokanneiburg. a »d that oT il- rcadira Mriooaly out­ S T S S S 0 . c m * -aediba dinca tn go toeog di iti* go to begin £86 per annum.—Apply, ;omj,. ■ £*_• i bolrls metlholonyane f ,wotaU,|, a « «• ba la tela raged by th* action ol certain yoong dithabeng, a aa ilt. thiba moUhala. Maloba baaimana bait sending testimonials, to ftllo** at Durban. "A 'kafermrid' BI015T ADDITIONS. w- Bobfi 1 Godfrey, M.A., Polo u Ntlo ta Dlje le lirsbilo 01 >*bedi ba gogile noaadi oa Lekgooa oo the TraasraUr calls a ctrtain of ft * "■ 5fr» Jnly x mosltoanyana . Uung b ,B0 ir. t» d> u dirowg, Dinca Her. QEORQE HOLLAND, coma unity) «u eharg*d with ta- bu«du2tt»‘nin ” nohico* oo kotong »a taaea noUhala tu o leblu ntlo Mafeking. grancy. when a young whita man ‘ to '» W ^ ' o bolailoe mo eekgoeng. Tsa Bakoaledi. ** cboaroa baaimane bait II mo •Upptd for wild and dtclartd .that th* UOKUHNA HOME. rfljg co a nale leina ja tlkologong ooaadi atloka go itM ope. "msid" wu hit lorir. Thi Maglilrat* "*"• IlK o N Wlhollhomlri b» Dikico Ga gona lefa elt tepa at batenri ba ka warned him that he would g*t into --- «f laffUah dram- lf»t i-l : . ... lo Hongsry (Boyal Hon- Morulaganyl oa “Taala ea Becoana.” Huoeng ka one. WANTED: i trouble if ha did not tak*MNj. By W.K. a Clarke sad A. a oa. a i Bureau (or Ornithology) Morena,-Kt stluile monna mongo# a dercd Ihe polk* to wnd t p wo­ DIT8ALA eoltbe dl ItaUoe la tala t. Muller. Including notes oe ■ J I 1*. . , co tlo 3.730. Ko fa ko ma lo Barolong are oa ga llodiboa ire Barkly ffeat.-Uothwli oa mono o rile man to her kraal. When the woman Iona M. h, RAMAILANEe bat* NTLO Speech and the Scaniioo eL _ 10 nJW Qr Otlo Herman leiUho ja ^gopotw Ilarolong k» g» Moroka. Art 1 “ Uhapa a ithabuetu fela go leba- School Teacher. ilrpped out of the Court the young man ee DIJO leMAROBALO mono motseng Verst MaeU. Aoevandee W J - llongirv, morago-ngo ka Barolong ba boboi U tahabetae Kgoii ana lo ltncoo ja mo tbuba logata „»hoo- unbraced her and kiieed her pauion- ea BEOOANA WAALHOEK, Lokaai Na rerlaol EdlUoe UJAKTED.—Natire Teachor for the !*.. jir^o t i reng I Reng oa no- Samuel Moroka. M, , bolela kafa Mo- w mo Hoapitala. alely. in the prnenc* of a multitnda ol 211 ka taetal ja 10th Phukn, 1911 (July) Jatk'e Unleera " V l^ K „ di a tsengoa mo kotong ja 71 Bangwiketto 8«hool, Kanye, Bcehu- Kairt!” Dijo taa methale Eotlhe ka dinako cotlbe, Oon ea. Br M. L. ______'oka ona a rata batho ka gone. tnaland Protectorate. Unit be able to ^ Harta, Hungary, ka Juno . Oa ke dnmele mohaitane a rtra Irfo- Barberton.—Mr. Oraeoe ookoaltdi oa thi* di-grace the TranmUr ii Dinno tae dl taididt, Dinno taedi bothntho, Loodcn aad Cape Hoooorman ia Eng dikepo Ua mono o ikgaota* momeco ka teacb Wood Work and Singing, in addi­ highly indignaiit. and egpreaae* lt**lf DikofL Di tee le Kaukao, Maahl, a Lekuka li»la of the Ueimsity of Ltadoa; lco «« moB°lodi 0 mM*°® 04 ko ya Modimo are batbo ba dumrlo tion to tcholartic dutie*. tm/W a nomore 3,78, leng koa Je»u a bolela ditiro taa ga Jnu jaka hipa ea dittdu. the following term*: “Here, then. Is le Mashl a Lobeee ka tlhoatlhoa e duma- Engli-h Master B^ya1 High School, 8(a j.-joj.b, ea bobedi e eecoe • Salary £72 per annum. Only fully the true sourer of th* black paril. Thera! Point. Price 3/- sett. a bula matlho a difofu. maoto a digole competent Teaehen need apply. l'1'H iV tu Kilo«, German East Africa, It batlbotii, me e w modoorf. oa Babooike.—Batbo ba bolailoeng ko bo- re dirty whitp. Ilk* him who apoil the' Jata's Standard Arlthmatiea Jew i u molatels ire batbo ba diiloe loetae jo bo boibbsrttang jo fa bo ule REV. H. WILLIAMS, lairs and then there Is alwaya this cry; By R M Cbriitophcr aad J. J. 5 * 1 * " ' chuenyega be Llewellyn For Sonth African Schools. ke menate, boaka. botagoa, me ene a bo linolog. koa Nital goshale ba It » Kanrn, via Lohatai, ter th* Kairs Juit think ot il. in1 « * nU* • mo*' “ *• Ba ba fodiai coeng babedi ba u loa I mg Beehnanalaad Piotectoiate. be preM-nce ol a multitude of Katri" Standnnli I I, 3, 4. i, 6 aad 7. M. i L.i . W i im« * nle fa. Oo no go phuthe- l«e fela mo menating ra a nn a tagoa. LIOAX1 LXOAX 11 each nea Thia serie* (ar excek any­ - go boe ba bangoe ba ba nang la Kgoai barara Mongoe o itbole maloba A Tbe action ol Ihe Dorban whita man I* ,,*Dclll) *“ oafatshe otlhe ■antw a iiioa bo*pitaleng. I mor* gloriou> bptaua* more bonp.1 thing of the kind yet produced. 11 j m Wiping loo goora Mankuroane. ba dumedi ba gagw ba rerele batbo ba Fa lo koaU ka Poae lore New Uoloa Read a r By Rev. J. ba neng koa go tn , Sam nr I Moroka. Friend of tbe Beehaana. than that ol a goul many of hl< roan- , J ‘m » thoto ea ratefa amarurl fa Kgakala-Kgakala.—Srkepe k m* Ir!ang i who cohabit with "K.lerrraid." Whiteside. Cun tains chapters oa Modiboa o kgoba Barolong o kabo o Hjgiene, Temperaacr, Govereaest of >iL2Si' t>>M 1jb k* io°* i104 th>*' iponye pele fa ole Molroft me oa ema dikepe t*a lefatahe )otlbe ae ilo koa by night and |«lp up thpir nows and M. N. RAMAILANE, ,7 ? ® , me eare ba tla rokgonyega fela maoatlrng a dirame w beleiltar batho Swtb Africa, Law Courta, Freedom „ ? 1 , B tw ntoa k» e. Choanelo taa oa latela Kgosi oa rrkgoba kt tiro tu Thrift, Moaer, kc. A unique book' rona Uro tia gago di liamr. ---- iwuiriM- iuo|ua-o-«pnang P.O. Box 873, olow le boora Tshldi fela koa thodi maloba sere ae tlbagelo* thuahong throughout many fccuth African towm Illustrated, i/9 oeU Fa ono o bua o le molalnii oa Kgni (i o kake oa ba oa bona ba -a tholanye le thaba ea aerame ea •« and village!. Ilu honesty ia certaiolt Sooth Africa aad tho Britlah Koa o teng leteatei nkabo ke bua nao ke go ihupttaa ao tr BLOEM rONTIIN itlniu botlhoko. Tee dingo* di ile THE ADMINISTRATION OF kablp. but i! ii pxtraordinary only Empire. By tbe Uu Mia A. & n.^. ■ ; milling. Gonne ko fong thaka iditieng Barolong go nna ba dumrdi. kgo­ o sa thou. Bleby, B.A. (Lood). Tbotooghly JUSTICE. Ka Thapo“ RAMAILANR tsa kgotu balatedi ba kgo>i gaw boboi alckenmg hypoeri>r of a certain tji* revised by H. C. Qirdlcatone, B.A. i - 1 w " • BP * **‘*0 f'rou* ®* Sekole mo kgotM menate, kgot« boaka. I .|r*K|Nt«n, Mr. Monnamoroa le ne Potokui.-Ualoba go cogile lofer*- II erer there waa a reaaon to re- 'bit* man «ho will not be drawn Load). CompleteU 1 VoL,i/IneU. kgotaa botagoa. Kgo»i ra rona get Union it ia that the Cape Gov­ M uM i ikodulatsa dithelo mo picong ea .Ibooyana koa Mocambiki. Kgouna J . O . s T U T A A i O a , i„ JJBftnfe. E ntse ka malatii a mara- erile re m go iraba ra bo re bona ea mapoli>i ea rongoa teng ka mophato ernment which waa famous amongst o re coaetaa bohutnana jo bo mo pedong BOOKIKLLEHB & PDBL18HBB8, , , uM n luloa dimpho taa mathauunto go didimatu. Uanyamopana a the native population for the jutttce IU uK alo lw <*' conng, mo phuthegong a itae o co«« diletung ga ntloe botlkoko -- la mapotoki»i kgouna ea one ea of iU Law Courta. has now been ilpjM,, itkocbe le madi a msntsl-ntal a 0 kabo o utloa botlboko o kabo o mola- hsla Kgoii e ncho. Ke fa go loot Ban­ dragged down to the level of the no ijju-t do mireneng a a etaang bo letue, me re tlhayoa ke ditlhong ka ole cho ba phatlalala Mapotokul mangoo a Transvaal. As consistently as the N. STEIN, t i Sir Frederick Phlllpstoij-Stowe modumedi rona re gana mongoa rooa. tlhajoa. Department of Justice denies the ks I t X De Been Company le Knniele ea JOSHUA UOLEUA. dismissal of native interpreters so ogramma of Ihe lily-white lugu* irt- Buko ea Port Street le lu tle persistently does it dismiss them buJKiii ea Matebele a a nlihltwng a Mafika. Gantpng.-Magodu a ira ka diatla mblj started with the nh|e:t of Street. lU u K (bile a untie a aholofeditie Cathcart ts without an interpreter, ip, S » jc dira £10.000. Madi a a ia le- and it ia on the cards that oteyns BLOEMFONTEIN. U taSong ke a a coang mo Becoaneng. burg will soon be without one. The Frankfort interpreter haa been sent !«, | | i ea Tramkel ea bare eare fa tbaki Thuia 0 thuia 1» malhinl le difoookrafa. about hia business, and so has the s half-caaies Cntil they lore* il.fi• ts.nMi i't bo ma-ja-polaelo ba ba ntieng 0 rrkia bo ou^lnl bo ba sha le be be • U jfl bogolo IS, 000 ea bone « boo*, MATS11EGO interpreter at Vrede. At the lO- ter place they have a white inter­ gologolo a rekiie le ditahicosna taa ib A dixilinci ka gore go e« go ikeet- Temana Matheo r.. 8: "Oo tihego ba bo mashinl tae di koa thoko. Gr^En ke batho ba Bancho ba Ue le Moila. -Khooe bar* Gradwell mono o preter, who translates for Bechu- ba polo di itihekileng. gonne batla jeloe £3) gatoe ou tumaea a u ika- ana and Basuto witnesses in Zulu. Diloeyana dile di obi di ka boooa oo |Mo tu bone tw etlareng fela ka bona Modimo. M ||irj go bo go phuthegoa gape di (1a is* fapele ga baudi la banyana mo We had thought that this Cinderella Ba'ang, Matheo i„ 1-11 iropong ra Johanniabnrg. method of adminsitering justice i biBiocoe gore kigo e limologe. Setshi Oo Uhokega thata gor? ene pre fa ro U |*B» ebile »e rekiloe. would be confined to the inferior tthuta mafoko a ga Jean re tlbotlhomiia Worcrstpr.—Dijoche o aUbota* thaka Courts, but the Judge complained '‘J,|.-(le ea Haburu koa Kapa « kile ba o na baa mogo bone. Go kabo go no goe mono e beteletae basadi. Ba nna at Aliwal North this month at the r properly •lied i ’•[■Btlhotlhomim go bona gore Mnburu • go lo molemo bogolo (a Them kgotaa ba tlola ka kgoedi tse di 18 le mba dile absence of a 8esuto interpreter (or ' >urprlw in thi il '*2 | i a thniu ka eng go coelediia le Taelo (Manifesto) e kgolo e U. Mongc* a neoa tbupa dll* IS I* the Circuit Court. So that the et. of the night slid terribly cutragrd, 'TjHilslsa Kfangell mo merafeng ea ee- kgaogangoa ditenuna, eabo ei nyaga dile 7 mo teronkong ka Uro * CourU are now only for the benefit Iter being roughly disturbed tn Ihe ®Wtnf. Koiulti ea fltlhela goro dika- tlhomliioa e UhqjBimisio* jak thata, .erile a etna go pagololo* R of white men. met of Iheir sleep. Bloodhounds >et tli Mnburu mo ngoageng oa 1910 0 lengoo fela. gone go kgaogangoa ga tergneng kt gor* o palame a aena teket Of course they will say that the i Ihe trick of Ihe perpetratora hire P. GOLDSTEIN, ! “Mae di nt.w jana. Leina la phuthego ekelo go ngotla tbata «a bara malka rao aeporong ka gor* Circuit Court has a white interpre­ uM to'establi«h any clu*, and il ii itihitieng, u bobedi ke pnlo ea Temana o la pele ga rona o sic la go diga terena-ta coa ka hobi j< ter for Native languages, with an i be hoped that Deleclir* Brink, the Mosegi oa Diaparo, “*| li a a coang mo phuthegong eo, a thuto e. segokgo. emphaais on the last "a," but can it t-Kimberley human bound, and hu *Bire ke gore fa go baloa baduratdi Morena oa rona O na bna le barutioa be aaid that there are native Inn, 111*1 of policemen, will y*t lucreed lo Koa THABA ’NOHO. ^■itlheioa mongoe lo mongoe a ntshitee ba gagoe ba o na u coa go ba itihenkela Mathata a Tran>porto.-Maloba kgooa guages in Aliwal North of which ring the ina»krd brntM to jnalic*. mmo a ba Itolcla go nna le ene jaka n . l Iren* 1* ile Choane ka kolot la p*le*a Seauto ia not one, or are we to as­ Al Ihe Pretoria Coort two pn>a.>s ^Ets|ue, £1,359 12*. Ud.-18s. ljd- bone mo thutong ea beke e frtilmg. tae di nooneng Ere a u tumaea o rhoga sume that the Judge complained Dilo tse di tlbophiloeng, Moroko ■(dleotwrh. £964 III. ad.—15*. lid. Legale bontsintii jo bo no bo mo lattla without a cause. To calf it too ca maanete ka It jone o no bo etat tlhoko jaka oulo t cruel is to flatter the new system. p*Welllagten, £9SI-15o. ljd. Send a a port card oe lsttai with yoo >”B ’url, ri7-li. lelo a tire ea gi$oe go wu eorroborsted by Tlhoatlhoa tae di aleng. . ui joa Modimo oo lefa- THE PEREGRINATIONS OF nsma aad addrea plainly written thme "«n diai. £177 11*.' «d.-lli; M. 6TOBK8. aad we will aad to yoa poal frta: TM m tahpng intlbe. Lefa gontso jalo. Tripoli. Matadiane a choer* kanse SM Weit. £®t U.—lla. JJd. 30 padata of on Faaoa P loww aad Ta*- u *riUtorn, 001 6s. lOd.—lOe. lOd. maikaelelo ao a diragadloe go no go tse dingoe lu Maiholoaan*; eare ka Researches by whitemen are ui. Tlang le Itebatebeleng. tlhokefi goro metheo (principle*) jone tutsi jeo ba tlbaaeloa ke Ma Ara- limited They will go to any lengths H^ilkego dile 9 di ntihitte dikabelo or tS packets of . go ea go S*. ka tokololo. Parfnma at (d. par pekat, Tlbogo pa ntlha ea kgadac hka.-Koa Miwistippi go oalale. A Naturalist writes to the " Christian -MoCUfUNT PORTIA ^HUt birulr bare ba tla leka go tlha- Expresa" ot wa will aad kail Baada aad half Parfia*. Boli Miburu gor# a abele tiro ea 5-9) ko [nlelo fela ea kafa ba choanet- Noka e dikile a Uetw *a kgokgoetu ma On July 26th a boy brought . ■czo ea Efangele ka palo o o fetang. jo ichoara ka gone. Tlbogo ea loo le matlo. Mathanunta a batho UTS n n . GENTLEMEN OF THE As seoa u wt rectivt yoor lit- wt will bobedi (10-11) kt polelo p ba aoang jaka ntM koa ntle ga matlo. ring taken from the leg of a whit* SIDE BAB Immediately poal to yoa PBBE of all Dikgomo le charga. your cholc* of a UdW ot Gent'i ftelolo.-Makgotla a Kopano a Ira ba ba laolecoeng go nna badiredi. l’haro- Stork killed in Pirie three days be In Ibe Suprtee lour I of Sonth Africa f t l ' Hure Kopano e tiile goro wnyetaa loganyo o o kgolo, I Lady Brand.-Mncoana gatoe Ttbeli fore. It had been placed on the ‘•I* ol Good lli)|» Provincial Din- ■rratatp oa Kapa o na a siame. Gene- guy* go tlbokega goro re tlbitlhoba liotro* mono maloba ale kolol, pelcsa Stork by the Royal Hungarian Cen­ Dihutshane! | B Hertiog o itatola a ba a bldikama kgaolo. Ntlba o timololang kgaolo go la gagoe di u cboaroa kgolo. A tral Bureau for Ornithology, and eompelliug the L«» Society to register B Pirlnmenteng are ga leleka toloko ke tlhalosho fela ea maitseo. Oor ; ka beile ea £1 eare kgetae a bidioa i bore the number 3,73ft At once I article* of Miss Madeline Wookev wtiMocoana; mme fela jaka a Itatola wrote to Dr. Otto Herman, inform­ go ta«na mogo eono ka botlali ka. a tlhaga, belle ea jcoa. lighter RONA Bafantst re utloatsa fa re na Ic Oir M i l Postarts ■ lileloa fela jalo. Toloka ea Cath- lofa gonlat jalo re ka elaUhoko kafa ing him of the occurrence, and in Wookey. re worth doabl* th* aoa«y aad wfll ■'I e lelekiloo, le ea Steyqiburg e r.vherg, Bechuanaland, dlfantlsa taa mareo. taamaeaog ka gone. Snkgane.—Kfobo mongoe o duo course I received a letter to orney. Judgment wts reservid . Wunitats oa NUha oi KgoeJi cotlbe ’B * fela ka koto lo 1* josi; ea >'rnqk- l Mo dikoaloog tu Bagerika le ne It that another Stork from the aame and u non u wt recaiv* yen if- •• B ‘°‘ 'c Baihotho Setebelo motho a letshpgo ja medingoana e go no go­ Mafapang.—Kgouna ngoe ea ditereni neat had been found dead bearing will aad yon a preaeot which you oaa •elect frea the list aaat vith tha cards. B 1 wletlhe Sebum. Oo bonala goje to* ga o itae ditlhabi. Go ntse Jaka laloha erile a batla raporto the ring 3,729. at Kilossa, German The Ron W 1' Schreiner. K.C.. and B 11 fatihe jeno gotoe ke la Baihoou ekete bakoadi ba Tretamenta o Ncha ba i ic wncoeag ke mets> koa taeleng ea .. -Jrica, on March 2, 1911. Tht Ir. Ad'ocate Dp Villiora ipprared (or oon'T Miaa this oaaatous orria: Pirie occurrence was helped to e* B !!l>™ jaanong di ilamefae makgooa le diriu go kaea maikoUo a nnang goat Port Eliiabeth. Maikaelelo Mt tit go th* appliranl. and Mr Adrocat* B. rrite a< eaes t* B 1' Re ne re gopotao gore maiboo ao karrtlha ea mapmo mangoe a (aphegileng Iterla mogala koa go Stationmaater plain the presence of white Storki I'plngton. K.C.. op|io*ed the petition THK . . . B 'l* fckla fela mo makgotleng a bo i ingot m eleng kabela I'itenhage, ntekane o beile S.M. oa ko i South Africa in wnter in Inhall ol ibe Incorporated I-aw So Live Stock Aaotioneers, ■•pvtrata mme jaanong go bonala ea Modioo. Botlalo Joa oaltwo ka ga Uotaelekatse are: MpoleleU kaga THE DUTCH REFORMED titty B :r le bo dljoche ba Ut' ula ba taa- no real ela. Erile ka pula a u na oaikntlo a tibegofetmj a coang mo' CHURCH AND MISSIONS BLOEMFONTEIN. Ciieiiti Seri t Su m Sieli makgooa fela. Dijoche maloba tshpgofetvng. Uapmo ba teng mogoma art kt dicho-ma^hooo The followng extract taken from CO., (*JL). B * '"‘■al North o na a ngongortfa tiheeofetMng a ke egg.1 Ktrabo a eo- tsa kgoedi ea April a bo a araba | gore ga b« mo nnea toloko ea leiho- U'tU Stlbela mafoko a moroalela the report of the Financial Com­ P.O. aoi 1071. CAPETOWN. (M). Mo eeUbopheng u oatihego Bukeng ea Grat*e*e. mittee appointed by the Dutch Re­ NNA JOB L BOOAOU formed Church to investigate the HKhine ca Miburu e e bidioang "Tran* amounts contributed by her various (oa Wtaselton, No. I, |Bcacootfield) Wer” eare: Fa pelt ga1 Kantoro ea lela, bobclonomi. go Uhoafalela tahiamo, congregations during the past year ke loboga di salt tie di mainaakoadi HON. M. CAMPBELL’S PRIZES. tthoafelela kagilho a a moratoana eo ■ w rita oa Durban go kilt ga dira- towards the support and extension locnx (a tlaae ka thulagaayo mo thuahong B outlhabiu diUhong. Meltt ona a olangUhoko a bapiaanye oaUhego a la ea moloetsi ot tuna. a e neng t lo a medingoana ea Bagtrika Ba Icboarecoe.-Matebela ale m mission work is interesitng and ■boeroe a latofadioa ka gort o tlet«*-lle- ne a aUholecoo loaho ke Sir Joseph instructive HE Bon. Marshall Campbell, of Mount Edgecombe, Natal, has oflered B * mo toropong a it na maemo lofaele kgotu a bonoang oo botahelong joa > Bakoleki, Maina le Magas. intent Dijoche oa ga Motaalekata* Per T Prises valued at £26 lor best essays on the History cf the Basoto | ' ° f p k» mo tahedliang. Ko fa Ieka- latsi ano jo bo u itaeng Modioo, on Nation. gatoe ba holail* eo mongoe. Ba nt‘ Congregation. Contribution Mem. Mr.J. P. Monnakgoal (Thaba 'Ncku), ■“ * ja Lekgooa le atamela le Ipolela tla bona gangoo fela kafa oegopolo roe botlhoko ke Lord Gladiton* Mi u dumalaneng ka gone. Tlbogo ta £ a d a d. a ; Mr. A. B. Makone (Wlabarg), (a.; Best 1st Essay...... £ 15 0 0 B >tf kt J’ooe morati oa meito eo oa Ka- ila o lla golegoa botaheU jotlh* Tjai Montague ...... 1.369 12 II...18 Magiitrata amo tlbagita art fa bobedi ea kgaolo ea (ditemana 10-13 11 Mr. J. L Bogacu (Bloemfontein), H 8d.; .. 2 n d ...... 7 0 0 [tja. o tU m Stellenbosch ... 9M 11 2...16 11 Mr.J, Pbeko(Blocmfootein), 6e,; Ur. J. ■ •» itiie.o tla tMna mo marareng; a etlbalo«a maemo a batahegofadim ba mo- Wellington ...... 9M 0 0...15 lj « H r d ...... 3 0 0 lefatahng Jt It emalanyeng It oegopolo Molaoa (Bloemfonttp), Sa; Mr. A. ■* m*Poli«i Roro a boectee melte koa Makgoafo.—Ooromente oa Cntral Al­ PUM..% ...... 717 0 0...12 0 ■>nbo. ErUe meita a coa mo Kaoto- t itahepbileng e. Hhogo fa ntlha • Kojaoe (Bloemfontein) Od.; Mr. John B. Essays mast not bo of more than 2,500 words, and are to bo sent ien 0 utuile masho* ka thaka t t Goudini ...... 177 12 8...1I 8 Moabceu (Hope 8tadt), la ; Mr. 8. Ukgooa ja tx> la mo tlimpareli ■hupa bao erileng pelt ba bogiuoa ka- booang Gauteng oaloba * tall* a bape- Beaufort West 684. 4 4...I1 3? ■w thamung « mo aUa ka dichoanelo ntlha ea tahiamo, ea bobedi o kaea ba Twarjl (Bloemfooteln), 6d.; Ma E. t» boloeta* no mptloboog e ntse e ' BriUtown...... 601 6 10...10 IQ Hon M. CAMPBELL, B r , *“ lorato lo lo robang ditokololo j ba biledicoeng oo kopanong le Moruakgotso (Bloemfontein), 2a.; Mr. K. mo tatleng, bangoo ba ba ba iaioa In addition to the above, 28 con- P. Morapedl (Winburg), la : Mr. D. Mount Edgecombe, Natal ■Wore dile dlataintai di ntaf di oo Modioo oaa t Hire kgantele ht bo ba pitala fela ba bodilt makgoafo. gregations contributed at the rate of ■ ■ Mapoliai a nt a at na go mo choanetao go lebagana U baba.ba hue. Leeuw (Oraafl Rtsntt), la ; Mr. J. P. After July 10th no Essay will be accepted. All Besutc who an Between 5s. and 10s., 86 between 11 Mothibl (Bethulls), ta ; Mr. J. (Uifant ■tu Basadi m m teng a leleka neite. Mo manhong a ntaeng jalo ba iknUotka MISS MADELINE WOOKEY. and 5s., and the reat less than la. nativee of Sooth Afritt^rejigible^o^mpete^bnt no E----- ■ he-gona mo ha boleke pertlt bo " » n M ba krttaeag l*tah«|o J. (Kimberley), 6d; Mr. M. Ba>goaba Ra itaaeU fo nUsa gore MouU Ditscla per member. The committee pointa 'BaautoUndJ 3d.; Mr. B. Ttholbana ,,aI' Gonale makgooa a a leahoe- mo baaading tubo Agent* baga MagU- oot the unequal proportion of the ■«boe a a tenyang Bancho, jaanong go Temana t Uhopkilonf mo .kjaol Beau olandi « . j Mr. M. Mpethe Fa ola ms Johuinssbsrga o no stla mo trala ka Miia Wookey, ooradi aame contributed, and offers vari­ (Basutoland), Od: Mr. K. J coboa ■ go ngongoregoe k» Bancho. i ko . cme ka ko godimo ga tay- lingo* . A.' J. Wook*y oa ous suggestions to raise the stand­ (Ttungt), Is.; Mr.J Mampbg(BetHulle), luksng e ea rana. K u'»a» tlheng. Kafort dile dintainU tlbti Mo di temaneng tta There go oUtldecoe kt It ard amongst those congregation! la ; Mr. A Napbole (Ramapolane), S i; F ° ■»» leblle, Jaanong Ban^o bapiiioa ka eont bogolo, ko ton* * tlho- tU jt It golo ja Kapa gobo tatntla. where the amounts UU below what Mr. P. Oliphant (Raw.apolane), 6d ; Mr.' J * t a kgoreledioa eng go kopUa, ka go Uhomliioang bogolo, mat gantai kt eone Kopo ea gfbotaenela Idiriloo ke bo Ur. ■'“•la f& ffloao gs dikafort di might reasonably have been expec­ J. 'MoUtadl (Mafeking), 2a.; Mr. J. • gapang aoea, a fating maikutlo. &> W. P. Schreiner. K.C,, le Mr. D* Til- ted _ 'They propose to quieten Monkeal (KamapuUne), 6d; Mr, A. Banka ea Koloni le ea Poloka ea Komponi ■ f1* ^“kgooa ka UeU dile dinUi. Ka itihepho jo) pclo ka' ioof aelo untjha lien. BaUnneng bale kgatlano le got- missionary interest by the spread of Mobella (Ramapulane), 6d; Mr. J. J. In i? ** ro f“>ang maungo a a bctflhoko- mo bothopg Jo bo itekanetseng mot bo aena gagoe ke Mr, B. I'plngton, K.C., literature bearing on work being Kgame (Traoarul), 6d.; Mr. K. E. ea Africa, Ltd., coa m&.pooiMg e pbepa ea Modimo. Mo f ho.ko' 4 ?>9l*o «t okake oa gaga- roolloe ka 1* Kgotla (Law done among heathen peoples, ana Legoalo (Transvaal), 6d; Mr. E. Kalng Intle polokelo fill > kUnoong Baioo tola. gore Mak*oSa-a'» Iethot-lMho. dltemaneng tie dl ^hopang tae, a latdoa Society) Ja Banna gor* a l*k» go kganela Mao by urging every congregation to (Cape Town), 6J. ka th.ta/’ ko o le ngoo fela, » bolding w ie late- kgoro. K* boltumalo Jobo golo mo um , at-supporting a missionary of ■ Kona ha 'Tiala" roitlheli gort Kgooa ling boltahepha Jo: *Oo tabego ha ha basadlnf, babathoeu, le babanchu. iU own. Ntlong lo Uo go re bona me fa lo tloko go katla, koalelang lokoalonyana I!, »i i i ’* ,l,Be *° ***“ baitimoka- loa r .na lo lo tla lobolelelang GOTLHE kaga Banka a, It/i V r(n* !* •» kak« ba Uhakautlt Letahego Ja go iooa Modioo kt lost Mr. J. Motlhogeloa oa Central Mine K. u* M««aoai mme botlgo fa' go ,l - -a nubhego a oUv- **----- art TsaU inale bo tupiaho mo dikora- 0 ka simolola go boloka 5/- (Sheleng tao tlhano) lefa ale go feta n 0J*- •» ‘H«kantl* dlphatt It o tla ka nako * nltng cotlht ts* ha di btlang koa Korn- TSALA EA BECOANA fela nr • L- *-•----*- l^elianyuu ba dikafor. ba Uale nabo poni, loa mg Ion* ba amopdi ba he- IaipecUre tu di kole tie di t)k»- |n*^Mter«nyana. , peeoehg Mifelooaa ka Mifeloan* ke tse: (The Friend ot the Bechoani). Reletlela 3J mo lekgolong mataadisho mo lokoalong loti polokelo, madi Y METlHOtO E E BOITSHEGAN'O. agago o kana c* a bona kafa oratang. Rtr. It Mr*. IL J. MothoaU ha Mr.O.J. S. , M.A.. Otlb.pecoo LS* W « t ahulisg go diragttM . Qthria botlhoko banka ene. KUrkalorp U tan* ka faao ba MtU go tlhadhoVe koa, Brjtitown. Herbert, Published every Saturday Momlnj at . Qare batle polelelo palo fa o batla madi agaga -wnolo aengot nooo t go u ita*r- 1 Hopdowi, Kunhtrley. a«d Prietka. boitibapbo Joa u(<* joa pelo. mat koa go StUka. go ba ta nutihidiil*. s* lora a katang. Kaapo oolao Mr. J. A. tally. BX^ Barkly Weet f*dJto. oo oafelotg a «ay|o. li ea n§a qa Bnadftrt Hay. Kuruman, MaJakhg, aad Vtjburg. ENGLISH ANO SECHUANA. The Colonial Banking & Trust Co., *®«4a ka mokgoa . o batloang I Mr. J. S. Preoly, MX. Aliwal aunp* , f.uh, j«o p r» Nortk. Barkly East, aad HtrecitL Koa HilWrill*. Virjinia. go dira- of Africa, L tl, Taa nate.-9inti ha Baahotbo bo- Mr. E J. Spvway. BX, Alhnt, Cole*, Uha> lit pkttbegna* ea Barati ao roaa aha aha gakotoU U ka Mcoga K* .ben. Hanover. Molten, Pkfflipgtow.. Corner BOUiONDS and MARKET 8TBHBT8, rtka t Joha Wade a boUU kaU igo- •ad Bteyasbsrg. Uar btnganoaaam phi taa Mauit. E. Noaki. MX Oa D. Cnib. J O l IL U Cape, le StaUaaboeOL - P.O. BOX US1 -; : •. . ■ . _ ; AfB& (ItoBAKAJTQ^ 1) m u EA BEOOAXA fTffB FRIBtJD OP THE BE^HTUy4 SFSHOLO 60 BABADI BA Beaconslield Quarterly Mi

    <*nt. On hit section iPr^Ta to report a foil membership j j i l creaw of C. Then h«j |j into foil membership i: in* th* quarter, « rrrrmJ J other Circuit*, H bid rra<*dh!| Circuits. I died, and ( hxl bo recognised aa members Rock Shift Comoo' W. B. Gu». t u tCCOpltd. ^ SUblo Compound Mr. M. Nun, Junior Ci rciit {lJ who read the Snanclsl report iT3 KIMBERLEY Mine Compound of Ur. II. Masuabi, alio n ,| J j Na i Compound out of loan, had aim ig m»b5! Floor Compound rcnl.uks about Donjlj. SrrtH, jjj raado by tho Bot. P. K Uoti^.3 WESSELTON Minn Compound repot I showed an income ol n; j, $ Surface Compound and with bt lance from lut qaufel amounted to tUS lt. Id Tit r.>J Floor Compwnd taro ihovtd a debit btlanct o( Q The trust debt vat rcdurrd dtri»( Katlele c Ncho ea F-.r* eekKubisieoeng that* bkgotlh<\ modiObw^mo quarter bj f 19 18s. 9d., hi (Hr. masekeog le me|.|.abl<*» Tek»n»o ca enoe: 4ft. 8jo I #fL flu. Mi og had (0 thank the Rer. I'. K. lUfa, matraM <* spring, le oa b>boi le me«mo e mebedi n dipbsfa. __E olec -esenUe a tery much for the general vhrae, Wk ea pakoa ki sai'e e* et go pep* mo steisheoeoit a Cipetown, £4 5*. MMi a Ue le laid down, olid carried oul dtHsjj koalo lolobiiang katlele quarter, for reducing I hr irtl| u TEE BRITISH CHRISTIAN UNION Banna! Banna, Bonang Fa!! The a bote £19 Ifc. W „^| R- amogrtie mtkgolo a dikoalo ta Bancho ba ba i! umolisicoeog ke thoto ta root (his special effort. A m i to>;^g (Wenkele eo montle eo mo Koalelang:- tion took place oo (he fininnil iq« L Go batla le go kopsn ya batbo ballbe ba ba eletang go cboletn, ma 1 Hukung g o leba Post Offloe) members expressed thru craiitt4 , Afrika le Btacbo hi baatoe go ba naea choanelo tae di lcbnang. the satisfactory state of Cimit t B. Oo f —*• nai go i. otl; f a Oo Uda Btbraetc ba Amerika gore ba leke ro than ko romela porary eten apart from Dottfa s, Is ba ba ncoofileng mo moocng le mo ditiroog go ba buaetio koa Re ka go shomola lu paka go coa ka Honoto go ea koa 1’hogof.g. koa Afrika ka nikaeldo a kariaba ir Oo rota tamtam la ba tlbopbiloeoe ditiro tie di ba lebanyeog bogc BOX 284, CAPETOWN THE JAMES SCOTT UEWBUU gi rota Kfangeli a kagisho le lonto loa batbo lo clang lone lo ka ruanjang Fa u oa go Lema kgo no n«i Diklemong, Re ka go baakanyotsa aparo Bet. P. X. Motijsnr rnd I hr SnJ tsa methale Eotlho tse di thata thata, Taa Babereki. and eiplained what thri did tl M r. Oo boleia Ef.-pli ea kagisho le taalano ea metafr fotlhc gtflhc mo 1 Synod in honour of the litr Bn. FttU g»r»Y.»» e l.m.nn|. teng le go ieka gore pusho le laolo ea bokangs e tkige, Lefa U aa biUe Paka eoUhe U ka reka BAKI, BORUKHOK, QEMPE, { James Scott, that at

    Putw JOSEPH BOOTS. |WEST END, K IM BERLEY. imoosly afreed. Re rekisa Thoto tsa Banna fela ga gona tss Basadi le Bana. The Minister stated that hr hW»| Hon. Seaetary, Btitafa Christian Union, (La koa MAFIKENC le ZEERU8T koa MADIKOE. tt, Prcstwicb Street, Capetown. tributed a guinea at (hr Sjnod. halfeS NTSE LE BECOANA ka baka se se telele thata, ebile o sctse a •mallest contribution aould bt m ad 8ENEIRE o mo Lewonkelong, a ka go scgala fela jaka U rata Ka pelo eotlbe b i le maikaelelo a matlhano a British Christian Union, lemogile thata go ba baakanyetsa ditlfcare. A kp |elce pjethuaho The folloiruiji amounts tm ra n Tlang lo itlhophelo ka losi mo ga ea bono o o ntsang. among tha members, m. Ur. I l l ebile b eleta go aa ti Mbelle, XI 1«.; Mr, M. Nun., COOPER'8 OREEN P IU (Pile « itseng go tlhacoa mila) letlojaaa, Mat;-?. 10a. (xl.; Mr. C. Uon.hi.fciJ Talere. S. Matsioloko, 10s. 6d.; Mr S. b i d PECTCRAL BALSAM (Molemo oa Digotlhola), 1/6 le Hi botlolo. 2s; Mr. S. ran Damir, U aakaffl Adrrsc- WALTERH.ADAMS INFLUENZA MIXTURE (Molemo oa Mmele), th ka botlolo. total of tt. [ BLOOD MIXTURE (Molemo oa go tlhacoa Madi) o e towileBg. thata Mr. M. Xum tnotnl that a (mtdi X>. be given to tha SupcrinlrgdcU,tM Siege Buildings (Opposite Post Office), thata oa go COOPER, Botlolo o limolola kt V‘ • ee (t !•/•■.... mcetinj unanimovsly **retd. Is tkatl Mo lek ekt boloetie boitgoe lebongoe Jo bo go choenyttj a ka (• ing the "meeting, Mr. Dsn* sail (M Oe tll.akanyetia methuiho e e liameng tbata mo lewttktleng ja was a new thing to him. hi hid aja-l Beers Road, Kimberley. intended setertl Circuitt in (ke Cdsar.l gagoe KATLHOATLHOA T8E Ol OKOCOLOCOENG and' neter had this tort of (ift; he a l all the more thankful, brcant h i MELBMO BA QAOOB E THU8A THATA. i neither sought nor cxpcctrd it. M desirability of handing 1‘rinka f»J B. bn agileng kgakala ero ba mo koalela ka pose ba romele to Colesberg was discuwed. «4 W! I over for next meetiug. (hr Irelisj i| Melora ea Yunione madi ba bcele botlolo ng->e le ngoe Sckisipense ea pose fa that we hand Prifeka o«rr The mjl godimo Ebile rc na le Kal.i koa Hemming 8treet, profitable and businewtilr nurtdjl BELGRAVIA. meeting was brought to a 'Iw at 11 (UNION SOAP). p.m. W Benediction. j ES1IONB SELAGA se sc baakAnyang Dinatna kt kelo thloko r i l K 0 reka Dikgomo' le dilo tse di tsamseaug. SELAGA at ntlhwitlha mo JAANONG DISEPE ga di Ubolc di oa Rngelanr fela, di noa . The Women's Missions^ U>oeistja| W. N. COOPER, has undertaken the "Sooth Afriatl MOLORA o o Ubacotng thata. GUAFI LB KBKBKE EA MABG00A. Court" at tho forthcoming UiuiceBjl MOLORA o o aa nyerologcng. THABA NCHO, Exhibition. NaUta eunoi tre ku(| MOLORA o o gaiaang dichubi (ae pile Hi rekistli'an^ llecann KOA WEST END, KIMBERLEY. cwlleoled from rarioua sonrcrt. tail (here will also bo exhibit illmtnti^j industrial work at di/Ierrot j schools ond training collrgo. *ip«aaBy] at the Wearing School it S'. 0*1 150Y THEIR bcrt'e. Tsolo. Mn. Good, in Cm* b iens mo Lrwenkrl rug o tnle K-o reka Moloia felt l»U» I* kindly promised (o paint » «*aeb ' Kimlicrley Thuianj; Ditiro ts. mono gac gore cheletf t PIANOS, ORGAN S, CORNETS. the hack ot tie court, and olhet sittb | ‘ ACURA" PILLULES.- For Coughs and They relieve are lending pictures. The «hole e*. Coldn. VIOLINS, AUTOHARPS, lection will t» of considerablr iottrot tli&t soreness of the throat and chest that accompinieti coughs and Oipcrcko le -Mashini tsa Rona di koa West End. colds in a few hours, and will completely cure in a low day a In­ AND OTHER valuable to public spcakors and mngom Sold at 2/6 per bottle, or R, Muller’s SJU810AL INSTRUM 3NT8, tlireo bottles for 6/6, Post Free in the Union l e a s t s * ' " FROM 1 ACURA” PELLETS—For Rheumatism aud G<>i't. Sold al 2/H per box, or three boxes for 6/6, Post Free in the Union. MtwKt jnBisn tWfctasa. R. MULLER, M OSEGI 'ACURA” PILLS—Cure Indigestion, Constipation, Sick Head­ 77 Strand Street, Oapo Town ache, Heartburn, and all tho disorders of the stomach caused by an El i Iiwnktk m j 7 Stockdale Street, Kimberley. inactive liver. Sold at 2/6 per box, or 6/6 for three boxes, Post Fa Hukung ca iLOBESti 1 Free in the Union J. KLEIN, ROAD le ROPER STRlH Gaufi le Stalshene. Fraotloal Tailor and Ontflttor, To bo had direct Cram tht Sol* Proprietors, 14, NEW MAIN STRIIT- 27 4 29 OLD MAIN STREET, KIBBEELBT. Go lubagana le Kereke o kgolo Makgooa ea Prtabytentn. M08IGJ oa Maancto, PAKA tsa gagoe di simolola ka £2 10/% Di fela ka £ 5 5/.. A u batla Eemolo, j Koantle ga tso di scgiloeng, ebiie o pale ipethale e men ton li ea Semapa, 'Mams, Ditlhako, Mahutsho, Bo Hempe, Dituku le Dikommert«e Ua meejjoroto Beltunata, KaW n I Eotlhe-lele. 0 tla go’wgela #b!» h * keileoaag oa g»K°-

    ?'a T"r BaUa Dikatlele, Ihiafole lo Ditulo, Dipitsa Dilo tsa Ntlo Thaka e e coang mo Dikonp* cotlhe tso di siameng ka tlhoatlhoa o potlani l« di Ncha le tw di Ula ning e itomedisioa thata ko to • Diaparo, Dikobo, Ditlhakc lc Dishute. Dikonicre* methale eotlhe. Mmogo lc dikoforta tsa Amerika re di dan mono (Kgelsana eo Stobie e e beoan? mo nkong.)

    Dijo, Dijtnt. Dike Ic lhahukere le dilo tse ding.* tat Ebe ere fa u rata re di olele re di isc Stmheneng lefa obile u rata re di romela kae. Ke Setoro »e k lebileng Waehuku ebiir Ti» Gt go Moepi ope oa Metlobo o ka dirang ka itekanelo a sena naea ( cotlhe kt ho chipa. Bogolo mo Metlobong ea koa Gauteng. Mtng le mang co o tlang go itekele u Ua boot a itumttae JOSEPH STOLLER, 21 Giddy Street, LOROLE lo lo iroang ke Boro mo diamnencng lo gololeloa ka dinko Go Lebagana le Kantoro. ke Babereki. Lo ba phunya makgo&kgoa lo ee go ikgata mo Makgofl- hung a babereki, ba phoe. Ba ba tsamaeang ka' bonako ba ta Uhedile WENKELE JE LE CHIPI GO FETA eare bo fitlha koa gte lo ba bolaise/ mafatlha. 8T0BIE RESPIRATOR e kganela lorole loo gore pereko ea metlobo e HadJeHatslepAratH, nne bokgoabp fela jaka eadipolatt MAWEHKELE A BLOEMFONTEIN, at, «o a s m s n . Oyol© Dealer, STOBIE RESPIRATOR e kganela'lorole loo le nsoti ebile ke eone e K d______it the Genera] Post___ __ Office oau a ilBWBNowopapw. “ As oold witer Is to a thirsty soul, THE FRIEND OF THE BECHUANA. so is good newa from a far country.'* -Prorerta of Solomon

    kimbbrlbtmat (motshbganong ) 4l i 912. ^ 12/8 ka pose 15/-.

    C ICUTIBERT 4 CoJ G 0 b o t l h e b a b a e a n g g o n y a l a . UMrraD^jMMrTBTi r. BE NALE THOTO E M S I EA DILO TSA KBMO. Tin Great Soolh A fpim Mekgabo ea Basadi, Dlcoalo t u kot Tong, lo lu lro , lo Dlkranie, Cl.huihe, Kotorto t u tablpl, Paka t u MaJ.ntM.mai>. lutaho t n ■ - f lo llk a toa Malodl Jalo Jalo. Be ta go nae. Tlhako tse di oiameng fa m oatlhoa tse di okocoJocoeng

    Tlbako ta Babcttki go nmol It ka T.bako to Bum tn Mekgabo gr omolola k. ’ Long Cloth flbtko tn MiWi It daboa go aimutoik ka Tlkako te Banoaaae le Baatant to Sekole I

    E- OKI Celtic k Hiiig lo Itebatebele fa Losi Be lla k> l*isi l« mv*.hetie di kg»bisiroeng. |« "a ma Swiaa Nu out MASHINI OA AH BY. Co M v n l Z ? V. ID. Cuthbert & Co., Ltd., karantie ea D.Voga dile tlhano £ i 15 , ■> l« lK Ditoiope Ua Bareki rao ManRaung. MHKUPE, TS* NAINSOOK, le drleife ka 1/6. 1/9. 2; . 2 fi le 1/11

    Koala ro tla go romela Koalo loa Ditlhoatlhoa lo lo i . D. ___ _— mvimw >ua muiiuauuuu io io nang le dichoancho. Re Ntaha Di Trading Stamps.

    CONNING & C o., j a b e rd e in & b u tt, M aitland Street, Bloemfontein. v u n u y e k XX. A . w uvci' ue wu. DUO. DINO, DIAPARO THOTO TSA MATLO le T>HIP1 taa THn ucn me i a uu. Balemi. Qa gona Weokele ope o THOTO e kaoa ka 3 J. HUUUSUH, Phallbo e otaioUi ea (E8EN0 OA MOGBNTE). m rona mono THABANCHO. OA BASHOI APARO Tsa MOTLUNQ MOTSEI

    le M EILI OA MATLOLE A LEW ByEELE JE LESHA JA K' mertif, Dilaaktne, Itbai e Ohoen. Flanelete, Male, Dikolo, Thoto to lou Bt di rtka ka Koelane. Be raka kt tlbntlboa t t kodileng, Diktiubu, oe Cotlo le Mekgib>, ic , 4c, UUIDI, KOBOHG, MABELE, MOKOKO, KAFA FUBU, (tie, jalo Ebile Bo A BASHOI. T ^ b a ’N o h o . rrfca P«a rekja, Be anaaj* kt Uihqtiliaoe, Dikgomo, Dipt* le Dio. le. PAKA le DITLHAKO Ta Banna le Banoaoe ale mokoM <* Dtoake, DttlboaKtbo le U I i IT.iI il BecHoa botlbe bo*4o ba Urjak ea Ditakipi e • oitioa It Dipale. ' I Blnen lootem. I. a bodnfiW koa St KAFA MORAGO GA GOORA KONONG. R B KOALBLB, RB ITBBLB MOGALA, OONO <>riri« Slrrrt, jaiooeg ale bo I'aamana i Sqiiar*. MEOOALO I)ARE KISI ba methale thale *a DlNtl Ir DIJO le DIAPARO U ITBRB, OA N O U IKOATLHAA. H a uk. M»kaa^to letlolc, eae o a Bahumafcnili, le Rinfact lla Olklia kora kgi'ii-i dipitoe koa bile gt ^ 0 reka le MABKLK le dilu l^e dta^ne tae di ka rekiunang ke ka.a K> mu'ho a Mile Kne am (o tat Inki r I< UtVps koa tile ga tefo) go Becoaoa. K'wt'imo 'ti yioea le Di*mki, DilJ Fa motbo < »aa awdi ctlb* o ka Ooalotka 'luawl.aa nae gu lefa ka kgoeri kgooo Ebile ra aimolotae tiro e ncha e eotae e n ibnoe mooo Thaba .S’eho k< di»»kf. Lo Ot tabi'Jbela a

    DITLHAKO! DITLHAKO!! DITLHAKO!!! KITSISHO E TLOPEGILENG. TBIfi WeddiBg Rrap r*41 Setlaiuuon 117 tel B Oit UoMokgoathengoalo. 111. HO Boll-d (Wd • • U DiamioJa I Hratt - - Bet Uold • W8 Boiled Oold - 5 J Drain 10/8. W-. Set Oold • 8 * Hearta'- • Selaga sa Nama tse di ZIT T E L & CO. Malmra. Ke gone o patololang Dlkhal tsa gagoo t u methale t n Central Shoe Coy., W rite for oar M o itn fe d Catalogue. Sent Post Free. MARIQA Ka Tlhoatlhoa e Dtotlaae. 20e LOWER JONES STREET, Kt Tlkatlkot Tae dincha, tae di pepa, le tae di boikanyo. K a fa tlase gra Tleloko. Tie di Okoculge «■(. I. Mendelsohn & Co, BONCHO JA PANAMA JOBO TALt KA. 1 jatata TSE DI MELOOO E ISTSEKO JAKA LESAPOJA BBRBI.SG, ta Ji Puhila, Baacho it bo Tala, le ttal. jt bo LeW, to di di Ua itomedisa pelo ea gago , m«la oa Pikokn, le to di Tala fela, 1 6 jaiata. DITLHAKO TSA BONA TSA BANNA 72 Burg Street, CAPE TOWN. F. J. MYBURGH, TSE DI MKLOOO KA KBAl TSA SENNA BOTLAKAKC0KE BA BA ME di aiuM, di dupa me di that* ... 1;. k » 10/6 BAl^ Tadi Botak jot Bolaua It jobo pe«. ta di Botala j-» bojtaf. to dl Boi 841 ______Pndaehoan tadi Botak i. boiale to dl PoiaJn, 1/8 j trait. DITLHAKO TSA BONA TSA BANNA Mosegi oa Diaparo LE TSADI SELEKA TSE BOaBOKG JO 80 TLAKANYENG LE BONCHO, taa di yniniAini taa metlobo le tia go taem**-' ... ka W/6. No connection with any other fira. LE SE&1E EO BONCBO BOTAU JOA DI BAKI. EO ELRS0 BO BOOA MATLHO A BASADr a tla phatahina ha a bofaa difcnatetfl taa ron* 41, Old Main Street. di tletae ditlhako t* di ntlf, ' LESEREOEGAPE EO BOKETB EO MALA 0 BONCHO JO BOGOLO THATA Money Betorned If not satisfied. Write no«. KA. 19 itrtta. Oanfl la Oflal M Dlpaae, LE BO KASHEMERE BA BRADFORD baUBokoaba la BoleUbt b» Tala ka W. Jara’a. KIMBERLEY. EBOPLKNKBADD1RAN0 DI B0LAU3E ba ba ditala to dl lcft(tlea{ ka, Itumeleng! Itameleng 11 ItumelengH! 6i jva a. Lola booe lebe&kale mo lokawkang ditlhako >a looa. Q 9 LE BO FlKRK BA BA DITSKLA BA Dl HBr»ta. Ke mom lit) Io goo Ra Z i t t e l & O o . , ) oat t tuiailt bobe too PIM M order la Bi«Uih M d aaud Oath with order 58 le 60 D0T0IT8PAN ROAD, KUtdBRLBY. * • V *./ aV i 1 2 P T. - | nug ja gagoe- AfcoMtkarL ^BtOa kUUii.iiu,i.i52 D IN Y A L O . | jMB> go wt* " ______Ir^r- Ua a kptedity. lebone r » T - Koatx — .k*H| Bart tabogela kn eelepe am h(»tU le hloogo, gone a bloat nh im k U p 1 WakauiT Bat^batakabata- • ookop. w ow r. wSiamMe^ng. le j ^ jo4 ditlhabi ga kt Ite P « kgtntbe o idi-betj» jwnoe t gayt botobeTb Wn*k»M. Bt Mmopi eo o rilto* U ^ bt«*bt Ua ST: gelt too a gopola nb o boltfl, S Kgayt bobabeU L ruh^kT ’nu-diwa**- m n gM«hoe kt aorati Kgabi Kgoloko 0. obt . ^ land mokmkesg a Waek, koa ICafo- teat kn let j at j a la KpJJ; king. E.Xu£I StttSS-SKi*^ tdo etaUba u r*1 a ro tthana jotlt o doronkong. r nkt ba tatloa. Bt bangot bt dira^» kgolo _ elaUhoko kt go" meremico o bapltal p p u»ju ^ tat di thata te di cboottawg go « • phela. llelang gootga lefua. U* uaro ga « kgttlUnoog le kkM t.lt h le tregantep. Ktnna NOANG lemela taa go aara thari. raegt e r. boboOtu bo ^ Wo .. . m ■> aknoa tkopa kta kt lena. Modiro oo o atilt thita ka Khang & M. MAKGATBft ebile ratkgoot ka Engeltat It Fort bo . ia * i« r “ Pr**>dent Trarm^ Kitsisho Tsa Gopomente. ngongorega ka gow'mortfe ! » • » » • Ufatabeng p a aubamo kgotu 60- hotlaaa. Oa bo timolog* moltthiimoog Kilnerxoo, Pretoria. Kana go Ua ana madia jang ®oUka- April li. m t ago le Beeoaaa ea ba ikgopoU ba *■ U gooe ga a oo* a bo bolokaag. Ka tlbela lotaalo lo boa kt morago ka mekgoa o atteog jtlo p boat kopano ■ohumagadi kgono Kgtnbe e ntata a baiadi nytat. bt ba boil tag ap It mtbaao ml bo kt ko godimo P Kitotbo tn di ktelang di p tu » P «“ P0*'10 “ : etlireng no baken^ te u e re go khubtmt. Ba bt iphatoltag ta- hobotlaaa. Fa p nta jalo, a tegole Go Basadi le Buk opt kt boao bt itiheaya tkari. Boio- ka goro rt Ubalegaayt kopano a root EDWAKD DOWER. romele maina a madia le madi tta joo boa taeoa It mo Beaaneag ba- U dilo ta Ft motho a hnmile, mm. tsana ba ba Bogant a diria kbnmo a gaga ka tthumo t Tlhtngoe a Tiro te Btncho. a one, go caisa ba bangoe o tla udi be botheng joao btrt ga ba raU btna. A bola te joo bo ara bo aale b ana ltttbego jt It aaug p boldoa; ehuisioa ka OKOLOSI EA Mohnmagadi ot Moruli bo iha bo ta bo topele morafe ba kt fa a beUe ptlo a gtgot ftla mo khn- Knla ea Tiro ta Btncho, SELEFEIAea basadi. ehogt bo fetelela. Moeadi a moopt ke mong a pga t ka fetop a na ka tic o ea eo o Fodlslcoeaj, N aggie «a mote a a t Ut a phimola takenyefo ea gaga. Fo o romelang palo e e galsangeababangoe. Voatlhodl dikeledi ka go abela ngoaaa a a go F* gon» le lechocnycgol* mo roma fa ele w o itahayetaang than mo mo&ong oo popo, dichapo le mmadl oa maina lemadi e tla o chanete go Itleka mo moteng booitshega, tae di chnuuw, mme, ka mabo n Ut itia kt Dipherro. Teboga „ lU 1 nna lornti P. I lonUyaneoa tlhogo e e opttg UuU, Kq (,1* Beaconsfield. KeraU p ibuti Btroloor kaga thutbo keleco e» dijo, eebtlh-^g , LEIDI je le romelang maina a Thuto . kgolo a bo tkotiteog ka eoot molo sonine ’maU. ee m ahuetuio diUttkift t«diit«hioocB*k» Boroto » Btncho ft Witnet-ak, ktft mtfo- abong lotgt late Rtmtkoa Mogoara «o itaea ka bonako ga pelo gon,^ laih a go feta maina a a knag» Team« a Mola wx E thnltog kali SMb March. NB; oBtliloe ga magoejana kgotaa - EA DIKOALO TSE DIBOITSIIEPBO. kali tt WU Eat tit motimtnt ot 1 Btrui bidta bt dikolobe bt cbotnete go di tlhMlhtU no taken* be di romecoeng ke ba bangoe ka ftchc^o, phegolo e TSniPI EA J MOTSHEOANOSO. UU Eotere a Kereke a Chache, ebile e le eoeWt tenUe ao kakcog kgooo kagdelo enlc, kgceo ere It di a RO fault di palo. mothui a Mo aletareog. Itcoka Np- e ntluuangboUho- temte It tDodmnn. LEU I'M A LE MAHniO. goe ethnuta thata ka pbitlo a gagoe. OBOLOSIE TLA TSEOA KEIUG. ko jalo jalo. ’Mngi 1 Kolobe dingoe tn di kt fitlbelotng di bolt no otgeng kgote mo pre r» Temana. Luka xii. U. "BoUhelo ja Maina a btba thn-uteng ka the Bar. o ka Minpa ngoe Father Shaw. ••»; Mr. J. Mogoera. »a.; mote moogoe o o uu g botbo, ebile di dioeoyi k» to lit Ittlala moo gt cooe^s TANTA-KCOtOI «8 tllkgMSi motho p ba ema mo bootting ja kgotaa dingoe tsa di M> left di ■ a tte di cbotneae go bolts* k. taelo t* kgon kgnoo dithoto te o am*, nteo." Mr. S. 0. Ubtk St.; Mitt £. Mogowa, ka Jgne SO, 1912 M » > tl S. (d.: Mr. and Mra. J. MhetoaJOa; tae,kgoteaokanna kgouoa et mot* oa jaaaoug n romele maina koa Balang Luka ri. 20-2S It itl 1MI. Mr. A. S. Saroalo. l»a; Mr. J. Md»- le cone eotlbe. Go X DikoLte di Ut Irtldot go buk feb mo diltbeog te di betcotng ihoko kt Mafoko t thnto a root kt 'Laharna toane. Ua; Mr. J. H. Boyaag. Ut.; Mr. babogi e tia nna Wav^ v-*! mvnla a motae kfooo "***—• o bent bt kolobf teo bt oning i P> le Uthnmo,' mme mtfoko t a btpiticw T. Thnbifi. Ut.; Mr. tnd Mrt. t K nk bom. Ftd$»4tlbeladihnlidichoeoytpa5edi be di kt bolut ke kg .entle thata mo Dikaloag te di Boi- Ut ; Mr*. L. Maluae St.; Mr. tad Mra. tshegofaco go itae C E d ito r11 Tsala ea Becoaoi, gore gooa le ’'v E.8oa| kgooo kgoaao et note k*»o tahepbo. Be cbaate p ell tl bolo pre F. M. Khonkhobe, Ja; Mitt M. Johntoo, Box 143, Kimberley- mafokp t mop Lnkt r i p a nUht- 17a fid.; Mr. P. StJio. lit.; Mr. 0. Ko- sctihare eeogoe ','rwn * ^ o tlolan* ditaelo te o tl* 10 M Ihtro a Morena ko thabeag malo. St.; Mrt. R. Magana. Ul : Mr*. eleng shone I* chcuxbi ___y if i t tent mtdi t tf> di a nt t e rert gooe. Ltgtle Krettt A. Kgenoe, 3k.; Mr. J. Goronytne, lfc.; matihuko a bone Vita, aetlhm tcfiiboeot bo t katengoa tai ig ki tiro e e tbtU kgooo koi otle gt tit gtpe dilo dinga tn o ka d Mfrtnd Mrt. S. Ttn der Menre, la.; tcce kgoedi e ngoe fda. Tsala ea Becoana. boleta pne. Ht re thloUhomiu kgtoli Mr. Moreki. St. fid.; Mia M. J. Oeoko. se dirang madi ae ee ka beeseta t thata re tla bona pre Lnkt o tlotn St.; Mia A. Seboke. St. Id.; Mr. C. Mo- thnliganyo mo melen? e ktn there, o bolelt felt pre erile ft Jan tiooe, b.; Mia L. PuK K; Mia M. Lo- i eooe go senang boUhelo bop t lent p bologa ko thtbeng a Ua mo ube. St.; Mia E. Maroping. Mia M0T8HEGAN0N0 4, 1914. motlhabeng t phett mtnga a mitahep M Leitbo, Ja . Mia S. Nktlt, Ja ; Mr. Ti pre t t farologtnje mo dilong ta di- S. MokgeMi. ta.; Mrv Mtmazapaao, k.; T S f l L Y F. RAMAILiS nga ta di lerrng bo-madi-mabe. Lt- Mrt. E. Dlamini, 1*.; Mia J aa. la.; mohnmagadi, oa Monti 8 Oo itniot go u t soldo et pontiht l i T u t Toot Oorwere Oenenle t ftpntsejalo goo ft re Ut p Uhtlop- Mn. M. Seitabiro, 11; Mra. J. Mooki, Bamailane, Faaramith, OJ tlbegile go domiWi ktft ratlokung • Tnnut«et Tbero No KO et 1895 Maitisbo. la; Mr. L Sebotha. ta. td.; Mr. P. Mo- are >-Ka nyaga ding ki ttbt ----- . m ditaelo ue di t« di gjtincoe go lull ktft Btncho Art eleng Uhoko ptle polelo ttami. k. Id.; Mr. and Mra. D. Mo- » u .___f dikgoog kt gooe mo Dire* rag te btncho kot Bntiih Bechatnt- Uumelang baltm ba gaecho mint a rent It mtfoko t kgaolo t eleng kana. V td.; Mr. B. Lo*. Ja. Id.; Mr. ketale kgarebane, 1dm land, te di rtkaioug. kgooo te di orotng. le go btet diuelo mo manning t otloeng. Uaayaeman. ke mo mop tone. Mo kpolong a U a; p. Pboofolo, It.; Mia L Bebeco. Id ichoenyego ale mantri i com, ditaelo te di ktiotag mo Sheduliig e e ft tine. o o gakgamataan*. 0 gakpmalaa ka Luka e temthi t e eang mop eoi Ka (batbo a e liriloeog ka litaala tta eding. Kene ke sent ktla jore o ka ira aelo « » molelo le »e • re Itlhelt Morent I dirin mtacoe mono. Bolokang bana bap Moroka; dijo, ke choengo* ke Uliogote Rltteboa Goromente No. 1894 e e kotdiloeog kt Noieraber 7, 1911, et Uididi* ka atla »ele eeogoe fela. Phi temana e fa a a riba topo a mongot tirtgalo«« ke n lobtli. Santla ra e ntihokisa boikhnc, diUbahi - thego ngoe aa bdepente ka Amerika na lopa Jem pre t pateleta mogolo bone ka loabo la moroa li a. Kgoti oe A kile a romela morntinyana ale m> go kgaoganra baha le toe (temai o ibateeng mono otgt Bothoi kgoti R. dinaong, mala amn a a •ha. Ele tkelere eo mataetaeleko i 13). Erile ft Jnn t ana p dirt karabo Moroko lumela ng btrolong. ditibabi tso di botlhoko fa pn akofa a ichupa ka go kgabiu difen- e mo teman magetia, le mo sehubeng. •tere tu Kereke » ira dicboancho mt ho u mohomi ro lttilt ngoaga oa 1903, kele koa Ida dnponiag. 'It dilo ta dingot ta o aa dl bolata hidioa Lhm io thtroog ra gtga ko thtbeng kaga Ntekane kgabale ja morutinjaii* iiiiteo a bonr kgaUhtnong le mtfanmn. ka ntloela h W kgopiia lecomane ja gagoe. tre a Mtncoe t temtna t t ntlutla tenUe, golokoane tae di khibtcoua ta MELAO EA DIKGOA MO DIRK3EWENG TSA BANCHO KOA M nta fela o tlea ihaka a baronga ime leftpntajtlp p Tsa Bakoaledi. Dr. Williams ka di ro*da o opaopa labati Erile are kea bula mo- ore re t tlhotlhomia itnmela thata go bole'ela fii BRITISH BKCBUAKALAND gogi Ebeneter Torakiiu • mo raw are ARABAKO PUCO KE TSEO R He, a batla gore n Ua» diehancbt tsame cotlhe gore (a eeale ke di tabediaia ke dilo Moniligaayi. “ Tali et Becoana.” t«ele mo dilponing t»a Kereke ca rona diboUolo tae thataro ke Io ir u. . u « u»llwUu ,1CBui1gi t rod KJooo l ulluiaa botlboko rellWc o (tamer a boele ka p kt poronytnt'>te~mV Mti^o kdtf a keai ■pte^moktltteeeoeag mo Rmeernet Bincho left« ktoc t et go dirtng pit kt botltlo thuto t Ittelaag. Kortateng a gago. Ke Ua nna le shone fa ke sale kga ebana humi eo leailo aoo o ina a Uhoafeta boitumelo fa babali ba "Tula* baka ke Ubajoe ke ditihong go gikd nna aoie le nna. p nthua kn di t Moocho moogoe le moogoe eo o agileng unde mo Reaeorng ea Btocho o Moutinjana a gakgamala A rt tbilt k>ntlht i mabamo ditsala tsame tse di iaengtfih a illhoma ke ont a Ut mo lenteeg ho- karabo ta. (I) Gore a ke mokgoa ** {*•"■ a a pi rtkat kgooo t a go on dikgmg te di omileng te di k> beg jonr pardon, kana u nung’" " dikg ilokoane tse khibicoana ti ratlelotag goa tengoe tlhtro te di eoeag le tie di g..|ang Te moikokobetii on molatedi aga Je tahelo Ie go mo kgOrdiM, tea pn« p IgoUa ke traulo a bogolo ba goopieoo tem jul tna n mang? Mo merefi u nna jolo. Oo ant pne p gagoe p p tumaa ba ba natba ka motbo to Or. Williams gore di dileke. ^ X Mood>o moogoe le moog* eo o agileng rao Reteweng a Btncho kt e mengoe baletedi ba ga Jem ke goa dira kr dithoto tu g moag a p taamn. ba a Ubola ba ntlo- leka aelo kametlha, go gaisa p tnt le motht a gagoe, la bone btgogtdi ■0100,0 ka rema mttlhaku go a go agt mtnka kgooo difero, fa I ainogete ale barognni kt ba eele Makgooa ne dl u kike tu choletu boleleloa. 0 ka diriaa chupo t penrnU e t kcodiloeag, oo a (igoe kgooo m > kgotanenir, t Inlele Uhare bt gtgoe? (5 K1B1 bana ba bago- one re bonang a rogana ebilt a lat g*goe. Cape birotia ba 1 Dikgolokome tse di krnbito ^oU a di retnatg gora di kae, le ka o tla a go remans teng, le nako t o tit Je*u jaka Ebeneter Tomkinn long bap Jnn ba ne ba laela ke moag laag janong e Uare fa ba nta ba oUa Oa -a bone gore ba Mka ba tlhoafaltla dilo la. ba Ua reng? (a) ta di bui-' tsagal h. Williams di rekuic* Xto jt jtka kt u oa to bua mali dilo ta (temana £2). Dithoto tu bona oang ka ba rra le ha mma. (3) Ke matlong otlhe • ditlhan li i . .-VSK*1 k*°Tf.1 e k?CT,1!,i *“ "* J*1® « ^ rooaoi* ka go Magete (ompieni ke tit itii kt moudi ga a cone botahrlo ja bow, mme p gooneog bagolo ba ba bnang dilo te ba mawenkeleng, kgotsa a ka ra Into lefaele koa go Mokpthin ptlo a dipermiU cotlhe tn go rtros dikgoog te rata p taenra tlhobapng mo mttlnng odi ntahiteng. noopa. Boopa ke po to e e botlboko di kake tu bo boloki. Ke p u Ul koa.go Williams Medicine Co, U baitui bt p mrnt, I chana fela le kegrng pre ba tlhMfaltla botahrlo j t u ba rhaneltag. Ebile ekltt ke booe bo Jtckaoo. Xelaoo, Ie Htmilton Street. Cape Town, ka 3/3 W 5. Moocboeooigilengktn»UomoRe«e«»ogM Baochi, eo o ratang go nytlo gonne njtlo ft bone kanUha a go tlhoka mabon traa mekgnro ea gouelela kgaoo a gj ir* «ngoe ie wle, ew te di diritiuan? fitlhrlt batbo ba tone ba hotufetie. Janong fa re Uogela temana a rooa ba re rHoang p bala ka p bone malo­ kgono 17/- botlolo dile thatm Maanete. Ba bangoe ba hutufatee kt gonne t tlhatlhoba kgaolo te pedi tu thnto r ba ft. Cocvoe bo-rra le. bommt bt duele p j ptto lIt ILleltkta^ou a aekgjfo e ptk,w e tla reogang, 11 “ ol|!,llli,t ka di Ui L“*m“’ r«ngo«og 60 tenge Ul le ,oWlnako •ena ana; bangoe bt hutuftdicoe k tin boot molemo a eooe. Mop bntng dilo te. ft Io retelela ke gogtg- tatletu bana ba ntlo a loot mol to, °l *? * rema ka eon-. Oo ntaha lacKner eo go tla go bt bont bobe; ba btngoe bt bntufi ntlhi, tleng a borataro, re bona it ikaUW^ke Mokjrthw kt ai, ere ft t ka gana go e ntalia motho a bo a ka dioa kt p bo bana ba bone ele btcimane nca aga Jan a thnpang kt botla.. a benjmg tlhobogong mo p bt bt- Dikgaolonyana. na hoijakco ka go Mageattrata. fela, bt ban goo bt hntuftdia. bangoe phtrologtnyo ft gire p bt bane bt ngoe. (I) Na t kaba ke eooa coelo-pola ka ma dirang ka (ng* cboarelo Mor. ke pre ba rothotbotha btwlunytna tlhiloganya nnete t le ba btna bt r»te- Dincho.—Mahntuna ga t kt i l d,"!,lo, I*'1 - ngoe le ngoe e e ntahiotng ke Mokge- felt. Ba bangoe. bt le not ke bt lela kt p a tlhilopoyt. Otpe a re fa ke tanle abaka. Madume—Kaona. „ “ f**0 tae Kgoti a tuo t» Bancbo e lit di e beelang, a U > di itaiie rt a etela lefitiht t tie ka it-<« otlooling botlboko btitiai btgtecho. ke cbotnrtaeng p a elaUhoko thiti mo MOSES MASISL A Ua ka p le ra kanelt. Ml ** ba ba iboelang motho t bt tlhomaga kgoalong e ke pbarolopnyo t pbept e Brand>drifl, AprU it. Bit a kepe a ae tona-tona u nod nje ntekane ga akt t bt rnt. t diriung. Raft ntlhrng r f. - w k,:,,eo " Uhu4 (* » bvUo. a e ihuu^, batho ba ba 1J00 p Ubtgilt b,^°* lT ^ 1 k1f* 0 kt m,“UM ro 0 letlroieng go di Uh.tlhoba ; mme tabep bthnmtnegi; ktft p KOOSHI TJA MAAOESO. dill diatainyininttiBytu kt Madno a go boot ngoana a botthe ebile engoe, Co Ittllxga ba babumileng. Molukiahl "Tnala a Beeoana." cotlhi taa lefatahe. Ka Italia B« ^ .I'r ." '£ 1 ' ” kR00’ ptrm,u • dc e l,u* ««■ ' k> «">« botlboko baitiii ba p eeho. Uooate Cape kafa nUheng a ngoe. Oo tahep ba a thodila e nga di rakina ao n« wtohgetai ae buaetv ka ofisng e o e cboteng mo gn eone gore e ee go Kgoaii a aka,-Xtnmelala fa p nyi- • ngotne ke go taega nae mo mahong, ba charoaog ke tlala. kaft p rngoe. peng a t digela kt alooo Ml • FODfSA go loliaiot ke ent motthegtrt le p mo > fa nka taonyago tja mebltmu a faoo 00 latlbtga ba ba knnng. Kintlha B#. p thoa batho hall 11 P kM*^ moogie a kvooo per- kgaleoelt maitaiboa. Ke one morop o nS°e, Oo t«hrp bt bt leltng; kaft p faavng u geehn. Ka nyaka ka kudu P bilela ka tja bo madimabe a lefa- X Ka Potokiii ateno, ■ml'* *. ■m ,ie nrele motho o tele, kgooo go nun i kgoiy ta inoihale o tele kg n • no ltdiung ooi>adi m moopa fa a aa o -■nga Oo ItUbegi bt bt tjheging; kafa Uhita theUe ft gtrt p lekoko i»“* teKkgooogofru tedi bolelotng te lokal, h, ^ k<00ip n a , dlkK00K ibe. 0 rata gort ere bo mmt4iint ba to e nga gip», Oo tthep ba ba iloang. ta lag. 8ekkokknne Xgnagasg oa m i Kgitohi Mampum Sokoati o ill a a bolta i a robt M. Mote <* »• morago ga ntko e ltetetne kgnoo permit! e e ntahe-licoen.-. begt t tibege; ere ba tuea thnpa ba bt boginu, ktft p a nga, Oo latlhep tippi o kpkgocdicoe kt cfKtUa kgathiu le ent a kgoathiie. Se o u ha go bmaug aentle kaga hone. Mancoe bolta Kgotki Stkknkhue gomme a X Moopie le moogoe eo o oeecoeng larvnae kgono permiti o tit nna le DIZOOA. saria ap a ftgoa motaiag, a Pro- tenya tkata. Mo Emttnborg utloaog ttntle felt ke pre ft t 1 olthe a kaea a; pre. botlhe ha ba ntle etfako ae a u iltioti t ntlt ngoana le tne o nt a kt mo ■mogrlang (xnmmaniri ja pre botaha- toria. Bogotki ja p Stkhnkhant ja rake ka Monioa Kgoloko. Eril* p ta iboae tie dingoe di M <- aasfiaf^SBj:: lediu-ot ppe o na a ae nka a lo bo ntle p choltdiot ftla ka a -a tthilant tu mocoko. Wt rt » •“ chant It bt bangoe. leng mocotdi a jone hoeng baP tih(«o; Kgotki mme Kgoloko goa ba pht- pang too t iltp M b a falatja madi dincho. Tthenyo eooe kgolo; jaM bt bt Irking p bo boloka ka a cteng Arkanut ka pale a kgolo t tW*^ Modimo o rtilo moudi are; C Ut lefaaaeng la Boptdi. Kgotki 8tkhakl&» M aaro * e *baP* kgooi a ouba chu|» e t> ituniediaang g. rc o mocotdi a jonr ba tpaica kt TtUhego. dltoropo a bolali kgono d' nb»| >na bana ka ditlhabi . Ba bangoe Kgaolo rt bobedi rt Inborn jt la II. t aara a tjiaha doronkong Pr*- torit. Oo huulloeng p gagoe. irp tlhabi two di koi go feta ba romr, rco c Uhelelang a tlbaloa pbarolo- Ka Alabtma ptoe thaba u Qin( Cbaba aa Manoteng ube M a rogutjoe i o ahoeloeog o nUniui botlhoko kt ganjo r gttrlrcwng mop a ntlht, mme a phnnyegile molomo ka godiao dinpa tja tharo. E tkitn le oou Ma- iro u gaga He ditlhabi fela. gt romt. ■ba frit ka bophara gore r« amo- t udibabole le dikpbote bolatt a® ' Koatlba t«a gitgoe ptdi. A moopa tne gtlg thnto r tlhokrpng. KaaUka nga »b« p oaka a boaa goto p aropnya batho bakhni kotong tjt tharo kt p « upta a batho ba Mokoflekoa re ita gort o tana ft kte eonn. » jo niohumi, kafa p e ngoe p mokopi. p boltcoe mafoko.t tekepe ■ ditlhabi tbile p romp. fokoditba! Ot ka ngola .horiS ' " kala ea taolo ea bancho. Mohomi mo botahtlong jooo o nale di- ke bolela e r-- 1..,. 1. » nr. 1. kite U.- TIISA tboto mme o leka p ikgoediu ka eooe. doronkong ka kgoaki Mari p tha JDO mo ltaUeng je Ie k*« Kufi ntlbcng e ngoe. mokopi mo bo-/ Moaadi o lOnao^ » bep a aere atnlo a Kgo- It bolaileng Fam Kana p to ■ tthllong jono o nile boboUtnt, ranJ lonoagotpu) boftfo jug K ■ Kilt t Dm loko II.. to a brp ale Sekoloog Cape apoltlt gc g» a kake a kgotdiaiot ke dithoto. Colony. Gotha Kpthi Mari tthana kn Janong, pbaroloporo a bolelo ke eone letjttji Ie laog o tjtre leltpe ewe be- DIBET8A. 0-rawtt. mu, m di«w,k ta Ji na * , 4 ^ ^ BATHATI. ^_kgo!o. e re pptng moppolo. R.nn. .hip . a aqnakoog a Kgoloko IL EDWARD DOWER, Mokoaledi a Mafokv Kala a Taolo ta Baodr, • Banrjin T S A E A 0 0 M 0 6 0 L 0 O A G A

    llfth Apri', 1913. Jt ka IntUlo g in T«u e Tuo«...... li taela taa kgaolo 1, la

    Mmiiii, 1 m P1"0* MonoueluJo It

    — ----- ntabnk, hrf, „ ta„ ag gana di tokololo taa le kp.tla BANG0D1B&1 OA PUPEUMEIfll •lS & S !r ' ‘ks3K.vSu*w 7 Jooaa Jifu. 0 U A M Goconou IE S H M E ditlhobolo at ba M ipolao Jms btbasjoe jtks mskgoos a tbe natina woold alto bar* a great ia- t-ntikk* ks dibolao. Maloba lueaca oa tka M an U tta blade tt L ot Orui-S*inrt o Wtoe f> WANTED: (a) that Maaocpe thodd be called upoo Let’s Get Together. A HAFAT8UE OTLHE. tba Otago Fnt State, a* (bay. to a m for ditohtdience to tta ocders JJT boboc* ko* toropoag are * Vermicure. Dikgakguaaco.-Honna mongoe ku would likely ta ttan rraatually tta of Ut tuperiort; (b) Katdi should be « ba rtii** » ftpogeto mo wenke- Tta Executive Committee of th* Amerika Kentucky, on tee 1. m0gato* School Teacher. witdo* ef raiiiag cottaa aad hlliag tta ««p»Utd to allot tome land, to Moektsi Ssjoth African Native Congrtu mceti 0 *t *> K*» PW®k Srilt njna dile H ao Uung . 1, np» fwJ, land ia whlck tbey lire, which it known la terau of diuse * of thi Laws sad Be- tt Johtanetburg on May 8 next. To laaa ba It Bsiu l ka Jeoa k* *L«iili • •*»(*« * rt o mo ehapeteo iFANTBD.-NaUn T«dw for tbe bua butane mo nyigtng two. for ita fertility. gulstiooi of Buutolaad: tad (o) Lotbo- miiutdfntindisg it necee- MDoko sh gslsag. kVdiriiio* •» 1)0 «‘,1>ua)r» » mhe- Thote deeply iatcraatad ia tbe par- boro ihould be coapeUed to obtervt the add that thit Congrett hat th* U W®P*B » b» » tbot k* ioae Bolekt PtrU.-O gak^tie It mo Kim- cbua of Portujue** Wtat Africa by boaadary at Tiaidi-Ttuidi. Ckltft *Lj j* Mmtdi, motlhsng o u t»| wholi ol th* Caion, Indodlag th* Pro- Diboko tn dl bi tlhokolstoa thato, di bwley gatoe maloba mbitdi mongoe oa Americani pradiet that tba ceatact of thoald alto proceed to Tiuidl-Ttuldl and tcctoratM uadtr it* iwty. Tht only k«xel'ta* kgolo (• booe mmt (utoi tlhobolo, ere fa morekiti art le kgoa ^ nt End o bony* moltto o. tbe aaUrea with wbitea aad Negrota B tte j a t eltct a tettlimtnt ia tht mirandarttsad- iris outpld* it* fold it tht drdt com­ ogoana o toeno* ke mefoto eotlh* m • Jaka o hula to a lobiw pw annum. Only fully from America wiU bring many radical monly known u th* Eutorn Pro- competent Teachen need apply. ingt between Leshoboro tnd bit younger malootoe a tbrl.grlang. „ -M koa go tne! Lord Gladstone.—0 ni » hula Modiro change* ia Africa wher» thouuada of brethert. Tahipinare and Sebolti. ». Cap* Colony. Oa th* fsc* of it um Wookley.-Motoadia Monero o mogolo koa Kapa kagt tiro aa Bu REV. H. WILLIAMS, blacka now go ebout ia aa uncivilised thaba' Botiu Dittriet: Tht dispute* seemt itringv. u tho Cap* Ptnia- I.on(ono (eo o tumileog ka Krcwte mo bathong. Eril, . bn. ka atate. Mada from tta introduction of between aieft Api tad Seiso ihould b« htt tlso been ifflllated- Th* Eist- S«oana I* Dikopelo tta te bokhuchoanyine jo bogolo. ire. ft ele farming on a large ecale. the mode of attended to at once, md tn early Mt- Province hat growa too big for btr weing) o dihila mad''hi-dlhi a ba a liriag of tta Africaa would ba gmUy iksajp^iDg mo boloeueag, jo be boitota- bancho ba bednmedi. baiiame ga ba tlemeat ia the matter between thi toot booto, and iaiteed of goiag to thi shoe- -ing jo. jlfi.nr.. 0 thapU* MoUoUegi W. choane leba tadumtlang. Are mo o to changed. The aatlvea ao* pay little of Ntpo it atceeury. Aad it for makir for a atw pair of the proper Schreiner, K.C. (mntltdi oaga Dini- bony* mo mifelong otlne a o oa taa ettentioo to dothia*. bet it u the t» tlocheka's cate, tbe Council did not she weat to tbe fruit ihop for t VIRHICORX gi * hr « kt t ji) U Adwok*t* D* Vil'itr* gor* ba South Africa, t kaea fa aie Uef of maay that within a de«ad* the set Its wiy to tender tay advice, u tht , tad donnybruok wti the rtiult. ttkldoe ke go fodi-s, bis* * diriaLs so Jill k{0!° mo kgotla a nne agante. majority of blacka woold adopt the complaiaaat did aot appear; ttill. it U public informition wi would add mafeloog oUh* mo IMutb Afrik* kt Ua kea Co habita of Europeaat aad Americans re­ h bo Ba-M*lso (Incorporated _oge mongoe racocamtoded that aay aattsr likdy to thi following Preu organ* ire tht 'lumilc bs" , Society) oa roma Adr. Uplngton go . .-iling lit»l pi re a IV lative to waariaf dethaa diatarb tha petce of tbt country b* tcrredittd monthpiec* of our Coagrtai: VERU1CDR1 * rtkhi* ta ditori ■o kgoralatu. Ditatalala Ua ths- Hoyt utale aagtgoo. {ore pilti. tu It U taid that tta Portageae Gev- dtalt with immediately. " llaaga Its* Natal* of tha Gird in to* di nang at'bola ka gore ga bone m A pa le mogitM le baua boo barathiw on the “ Black Peril.” Chltf Mojela thanked Chiif Mtimt : "Tull ea Becoana," printed tad gcpi kgono kgortlKO mo melaong et bane ba pilame moto-kara. Erilt ka (Chairman) and tha members of the ished on the Diamond Firldi for isa-Dntcb te te ittang moaadi go di twla di nt di le boreledi moto-kara Committee for their work during the Bechutntt, and tho A.P.O., pub- tnnto. Moroadla Moner* Wookty menoga ka bone ngoana oa Basnlo National Conncil a. Thia wts tgrted to. with d it Cipetown. tht mothtr dty of Tha Vormleor* ProprloUrj, m»j kt Atoni. moeimano o otloiloe botlkoko thaU mme h Africa. At loog it tht Eut- 7 Plain Street, Capa Town. joloi.—Koa Uaaora ka weko cno no botola thate jaanang Ba bangoe ga Province remiina al wtr with btr- Dtmine e tona ta kgoteo. More- THE H0C8E-B0Y EVIL. (By Sol. T. Plaatje. Editor of "Ttala telf It ti tound policy (or tht Congrees ika ba utloa botlhoko thata mme baa In tho Houie of Atttmbly tbit afttr- ee Beeoaaa.*) 01 Bojholbo (ngoana kgoro) o choengoa ke uiatuiil. irganlse, but limit ita operations rgiloo gtloe o bolailt moaadi oa mo- noon Mr. II. Menu (Zoutoptaberg) Ril Herbert Slolay (the Prttsdrat) ide of tho infected tone. When, »■ in mera ka ono. 0 italola a Morei “iked tht Minister of Natire ASain doted thtloagMt aewon of tht Baiuto In doting the Council. Sir Herbtrt ;ver, the " llumba" and the “ Ng- tanfmyega ar# moaadi o bolailoe (I) Whether hit attention bad beta Council at aooa twlay It opened on Sloity taid Tht Buuto nation ehould iquetelt" retlis* tbit tht native in- toonnmoe ka moonaoe a etka bogon aiewn to the proceeding! tod ratolu- March te. and thu luted about Iva be grateful to Councillor for tha inUl- it is ibove sectionil quibble*, stop Tirtgalo eo a diragala monnaoe tico ptued at a pabllc meeting held in iiskt. Importoat recoameadatioaa ligent manner in -bleb they have dl- fighting tmong themselves, tnd cetse Durban on Wedcetdajr laat oo tbt have been adopted daring tht tMOOO. cussed tht iltoirs of the country daring pose ono laothere dirty linen, we , tbila o ihult jaanong are mo- " Black Ptril.” o bolailoe koe loa cotlo ka a tome of the«a (tad U tht supply of the preeant setaioo As you have el- be gritifitd tnd publish the news IS) Whether he »n alto Kare that bolaile motbo. Nyeoo eo ea n Kapa. Ugh. wiaat to naUvi miners on th* Wit- pretetd yoar gntitude to thi commit- satisfaction. Let them hoddle _ itkoa ke MoUotlegi Sir Herbert 't I tut *0,000 malt natirH wtra am- watenraad) electing tha Union of those mealiei in I'lored «a the Witvaterarand, betnea er Burtc oliy, K.C., M.O., Uolaodi oa Bodiotbo Ur Stent— Monilagaaji oa South Africa. Hit Excellency th* High Chief Mikgtola (mo bonnong ]ao ga J. igeradorp and Boksbarg. ai cooka. U informed that tha It is n Pretoria Ne»i." o aekita lekgon len- ■ urtea, house bora, tnd coachmen, and pii Letiie ka a loala) mmogo 1. mi- prooeediap to the High Comon led Ihe ui oe ja koa Choant. gatoe Councillor (1) Whether he wu prepared to make Il is I oiDgoe bo Joilane Mopedi. Lefa whiel can only tend to itioaliU th* aad I am sur* he will be interest . Leggett, mongoe oa ditokololo tu bo rra .. atatement oo such a serioui ttoto of ibtoli eketa o Ua di gtma i u d| natin miners’ craving for ttroeg drink, yoa will have Uu Excellency's dip'omtcy of uying the right tl ditiro. Mr. Stent are o batla tlOO. di- tCiirt. indicating what atipa tht Go- before the next mt*tmg of ths the prop*r time ind plice. plus Ihe tic ipela. taenyegelo, mo tog.kanooi! e o I dirlltng ano tura thrifty laboerert Into patrons 'nrDurnt intended taking is tbt mtt- of tht illicit liquor trsdt, the e


    (Metlobo ea Komponi ea ga Mokebisa.) 1 Retumtle ka dikatlele le dlphate tia Babereki Botlhe ba ba Batlang Tiro mo Dikepong Tseo, ba Laeloa maanete." go Botsa Agente oa Cone: Mr. L S. GLOVER, Lobatsi.

    Babaneoe ba ka ea fela koa Dlhekeng tsa Dikomponl mo Kimberiey le Beaconsfleld Maina a Metlhatlhelo le bo Menenchere Botlhe ke a:

    BULTFONTEIN: Miae Compound Rock Shaft Compound j J. N icholson'. Surface Compxind Stable Compound Floor Compound | C. E Hopuv. KIMBERLEY: Mine Compound DUTOITSPAN: Mine Compound . No. 2. Compound | C. E. Bokfkv. Surface Compound Floor Compound Floor Compound | J. Swanson. WESSELTON: Mino Compound WORKSHOPS: Compound Tidd Pratt. Surface Compound i Floor Oompound CENrRAL POWER No. 1160. STATION: | E Callow. KatleleeNcbo ea Fora e e kgabisicoeng tbata ka kgotlho, mo ditlhojroog maaekeng le mephakalrgo Tekanro ca eone: 4ft (tin * oft. 8».. mioogo « matnae oa apring, 1« ot lubot le meaamo e mebedi ea diphafa. R i°lec e aentle eaba ea pakoa k« nile ea ea go [*goa mo ateiaheneng a Oipetown, £4 6a. Mv'l a Ue le T SE BRITISH 0 SBISTIA1T TOIOH Banna! Banna, Bonang Fa!! koalo lo lo bitaasg katlcle Re amogrtje makgolo a dikoalo taa Bancho ba be itumcdiaicoeog ke thoto taa rooa M-lISilLtLO: (Wenkele eo montle eo mo Koalelasg;— Hnko t i Fort Stmt It I L Go bitu le *0 kopanya Intbo bitlhe ba b» eletaang go choletaa, m« loda, ma Hukang go leba Poet Offloe) Afrika le Bancho bi banuoe go ba nati choanelo tae di lekanang. Street. " li. Oo guela rari go ea go tholola madi • ban kt root gore ba tli ta gapdoe Fa U ea go N T ALA kgotaa U ea 8ELALEL0NG. bloemfonteii H^^Q^WeUsBikertwUi ta Amerika got* ta leke go tbuu go romela ta Amerika ta ta nooofileng mo mooeng le no diurong go ta btuetat ko» g» booe The Direct Supply Stores, 0 thuia tu malhini le t U Re ka go shomola ka paka go coa km Monoto go ea koa Phogong. 0 rtkin bo mu'-ini t* biiUk! kt* fr^Go relabaretMM KtlboDbiloenj ditiro m di ta lebanjeog >»tlbe mo Puaho ea Diloojraaa dile di otci di ka fc* Enmlane e taaroaeang teng le go leki gore puaho lc taolo ta bokariga e Uoge, go taeoe Lefa U sa batle Paka eotlhe U ka reka BAKI, BORUKHOE, 1IEMPE, pujho ee lorato le go din mmogo W. N. COOPER, a DITLHAKO, a HUTSHB, KOLOBO, kgooe eng sa Banna, fela se U ae batlang U tla ae fitlbela. A batbo botlhe ta ta dumalanang le maikaelelo a matlhano a ta gagole leape- M0BBKI8I OA DITLHABi,

    a— puimJoseph bodtb, (WEST END, KIMBERLEY. P. GOLDSTEDI Hon. Secretary, British ChruUan Union, Re rekisa Thoto taa Banna fela ga goaa ta» Basadi le Bana. 42, Pr»t*ich Street, Capetown. (Lt koa MAFIKENQ le ZEERU8T koa MADIKOE. Mosegi oa Oil NTSE LE BECOANA ka baka ae bo telele thata, ebile 0 setae a SENKI&E o mo Lewenkeleng, a ka go segala fela jaka U rata Ka pclo eotlhe ke dumalana le maikaelelo a matlhano a British Chriitian Union, lemogile thata go ba baakanyetaa ditlhare. A ko leke methuaho Koa THABA ’NCHlJ ebile ke eletaa go a» tokololo ea eone. Tlang lo itlhophele Ica loai mo ga ea bone e e ntaang. COOPER’S GREEN PILL (Pile t Itaeng go tlhacoa mala) letlojana, Leins...... Dioyaga...... Taler*. Dilo tae di tlhophiloenf, d PECTORAL BAL8AM (Molemo 0 1 Olgotlhola), 1/6 le 2/1 botlolo. ea maanete kv 1 Adreae...... WALTER H. ADAMS INFLUBNZA MIXTURE (Molemo 0 1 Mmole), 2/-'ka botlolo. Tlhoatlhoa tae di ie^ 1 BLOOD MIXTURE (Molemo oa go tlhacoa Madi) o o tumlleng thata Siege Buildings (Opposite Post Office), thata oa go COOPER, Botlolo o ilmolola ka ih a eo go !•/*..... Mo lek eka botoetie bongoe leboitgoe jo bo go choenyang I ka gu Tlang le itebatebdafl Motlha...... 191 De Beers Road, Kimberley. tltakaayetu methuiho o o aiameng thata mo.lowtBkaling ji gagoe KATLHOATLHOA T8E Dl OKOOOLOOOENQ John Henderson, MELBMO EA GAGOE E THUSA THATA. Dikgomo \ B. ba agileng kgakala ere ba mo koalela ka pos^ ba romele Melora ea Yunione madi ba beele botlolo ngoe le ngoo 8eki«ipenae ea pose fa Dihutshane Selaga Sa 6a Bamosesanyane. godimo. Ebile re ha le Kala koa Hemming Street, (UNION SOAP). BELGRAVIA. E SHONE SELAGA se se baakanyang Dinama ka kitlo thloko K 0 reka Dikgomo le dilo di tmmM^ng. SELAQA ntlha-ntlha mo JAANONG DISEI’K ga di tlbole di con Kngelanr Ma. >li iroa le mono Teemaneng W. N. COOPER, MOLORA o o tlbacoang thata. G{JAfI l-E KEKBKE EA MABGQOA. MOLORA o o aa njerolngeng. THABA ’NCHO. MOLORA o o gaia&ng dicbulo tae gale di reki>>

    THE " M A " REMEDIES. Live Stoek AoctM Fa u taena mo Uweokel eng u taile go reka Molota fela bitaa Unior Soap e t BUY THEIR BLOEMFONTEII diroaog mono Kimberley Thimog Irttiro t™ mono rw fjore chelete taa loni di We | PIANOS. OROANS, CORNETS cad in ta bancbo " A CUB A " PILLULES.—For Congha and Cold*. They relieve VIOLINS, AUTOHARPS, that soreness of the throat and chest that accompxnics coughs and Dipereko le Masbini Isa Rona di koa West End. colds in a few hours, and will oompletely cure in a tew day*. In­ AND OTHEB valuable to public speakers and sugcn Sold at 2/6 par bottle, or R Muller's MU810AL INSTHDMBNTS, three bottles for 6/6, Poet Free in the Union FROM " ACUBA” PELLETS.—For Rheumatism and Gout Sold at 2/6 per box, or three boxes for 6/6, Post Free in the Union. R. MULLER, MOSEGI Union Soap Co., Ltd., “ ACUBA” PILLS.—Cure Indigestion, Constipation, Sick Head­ 7? Qtr^nd Street, Caps Towa ache, Heartburn, aad all the disorders of the stomach oy an St ) IiweiMf 1 inactive liver Sold at 2/6 per box, or 6/6 for three U>xes, Poet 7 Stockdale Street, Kimberley. Fa Hnkong ea FW j P'ree in the Union I K LEIN , HOAG le BOPER 81 Gaufi le Steuton e. Praotloal Tailor «^ai>% : To be had direct from th* Sole Propi ittori, 14, NEW MAIN 8T 27 & 29 OLD MAIN STREET, KIMBERLEY, GoltiWaftaleRerekee ■

    If Coy. ( S i,) , MOSIGI oa Maanete, PAKA Ua gagoe di simolola ka S,2 10/., SIMON PRADES, Di fela ka £6 5/-. 71 Burg Street, Bn 1,(71, Eoantle ga tae di segiloeng, ebile o nale methale e mentalntl MOREKISI LB MOANANYI, Ditlhako, Mahutaho, Bo Hompe, Dituku le Dikommereae tea meahoroto Eotlhc-lolo. 3 6 Zulu S t r e e t , BLOEMFONTEIN, CAPE TOWN.

    FaTTBaUa Dikatlele, Ditaiole le Diuilo, Lhpitsa Liikj liia Ntlo eotlhe tae di siameng ka tlhoatlhoa e potlana tae di Ncha le tae di tala Diaparo, Dikobo, Ditlhako lo Dishuse, Dikomcrese lc Sose tsa methale eotlhe. Mmogo le dikoforto taa Amerika re di dara mooa (Kgetsana eu Stobie e e beoang mo nkonj.)

    Dijo, Dijana, Ditce lu Duihukerc lo dilo toe dingoo ten Matlo. Ebe ere fa u rata re di dele re di ico Steisheueng lefa ebile u rata ro di romela kae. Ga go Moepi ope oa Metlobo o ka dirang ka itekanelo a sena n Kt S.u,n. w - M alay , 1. 1. T . „ j ™ 10 LOU HI 01 IB* „ COtlLc Kaa 1k> cliipi. * Bogolo mo Metlobong ea koa Gauteng. $oL«l»Ieng!l Mang le mang oo.»tlang go itekeit o lla Inx^a a uumetao JOSEPH STOLLER, 21 Giddy Street, Go Lebagana le Kantoro. LOROLE lo lo iroang ke Boro mo diamaeneng lo gololelqa |ra (li ke Babereki. Lo ba phunya ndtgoatgoa lo ee go ikgata mo Malp w « r r s hung a babereki, ba ahoev - Ba ba taamaeang ka Bonako ba ta' taho laUbapgkBlOOMab^ « WENKELE JE LE CHIP] GO FETA eare bo fitlha koa gae lo.ba bolaise 8T0 BIE RKIPIRATOR c kganela lorole loo gore poreko ea'metlol MAWENKELE A BLOEMFONTEIN, LOUIS WENTZEL, nne bokgoabo fela jaka eadipolaie. O yolo Daalm*, STOBIE RI8PIRAT0R • kganela lorole loo le mo»i ebile ke eot K 1e le fo Hukung go lebagana le borogo joa Terena. 68 De Beers Road, KIMBERLEY. aiameng go gaiia tae dingoe lefa ele chipl t8 Zulu Street, Mo Mangaung. REKANG STOBIE RB8PIRAT0R fela eleng tae dingoe. * 0 REKISA DIBAESBKELK 1» » U , nUh. k Uhicoaaa tn eooe tae motho o km. di batlahp JT . Oo boleleloa ga go ohoane le go Iponela ka inatlho Bae^ele taa gagoe di REKEGA THa TA. 0 fa borogong gaa (i fe S tcwhenc. TLANG KA LOSI, MO GA EPSTEIN. DI REKISIOA HO METLOBONG KA Z] MO LEKENQ. ' SHELENG. 3 Registered at the General Fort Office u > Newspaper.

    I. H. GUIHBERT H o , GO BOTLHE BA BA EANG GO NYALA. LIMIT HD, RE NALE THOTO E NTSI EA DILO TSA KEMO. M akgabo eaBaaadl, Olooalo taa koa Teng, Boloaire, Le Dlkranae, Dlshushe, KoTorto t«a tahlpi, Paka tta MajenUelemane Hutshe t u The Great Sooth Afriean Boot Merehants. Selika taa Maledl jalo jalo.

    Ba ka go naea Tlhako tae di siameng ka Tlhoatlhoa tse di okocolocoeng.

    TUiako te Rtbenki go ritrol h kt ^ L o n g Glotb Tibko te Buna te Mtkgabo go aimolols ka te Miledi It dub use go liroolola Iu... TOako tu Baaimarie le Baaetaana ta SeknV Ic T.biH ka Tlliatlh-u Nightdresses

    lyi mo teUle ka Hi leisi In in*»l>ei.t» tae Tlang lo Itebatebele ka Losi He l i t lo t lamed in kgabisicoeng, le Na 01 li MOSESE OA KOA TKNO OA NAINSOOK, difale MASHINI OA AM BY. Eo sekhuitjmelo sentle ka le lent* Ka 5/6 (ela tae pedi le kante e e kgahisieoeng le ditaka (a godima karantie ca nyaga dile tlliauo £2 IS/-. Go nale tne dingoe 11.1. Cuthbert & Co., Ltd., Fela ka 4/11. (Jo nale tae dingoe gape ka 00 NALE BOMASHINI BA BANOOE KA gap. ka 2/6, 2/11, £3 7s. 6d le £3 17a 6d. 2,6. 1/M, 3/6 le 3/11 87 Dntoitspan Road, Kimberley. 3/6 l« 3/11. DIHEM PE TSA NAINSOOK, manikoe a balmmagad! Ga gona ope f^ceo ABERDEIN & BUTT, le deleife ka 1/6.1/9. 2/-, 2/6 le 1/11. fela eo on whang Ditempe taa Bareki mo Manganng.

    Koala re tla go romela Koalo loa Ditlhoatlhoa lo lo nang le dlchoancho. Ee Ntaha Di Trading Stampa CONNING & Co., ABERDEIN & BUTT, Maitland Street, Bloemfontein. WEIKELE je le eteletseng & c u g o e pele ka Ditira. :j 1 . A. Oliver & Oo. R. MULLER, DUO, DINO, DIAPARO THOTO TSA MATLO le TSHIPI tn CAPETOWN Balemi. Oa gona Wenkele ope o THOTO e kana ka J. Phatlho e ntaiotai ea PIANOS, ea rona mono THABANCHO. MOTSEI OA B\SHOI APARO Tea MOTLUNG ORGANS. le METLI OA MATLOLE A Komertae, Dilaakane, Khai e Choeo, Klanelete, Diale, Dikobo, Tboto te Iota Be di reka b Koelioe. Ke reka k» UWlh™ e e rnlilm*, Dikaoahu, meCoaloIt Mekgabo,4c,4c, MM1D1, KOBONO, MABELE, MOBOKO, KAFA FUKO, jalo, jalo. Klalc R« A BASHOI. t b He* rekte, Be anaaja ka Dihntabaoe, DikpxDo, Dipitae le Diearlt PAKA le DITLHAKO Bl'Y TBEtK PIANOS, ORGANS r« Magente a DIKOLOl, DIKOCHEKARA le Dit-loaia te di imxKlen« Tia Banna le Baiimaoc CORNETS, VIOLINS. ■nuea. Boa le mokooa oa Diaeake, Ditlhomobn le thoto tai pi aga S i 1T-SI -?I IW r, hntlhe hnjpilo ba AOTOHARPS, AND OTHER MUSICAL INSIRDBSNfS Ja ea Dilihipi e e mitloa le Dipale. I Blofinfonlein, (i a hudugile koa Si »»nr Street, jaaoc l( ale mo )!aumann BB KOALBLB, BB ITHBLB MOGALA, GONO CAPETOWN MEOOALO R. MULLER, U ITHBB, OA NKB D IKOATLHAA. » Bahumagadi, leBanyar.t la otaha kata k^on.i di|>it«e koa ot'e gt ara. Ka motho t Mile Krw mo go toe four diatrirt Applratii ni ahould he made nth fo'l particular*, aod ititio,! rtlrreaca. tlkl f 'an* If bitlran l(M nllr ga trio) go Koatumo las Vltaw lo Dihaki, Diblouai, Bnetroko, Kh»i taa « WoAlhnkQ kitono Kafli fontaln. Ditahra, Maaka teng jalo jalo. Tie do liamctKo^ co Ooaloa ka HON. M. CAMPBELL’S PRIZES. MARIQA le SELEMO. u K i rpHE Hon. Marnhall Cam pi ill, ot Mount Edgpc >mbe, Natal, has cflered BAUMANN SQUARE, Ke Koalele rt tla lo romela Kauhiko ea Ditlhoatlhoa. Prizes valued at £25 I >r best eesays on the Hi'ton if the Raanto Nation. BLOBMFONTBIN, Thata ’Ncho, O.F.S. t 1st Essay ...... £15 0 0 2nd ...... 7 0 0 O L IV E R & Co., “'“"ImX"'" 3rd ., . 3 0 0 Essays i ist not be ot more than 2.500 words, and are to be sen

    Hoc M. CAMPBELL, Mount Edgecombe, Natal BATLANfi! BATLANG!! BATLANG11! E. T. C06LE, A(t;r July 10th n> Es-ay w.H be accepts! A'l Basatc who are natives of Sonth Afr ca are nligible to compete, hat no European. III, Jones Sireel, DITLHAKO! DITLHAKO!! DITLHAKO!!! @ Tilt Wedding Rioga r«41 ?et Imitation ran. oci Ring* MoMokgoathengo&Ko. 111. KITSISHO E TLOPEGILENG MO Boiled Gold ■ ■ ito Diamonda. 1 Htait set Gold - s/a, ae, Boiled Gold - - 5 SHratla - • - Selaga sa Naina tse di 10*. IB/-. Bet Gold • - - 8 3 UtarU ZITTEL & CO. Mahura. Se gone o putololang Dlkhal tsa gagoe tea methale taa Central Shoe Coy., Write for oar Illustrated Catalogue. Sent Post Free. / MARIQA Ka Tlhoatlhoa e Dcotlase. 20c LOWER JONES STREET, Ka Tlhoatlhoa Tse diocha, tae di pepa, le tae di boikanya K a fa tlase g a Tleloko. Tie di Okocoloe eog. I. Mendelsohn & Co, BONCHO JA PANAMA JOBO TAH KA, 1/- iaraU TSB DI MBLOGO B INTSKNO JAKA LEUTO JA 0 EBBING, tae di Pnhh, DITLHAKO ISA BONA ISA BiNNA Booeho jt bo TaU, le t« di B>tala joa K.jiag ka, l/« jarata. Jewellers and Watoh Manufacturer*, DIKHAI TSE DI LETLALO JE LS BOKEfHE taa i Il.taU ja bo Lde t*e di di tla itamediea pelo ea gag oj...... \ * * •/*• mala ta Pikoko, le te di Tala Ida, I < jaiata, ‘ DITLHAKO TSA BONA TSA BANNA 72 Burg Street, C A PE TOW N. F, J. MYBURGH, TSE DI MELOGO EA KHAI TSA 8EXSA BOTLAKANOOKE BA BA ME di mame,diehi{iaM^ thata ...... * * “ /*■ BALA, Taerii BotaU joa BoUum W )>bo peca, te di Botala joa bojug, te di Box 84S. ______Puduehoana tiedi Botala la bol*le te di Pndods, 1/6 jinta DtriHiKO TSA RONA ISA BANNA Mosegi oa. Diaparo LEreADI 8BLEKATSE B63HOEUJO BO TLAKaaYESG LE BOSCHO, taa diaminiduni tsa meUobo le taa go taaroaea ... ka 12/6. No connection with any other firm. LE SKiIfOB EO BOKCHO BOTALA JOA DI BAKL BO ELENG BO BOOA MATLHO A BASADI etiaphaUiiDahaabcoa difenaUre taa rona 41, Old Main Street. FELA KA 1/9 janta. di tletae ditlhako tae di ntle. LE 8EREGE GAPE EO BOKETE EO M ALA 0 BOSCHO JO BOGOLO THATA lone; Betorned if not satisfied. Write nor. Oanfl i« oflal ea Dlpue, KA iViaiata. LE BO KASHEMERE BA BRADFORD ba ba Bokna U U Bo'da ba bi Tila ka

    Itomeleng! Itumeleng!! Itumeleng!!! KIMBERLEY. LE BO ?LESE BA DISANG DI UOLAD3E an polelo e* pmteha. tlhogo e ne ele go akanya UeU p rragoe cap Bishop Jlerriou*. 00a loraii P. K. Montiyane oa tlhano di belege mabooa ka bo-mmtte- j otla baruti le bareri (Assef*' eebedi, tcrnro, di foloaa dithaba dl foko t p kopangoa b dikolcai ta b EDWARD DOWEB. Beaoon&field. ment Scheme). Ba St tlbomague di bo ita ko maweekebng. Afrika a tkangoa thata kot BasW itumela go amogela baemedi bogolo 0 doeb pltae ponto go iu bobooa ko Se ae leoiotthepng thata ke ton K, Tlhsngoe aa Tiro Us Biochi LEIDI je le romelang maina a moruti oa bone oa pele. Rev. VV., W. Saner eo o emeteeng Alinl Sa Mochochoko eo iaanong o koa Make­ ditorong b go. boela ko dithabrtg. di Masha go feta maina a a isctaa maromane le matlhape leeoai. no Ptrlementeng ea Sontk Alrfb KtU ea Tiro txt Bu leketla. A bolela itnmelo ea gagoe dinkn di mathauaanta, o di kgo- ikanyega p tlola baemedi U Uim romecoeng ke ba bangoe ka go kopana le tsala tsa g»goe Ua N ctaa mabtai a mane a ma tlhano a koa Kapa. Bare erile ka maf«na Pretoria. gale le go di bolelela matshelo a koa .Ik. - > ba kgaogutaeng b Kol«i palo. tb go di beolda eotlhe fa peb p b- o coang- A rera thero e e tsikin- i ene le bo Mr. Sul 8 * 5 OHOLOSIE TL4 TSEOA KB MUG. yang meoa ka Petorose S. 18-^olang ■rcokele. Nko 'ea Frei State e nsdeb bobooa mo dipolaseng teng. tee dingoe le kafa ntlkeng ea Bothotho, (, - choarong le mo kicong ea Morena simolop Poaho ta Impcrisl e n , 5a MS. Mopllo 0,1811 TAHTA-KGOEOI e e tla Iiemp rona le ‘moloki Jesu Kresete. di ntse di hnlt; boboa botb p teeoa Basbotho ba biiftng p * |M. y k, dikoloi. Ea BonhoUo eone e bo T*o e T«» 0>mnns Oesnb o- Kg"tb o kgsUbegik kafa mafokung a ka June 30,1912. Mm* a A choantsha go gola ea tumelo le go altt a emctse Mahlnbi a llcr^y gola ga ngoanyana le ga setlhare. god isctaa ko dithabeng ko p sa eng di- Temut I*e» Mibo Na 601 1907 lOrang* FrriS-tata) go do-odda ditedo Uf Jaanoog n romele maina lea ':oloi e be e bo iterets* mo setorong. dl Utck'g, us di aubicorag ke Bonxo n B»- Are fa ngoana a sa gole batsadi ba io tlkokoaet** thita. tlabatlaba ka ene ba bone gore o i tie go beobloa ft kpron^di ta je Bathotko bare kopano r> dikil^j kong ( Tamo* <* leeboaa (-) et Moloe oa. f botlhoko, le go mmatlela dipheko. epe go teamaea di boeb ko dithabeng. Sontk Afrika * simologile nuika Editor “ Tsala ea Becoana,’ Jnnngo a kpopnyo ca baahoen b ba- 1. Barui b>tlbe bniikolobe bseVnortee <-> di dhstlbrls mi sakcns be di E Fa tlhare se sa gole mungoa shone ere Makgooa ab luna-ksn .cho ke gore motho eo mucho o choerc caalefe teode ra > btaueg k*ono kagdelo etele, k?>oo ere fa di en go hob di B ei 148, Kim berlej. o se keleka a ba a bone gore se jeoa motho eo ble are ‘ Kgaog bothata mo lefatibing le nkn ca motho « b "* ke seboko, mme le batho ba ba sa lotobnd lo kgabctleb Bechuuiuf, goleng mo choarong ba nale seboko moneho e choerc bothata fob jalo. dirot tlbogo ta Mmosho. E*, ft Kolobe dingoe t»« di k* lldbdoaag di hob do nageng kgotaa mo gare ga se ba itsa go gola. Ba tsena dike- e teng ke thone te Sir Philip ngoe ca Bloemfontein e u rat prtCt motae mong * 0 0 going batho, ebib di cbieaya k» go tb lsUab on gi cooe, ft Tsala ea Becoana. reke ka Uhipi fela le ka meletlo, ba VVodchouae o kile a re ka 180 a re; eral Botha a ctcle Bonhotbo ■ rtak di nale awdmna left dine at nac di eootoctne go boboa ks taelo ca kgod kgooo nnaba boela koa morago go tsamea Kafa Moleloane oa Frei State o pitla- scntle le Basbotho bt Iko. ■» b kgooa* et root* oa. le mojako oa ntlo ea Kereke ba sa mtwng Btshotho kt gone etbre la noag Buhotho ba latola ool(«l t itab p itshedisa ka bogodo ba X Dikol.be di tb Ictldoe go hob feb mo ditsbeog tw di beeeoeng thoko ke tlhole ba itse ko o teng. 8eboko se kga to CO «a ckolofeco ra dig ; senyang motho ke boleo. A r ' o ba sa iphctlhe. bar* a a timoWe ka Btncho _ k#M kgooo m tplo oa moue kpao m>Uana 0 bt kolobe Ueo bt nnang mo MOT8HEOANOSO II, 1911 Go pota ’Malebuinytne ka koa p noot. Ft di kt lllheiot di hob di cboayt go tele di be di ki tolsos ke kgoei Bje a ikeleke metsamao a its* tlaaa gapgo* a ba choare sntlt, C mmele oa gagoe ele Tempele nab lenppe je le teble je b tctanyane itse p atma a lopa pre go ’ kgooo kgouoi es moue kgno motetna oa Moea o o Boitshepho a kganele sebo­ gn toe ifodimo-Xthoae. Kafa molemeng ba aantae bale ka koa ntl. i. Ft godimo g» pobo w e» eooe, mmipe eo 0 tlobng ditedo Ue 0 tb on* R* itumclela ditsala ua rona di ko seo go tsena mo go eone. Are: U s *m ca feb ko marung, kafa p kgolo Lebie le ene o nn ■ b t ) dad) tefiibo e e tt feteng Pooto dile Pedi, ae ft 1 teat audi t go darlo re thuritaeng thata mme g» M Ga ke atlhole ope te bua le eo o je b tona dilomo di ea koa tbae-Uaac Gladstone a rialo. A e te rtlanl tefiabo eo * bo t km Ueagat mo teroakaag kttine t tbtU kgooo kot alle ga bale ba ba aetlhogo b» ba rebaanp ikutloang go lapa le imelesego, a gn mala a lefatabe, motho a teamaea shotho ba Ua taena Kopano ba b»J dikoranta ba reka roccoko ka madi, itebatebe gore a gole jaka ba ban mo wphaphatinyaneng te te teuang sbotho ba ba fa moscjt gn Urgolsnl rona koanore golegoake Makgooa. troe." A ba a gopotsa ma Bloem­ maretolop. Leina ja teng ke gobo, choeroe nentlc. Ke one umkiiUttl Bonya jo ga bo mo magenteng lela, fontein sebe se se jang tumelo ea lefa ele mang care tteb e Uhap fong shotho ktp kopano ra Sooth Afrib le babadi Dale banUi ba ba amoge- Waaihuku se kgoreleUa thuto feb a ba are Modimo o mb thoae. Ko a bolelecoeng Lord Gbdttone kt bl lang koranta ka pose ba re cboenya Sehonghong p nab ttebnyana ngoe la Bobedi. Kgoai e kplo en Hoshttb Ho.ua. Mopitlo Ji, 191*, fela jalo. Qa rc itae gore maikae- telele e tsbeunyana feb jtlo, mme T ne e boitehep p tlola ka gobo eone lelo a W e ke gore koranta t«e ba Koa Boshotho Oo itsitiaa go u t polelo et poo tabs ft Tu e Tom Goroaerc Oeaenle t di balang dia ikgatisa kampo dia dilomo ka ntlha coo-pedi, ekete bo- kgtUhegib to -lomdeb ktft mtfokoag t Trmra 8 rt Thao No *20 et 1895 ucaioa fa ba itumelela go di rogo joa dinto jo bo teng dikagddo Phuthego tsa iiartili (Bn ish Beehuaoabod) gi gop diiad 1 ue di ae di giu»vx go l» guoe mi D.rwereo* U> Bueho k.« BnUh Beehuana sena mogopolo oa gore thoto ^ dingoe dia tie di tthele Modimonthnsc e jang ena e coa kKatisho, ba koale Erile Legkotla le ptiatlilala mig< di palame pitsc, mme teeb to ea ma- Syndo ei Mtehtche e K opt at | lud, Ue di rskaioug. kgooo ue di urraag, b gn b«t ditaelo mo maonoog t a mo aekeogeoo. M ! cooe, ditaelo Ue di kaioang mo Sbedol jag e e ft tint namane "e tona ea pnate ba e tladike i gae ra pabma le Mottna Uahoa gu ■nahmnt-palo eone p e tab doe ka ope a ka ntlha coo pedi; Becoana ga ba I go lekola Kgosi e kgolo. Ra raisin palame. A ira aengoe feb o ka gapba. W. Foprty la Ber. A. B. Ford. U Kitaiahon Oofomrnte No. 18M e e koadiioeng ki Notemher 7, 1911, n bolo go amogela dikoranta jaanong fatahe je le ga kgamatung. Ka in-ua Fa Monhoto a tuea tsclanyana eo i ba tlhoailo* dicanon ka bo a Don " phimolot gum plena ba choanetee go its© gore pampin ka Thaba Boaigo eo o reteletaeng dun. mahnma-pdo a goga pltae, o choara t le Bcraa janoog ele bt Diocn* ea kgatiaho ga e koaloe ka ntlha Thaba Bosigo eo Kgosi t» Both. ho d> ma ka manenye pre e ta re pita* Kimberley. Bbhop Chandler A bua are Tmonongoaga rt coo pedi e ka foufatsa bagatisi. B dirileng ka ene gore bt tahajoe Ve mia- rdeb e kodnmeb et ca nae. Pitt* bangoe ba koala koalo ue di sa bi aba. Fatehs je le gakgamataang la ptoe di kodometee ka teng ka maemo a tde a a aa choam legeng gore ere lefa u re aa bal nnete ckre o abo re a mo motiha- foo, tta ca p ihogakana mo dikgoeng gola. Diocete ca Bloemfoi u rete leloe ke gore go nUe g bens • Utlhelaokame dilomo. Thaba tse di kot tlase-tlase tea jeoa ke di- dice* Kimberley le Berboaitlsii toehg, kampo are tonla e rapl tta teng ga di atiee go leltlot-boi batena. E tahdoa ke motho feb a po- Diocete eaele e nebs me o al furu ka tlhako re sa itse gore a fur joo cone dit okomeloa. 1-e Thtt iloe morap ke lotho, ba bangoe ba tla lemofaleb tiro pnm eo ke ene o gatisang dikoranta: ba Botigo oa aetongotna mmalane > potologa lefa ba Ua lab dipbagoba. jgolo-golo ene e aUhame bangoe gape oa koala motho a boa- ■hoabiht thata ka re gcpotae Tott le Ra eteb le Moria, n bona motae i btteng s»te re saletacng re tb ta MlUO EA DIKOOA MO DIBBSBWBSG TSA BANCHO KOA boefa telo aele sengoe fela ga ntsi- ththn e e godileng kt dikgaga. ra tla thoto oa boplogolo o mo nyapng tee fa p se tlhokmda ka bodab pele. Janong re ka ira tire BRITISH BECBOANALAND. ntri ekete ga ba itse fa tsela ngeo fitlhelo e iekint felt le thaban a I di 80 tee di fetileng o mtileng bancho R le ngoe e e tsenang mo koranteng di potlana * bonal bogolo fela fa ba le butsi thata. Barntoana ba bone diphnthrgoag tse di p ia re e duela ka chelete. E tla coa iba koa tbse tbse ga mphapha oa eo >a rercla bap bone Eftnpli aana * e koa mstboko. Ks kae? Ba bangoe motho a koale a Fatahe jeno lea taielsa. D a b itlheng cotlbe tea lefatabe b ko* pre batumaiai ba terenn, DiteriK ba a tlatsatlatse mme a bolela ma­ tlhojtna ft pelt gt gago tn n tb ga mpn et Afrika ba etdetse babapadi Seretee le Iloopstad di tla i^diot sska foko a a tla tlhokomeloang ke ba palama jaanong. a choga taabi le babodi* jieb, ha katita batab ba eat* ka dipaka Ir dipnkn “ B‘ ’ 1. Ot go Moocho 0 tb rcnang, a robt kgooo > atloin botlhoko iedhare badi bale batlhano fela. le gone ba phirima fela o nta* e tikelcla. Nte- teng. A rnn baagi ba Liringaton* b cod els a bolela fa jtnoog go I •epe it m >kib ee se eracng mi Beac*cig et Buetw left t ktoe 1 a go dirtng ba sa duelang kamogelo-Ua bone. kane go dikgaga b dilomo fa pele | Kli«abethviUe ba ttamile ba itia lettole j* le Ua tknung go doeb ka thoae. A koranta ngoe e ka tsamaisioa ke gago tM> n tla di kgabaganyang > ki thoto ea Fora e ba thntiteeng ka _ are o thobfela fa la tb ttbonfslebfi bongoma jo bo nUeng jalof Koa- na kobmela, a copologt a ba r f t pholobb p atisa papadi b p pha- Cm Thoto ka mad bo s boi 1 M »fho moogoe le moogoe eo 0 agileng nde mo Re»e«eog et Bancho 0 tlbomtnme, ka ba Ib itae fs mabtt lang scntle le gone lo koale ka mo tlhaticga. tbbletaa posho ca Engeltne ko Cen­ k* nalrb a ea gi rekiat kgooo a ea gi an dikgwg t*e di omibog Ue di ka Te bene a I* goe* Pde baroti ba ss' roaleloug goea seogoe dhare Ue di emrng le t«■ khobt-kboba kakara erile Mofekeng a re iu ko bahomagading pennid e e koadiioeng, mn Kgang et gire kgooo m 1 kgaueng, e l».le!e tlbart botlhe eseng uena fela. kloko ea bo ele gone re tsensog p gokprdedioe molu mcrgoe le M fitlha ba re amogela ka bopelo-na- oo katlkagbioang mo Parlameabsgi Ue 0 tb di ronaag gore di kae, b koa 0 tb ea <0 rtmaog teag, le aako t 0 tb Mo kgoedmg e e fetang re leboga Uorijo, re tlogela re gopola koa ka/nog ■gtdi joa bone jo bo tombitaeng reoiug ka eooe. Oa dithusho tsa batlaUi ba rona ba ba ea Kgoei e Kgolo, ra fitlha te g ka Kopano ore Bancbo ba tielon btjlk di maabanyano re bib rc hope tse mi jaa*ckgooa. “Go rtki«t» Batektl 4. Kgnti le kgotut ngoe e e loeoaog go in jtlo e tb romds koa Mtgese- thamo thata ke ba:—Mr. B. Ma- Balaodi le baeti ba amogi 10 leka, North Circular Road, Kimber­ Bo.hotho.-Koa Phahameng ra acvye- lemo o mogolo, Moria ke dibina-tr-p 4c ■loa ke pitido^ Pitielo ‘ trata bfsde koa go Mokgethisi palo ra dipenaiti cod he Ua go mm dikgoog tu lo ka mo»a o mogob ke Mr. Welby T. i mmala oa eo o bitiecoeng od1 ntihitaeog. ley; P. Morake, Kroonstnd; Janies Aa pobka-baeti mo (ttaheng jeno ji di- Goodman. Johannesburg; D. Ma- Selate, Tlhangoe ot Kgo«i e kgolo. I di rmt ka eon'. Go ntaha laaenar ra go tb f^horopo Ic kt tb mono le ka taa- g. Maikadelo a re aioobtwg ikatlbolelo* ke Mokgrthiii kt ni, ne fa a ka gua go e ntiha motbo a bo a ka 8egoe, G. Mahlangu, Peter Koet- boluano ka motble. Lefa kgoei goto* raaea le re ba its* Seboru feb. Fa cne in boipibco koa go HageKtrata. sana, mo Dikomponing: Rev. P. K. rhoere batbo, gs go teoe ba e aget* in ere General Hertiog a leleka ditoloko otlhe a diraptae, Ai Motiyane, Beaconsfiela; Rev. N. mo loapcng, go. teoa bt ichometac cho- Ita Bancho a tlhoma makgot a ita gib gofeta Kereka ea ’ma & Oo tb ae go*doebloa |«le U«e ngoe b vgn' e e 0tab want ke Mokg*- Mokac, Hranwfort: Rev. Z. More, betae mo mtkgotlong lo mo malemong bt Secoana jaka bahomagadi ba e kabo gdane ka pnne eon* e kt__ : sboa joa cone joa bogolo’pb, eta«» thfad ditefo Ue Kgoti ea tiro taa B< Makapannspoort, Mr. J. K. Maele, tnt nt b lefaUhe. . lefa a amogile batho ba bancho botahdo bonyana ea’kap It dikgini-kpsg* Migeaetiata. Thaba Ncho; John Mocher, Bloem­ Motae oa Phahameng o fa mbapbeng tro ra dikatholo eone e be * ntae fda on Thaba ea Morija ea Makgoar Posho; me rona mono gn rr na 7. MotabegeUi oa permiti t/oe kgooo brtrnae n tlhtre fa a buiot t * ahnpe, fontein , le Thos. Maseng, Mafeking. jaka pie, mme o tlboma mak Magente a mangoe a iUisioa ka Koa godimo-dimo ga thaba ca Modi itseng p bua mo bocmong joa lea-pnyanr a a ntseng jnlo. Dw*1 fa e batloa ke bpoliv k«kamecoa ke Mr. R. C. Labartkl, ra lug ta leka gofdob thoto “ w Ntga ea dilo eotlhe. Nko, pudi,—di ea p Kercacte. A Modim & Oae1 nke e nna molao gorr mitabegetai moogoe oa bneoae kgooo per- gau sa lonaka ke babadi ba ba amo- Itlhela * le gone o ahoctung p ptitt actee m i sao maikaelelong t i*ass| miti a e ne*b motho 0 fcle, kpmo go rem« kgong taa muthab 0 teb kgn i go gelang tsa bone ka pose Re sa ba nont gore motho t di tihibe, dikgomo koalo lo lontle lo lo dichoaoch lo lo tele, kgooo go fiU Ue di tnbliaag ke lokoal) loa gtgot, kgooj go rtm» dikgoog rekegela, fa go dubega le bone le dipitse. Sek> te «a bonaleng fela ke koadiioeng ke Mn. H. Dyke kap loeto amopla tumelo a Modimo o e mongo ga nako e beaeose kgooo permiti e e nuhe-licacnc tla ba upolola. tonki. Titae mono e dira tiro ea pelema loa bon* le Moaere Dyk* p ta ko Ke­ baitahepi. Be etaeta* tWb *t f * DIKOOA. ea nko. ea pabngoa ebib ke eone kara, nans, ebib.ba aante* ba ptiaa bnka ea mrnte-bogolo u mmde le ft Moogoe b moogoe eo 0 necroeog bnnue kgooo permiti 0 tit ona b Barulaganyi ba dikoranta ke IL go gaisa e e maoto mabedi, ka ebelma dikgang tea Parlamtate ea Botbotho e Kereeete. Go kile p nna b matkanbelo a taheajecelo ngoe e e kt dir.«ag ke eoe kgono ke motho mooajc 0 sholotate; eare ba koala ba bo ba ditbotbo ka mokotla feb jaka pltae ba u cotng p phttlabla. Tlhop ea ^e- leb fa t tat mint thiU eoe ooeoeng ke lokotla ntse ba lebanyoe ke martimo a ba­ dintoa dine di belcsa. kole ee tegolo ke Bee. Henry Dykli; mo- Oo etela Boshotho go monate 1. 1. M itoloa kxotea . I a Pa mo Ubekoag e e ka Kkwoaag motabegetai. a vkbiot go roU diUelo badi ba ba gaketseng. Koa ntle okamedi oa Seminar* ea Bcibeb ke Bev. a koalo tsa bone go nale koalo tse go tgt leng go boUhoko ka gi E. Jacottet. morobpnyi oa Letedi- b gal* p di kake tsa Ubokos UP tae, fa go tlboka'ab goiue gore a moaeki 0 aab beaenae kgooo permiti, *o tb incite e u a tameleng ke koloi. Mote- kake p itumediiioa acnege b toe ga nt oaeo go I m v ii t ahopt kgono a nuht ehopo e e itumedwng gore 0 i koaleloang barulaganyi tse dia nyaaa; Moria ke en* o nang le K-reke tie} di ba teenye mo isno. Maloba kara ra Kgosi e kgolo e Sgccoe mo e kgolo ea Phothep fa Fora mo Bo- Go ka tiaaa fa Imtko U ka ka loabone Leader, koranta e tona- tseleng ca'Moria kgakala le legae nhotha Mornti oa cone eo mogolo k* tona ea Johannesburg ea tsei titoa ke go palama maje. Bcr. L Mabille. Sekole aa bana ba be borifi joa Lckgooa lengoe le umt— Batho bangoe ba ilbola ba koala n nana te okamecoe ke Mr. Miekad Me- bna. Pa ba ka atamalna kt _ boleke. Kgooa ja senya ka gore dikofanteng bare Bancho b Batbora fokeng. ebib o tkosa Koner* Jakote le Ua codaU pde mo kicoog. I* biW polase tsa Mabuni ga di na boleke In kgaogangoe ka mafttsht, gt ke ita*/ mo Seainareng. Bogolo joa thato tn Modimo lo idope---- gonne basetsana ba Makgooa mo di- gore a ba lebetso dikgaoganyo taa bo- mabogo di kadnptse koa Qothing no KALA EA TAOLO EA BANCHO. TIISA nolaseng Im goleU fela mo boakeng gologolo. Di neile Becoana tekaka ta Moria p setae kgatiaho fda. Kgalagadi, taa teyelt Maborn mahon Qothing bathotko ba itkaU p ap ba gokafala le batlhanka ba bancho, Harrimith.—Maloba erile * + ea ba eare fa tlase morulaganyi a t lefatabe. Mono di sietsa Maborn me- t(o le p beUa maje le dikgoog, p llhaba ea Frei Steta koa nkn di itsa- thob dikoloi. p ira dilfgol* taa dipits*, itlka mono kericka ago* « re ga dumele mafoko ao. Erile »tea jalo ea aeka e. abkt dis» Maforekanere a e bala ea nkgela lelug b boaigo, taa kokoanyttta di- ditlhako I* bo tale. OoromeaUs 0 ebtta goce dikittbho tae di bUlaiut di gi BATEATI. TSAEA 00 OA GA

    Ro. 853] (IStfa April. 191L Oo ItaUoa ka botlalo;'***e Tu e Too* e itomebtae c taela taa kgaolo 6, taa a m v in o t iwj/, koa Frei Setata (Onage Pi _ « koa Thaba Ticho b Darid McKeehnit Etqime, Maftabata eo aotlaaa « TWUUcbo, gona Mo______s ^ ^ 1X ^ ^ j r , s r L“ 0OTLi'" k- , M h y wfcfet ^ ipwTt*«Toaa« It m lati kaUebn kgtolo ea bone 1 s t k ^BANQODIEGI. 5 Den Tta Da Boat. 6 Seme Pole. 7 JoMt Jafta. m t (MQBHKQAHOSO) 11,19lt ra*u st BEcom (t h e r a m p o r t b s b e c h p a k a v * “Mo* ka gore, oa ntlha „ u, Tsa Bokoaledi. [ Kimberley has, tine* th* death of _ BLOSMMNTEN. WANTED: Cecil Rhodes, been lift practically with­ Basotolaod. M w M i bra tnjoytd litir hotpil out a head, but his gwiding hand itr from tin* to ttne, tad 10b ran w B (IttipOr1?* ** t0* S f A r * - TEBOOO LE TUMEDISHO. never mined more than it it now t __ Uoroltgtnyi, "Taaia ea Becoana.* CHARACTEBISTICSOFTBECOIJNTRY MAFOKONYANA. School Teacher. tbt Union Government, in nominatini “ T'fTthipij.-Pto «* Diatla kot Kea pkopa pr. u Ut a nthomelt tight Seoatora, absolutely ignend tb* knew nothing tla*, but tkey maid M ttalt et rona k>a ‘•lang teng. Kt* REMINISCENCES OF A RECENT * * * > ANTED,—NtUre Teteber for the two old Provinces of Griqnalaad and resily. totvert* amonpt thtmttlvtt la (Takipi M Pent*blt*).-Peo ta*a mono Tlpr Kloof kea t* ga* kt Kangwaketee School, Kanje. Rcchu- Bechnanaland, which are aow totally VISIT. French; tad I tm tare that a Dutcknaa ntae kele mo tekolentf. KetlUe mono W " u . M buoho !* makpa ko* 2! “ 1bVk‘ Dip»dungoaneng. tMlaad FruteetO'ate. Mott bt tble diafrtnchited.to at far aa the Senate it tbit"thi^'k ka noaga «abo 1908 ka thvedi ta* teach Wood Wort tad Singing, Is idll- A uo*ri‘ b“ * confterned, tnd ire tyrannised by EAGA D1KI. mono a boela koa Matloaune (couree) n Df yanong. Se Kt«og kt tioa to tcbolut c dutkt sympathetic Gortrnment in t Ho H-Boodepoort, Austin's Port. Ditemf di tinologilo ka bothata p Ulle ke godile, legale Me gopla pp., Rtltry t l i per ubuil Only fully wheret^ibtl'ire not represented. After tk* Baiuto Council I thiak that crotidi sgainit aatire interpreters. If HAfOKO A DIOCB8E. «o motho o chearetacng «, mollfo, lefa ko raea gopla ga dithoto kadi competent Tttdxn ieeia Is exactly bow miaistrativ* capital, (lrt* but i . could conKiouily clium to hare wronged M * Enplane. Jik.prf.1. .* ddl. ke .a itae aepe u p btlu dik.do, a Free State natire, well acquainted id** of tb* tn* ttati of Buutoland lair interpreters only, but that the adaiaiatratioa of jutttc* remiined in­ ia Weekt* U btnt ba pgoo u > * bonc * katloang Ing ka fheta ka ch«ara bothata with the Diamond Fiddt, dewcril ‘ ind th* 50t,M0 iahabitaati who lire U.l.t.l — V-«~ll Ji kea bala ditlhaka taa ie (Eng- tact ind inviolata. i j . w B., “ °rok' 0 ilr B«hU.na- in the utire languap, hoping i iwiy tp ia tht direct)on of Nttal tad Wt were it once btck in civillution. land le Mr. Z. Ramailane o ntae • rtetae . Ka hoot batho ba ba pelo ett- iend of the Btebuana. same tim* that the Hon. H. Barton, and walked through thi oak avuue* ta mono. tht borders of East Griqualaad. It it baruti ba ae lub* b* lapa pdo, who made kis name in the Higk Coart. fascinating to p thiri and back, but ridt the oldest printing offire north ^ , agile ko Xroonatad. EUare Selaga aa ga Mongane koa goora Tlou chokda pre ke bf ke Uhaloganye himself with tbs of th* Oranp River Here the Preach it aust bt trying to tht inhabitants mlaiionanca hare for U years puhliahsd i), Father Wtrren oa Modderpoort f bmvang wo dikialong Oontai- is of a certain who dwell among tba rocks, in plica* krlebogile Uodimo mala fha ke p the oldest native paper in Sonth Africa. bo tebakeng ta pgoe, where na wipua can p. Tb* Para­ It wu iiaued Irtt u a monthly, next Moruti a L. Hop*. •> di hula rak* kene Keotaepela. 0 nde o of justice in a place mount Cki*f‘t motor car is houi aa a fortnightly, tnd now u a weekly. [jnli W. IL Kiabey o il* Tlhotae, thata rure Modiino janong eo a mjo- Rambling Notes. er which this the Morija Road, aome diatanc* trong. Mr. f ftli B. H. Kingdey oa Krooni tad Mr. If Mr.. Aaron Heraff I « Thai nyeng jale pel,, ke e%, ko Ue monc from th* - homaeUad. Bat that I^barthi ia in charae. and ba wu juat Phachoa ba boil* ko Hoobotli ■fkolong, o tla gakgamala. Sekole k< buay printing the guato Hansard -the M Maopung fo tla gonna Mornti COLOUR BAR J thing compared with tha diakoltia* of proceedinp of the recent session of tha it. Jtyganfa. Mr«. Shad Makgothi ona a gaoletse kgatiaho ditaala tume. motha fha a some of th* people. Soma of Ihe na­ National Council A beautifully Ula*. rata uiana wag*e pre a aidila a a At I.O.O.T. Congrrq* it Fickabm Isrtli * • Bethlehem ke ko Didakung, ebilu oboets* tive* wt viaited had wardrobea and Poroki. moromele (Sekoleng) kaagoleng be nna O.K.S., * telegram act retd from t High Court, Kimberley, atorded ueh anil ■iture over the mountaina to their their stock of Sewolo literature emanates pdi, no diocteeng ea Labrombo di letteng ka March IS. 1912. ke whoba. Jf le rileng molao otav*a thomong la hornet. Tba impoaaibUity of thit waa from here. Th* Rev. H. Dyk* it in a O’ otK a le ko Htilbron go tloga a di U. tlogeta* bua lota moplfiiyleng. Ba ba bar* rears' hard for possession of diamonda noticeabta without their idling ut. chsrre of Ihe Educstional Institute, tk, I le buiniau> morrki ga ithe kdole, ba raea ka ntki ANOUCANS. A Dutchman, who went in for systems, Tbolotral Seminary is under the Preal- bale bararo. Di- aome nttnea tnd their but Intndi ...... •». F- Jscottst, Editor of lokwuiong fa go dumedisa Arch- .a on a scraggy corner, to than the Buntos Itaralearn building,iuatos bulldini, carpentry, _ April It. Bishop o botae Kereke President, O.F.S.. in passing sen tone-cuttiog, btackimithing. hamasa kgomo fhela. Ntomelt "Ttala" keuna. for tl *ith » •uountata tope with tipra. For cyd* cb lo Fouriabur*. • tl* bidioang Tsa Krugersdorp. Hatthys Christian Smit. si tt 'Moitshephi Maria oa Dithaba" (St. fhalfhf ke tlabo kelt kwt proached, and hi* t*. public office*, the Union of South Africa { dilo cotlhe taa Kereke a n the precipice, aj«fg which tkey ildermg that a man ia underping hit (Superintendent ol Natire Metlholo. creating4)>cc«dtnt* by kickin for hundreda of feet to the huta :rial at Maseru for killing a woman aid moogoe o* bomoroaoe. Krugertdorp) o aale t iktelrli ten out of email oficea in which making medieinet of htr. Whilt wt i L. W. (Hire o boetae m kftta buiine.ii ra boyaloa ■re installed yea re and years back by were at Morilt t telegram cimt from pge ko Prynneeburg. g dijocl a Frei Setata ■e staple food of the Buuto la Thabtni Morem snnouncing ths death ka thaka ea Dikouipooi rare i the Cap* (iorernment ao«l Ihe Crow of Mrs. Lorneaux, it hsr lif.timt t inti ff. M. Austin * tla bo Ifnama, le dilo tee dingoe e Colony Gortrnment in thr Transvaal including missionsry widow out there. Mitt tiiiep ta* dl, ko dipolaaisg, Moabotho mongoe o na a choeagoa ke » given up the ekile i 1 > mongoe mo uioaading, a ba a ito ka some day a day of reckoning >il •ing, becauae, for the beet part of Jacottet. who hi* cbsrgt of ths Moriji Momti L E. Holden e nae oa ba e. No retribution «ossm*1. rool to the it ores below. Soine- Koa Johanneaburg go tihabegn thata L’olfke.-Jache Maaon koa Middelburg rharg* of Mtdxi Moyo, ont o( the mil­ aa many as M horses are irSt.r*t fa moncho a (tatnaea boaip janong la- :eenly by th* Trantraal o atlholetee Kaforr loabo ga- lion itation* of the Free State Church. carrying the wool acroea tha pa- Dikgaolonyana. kgooa lengoe le lengoe ke Itpodiai ere le M o bfteletae mititi. Tht Modtritor alluded to the fict Buuto*’ if ia noteworthythy t... thit in — toiand the Hon. J W Sauer it the kopana le motbo eo moncho le be le mo Sepiriki.-Ka «eke e e fetileng Sir J. thit Mr. Kies' predecessor, the Ri popular member of the Uaioo Pir- Slilf -roatmcateremyana oa Alber- hopha ka tlapa le itae go 'motae pate J. Hofmeyr, ted hi* brother, the Rer. two or threw bap packed on the Gordon Sprigg o na air nyaga a tuck of each. Ue payt JOt. per pony int. Hit popularity extendi iwty Ctlhrcoe mo po*eog a gclegih di 8S. nya- C. Hofmeyr, on mount of the rt Maungo madi a a back in tka tevenlies, when h. tnd Mr. > Goromente a anamo mo oiling, Mr. Ktiuene janong o aimolotae tiro a dile II pele gi of milarii, had both had to retnn . coavey th* wool to th* ttore*. and Siul Solomon took th. Buutos’ ptrt in itnloe ke batho bale babedi ba hating been himaelt attacked, seng phepa. urn with bap full of salt for bis the ditturbtncea which led ap to the inoboemong joa ga Mr. Kambule. Mr. i IIoltotd e ne e rtetae Enplane ma- diunnexation of Basotoland from tht dibatu ba mo tlogela jalo. Erile Montiioa le ene o botae Obi mono Kru- ba. and the latter’* wife hiring becom lunuia Socks and htrdt. : he owner of teveral thousands drivtt Cape of Oood Hope, and tha inangura- ■na go mo golola be fitlhela geredorp. 0 kile tba a fete la koa Pot- Bo Matroaho.-Ba kgoetai ba "Olym- Under theae eircumatin 'ion of th* present Impend idmintt- Ba dnpeleU lefatahe mo- chefatroof ka tiro. Malob* Mr. Chrtty i*“ maloba ba pnne p palama fa p rator ptid a high t riba ta 'Mele o sala o koafelst, o shuge- i whole lock 3) to Jt milee do< rition, which they ire very relnetaat ka a a cboaroe. Erile > le knla ja poae meater o aale a ea D tr- * kepe ie »e tona-tona teo (te moploa Mr. Kies’ courtp tnd derotion. gile o sens thata go emalaoa le lines them near tha ttore till all irothoea a mo latetae koa tlong - animals are teeced. So that while ismentsry representative of their next ban ka kgoedi ea April janong Mr. lone o ihonneng ka batbo bale 1360) oor nfigbboura. th* Illubia of Htr- lkgaotae momeco k-thipa i The«. Oabontloeloo oa ko* Paai ofeiain; ea Amfrika. Bare mekoroana et Mr. Kiea, In the couiae of t .1 tlbaselo ea Maloetsi. - Free Slat* theep grows the J is sheared oo th* (arm with plenty chel, hat tinea been fdlowed with in- 0 oo bo*pil*I* me ga ahol ke ene oleng mo aetnlong ea ga M- ion* ga »e e ekareng f* to not!* batbo apeceh fxprfaaing hit pleasure at being trut. Chetty. Moruti Komalo o dirile Kon< Iu falola. ka thont. Ba choeroa ba to maet Ihe Synod before hia de­ (rating at Ita dupotal, thi Buuto The Buuto u a whde trt not ilto- -Erile makgooa a phnthegile erte ka May ale i o aantae a tla dira' Oatoe p ttfot ba tele parture, aald he would not aak their Fa o bttlt thata, fa madi t gago -c|> grows its wool on the mounums, pther igainst Union, hut thty vtry ait- Durban go lop* Paaho pr* Bancho engoe gape, baroetiana ba Matnla ba e bakgoetae hart ga re kake rt kgoetaa thit wtt not neoeiaary. lit lo inotJhoko. mala a gago a kgoe .ood the retch of wheeled conveyance, ordly contend thit. from their point of new. Union haa hid in anfortonttt bfielelanc baaadi ba makgoo* bo eketldedltae that* Di pianiat tm Fancy aekepe le lo matroeho ba ba ta ltieng. hoped, if tpired, to hate much to tdl leagaoye, no tla go thim gore o 1 has the additional taak of deliver- ; its own growth st tbs storekeeper's - irt because, of ill Britiab atateaman mo pontahenf mornti Ward Choir le Mra. Kumalo le Mr. T Oabou- Sa bo aa boela mo Southampton. them Ire or tix yeart henct. tlhotlhomiie molemo o o dirutng in South Afrira, the tret Prime Minit- a a gokafalang le b*a*di b* tlooloe Pula e! tletae thata mono io abburnham.—Magnetrata eo >r. where there Is barely standing ter ia the man who uid: "Break ug e on* a coang eelo. 0 bolelela Mr. Kin erased speaking, the ke dikgolokoane tae di khibtcotoa •m (or the whole Jock, aod U Basutoland and cut op Bechnanaltnd. terame fela jalo. Bloemfontein o etette Ktpt. — -s'. — •—s-i- Post's” aaggMtran Mr. K. Maoto okile a tla mono a jtli Makgooa t tuk* moldo ka pthering burst spontaocoudy into the tsaga Dr. Williaras. eat till it returns to the mountai er delivering its own wool. The for­ -Batbo ba b* ahnleng loabo ntla gatoe ke out kgoai ea koa Benoni. baiadi ba bone ba p toeng b* beteleloa hymn, "Dat'a Heeren Zegen op u Daal.“ Sotlhare so so fetotaeng bttho ivuiMi i» . idicnlsd. ro mo aekepesji ae jaanong go Mr. Noah toloko ra lwgologolo mo Kan- ke diktfore. Fa n ntae n ltbile ekete daring which many .bed tears, and the bale btnliti ba bt oaoyeog, ba bt te of segregation then ia that it is u they ssy. U - ...... i to be a black man's animal a* It u iaio* pre ba 1,595. Jaka di- trong ea Krugertdorp 0 ntae ai |t- banna bt makgooa ba ba tlobeldang Moderator commended tba miseiooary )>tdikcgtiig le ba b* aenaog kelieo, >w under him, before uktig for *he eotlhe di nals babe tai ba meropa kanya p tlogela tiro bare makgxM a baietaanynna ba bancho bone gaw mo- God's blessing in an earnest prayer. be a black mat snnsxslion of more. Thii **vme aa ea ba dira banaa le baaadi ba bt llip Wodehoue si logical aa Paramount Chief Letaie'a re- phala erile fa Uaadi le bafalodi lekgoa. Dsmelang ba nurka to Urd Gladaton*. that the eena-p oleloa mo mekoroa- btdi. Th* lord Biabop of the new diocese tlitla, ba ha itekioctaeog le ba ha boundary settlement wu inch that the Buuto* will joint the Union when they gone, jaanong fa Ihawantf e D. P. MAKOKO. of Kimberley aod Kurunian was in Kim­ I'etxang goja. is would not help reporting to — ...... *fc- Caledon fairly e ipaakanjetaa bokhntlo, berley lait week-end, tnd stayed at the Mr. J. Macogtna, P.O. Box 111, thieving u a means ol livelihood. Hold Belgrtve, A warm welcome eabo e choletsa diphala e lei Qumistown, o koalt jtana -—Ka Between Maletaoiiyana Mia and er, my Ood, to The*”-«efela K teio tsa Goromente. ivaita him when he return* to take op (Jacha’t Neck the main bridlepath trt- towng ka Seahotbo gatoe "HauJ kit residence after hia forthcoming con- eebaka ncngoe se e. a lung narrow ledp called Mod wen,." Se thnbfgile totoma ea KiUitho e e Lttelicg e ptit'o* pi nns V'fetileng, ke kile Nthose (God help me). It hat a • ele fata dil* N ko* godimo gt polelo tt pontabi. kanna lo phetogo deep high clifl on the right, tnd aome mis i i WITCH «. Sa nnj aa kokobela ka eenja E. F. LONSDALR, Tb* Rt. Rev. W. Gore-Brown* -ill bt i e mi'fice, ea revicet oo the left, tnd denvee ita “ tla p ula fntn dile M ta bo Boleke.-Ba«adi 'ba makgooa—bogda consecrated in the Cathedral at Bloem­ from the terror which seises the koa Johanneeburg ba tlhaaecoe bobe ke Eo o UbrgrleditwDc; Tlhtngoe itabimo:ola ka a af ilhooa tlhogo ae inama nako os Tiro tn Mtkgntlt. fontein in Jane next, and come to Kim­ ■er it sight ot it. At Sehong- eaiti dile tlhano b* nta* ba le bo tiradilo. Mongoe koa Cboane are berley on the aatne day for the en­ ki mhikela, ka boag there It one just u narrow and e noele. o letae a dnbakoa ke Kaforo e o mmero- thronement in S. Cjprian't. ikutloa kn felecoe bnt u u more dangerous because kitaeng ka boikanro nyaga dile 9 eb» kc thata ka mok- icr thinly di«d clift coga e ngoegile. Our Editor left for Cipe Town on naif batko Bangoe la 1i* tahelang LekptUjt bo Dijoehe la Tracind g >a o 0 boitahe- _ I spans t o lofty ai ''•aa ee •* golo; er* fa ba ka golo- Monday night to give evidence before apart, giving letta dikologa ju t mo kgooling et Mo­ Parliamentary Select Committee. gang, boko* jo* Mr. J Micnpiu. bt lidinoe ke boftumelo. Kgooa Colonel Ortener.-Morenan* co tno: pitlo. MottouK It Mo'theg.itoog the appearance of a long foot-bridge, • erile le nti* le bereka ko* Katala nchoara ka booya (From a Photo.), jp Paymaiter oa Paaho ea Tahirdeco 1 Sunder tr*, MtoWt, Mortniog I. The Executive , t'omiuittt* of the ave fellows sre said to have crossed J* mo koranteng fa Jo baUoa ka nako eaga Kola Thamo, a tloga mo- Heiddberg, Lotboctio, Moras tag 3. eat* care bo timologa ke aek* k* the Modimo-Nthaa* on horseback, but ’ mongo* o* gagAo. Ke fi a South Africon Nitive Congrets, which duedi oa mtaholc a Sooth Africa jta- i Bethtl, lot bobedi, Mnnatog 9. > hive met at Johannesburg on bo el* tlhvka Uadi ame annt o ooe it known to have risked hia lift koa Engelane * ipolela p b* p nong ke mokoaledi oa Kkodet Unirtr- Ensdn, lo* tmruo, Monung IOl th* 8th May, hit been poatponed to maalioe ihata,le letlalo ja me ja o horse-back over thia narrow bridgs. 1,1 pr* ke ene o batloing. Ke fa ithout side-reUing*. When U*ding tlty College koa Orihamatovn. Ctrollw, lot b- tlhtao, Moranang 11 tht JUt Miy ntxt. phanyega mo mafelong ale mao tin ** “ogala o cm ko* 41 *fenteng tea Middelburg, Ut'ltcn, Monntng 1 J. hu pony along thia ri* Dolorou a Ba­ l»ae or* p batlo* neoa, rangoaoa- [a una libatanyana batanyant iuto will hold gingerly on to tb* bridle, Chuchumakgala—Tfrann e bncoe koa Lydenborg, Mtniigt, Vnrtntsf IB. Tht Digb Coart of Gnqatlind, which P> tlogfletae botbo*, itlhaganele Barberton, Mutigs Mnrutng 21 Keleco ea dijo ea ntatlha, le^o m that in cat* of a dip th/ pony should Molimane ka April |7. Mo b*keng u U now threatened with extinction, uot p down with him. l’onlea ire taid A romfla o mongoe mogala a kgoedi dile tharo e Ua bo e ttena koa NrUtronir, MtoUgt, Monuung Jt 1 lut week with a calendar of tlhoka thobalo n dira manig.> a JiaptfU pre bo kaeef karabo lo hare dipped over thu bridge, tod SeftUhtne jaana ttela e bulega p fe- Pietenburg, I^tbortn\ Morantng St !t criminal cases. W* art told that ucog monate ka mokgoa op*. crashed into the foreata thre* hundred 1 Ppe tr(o “Ibota ta* dl tlhoma- Ruiteobarg, I/tbonne, Mnbhrgtnotg tla Johanoetburg. j thia Court has not enough work for Nlmele name otlbe oa opa kanna yards below, where they havt formed tn If YOU will htlp to adraeth* our • k* t m m ckeleU k* os,«w- raiy meal for the beaats of tba |ungl*. Famoua Flowte • V*g*ubl* laadt, Judp. yet th. Supreme Court of le ditlhabi tae dl bogale go kgaha- Thu bridp it only used when one it ' • bala mafoko to * bo a idibala ZectnL Multgt, llolib'ffaooeg 8. Tranivtal, with its halt a daxen Emondonla HomI aachtt a olla fatahe fela jaka logong. Lohurnlahe.—Backoeneng bt re lo- reduced to the lut extremitv and with- Lfehtcal'urg, Lotkoa oe, MoUbeguong judges, opened on the timt diy with ganvt tchula le mage tla Lela kr iy ilternative. Trevellera dwtp »et fitlha rare B*di * tahika tu etae nyaloi mmo ga te tope ro tbde- iekile gotlhe mo keoeng ken* it by taking th* longest way * rarepta* kok bobokoog. Nt .Ja Mt-Michl letahego ka a bonyt mo- WolmtrtDMUd, MtUbteo, Mo.'ahegtn- ' adir of 10 ciaet only, tnd nobody Ulkt oI iti abolition. Both Courtt tit nago gore ke boeloe ke titatt eame rouno. Other ledge*, I am told, are <• kploU, mo Ithnmeag ea Ue goe; Ie Morena Zacharia Dikbudu 8e- jut tt dangerous amonpt the Mdu- ■etho fela jaka eo o batanyetae- noti (Kaptein Skulpad' re itnmda ka Mtntigt, MoUbrgtnong ]l four timet a ytar. e e lailhegilcng, gon thaw aepe tiog. hot tatily crossed, u they ire card er Itltar wttk your »» khamong * rib*ma ka op* ta loe a mo lereditae a^ga-mett* e- PotoSefa'roon Ubotlhtao, MotiWg- lefa ke diri-a aetlhare sefe, go eek* »*lj s few yirds long. it ud tS^ttspL■ alalnly written thereon lneu knows the need of Select We hive lately re*d of t co»ol* of wtll ttnd to you potl fret: “o W*lioO«at^mmotlaM. Miss .Paulina Moiloa koa Lin> taoBg 17. ______ganna botuka bope jjo fitllicla ke Committee* if ■ Select Committee can Dutch younpten. detiined on the Ni- JO p*ok*tt of our famous Vlovtr tad Ttg- kana. Oatoe ene dt mokete o montle. taae* taela ea di piak pills t**ga III border, laying they were proceed­ In favour of th* retention of * ing to Americ* to become cow-boyt- tUble Beedt at Id. ptr pacbt, Court with * mijority of tkrt* to ont, Dr. William!1. Ke’ne ke setae ke Maronopo a Thaba -Machaena ale marataro orilt Sarely It wu/not neceosary to crou or U packtti of our Ha. I Sttdt tl td. pit and the Uoute recommendt it* iboli- fedilo ke set-« ke boparat thita, the Atlantic, u they had a cow-boy packtl, j Titanic te Ua noela a ita- Vermicure. i. Kimberlty hia alwtyt been tht State bounding on their own Free State, mme erilo ke sena gonna ke dirtxa or M paekstt of eur fanout “ iMadoala' 'Ncho. kafa Hate ga d'tnlo tsa meko- ch co* of thit Province. When * On our return front tht mountains we P«f»nt U (d. per p*ckst, _ e basadi ba falotaeng ke eone di-pills taeo kasebakanytna, kanna eisited the rtrimount Chief, who hu B ua ba le Banttl bi jeoi ke tty dump overtook Kimbtrlty ibont now been liid np for months, neceeitit- wOl tend half Beedt ud half Purfaaa. JA TIKOLOOO EA DI- bon'o* fda fa e chdtdlo* * tttngoa r yetrt btck tht tmnelil potition le keleco e e siameng ea dijo, ka JOCHE. Diboko mo Maleng. mg the hanging up of tuny of the Bt- wut* reoeivt your IM- will tekepeng ae tengoe. Ale mabed of tht «ho!t Colony collipted in sym­ itame'ela dijo taamu, ooket* joame into iRiirs. We also risited Moria. a ke batho a a thoa koa e tong dlaWy pott to you T U I ot tU Mowdorp maloba ka kgo- pathy; bat mitten ire ping too fir ioanna joa oketaega go fitlhela Ibe M years' old misaionary town, be- __ .tt, your uoiot ot t UdW ot Gtaft •• Moranang *’-tlbeU'n ona a a IpUUhlle jalo. Matadiano a Diboko Im dl bt tlbokoltte ibt«,di If, when the Fret Stitt piyt not enough longing to the French Minion, which kgoreletu kgolo et bone mme gintai Dob* bo feta jca gale, ditlhabi Guanatud Wattb tr otbtr artkla wklch «o. Dikgttta ta* dintdf dl cho*- ale I trile ptoe "baiadi coang* in to jutify it* c'aiio to * three- hu played tuch aa important part in a can ttU*« faun our lWt Mat wiU Ihela pde motho a a feUha ka -----taeuot lu mefutt eotlhe et cotlhe lo mailnitlo otlhad ta tta ta *• itttira your tj- wt *•••• dilbmo mo Btcoaseeg Erilt a ttna p npolop ptoe a bodt Wt mend our own' bridge* and kerb btbamili bthnnunegi ar own roide. while the tpoon-fed wffl ttad yea a prattot which you eta ** >oka ra Ckab*^ ,r« e(|ar* ka nt a baka a npngorep art mtMte o ■M boat lb Utt tut with tht aids, . V U U Q C U R I « rtkltiw kt ditoai rolks of the Free 8t*te bare Uteir'a HIP. HIP. HURRAH! » ta d«U ntenko - - t tloaologilt ea mo ohoenfo jamxag til dl MM li diptmtbtksytat tm taupe ooin mm thi* uaiRout orrta s Saakadikia ou a emeeoe k ItlodaUo marnkhoe. Kafa o ta » for them by the Ceatrtl Govern- le Inkotlo lo lobidioug: “ Dictopole it with oar money. Wt pty for tb* - - ” -b pst tbile p btlatloa t o m ." Wrifi tl met It mam- dlkottatdi oko.Bo Taelo b education of Pr» Stale children in The Griatalud Wat ' TH« . . . t* p eo*l* 1/8, Pom gt e dodoc.' (Romdt lokotlo ta o l.M l1 ■a itaioeng ke ope addition to paying for oar own, ud Coart haa been retained, <" t* ’-iMfi.)-./ • dominiou I* South tnd South-Ceatrtl It it t tall order to demand that w* thank the Minister of Jattire and ■ifrtet. Idrat: CilMHStlUSlDDl] thonld, in addition, do without t Court, the p*riiaineotary member* repro- Tb mi»*ie*art*s were twi Thi V«nnlcnr» Proprietary, pmtittbly to bolstsr np the ft * State. their tatatl tytod at " ‘ co..caax What aaztf What nut' lndttdf aenUog the Northern Districta. 7 Pleln Street, Cape Town. SnsST K *," ►.0, Boa t07t> C A PET O W N . - m t U'- MAT (M01BHB0AJI0NG) T8ALA EA BBOOANA (THE FRIEND OF TBE BEQSPANA). ' . ----- Bi uA, isa — » H J KITSISHO.

    * Polo W.NHo-m D!jo le Mono, BlocmfonteiiL (Metlobo ea Komponi ea ga Mokebisa.) •* Ka tumile ka dikatlele M O KU ENA HOME, . la diphate tsa DITSALA coltbe di lltuloe fi ut’ maanete.” looaMVBAMAIUNBetuft Babereki Botlhe ba ba Batlang Tiro mo Dikepong Tseo, ba Laeloa ea DIJO I.MARoBALO J2 « BEOOANA WAALnOEKiiS 231 kt UlUt jt 10lh I'hnW iginJ go Botsa Agente oa Cone: Mr. L. S. GLOVER, Lobatsi. Dijo ta methale Kctibe Im Diono tte di Uididi, Dii.no iscdihofkJ Dikofi. Ditee le Kaukau, Uuhi. r le Mttni a L'lt'eae kt tlhoatlhoa , fi Bab ngoe ba ka ea fela koa Dhekeng tsa Dikomponi mo Kimberlej le Beaeonsfleld. tlmq o Ia Rinbmai TVL-. — Maina a Mellhatlhelo le bo Menenchere Botlhe ke a: Trclne ootlhe, di tit loin cbnenjregt bob*. BULTFONTEIN: Mioe Compound DE BEERS: Rock Shaft Compound J J. Nicholson. LEO AE I LEG iEM ' Surface Compound Stablo Compound Fa lo kotla ka Poee lore Floor Componnd | C. E. Uoplev. KIMBERLEY: Mine Compound DUTOITSPAN: Mino Compound Na 2. Compound j C. E. Roi-fey. Surface Compound M. N. RAMAILANE, Floor Compound Floor Compound | J. Swanson P.O. Box 573, ^ Mine Compound m ^ y / f WORKSHOPS: Compound | S. Tidd Pratt. Surftce C-mp >nnd BLOEMFONTEIN. Floor Compound CENTRAL POWER Na. 1160. STATION: Compound E Qallow. Ka Tbapo“ RAMAILAHK. Kttlde e Ncho et Fort e e kgtbiairoeng thtU kt kgotlho, mo ditlhogoog mo |e Diephtktirgo Tektnro et eooe: 4ft. 6in x 6ft. Bin. Mmogo Ie ottrue ot apiiw, le ot bjboe le meamo e mebedi ft diph*ft. E o|eo e ernitie etbe 5,000 FOUNTAIN PEN! Httt ea pekot kt nile et et ro pegot mo atmhrneng a Capetown, £4 6a. Mtli t Ue te Banna! Bunna, Bonang Fall koalo lolobintng ktUelc Dl Pane taa dl Fonntala u< THE BRITISH OHEISTIAIT UNION dlka boooang foela. Je tmogeUe mtkgolo t dikoalo Ua Btncbo bt ba itumedisiojeag ke thoto Ua rona. JUmn.Ro (Wenkele eo montle eo mo Mo go mongoe le mongoe lefa cleet, i Oo btUt le go kopinya bttho b-itlbe bt be eletaaoc go cholrtia, ina luilit, nn Hukung g o leba Post Offloe) eo kt roktng di KtnU t« ront ta Pa Afrikt le Btoebo bt btnjoe go bt out ebotnelo Ue ill lektotng. Ua di cboancho tie di Welist [ ii. Oo gtnel* run go et go thololt mtdi * btn kt roa* gore Ki tk ho Ktpeloc F a U ea go N T AL A kgotaa U ea S E L A L EL O N G . tbelt moni oe le mongoe, pece e i mtftUbe kt hxlipt. u ■ le tlodioa, jaka re ihupo ra liukbo. ifl. Go Uetat Bikentete bt Amerika gore bt leke go thaw eo mm-lt Buicho E itlhaUbang enke w.tu okrak bt Amerikt t» bt nooo6leng mo mooeog le mo ditirong go bt buieia. tot gt The Direct Sply Stores, inaleiig nlpi run Eftngeli tt kiglibo le lortio lot bttbo lo eleng lone lo kt ni»o)»ui! latho le leUbeco je ka bonako. tsa mothale Eotlhe too di thata thata, Tsa Babomki. RomeU midi t oko i>o African mi T. Go boleU Bftogtli et kwgiibo le Utlano et mertfe eotlhe g illhe ra i PimIio e» Order Co, 18 Bnrg Street, Cap Engeltne e taamietng teng le g‘> lekt gore puibo lo ImIo le kape- MORHKIBI OA DITLHARH, titat e e ft tine 1* e romele kot go ' __ Paator JOSEPH BOOTH, [WEST END, KIMBERLEY. Hoo. Secretary, B-itiab Uhriitmn Uuio', Ro rekisa Thoto toa Banna fela ga gona toa Bastdi le Btna. (Le kea NAFIKENG le ZEERU T kot MADIKOE. 'N . STEIN, 4S, Preil»icb Street. Capetown. 8 NTSE LE BECOANA ka baka te se telele thata, ebile o setae a Hnko ea Fort Street le hi S E N E IB E o mo Lewenkeleng, a ka go segala fola jtka 0 raU lemogile thata go ba baakanyetsa di^hare. A ko leke methusho Kt pelo eotlbe ke domalaot le mtiktelelo t mitlbioo a Britlah Christian Union, Street. ebile ke eletit go cot tokulolo c» eone. Hang lo itlhophele ka losi mo ga ea bone e e ntttng. COOPER'S GREEN PILL (Pile e itaeng go tlhacoa mala) letlojana, BLOEMFONTEIN, Leint...... I'inyagi...... T alert. PECTORAL BALSAM (Molemo oa Digotibola), 1/6 le 2/S botlolo. 0 thula bo malhini le difooob Adreu...... WALTER H. ADAMS INFLUENZA MIXTURE (Molemo oa Maele), 2/• ka botlolo. 0 rekiat bo maihloi bt ba tha le III BLOOO MIXTURE (Moleno oa go tlhacoa Madi) o e tamiteng thata gologolo a reUae le diuhinut thata oa go COOPER, Botlolo o limolola ka */• a eo gt 18/-..... bo mttbini Ue dl kot thoko. Uoiafe...... Siege Buildings l0pp^„ P„, o«m. Mo lek eka boloeUe bnngoe lebongoe jo bo go thoenyang a ka gn Diloojrana dile di nUi di kt Icsa Motlha...... 191... De Beers Road, Kimberley. Utakaijretu methnsho e e siameng thata mo lewsnkeleng Ja gagoe KATLHOATLHOA T8E Dl OKOCOLOOOENG John Henderson, M B L B M O EA OAGOE E TBUSA THATA B. ba tgileng kgtktla ere bt mo koalela ka pose ba romele Dikgomo le Melora ea Yunione mtdi bt beele botlolo ngoe lo ngoe Sekisipenso ea pose (a i Sa 6a I godimo. Ebile re na le Kala koa Hemming Street, Dihutshanel (UNION SOAP). BELGRAVIA. E SHONE SELAGA so ee baakanyang Dinaoa kt kelo thloko K 0 reka Dikgomo le dilo toe di tsamM-ang. SELAGA ta RONA BtftnUi re utloata (»n» nilht-ntlha mo difnnti»a Ut mtrno, _ JAANONG DISEPE gt di tlhole di cot EogeW felt. d. ima le nnno Teemtnrn Wunitara ot Ntlha o» Kgoedlao W. N. COOPER, kot TWEBSPRUIT STATION,]** MOLORA o o dbteotng that*. Tbaba ‘Ncho. MOLORA o o at oyerologeng. THABA ’NCHO. GDAFI LB KEKBKB EA HARGOOA. MOLORA o o giinog dichulo tte gtlo di ickii'ilinang Bec.«nt KO A WEST END, KIMBERLEY.

    Fa olo mo Johannesberge o no otla mo IDE "ACIRA" REMEDIES. Bankeng e ea rona. Ft u Uent mo Lcwenkrl eng u tiilr i.mrrka Molois lela biut I'nion Soap ee Live Stock Aactiooeen, dirotog mono Kimberlej Thuang Ditiro bu moou gte gore cheleU1 Ut ioni di lefe BLOEMFONTEIN. Mdiri bt be ncho. “ A C U R A ” P IL L U L E S .—For Coughs and Colds. They relievo ea Koloni le ea Poloka ea Komponi that soreness of the throat and chest that accompinies coughs and Dipereko le Mashini (sa Rona di koa West End. colds in a few hours, and will completely cure in a tew days. In­ ea Africa, Ltd., valuable to public spctkern and singers Sold at 2/6 ptr bottle, or inale polokelo fela e idirecoeng Banco fela. three bottles for 8/6, Poet Free in the Union " A C U R A " P E L L E T S —For Rheumatism and OonL Sold at 2/6 Ntlong lo tlo go ro l»na me fa lo tloko go katla, koalelang lokoalonyana per box, or three boxes for 6/6, P<^»t Free in tho Union. loa rona lo lo tit lobolelolang OOTLHE kaga Banka o. Union Soap Co., Ltd., “ A C U R A ” P IL L S .—Cure Indigestion, Constipation, Sick Head- 0 ka aimolola go boloka 5/- (Shcleng too tlhano) lefa ele go feta mo MOSEGI ache, Heartburn, and all the disorders of tho stomach causcd by an fela mo lokoalong jaka orata. 7 Stockdale Street, Kimberley. inactivo liver. Sold at 2/6 per box, or 6/6 for three* boxes, Post Reletlela 3| mo lekgolong matoadiaho mo lokoalong loa polokelo, madi Eo o Itakele IM ] Free in tho Union agtgo o oa a bona kafa oratang. Fa Hukong ea tL( Gare batle palelelo pele fa o batla madi agago. ROAD le ,ROPER 8 j To be had dlreot from the Sole Proprietors, Gaufi le Steishene. The Colonial Banking & Trust Co., 14, NEW MAIN fi of Africa, Ltd., Go lebagana le Kereke e _ SIMON PRADES, Ih e Colonial Seed and Supply Coy. ( S i ) , Makgooa ea Prwbytentt- j Comer 8mM 0NDS and MARKET STREETS, A u batla Semolo, JOHANVS8BUBO. M0REKI8I LB MOANANTI, 71 B u r g S t r e e t, Boi 1,071, Semapa, ’Marase, P.O. BOX U5L CAPE TOWN. Beltunata, Mafadul j Zulu Street, BLOEMFONTEIN, 0 tla go segela keleoong ea r Fa U haUa DikatleleTDiuilole Ie Ditalo, Lrtpitat Dilo tsa Ntlo cotlhe toe di siameng ka tlhoatlhoa e potlana too di Ncha le toe di tala Diaparo, Dikobo, Ditlhako le Dishuse, Dikomerese Ic Sosc taa THE STOBIE RESPIRATOR. methale eotlhe. Mmogo lo dikoforto tea Amerika ro di data mono. (Kgefsana en Stobie e e beoang mo nkong.) itomedisioa tbt* k* •. Dijo, Dijana, Ditee l« Dishukere le dilo too dingoe taa Matlo. Ebe ere fa u rata re di olele ro di iso Stcishenong lefa ebile u rata re di romela kae. Ke Setoro se se lebileng Waehuku ebile scgaisa Toro tae dineoe Qa go Hoepi ope oa Metlobo o ka dirang ka itekanelo a sena naea cotlhe ka bo chipi Bogolo mo Metlobong ea koa Gauteng. TSALA EA BECOJ Mang le mang eoo tlang go itekele o tla booa a itumetoo JOSEPH STOLLER, 21 Giddy Street, (Tbe Friend ol «h« Btcb« LOROLE lo lo iro&ng ko Boro mo diamaeneng lo gololeloa ka dinko Go Lebagana le Kantoro. ke Babercb. U ba phunya makgoakgoTIoee go ikgata mo Makgoa- hung a babereki, ba shoe. Baba tumaeang ka bonako ba sa Uhedile eare bo fitlha kot gae lo bl bolaise J. KLEIN, STOBIE RESPIRATOR e kganela lorole loo gore pereko et metlobo e Tallov and O utflttor, LOUIS WENTZEL, mu bokgotbo (ela jaka eadipoltse. 27 & 29 OLD MAIN 8TREBT, KIMBBELEY. Oyole Dealer, STOBIE RESPIRATOR e kganela lorole loo le mosi ebile ke eone e 58 De Beers Road, KIMBERLEY. nameag go gaiiaUe dingoe lefa ele chipi. REKANG STOBIE RE8PIRAT0R fela eleng tw dingo*. D i S s / - 14” 091*’PAKA g4g°*d‘ 4im0’0,a ka £2 10/’- _ 0 BEK ISA D IBAESEKELE toa methale ootlhe le ditohicoana- tohicoana toa cono tae motho 0 ka di batlang. r.. di *®?'IoeDF' e^e 0 nale mothale e mentointi ea Baeeekelo tn gagoe di BEKEGA THATA. dITil

    KIMBBRLEY MAY Tlhoatlhoa S d —Ngoaga 12/6 ka pose 15/-


    RB NALE THOTO B NT8I EA DILO TSA KBMO. Mekgabo ea Basadi, DIcoalo tta koa Teng, Bploslre, Le Dlkranse, Dlshuihe, Kotorto tsa tahlpl, Paka t u Majentlelemane lutshe tta Batadl, Sellka tsa MaJedl Jalo Jalo.

    Ja ka go naea Tlhako tse di siameng ka Tlhoatlhoa tse di okocolocoeng.

    Ilhilo lu B.benki goiimol 1* ka

    Tlbako In Bu m ttt Mekfcabo go #imolol« la flbnko Ua Maledi le diabyse go liroolola ka... fllnko im Buimarae.le Basetrana Ua StkoV lc T hi|.i ka TL okocolococfp.

    Tlang lo Itebatebele ka Losi Be tla lo ilamedisa kgabisicoeng. le Na 011 i M0SE8E OA KOA ifcxo OA NAINSOOK. difsle MASHINI OA A1IKV Eo wkhaiomelo pentle ka (Re pedi lo kanto o e kgabi'iex-ng le ditaka fa godirna karantie ea nyaga dile titiano £2 15.'*. GO NALE BO MASHINI BA BANGOE KA FeU ka 4/11. Oo nale (se dingoe gape ka 87 Dutoitspan Road, Kimberlpy. £3 7a. 6d le £3 17* 6d • 2/6, 2/11, 3,6 Ie 3/1L

    Ga gona ope Lane A RERD K IN A BUTT, DIHKUPE TtjA NAINSOOK, roamkoe a bahomsgadi fe'a eo ontahang Ditempe Ixa Bareki mo Uangaung. le deleif« ka 1/6,1/9.2/-, 2/6 le 1/11.

    Koala re tla go romela Koalo loa Ditlhoatlhoa Io lo nang le dichoancho. Re Ntsha Di Trading 8tamp& ABERDEIN & BUTT, Maitland Street, Bloemfontein, R. MULLER, CAPETOWN

    Phatlho e nUia'.ti ea PIANOS, MOTSEI OA BASHOI Dlbemvo u a bo teng, tie di bobaa APARO Tsa MOTLUNG. ORGANS. ’ bo bskima. tee di bothitho, tv di R Muller's I maboeo nulrele, S/6. Le Manikfinc a bothltho bo kalo. 5 r, Ktanemr, Dilukanr. Kkai e Cboeu. FJanelel*. l i r»lr t u b Dl-onoroboki Ue dl boboa. Isr di ihkatnhu, me Ootlo If l u , , A BASHOI. w m b v l maboito maleele, 1/8 PAKA le DITLHAKO Dlhempe tea boTlene tae di thata Ir tie BUY THRlll PIANOS, OROA*8 | | 13 di Kgiloeeg lent le, 5/8,6/6 le 7/-. CORNSrs, VIOLINS. O H V ~ 1 3 2 S i ■ ■ Dlhempe tae dl bokete tsa Crimea /v IT'I'I Bw.vma Iwllh* hoipln ha m tie di logetdlesg, SO. U Bioru.fiiateiii, l» a hudunilf koa 8l AOrOHARPS, AND OTHER MU8ICAL INSTRUMENTS , # Dlhempe ue dl mehaU taa Ceylon Otviiiie Sire-t, j«aoi>og air mo Rauroinn W' 1“ di logtgileag, V8. R. MULLER, 0APCT0WS Dlhempe tea bo-Fleno Ue dl mebala, 1/9. MBGOALO Lefa a ka ipaakanjet-a let loir, ene o Dlhempe tie dl mebala e meihoen le e mebndndn Ua lla ntaha kam k|pmo iliplt-e koa il'e i[a Kalmnagadi, le Banjatr Mr B UOLI.ER, . I Capetown, ttj'i na im»t* Tth» u>l rnrnrtk A«»ti i kara. mntho a hrlile Krae mo so me jour d'atrirt. Appii a1 uni th. uid he m DlbaMt**meUhameko Ue di sefegUenglentle, tie di dikgetie ;lriki e 'ii ji Iiliitlmi! loa Mir sa trfo) jo ile * th fu'l I'iiti-iilm, . Tee do liamrtwru jo Fa motlm a nna midi itlhr n ka Marnkhne a bo-Twoed, t it , 6/6,6/8 le 7/8. Ooaloa ka .litiuaUoa largn lela ka k|jof< i lion< Dlhempe taa fa godimo tae di bothltho, 3 6 le 5/-. kx di>tke. l

    I l l , Jones Sired, Mo MokgoathengoaKo 111.

    Rolled Gold Bet Gold - Selaga sa Nama Ise di

    Write for oar Illustrated Catalogue. Sent Post Free. Mahura.

    20c LOWER JONES STREET, Ka Tlhoatlhoa Ka fa tlase ga TIeloko. I. Mendelsohn & Co Tie di OkocoloevfBi;. tlhako ISA RONA ISA BANNA; Jntflen and Watch Manufacturers, di tla itamedlsa pelo ea g»go '• f ka 0/6. TLHAKO T8A BONA TSA BANNA 72 Burg Street, CAPE TOWN. di siame, di ehipa mo di thata fcalO/8. TLHAKO TSA RONA TSA BANNA Mosegi oa Diaparo tea di aminiahini taa metlobo Ie tsa 1 WLHO A BA8ADI a tlaphaWiima;hi 41, Old Main Street. di tleteo ditlhako toedinUe. | Oanfl le Oflai ea Dipase, lelengl Itumelengl! ItumelengH! KIMBERLEY. Lo le bone kbenkelomblo karekang ditlhako taa kcx T90» 8et Imitation «di j Diamond. 8/-. | Rolled Gold • • 61-. IS t lA HA BECOANA (THE FRIEND OF THE I

    Be itnael*goitsiie babadi baronagoie Pirlamente ga ea -WUelU gore ffigb Mafokonyana Court le mooo Kimberlej e pbatlila lontwng jsna ke lorsto lo.Jo cbouung le lor. to loa Modimo, a w p **•» «ps A LE FATSHE. _ Sow go Iosmoos ks 3 eo o ki utloang ki botlalo kooUe ga bo- Mr. H. A.-Oliro. "tokololo ea Kioberley, oji!—Molao o o itu« KE £0. bhelo joTlWi-o. Mme bobhA> » Sir Darid Harris (Beaoonsfield). Dr. A. ka josi ke jone jo Utho be nanj le go Ui Sonth Afrika o ulTT 1 H. Watkins (Barkly Wwt), Mr. W««U ka bo flUhelela ka Morena oi rona Jem Mtkuli alo tnabedi . tlWla'u M n a^tdl kjooo Ipnbee (Bechoanaland), Mr. Kuhn (Prletks), le ga Jache Hopley Ure ke Z V * Mr. Msriu (Hopeton). lelekoa. Be ae re agile k .*2 etUm f no bikev.ua e n SMw gape fa re boela ko taUmo-kfoof njaga dile 10 ra ta.c ^ . lokojlo loa Baroms, re flUheU lefolo N M kuio it aw > la nidi ra etela India. fu J NOANG je lefolo je legolo je le woolan* wplari Kitsisho Tsa Gopomente. a«n.pt«is«b«b«nji»iiU» Thuto ta kutlo. "Mme Modimo one o.w Ubo- Coneiaa Kgosi ea ditok mamisedltae lorsto los one, ks erll* re lawoe ke Ooromente go ekiUu ka OMUli IA go.tsena mo 8outh Afrii* u aantae te lo baloofi Kreste a re ef“ ‘ SEUFIIA ea buidl. BA DIKOALO T8E DI Oonne fs e rile ro sa ntso re le , neiloo dlpaae jaana di fedik Hoplej: Ntlbomane bare u! Co e nnelaig palo e e ra ruangoa le Modimo ks loibo loa Kitsisho tw di btelang di gatisios go i n polelo et pintaha. TS1UPI EA MAY 19, 1*1*- Moroa one, bogolo thata re Ua boloko ba loab. ebUe ch.po u. ip u j ptaijttliibiB joe. loatlhoA. Mr. Buchanan are Mr. Coeah. ka botabelo joa gagoe ka re wtee r EDWARD DOWKK. le B n u ll oa naioa lemadl e tla te." (r., 8-10). nctae go ba leleka gonne (, J H£.M. ka neoa dipase a lnioa a tij, Tibing* co tiro ta Bincha on a f t m i l P. I lo n tiy a n e oa ga go itae ope koa re ki h u J Temana, Baroma ziii. 8., " 1 Mr. Justieo Uoplej . .UWij! Kill a Tiro tu Bincba, oa gaga bo o dlragaditae moieo. ka rata go bona Mr. Cotui^ , w LEIOI Je le ronelaog naioa a “ “ *e mine.. Ere a ule ^ Pretoria. 1m)h go feta maina a a Balang Matheo r. 17-K Moagi oa Madi. i ere ire itla Mancoe a temana ea thoto e a cl ire kao kile ua leal*p. roneeoeng ke ba baoeoe ka N lo therong ea Morena ko thabeng. Ona a nanye, mala, a gagoe ale sepe. O kite Oormente 0 ^ pikx .. kgaolong e llbophiloeng re fitlbela "Itkuli t neoe ta«U Cormeali ae buang kaga molao le boemo joa gagoe mo maemoDg a a mashoe. (atsapa. Tm e Toot Gorooere (Jennie mi K*otla o kgaUhegfle kab mafokung a OBOWSIt HA TSBOi B IU B . Temini IS os Molao So. 6 ot 1907 (Orange Krai 8rtata) go duueWa ditaelo ne r«T»J(C0tDI e e llakjoaga ModUcmaneng tse di aimololang kga- Fa W le ole bokoa, le m»di ale Mo PirUmenteng.-Tokoloto J di latebeg, lie di ntihicoeng ke Boroto ea Baicbo ea Wiuiesboek, kafa mif^- lo e e llbophiloeng (17-30) o bolela ka motlhohn gotlo gonne thata gongoe ohannesburg e Unnit* ao t-t knog t Temini ca leahooe (X) ea Moloa o i ka Ju e 30,1912. Simloia botlala Je ka Uhisimogo hoemo Joo. 1 lemoija molato faese botlhoko tiahene e choailoe ke Uakgoot sa tls go wnys molao; me e le go are Ooromente . ntshe n J ja&oong q ronele naioa koa _ etelecoe pale ko boloetsi jo bo 1. Barui tntlho ba dikolobe b» ehosoetae lenkeng kgooo kageielo ewle, kgono ere b di ea go bull di E S» botlalo gore ga go kitla go feta yoda fctsang motho. Fa botlhoko bo; M to r'T sa la e a Becoana,' le lonakanyana longoe loa mo' godile thata eano ekote ga go sepe Lekgooa lengoe je le hidio* J Kolobe dingoe tre di ka fitibeloang di bull mo nigeng kgotu mo gare gi ___ limo o o do oa necloa Moehc ao so ka kaeang molato. Fa gnntae Erie Holthauien le duditka fitlbela dilo coUbe di diragala. >Re bona motie moogoe o o nnang botho, ebile di choeojra lea go tla lttbb moo ga eone, fa Boi 143, Kimberley. jalo go senka phefo e ncha kgotaa kgotsa kgoedi dile 15 a rekiidilal fa Morena i n i i n dire poo fola mme isrumo kot Harrismith. di nale modisana lefa dlse m nte di cbouetae go bolaoa ki taelo ea kgosi kgooo tiro, eare mitlhsmongoe go lero kgoaaaa ea mot* oo. itaiie ka tlbomamo maikaelelo a go ikobelt molao ka eni le go o phodisha Lofa gontse jalo go Oatoe janong dinkn dip^_ J. DikoL.be di tla letlel n go bull fela mo ditabeng tae di beeeoeng thoko ko Tsala ea Becoana. taa mo botsbelong joa gagoe. tsaea sc baka so se lcele, mmo difarelano le muaiboko. le aathi kgoai kgonomigolo oa motae kgooo nutaana o beng ba kolobe two h» nnang m> l’onatshego e e tlbagisioang mo mancoe b inteing joa baloetei ga go th a letlelcoe gocoa koa. Til! „ go ooe. Fa di ka fitlheloa di bola di eboenjri go wle di be di ki bolioi ke kgoei ng a. "go taamaea dilo ootlhe di diraga- gontae go Iganeooc dilo tseo ctfflt kgooo kgoaaai ca motae kgxio motssoa oa ke ea go Uhomamisioa mo lefa- sepe. MOISHEGANONG 18, IBIS. taheng ga maitseo a siameng t domala- Mr. E. J. PB 4. Fa godimo ga polao eo ea tone, monjpe eo o tlolang ditaelo t* o tla nna Modimo. Mme ji O.FA, o bonyo le t i duelo tefisho i t a feteng Ponto dile Pedi, era la a «ena madi a go duelo C Morem o bolela fa go w kiUi go base- ea ZO fodlSft tefiiboeoaboakatwngoamoteronkongkatuoe e tbaU kgooo kot ntle ga dioa.tin* moragomnftPO yodaTnda leftlef. eA le lonikanyan^lon.k.DTaOB / , 1 t I phokolo le go eooe kgoedi e ngoe fela. Ditsheko tsa Dijoche (titela) longoe loa molao o o tlbomiloeDT Oatoe Uhoatlhoa ra diplufi Lkah o tumaea dilo tae di Ubokegang t-le!oa ke maai, naloba lo tseneng di laethoebi mo Kimberley. letefadioa. ee motlhohn, e ecoa koa Moisei Baj e NUha e ngoe ea thuto e ke >e Morena tlhoatlhoa pot- Joe he Lange o na atlbola kgetsi dile a M3. MopiUo 25, 1912, w buang kaga boikarabelo joa ba ba lana, e mongoe Mabucboana mangue tt O aimolotse ka Uotaheganong tie 1 iledicoeng mo tirelong ea Modimo. maloba koa Paarl a ho __ 4 shoetaa ta Motaheganong ale » le mongoe o ,ka Oo itsisioa go nnt polelo ea pontiha fi Tau e Toni Oomera General' a gonne. jaka manooe a gagoe a shupa bane ba ile le le bomo koa fit T koa Ttung e ne e le kgetae ea "Mo- na a bua le ba bane ba choanetse go rnb e dirisang. • t bale «, ga (alo! kgaUbegile go dumelela kifi muoknog a Trmina fl ea Thero Na S20 a 189) prtfeta” Kgokonj, lengoe leina ja gagoe n Ub Bechuanabad) g > gogs ditaelo tae di oe di gatjuiw go lanbi kifa Bancbo Oo roba mongoe oa melao le go rul Mr. PHELEO Mr. E. J. Pheleu. j.toe “ Umolokr' eo gotoeng o bolaile bstho ba bangoe go dira jalo ke go ni ue:—Eeloniea (I'm™ » Phrto.). 2il* remiog dikgoog ki gone mo Dircwveng tsa Bancbo kot Britoh Beehuana- Uankgatari ka go “ mo kolobesla' n land, tae di rekiaiouiit, kgooo tae di oroang, le go btea ditaelo mo minnong a raraotlana mo Bogoning. Oo e boloka le te'> go eame kantlhaea thuahooke cone, ditaelo tw di kaioang mo Sbedalueg e e fa tlaae. kadibeng t noela ah. a aboa, o n e ruta ba bangoe ke go nna mogolo Re itnmelela dikoala ta b ) nyaga dile tlhano. Monnaoe en* o n Posboog ea legodimo. Thata e nne- e bonyeni; mo mo'omong oa nyena P. Mothibi. Maritum It ngoaga ka ditsheko tsaga Dijoche ig rnri ea mancoe a kc ka gobo Kene ke boga mo go latlhdge'Oeng Tiger Kloof, ka cboiaho le di I kgoedi ea Bakole ka go thnaa "Moprv wnola thata e e fitlhegileng ea go rut ke, keleco ea dijo, ke go tlhoka tsa bone ao Ttalei feta"—Kgetae t»a Klipdrift eono di eme Oo roba molao ke go ruta ba bangoe i boroko, ditlhabi mo ditokololong, janai—Jan Stokwe ka go itaea ngoan« o roba. Oo b utlua ke go ruta ba bangoe Oape ebile re it nb» ga polo, boko i mo 'meding, oa ga mogatv a mofharile al)a aahoa k> go o untie. Ufa gontae jalo nneto e e ills ea rom Mr. 11 Maleki'i molamo koa Au^tm'a Kuab o neiloe ngo Ua boela e tlhaga mogo ngoe ea dithuto Gjo tihola ke lapile fola Cotlhe Cironlar Boad. ki A ta. tse di latelsng morago ga boko di se tee di foditicoe se dikgolokoane -oTokaidi April, ka go leka go gatelela Annie, t e di khibicoana teaga Dr. Wil­ gakolola tsala » ea moroadi ot Sana Uoroole koa Drooge- Kgaolo e, e e buang kaga bonno le liams. Ke gSkolola ditrala taamo gitisa makgooa cm rldt o seQor nyaga dile S le baa. bogolo joa molao e ehoelctaa ks lencoc ba retelccoe gale ke go ifinb MELAO F.A DIKOOA MO DIRE3BWKX0 TSA BANCHO KOA Charles Tipa. ka go bolaea Jack Je le akaretaang (t emana 20) je le abu- gore dise itaomeleletse itscmoletao nta dilo feela basaitv [a di Chobi kot Waldek’a I'lant o neiloe pang tengoe sa bogolo joa se Morena o dikgolokoane tse dinkgakgtma- ka madi. Ke bogologolo Bn BRITISH BRCHUANALAND. ijagi dile 5- to lebeletaeng mogo rona, gonno e bolela ditw. Ke eletaa go kabona modiri Uhabccoe ke le tsatu me b rrrderick ' barl« Datej. Moept mo- fa tahiamo ea ba eleng ba Puabo ea gs- oa- setlhare se, ka mo itnmelelela kego ikemisetsa Korant. ea igot oa koa l)roo*e»eldt o neiloe njaga goc e choanotae go gaisa tahiamo ea Ba- phodisho e c ga gamat?ang e, ke e Masnlu. Maabotbo. U.tebele dile (. ka go reka Taemane ele ngi ba botlbe ba lekan; lefa (Ml go Enoch Mjadi, eo dirang le ba t Krile fa Morena a sena go bua lencoc bonyeng mo dikgolokoancng * " ptb. Ebib gokalor 1. Os go Moocho o tla remang. a rota kgooo * utiuiia botlhoko letlhtre R Buchoana je gotoeng Dirk Vac Wjk, je a ahnpa ka ditlhalosho di le dintai se aepe ta m-kil. «■« euieog mo Reaeircoit a Bancho lefa a kane I ea go dirang koranta ooUhe ele rone di td •fa gokatoe Krank Da*id »an Schalk 0 «e lebeletaeng mo btlaleding be gagoe. lokoane tae di khibicoana Busho goka otloa di kiibooe. Kjk oa JO n coa di pitw taa bancbo le Thuto ei rom ke ngoe fela ea diUbilo- Dr. Williams di rekisioa mo Baihocn ba Pniel le ht Klipdrifi 'ho tse, mme e bus kagi boitshepbo joa 1 M 'nebo mongoe le moogoe eo o igilrng aentlc mo Reseveog ea Bancbo o matliing otlhe a ditlharo le k* rralrli a ea gi rrk'ta kgnoo i ea p> ora dikgoog tae di omileng tw di ka neiloe ngoaga dile i. botabelo joa motbo. Morena o shupa fs v Molaba re utnile Ulbcb Zambrti, moeimanjana oa leubele I roaleloing goat wogoe tlhtre tw di enien* le tw ai goling. taelo e kgologolo e le boUalo ka gotlhe. mawcntelong, kgotsa o ka rotno'a fa "tab ea rona Mr J. L Debl i gatelela Mina moroadi oa Uarthil Ka cone motho o laelot gore a sek koa Williams Medicine Co., Long Sekole aa Phoenix « Mauls k Kaehoele, oa Wiodeortgn a neoa nyaga 3. Moucbo mongoe b moogoe eo o agileng mo Reaeweng a Bmebo ka bolaea. E no e le Uelo e bogale e ( Street, Cape Town, botlolo 8/1 Koranta ea bone e il. mnlm, o ka rema matlhaku gn ea go aga miraka kgooo difero, fa a aiuogrUe dile 10 le baa dile 10. e »hupa boitshepbo joa botabelo joa kgotsa dilo thatiro 17/-, o sa duelo a digiloe ke pitae jaka permiti e e koadiioeng, mo Kgneing ea gagoe kgooo mo kgoaaneng, e bolele tlbare Te ISA KIMBERLEY tho mongoe le mongoe. Lcfagontso . a ea Durban go e. ro choaro tna tae ci tla di retnaog gore di Itae, lo koa o tb a go rerain? teng, le niko e 0 tla Morena oa rona o boea taelo ngoe ea pxe. remiog ka rone. Chrietotel Van Zjrl. ka gi koa pioong ea parlam * ^le ngoe mo go Thoma* maitaeo e e farologanyeng lo e ngoe lofi Ro mo eleletaa tsidil-ii <. Kgoai le kgoana ogoe e e lomang go in jalo e tla romela kot go Migesc- Wiga dile ». gontae jalo e ae kgstlhanong le eone. Fi e kane taelo e kgologolo e no e le botlalo MaahoroiJo.—Maloba ro boletso fa Ma- trata lefaele koa go MokgethUi palo ea ilipcrraiti eotlhe taa go rems dikgoog t»* Daniel buru a iteile Morulagahyu oa Leader Maloba ka naUhaco imp o neiloe njaga fela gotlbe. bona ba' rongoa b. Kgoai. b Oa motheo, ke eone e kgorobelelang. Ke Maburu a mangoo a ile beoa mo thong:' bafeta kalano go ea koa bo M n Mogorosi ka go n ma dile oa koalo lo lo kgoUileng somane, gore, e tlhoma selekanyo ae e ka reng fa Kapa. i ne ele i'hie( Pasl> B, Moocho eo o agileog ka raolto mo Rmcaeog ea Bancho, eo o rating co Naga Watch Banti. o neiloe njaga dil« choaro a mo tladika ka tore a>i remi mekgnro ea go igeleli kgooo e. go in arngoe * wle, ew tw di diriaunc; le boa dile W. ae ikobeloa go se kakeng ga ba ga nna 4e Mr. Sebopioa S. Ho le polao. Morena o tlbaloaa goo fa ka ka diphafa a mo olela ka kepe mo tiling, o tla batla liewnw pele mo go MokgetbiaL Immense co c tla loWa ilo-jdi oa lekgoa Kriitina Do Plnaia, gommaea fa gare ga toropo mo Commiv palo le wlrlcanto a mekgoro e e tli rengotig. km di tla nugoang teng le niko a go fitlhelot anale di temnne dile K ka whoan.ho «a bonna ba Jiabodi;. oa Koa Johanneeburs oalob ■ ntlha ke monna eo o galefisicoeng ke| tioner Street. A gaketae Maforekanere mongoe ooeiloe njaga dile ji£ e Mocoaat o j lelleeoeog go di rema ka eon«. Go ntaha laewsw eo go Ua neiloe njaga dile 3. a gana motbo a ntse a tshameka kt ikatlholelca ke Mokgrtbiti k« eai, ere ft a ka gam go e ntaha motho i bo i ka Maanete. Chn>Uan nn Kensbarg lengoe gatoe phoaho e« oa gag.bo, oa babedi ke modiri rekisa tenkgsne mo l*tk»»t in boipileco kot go MageaetraU. Vans Daniele Joste. moepi oa koa Wai •ia phoaho. Mogo oa ntlha ncho btle bt bedi. motJ«ta»t futon ka go u eo akgomo Mr. Reid na kgoba; mme ka-honako tae ft a Idle a rek.« hojiiab 6. Go tla oe go dueleloa |«lr iaewnw ngoe le ngoe e e ntahioang ke Mokge- eiloe ntaga dUe 3. 1 a ditaelo tse di ikobeloa ga go kake ga ■ a ba a duelisioa tSi Wl thiii ditefo tw Kgoai ea tiro taa Bancho e tla di e leelang, i la a di itaiw Uilbert Ntlonxe, ka go thokhota Jamt nna le polao. Mme janong Morena Magewtiata. Icimbilili koa ga Manknroane o neilo fetoge a lebc mong oa molato mme o i 18,00#, ka njaga tv thanx&J thiba fela a le fa aletareng eo Mod in t s a bafiUetse bojaloa bo -ech*U 7. MotahegeUi oa permiti ogoe kgono linenw o Ubare fa a bitloa a e tbupe, nyaga dile Uhano le baa dile II. 9 E O mo rsea a re: Ke’gone fa o iu n ga nUo. fl e batloa ke lepoliai kgono ke moneoe ro o letleeoeng go di UhaUhola ; mme Michael Kobe, kago gatelela Sophia i t e*o«. Loa ga Mankoroana. o bonye ea gago n le fa aletareng, mmo u gakolo- KiUiabo btelug e gitWoa go u etlire fi niko e fetl e Ueienw eo kgooj permiti e ne e leUi moremi ki erne geloa— e seng fa u nale tetigoe kgatlha' polelo ea postshs. rootih gelsi a e bowtw kua ofinng e o e chotaeng mo go eooe gore e ia go rag dile 10 le haa dile 15. Rato ta Moaadi, KrsUk' phltnolot. __ . Moudi oa lek goa Mimmie Eliiabeth nong le oa gt eno-mme e le “fa oa gn E. F. LONSDALE, poort maloba o thnbakfls ■ I'acktood. ka gotoe o bolaile moroetaana eno a nale aengoo kg.tlhanong le uena, gagoo a tb go namoleloe »» B. Oa t nke e nna molao gnrr m itahegetai moogoe oa laraeuw kgooo pet- lekgoa koa De Beer, o golocoo. Uogela neo ea gago gone fa poll mhnb ka pistolo. U i ^ J tare," miti a e oeele motbo o wle, kg»no go rem» kgong tn mothale o aele kgono go Itephen Maraba le Peter Africa boo base o- bioa ksntorong b ■ Ke goi Ofitlea wle, woo go f(U tw .li Inlebang ke lok.al. U gagoe, kgooo go rema dikgoog FODISA ii ha neiloe ngoaga ka go leba le.go onna eo kanUha ea tiro n< tlogela fela. morago gi niko e lieaenw kgnoo |«rmiti e e ntahedicoeug. tbn» le podisi ja ga Motlakau Darid ea gsgoe o galehaoeng mokaulengoo i»ae jaka le holoj ka rarolvoro ke gagoo a busodioa ko mokiulengoeng i Lekgotla js bo Dijocho ba Trtniml Tamaio.—Ma We»ele — -y 0. Mongoe le mongoe eo o neecoeng laeaeosc kgono permiti o tla nna le Freddie Fihla. Freddie FihU en. pele gi a Ua fa pele ga Modimo oa .. letla ditologa isni mo ksoeditur ea Mo- ohoenjega thaU ks gore maikarahelo a tihenjregelo ngoe e e ka dinang ke ene kgnoo ke motho mongoe o goe. Oa gont motho ope eo o amogelt«o- Kereko eo too njsgeng “ «ele fa a tianuiaa thata c o e neecoeng ke lokoalo, itlholeeoe losho, pjtk Morsoaaele Mojsheguoog gang fa aletareng ea Modimo go tsamsea — lerton, MuUe*,Mi Engelsno di Jokotaegt ileB DIKOOA. TSA FUFDDI. s shuthisa sengoe ae’w mo boUhelong ia Fa mo tahekong c c ka wkinioang motnhegrtw. a tekiaio, jjo rola ditaelo 3cidelb«s Loaboraro, Moranang 3. mo Kcekeng tw dmjo* g tae, fi go tlhokifali goitw gore a moeeki o nale lienenae kgooo penniti, go tli lvaka Moloji ka go bolaea Frana Me joa gagoe te e ka nnang tekgopi mo i Betbal, lot bobedi, Moraoang 9. e gone mme ma Weaele a » kaulcngoeng oa gagoe. toe ga ni nieo go tamaeia e abupa kjuno a ntaha cbupo e e itumcdiaing gore o long koa Kaoelboilt o neiloe ngoaga. Ennelo, loa botato, Motanug 1(X kafa to^a k*orel<-oang ** William Preeeot Gregg, kago thuba le Temana ea rona e sesob ftphiri Carolina, loa bitlbaao, Moruaog 12. gone. Ba bangoe hare hw Wenkele joo ra Fincham koa Derondale kutlo mo dipakeng tae coopedi. "Ec Middelborg, Matlaoo, Moranaog 13. . kaaa diphufhego le bajopk*', '' go wai madi a peso o neiloe ratang oa gagabo o diragaditse molaoi Lydenburg, Mantaga, Moranang 16, ba dinatb jaka ba lx«<*r» Walter Danes, ka go koalela Captain gonne eo o ratang 04 gagabo ga a kitla I Barberton, Maotags Moraaaag SI E Rsah. Kjwi ea Mapodui a Fufod, dike a mo kgofisa; kgotsa fa a dir ile lengoe Nylstrwm, Maataga, Morananj Si alo ta go lethoafatsa o doediaicoe 15 se gale fiiitseng oa gagabo ka tshismo, Pietenbarg, Loaboraro, Moraoang i i . THERO. kgotu kgoedi dile 8. ft tls ea kogo ene a dira kagisho le eao.! Rnateaborg, Loaboano, Motsbegannsg Ea Tin e Toni En o Tlotleging Thita Viacount Olidat.ne, Tokololo ea LektoUl Erelyn Roddman, le Kgaitsedi Mtpo ke nnete gore “ eo o ratang oa ga-; tobad. Baagi bale bas^«»! je le HoUegaog wgolo ji Senitla w SenUe ji Sephin, Kstrana et Moobato am ltadmaoa, Maboeboana a Fnftdi, gabo o diragaditw mobo,” gonte lefa 1 Zeenut Mantaga, Motohegaooog 1 ba.ae ba rometw dipoath*-^ o o flt-hegileng thaU oa bo St. Michiel le SL George, High Commifflboer ale mantii le mosedi. le boncaang le jo le booesioting ke thoto ong11. mol»o ia Difcnw (Kmelelo) ot 1891 koa Cape of Good Hope ke Uhomamiia fa MlT ditse gor* Ooromente . - „ mo mimetlelelong ele moUha one o go tla huuotog ki one dicbelete tw e cotlhe fa a re-"brito galogaka-1 Chrtltilhl, M&nUga, Mobhegiaong 13. fa Doistere le njet* *■ *1,1913 a 1 os gsgamadioe ke Ooromente o na 1 di idimi Bancbo go a ga diteraU fa tire gi polaae Ue di iitelug t««e." , Potebefstrooo, LaboUbaao, MotaW- lemilokiaiaibokliang mo mimeUeleloog ebo-g Mijokgoro, Sekhiog, Seoding. Mma g.pe ga re kiko ro felotaa MOOg 17, u Kaisara, I)nelooteiD Zotluiotjet le Mmimutlc mo Setrekiog aa BaAl* West, i doeloe BATHATI. ke Bancho la bt igileng mo milokaaing n MODIMO BOI/)KA KGOSI K ntahicoe ki ^ t l i le S*kino w Sogolo aa Kopano ci South Afrib mo Pretorii, ki tsatai jeno jt JS Apnl, 191 i. TSAEA 00 MOGOLO 0A 0A Ki taelo et Tau e Tom Ooaorooor Geoeral mo Kgotli, WOOD

    HW.» N.w. a H.w.tt ftLJOFOBOIBR H.W.« BAHOODXEaX. H.W.« H.W.tt H.W 35 H.W.» 0 ALAFA G0G0TL0LA LE SERAMf m y (H0T8HKJAN0NG) 13.1 T O A U U BEOO m tTHB FEIBND OF THE BECHUANA). «• W*«Vb » . « pk^ik "ST* k ite iu lte iw whtn r t t j few Europctn fimillti rtiidf. governing nee, aa? to lora ula te 2 com- j^atkta. WANTED: Tht matron bu bttn able to End iltni- General Hertzog pnhewive policy. On \U hypocroes The “ Black” Peril. tioni for quit# t krg* number ot nitit* ON THE ud uftirstu pnetiied towink the Ii* O»Tt--0»"re8«natkee»8enUf •• " girli, iltbongb thi Hoatel ia not k libonr lttivet under tl --- ^ * « mo 1* — Aibpwg ^»u|»bok, k nutknUo t bone. Bt Sehool Teacher. ‘ when the imtitntkn be- wut of lyitem. r r r . bo mitroiho. Oo nsk muKini known throughout the Black,White, and Mixed tt a juDctan whet tbe * Black Plftl" r * w a i « * “ ■? *«fap«i. *» f*- bonew T hba . Ukatkri, u ^ , w *' “ik° « ANTED.-Nttive Teicber for lit Colony it will no doubt be greatly taken re ii getting on th* term of woo*n, " W.^» ®° a,t“ * * * “ongoe ot bone ktft b* taamailenn kt Btuvikeln School. Kaore, Balu- •dnntige of. With rtgird to the coat, Peril. I muy puUi. aen prefer ailenc* |» f ikuletM go fofa. Ok ueaikle woe. bo mephttonj kt mephato ea bone f “ “ “ i PpMorntf. Mult be able theto capital charges will practically expreuion ol oplaloo. It k lnt«*eit- i t ene Kgwl «• ntlha ea Engelane Konfennae et khotl, k S , . a tewH Woorl Work and Siaeioe, in ad li- .inonnt to tMO, while the upkeep lurk­ Antlyiiog the figum, General Hertiog Panic Regnlations. to convene w,th thou who k-VOW Jbololing mo gae • et* (a tualo begosi Uot t i icholut c duild. ing tsptnsc, kt., will probably entail a. itited tint durihg 1914-ih? manlts by the Transkei and e*n make coopariicaa KONFEBEN8E 8H0NTA0A Salary £73 |« looutn. OoIt foTIt klicki on white wolftn numbered *»—17 jw ho »*««•• «*t April, Tirtlo e. moaho e ne e ehoe. 'or 1 year or two of from OO to the romiitioii then and th** of no ke Mornti Mant.ana . l.T? contpekntTcachennetdipply. It ii the intention of thi Cor- quirler— in 1911 they wen 107-28 a the Tranavaal. rh. conclonoo loiced c-Wue.-Ko» Qauteo* r> tihoaomi- bokobeco jo* t, JWu jo ^ g,iWBjl,1>1 REV. H. WILLIAMS, portlion, ihould thii experiment be tuc- quirter-tnd in thi first quirter of 1913, FATTENED PT COLOUR home i. 1 resul ii thit the cauu* at inllo junong gore bojiloe ke jone Kaojre, rla Lobatai, cenfnl, to mike iccomuodition for the i!-a decrrue of four p*r quarter There- JUDICES. ih. root of Ihe • III ark Peril* qautfoo w uhoUbtlttuu* dikafon go beWelt the period which uw ill thii tgi- le go et Inhant lot mokgon. e»re e n t Bwhtunaltod Prokctoiatr. or krill girl coming into town, and ‘ Now thit outitanding men of light are lo be found in Ihe rooditim wh'fh ,)~i. Khoe mongoe estkba o tietu ele mongot Tlholejo. . , thii ihould be done without incurring • 1 wu ntlly more free from the tnd leading, like th* Imtei, tho Dyen. pnstll in dUtriet. more or less v'w. Koreans bejak* a ntot Ojaja dile ptdi crime thin lut yetr. In the centn of Mlek go nteot le tu nj.dwt p , ,h.. great dttl of expente. 1 (hi Weir, ud Dicki an no son in trial. Why a il thit .teh t tbisf U tlo* le jo [ol,,, ko, To) M While we congntulit| tb»/hurbin thit ilirm then wen nine rue. thii KingwillitmatowB it ii do wonder tbit • ea« oI' Black Peril’ has nuer beso year then were IJ-jwt "golo. gore re Uh.(U*joe Ur M.ot.a l e n d of orporation upon the folding t>f ill ni- reactionary movetnenta towirda utiiy* kco.n 1* lh» Transkei, alth itt tkvlS niphofi.-Kgoot Ja dipokae kot Sidney ire women”! bcilil, ud 'while we hope double. He pointed thit out ao (hat the ‘ >uld domintt* ita Cosacik Lai. aeek amis on 'hoo«and- of native*1 Why li b Aulnlia le aekkito je 1--- “ 1 f‘ boikokobefo ,« „ j „ a liny other Sopth African lowna will Houae ind the public could determine i: that ihe .lie. and childrea uf trwle* bo n dtreUe poloko Tirelo e* Seltlelo ,-huckle went up fna the powera tbit Me le (o(t ka enplane ja choti folkw iti lead, we molt eipreoa our dta- hether then wu my nason for thia f thoeroe ke Monti O Ktkau ka nako be in the Council btctua* Mr. 0 Whita­ if Ihe principle of raming a re itraordimry excitement which . » go- m tu jots taa phatklak Ua gt n V. W h a tu ta tnoea (4 ho Kr»„ ker. M.L.A., hid wind tbe incce*. of lata tie dingoe tia nbtgt ga thou dile. io bo ahnpg, ,n ( k. ml|oln , , from the atlo ot inloxicinli. No ig on. his devoted Itbour. on tbe Government e vn'y thSg doubt it in better thit good light Kafir THE RECORD PETITION pdi Mongol dikgomo o^ttlhokooe. Mongoe mo go Ion. „ tla nlhehit. KIMBERLEY. to get then ” to consent to the new lo- beer ihould be told thin tile dup; but t. li .hit u Enle mtitaibot ka nako et K* “ My object liwlay." fiplnned General tlton ngulitioni, provided tbe .Uittici Darkly Eut-Kafa Makgooa mono 7 Kiubf.rlkv puce has been rudely not necnury alternative*; lently d up- MornU Jonta Con,.. k« bonall, ,o bo- llertxog, " ia not lo Irate hon members en exempted from the 'Curfew ' ” Thii ,-tlbokmg btbtnki kt gone Kgooa shucked by the perpetration of a totil prohibition ii the one ufe policy ide public with the imprta- Corfew" U thi tole imtrumeat of tor- dastardly outrage on a white woman for Nitirei in thii oountry. md. indeed, Th. Tianik.i pmenl. other^lnterot- irejoc maloba le tkgetae'.kgomo dile U Monttja Sni April, 19l2.~B*nitj le luring th* Nttivei for which the ngula- - 1 le dinunuc ka di tibokt ba- the other week, and, as usual, the for Europeini loo. Much hai been uid rhich >sr companaw* A •hilr Migiatnte laleimane ba kopana ka taatai ia 11 md. refogniiing thu. innocent native is bearing the brunj. in ftrour of the Ootlenburg Hyitem, the Oovernment hu long heajtited to nd a handful of Mark police etn mtia- Prwidente abt amogela kt manroe a Front the remarks of some natives but in Sweden it hia ludently been • sm orJer in s district «nh t Kalr ntgolo (halt, t bt itnmelela thata me a retMin for thii eiceptUi 1 iti unction. Ii has given it now, Ditiu.—Fitihe jeno ga le ew le be le we have heard, however, the scound­ Record of Cbiiitian m. Sixty tbouaind peu; tuppoae. on the groutda of " thf l'n- opulalion of 10 000. A »hlle Mtgia- hi,. Ka Tahipi tan e tifnye mo eteis- » n n are ere (a u ntae ba ahitkMho- rel would be mauled if natives were Work" »tyi thit the Swtdiah Oorern- Judge” of whom we read ia Holy j ilop i tribal ant le thero e* madi b* tahegetae (a d forwirdnl a petition 1 Ktifin Simba koa Eut Afrika ea n to find him out some distance away ippointed i Cotnmiuion (I) to the tigurts given theren t No valid ntaon ia tlleged for thia fight '•arty c u Botho to moncho eo o benktog mo J* g*.*)one nM*1 °* ,“melo o o (odileng front European protection. We drift legislation for local option; (J) to rt to nnuck Martial Ltw Reguli- I b. ahnpetM ka n.ko e r» mo go deeply sympathise with the relatives imnge (or other method, lot checking one e nt le dilo dile dintai tas diphe- « pin i< • to worry and haraw an unoffend­ of the victim and would respectfully he evil* of intemperance, among them ing. law-abiding people like the Native*. logo. me foie - Btkreate ha ba .hnleng point out to the Authorities, who 1 thorough reform of ihr bankrupt left bt ne ba htlh©*." oa Mtkulu a roala tefe srem to have got hold of the wrong iothenburg Sy.tem; tnd T ic undertake ihe Government and the Borough Coa*. Erile co aen* go unoceloa mafoko a end of the cane, that two wrongs do in ill-round mrt«ti|tl>. police, • » . * • drink besodden Cape Smoke satura­ ihlbitioniit element in cbr I’pper been done in Johannesburg through the SEMLEIX) SA MORENA. ted criminal from carrying out his ninitint imprisonment, for petty peltry d tn the aaertion of hi. ulhovity, 'Exerting Timee.”—Khuo ngoe e Se imogen* kt II Kloko. filed the dispute in 1 fe» moments, geline e aa toa go eboea ban mekto designs any more than thirty days' n the n ime* under Put ud trilling Municipal Mornti E. 0. lUrrett ele ene n»k8ot- association with hardened criminals bable thi d thi* he did mile* m j from hi* cone ene e fela £80,000 ncoa babadi ba httai. (uktions. All thia only multi in .lion Plucky, of course, but eurely at hard labour can turn a good be a prohibition State The Cibi- iking Nttivei circle** ud cellooa of a melrane. Fa go riant bo tihtring Mafoko a Unkgot ea »ehiittnt t boae. 'lamplo of Ihe morel triumph of ie metae go tla mig kt ae te omileng. white man. There ia Miniater who Introduced th legi. non life, converting them into v liooe kot komiting sape (lat»eg«liot a Iltlon declared ft u hi* ..pinion thit the r *hite mu. and of Iht Iiw and order imiml clua which ia not for the ftxT re;.re*enled Why it it, then, the OonoM kapa ngotga ■> taamule aentile. of the community it krge Hr. 1’. Moshntehue oa Mtfikeng le ene I I^ft erile goaena go abioa g* aala mo­ ks* Bhtyi. •gulstions of the Licensing Court, mire powerful backing lr:m the Stair The 11m of liwi, Glidatone ha* aaid. tto o ka nnang n.500 Dikoleke di nder these, no barman can serve thin hilherto; tbit the S.edtsh people 'hould be to make it difficult for people . ttnt—Btahoen, £1,111 Sa. Kd. ■ Btncho. ie native with liquor before 10 a.m, swed a depth of gntitude lo the men md 0 do wrong tnd nay to do right These Th» forgoing queetion. 0.105 17a. (d.; Gotlhe. £10«» 3a 2d.; and after 4 p.m., but these are mere women—bring ind dead, rich and poor— Municipal regulationi have |uit Ihe op- Loeto go ea Kooferen- Koketaego. £iSJ »* trw 10 be demoralited, but the only purpcx sengke. loa boraro. le I/m bone t«* matlojana Go to Bcaconsfiold of a Saturday enemy than ilcohol or b-Mei friend ihm they will iem will be to mike it dtffi Konferenne. Sekolo 1 Barnti kot morning when the Compound gates :ult for the churche. lo firry on then KE P. X. X. lesvrton »e emr ha menoto feelt, go are thrown open and the gangs are would be fir mon atfelv lM.ed upon ihe n the U bontlt ft bttho b. Bancho ba kolokile discharged, and the liquor trade Itbour of tempente people than on ibe • to the fact that t ke tsjmailt aentk ka Mantaga U.I. -There ha. b~n more blick (. £1J7 K Jd. fela Setreke >. Urthunv roars from early in the morning as •tie of drink. In leltrling the eletin tin* .re in town witl 118 Us. Ud.; (jneenatoan. £28 17a. raemberi of tho Commi«iou he aimed, filir repoll. Therefore theie thr ' lEtnd llailv Mail' during ih loudly as it did before the constitu­ I to in their chun I until .~k than any.herr el. We Mangiung aentle. Born mongoe ke Jd.; Cltrkeborj, £30 10... Kimberley and tion of the Licensing Courts, and forming a group with o kileng t re botu tre, t k btrnti? Bloemfonlein. £11 12a. 8d.; Nottl, tl? when the Traffic makes devil- out of genuine md deep fnling for tin- gte«. n elsewhen. the IWrn- doniclt are (ek hoop jelle leer di Its. Sd.; total. £1J7 ta. U. good black labourers in defiance of ie.“ A iimiltr governmental com- Counctl an not justified in ifen r»eht) mongoe t mortet art) re ba ko* tltae tltae thtti. the liquor laws, you will begin to lion for the drifting uf the queation harassing them through the machinery .laught of filthy blirl ■U rvcht jaaka Beibele. Motheo oa Mafoko . wonder whether or not it is part of of notional prohibition 1% ot work in torture of ■('urfea" regulations. Erile ka Lotbedi KOPANO KA KEREKE tho duty of the police to administer Norway. Il may be explained that the iv», and whtl not Government hu th April tnne ea gortga mo Btngtuug Et root le Btktnlengof bt koa Trtni- this law as well. For why should for prohibition i* ten the precaution to eiempt thf Euro- janteng, ka 11 kkko e tiike ke rtil t atnt'f t bett, gotlt romtlot tipo this law, rather than any other, be led largely by mcdictl pr»le«>on and hu ins tnd Aalttica from the operation of •nine thtro. Erik e tloga too ha ekgo- . Bttho bt gone b* tie niore honoured in tho breach than the enthuaintic bnck'ng of the >se irktome mruum, thowing thit it ketu btaimtne ba makgooa ea bo e go boiunt le roni ki n n ft re rometie in the observance. Socitliit party. It ia significant that mort concerneil with protecting tcgi vfhobtgt erile e taena mo Ko- koa go bone bt fitlboe ke dikgililelo temperance men in no» pouring into Native women have long since felt angers thu ita’own people wlow only ather, and b. equally out.pokw ui ea bo e (iiloe go htlofo nra felt. ta bone, bonibo jot ront bo n tlokiat tbe effects of the peril. It will be thii pirty, in ncognitioi. .,t moril ■fortune i. thit they hive net shown Mugtung ra choeachoe ga- ittitude. t for the in i in «bich til thi-w one of ita o.n people wron*. remembered that they petitioned the might *hat they tre entitled to right h . or hi-r black neighbrur.. We wit- di. Cijntlha ke Ban, an a trena mo rn«e entae mo dikomiting thiti. Licensing Courts last year. Three The ume paper «tyi that one gel. au ■ hich 1* a mean and 1 diinputablf in—“.Ga a a ooe“ foritek u kt Lotbonne eakt et tlhtaek impnuion of fhr advtn» of radical anti, 1 thought thi* return «a* satufictoiy inetple indeed to act upon I U-* Wisrk at ogly .peeticte it hundred of them made a personal the extent thit they knew there •*■ mo didimitaa kt bonako kt Btrnti, gt eegt lorole, (tbt gt alcohol opinion in influential quarter, iVe do not uy municipalise* tbould demonstration, asking that liquor nothing no alarming the reporla. loch deleH.bl, «d|eftinf>>U mtntai , a ba a roroma. 11k go Ie !e£6. Left ekete dichiochl should not be sold to women. The by gltncing it the liit of vice.pieaidcnli 111 t |Hnae*a Martial law Kegnlalion* ilohe .1 ike mongoe k ekete Njeatmane ditlt nna. ho Riditoelo bt tlhomile dina- of the Internitionil Prohibition Federi- UNNECESSARY ALARM d'| and "b- -y- towaidi t appeal fell on deaf cars because the • application when lawleuneu and dl*. couple of Mine mimrier., .ho-e oely coa koa mongo n at Etltie Uolt (at bobedi ditk be di erne Court pleaded that it had no juris­ tjon which ii now organised in 40 differ- am nrerdiiigly terry." added ler thrntrn to auume the upperband. ko fek an ‘ kete auto kt goi-ele. eaeng jaka tat ntlha. diction. This can hardly be the case countries. Spain, for example, 11 al Hertiog. "thit thi. .tile of but to mort to thtm under normal and Erile motihegirn gt bqiot kt ilashai represented by Count Pinofirl and by hi. irisen. I feel thi. lhal 11 I. rompartment reluming from the when it is considered that in the peace*blc condition* ie, lo «ay the lent. ran conference al Queemtown. ba bt a rf tlogetaeng mo ngotgetg o 6 Colony courts constituted under this Dr. Montaldo, the chief medical officer I list for the black as it is for the ly nactionary, but pu*itively cruel fetileng ke. Btrnti F. Mtaon, lc J. of the Spanish Ntvy. Brazil by Dr. de men (Hear, heir.) When we look xb*nna." di.po.itmn on ihe peri of ih. Act prohibit the sale of liquor to t youth i* gro.ing flagrantly, u roti Siyo ka feise morati Kgottlhe t Scott. Natives of both sexes, and tno pro­ Ltcerdn, director of iho Ntlioml Mui. tigme. we shill *ee thit the black In nprodueing the above from onr u. a menjjoa kgooe eo motekle Erile ft go but Mornti 1’. Ki Moti- hibition is rigorously enforced with Rio do Janeiro; Argentina by a* US much right to protect hinuelf pannt native contemporary, r t draire ka iMla ta kgalagadi a kapa Mokgoto Doctor Alram, vice-preaidenl of the white man If a feeling wen- ex- we, mo gin ga tidimilo e kgok e ene general satisfaction. And, as it is > remind the Councilkr* of th» Dia- blart folks, and they I di kuco, phiri ea Bothukny Ie di- kete e litiaitie phuthego are H itiime- never too late to mend, we hope this Univenlty, Buenoa Ayna; India by the through the country which aould lond Field* that imongat them then i t-a Kereehi. Mokaena Bamtiltne a 1 go ntloa «e k ae bnileng bo-rrt kaga Court will yet see to it that its regu­ Hon. 0. K. Ookhiie, O.I.E.. member of n the 1 pillelek le cofo mo tshiping ea baihei bt ront. Fjie ele banna ba ho- lations are enforced, and now that tho Vinroy'i Conncil; Mexico by Don the highest regard, tahelo joa bone bo no bo gtkgima ditae white women are also in danger we Enrique Cm), late Secretiry ot Still ut that iu tlhnl k- jne gabtshoi bt t>htdile. do sincerely hope the Court will go Don Miguel Covsrrubii>. Minister t bu.ineu head- root May Me ft ek ront lUrekng n litlegeajo further and recognise the justice of England, and Senor Pa-.rono, directo >uth Africa which sould be bad foi lever be .oiled bv panic >egolo eetonni. Moahni Scott e ne ele the petition above referred to. Of the Nitional Melerologictl Service >th shite, and blacks" Proceeding legidation whieh generally emanate from n n ot Buokog mme ka na kt tacnt Chile by Adminl Vial; Britlih Centra • uid that the black fell a* keenly a ?logged hraina. hel. Kgubulwut -an t. lekolo it gtgoe. ona t ithntile ;poo ea Africa by Sir 11 n. John.ton The Nativew here highly e»te*m ne mo (juccnilown boaigo kt k< ront t e erati t e sere le ditw thitt K.C.B.; Belgium by Judge Lffebvre in their Onens. Steadt, Orr*. UHirrvor*. TmU tia rona taare u>oge>i aentle me ke ibotbt thtti. kele. MoMjtno go Pioneer Native Women’s by the great Socialist Vinderrelde Pnlleyt, and a ho»l of othrr. trivia,*. lemcgt ft go aent ope mo btrnting bt Urngniy by Doctors Klcheparc and Sal wish o ront bt ba tbocn eo o tdi taietng *fbtkt Hostel in Durban. gido of the University of Montevideo hould alwa KONFEBENSB. Columbia by Grneril Veluoo ol Bogota simolotse gompiyeno ka ».1S t-O. 1* moahni Rtront. Scott. Kt gt gonr. " We teng botlba kt tael e e ope ot bone eo o itieng kgotat ojithnti THE DIAMOND FIELDS KEQUlItE S, Austria by leading professon of the t'ni elans lltrungoa ele. poo et ront. Selelo u ront ae tlholi venity of Vitnni), and to on. If a lit of tho one thousand prohibitionists nh ’>'■ A. H. Hodgea. Pnaidftt- tektnro. nnt ke ie ko leng shono kt BLOEMFONTEIN J. : Her. J. Metcalf, eX-Pnaideut; Brtecho Moehni Soott. Oo ntie dikomiti n mott distinguiihed in the iutellecltu NO SPECIAL PASS. •orld ind public life should be mide, H. Cotton. fkcretary of Conference; etn mongo gt moo kt loa bonne mti- JOHANNESBURG J. 1 would be document to utoniah those Jimn Robb, AsiiiUnt Secntiry; tsibooa gt Uhitlbojot 1 ONUS I’ROBANlll ON (TOWN. MATHAKA A PRETORIA I. 'ho depend on the duly newspapers for J Pcndkbuty, Bxtminition Secn- their informition.-" Chrhtian Express. Ke». C L I t tsileng. CAPITAL INITIAL EXPENDITURE Bar. 0. Oolightij, Oo tltdion bo Ber. G. Sidkji le Peter . I know we 11 ill ai HEX w DANIEL SMOCSE >U Fond; Bar. T. R Mtnh.' Mjili bt thspt tlhtbologo et bone le COULD BE DERIVED FROM t is right, to . >n Friday, thi ttth May. U . before TOE PASS FEES. 12 »r Stndenta' Fund; Bev. A. P. pilKO ea bane mo born ting kt UekU e deeiroui D. X. During. Auutant Magistrate . Treaanm Conneiionil B»- Mtny of our retden will be glad to guarded, and I know al*o we are innoui Kimberley. Daniel Saouie. a native Fund; Bn. T. Cheneaan, Book Monti 0. Kakiu erik (a t ba kgo- know that a Natire Women’a Hoatel the ume justice .hill be tonmaa, wu charged with contravening '>rd; tad tba following reprwenU- thatst in boning k.mttbok a gt hu recettly been opened in Durbin. natives In South Africa rclion J7 of the Streets ud Thorough- Kretete, me k Uhtbtne «ennt lo iko- The following ficti regirding thii im­ Vermicure. (Httr. heir) faro* Itrgulitiou of the Borough of era PniTiBM-BaT. Geo. Bobaon. kobetse k ithnte foko jt Modimo ,ka potent itep, hire been supplied by Proceeding, he taid before he concluded Kimbrrley by being twiy from hi* loca- Ber. j ; & aatWnol^ in .- poo et lon» mme k nne batho bt me- tbe Town Clerk—Tbe Durban Corpori- Bant ba le B&ntsl bi jeoa be e wished to mike a .light intendment to ■ion. houae or dwelling during remit Foggitt kgot le miitaeo a a eentng etbttt. ;Lo tion hu t monopoly of the ule of Nt- the motion befon the lloo*e. He wlihed houn without 1 special piss. “'«n Prorinoe aad Midkadt-Ber. at boife mongoe t kt k thopt ka kgoeoe- tire beer within tbe borough, which;Is Diboko mo Maleng. out the word* incna*ing pro- Mr. Stanley Tbomp-on appeared for the Matiew*. Chairman;. Bar. D. B. the k ithibe mo boleong jotlhe, m* lo bnwed by the "Council, ind all profits They must not pnjudice the tcuied, who pleaded not guil'y. If YOU will hulp to advertl** oue “ Her. B.' P. Horntbrook, Ber. J. tshegebe mtdi a wkete kt botktnyo:. derived therefrom tn dinted to iny Diboko too dl ha tlhokofata thata, di tion. Ut them uy " invoati- Police Conitible van der Mene testi­ Famouu Flowue i V*fl*Ubl* leMt, ™. Bar. W. J, Mama. Fnitaga go ntie dikomiti le pbntho object for the good md adrtneement of | . ^oreletu kgolo ca lone mmo gont^i e prevalence mil Ihe couin fied to trmtlng the teemed in De lleer. Emondonlt rioeal Stchwt M u m * • Dtetrieto-Bar. CPettmtn, et nuiphnkneo ea Btrnti ga bna Btrnti the Nitire. The Hoitel hu been . ngoana 0 tseno* ke mefula cotlht os thereof, end mike recommendations for Itoad. Kimberley, in the Klh Mty. 191*. (Jnbaa, Bar. J. W. W. 0*«. Btmt, Cltrke, Kiktu, Hodge* le Mo- liihcd^ u on experiment, and ii provided msloetso a tbelfgekng. dealing thenwith " With this tmend- '■ W p.m. The tctoaed ctrried no J- M Bar. J. Coajva, Bar. Hjue. SO/4/11. Sttengt go no go,Ie Ko- for Native _ ” Amikolwt," or Minion Ke chosnclo ea nycna jaka batiadi go iu prepired on behtlf of the “tembo, Ew. C. lobW, Bar. O. Biti et Bo Btpolofa-midi. Rona ra girl*, visiting Durbin in letrcb of work' thill miloetse a ks go duisa V1RMI- it to hive t'Comtnisaion ip­ Mr. Thompwin applied for the icqaiital pointed. ind he hoped the best people Send m 1 pat card at letter with your ncoa Hoktai kfa n tlhokile kot n eang, or on 1 ihort riijt. Tho building OURC. Ee molemo 0 siameng lo ! the accused oa :be ground thi. the cam* aad tddna plainly written thereon Territoriea-Bar. A. l . U a iu i. ka go it ika diferotnt ha node. been open for one month, ind during 1 lhajegiDg mo boloelicog, jo be boitsb ild be elected to sit on the Commit- rown had failed lo prove that the ac- ud w* wUl tend to you poet fn*: . (Heir, heir.) »*»; Bar. A. E. Edmnndi, Bar. period J10 beds bare been let at a charge 1 iied'i cate came under one of Ihe ex DEWDNEY DREW ON THE PERIL. jOpackata of ow runout T kwut tad I f '">■ Bar. P. Mpisdt, Bar. A. Mre- of Jd. per night per btd. which include, *TORMI0UB1 ga 0 Iw « ke . ceptioni nftmd to in the hye-iw He •tthli SeeJi it Id. pet packet, rtteleloe ke go fodl’t, mme e dMska too "The nvelttion of the ntnru wu betide* twomnodatkn. the u«.of kitchen quoted the cue ol Regita v*/ Forbe*. et 41 packet* of our Ko. 1 Beedi tl id. pee ? sl*l»-BaT. A. J. Clarke, Bar. tnd til cooking utemiU. 80 fir the ex­ msfelong otlhe mo Soatb Afrika ke 1 circumituce that thi mffenn of ’ ihaml le bahumantgL the uuulti in fir oftener blick women Hodgta. Bar. P. K. Motijwt, periment hu met with hearty approba­ or 10 packets ot our Ftaoui" Eaendoult* Pnlo e* Ntlo eiOlj# l« B in tion froa the ckis of Nitire for which VIRKIOURI e rekiilx ka ditoai thu white; out of tit women thus mal- » dl nasi le diphuthelanyua to msui tnated lut ynr, 1S5 wen hltck. ud in Perfume tt td. pet tackut, W Dbtriet—Bar. E. Nnttill, Ckair- the institution wu intended, and hu the « wt will itsd btU Seedeoad bill PurfuuM. Re». T. J. Brnui, Bar. J. H. moral wpporl of ill Churchei tnd Mii- le lokoalo lo lo bidioang: “Dicbapo - tse. their uuilinti wen blick dikoa to ditoko mo taoeng.* Tuclo ke Is loon u we itMtru nut IW- we wOl V Bat J-jr. Ninka, Bar. 0. MOKUHNA HOME. lioniry Societies.' The balldlng ii 100ft. Of the U white women uuulted x 40ft. tnd bilongi to' tbe Corpontlon. 1/8. Foso ga e dueloe. (Romela lokoalo in the ume period, S) wen itticked by iamtdlaWy port to you FEK1 et til loinidL). blacka and SO by whltei. ebugui, your cboke of t Laaire' ot Cents 11 J- M'clalf.-l’rfsidenta oa »go- The Nitire Administration Fund ii de­ Quinn teed Wttah et oUwt attick which '* * bok phnthefo erik go aena DIT8AUeo]llM diltaUoobtakn bited'with the coil of nnonting the Ailrtiec It ii tbui evident that " Mick peril" you t u Mket fioa our lhta aeat with lost 11, h. RAM'AILANEe bat-e NTLO building and all incidental expeniei, 1 a greater peril for black women thu Dikgomo le Im, gobo go baka, VoniU W. Tho Vermlonr# Proprietary, • thagooda. ea DIJO la MABOBALO m«io nokenft inch u repairs, furniture, wage*, in ., white. It Ii not necfeury to inqnln, » repala. Qa baka b u m ba 1 OEK,Lok«iNa 7 Plain Street, Cape Town. boraro ba nunnn a >»■»« t taeilo- Tho building contain! 15 rooms, with General Hertxog Intimated, whether the ______ka.1011 (JU j ) black or tho white Dihutshanel tor Plctirlal hstnris |»*NkeBelaiig8ebaka.Tiroeana two ipring mittmi bedi in tach, towol, Diio tea meUi»!c Eotfhe ka dinako eotlhe, the mom to both it Is intoler­ I* ai Ii*iU k go ai mirror, hat andcoit ptgi. Each bedroom it* wutth doubli tbe money tad will Dinno t» ditsididi, Dinnotscdi bolhnlho, trw 10ft. x 14ft.. oBce 17ft. x y able, and the Stitt hu tho ume duty pntu a boon to collectors. d m oa« a iiAi. to protect both. The conviction of the »•> •etnlon*. ka mokgoa oa bo- iitting-room 17ft. x 14ft, corridor lift. RONA Bafutei re utloatofannak •and lor a packet ol kUaiiaLobe*ibtlhoatlhoa # dtmi- I inohw widemnning full length. Then Houu wu with him. when he went on 1 ,o» aavetele. A bu aoroa N. STEIN, dihntiu to nano. • 0 «t Id. each, kou 1 k Batauwi, M y ’ t o N an also shower bo thi tnd Uenntl lin- fo uy that the problem _ Wutataf* oa Ntlha « Kgoedi «tH>e “ ^a . iUWOon ditiok, a U t Iiki a F»t Stmt le lutle oue merely of police, and that'it went aad u loon tt wt ncein nut V- we }oa tomelo, joa bamti joa kot TWBK3PRDIT 8r ATION, Dirtdet yard behind tha building, aad kitchca Stmt. down to ihe fundamental nktioa* of tb* Thaba'Nchu. will uad you t peetaat which you can «pa dik tie diboltaang ke- white and black ractt. General Hertxog Mket bua tte Hat nat with the cudi. . >» kaboltl ba Kar*a U n rasde it eletr that he wmttd tb* oorr Mtta t m oiuttous orrai •keng ka batbo ba aMg hak ■* Tbe Hwtel k in charge of a European1 BLOEMFONTEIN. matron wboM ukry is tS per month. -whole iqbject to coat befon th* Com- “ « Who ba tt Ukabokn, k ba RbksAbPdilto:- M d M k Thii lady bu be*n a mUoontry amongit 0 limit b) malhini ie dlfoDobth. minion which Sir Thomu uktd for, the NatitM for many jean, ‘and ib* Il 0 rektobomaiMui ba baiha lebaba tnd which the Government, he uid, M. N. RAMAILANE, anlited by M educated satire, woman e-ould willingly grul. I understood gologolo a rcki«e le dltibioom to p o . m r o , from one ot. tbt. KlMlsn echoob, who bo Bashlnl tae dl koa thoka 0*nsnl Hertxog to mein, though hit 61I11I1I S n i & Sippli recekta i n p of tJ per month. .Tha Itnguige was very guarded, that the Live Stock I . . co 1 ^ f e ^ :>av.WWlty.'' DUooyana dile dints! dlka boraoamo tine has coao to reconilder our whole K, BAJUILAHB. ’ qilented by the niUte population, and - Roenc, altitudo to tho native u a different and BLOEMFONTEIN. P.O. iox 1071 • CAPE TOWN, . MAY (MOTBHRQAJNONQ) i8, »„ TSALA EA BEO O m (THE FRIEND OP TBB BEOHOANA^'

    DIKOAKOAIUCO. Go Morulaganji, “TuU ra B« DE BEERS CONSOLIDATED MINES, Ltd. Dumelang ba*ati.i lotlAr u . ,, a * . , . . I ” ,'*; namane * tona ea mcUUy coako. krrrkrng *a || k. (Metlobo ea Komponi ea ga Mokebisa.) a ntse a mpatU ka leg^lr kr Du, oa mot*> kgotu mook.mrdi « , Kb fa re kopana mo Uelrnj. ba r* ba bone ngoana mr, tkaW ba sena go boa jalo ka canTu, Babereki Botlhe ba ba Batlang Tiro mo Dikepong Tseo, ba Laeloa nnete ka fitlhela ,0nt*r „ £ nako ea 1 ga fitlha Mag„t„u kisi oa gagoe la ngaki Ir goBotsa AgenteoaCone: Mr. L. S. GLOVER, Lobatsi. S. ba tla go bona makgmi 0 0 tlkab oa ba oa fitlha koa motvnj M L* jana mma-ngoani 0 -a batU bonalr, ga re itse ki milaui , k,, Ka ntlula selelo se argolo u kur? Bab ngoe ba ka ea fela koa Dihekeng tsa DIkomponi mo Kimberley le Beaconsfield. batlboko u mahntnagaih •* 0 J fT bom gort m i ke nnctr *e I* „ u.5 Maina a Metlhatlhelo le bo Menenchere Botlhe ke a: ka pelo botlboko.

    Rock Shaft Compound BULTFONTBIN: DE BEERS: j W. B. Glass. S IXUiEl Stable Compound Jigenfoatein, Mij a, 131* KIMBERLEY: Mine Compound Na 2. Cotnponnd j P. Waldek. Floor Compound Moroliganjri “Tsala ra llrouu,- WESSELTON; Mine Compound NUenjretaa malhoko x, Surfaco C-mp >nnd | J. Swanson, WORKSHOPS: gore babadi ba ntloe ka gi ot( T? miloba mono No. 1 B.1I. CoapooJT Floor Compound CENTRAL POWER itomdrla bagaetibo r bon| bt fW-' STATION. • Compound tshy, ba ba thosibeng lulortsi k, ba babedi eo moogor a bolaoa matlbo, eo mongoe ke wlllubt, (fa • miseaeng le mepoaaairso 1 cun 10 ca our. nv. ^ mitrue oa ipriai, 1« 01 biboi lc meamo e mebedi a diphafi. E °hwe lentle » ba ba e gae. Maim a bonr k» a ki ea pakoa ki taile ea et go pegoa mo itmhrorog a Capdova, £15*. Madi f tie le njo. Kgosi ea rona.—S. DiolloiWj Kico Sam Uagino. Sa.; i;»dit»eit k THE 3RITISE CHRISTIAN UNION Banna! Banna, Bonang Fa!! koalo lo lo bitwg katlele Jonithin Moabi, 6«., Tlalanj Koa Re amoget* makgolo a dikoalo taa Bancbo ba ba itnmalincoeng ke thoto ta roo Ss.; .Ze«t Uafhatlanr, ^ . Otokila la Mahhulo: (Wenkele eo montle eo mo Koalelang:— L 0> batla le go kopiaja batbo fc.tlhe ba ba ulctams go cbolctsa, ms India, ms 3a. Sd.; Ealekaba, SlosvUi gfe Hukung go leba Post Offloe) bebe, *«.; Abwlom I’ulr, Jv (j.; Pi, Afrika 1* Baocbo b» hum go o» mo ch'iaoelo tar di lekaoang. ai. Gocuel*niiipnptholott midi a ban kt rona gore ta tit ta gapeloc Modise, 6*.; Mokrle. 6., 0.1 , i w tl b*!ipl. n I Fa U ea go NTALA kgotsa U ea SELALELONG. Sa.; Johannes, it .; I.'.khoodo, v £ Oo Ueta Bikrrofte ta Ameriki gtxt ta leke go tbo« go romrla Btneho Mooki Hodimong, U . l’heko I4U ba Amerika ta ta dodo6I<®* mo mooeog le mo diliroog go ta (warts* koa pi hooe The Direct Sugply Stores Is. 6d.; Malntsi i’itw ,J. , j, koa Afnkt ka naikvldo a kigitbo. . . . . v i ,i Re ka go Bhomola ka paka go ft's ka Monoto go ea koa Phogong. Pitao. 2s.; Moaorkor. h . Morootii,k ir. I Jo r»ia baratmaa ta ta tihophQotU ditiro tae di ta Icban Teng tiojnln SO lla BOX 234, CAPETOWN Seed ion, la. (d.; Mongonoji, h, ([ go rali Ef»*g*b ca kigisbo le kcilo loa batno lo eleng lone lo ki roaming le Fa a ea go Loma kgo no U oa Diklomeng, Re ka go baakanyetsa aparo Ntlotlang, Is.; Olan. I> , lt*n. Ss.; Modiwx tsa methalc Eotlhe Ue di thata thata, Taa Baboroki. U.1 Uasime, la.; Kgelhil. W ;P«V,1 t. Oo bolda Efangrli n k^uho le taalwo ra rarrafr rotlbr gotlhe m" I’mho ra Molefhane, la.; Phrtogo. h. BoM Eogelai* e twnaeug tea* le go leka-gore pusho le taolo ra taking* r tlogr, go iiwdc Lefa U sa batla Paka eotlhe U ka reka BAKI, BORUKHOE, HEMPE, rona bare taela malrpa rbotj U pmoo ea lorato Je V» botlolo. tang go sisimogoa ro liMmogoOg Ua WALTERH.ADAMS ie ngotlomanjang mmrlr kihi INFLUENZA MIXTURE (Molea* aa Mmele), V- ka botlolo. 1 Ie mo Couteng kin, BLOOD MIXTURE (Moleao aa ga tlhacoa Madi) a • tanileag thata obooi banyim ba 15. Ik kgotu&l M<«ifr...... Siege Buildings P„, 0b ^ thaU ea go COOPER, BatlaU • siooloU ka J/- a ee go II/-..... boi ba tatabolotw magano jab a< Mo lek eka boloetae bMgoe lebongoe jo bo go cboeiyaag a ka ga kabe. b aphaphalidulr 0 Jlotlbo... raka macharna. bagu -err e! tlfcakanjretsa methntho a siaaeag tkata lewenkeleng ja De Beers Road, Kimberley. 0 >ka raa beng ba tremitr 0 gagoe KATLHOATLKOA TSE Dl OKOCOLOCOENG lcele Is. oagagu o tumar Ka fa ntle oa ba boni U rn« i?a MELBMO EA GAGOE E THD8A THATA Melora ea Yunione John Henderson, B. ba agileng kgakala ere ba mo koalela ka pose ba romele inadi ba beele botlolo ngoe le ngoe Sekisipense ea pose fa >e ba sena cbrlrtr. Wa ta (UNION SOAP). Selaga Sa Ga RamosBsanyane. godimo. Ebile re na le Sab koa Hemming Street, brng ba timlti ka dintua r I* j«nh BELGRAVIA. simanjana ba nkga brai Mo ra bo ere fa 0 lie Ir ___. _ ------| j,’ E SHONE SELAOA so sc baakanyang Dinaua ka kelo thloko mongve oa bonr a gv dlE* IV 0 reka Dikgomo lo dilo tae di tsnmaciing. SELAO/ opal rive ke go raea morn); o n v , 1 ntihft-ntlba mo co ke ea moitse. Ufa g»ntae jalo jaanong disepe ga di iihoie di ™ W. N. COOPER, kgarebe ao arata gonjnloa kr sib MOLORA 0 0 tltan»n£ thiti. naleng maitsro a vtho. makil • UOl.OKA 0 o aa a;cn>kigaig THABA NCHO. GUAFI LB KEKEKE F* lUGOOi. ie a nale kclceo ea ajal<> 111 cni UOL0KA giaaag diehab tie gale di - joa ba ile go rrrtm koa llijfc & 00 KOA WEST END, KIMBERLEY. mihrrrooco a thcogo Ir luibo la pi Bicharda o tobekano llbogo 0 b tshega oa utloa b^tradi ba tan Fa ola mo Johanneftbergo o ao otla mo ntse bare makan a mu THE " A I M " REMEDIES. a injala, prrrki« Lerrakrl rng u tail* go rrki Molon fd< biua Union S e r Bankeng e oa rona cj Touting DiUro tu front gae gon chcldr ua loot di lofe Ka ga baaimane ba . nmakilcag fa godimo I " A C U R A " P IL L U L E S .—For Coughs and Colds. They relieve Banka ea Koloni le ea Poloka ea Komponi sepe kaga bono ba 1 that soreness of the throat and chest that (uxompinioa coughs and Diperfko le Mashini tsa Rona di koa West End. colds in & few hours, and will complexly cure in a lew daya In- ea Africa, Ltd., 1 valuable to public speakers and singers Sold at 2/6 ptr bottle, or inale polohelo fela e idirecoeng Banco fela Dionsi: three bottles fur 6/0, Poat Free in the I ’nion. A C U R A " P E L L E T S .—For Rheumatism and Gont. Sold at 2/6 N tlong lo tlo go' re bona me fa lo tloko go kaUa, koalelang lokoalonyana North Circnlar lioad. MirT.W^il per box, or three boxes for 6/6, Post Free in tho Union. loa rona lo lo tla lobolelclang GOTLHE kaga Banka e. Dnion Soap Co., Ltd., A C U R A ” P IL L S .—Cure Indigestion, Constipation, Sick Head> 0 ka simolola go boloka 5/- (Shclcng tae tihano) lefa ele go feta mo ache. Heartburn, and all the disorderx of 1'ic stomach Caused by an fela mo lokoalong jaka oraU. 7 Stockdale Street, Kimberley. inactive liver Sold at 2/6 |»r box, or 6/6 for tbreo boxes, Post Reletlola 3} mo lekgolung matfadisho mo lokoalong loa polokclo, madi Free in tho Union agago 0 kana oa a booa kafa oratang. HOSEGI Gare batle pulelclo pele Ca 0 batla madi agaga j To be had direct from the Sole Proprietors, Eo I MiwoMt I Fa Hukung ea I The Colonial Banking & Trust Co., R O A D le R O P E R 8 of Africa, Ltd* Gaufi le Stcishcne. SIMON PRADES, ■The Colonial Seed and Supply Coy. (Si,), 14, NEW MAIN a Corner SIMMOND8 and MARKET STREETS, Go lebagan^ le Kereke e k| morekisi le moananyi, Burg Street, Boi 1,071, johatoxisbubo. Makgooa ea p—L-**" P.O. BOX 115t A c batla S 36 Zulu Street, BLOEMFONTEIN, _____ ‘ CAPE T0WN' Semapa, ’S Beltunata, 1 Fa U Balia Dikatlclo, Ditalole IeT)aaki, ~UipitM JJ1I0 tsa^Ntfo 0 tla go aegela fela Diaparo, Dikobo, Ditlhako Dishuse, Dikjmeresc le Sose tea COtl*,") 180 ^ 8'am0DK ^ tlhoatlhoa e potlann Ue di Ncha lo tse di tala THE STOBIE RESPIRATOR. kelecong ea methale eotlhe. Mmogo lc dikoforto tsa Amerika ru di dara mono. (Kjrtana co Stobk e e beaut"» nkoot) Thaka e e coang n~ t -m Dijo, Dijaoa, Dite* le Dishnkere le dilo tae dingoe tea Matlo. Ebo ere Ta u rata re di olole re di u : Stfisheneng lefa ebile u rata ning e itomedisioa that* re di romela kae. Ke Setoro se se lebileng Waehuku ebile segaisa Toro Ue dingoe Ga go Moepi ope oa MeUobo 0 ka diraag ka itekanelo a sena naea eotlhe ka bo chipt Bogolo mo Metlobong ea koa Gauteng. 8,000 FMMTAIM f

    Mang le mang eo tlang go itekele tla booa a itnmetao Dll^Mtok41»*« 0 0 JOSEPH STOLLER, 21 Giddy Street, ajllrm. bocoang LOROLE lo lo iroang ke Boro mo ji«nn»n»ng ]o gololeloa ka dinko Mo go mongoe lemooff* Go Lebagana Ie Kantoro. ke Babereki. I/) ba phunya makgoakgoa lo ee go ikgata mo Makgoa- jkateta^talKantani hung a babereki, ba shoe. Ba ba tsamaeang ka bonako ba ta tahedile • dt ehoaoeho ue di b mongoe lemopiWP^ eare bo fitlha koa gae lo ba bolaiae m.r^TV. le lioehca, jaka m ihupo a J. KLEIN, •TOBIE RESPIRATOR e kganela lorole loo gen pereko ea metlobo e EtttoMbni «ke c*t P v a n t l n a t T a ilor a n i l O u t f i t t e r , LOUIS WENTZEL, nne bokgoabo fela j«ka eadipolaae sSttalihwW « 27 a 29 OLD MAIN STREET, KIMBERLEY. Cycle Dealer, ITOail RISPIRATOI'b k|uela Icnlc k» k m m M t b < siameng go gaisa tse dingoe Ida ele chipi • - 68 De Beers Road, KIMBERLEY. Orf„Co,H S in ’ REKANG STOBIE BBSPIM TO B fela eseng to dingoe D ,fii'u S 5^'*°**'PA r* < U k i £ J 10/., . 0 REKISA D IBAESEKELE taa methale eotlhe lo ditahieotna- . . • tshicoana tsa cone t«o motho 0 k i di batlang. , Koantla ga tae di B^floeng, tbile 0 nale methale e menUinli ea Bacaekele taa gagoe di REKEGA THa TA. ' . i ' Mahot^«, Bo Hempe, Dituku le Dikommereee tu meshoroto 0 (a borogong gaufi le Steiahene. DI REKISHJA 10 CETLOBONG KA £ * 0 LIKINO. laHBpWUHOHU sala ea BecoanaRegistered i t the General Post Office u • Newspaper. •• JaJca metoe a tstclidl mo raoengo nyorlloeng- mafoko a a donate a fatso je le kgakala a ntafl $ a Jalo." THE FRIEND OF THE BECHUANA I of Solomon A i VOL. I I —NO. 91. K IM B B R L B Y MAT (H0T8HE8AN0NG) 25, 1912. Tlhoatlhoa 3d. - Ngoaga 12/8 ka pose 15/*.

    1 M. WTHBERT fr 60 GO BOTLHE BA BA EANG GO NYALA. LIMITflD, r e S a l e t h o t o b n t s i e a d il o t b a k b m o , Mekgabo oa Dajadl blcoalo t ia hea Teng, lo lo tlte , Le D lkiasu, Diahuahe, Kotorto tea tshlpl, Paha taa Valentlelem ani Hutshe tsa The Great Soalb Afriean Boot Herobanls. Selika tsa Haled jalo Jalo. -

    Ba ka go naea Tlhako tse di siameng ka Tlhoatlhoa tse-di okocolocoeng,

    m ' % ■ Tlhako lu H.beuki K’> *''001 la ka C lo th Tibako Ui lliioni ( » Mrkga'o gi atm-il-iU ki rih-ko t-a Malptli 1- diib.nr (jo tirnololn la... 05. Tbalo in Ba.inni.ae le Laai ka Tk.atlb u okoej torftf. E« mo teltle ka di " - 7 ^ - i lewi le inaeohene Ue Tlang lo Itebatebele ka Losi Be il lo ilumedisa 1 di kgobuicoeng, le Na 0112. MF "efaga aa ma Swiw MuSESK OA KOA TENO OA NAINSOOK, difala MASHINI UA AM BY. Ko nekhurumelo aentlc ka le lent* Ka 5/6 fela, ta*1 pedi >e kante e o kgabiaicieng le ditaka fa godimo, 1 ID. Cuthbert & Co., Ltd., karantie ca nyag* dilo tlhano £2 15/-. Oo nale tie dingoo !■')a ka 4,11. (lo nale l * dingoe gape ka 00 NALE BOMASHINl BA BANGOE KA gape ka 2/6, 2/11, £8 Vs. 6d lo £3 17a 6d. 2, 0. 2/11, 3/6 le 8/11. 87 Dutoitspan Road, Kimberley. 3/6 la 3/11. Qa gona opc f.teac ABERDEIN & BDTT, Dili KM PK ISA NAINSOOK, uiarukoe a balmmagadi fo'a eo on wnang Ditempe taa Bareki ino Mang&ung. le deleili ka 1/6,1/9.2/-, 2/6 le 1/11.

    Koala re tla go romela Koalo loa DitlhoatUioa lo lo nang le diohoancho. Re Ntsha Di Trading 8tamp& ABERDEIN & BUTT, Maitland Street, Bloemfontein. 1 H. A. Oliver & Oo. R. MULLER, J. CAPETOWN Phatlbo e nUioUi ea PIANOS, MOTSEI OA BASHOI Dlbompo tin Uo teng. tae di boboft APARO Tea MOTLDNG. bo bcklma tio 11 boibltho, tse di ORGANS. ninlogo malielt, !/*>. l« METtl OA MATIOLE A Le Maroltbno * bothltho bo ha'o. s 6. Komerwe, Dilaakane, Kbai e Ohoeu, Flanoleu, I'icale, Dikohn, Dikauahu, me Coilo le Mekpilm, &c. At, Dl-onorobakl taodl btbou, lie di A BASHOI. mtboKO aialecli, I ti PAKA le DITLHAKO Dlbempe u a bo Fiona Ue di tbala Ir Ue BUY TBEIR Pianos, ORGAN'S Tu Banna le Raaimioe di Meilocng leii'lc, 6/8, 60 le 7/•. OOENCrS, VIOLINS, Dlbempo tao d' bokato taa Crimea / | ITj ISI Beonni lollbe bogolo U Ue di loKcirilenji. 3 8. U Kkrofontm, la a hodagile koa 8t | AUTO HARPS, A SO OTHER MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Dlbempo t.« dl mebala t*a Ceylon Dipaka, Karikh", Rhempe, Pijama, Ap»re lu ka> te-g Habulxke. Krmipane. DiUe Ir Sakatuku lu Selika 0«»cr Street, jaaamj ale mo Raatnaan tiedi logrgileni!, 18. Sqoarr FK0M R. MULLER, Dlbompo tn* boFleno tt# dl mobaia, 1.8. MECOALO Ufa t. ka ipaakanrrUa letlule, eae o Dlhempt <1* mob»Ia o moiheou lo o mebndado taa rt U»bumagaii, le Bitiyatf lla ouha kin igtm" dijaUe koa at>e ga Clinton, 1/9,>'6le3/1 „ , .. .. , kam Fa motbo a Wile Kr* mo pi eae Mr. R M0L1.BR, i l 0>|

    ,. 3rd , ... . , 3 0 0

    Esaaya must not bo of more than 2,500 words, and are to be boo

    Hon. M. CAMPBELL. E. T. C06LE, Mount Edgecombe, Natal. BATLANG! BATLANG!! B A T L A 1 II! After July lOtk no Esny w JI ba aceoptod. AH Baaou; who art nativca of Sooth Afria are eligiblo to oorapeto, but oo European. DITLHAKO! DITLHAKO!! DITLHAKO!!! III. Jones Street, TS16 Wedding Rioja rwi cet ImitMion |rsi7. 9:1 R-ag Mo Mokgoatheng oa No 111. MO Rolled O^d • - 36 Dilln 'txiv I 1 Hratl - - Set Hold - 6/q &«, Rolled Oold • - V- S Uearta • • Selaga sa Nama tse di 1IVP. W-. (Kt Gold • - - 3 Uearu - - CONNING & Co., Mahura. Centra! Shoe Coy., W rite for our IllUitrikd Catalogue Sent P cit Free. VEIKELE je je eteletseng a mugoe pele ka Ditiro. DIJO. DINO. DIAPARO THOTO TSA MATLO le TSH1PI taa EOo LOWER JONES,STREET, Ka Tib «tlUoa Balemi.' Qa gona Wenkolo opo o THOTO e kana ka Tae dl Ok' eoloeoeng. K a fa tlnse ga Tleloko. I. Mendelsohn & Co, oi rona mono THABANCHO. Oa ntabe Ditempe, mme Re iki DITLHAKO TSA BONA TSA BANNA n tp n TLHOATLHOATLHOJ KA KONA Jewellers and Wfttoh Hanufaoturere, 8IAME KA MBTHLA. di tja itoraediia pelo oa g*go j ...... k»8/a Tboto Ua Ionaua Ra di rekartka ka Kontaaa. Ra rtka ka tlbcotlhoatlbootlbc* e e godfleng, DITLHAKO TBA BONA IS A BANNA 72 Burg Street, CAPE TOWN. F. J. MYBURGH, MM1DI, KORONO,------... ka INO, MABELE, MOROKO, KAFA FURU, Jalo, Jalo, KhttHS • dl dame, dl cWpn mo di thata 10/6 rtb Rea reki*, Re” ananra ka DibuUhaoe, Dikiomo, Dipiue (elKeaelt DITLHAKO TSA RONA TSA BANNA Mosegi oa Diaparo 0*De rt Mtgente a DIKOI-OI. DIKOCHRK ARA le Dikoloana tte di tumeleag ... ka 12/6 Ua to Glennie* Rena le boW oa Diatake, Dillhomtabo le tboto Ua ^ aja t a di amibishini t*a meUobo le taa go Uauiaca No conneotion with any other firm. Mejila ea Dittbipi e « niitlin le Dipole. • MATLHO A BASADI a tla phatahimk ha a bopa difcostere taa rona 41, Old Main Street. RB KOALHLB, RB ITBBLB MOQALA, OONO di tletae ditlhako tae di ntlo. looej Fetarned If not wtfsfled. Write bov. 0»«n la Oflal oa Dlpaae, U ITMRB, OA NS1 D IKOATLHAA. Itumeleng T Itumeleng!! KIMBBRLBY. Lo le bone lebenkele mo lo ka rekaog dit’hako Ua Iona. _ © 9 Tsi. Set ImiUtioo T m 8:1 King. T90i 8et Imiutioo Dlaoond. Set ImlUtloo Diamondi Diamoad. Central Shoe Coy., Rolled Oold • - 8/-. and Rubiea - - ■ 8/-. Rolled Oold • - ~ s:: . TSALA EA BECOANA (THE FRIEND OF THE

    Mr Raymond ff. 8ch«a*« W ot mediagotM et Johtnnetborg o bolito Benaonrtle.—Btrototnt bt ko Ditapo- ktft o bootnj kgetie tu bnleke di kt leng bt loir. Matebejini t Uhuelt kginelotng kt gone. Buhotho mtj# t ftpttnt thobene tu Kn o fltlhelt ft co H«t »*P* ®o k™- Mohnmagadi kgono Kgarebe e lelt gt bt gt et go bidiot MtpodW t t-'hini « ae kgotltlunihwcto Ilerechel. Junong « nele modigi. lelt btudi bt baahoeu JtkaWa***? etlareng mo bakeng sena ere Makgoot io bo ta bA£«- romele m aina a masba le madi Sir Rulu» Iutci.-Bare Moment eo o ntahi. M i gotoe |0 btljot Mtpolri t NOANG dm mintii tne trt o itM ft a •»/“ * a ooe, go g a iu ba bangoe o tla TWgi t cos Kgoti et bo Dijoohe kot Kitsisho Tsa Goromente. > bt t fediu thekiibirei bojtlotjoo le cfmlsloa ka 0 8 0 L M I t t Engcltnc kt Lord Areretone t nta go tlogelt tiro. Lord Arcntone o nt t „ tu n f Kt*U >*“»■ T‘“l” SE L E F E IA e a basadi. Uaea bonno jo. gt Lord Bondi kt e ngoe felt e ene o e booing ke e:- Eo o romelang palo e e (.) A btbereki be UhiUbeloe feU jtka KiUitbo tie di ltteltng di gitinot go not polelo ta i»uUhi. kot Kimberley go bo go idiot Mt- ga is ao geababang oe. Moatlhodi kgooa go bin Btncho mo mitlung, Migeslrtta oa boat re kile rt 1 0 Choeroe-Moroetuni ot le Nycte- BDW1KD DOW8K. ie mmadi oa maioa lemadi e tla eeeng jtlo. limololt dilo tu Frei-Setata tit I nna M oroil P. K. Montiyane oa iine btre Min Milecka o neiloe njtgt (b) Oo eotloe diktntini eqtlhe go te nae *- tie* dipue ekete bt ko. v - - 1 Tlhingoe Ok Tiro l*t Bwch1 lile nne mo Chtnktneng kot Wtrw* kgoe kgono moahotho eo o reking ,.ut a bt tamuu dipotlo. BantiWfV I Beaconsfield. atoe o ntle ktbtltno le diltlogi. Bo bojilot oo Gtuteng. che bt Potchrfttroom bbcco le v 1 hata bo«o*, jt Ruahe. LEIDI je le romelang maina a Are: Ft r* nta go fokoUt boloetae emt Sentle tmtrare. Erile k^rtt,, J 9 joa kgntelelo ei btudi cbotnelo et rona go tuna ta bo ekete gtae n • | Masba go feta maina a a et Makgooa- * * Ne* Orleana kr gore re e fell kot moding ot boleo romecoeng ke ba bangoe ka re o epolole. 0 kt epololot felt kt go Kgetse et ba et taeni at (~ki N taletae pele. Re Ut UtlWreU. tiraa bttho botlhe—txuboo le btncho, ba- .an motlhtngo Deta Gor^llnw*,!; fl Na «8. “ "P"10 1911 hum! le bthnmioegi-bbjtloi. Methu- T U TSEOA RE MANG. .honyint e teng e e kt femeltng ma- tlogeliag t ta go tot Bitbopo „ rt, 1 Tto e Toot Goroocre Ocnrtie mo KgotU o kgatlhegile ktlt mafokung t kgooo jtka dipase le Mapoliai me ga go bcrlry. I Temtn. 1* m Molao No, 6 o. 1W7 (Orwge Pm 3-ttu) go du«leli ilit«lo Ue TANTA-KCOEDI e e tla k g o a g a . Morena I'tul -Montahiot le Morena thusho epe e e kt lekanang le go phimolt Letung megolokottf Wwdi u I di Utak-% tto di ouhieoeog kc BorDto ea Bi-cbo a WiuJetOook, kif. imIo- k a June 8 0 ,1 9 1 2 . bim oioia Sebopioa Molemt le bone gorogeUf dilakeaense tu bojtlot. rtfiri ba fentie. Se • bolrlrt] ^ I kung t Tctntat et Ictbone (*) u Mo lot oo. mo gt Mr. Mtbuli bi taile go kopina li Ittkt, ae t holeleag mo ael*^ ja a n o n g q romele maina koa Mr Burton le lokololo Ut Ptrlimentt ’otcbefatroom kut btthiti ta ole j* L Btrnl b4lhe ht lik«lokv? b» eViaoetn <'d> UhttMt mi ukeng bt di ootlnlo ioatl« ra i loataeng *«oooktgelelo eiele; kgooo ere ft di et go bult di go ka mafoko a bone. ■ Koa Kapa, E Editor '1 Tsala ea Becoana,’ Sekole sa Bensonvak. i Kolobe dingoe tae di kt fitlhelotng di halt rao ntgeng kgotu mo gue gt Mafoko a magolo a re kile rt t amo­ icho btle 5 bt ne bt taile go ihupa Box 143, Kimberley. gela ke gore General Bertiog o gogil' motte moog eoo nuog botho, ebile di cn.«ayt kt go tit litltlt m «i g* cont, ft f« pele ga Komiti et it U.neate mo Me nUt re a tie re tikedil* ■ dl ntle moditnt left di u at nte di chotoette go bolm k« ttclo et kgoti kgooo mogopolo oa gagoe ka mongo. Kt 1 ne wekeng eno, bo Be». J. D. Goronytne, t phegeletae go phimoln dijoche ot Kim­ tapolcng lefa erile re it dIm rt kgatot et mol* oa Mr J. Tengo-Jibttu, Dr. W. B. Kabu- mtlobt ka tahipi—A Untiknnm ^ 1 berley junong tre o tit mo Iwt- mna, M.PC.. Mr. 8. T. Plutje le Mr. 3. PikoU>e di tit Irtlel * go halt felt mo diUheng Us di lweoeng thoko ke rtgo gt Ukttllku ree jt ' diUji" ■ I Tsala ea Becoana. S. M. Makgttho bt boelt gtpo kM gt*. nt le Bteng. ba ront bo Hour* I ' w kgoti kgono m iplo ot mo--M kg'«o matunt o beng ht kolohe ttf}. b» no«ng m) Eo o aadiiicoeng ke dipoltiki ke Mr. go oo*. Ft di kt fit I helot dl bait di chonyt go eele di be di kt boltot ke kgoti Maloba dijoche ot Kimberley o bulae thin J tbt to oa Somerset Etat k I Pltttje. kgooo kgoetnt et motte kgino moUtnt oa diUheko tan mei ka kgeUi dile !4. Kot mtgtdi oa gtgoe gt cog. u tu , I M0T8HE0AN0NG 26, 1911 Cbotne go bo dijoche btle btrttaro, Iter. Gbronytne o nt ntle bo Mr. M. tona M loferetlho je le tale la h*_ I 4 P» godimo gt polio eo e> toae, moog* eo o Holing dittelo ue o lit ont ne bt ntle kgeUi dile tbome. Kot Miai»i. Jeremiih Mikgothi. W. I. Fe- borukhutihi- k ndaebufilboeeu (eleng Ponto dde Pedi, era fit tent midi t go durlo C Onhtmatown mtlobt kgotla le bacoe uymg. Krtncia T. le Ephrtim. 8etlogek>. Bttimtne ba le babedi. ot ___ tdWweol bot ktttengit mo terookong kt t:roe e thtU kgooo ko> ntle gt kt kgeUi dile pedi felt kt mohotnt gone Bt koptnt le Mr. Borton. Kgoti et It oa Kiag»illltmsto»n. b» lot Gw. I eone kgoedi e ngoe fek Mafokonyaoa. gu le bo di|oche bale btrtro mme ga go tiro tat Btncho. bt mmolelelt mtthtta t bone.Mothnpi o rile a rt « ^ I ope oreng hn pbimoloe. t t cboeroeng lu> bttgi bt Freiitata ka kgtoganya, thaka ca BotWko , go idiot go Im mtfttahe. Bt bolela ka dinao fela eoUhe. r tkikh • mafarttlhitlhi t 't cboeroeng ke bone giu-ftu thtka. ca Frei SrtiU, k I Mr. Tbeo. L Schreiner o UenUe a a m itaioeng ke bttgi bt mtfttahe t bt gtgtbo to go ao go tlbtbaact h ] Mop.ll )1918, foko t poltae eo Selekt eo Boholo mo mangoe. Mr. Barton tre o ikottlhiet go letiot t Hcnhele felt. Bt l'irlinienteng. 1 bt a lopa gore I'trla- ka i pilltgtncoe ke Ptrltmente. Se o lilt ha emiiitae ba btagoe kt dua. h 1 Oo iUiiiot go na« polelo et poottht ft Tta e Tom Qorioere Omeralr t mente e t nee Goromeate a t tktnye. , ratang go te bolela ke mtfoko t gt lebeletu lotho le botihelo felt, k It I kgttlbegile go damelelt ktft muokuog t Trinint 8 et Thero No. Jin « 1895 Pitcher. Ke gone o m t t likan kgoro thati ba Kolcehe le booe b. U ri Uh Bethntntltnd) go gogt dittel i Ue di ae di gttiiieoe go k>U ktft Btocho T motej. gn maottle go r.k.ni felt le di pitlaginye. Mme ft bt kt mo lebelelt mtriga. Bi n.le lokoln lo lo lontle loo , n ha n gopolt "S i^ it b J Stit remtag dikgoog kt gooe m*> Diretevtag tu titacho k>» Brituh Bechuuu etltre pballhtnyint et ntlht eo e bo- berley” ka atoa et au Bam Jtod, ttedirekiiiotag, kgooo uediorotng. le go b^t diuelo mo mtnoorg t dichotncho le ra.foko » mo Kimberley. nang a tsenye molto o mo I'arlamenUng. Tlboatlhoa di beilo® >'ntl«. Eo o .ito- Erile jtaaoag fa go retell, p kot a { cone, dittelo tie di ktiotng mo 9bedolimg e e ft tlue. 0 seka oa Hapogisioa. Ba koptnt le pbokojnne eo diretae- gore baaimane ga ba Uhole ba it ang o kf kotlela " Ucvir« II A. Olirer nytne oa phetakapejant General Herttog, e kmdilorog kt Noremhrr 7, 1911, ei 4 Co., Dutoitspan Koaii. Kimbeeley." b« opt, lefa ele Mookami ot Stkok. ■ are o til bt ahupctu Piacher, t gant go nta go acnyt diktgo tu Sekole. lUtku I (It mo romelt kotlo Im a itlhiolele *e rbnpegt, bt go non tee kot gt Mr. Thro. o ae bttltng. Machoenyego a mala ka paka bt ht ba romela Mtpoliu. juaeag • V j L. Schreiner. M.L.A., kot Greenpoint bt Fnnkinemerane." Eire gare gt b dile dintsi ana le dlcbupo tse ba ha mbt le ditteli tu go kgonletu Lord Methuen o Bllbile kot Engelane. tigo net taa gt Setlogolout o p 1 dia tie di gopotoe. diuhiamololo tee di aetlhogo tie di dire- Setori le core taa ha tu tihoga W loing Bancho ke Ptrltmente rt South A Sir Jowph Kobiaaon - Kgoai ea metlo- boloka botihelo ja eoae, atkuy Afrikt. Bothotho a di gitile auboe. p k I b.»e» Ktndfontein ere ka a kile t aekiat Bo Mr. Fenytog le Brothen Setlogelo Jut. lengoe le dirile buka e bua mtahoe Go uba ga pelo ga go ah ope gore gt go kholoa a mtngoe gip> ket [gt 1 pelo e koafetse. Setlhabi mo ba ne bi gorogetae kot gi Mr. Mibult' sing koa Hethele, oae t tli t etilwi j kn gt gagoe. gompiyeno <■ wkiu je leng. Hopeetreet. bo Rer. i . D. Goronytne le mokollengga Be shupfl fa motho pele ke Migettnta. ga itlhi gt ckam I Meaara. Muiti le Mikgothi bi goroge- ba le baUhaao ba dinkhatlhi. re I lekgotla lire le alloile ene Sir Jo»epb ana lo boloetai ja diphio. Oo lae kot gt Mr. Molebtloa Mtitltnd, Mr. tre erile • eae a hume ■ bo t reklaeUt juM ba di "guti bt u di ilktj opioa ke (Ihogo gale ga go shape Mtkgitbo a corogetae kot gt Mr. Me- hanktneag et Hethele. bt k Mtburu koS e okedicoc ka mt]e, lemoro- I-eod, Diatrict 6, Mr. Jtbtru t goroge- n> erile t riilo tbo t iue gore ke lototlbt core tlhogo ga e ea itekanela. ba btbedi kt atata ea bnboko ji Dilo t’e cotlhe di diroa ke go sa tac kot gi Mr. Booth, Set Point, Dr. bt lelekiloe mo Sekoleng. le eat • • I llnbnatut ko gt Mr. Siokt, Morultgtnyi itekaoela ga mala, 'me fa a siame kot Title co ntoa e timologileag ka ar J 1. Ot go Moocho o tit rcmttg, t robt kgono a utluiu botlboko aetlhin R kot gt Mr. Boom, kot Keailvorth, Boo ' i go bonetae gore bfrfoae ,, :Itw m klogodu.-Komptni ngoe e« Engelane •eptatmoktlttencmcogmoUaiemgetBucholefitktae t et go dirtng maloet-inyana a mangos a a koa Selekt bt tauniile kt mtUhico bttho ekoleag ga bo agiie o bib • * Kajtt* ktihoot etre mo ngoogeng o o fetileng e ueoeco* bt unite bt bt nyoreco*. Motokirt dile )H et «e ka e» bn et di alioko a nyelela, 'me fa ona le one Rt iturnediaiot ke Bttiattr bt Fm- t 1 Moncho mongoe le moogoe eo o tgileng iratle mo Retevcng et Btiyho o bona left Mtpoliai a dl bttlile ka thtta tonka molato ko maleng o ise 0 Stata, erile ka ba u itae gore kt» I k* mtltll t et p rrkut kgooo t et go an dikg mg Ue di omileng tae di kt slafe maloetai a ako thako. kisiotng ba it ka bt ht b. leka ga kt I rotlelotng goa tengoe Uhtre tie di emcng le tae Ji gnltng Mr. ABRAM KREKLING, Loca Koa Pretoria. junt boat ha botlbe au SekrJog I ga go nt op* ot boae eo o dmlong aft 1 Ko Benoni di boltile lekgooa ' *huf tion, Klerksdorp, Transvaal, o koala 5. Moncho moogoe le moogoe ro o tgileog mo Krteveog ei Bineho kt Ut tbubaki «le m.rtro t cot felt kt Go ntle ntmtne, tom et loferetlho ka ba te In ba ha bt din >epe Tb- I moltn, o kt rtmt mttlhtko go et go t ^ minkt kgooo difero, ft t im vruc jaana mono lot dipue tuWudi. .Monnt mo- ktnt eo e pad ile ka miitaro t i a 1 permiti e e kotdiloeng, mn Kgotiog ct gtgoe kgooo mo kgouncnjr, e bolele tlhire Te Qa ke bolo go golo ot Btncho ke fier. Geo. Wetrind, tie o tit di reming gore di ku, le kot o tit rt go rcmioq teng, le ntko e o tit lcga ko di nyaga . o dumtltnt le bttho bt btncho mo mt- Nyta, e ete j using go kigkka. k I remtag kt eooe.' dile dinUi, mala fokung to otlhe. Monnt mongoe ot Kil- go no go |e muhoe; go bou p 4. Kgoti le kgouai ngoe e e locoing go ill jtlo e tit romelt kut go Migew oerton okile t itlhigiu mo btruting poiUhefo; koaaa gt go at o| aine nna a sa dnleng ntho. ba thoaxfile bt ib trttt leftele kot go Mokgethin ptlo et dipermiti cotlhe tat go m u d'kgnog im ire ront mono re ntle motbo gttoe Mt- dl ntihitieng. itekanela Ma kgttho o tit tenyt phuthoego o fcenya botlhe. A Modimo o btikor. Oa gothe. 'me kene dimiting kt Sbontagt mo Skolpolue. 6. Moocho eoo tgileog ktmolio mo Roe t'nget vkocho, eo o rtttng go ke choengoa ke gRU Biruti btre: A o di taenyt kerekeng? rent mekgoro et go tgelelt kgooo ct go ir» irngoe ae iele, « Uf di diiumng Nytea, t o di Uenyt kt baka u Kereke? diphio ka nako ^4|| Aoa. mo tloon, o Ua htllt Itetenie pele mo gj Mokgrthiai. Li^eoi* co f Ut lolcU cotlhe, botahelo bo ptlo le tcliktofo at mrkgoro e e tli reogot-ig, kot di tl< r. ogotng Ung Ic Mko e MocotM o e letlecoeng go di remi kt eon-. Go iuhi Imrnv r« go tit sa tlhole bole ,l'.r A- Krccling. Monna ro oa reng ra |e biruti, Dikgomo le ikttlbolelot ke Mokg'tbiai ki eti, ere ft t kt gtatgoe nuht motbo m hn a kt Maanete. m . Uothale * n," 0- itae gore Mtkgttho o tlhtbtneli ene? in boipileoo kot go Migoelntt. oa dijo le mokgoa o kene ke dij* Fi are Mtkgttho t ee go tsenye Ua di latlecoe Ira Kudumane. ka one, ono o »a dire pharologaoyo miting Uoo.ko tlung et gtgoe e tla ne Dihutshane! 8. Oo Ut ne go doeldot |«ie ItMcow ngoe le ngoe c e nUhiotng ke Mokge era tahipi e lelt bt ooa leng ko Birer- thiai ditefo tae Kgoai et tiro tsa Btneho e tit di e heeling, t bt t di iUur Mr K U. Khonkobe ot Johtnnetbn epe. kene ken tse ka mokgoa tide go tla mono? A ga itae gore re Magnetitu. etetw Mangtung. ke nyagt dile «h. ole mongoe fela. Sehuba same neilo Mr. Mtkgttho cbotnelo e e tletneng t lie ako ■ bee Ion to teng. re mo elel. sentee se hupetse ka paka cotlhe, gore mtfoko a paae Ua btatdi one, ka RONA Bafutare uUottu ti am h 7. MoUbegeUi at permiti ngoe kgono lt'irae n tlhire ft t )>itlx ■ e ibupe, ele t t aenytng phuthego. t kt rerelot uiituuai ut I ma du. ft e bttlot ke lepvlin kgooo ke mongoe co o Ictleocnj go di ilht'Jhoht; mme E ke chreroc ke ditlhabi mo maleng le rao Kerekeng tu Weaele? Rtetng Wootttn oa Ntlht at Kgordia* ttltre ft ntko e fett r lieaenw eo kgooo permiti e ne e letli tnoremi kt cone le mo magetleng. Ditlhabi Ue di Ut ba tke hire maUbcgo gt t t monnt eo lore ft t ntae t choenyt Mt- kot TWKE8PEUIT STATION, Di*kt moiih gelai t e biuette k.» ofitiog coe cbouoig mo go eooe gore e ee go botlhoko Ue dine dile mo mokot- Thtia'Ndm. phimolot. ktneloe Kgobe mongoe -ot Knpa n txilo kgttho o ka mo irt muhoe. Se tieong u rwlc «ep*le «t tae «e >e leng oame dine di dira goro tiro utlniung botlhoko tuli eo et ront et 8. Gt ei oke e nu molto gore m .ubegrui moegor <« Itfwnic kgono per aeng. av «• nyenye. Senile teomtne ft kg<>t>a go txikinyega fela go eno e tienyetu diphuthego tu eon# ka miti t e nctle motho 0 iele, kgooo go rem« kgno.: (at ronihtlc o aelr kg n ' go godimo Ke fi eo mongoe tre tlipa- nthonkgele. Ka simolola ntko (u Kereke. njtnt jeo le ttue ie le tlhoitlhoa kgolo. •ele. kgono go f< '.t tie di Melotng ke lok.al. !■« gtgoe, kgoo i go rem. dikgirag FQDjSA gopola gore ga kena go tlhc mongo gt Mko e Itetenae kgono permiti e e nlihMieornt Morot n INI >epe1e koa wenkoleng ji dic- Bon bo. bo lotlhiotae bttho btle I taelt mo Kapo Jutt jt gtnt go e bont kebile ke fol%, gonne gono go sena la mono Pratorit bo aeotie mou 9. Mongoe le moagoe room g Itetenae kgono permiti o tla net ie jt e nUhetu eheke eo UM ka le potli- sepe se eene oe nthusa go Uamaea mongoe megopolo. Erile t tent go iboe- Lira Stock iB ttaeen, mtiktnbrlo • ttheajegelu ngoe e i lireng ke cuc kgono ke motho mongoe o potla. lot ke monnt i lopt gore kltkgoot a aele ft t utmtiat thata e o e neeo eare motlhamongoo ka bala ka ga dikgolokoano tsaga Dr. Williams •eka a bt t mmitleli tgenta o ka Ua i DIZOOA. Mageotrtli mongoe ot Natala t aekiat mo.jeU dithoto. Ke ft romeU kogoHt- BLOEMFONTEIN. 10. Pt mo Uhekong e e kt ickiaiotng moUhrj(rt«i, t «ekiti<« jjo rol» ditaelo tae dikhibicDana, le tiroe e molemo tie, ft go tlhokt'tlt goitae gore t maeki o ntle ltMwaae kgono permiti, go tit tebele bare N'kobindle o Utmtct a raw ttere ot kgotlt je U golo gore ene o Mttebele are a *e kt a lemt Goromente e e gakgamatsang o di e direlang toe gt m oteo go tannin t e ahupa kgooo t nuht chupo e e itumcdiung gi.re o btUt Mr. Mongoo eo moncho. Bt dume- O ba leleka mo Natal bt tit itiot ftUhc- ba bangoe ka fimolola go di diriaa U hare a tie go stent dlchotnelo. Erile ng lengoe jt Kanana je le bolelotng ke kabonako'me ka itumela go bona a tule ban biUt btnoa hale btbedi ba ene Ebile bangoe ba nUe ba boltet di­ machoenyego a antsa a ntlogela ka tie go go emelt. Motho ot bttho tre kgomo ka tre gt dl bitlego kot Kin ant. dm ke ule ke tlholegt gt ete nke ke E litre ke tobele- eo montle eo o ncoe le senyi, go fitlhela kebe ke foia fela emeloe ke monnt eo mongoe. Gt nke monite. Ba btngoe btre t junt gt gotlhe. ke batli ope gonne nna gt c«e nke kere S t m t THERO. ''L1‘ ' molto ot bttlabtmi Dikgolokoane tee di khibicoana ke tbt boa hot ke loot lo cot: Et Tto e Tom Eo o Tlotleging Thtta Vucount Gltdttme, Tok.lolo e* Lekgotla teaga Dr. Williams di rekisioa mo mpitaa. bloem fonteih . je lo Tlotiegtng aegolo Ji SenttU te Sentle jt Sephin, K»o«tni et Moi.ht.o matlong otlhe a ditlharo le mo o o ni>liegileng thtta ot bn St. Michtel lc St. (Wkt, High Commiia. >nrr

    80HEDDLD. t a yon ga.


    Maitisho. •e taan^M '^L j'lfR ^w *1^' ^ !, f.?1*110 *•*»>» Uhelelaag r^m 'u . ” RAUhoM- . M Erile gole mo tl ha too ngoe ka maaba 1 njjS**. njaae Rohi.hono a « tla an hue T i* 1 ‘,°* L^“iino «« Watahla* of Mr. Johi aad Mn Either Smooat, of Vermicure. , n to o tlboto go lr*k*nj* Ooleaber/, departed thit life, alter a te* KT. u . di tootbmnj*. TSALA ea BEGOARA j * * . ™ . w i i r s c s l tona k^le e lep,!,^ ka fl d.yi’ ilinetaoo the 1Mb April, 1911, at F ^ l. ju u be*bo be dihlle aadihi- the Tiger Kloof IiiUtuiion, where he Bana ba le Butsi ba Jeoa ke ii ba ba be a dihatoay*. Ba leaogila 104 n"« “ Wte- A „kg*. t u u apprentice for orn three jean Diboko bio laleiif. 1 nha oa telefooo gttoe aal* th*ta gore wlo .e ke eng. A tlog* The reUUrea «lab to thtak the a tttaj* jonao, a ntloa buetun. b. Thaka e e Tlobolelaog ja cooe. Telefooo < AntboriUea of the Inatitntion for their Di boko taedi ba tlhokofataa thata, di ( T l FEIEND or tbe BECHUANA), n tteaye aolono ao kgo- dikottaert k* ko* teng ha mo rntla. L* ijmpathetie nuratag. *»• art a ke leee fela ke Ua bona ke Basadi. kgweletaa kgolo ea bow ane gaat^ o koo It ene etlare ngoana o taeno* to atfoU eotlhe k «aa go Utlha ko godimo. A goaea motho malnetat a thelegelang. ^ lho * U * f* ” Eare . lt, meU Kr ebo***lt>e* ajeoa jaka bataadi go “ Mafoko ga a tlmanoe, go tlmanoe dijo.” * oU“ *» “ oroadie koa godimo h* atae pet i«l thilaaCoetataka go diriu VXRU- piHikrafa eone f* eenn* jalo. Fere bare He Robuhoao gompieno o kgotaen* Friend of tbe B ee tas, CUftX. Ke aolriDO o naoxag la a aieaUa o bokele’ Eaba e*re'» cee a al* K _ m Uaoreag e tla tl* ola mancoe •entli ikanj«*iBg mo boloetaeaK, jo he hoitabe- ffi* otlhe, be be koo le bone ba Stlhe ko godimo g* (erutere * bo da feU botlhe be a taenja diUebe m gore ettbndi 'Uul? e ke ,Mw eang. i°» *• holeoang **V^HMI01JB1 ga t hr t kt a . „p, Mae pholofolo e ncha eo t „ , r tl* k* muhoe rari. pane e aim*. Bo moradie he mo goga fela erile ,0 hotel* dilo feU e aale ncha-ebile *ta a lebile fenitere ja mong wetH motae koe New Tork. Ke itahegeletaa a two* mo teng o Sub Rosa. v a a u io u a x e irkiua to ditoai Egatisioa mo Kimberley e reki- ■noroadie a rae* eo mongoe tae di aang It diptrathelasyan taa maupc tkas, deaPa’ Knle * ri*|„ . Ic lokoalo lo la bidioang: 11 Dichufo le thapo Boro ja balho le oele koa dikna Ua di'oko mo lawag.' Taelo to Mohani moogoe oe Amerika o lerile ba le relela thrledi B*lho U nth 1/R. Pok> ga e dueloe. Room la lokoalo sioe ka nako ele ngoe fela ka g^ilw ao kgotl*. Mafoko e gtgae ke au Ba>e a nbih* k* loe madi) E*e le moaadi be itsa be agile Mntle loferetlbo mo Adreee: j ebile ha aale ngoan* oe Doaetaan*.1 je le molemo Matlhaco koa Kimberley, Bloem­ yO* jaaaaia lemoft fore mialil o motho eo o na * mo ila Tha Vermlonra Proprletvy, iy.tu. Ke fa a seake diktaknfa Bobiihono! Robithono a ea 7 Plain S tm t, Capa Town. hoiigo di Aa a ino* hoapitj. fontein, Thaba ’Ncho, Klerks- a bimaee. ere ka mubenjane eaga Bobiihono R*na b* ha aetai ihohalel* no (0 ea gagoe kamon mmabo mo oko ka thata eare a I „ i u Uletae felts nne a ntloe ka •idiloa lekoto a ha a domel* dikukraf* gort koe kamoring ea moeadi hiihono o ka u}*|* KITSISHO. dorp, Potchefstroom, Johannes­ vtoUm ue turn*. Ditamediaho di- boleloa ea ha ra o*l* fela iato ekete di dirtloa fa pele Polo ei Ntlo ei Dijo le lirobila gagor. Ebile o arable moaim*njana Di nta* jalo diphrrro. Mono, Bloemfontein. burg le Pretoria—Tsatsi le le to o BMnoan* o bolet* gort a koale ire fa a alar are ke eme f, no* I* aengoe ae ae kakangoang ke fitlhele koto |e lengo* Ji gagoe le MOKUENA HOME. dAtakrafa a ae ka • be a tlogtl* sept. loaping. K* .hone «■ .* boleroei lengoe fela ka Matlhaco. Diane la* ia Solomon* dire te< toll*. Poony*na co­ thaka ee diphereo e choana DITSALA coltht di ilaaaioe fa Uela e* in* taa jaka khuma- lenong mo loaping ga e kake e* loo* M h. RAMAILANKe bot-e NTU) Uempolola le aeknknni gango* ke motho. ca DIJO le MAROBALO mono moOent Koranta ea morafe e e sa gobe- _ di nilagaaya fela jaka mancoe a mo- ea BECOANA WAALnOEK.LototiNo. ■adi le ay*t*i antae a arabiaanya mo 231 ka taaUi ja 10th Phaku, 1911 ’J n 'j) ikrtkmg ee boee be itebetae be ipnela Dijo t« methale Eotlhe to dinako cotlhe, leleng! E e sa lobeng mafoko 11 dikohoeg bt aa lore gort a mongoe mm* go gakgamata* f* prhahene Dinno tae di tiidali, Dinao lac di tnth*epr ka cone. Bare go okedioe Dikofi Ditee le Kankao. Muhi. a Lrkukt une taikiayego It kgouhonyana ngoe Qapoliai a Johanne*barg. A mapolii le Maabi a Lo'eae kt tlhoaUbne t doaa- igoe mo dikoboag e tla baloa mo ka- (la ta*na mo dikamoreng ta* ka koa teag lanao g le Balaamai, Ihketc Kara taa E e sa boifeng ope 111 ga matlo a choare be miaiei ba ba coal roog fela jaka ekete e n e direloa Bancho di gooe tae di lopaajretaai lang fa pele ga h*tlh*ok* ba b*ocho. Treine cotlhr, di tla loiaa gooa, galo bolo mapoliii a tla gogomel* Io matattu Alleged Recruiting Sun choenyega hobe. bout kaforr tt e rocung miaiai dikansl In ih* Tranikeian Oi LEOAll LEOAX 11 Dijoche erile a aena go uUoe chupo ku taelo *a mogataa mango* cone? Mo ka are ga go moeadi ope eo poo i go 60,000 balho ba ba rileng go lelekot inue of labour agent.' Iicenw. to hotrl- Fa lo koala to Poae lore abeag (alo o ka a tl boleloang gort a dii baaimane ba bereke ko bile ga matlo keeprr> and Iradera. Il «»« alleged that ago***. Nyalo ta gagoe ea kgaoloa **eng mo dikamoreng o eai fela ka bribed were offered to runner* and lab IM. N. RAMAILANE, Mctsa fda jaka aca. Dijoche oe batbo ron* mo mafokung a Thuto ana; ha bangoe ba ba 53.999 bogolo b* ourerv and that in the c*ar of trader* p ilie eepe. Fa a aa a itae dibeta •ho e ngor ra lehiamo e fetang ka it*]* go nna b« gatelelo* mo boemong unurupnloua ua* **• Mmetim*. mad* of P.O. Bax 573, Wudi hangoe eare be aebe It dikukani faraiai. I1h*lo«ho ea thoto e e f*tileng Secoana le English. jo* gor* ba kgaogango* le baumanyana natire indebledneaa for good, .upplied BLOEMFONTEIN e se e le kaga hoilahepho kgotaa tahi- beaaa b* bone ka cone o to bo b* maiuulu A Creak tnd t Native Woman. Ka ThapoRAMAILANE 0 •imowgo ea botahelocho»- joa motbo Thsto Dr. Smart! le ene o t.ikmte* gore Oor­ A Greek named Nicholaa Kalllncono.. bengoe, Naa ja, to lo bo- ee gompiena t tlhaW bogolo )o* t»*in*- omente * tlhome Kumiii e * tlbotlhomi- of Main Hoad, Drnrer, appeared before gompieno to tla itiu ka ruri. Thoto e eollbe e coa mo kgaoloog Mr. N. t*n d*n B*r* in " A-' l.ourt jea- JiphMfO. e e leng ntlhangoe ea thero ea Morena. baahoeo de bt bancho ba ba gttelelaag terday in conoection with a charge pre­ Ntlhaei baaadi, lefa moaadi * le mo cang. b* ferred againat him of criminal aaaault. Ihpheno, Baitiai ba g* mrna, ke be- thuto ea m*itaeo oatlhaio* ka botlalo. Ueneral llertu Th* man la * thop ^wi.tanl, and it ia lanr * itaioeag mo eh*heig cotlbe. K*, • ueag • diriaioa mo leintng ja Ooromtnte oa Kopaoo alleged that he criminally aaunlted a w ** diphereo go tobo go aena njalo amogela topo eo ka mafoko a aenna * natire girl under tht age of !< ye*n. . ka bo go aeaa bana; ka aa fa ban- ig ea gagoe Morena o bolela tlhogo e wleng ka rnaanet* Are k The Oreek »*a remanded In caalody 12/6, ka Pose !§/-. ha ae be mo, beitiai bag* echo rt k* h< «lao |ata o koadiloe mo Teatameoteug min e lla tlhongoa, mme o r*t* j until May 2. IC, Kgoloogolo. Maikaelelo a molao t ne r* I* kae* Ke k* bo ra aeo Phereojtk* umaka prluhtne e kile ea laengoa n A Quilt ion dilo cotlhe tae dl rtmang ditokololo le go boloka mokgoa oa go ikana ka Parlamenleng A re petiabene eo t hoi MOSEGI i phcgrlela gore maikan? otlhe * dirot thaega fa Boeaeag. Eare fa a hoi mafoko mangoe a e«*ng a nuete, i hambane. According ka P o s e 7/ 6. ■iiroaajeae aa moana et ptae tt ooeo j*k* f* pele ga Modimo. K*f* Kgoltga- kgetae taa baaadi cotlhe fela jtk* Eo o liwenketo libedi, Ncha maikano a choanetae go paper, Lieutenant 0*1 rkete b«a*di bao botlhe tne tie Makgooa F* Hukong a TLORENCK loholoojaaa jo* gagoe bo Uetae fediaio* ke tshiaimogo e ncha ea Modimo, leloa k* bancho. neoa f* go holflo* go •* tlhokafale gort a diroe. Oa le rffrct that BOAD le ROPER STREET, ka P o s e 4/.- . diphereo felt jaka taaee ja koko boamrun mafoko a ntao jana; ft palo' faturr we»r akirti Tht de- * tl*ee. Phereo bogolo di thse go belaetahege gore Morena o an a eta*- i farologango* go Ua fitlheloa gore only arouaed indigntlion in Gaufi le Steishenc. bela*Uh* a mangoe otlhe to boUa to eare fela ba ba gateleling. Oeatrtl Hertiog correapondenla in Inhamhane to ihe ba ba ntaeng jalo ga go kitla go ba tlho- buile jaka aenalla. Mo go itnmedi- • ok* Uhanogela ngoany*na diphin- “ len'a Reform Club, with a detrr- Tliaka e e coang mo Dikompe- tofalela gore ba. ik*ne ka mokgoa ope, aang ke go bo Bencho bt ule b* lop* tion worthy of Ura. Pankhurat and ■jaaa tu 'gaga di be di tla npologa fel* ime mafoko • hone * tla kgocdita mo­ ning o itumediaioa thata ke en o ">llhe mo kantoroag, fa pele ga Boatai- koraiai mo Konkraaing e* bone ea Janu­ Mra. Colby, absolutely rtfuaed ‘ “ Ke eone e Pusho ea Kopano e go It mongoe ft a le hoamarari. ary ko Bloemfontein ee ae ahnpang fa -■ joa dibebt tu betho be t>hega ka Kgaolo e e choooeng mo lokoalong loa- ebile bt teaa maatloelo-boUhoko Bancho le bon* ba ia rate maihoe ao a Jakob* molemo o mogolo It o o ft- bo ho aiile Pariamente ka kgoedi bolelelang Becoana Meloa kaeone. phegileng oa rose mo tbatong * ke to gobo e aenola ka mokgo* o gakgamt- ‘Jo bototoayaa* (el* f* i h H i tung bothata ;o* g laola lolvme. P>nnc go tl* jobo Wo* baromio* Mo kgaolong e, re bona ktft lefoko jt »™» i m Kt (ooe fa bogolo jo* ba- le coang mo motomong le to dira dilo T.M. l ^ i bo ichapang teag k» bo nUha kho- di l^olo 1* tat di boitihegang: Fa a Imu bo dikgobololong It mo dipba- gatelela kutloalelo e * boahula e loleme BABETLE ba MMOMMELEDI •***g. Ma* diphereo f* di bol*e boor* * nang le thalt tt go e dira Jaloba a le ba A AG1. loleme ke “ lofatahe jt tahiamololo kto*lhe goto* ke tao o UhoUheletung ditokololong ta* nn*," * bolele ronofo Mongo n go tacgetia tiro # fa godimo DEATH OF MRS. LIVINGSTONE Laletsang Ditsala tsa Iona Ko­ ea jone go leaboafata* mmelo otlhe, le di ogoiga dilo ibome, ke etaiie ba cboletaa le bone b* tie b* Uhageloe chnbt tikologo eotlhe ta tlholego ea ro btmo go ro ke booTta mnetll oa BRICE. kantlba ra goaae jone' ka joai It ohajot ggayoxaiiHom ™ .. ranta e, e tla di kgoedisa jaka ke molete o* molelo. Uo motaanyanrng oa lWb*gh go do jo Otpe go boaala kgantrlr mo lokoalong Ke balae KAXti ea go kgoediit botlbe «*le I#bnni lengoe le nale buetun* be loa gagoe gore o pketa taelo eaga Jtta ban tae ko badirela ko nale go taaea tiro ingalone Brace, widow of Mi e lo kgoedisitse. hwUe^U* he 1, bebedi. Bam ale lo- kt eoti gore btthoi bt «eto be ikana. efa lo th ea KAOO (Contract); dl I.ieingatone Bruce, and daughter of THOTO TSA U R K K I (Church :*U mo aatooaaeag, Me bog*It ele di- mme mafoko a bon* a nne a nnete. E Da>ld Lmngatone. the African miuion- Famitnre); DI THOTO TSA neeleJo f* frei aunt * ntae e tlhapeleloa e nne e, njaea e not njtea. and riplorrr. died on Saturday al •» b*ayaaeaf b, gagoe. _ Ba roe tun* le Janong rt Itbtgtnjn It dllo di It ptdi, DIKOLO (School Fumltart); ISA rraidcace in Rotheaty Terrace, NTLO, li ta go NT ALO, tae di IS YOURS E tsamaisa mophato oa Bakoaledi be tahebe rr* bona, care ta*tai le Ubokega go golo ga boamirari. le poptgo Edinburgh. Th* d«e*»ed l*dy wu *t * »* go phiriaa (eU |o bo go jeoa; fa go r e tetng go kgobofadiot ea loleme ft cboanetitag di KABILO: L I MATLOtA A BtSHUI, jalo jalo. iner lot yeer Mr*. dijo di fda fela |o bo goto* be m koa lo tttk* kgota* lo otlualolo* to molttt Brace, who waa U yeara of age. had been Ula« «* rod ino he tlogtle dithaelo fa molelo. Fa re lebagan* It diUhogo tae Ea TLHOATLHOA taa iako Ua ba ba menoana e boleta. toapienn. DILO di dlraa ka bo failing health aince htr return in tatahe. pedi tae, tae go katoeng dl Uhtbaat September from a «i*it lo Nyu*l*nd. mmogo, re bona bogolo jo* temana ea OOXBIHX le ka NONOfO. KeeaKAIleKAI mo ke Wdioan* ' Kuruman. in Beehuana. roaa. Temana e t oot mo lokoalong loa- land, wber* her father wu *1 Ihe time ga I’aulo mme e aale taelo le taheaolo K008- KAW INKUJI ke No. StO le Dikgang tsa ka ntlha cotlhe tse 418 WAAIHOIK. L I OAX ke 140 atationed. She waa hia conalanl com­ ea aephiri. Taelo a re bolelela ka thata panion on hia jonrneya in thia country, gort pele re a pole maakn rt tie rt itao go tosa^Q M ^impy,tloV l0' and pomwtod a .tore of rrmimacencea of boamaruri moogoe mogo eo mongoe. him an of hia deaenptiona of hia work, Becoana ba ka ratang go di utloa. r janong tahenolo et tephiri it thata In all le made *u jouroeya to Ceotral re go diraJ alo t mo man cor ng ai"" gaant Africa. riailing the place* uaociatnl mooaor 1* mongot oa rooa ka tokololo ta I, and ahe had alio travelled > mongot," mme gore re Uhalogaaye Kitsisho tsa BproniBnte. Japan, Egypt. India and Aarrica. 8 BOGOLO TSA THUTO > Uf re cboaneUe go boela to mafokong Kitaiibo e e latelang e gatlaioe go ana married in 187s. Mr. A. L. Brace, jfak partner in tha Srm of Williaa Toaagrr LE TSA PUSHO. Fa rt btl* ntlha ee kgaolo e eteltlaag polelo et ponUba, Z F. L0N8DALB, A Co., who matrriaUy htlped hia falher- •mana e pele rt Ua Stthala gort Moa- In-law’a ichemea of eiploration and col- oatola 0 na koala taolo (m e t laala *o lef* ebil* gola go aye. A ere Eo o tabegeledltaeng Tlhmgoe oniution. After willing in Edinburgh Drt t ikobeloe e teng fela kanUha ne oa Tiro tn Hakgotla. ahe took a great intemt in miuionary u J* l*l«* aa-aoi a fakolol* bana gonna re choanetae go tpolt kako It go lo tla ahoedioe ke thnpe fa lo ntae OEil ea Tiro tia Hakgotla, enterpriae, eapecially in the Charch of boa boamarari ma* It goat t It to-. Pretoria. Scotland and the I'airenitH*' Miaaioni ...... gonne re ronofile go dira jalo. ia Nyauland. 8he ia rarrired by two Fa re lebe dittmaa* tat di tteltliag te- aont-CapUin Darid Liriagatone Bruce thoto t pele, M Ua Itlhela gort and Mr. A. Livingstone Brace, late llth di tiaioUa to taao gore ba Motpo- Lancera, bow managiag tht family ee- ha Boaltla bt ae bt ta Uholt tataa in Nyauland-aad a daughter, ba choanNt* go taamaia kafa mokgoeag Mra,T, E. Bawl, wife of C*pt*in T. E. oa ba-dichaba-taamio eo t Uhaloaioa Buaaell, the Royal Scot*, at pretest ia gohe ke ee "B* be hihadlootaf do tlha- India. lofanrong a* boat, bt le hetag ba t* By he* will Mra. A. Livitgiloo* Brace ita* botahalo jot Modimo.", Baitthephl hu Itft tf.MO to (ht hoapilal for the ba bt kot'eeotag lokoalo lo ga go Uholt naUrea at Magoatro EaUte. Ny*aJ*ad. go tlhoktga gort. ba ttaoait to mokgoa Africa, tJ.OOe to tht Wooea’i Foreign OttoaUha ea pharologoojo a Krtatt o t Minion Aaaociation of tht Charch of dirileag. Mogo Krttta ba amogela ee 8ootl*nd. to bt ated for aiaaioaa at ^sj£unas&£^a&s bittaag "motho (o mo- Blaatyrt, Yoaaa, Doaad, aad Mlaaja, o boitttophoat joa bo- IliltO to tht Uairtnitiet’ Miaaioaa of tht JSs$e£T£££. _ , _ iai|m kantlha aa 10 Charch of England ia Nyaaalaad, aad *>o raU* be be ao taeeja k»1tni ter*. ____ at dirlltac ba noooile go iko £2.000 to tht Kirkuya Miuion of the 1 Jtlo » taelo *, go tpola kako le go boa bo- Charch of Scotland ia British e o jd x x * m » taaaaea ka U%ocko la goce T8ALA EA BECOANA (THE FRIKND OF THB BECHUANA).


    I I b a a i h b l l w ------CONDITIONS ON THE BUB J ELSEWHERE. ** Th* (oUoviaf artid* I, BiiW. e . oa lauaonl condition. ..d (Metlobo ea Komponi-ea ga Mokebisa.) among Um attire. on the liu lT J* wknt, which tnpeared u of Ihe " Church Chrooiel.“T p i" ia(treat io nun; reader. im ' uolj bj reason of U„ un._ ™ .* orjMCT of Ihe problem ,„ k *? » Babereki Botlhe ba ba Batlang Tiro mo Bikepong Tseo, ba Laeloa Ulooaccuunl0( ih, Buhop. at alreadi »ut«|, „ in Kimberlej. conducting ih« ,«L*H CjptUB* fot II abort ..?«» go Botsa Agente oa Gone: Mr. L. S. CLOVER, Lobatii. upon the departure ^ ,h. H.TfS kotnos for re»t and ehau;* lg (vi*' ‘ .Ckrirtiuilr .land. for auM^- ,1 i. a failure Th, Chorrb^J Babangroe ba ka ea fela koa Dlhekeng ts a Dikomponi mo Kimberley le Beaconsfield Maina a Metlhatlhelo le bo Menenchere Botlbe ke a: cracilj. Tic*, ind rri BULTFONTBIN: Mine Compound J. Nicholson. Rock Sh»ft Com;DjXMUd | w B. Olahs. J to exrrcite iu citiaen DE BEERS: Surface Componnd ■ubiliiir* OB behalf of Stable Compou cS«l without • con Floor Compound | C. E. Hopley. and a> citiirzx. «. ■ Mio« Compound KIMBERLEY: DITOITSPAN Mine Compound J U E. Rokfey. Na 2. Compound Sarfic* Compound Floor Compound Floor Compound | J. Swanson- Mine Compound VVESSELTON WORKSHOPS: Compound I S. Tint) Pratt. SurfM* Compound Floor Compound CENTR.iL POWER No. 1160. STATION: Compound I KittleeNebn e, F^i eekpbwoem tteU “ \ mu A n t le mrybiiaUp. Tekinjo r. • « . 4ft to l «h. «'t. * matxue « t^ag. l e . h t o l i M - e « .l.pteU, E « « ea Jjtkot ki aaileet et »o prgoa a*>.io*e»,»g <* Ci|»to*t, St. M»d a Ue le Banna! Bmna, Bonang Fa!! kwlo lo lo ItUaag katlele THE BRITISH CHRISTIA1T UNION K‘iiiiogrtr> bnlho boUhe ht te tletttn go cholera, mt Itibt, m. Hukung g o leba Poet Offloe) Afrikt le BaSio te baawe go t» uaea eboanelo Ue di lekanans ^ 1 ? Go^ueli rari go e* go tbolote ro*di a tenk. ro.. f * te lb Fa U oa go NY ALA kgotaa U ea SBLALELONG. netbnnt »nd elm here. And fint «e mu.1 dr|'in “^ k W r t T l U W t e ba Amerik. gore te leke go thu« rorn^a K,ocho The Direct Supply Stores illton-idcrrd meaion-- i.f r te Amerika te te oooofileag mo oiooeng le mo diUron^ g) 1* buutho le Uolu '* bokarig* c tloxf. K»1KDt tond. and. if artoapatiH I W. N. COOPER, police regulation and r poabo ea lonto le go Jin mmogo a DITLHAKO, t UUTSHB. KOLORO, kgone eng u Banna, fela will reliett I he pre-eni di *e I' se batlang I' tl* sc fillhelt. MORBKISI OA DITLHARB, A batho botlhe te te dumalanang le maikaelelo > matlhano » te gag"!' kap* Bat thu ia hot rnvutli re»peellng citltena mn. |WEST END, KIMBERLEY. I be Christian Obnrch Putel JOSEPH BOOTH. Re rakin* Thoto t«» Banna Ma gt gon* On Bas«dt le Ban*. IIoo Seeretar)'. Biitith Cbriit'an Union, onite. ia Ibe format i™ (Le ku MAFIKENC le ZEERUST kea MAOIKOE. hfwllht public oplaion .. 42. Preatwicb street, Capetown. NT8E LE BECOAXA ka baka se te telele thata, ebile o setae t rieetmn bet .ten immoral 8ENEIRE o mo Leweokeleng, • kt go segalt felt jakt V rate lemogile thata go ba baakanvetM ditlhare. A ko leke methniho .'oaditioai of life, and t Kt pelo eotlhe ke dnmalana le maikaelelo a matlhano t Britith Chrirtitt L'tiot, itaelf and the crime. ih ea bone e e ntung. ebile ke eletu go cot tokololo ea eone. Ttng lo itlhophilc kt losi mo gt COOPER'S CREEN PILL (Pile e itieng Eo tlhacoi mala) letlojanj, Tiler*. WALTERH.ADAMS PECTt RAL BALSAM (Meleao oa Oi{otlkola), 1/S le 1,'S botlolo. INFLUENZA MIXTURE (Moleaa ei Made), I/- ka botlolo. BLOOO MIXTURE (Molemo ea go tlhacoa Mtdi) o o tumileng thata Siege Buildings (Opposite Post Office), lhata •* {• COOPER, Batlolo o limolola ka 2/- a ee et II/*..... Mo Itk *ka boloette bongoe lebongoc jo bo go choenyang a ka ga De Beers Road, Kimberley. tlLakatjfelaa ■elhaiho-e e n;meng lha’ta ae lewetkeletg |a gagoe KATLHOATLHOA TSE 01 OKOCOLOCOENC


    John Henderson, B ba aeilenft kgakala ere ba iuo koalela ka pose ba romele Melora ea Yunione madi ba beele botlolo ogoe le ngoe Rekisipense ea |».se h Selaga Sa Ga Hamosesanyane. godimo Ebile re na In Kah koa Hemming Street, (UNION SOAP). BELGIUVh. E SHONE SELAQA so rc basktnytng Dina ut ka kelo thloko K 0 rekt Dikgomo Ic dilo tse di tsam*eang. SKI.AGA sa nllha-ntlh* mo JAANONG PISEPE ga di llboie di roa F.ngeline (ela, irja k m 00 Twuiincng W. N. COOPER, MOLORA ii o Uhacoang thaU GOAFI LB KEKfKE FA iAFGOOA. MOLORA o aa njerologcng. THABA NCHO. 0 KOA WEST END, KIMBERLEY. MOLORA o o gluing didmlo Ue gile di rekit*dina«g H->e- »nn

    Fa ole mo Johannesberge o no otla mo THE " A t m " REMEDIES. Bank6ng e ea rona Fa a Uena mo L-««akrl mg u Ui!e go rekt MdIo'b fell IhUb L’liijn So»p c * dirutng moon Kimberlej Touun; Ul'iro I * m iu' gie gore rl.elete tu luni di lc(e oadiri te baocbo ••ACURA" P IL L U L E S . —For Coughs tnd Colds. They relieve Banka ea Koloni le ea Poloka ea Komponi that soreness of the throat tnd chest that tccoiupuiiei cuugbs and Oipcreko le Mashini isa Rona di koa West Hnd. colds in a few hours, and will completely cure in * lew days. In­ ea Africa, Ltd, valuable to public speakers tnd singers Sold at 2/6 pir bottle, or ioale polokelo fela e idirtcoeng Banco fela torabine nil right thinking riliXl >1 three bottles for 6/0, Post Free in ths Union a campaign on behalf of lUch'MM NM ug lo tlo go :e bona in" ft lo tl. ki* go k .Ma, koa’eUng lukutlunyant I live meKtum a» will protect IM tt1.! " A C U R A " P E L L E T S —For Rheumatism i.ud G-n't Sold at 2/6 I live, from their urenenl 'KMM j per box, or three boxes for 6/6, Post Free in the Union. loa r nt to lo tl > l.'bolrlvlaiig (iOTLIlE kaga liaaka c. I roundings and condition*. Wt BM »[ .uro that for economic reaaoail*. 0 ka Kiaiololi g>i bo'oka -(Sh U-ng Ue t h*nn) left de go feta mo " ACURA " PILLS—Cure Indigestion, Conulpttion, Sick Head­ « well as fjr higher moral MjJJ&J Union Soap Co., Ltd., lela mo lukoulot'g jaka orata. Ihe mat employer. of latcir W ache. Heartburn, and til the disorders of the stomach caused by tn be with as. wi mat be ilio inactive liver Sold at 2/6 per box, or 6/6 lor three boxes, Post Iteletlrl* JIJ u.o Ickgol ng in»t>ad:tiho mo lokoalong lo* polokelo, madi | was found aiyl proved up lo BM* 7 Stockdale Street, Kimberley. agago o kana ua a bona kafa orating. m Kimberler) that the native* O g i Free io the Union «*!>« and their chiefa ttwjM*: (iirv batle jiulelclo pele f * o batla madi agago, Sooth and Central Africa, »o*M tome thit preteetion. The »nt«J this article went through all tt»W: 1 To be had street from th« Sole Proprietor*. in the eighties in Kiwberl.r. *«**[ Ihe Colonial Banking & Trust C o , mulled in the present eompooal JJS tem. which, with whatever lt» W*; '■obi and capabilities of of Afrieft Ltd., changed Iho whole fsce and n * B native industrial lift for jood « *fj Corner 81MMONDS MARKBT STREETS, (ht wand of magician. If »* *“ protect the nalir» from lamew JO HAJVNBSBURO. criminal enrroondings and condraJJJ) MORBKISI LE MOANANYI, 71 Burg Street, Boi 1,071, •e shall Inal Pfptcct ourslwt* l*»| PO BOX 1151 iaaoral aw) crtnloal rttulii,. ^ CAPE TOWN. Il mot be added that BiikogflS 36 Zulu Street, BLOEMFONTEIN, prejched at S. Cyprian's on WB evening lut, and tonched inti«**JJ ;n the above, amonc other ■J"RI Fa IT iintia Dikatlole, Thtalolc le Ditulo, llijMtat 'Diio W*~Ntlo __Tpublic.moment in the coori**f"j cotlhe tse 1I1 siauieng ka llhuatlhot e potlana Lit dt Ncha le toe di tala THE STOBIE RESPIRATOR. ^rmoni which he prefaced br lOjyj Diaparo, Dikobo. Ditlhaki. ie IXslitise. Dikomvri-m' .V Snsi> l** mnrkt at to the pleaaure and WrW Mmogo le dikoforto tsa Amerika re di dart mono. (Kgetsana en Stobie e e beoang mb nkoof.) of renewing old aaaoclatloM »” *5 methale eotlhe. •ng new acquaintance* on th* Field., with which ht wu to « « Elie ere fa u rata re di oleic re di iso Steishcneng lefa ebile u rat* Dijo. Dijana. Ditee le Diahuker* V dilo tw dingoe taa Matto. connedk! la flaw put re di romela kac. Oa go Moepi ope oa Metlobo o ka dirtng ka itekanelo a wna naea Ke Setoro *e *-e lehtleng U'aehuku ebile wgaiiwi Toru l»c dingoe Bogolo mo Metlobong e* eotlhe ka bo chipi Mang le mang eoo tlang go itokelo o tla booa a itumeuc JOSEPH STOLLER, 21 Giddy Street, LOROLE lo Io iroang ke Boro mo diamaeneng lo gololelo* ka dinko Go Lebagana le Kantoro. ke Babereki Lo ba phnnya makgoakgoa lo ee-go ikgala mo Makgoa- hung * babereki, ba (hoe. Ba lit tsamaeanglca bonako ba u tahedile eare bo fitlha koa gae lu ba bolaite mifaUha 8T0BIE RESPIRATOR e kguel* lorole loo.gore pereko ea metlobo e KLEIN ,LOUIS WENTZEL, nne bokgoabo fela jakt eadipolaae. PrBotlo“ictloul 1 TTnllor ailor nt?.dord OOutfitter utfitter, W A V ff AJA1 A U U A d^ Oyole Dealer, STOBIE RESPIRATOR i lrguela lorole loo le niosi ebile ke eoo* e 27 t 29 OLD MAIN STREET, KIMBERLEY. •iameng go gaisalse dingoe lef* ele chipi. 53 Do Beers Road, KIMBERLEY. o» Maanete, PAKA tsa gagoe di simolola ks £ 2 10/-. 5/-. 0 REKISA D IBAESEKELE tsa methale eotlhe le ditahieotna- j Uhicoana isa cone tso motho 0 ka di batlMg. methale e mcntsinti ea Baesekele tsa gagoe di REKEQA TELaTA. Dikommtrese ba uieshoroto 0 fa borogoog gaufi le Steishene. DI REKISIOA HO. METLOBONG KA M O LEKENQ. SHELENG. 0 lo reiang teng Kakanyang Registered at the General Post Office as a Newspaper.

    •• Jaka metse & taldidi mo moeng o I nyorlloengr mafoko a a monate a fatse “ As cold w aU r Is to a thirsty sou 1 so Is good news fro n a far country. I |e le kgakala a ntse fela jalo.” THE FRIEND OF THE BECHUANA. —Proverbs of Solomon -BOV!' S T A T X . DEffr" „n.-NO. 92. KIMBERLEY JUNE (SEETEBOSIGO) 1, 1912. Tlhoatlhoa 8d.—Ngoaga 12/6 ka pose 15/-.

    . M. CUTHBERT & Co., GO BOTLHE* BA BA EANG GO NYALA. LIMITBD, RE NALB THOTO B NT8I EA DILO TSA KEMO. Mekgabo ea Basadi, Dicoalo tsa koa Teog, Bolosire, Le Dikraase, Oishushe, Roforto tsa tih lp i, Paka tsa Majentletemmo Hutshe tsa Basadi. iTbfl B rat South AMean Boot. M a u l s . Sslika tsa Maledi jalo jalo.

    ka go naea Tlhako tse di Biameng ka Tlhoatlhoa tse di okocolocoeng.

    Ihkotn Bairn ki Roiiool U kt ...... ; Ibko U* Hanna t

    Tlang lo Itebatebele ka Losi Be lU lo itumedisa .iccei*, le Na 0112 ma Swim M0SK8E OA KOA TENG OA NAINSOOK, d.teie MASHINI OA A il BY. Ko arkhnrumeio neni Ka 5<6 fela tac |>i«icx’ng le diUVa f> tfnliuvi karantie ea nv«ga di!e tlhaoo £2 15c. i> nalo t*o dingoe I. M. Cuthbert & Go., Ltd., Fela ka 4/11. Go nale tae dingoe gape k* 00 NALE BOMASHINI BA BANGOE KA pp-ka 2/6, 2/11, 2/C, 2/11, 3/6 le 3/11. 87 Dutoitspan Road, Kimberley. £3 7s. 6d le £3 17a 6d. 36 lo 3/11. DIHEMPE l'SA NAINSOOK, marukce a bahumagadi Ga gooa ope lieae ABERDEIN & BUTT, lo deltyfi ka 1/6.1/9. S/-. 2/6 le 1/11. fela eo omahang Ditempe taa Bareki mo Mangaung.

    TTnnla. re tla go romela Koalo loa Ditlhoatlhoa lo la nang le dichoancho. Re Ntsha Di Trading Stamps iap a ro ts e di ABERDEIN & BUTT, Maitland Street, Bloemfontein.

    Ka U Batla Ihkatlclo. Di a le Diiiil" IHpitaa Dilo b>a Ntlo cotlhe lae di mai.i- i g ka il i«o h<« >• i» - i n

    mv fi* u raU re oi o'o c r> t^iae SirtaUkn-ng .4* ebile u laU MOTSEI OA BASHOI Dlhempe taa ko tang, tat di bob >a Pbatlbo e a tain tai ea bo beklma, tae dl bothitbo, tee d< APARO Tsa MOTLUNO. mabogo tnaleel#, H i. Ic ’M E T II OA MATI.OLE A Le Mornkbno a bothitbo be kalo, 16. Dl-onorobakl tae dl bo boa, tie di Komenae, Dilaakane, Khai e Chora. Flanelete, Disle, Dikobo, A BASHOI. JOSEPH STOLLER, 21 Giddy Street, mabogo maleele, 1/6 Dikaoahn, De Ooalo le Mekgalx, Ac, kc , Dlhempe taa bo-Flene tae di thit* lc tae di aegiloeog tentle, 6/6,6/8 le */•. PAKA le DITLHAKO Go Lebag*ana le Kantoro Dlhempe Ue dl bokete tm Gilmea Tia Baaaale Baaimaie ITSISI Bwoana lutlbc !•» tae di iogegtleog, 8/9. Bloemfontein, (a a hudugilf km St. Dlhempe Ue dl mebata Ua Ceylon Gentge Strert, jian mt air mo Rauir.«no „ tae di logegitag, 4/6. Dipaka. Manikho, I , , Dihempe tu* bo-Tlen« Ue dl mebala. 1/9. Bohutahe, K ran pane, Ditae le 8akatnkn tn S« kanjrt-a letlole. rae o Dlhempe Ue dl mebala e meihoen le e mebndndn Ua MECOALO I la ntaha kara kgooo .lipitv koa nt'e g« OaCtM, 1/9, S/6 le 3/8...... kara. Fi motbo a bHile Krae rao go t n» Dlbakl Ua mfUbameko Ue dl segeglleng *entle, tar di d.kgcU® ea liahnmagadi, le Banyaie. aki e ■aina lebitlenK Joa i.tlr ca tr(o) gn HON. M. CAMPBELL’S PRIZES. di din tie ebile di le bothitho-thitho, 11/6,17/6 • Waalhnkn kjom Kaflrfontoln. Dlbakl taa tiro, 6/', 6/8 le 7/6. Fa motbo a aeoa mvli itlbr o ka Marukhne ft bo-Tweed, 4/8,5/8,8/6 le 7/6. Koatomo tn Vlneie le Dibab, Dibtaui, Boatroko, Khai tn dumalaaa nae go lefa ka kgoeoi I worn f|lHE Hon Marshall Camnliell, of Mount Edgecombe. Natal, hav flered Dlhempe Ua fa godimo tse dl botbltho, 3 6 le 5/-. Ditabea, Maaka tog jalo jak Tae do aiametarog go 'iveke. Lo tla mhi'.lhela mo I Prizra valued at £25 forfc bePrizra n the History if, the lUaato Olkatuhn Ue dl klma, tae dl botbltho, l/• lo 1/A Ooaloa ka Dlkanahu gape tso dl oboaatablooeag 1« ue dl klma lae dl MARIQA le SELEMO. BAUMANN SQUARE, Be^l Ut Emay botbltho, 9d. _ _ _ _ _ 2nd „ Ho goo Ba a i T T D L & C o . , ., 3rd te Koalele re tk lo romela Kataloko ea Ditlhoatlhoa. BiiOBMPONTBIN, 58 le 60 DUTOITSPAN ROAD. it not lie of more than 2.500 word*, and a

    Hon. M CAMPBELL OLIVER & Co., Mount Edgecombe, NaUl. Aft-sr July 10th no E«»y w II b 1 acci'pted. A1! Baautc who ari I f T. COBLE, nativea of South Africa are eligible to competc, but no European. III, Jones Street, TEE BRITISH CHRISTIAN UNION Mo Mokgoatheng or No 111. M iyatino: L Oo batla le go kopuja batbo botlhe In b» drliinc go tWcl-a, b i ImI a, mi Afrika le Bancho ba banxoe go ta aaea ehoaaelo Ur .ii Irkaim* Selaga sa Kama tse di C0NNIN6 & Co., tl OogaoebnmgoeagothoWawaiia baa ka rv. ba tk ba ca|*loe mafatahe ka bodipa. KO nrarl* Bucbo Mali ura. WEKKBLE je le eteletseog a mangoe pele ka Ditlro DUO, DINO, DIAPARO THOTO TSA MATLO le TaHIPI tsa T1394. Field Olaaaea in Ka Tlhoatlhoa Balemi. Ga gona Wenkele ope 0 THOTO e kana ka- w rata KfaagSeakapabolelocato loa batbo lo efaig loae lo ka raaojang bath. Tae di Okoooloexng. eu rona mono THABANCHO.

    t. Go bolela Efaageli ea kagiiho le tntao ea merafe eotlhe g.'tlhe mo Puaho r* B.f.1*-« tMmMKj teag le go leka gore paaho la taolo

    IA loakalftbelaela aepe no taheimeg ' a gap. Oil. lo aegrk fda jaka l Ke moroa Itaka oa bogolog'l. Tliaba ITcho, 0 J.S .

    & c a SaaatefeS , M W . w -NtU« C * tr m •« ildiotng Ctpe Peninrtlt NtH» Kt tahipi * e fetileng Morulaganyi <> ion e ihoetoa gore Ooromwt* a gkko- A LE PAT8H& 1 »a a nale pioo ea Btncho bt Capetown l<*eloe fa mogopolo oo oa Komiti o thae- 1# metoana et ko mathoko go we kt koa gile mo Congretieng ea Bloemfontain, the lirii'ltwAiotiiswt Sea Point go ea Simoastown, 1« V> »“ t)s ir«faKomW«oetom»ot.rongOoro- rrege. Moruti u tu toroponyana toe di ft gare- ««• mente a e laele go batU le matkntlo a >oa'ko Bloemfontein. • Charle* Njombolo ot Wett London tie Mancho e«ng a Makgooa ctL Mr. Zini a Sobomagadl kgono Igarebo • -- tetulong. Pico e bedicoe kt Exte»- but ka White Le«ne m e • Mstlotng.—Mr, Brink 0 otisnog no battue M«a ere U>« et Ctpe Peniniult Nttire Auoeit- ikteletoeng gore go »e ta ga Uhola go feleknrnete#g jtmonj lri (jiJ* roralomainsamashalomadi tion. Cbenntne t bitot Mr. PItttjp t letoa melao Ktfore e tlhotelot fela ka -Weaieli Badenhorsi « NOANG tit go bolelt ft go timolocoe kgtto « mtbogo le Legoot ere “ * Kitsisho Tsa Goromente. i one, go ga la ba.aaag«e o tl* ncha et koptno kt Btnoho ’bt South o cot wlo go bo go thololii dicheleU fela Dltoee.-Mr. Thoma. ckMoa ka 0*01031 “ Africa ko Bloemfontein. Koptno eo o kgoot jeo le gololoa: « M . 8W e ene Inspektor* oa diklaji. dirile dilo dil* dintoi tbil* btrot rrt te ihupa fa molao oa fatohe Jeno o tla pong toa noka e Tihdlht, BujJS S Q in u e a basadi ko Xott kt bt^B* bt tt utloant fekeedioa ke chelete jaanong o reteWoa Eo 0 romelang palo I jttacng U ttikinjegt kt nttlt. Ebile ke go tireletot Btncho. Mr. Abrahami Tstt*n»Tili.-P. ^ k tu J , gaisangeababangoe. loaUoodi Goromente gt Ubole t kabet* diWbt Chermane oa Penimula Aitoclation le ooUhe toe re di kotleloug k,' iaka pele tare a bnitiot t reetse, felt ene t but kt muho* t t dirotng koa Bancho koa ntle ga ditempa THERO. le'mmadi oa lemadi e tla ul* t timololt' go reetu Mtkjobt Jobanneeburg fa ekete banna be teng ~i ba rt kgona. Ke.boae*,, u u lo r o l i P. I lontiyaoe oa ent go koptngot ke Dr. Abdunh- ba bt ncho jaanong ga ba «a laoloa ko gala toe di toentoeng Jiu^' Et Tiu e Ton* Eoo Tlotleetng Tb.U Viscount Olidtt .ne, Tok.loloea Ukfftti Molto ot bttltbtmi o rt n* r« banna ka bone ba laoloa ke baaadi, ie la Tlollegaag Kgolo Ji Scnttlt « Senile ji Sepbin, K w u « Mopha'o Uil* go o lot o jojiloo ka mortgo. melt- atu tsikinyo eagt Zini. Fsuraimllh.—Baeii o « (aphegileog th»U ot bo St. Michael le St Oeont*, High Commwi - LEWI jo lo romelang maina a onjtnt e mengoe et kgttelelo le eone re Mr. Mathibathe are matlhotlha pelo leng mono malobt e Soaih Afrika le Moiaodi Oolo et Kopano «a South Afrik*. kobile dintlbt, jtka bogo«i jot bancbo gompieno go toeng Bancho ba a bolae- bt bttlile go kgaoga KA tulo It dithata ue ke iR neeloang ke temana 11 et Molto ot go mametlelela lir ti go feta maina a a I (Ioromente o ul* t kgokgontohiot ke j* gt ba t lela fa fatobe, a coa mo cma ka bonakona _ molio ot Dlfeue (Ksgelelo) ot 1891 kot Cape ol Good Hope ke tlhomaroiaa It May N romecoeog ke ba bangoe ka Utkgooa gor* t bo pkimole. melao et Mikgooeng. Ka U ne ba ruUle bancbo tlhatsa bangoe .NlekuTi' SI, 1913,11 mo mtmetleleloog ele modka one 0 go tit bunotng kt one diebelete tie pue tu baaadi bniot kt nttlt ke efangeli le tiro fela ba kgoagana le go kgomo ene e robebie (t prt , Goromente 0 nt 1 di sdimt Baocho go t gt ditertti fa gare p iioUm tie di istejsng p a k r Burton le Moltodi ot Frental*, dira tiro tse di makgapha Bancho ba Ufa gontae jalo et ,e ktH fa| le mtlokui 11 bolelotng mo mtmetleleloog ebwg Mtjotkgoro, S'khiog, Seodmg, OBOLOSIE TLA TSEOA KE 14 1 6 . anong r* oe re tail* ka bo Dr. Bubo- ktbo bo >t di itoe gope. A bttho U kgono *epe diphttoa far - ’ ” Driefootan, Zutlaiotjet If Mmimutlc mo Setrekiog it TUrklj. W e«t, t dueloe na. Ker. J. D, Ooronjane, Mr. Tengo kile ht mU batho *elo ear* jaanong ba me shsgtkaneoeng ke kt Btncho n bt tgileog mo mtlokuing n TAITfl-gCOEDI o e Ha kgoaga ibara 1* S. It Mak«ttb« re tail* 1 mtegt gttoe bt lxilto»?*Kene ke It MODIMO BOLOKA KOOSI t le Uoromnte ka muho* a mangoe he re ko Grtff-Beinet kt dinton, mo»a- A ko lo Koali Sentl*.—Ba k« k a June 3 0 .1 9 1 2 bim olola utloalang g*toe jaanonj batbo botlhe oa lekutoana t e* go aeloa ko nageng E oUbiooe kt Set tit le Sektoo ie Sogolo it Koptno et South Afrikt mo Pretoria, e' kabololo ditoebe ka j0 ja a n o n g u pomelo m aina koa 1 ba nnang mo ditoropong le le manhole t mmoni t mo moktnela koalela koalo toe di sa ha!^tat 1* U ttii Jmc j, tt April 1811 OLAD3TONK, go rtltng le bt b* tentng mttlo b* tla a jtkt motihitohi. Se te teng thaka - retelelot eng ke gn GoTemorllencral, lela lekgftho, R* tiiseng mabogo ka kabo ere re rutile Bancho boleo jaa- re a ko nkoalele ki E Editor “ Ttadaea Becoana,’ kopano gor* ene ere re bua 1* Ooro ng bt bo itoe. Mr. McCleod le marena ka fong. O raU gore n d»U u Ki ttelo et Tto e Tom Ooworonor Oenertl mo Kgotla, B oi 143, lim b o rle j. it** gore re ikaegile kt merale mangoe le one a tlatov retoluthene, fa koala loa gagoe I,. tWD|0( „ HENRY BURTON. eotlhe c mrncbo e e 5.000,000 mo Nnion- togeloa ke kokoano. hire motho co o tla tlang go 4 Kgoti et Ditiro t« Bancb). ■n* ea South Afrikt (Ntlo ea duma) rarabolola. Re te shupang (a 4^ BASADI BA MAKGOOA. goe ebe ele eng jaanong ‘ Tsala ea Becoana. Go coa long a umaka wsboga *e *e Fa u Ngodiegile u Use tlha a dituelo othelelr e bocienj btudi b* makgooa koa Johan- mborg: eare fa tutai lo pbirima ore gore u Batla Madi a I.—Di],* Polate. Lomlvm. l ’oibt btncho; ftele boleo shoatoga. g" silos, Frederick oa Denmark a fetole ditlhoatlhoa, a fokotse joa btncho jo bo diliooeng ke kounta rnruga dinao King Edward, rrago a age koa ntle ga go iuise banna ba toa Makgooa cotlhe. go utloetao ele coe nt e kgoai e rategr ba tahegediUeng 1’usho le ene- fela koa Eut Rand. MoUhaope lo ka r maogole. Ke An independent Race Sauer are ke maithamako felt ga ke eog ke u iaa Makgooa ao ko pele - ke paleloa ko Sittspa te ntle dtb*lebe|tnt. U gona tepe te kile ta diroa Goro- Ga go thuse >epe lefa kgetoe tu Makgooa go khubama le (From a Photo.), loba gole moletlo ot ma'hole b Eija R a a gatelelang Bancho are u di bolelela tote mongoe kgtrebe di gant go mente a ta itao Dr. Smartt mapoliai. E ngoe bate tuna ba mt Xom mo Kerekeog. Ke reteleloa Ie ke tu Genera] Botha gore a bolele le ene a ntoht piitolo t bolaet n Newspaper ba na bt gooa boaigo. ecgalo u bone ■ p tsamaea. Erile tsatsi loogoe ka a bt t oogt a ea go fitlhoa Parlamente gore go aka mang. bt u cota bate a ba tbologela; erile bala pampiri ngoe e ke ne ke e jaanong o di emaeme General are Maloko a Mr. Bull tabogela koa rumung ea malata o boi neiloe ke mortnlt oa me. Mo go kgoot le ut ebile go ot eengoe mo go orrog ga a akangoa ke Goromente eooe ka utloela ka Dikgolokoane King Msmal.—Kgwi ea Uipohl ene; t >e wit kt >*di ja ngoedi a fitlhela o tholocoeag ngogolall<'la ke an ke kamaanete Mr. Hull ga ake ga tse di Kbibicoana tsa ga Dr. Wil­ akangoa. Se ae teng Doobabedi ele di hue bui e, mo go thuptng ft ba- tohtbela bogoai jo bo »ha jot ba bololela ruri, boobabedi ba nale tlhaaedi bao ene ele mapoliti. O di liams tsa Batho ba ba Tbuntsenj koa Enngdane. bttho bt ititoe koa Chachi gatoe kgetoe Te ngongorego. boo bobedi ga ba ake, Mmala. Ke reka botlolo dilo ped ba eone bt cogela 1‘uho tlhotlbomiMO*,. I* gompieno e « ka ba ka ikailoa ka bonako gore ba baea Manoel molenmMig. boo babedi ba okeditae. Pu< etlhotlhomuioa. (Dingongorego.) ntai ebile ba cboeroc kot Usho ntlha pedi e ea tshegisa marena fael* kgetue * mapoliii a e choetoeng di dirana le lechoenyego ja me. thata, a ba a timolola go lemoga ear* left moltto o totobetoe ebile di)< Batho ba no ba tie ba tshege ka' Dikitaitho. Btbdi bale 1 F I L M E D IN SECHUANA AND ENGLISH *elo te Becoana ba tale ba te lemo ebe t bt bolelette gore gt o batloe. bi nna fa ba bona ke golafetse. Ba ba re romelt dikitsinbo t it diant Oa ga bogologolo gore General Botha juri bone btre kgoot ga lena molato gakgamala thata ka Shontaga mttotlo ba aa romele madi Kgou Panl Montaioa eo o atoamaea m ga nonofa go laola Mmusho o ngoe ba utloela polelo ea nyalo ea lang. A ke ka gonne bo (AT 3d. PER COPY, bane, ekile eare Bncboaua lc gateli kitiaiaho di toenelang. chs_,. pano le ga tsamaisa tiro taa Parla moudi oa motoe oa gagoe, bojuri ba mo Ka reka botlolo dile pedi ang. E tie ere moll^ango go tki POST FREE 15/- PER ANNUM), mente ka choanelo fa a ka relele- golola A ba t tit go bttlt ditohenye gape ebile ke itumela go bolela fa! tiikinyege one Makgooa fela Simultaneously every Saturday Morning at Kimberley, loa ke gn raea Parlamente a gelo mo kgonng tre e mo ttentoe toro- jaanong keja sentle. Kefodileka Mucoana a to ke t b* a kgoetl aka mang mang go bolelela ruri nko • sent moltto. gt Itbegoltlt kt gc botlalo ke loboga Dikgolokoane tse gore koranU ea ea. Bloemfontein, Thaba 'Noho, Klerkadorp, Potohefstroom, Maanete. tahtko et ditohenjegelo (?) e ttlbocoe di Khibicoana taa ga Dr. Williams. Pretoria, and Johannesburg dijoche tie e*i ewng ke bojuri jtkt nj Se ekete ke thone s* cosiUeng et kgttelelo. Dijoche t ttlholelt Kgoei Kgolokoane tse di Khibicoana loferetlho lela se sa boleloe ka leina, iloo go ihupt ft etre ure u bolela jnoltto tsa ga Dr. Williams Batho ba ba Mr. Hulj are erile morago ga kopano ei Lekgoot je le gitclotoeng moaidi ot Personalia. The Bechuana are the only branoh of the Bantu (besides gatoe ditlhotlhoa tsa go eta le go thuntseng Mmala di ka rekoa mo Mncouu u bo u ntoe o tumtiot ke lo- harekisiog ba ditlhare botlhe lofa the Zulus) mentioned In the '' Bntyolopredla Britans loa romela dithoto ks terena di tla baa tbo. kangoa. Ka maanete taa baaka n ka di itaeletaa ka nesi ko go and the ‘'Universal Oyolopajdia." The latter says of ngoa, mme paaka&yo eo ea lemofa- MELAO BA TR.4NSVAAL Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co,Long them:-"They are the most olvillB6d nation in South lela Koloni fela Tranaefala a ie ka Morulaganyi a gigoltks kt miitlhomo Street, Cape Town, botlolo 3/3.' a imona aepe, ga bonala gore go Makgooa a Johannesburg. V kt fillhelt Africa. The Kuruman Mission of the London Missionary coa fong Mr Sauer o shokela mahu- it iptkt bt nlee bin- hone bt itoe Botlolo dile thataro ke 17/- a sa Mr. I. L. Dube, who has jast** Society has done them muoh good.” ra a Unione otlhe kafa Kapa. Ga aka diktfor* di ltolot kafor* tu bone duele pose. ..■om an tceident in which go itae ope se Mr. Hull o se rawing. t di chiki jtkt tu Ktpa. t ko lo bo- some broken ribt, bt« recone Ij FODISA Fa re ntse re akanya ekete o raea i*ng jtkt ba ilae go gtpa diktfor*! Kot cieatly to open the Eiecotin *• Conflict of Evidence. te Erile pele ga kopano Klaae I. 'Gauteng go ntle mephtio e e itoogeng e of the Bouth Africin KtU**,*^ Only Sechuana Gazette for the Govern­ le 11. mo Koloni ea bo ele turu e r*t*l*to*ng mipolni H bidiot Dike- T»o montht tgo, mj« the Director Congrett at Johannetbarg bob*, rnle a tsaca diterena Mr. bekot le nulieta E thuhtka tadi e ntoe of the Port Eiixtboth Museum, a report ment of the Union of South Africa, with Sauer a di fokotaa cotlhe a di le- * amuu, mo tohiping eno gttoe e bolaile published in the "Herald" of a aa- Mr. Plsttje.-Onr Editor d iz o o a . kanya le Ua Tranaefala. Klaae ea konstabole je lencbo, et bitielt lekgooa girl being aererely bitton by a puif- for tht Executite meelin “ “J * a wide and constantly Increasing circu borara koa Tranaefala di ne di ta- Makgooa ale mabedi i oot ki choba ja adder it Middle Drift, and bow ihe waa Congrett at Johtnnwbuig. » musioa go tlola aelekanyo, di ne di mogodn le thaki et btbereki e e coang cured by tome root antidote adminis­ return from Ctpetown last w«» aa fokolrdioe ka diholitei, lefa ele koi aekoateng Ke kte mo Kokming et tered by a natire medicine man. The drnted three public nieetmp latlon. ritene motho a e duele la rure ene Ktpt ko a kt fitlhela mephtto e toa- lady who reported the cate ia Min Hea­ On Pridty. erening in the e sa fokodioe jaka klaae tse dingoe. mtea e bitielt, e gigoll * gtpelt bttho ther Grey. In reply to a communication tkm Hall, on Mondty si I)i tahiamnlolo Ueo Mr. 8aner a di taitohelo le dichelet* e reteletoe melao? from me «he wrote u follow sI .We tnd Wednesday erening in p A Good Advertising Medium for Native fedisa, mme ke cone di ba gakadi- Ruri Makgooa t Johmnnburg t itoe go mnch pleature iu lending y in, by to­ Buritl 8ociety. Hall. Ko- ‘ ““ T esrng Ga bonala gore chelete ga ltolt diktfor* Ut one. (Gttohcgot.) Mo- i day’ll poit, the root which :t ,»n mtidoto hu been asked on his returaj" Consumers. e gorometaege jaka pele ka motho lito ot Ktpt ke gore etro go diroa a ‘ •to any imtke bite. The farmn: who hu hannetburg W addreJr the mongoe le mongoe a doe la fela ae Goromente t botoe Btncbo, iktnjo obUined tha root for me ieli» me that sens in St. John's Bill "Wer fl* i* v biditaeng lefa ale koa Kapa btncho bt e duetoe gmtainUi kt iktnyo he hat itrong fiith in it. He it'English picea of the Kimberlej Bra** Messrs Aberdein & Butt, High-Class Drapers, left sle koa Tranaefala, jaanong ga beileng mo go Ooromente. Kot (Colonial) and experienced. The t A .P.O. Maitland Street. Bloemfontein, write to the ilirega gore diphokoleconyana due gt go diro* jtlo, mme gi root hu cured, to hit knowledge, t t dinUi tse di ne di direloa ma Trans- ht ike bt gnu Ktpt. I toll, one cow, one calf, one horto, aeraral H. A. Oliver i Co-Write st« TIISA fala ke US.A.R. mo go bo Klaae I. doga, tnd it was alto used in the ’ the illustrated, price lut ol Editor: "Our Advertisement in your paper has le li. di phimoloe re choane. Ke CHOBCO. 1«f a KaUr girl." I in dae conne__ contains all particultrs Increased our Native Trade by 50 per cent shone v ae gakaditaeng ba dipa, fa Mr. Zini le ene t but kt nttlt kt gt ducted a number of eiperimenta with took with which . Oh* jaanong ba due ditioa dik tae pele Komiti e gotoeng Goromente o etlhome- this root, and hare found it not tha are trading, betid* much ga Unione’’ 1 ba di dueleloa ke to* go Ubotlhomiu kotoi e ncho. •lightott rtlue u an antidote for make of hittorical laportonce con*** b a t h a t l Becoana. nyt Rwoluihcne e e reng: Be ttumoleli renom poitoning. Ditmond fields in the etrb W1 Advertise in the TSALA EA BECOANA TSAEA 00 MOGOLO 0A GA It will Increase your Native Trade. WOOD

    Corner of Shannon Street and Brett Street, Kimberley, BAUQODIEGL OA Nearly Every Other Post rBrings Fresh Subscribers. S HUH NKOTISU IE nwi (aaiM QBtoo) 1. i» n T8ALA EA BECO\NA (T M FRIEND OF THE BKCHPANA).

    Koa Kapa. j J t S i A i r r natural derelopoent for na to ask The “ Black Peril." Tsa Bakoaledi. DHATH persons representing misaionarj . , ks koa Chirr Paul Mont­ Organiutiona, representing OoreremetU FROM THE XATITE STANDPOINT. SxoDH.-J'oha P Bmouac, fourth too that hare to do *ith the darker races ies Seboplot Holm* te of Mr, John aad Mn Either 8moan.of Vermicure. of the world, to coo* here and epead a Go Morvlaganji "Tula ea Becoana.” Ooletberg, deputui thii life, after afew few day* first in observing the methods MELTING IS-Ciat'-VfK. dayt1 Dn 19th April, it IIIdni, the IBIS, that we an trjing to employ at Tnike- Isas bi h BuU bi jssi ks Era dumrdiaa babadi. Ke gone to li- the Tiger Kloof Imitation, where be gee tnd then, in »o far ts it U possible, (Ctpa * Af|W.M) ) apprentice for three jears. Th* nitivea resident in ‘J » fcain. .ta mololang go Uae koranta e to April oa otit to htre t simple, Informal dUcussioa I Ba boleli ft Connell • e ngoaga ono ke e ahnpedicoe ke Mr. Mo. . — j nutlrei viih to thtnk the and tbe suterbe from Sa Mat le L e ^ t .i' ^ i kam*Od‘ E Uohibe. E. AnthoHtiei of thi Iutitation for their based upon their obaerrttioni to ace to i’i Bay reinforced those ol Cape D-hokotaedi ks tlhotofats* tha'idi t b ngoaga k* Buelwt. totoe’to I^te« le Sefako, It u,. «. goai, Gompieno jaana ke nale boitumelo extent the methodi employed hen , diUcU m kafa ntlbrng ea "Tula," Fa ene e ae ijmpathetie noning, town taat night in the Ashley Itall. krxdctaa kgok) ea boa* mo- gsaU Tafole 1-Bo U » U. Uocho.n, « ctn be employed to the problems con­ Aihlej Street, under the aa*pic»s of the npnna o ts**ws ke mefuta eoCte t\ Uietai e ntlbagetsen, nka bo ke e tlbo- cerning the people in the^unTfie* that ^.Mlta-diWLTeW k^.^ tlheleditae thata. TiieUi ke e: Ka bo­ Ctpe Prainnla Nativ* AaMtatioa. for Btlnrrwattelesetang. dhoko. Saatojaana bare ba " peopled by tbe darkir races 1 do the purpose of dlKU*siag the -black Ke cboancl)ca ntcot iato tetmii p laea pod i ea Ukgooa ka phoabo to te mean that we hat« anything at « btUiM dine*- Bakile to lete nT^£L!^B• “ “ “ “ -“ I. i . ». k. cboaneloa ke go dnela ka Q. peril” question from the natire point thilt maloet-ej kt „-o diriu TIUO- «- Ktenefe. tl 17a. Friend of tbe IM nana. TUSKEOEB CUB*. Ke Boloo o rnny^g le 0 i Kgoai et lo* “ to ao Mtkgo- Tafole S.—Bahnmaradi I ^ ,< Se ae teng barolagan;i loa ntaietaa. *• > t itlhotata Kgoti; ‘ te itae gore kr Uocoua- nna ga to that la rery superior, or that this loo- The chair waa Ukea hr the Rev. Nco- ikaijeg.Dg ao boUuest, jo be Wa-ate- leje^bMango* bab.n» bar* koaL T,Kimtoo ‘•*du ea dm '">P*nc tl . Thero **«>•: bale Entliahe. -Ta.1." ke e dnela la. c* is to be confined in anj degree ibolo. native miauter of West London, Jd. ka kfocdi Ntebo ke e dnela Id. ka discussion of methods emplojcd at nd there wu a crowded attendance. ^n & no ou r e w e to * Kreereng te ithaea ten. E*“ ri*.Wthc iW'itpan) Tuskege*. IncidenUlIj, I hope that jou Mr. Sol. Plutje. corresponding aetre- retaV-v ke go foli v nuse e utnai a o» n*. Jd_: Mart.aa Mwraaaw ke a* e bale M>ilhe ka e toadiloc poo _____ g to nan* Je |e to k*e- dile prdi nna kr bala ele coai. Ewng will look throngh our plant, go through, irj, 8.A. Native National Congress, is ■ttsldomc otlhe b» ?wk Afrika to bthwmsMgi guolon*. Mr. Sekxtiaer » ,°«Pa«e (Baltfnotrin). 10. , Jalo lo lew koranu e e tlhakanjeng, lo all the departmenta hen aid if you find ke cuurs* of aa address urged the na­ OfcvL.^», u. KaluBfk <1.^ leke go koala Snoana fela. Oa nke ke The Iniernalional Con­ ijthlng which will be of ralue ia the ves to Joia the Congress, u line* its VKRHICOIUE e fkwi« to ditsi ■-iikullo ■ gagot-ka k**to * di ata* te dipfcothetaaytM •« msui* bee Ktoasele (» godiao gt di Beaew bona tlteka taa Secoana mo korantenj ipljing of a better method of education formation the Uovrrnmeai had ahown taa Maktooa ference on Ihe Black a your oi i inclination to listen lo natir* repre- lnknslo le. lo Msoaeg * ltehu|0 It (a Kaonael* e ka tltoaeta ik<« Isa di oko am t*»«j" roelo to *re ka UrU e nUeag jalo ne »m«. wbj wa shall c illation*. Ile next proceeded to blame io«t happy to hate made a *u 1/K. P *o gt e doeloe. ilUoels I -katlo ]( thata ea go teela matlo a I mo tirong tu Uodimo I GOTLUONANGOE.Man. is Eu ropes n* of the Rand for utter in- — - 4tle ntle ea tiro e re ra ibution toward the nplift of tl msisteucj Thej accused ihe hou*eboy A) pt tlhoatlhoa le |0 daediaa dirriti. MooijaMte, Klipdam. Maj 2J. 181!. that you represent. H jakbamstsang ke go te Kaoaaele leboga Varesa ana bo Ur, Jantir U INTERESTING PROCEEDINGS. item s* being a great cause of the Monare, Seg.no, J Skende. Mom , sena go tlholoa to Barolong jan­ [klokoaltdi nn rona olebata bokete j<^> ill, and he did The Varnlenra Proprietary, Simon Diseko, le ditMla tv dinroe 0 Kart es se ke ea doediia dinca mo dipo- mafoko a o a akanyang. Are ta je mo- (By our Special Cormpondant.) Plain Street, Cape Town. le batenlentoc lc ba krai ••ad*. Botolo icsbar* aigned a 7 t mo e nan* le taolo gone. 'Ketone re leboga le Uoroti I. . leroo oa Sekgooa ie ae mo Tuleng. Be- Tuikegce, Ala. V^.A. 1 BUncvana oa ooana erile ba batla ~Tiala" ba ne ba St. 1‘aal le Roly Cro» ka thuaho ea Eighteen foreign cinntriea. or colonies re police protection, onlj one | tagoe mo tirong r. «a e batlele Uaitiabo a digotlo fela le a maloapa, ba ne ba e bntlela go buiaa of foreign conntrlea, and twentj-Hro dif- I of those many thousand* s<• attend the f a native man - . 4ppUn..1 Tto tkusho ea gigoe jaka a kite a ba la-; Mati Mcmaane. Cd ■ Conference for the porpo»r «f siudjmg DITSALA ox the di itiuwt fa Usls ea ka mafoko o ditatenjegelo a aenya ta.; Mn. Hennarior. I,. Motltotlbedi! ' ' arork of the Tuskcgee lnMU'ilr, and na M h. RAMAILANEe bat* STlO . eaga Spritg. follow the delibention> uf the ton- DUO I* MARiiBALo nmoo nvfeeng Burton: A lo raea gor* te batla p. Belle, ta; S. Goapele. tv Cd ■ laa.keU knkn. Tbeu MotlteUhrfi! ence. Porto Rico, Bermuda. Nicaia. , BEOOAN A WAALUOKK. Lotosi Sa dinca fa godimo (a Ja.f Ba- 91 to ueui ja 10th Pkuku, 1911 Uuljj =~i j. Ngcenla. I. ■ R D,ch,k,. jj . gna. Britiab Gniana and Venesnela were B*le to choanelo ,, rona *, |,b^, le also represented. ning lo snotber upect of II Dijo tat methale Eotite to dinak" cotlbe, TSIIin MLTSAUEKOANE. Sweden, Denmark and England sent Ihe Speaker said that in tl Dinno Ue di taididi, Dinno It- di bothi'bn, CARABO KAGA UK. BORTON. bahnmaradi, H MbelU, it s,boka y Mochoane. M. S^.m . Bettie cither missionaries, teachers, or both, aa Dikofi. Ditec le Ktoton, Maabi, a Lekuto Mvrulagah^i " Tula ra Itecoana." 'c^Iashi a Lo'cae ka tlbottlhoa e duma- leleling Kgoai Lekoko lore tumedisto te to koa Bloemfontein ta re le-' delegates to the Conference, The little anganng bare Morena Negro Republic of Liberia waa.uprewn- dlrao ! le Bttaatnsi, D kepe Kin tra ua ba gago. Poco ea ted bj Biabop lsaiab B. Scott, of the Kstd.o di gone laa di iqujetmng Mi ko ■ . mono Manganng gare Mctbodiat Epucopal Church, Monrotia. Trrtoe ctlhe di tla li<* gona, gilo bolo ka gagoe. Ke sholofeta poibo ea Liberia, and bj Blihop W II. Heard,, chueuje«t bote. t tla ooela.pel* aentlo < ile re coa matlho ro A.M.E Church. Philadelphia, Pennsyl­ LKOAI1 LX0AK1! je lcntle ja Buokn<. to ftllhelae Kerrkr di u bolo gonna teng vania, who haa juat returned (rom that Fa 1> koala to Peae lore i fa re diaitae Bancho re te diae- ■ng ga gompieno, kgotaa bo necho countrj. Kin| George koa Engelaao. Fa babipi papadi re botaa ka gore MR. MAURICE S. EVANS, lie sengoe mo melaong ie ae cboe- T. I . Hapikela 4 Co, ho n ntlnile ga bn coa dikoleng resulted. He complained tha: IH. N. RAMAILANE, ■g jaka ae a Icae go taaea dikgakolo-1 IA IET U ba KOMEIEDI nna Ir ma koalo a Boruti jaanong ^ of London. England, attended the Con­ ‘s Agency telegraphed all otrr a basenji te te ratang to tsenja Burnti eare fela re coa mo pbaing. koloro ference as rcpreaentatire of tbe Bntiah unlrj anything which c^uld be fa fa tare ta Puaho le Barefoot le b a M C I. re jaki African Socletj; Mr. J, Denton, principal nonths, then a year in studying i 1.1 rued - black peril" case, and _ i re tlhapela re of thcFourah Baj College at Free Town, n.titntion. snd the fir-t thing yo no notice of a;nRAMAILANE. Mango gajo taegetaa tiro e fa ndiqo be re di retolola; ebile makgooa a taheea and Rot. J. R. King, superintendent uf hey hate forgotten their old c The speaker pa*sed oa to cons­ ' ogoaga dDe abome, to etxiae te aoleta* rona Bancbo, ba lroogile gore kereke tbe United Brothers Misaion. .represent, md-they neter go back homs an] ol the bias cf the juries, ta face “ * <° j* ke h a n i maetU oa papadi mo bathong ba Bancbo re ed-the miaaionarj and edneational m- crwhclming evidence of gail: snd mate le fa to nale tsela n o o * ■ pa ditsala gore di re thnae fa re irest of the nelghbonrins colony <>f Uinest direction of tbe judge, thev > k|on: etaang KaonaeleTLRSKHa mo foaitie. Jaanong erile re ntse re bala le ierrs Leone. Among the interesting I not bring in s verdict if gnillt [delong ra eone ka tl^ leka, Ie to­ Ke botae KALA e* go ksoediaa botlhe mokaalengoc ra bona gore ke cone nako figures at the Conference ws* Ret. Msrk ideuU that which will >er«e tbei harged buitae to badirela to naki go tan tiro '. Havford. a natir* of tbe Hold Coast, rt me lo tla • taccela ka bosako e e boiloeng to Morena are lo tla bona st and servo you be*! in the roinmun i cffence (In- efo leefe c* KAGO (Hontnct): di 'ho has founded an Important vhonl at to tlhotlhomiaa. ba bantai ba ba tla ipitsang ka nna, mo 1 from whioh they have rome, you ca THOTO TSA KKBCKK (Cbnrch » tla be e e »e e nne maloba re coa go Cap* Coast. Ip us immensely during thne nice JOHANNfXHUllO'S NATIVE POLICT. £B~t«m); DI THOTO TSA tela mo Naleding, re ntloa fa mongoe a In genenl. the Conference represented The speaker then made some scathing 1 . CTAMO JE LB BOITSBEOANG. MKOUJ (School Ftnitare); TSA tlilc a chotse madi a romeeoe moudi in ita compoallion four different inter­ remarks upon what he termed “Johan­ Thomu Smartt co o choUeng bo- ■TW), Is tn go NY ALA, tie di mogolo mongoe me a fitlhetsc mosadi ests. Jn general. Africa wa> represented nesburg's Native Poliej." The Duro- M OSEGI joa ga Dr. Jameaon mo tlhcgong ea AouAeng & fitlbela go le go aetlha jaanong a ea f eret, in the character of the delegation ideputation from the Barulongs of th* How little thej beard of anjthing of Makgooa ea Preob* terian. iloe ke batho bale CM le kgo- botaa Mornti, Mornti a itatola erile from Jamaca alld Barbadoes, and it wa* Mafekmg district) to th* non. II. Bur­ that kind at the Tape. Why? Because 100 nyiga dile ttere. Le fe- ntse a itatola a mo iu kgotla. le kgotla apparent that they had come to the Con­ ton. Miniiter for Native Affairs, Mr. the Ooterament treated all coloured A u batla Semolo, long ebile taela e • eang Britv la mo lefiu Ponto tae Tlhano (ti).—kgo- ference with somewhat different aims and Clark, of tho Native Affairs Department, people with flore justice. When ant Serna pa ’U araw, aamaea mo to dimo fa jone. Oo “ Tsala ea Becoana” tu kgoedi mo chankaneng. Bonang be. expectalwna, Jamaica was reprewnied being also present. The deputation de­ question came op affecting the coloured aganja noka tamo jeo 1* fntn dile Boruti jaanong ke in three ooloura. so to apeak. The Hon. livered to the Minister a message from people Ihe Ooienment n Ihe Molopo Reserve, especially M.FJ School, Kingston, ws* plain black. Thia tting e itamedisioa thata ke ra o » dile le English. Orange Free State. diatinction ii only worth noting, because destruction of vermin apart from thi mo le tla noaetsa note te ntlha Theko Uh in all the Engliah colonies, tbe coloured i maele dile tha taro. Komponi BARBKISL or mulatto population is distinct from fletaeng Becoana te eone a Ua the Negro, although, sa Mr. Plant, in “« tore Bancho te aiioe kgiteta- "Mokoalcdi," oa ko Lindlej Road, FRE1SETATA. re i Maloba terena e ganjaotae dikgo- his paper on "conditione." atated that M. ke batho te ntae te na nabo. there Uro c. mabogo eooe gase ea Ms Kr. Simon Maforane _ _ _ Ibton lo mono ea bolaea di le nne ele taa ga J. K- Maele------Thaba Uchn Rapkudikae, a lela a ba a gclebetega. s then >. for 10 din bona Beooano bate tlho- South Africa. ko go iperetota. . kGchael Molatlhoa ... Springfontain. Boaka jone bo tumaca ka dinao. Moal- Kimberlej bogologolo erile Bancho . J. 8. teaate ... _ Jagganfonttin. ot Boabotbo o betelctse ngoanjana THE JAMAICA DELEGATION . Philip Ifonto---- Kroonatad. maloba a cboaroa a isioa ch wu interested in the subject of educa­ aaetae te ikepela diteeauae. Ma- ion to the report of the Senate Select •- a dire koapoat a epe te dimaahinl . A. S. Uojatan - ■_ BaUanbOf. gatoe o u letile dijoche. Kgare- tion. not (rom tho point of race new, bane ngoe gatoe e golafaditae botlhe di aoela tea teng Becoana . H. 8, Poho______ff (abort. but ot method. , S. Kdoti______SmaldcaL Fa re utloa gatoe mourner Tbe reprwentatire- (rom Barbadocs ales Hill, just published A schedule > h» epaepe te mabofo fa godimo, i boa mi gole motabegare this Bill proposes to repeal some Me­ »°g» ba idioe go epa gotoe mho oa Ear. S. K. Ramaitane - were ill Negroes. There were A. Rawle .1 imalana nae; are raba lon* of the Annexation Act of IK'S ■ - tU oela Makgooa ko tlaae Koapo- TRANSVAAL Parkinson, teacher. Elliot Durant, jour­ Cape), and the schedule to an Es!a le­ •are te phirimana an o ea go tsena mo nalist. and Washington Harper, ship­ , Makgooa gompieno di din tore dlpteteng mas hoe di aale di a tuea i'll is herdlj an instrument which one tab* le tore. Ko Koloni maloba go wright. Although! they came to the feta fong. Kafa mosimaneng go choc roe wild expect the Government would n*» polaae teLakgooa te OM». . Darid Hatoto-- JCngandorp. Confrrobco at the eipeuse o( the gotern- . T. W. Xip*------fioodaooort Uo to mangana ga go Itae ope jaka di ment cl Barbadocs, and al Its represents- «e co mongoa tone o e itkile te _ Leri T. Hrabaxa tla ea. k* 0,000. Ko> maganfing a Kapa tires, they csme sppsrcntlj ss represen- * he mongo gn dintoa di ntae di Utires ol the coloured people, nther 1 te tl morgen gompieno di ntae than tho government, md were concern­ Mr. 8. M. KAKA KGOSI 6. MOROKA. °*ngoa te bo » go ea go B* ed not merelj with tbe education, but Mr. J.Rltajafi- Morulaganji oa "Taata.” with tho industrial doelopment ol the S. 0- K. Lion ...... T e tinkei health that 1 hate been removed from Ke bile to fetota mafoko a Jiniloeng ke coloured people. rith .V S. Uashoko------Mooifootata Finallj, among other interests repre- of I8S7. which ia really thg Vmahlongwo to my -jwn home at Mr. Joahna Molema oa Mafika. mi “ Magna Charta of the Cape Colonial Na- BECHUANAUND. rented at the Conference wu that ol Ohlanfe. j . e* 17 Moranang, to fa a n, _ ves. and it il pretty certain that they I ao unable tn reply to all telegram* Mr. George Mothnai------Mdteg. ante modiboa te gone. Fade there ea icience. l’rofeuor W. 1. Thomaa. pro- re not going to take it lying down. i-Gabea Beaconsfield feasor of sociology at Ihe Unieerailj ul nd letters of sympathy from my friends - .ba------1 - V W ga modibo* e alame, e lolame eentle, Ur, Burton noted the points; In far! nth the expression cf their heartfelt _____, Pilana_____ Moohadi. ebile ekete • coai tse meoa mentsi e neng Chicago, who la now engaged in itudj- Mr Clark uid action had alteadj been ing the mental and the locial organisa­ urrow and the promise of their prayer ‘■'ZAKA E E PHOMKLHTSENG. Bar. 0. B. Weatphal------. M l robeUe mo dinong fela. ' ra bj ihe Department to prevent a •r a *peedy and perfect tceotrry. Gcd DihuUhane U« dl ne di actfc ma___ tion of the peaunts o( Europe, with the repeal of the Acts mentioned. Mr. Bur- 'Pril a , ltU, E*T. T. H. Jeoear expectation of making thU itudj ulti- i an.wering tbeir prayers. 1 hare di*. teleng ea aereUe aa dibe gompieno to sent his greetings to the Chief, ami wcred ere this how much more plct*- oa Kereke ca BeacooaCeld te Be*- atlha ea thero ea ga modiboa di eoa mo matelj the basis for s comparison with ‘Id o taila b Mootemi oa malokei- led that he had received excellent i! to stand in th* front ranka of » iwtoli of oor haoa F lo w Md T«f- teng te maotoaaa a di theUenjana di tha Negroes in the Southern States, was orts on the success of hii regency, and , ,bo°I A. Claude, Eaq. JJ>, Unale perhaps the onlj per*on present who the battle aid lake part in the pr-ip!*-* stebia Ssadast U. par pocM, ea totote totote di batla majang a i hoped that he will continue to keep '“ geli Mr. J. 8mitk mo Karttog came, to the Conference for the definite tha* to hate to b* laid low j«*t or U pachsU at an Ia 1 Saadi U td. per Mr. A. B. Maateto / _ -Kimteriaj. . the gtmd names of the Montsioa and I most needed health and stfeagth; te«e « a» Sateete go tla go b«Ia Moteitane ke rtboploa u Mopl „ pnrpos» of itudying The coloured people the Bankings. ?■£»*. __ ~ ' “hnlhego e a direbesf go pU- . Joeeph MotloteW---- Central hat th* reward ol my humble Coaapoaad, Kimbartaj. ihoo*. gi to nta eoe fa a nta mohal- mentioned the Natire i. after tr, much Ubour for a gwd ParfDM tt Id. par (actol, ^ooo 'mo Karatesg aa bona. tane a rerela Udomedi te gagoe efange- Disputes Bill, and added that he would » t If £C1 oa jo baakxaja tor. P. K. Botijaaa- - Beaconafield. In hii opening addrc*. to the Confer- should hate beeei a hard tad of er w« wfll mad hilf BmAi tad half Furfnaa 11 ea kgoai ea bone. Rnri modiboa o ro- be glad if on hearing anything unuti*- However, aeeh is life, of three ™ti. 0 dnaooa ga aala 07 ke Kr. Mcgoreai - J Eipdam aad Birar m«oe go rerela Barolong efangedi ea t i *xm m wa isoalva joar IU- ws will D tfip . he would always communicate dangers we all tore to take the risk. | Paste ea boa* te gone to moo a ea DR. BOOKER T. WASHINGTON UunadliWj post ta yoa n n et tU ith the Department and not take ’• mu*t trust that Ood had a ww* pur­ cteigaa yen eteke et a Udtsa'ee Oaat's boifeag eepe go cooa mahntsana mo go •aidi "Fiwt of til, it leems necessary tte advice of all sorti of people who se in this. While I am laid beside for , Oataataed Wtkk *r oltor arlicta which maaalela a a ineeteeng mo dikhudnng to uy t word ts to what this Conference reatly know nothing about the intentions while I be* to keep fresh before oor! le mo'go te aekoakonjane. A Itae ona ii Dot expected lo be. We did not expectof tte Ooverament. whoso aims are to leader* the highest ideals ot our Nations! jalo Joahua moroa None oa bogo- to hue t large gathering. We expected bring ibout contentment for til subjects Congress, not only ol politics, but ot Abb Blntnnlal t e a it t ^ a fa a bona baaa te Jehofa te to hata a small group of Interesting and of nil Majesty the King, character and th* cleanest and most mafoko jaanong are ’ ra logodi- t> oo oo medloong ea dlaeto ... UBr rIBlBnll roSlQaruS “ o*« m» Praabytarian'a maneho: valuable people who have something t» loyal methods of accomplishing' thr par- TSALA EA BECOANA 1* tea tlo ti oe. re tta direla contribute toward the purpose of this — of our new orgsniuticn. Thu n an wtvth double tte >ea*r aad wfll »g pele te loai jaanong.Ie ma- Jehofa" le oeta pele oodihoa oa therong pren'ateeato coltactoca. o- Senate. ,Pa motho anta go (Ik FrkaJaltk M aria). Conferetfce. In Iho iccond place, we do Her. Frank CoUjw, In a rrcen lost important period in o*f his- ea gago.. tefagontaejafe kgakgamaco not intend that thii Conference ihall te and We must be ure to /teild on •eod lor a packet el ja bote. La lou fa fe tlhotlhe- kgolo ta maea o galalelang o'aga le m.. _reu os tho "bltck peril" in Jotennes- tuo aa lou-fe tla aona (Mwofe the formal complex in iu ntture. We burg. declared that In Buntolind or firm foundations. We have bat to stand OOet Id. each, " ‘i. ebile o mo tlatsa to Iceell, me hope Ihtt it will bl t simple conference. firm oo the rightaoaiaeea of oar cause, •)- A tladic*;te 'Bar. T. J. Jcraa Bcchuinaland. where the native lived tad m auoa M wa racaiv* yotr If. wa l a abnpa oo teng ga gagoe fa “For t number of jeari we htve re­ and on the fact ttet w* retent a In hii tbouundi. t Eurepein lidj uae*- 17 vm INd job a preacat whkk yea aa • loo gola goagoa Nta. 1 fe ceived her* tt Tuikegee letten from corted wonld te u ufe tnd free from true reflection of our people's feelings. a M trea tte tol ^ w,U tte aaidt --nagadi te Baooama te fa te ENGLISH ANO SECHUANA. vtrloui ptrU of th* world, letten from moleitation u in t London street Ia Truth neter does, aad mast never, fear miaiontriei In foreign Heldj, letten to corns forth and toldlj proclaim it. ?■“*«, ditafotateteag. late taela crifte « • !» ■ hii owa ltnd the nttive' wu not tack­ from Govern mental offlcitli, especially ing ia that respect which wu demanded •elf. And trath will prnafl. Bnt to ’ M d n a k We taa di kgaMaieoaig di te ^ MOSES MASISI. ia Ewope, asking for woe Information for our white women. It waa, there- tccoopilih 1 purpose lik* this m-ars Braadadnft. Maj 17, HU. thit woold put theo into touch with th* not filr to brand ih the nttive* hard work iid sterile*) w* b* methodi of educttion employed it Taa- liicredit them til for the crimes [Ret to itaoela fa tebadi te ka tlhn- kegee, aad it occurred tn ua after ree*ir- committed bj tho** of them who ted GsliilU Siel 4 SiMU tlela kgang e, te leaa go nna te bahiu ing a number of theie communication!, letrnt their lteaoni froo a bad environ- ea.cuh.x more*- moroka diUete.-Mor. T. ea B.] thit it would te perhipe t wlie thing n rrisvttw tt ►-0.aax.07t. CAPETOWN. •1^,11 to bSSsv-aw* TSALA EA BECOANA (THE FRIEND OF TBE BECHUANA).


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    Rekang dithoto tsa Iona cotlhe Ditinkane, Matlole, Dikoadi, Diphala, Dijolo di Gramafono. Re tumile ha dlkatleU le diphate tsa Ba tla go romela Katalogo e e maanete." dichoancho Ditlhobolo, Dipistolo le Marumi mo ga R. MULLER. Ntlo e e fetang matlo a Kapa otlhe.

    Rend for PRI0B8. WHAT YOU John Henderson, fend your 0RDsR8.

    Kmtlole e Ncho m For* c e kital'iiicoeng lhata k» kpillh ', mo ilitlhi'song mr E SHONE SELAGA ae ae baakanyang Dinars ka kolo thloko maaekenR le nirphakdlrBO Tekanvo ca mh« ; 4ft. Bin i 6ft 6 n, Minn#" !■ K 0 reka Dikgomo le dilo tan di twunacsnj;. SELAOA sa matraae oe •prinii, Ir '>s hobos Ic nicnirao e mebedi ra diphafa. K olcc t arntle rah" nUha-ntlba mo ea pakoa ka mile m hi to |wgn« mo »tci»brnroi! luie»’> c k. (hiiU Iw rona THABA NCHO. Koalelang; -

    I want an energetic and trustworthy agent who speaks 8echuana

    B O X 234, C A PET O W N ACUBA" PILLULES.-For Cough* and Cold*. They relieve that soreness of the throct and chest that accompanies coughs an

    B. ba agileng kgakala ere ba mo koalela ka pose ba romele b l o e m f o n i madi ba beele botlolo ngoe le ngoe Sekiaipeme oa poie fa godimo Ebile re na le Kala koa Hemming Street, 0 thnla bo malhini k BELGRAVIA.

    20c LOWER JONES STREET, W. N. COOPER, (Kgefsana en Stobie e e beoan* mo nkoog.) K a fa tlaee ga Tleloko. GUAPI LE KEKBKE EA MARG00A. Qa go Hoepi ope oa Metlobo o ka dirang ka itekanelo &. KOA WEST END, KIMBERLEY. DITLHAKO TSA RONA TSA BANNA di Ua itumedisa pelo ea gago ...... ka 9/8.1 DITLHAKO TSA EON A TSA BANNA LOROLE lo lo iroang ke Boro mo riianmCTtmg lo gololeloa ka dinko di name, di chip® me di thata ...... ka 10/6. ! ke Babereki Lo ba phonya makgoa^oa.lo ee jo ikgata mo Mafcgoa- DITLHAKO TSA BONA TSA BANNA hung a babereki, ba ahoe. Ba ba titam«.«ng ka K™.v» ba aa tn di ammishim tea mctioK) le taa go taamaea ka 12/8. j eare bo fitlha koa gae lo ba bolaiao m»f«Hl<« MATLHO A BASADI a tla phatahima ha a bona difenstere tea rona J. KLEIN STOBIE RESPIRATOR e kganela lorole loo gore pereko ea metlobo A di tletoe ditlhako tee di ntle. nne'bokgoabo fela jaka eadipolase.

    27 * 29 OLD MAIN STREET, KIMBERLEY. STOBIE RESPIRATOR e kganela lorole loo le mo« ebile fa, eoaa e Itumeleng! Itumeleng I! Itumeleng I ?! . aiamcng go gain tae dingoe lefa ele chipL REKANQ STOBIE RESPIRATOR fela etesg tae dmgbe. Lo le booe lebenkele mo lo ka rekang ditlhako taa Iona. MOSIGI oa Maanete, PAKA tea gagoe di aimolola ka £2 10/-, ! Di fela ka £5 5/-.

    Koantle ga tae di segiloong, ebi.o o nale mothale e mentainti ea Central Shoe Coy.,|Ditlhako, Mabutehe, Bo Hempe, Dituku le Dikotnmereoe taa mcshoroto DI REHSI0A K0 METLOBONG KA aw.BAHtian.iurtm . Eotlho-lelo. c e • * %. p] ■ * : . i f i Registered at the General Post Office as a Newspaper. ;f.


    " Jaka metse & tsidldi mo moeng- o 1 nyoril'H'n? mafoko a a monatfl a fatse •• i f oold water Is to a th ln ty soul je le kgakala a ntae fela jalo.H so Is good M i n fro'n 1 faroountry. THE FRIEND OF THE BECHUANA. --- 4g o f Solomon

    VOL. H.-NO. 88. KfflBBELBY JUMB (SEETHBOSIGO) 8, 1912. Tlhoatlhoa 3d. -Ngoaga 12/6 ka pose 16/-.

    i . M. CUTHBERT & Co, GO BOTLHE BA BA EANG GO NYALA. LIMITED, RB NALE TBOTO E NTSI EA DILO TSA KBMO. Mekgabo^ ■ea Basatfl, i a Dlcoalo t% k o a Teng, Boloslre, Le Dlkranae, Dlshusho, Koforto tsa tahlpl, Paka tsa H ajentlslem ane Hotsbs tsa JTlie G nat Sonth Afpiean Bo J Sellka tsa Maledl jalo Jalo.

    Ba ka go naea Tlhako tse di siameng ka Tlhoatlhoa tse di okocoioooeng,

    Tlhafo ta Babereki goeaotsl* ka ‘• ’ Long Glolh Tlhako ta Bu m Ut Mrkgabo go limolola ka flbako ta Makdi lt diabatt go aimolola kt... Nightdresses. Tlhako ta Ba-imame le Baaetana ta Sekole It Tihipi ka T ’ ' ' okfleoloootng. h mo telele ka di lew le mWieoe tne Tlang lo Itebatsbele ka Losi Be lU lo fturaedisa di kgabisicoeog, lc No 01 li "»*»«• oa ma Swim MOSESE OA KOj TENOte: OA NAINSOOK, ditale MASHINI OA AM BY. Ko aekhorumelo tootle kt le lent*' Ka 5/6 fela Ue pedi le kante e Wtgabi.iaicoeng le dUaka fa godian karantie ea nyaga dile tlhaoo £2 15/-. Go nale Ue dingoe I M . Cuthhert & Co., Ltd. Fela ka4./11. Oo nale Ue dingoe gape ka 00 NALE B0MA8HINI BA BANGOE KA gape ka 2/6, i/ll, i/6, i/ll, lo / . 87 Dutoitspan Road, Kimberley. £3 7a. 6d le £8 17a. 61 3/6 le 8/1L a/6 8 11 DIHKMPE PSA' NAINSOOK, marakoe t hahamaodi Oa gona ope f*eee ABERDEIN & BUTT. le deleife ka 1/6,1/9, 2/-, 2/6 le 1/1L felt, eo onuinang Ditempe taa Bareki mo Mangaung.

    Koala re tla go romela Koalo loa Ditlhoatlhoa Io lo nang le diohoancho. Re Ntaha Di Trading Stampa ABERDEIN & BUTT, Maitland Street, Bloemfontein. T sa' I Fa l' Batla DiktUelt. Ihufole le Ditalo. DipitM Dilo taa Ntlo TSA BANNA KA j cotlhe Ue di atameng ka t)h«atlhna e potlana Ue di Ncha le tae di tala Tlhoatlhoa e e ko Tlase-tlase | E. A. Oliver & Co. J. | | Mmogo le dikoforto taa Amerika re di dara mona MOTS^I OA BASHOI Ebe ere & u raU re di olele re di tae Steiaheneng lefa ebile a rata Dlhempe u a ko teng: tat di Uobaa Phatlho o ntaintai e> re di romela Icae. bo bokim*. t»o dl bothltho. im d> APARO Taa MOTLUNG. I mahogo maleele, */<*- le •METII OA MATIOLE Lt Marnkhue a bothltho bo kalo, i/8. Dl-onorobakl tit dl boboa, (ae di Komerete, Dilaakane, Khai e Uhoeu, Kkoelete, Diale, Dikobo, A BASHOI. 21 Giddy Street. mabogo maleele, 1/8 Dikanahu, me Ootlo le Mekgabo, 4c, Ac., JOSEPH STOLLER, Dlhtmpe taa bo-Flene tic >li that* It tat di tegUoeog Mode, ft/6,6>8 lo 7/-. PAKA le DITLHAKO Go Lebagana le Kantoro Dlhempe too dl bokete taa Oilmen tae di logedleog, J 9. Ta Banna le Btaimiae ITSISI Beeoaaa botlhe bogolo ha I Dlhempe tie dl mtbala tra Ceylon OBloemfontein, (a a hudogjle koa St {1 tae di logcgileag, 4/8. George Street, jaaoacj ale mo Etomtan Dipaka, Mankbn. Bobempe, Piiama. Aparo taa koa tag Satan. _____. U a bo-Hene tie dl mebala, 1/9. Bohutahe, Knnipane, Ditae le 8axatukn ta Selika Lelt a ka iptakantetaa letlole, cm o j iHVy.yi too dl mebala o meahoeu le o mebudndn taa MECOALO | lb ntaha kara kgooo aipitM kot ntle p Oalatea, 1/9,4^6le8/8. .... , J kara. Fa motbo a belile Kete mo jd n t ! . ^ - - ftt..,w,)fcfltaadla«gogUoBg gentle,'» di dikgeUe a Btbomagadl, le Basyaae. I Wki e or« than 2,500 worda, and are to be aent

    Hon M CAMPBELL Moont Kdgocombe, NaUL After Joly 10th no E«ay will bo accepted All Btnutc who are tiveo of Sooth Africa are eligible to compete, but no European. Write for our E. T. COBLE, Illustrated Catalogue sent III, Jones Street, TEE BRITISH CERISTIAIT TOION Ho Mokgoatheng oa Ro 111. • 9ct. Wedding. Xaikiojlo: . Blow 8/8, ill; L Oo batla It go kopaay* batbo botlbe ba ba tletaag go choleta, at India, na Alrika le Baaebo ba bauoe go ba naea chotaelo ta di Itbaasg. Selaga sa Nama tse di CONNING & Co., <1. OogaMla'rarlgotago tbololamadia baa-ka-rooa gore ba Ut ba gapdoe oafatabe ka bodlpc a Oo laleta Bakcreacte ba Amerika gore ba leke go tbma go rooob Baaebo Mahara. WBIKLB je le eteletseng a man^oe pele ka Ditiro. ’ ba Amerika ba ba noooflleog too mooeog It om ditiraog go ba boatta koa pa bone DUO, DINO. DIAPARO THOTO TSA MATLO ft T SHIFf koa Afrika ka naOaeltlomaJkaeblo a kaclaho.tactaoa IIt.t, Go mta baratoaaaba babe tlbojtlbcmiiloeint ditiro ta di ba letaajcag bogolo go tla Ka Tlboat&qa Balemi. Oa gotua-Wonkele opo o THOTO * kana U to ruta ea kifiabo ll lento ka battto lo eleni; loot lo ka raaajaag batho It TW di Okocoioejeng. ea rona- mono THABANCHO. ^^°( Hoo. Secretary, Brltiab CbrMaa Uaioa, Mosegi oa Diaparo ta bo Olmica Brn le mokoca ot Dknkt, DitlhoBMho U ttoio ta go aga 4J, Pwrtwlch Street, Capetown. Mrgala ca Ditablpl t t mitloa It Dtpale. < , KB KOALHLH, RB ITBBLB MOO ALA, OOKO * Ka pelo totlht ke dnmalaBa it maikaelelo a matlhano a British Chriatiaa Union, 41, Old Main Street. «Ut ke tlita go coa tokololo ea tone. U ITHRB, OA HKB U IKOATLHAA. Oaafl la Oflal ea Dipate, KIMBERLEY.

    ...... ( i t k> aka lo b e k e k ______H i U . « OkkiiM Ilk jaS - Mdtika.^...... 191... Thata ITeiw, O.P.S. '■


    diahetja dikjono a moo tunja a boa! uSanaimablonj*ai'nii*olo «le l^ra b» nenj; ea Pretoria 0 cboeroo jd. Leboro Ie thogile la eo W go Com- eo tsha'molato oo bamo raka*o ka oonal.«•»_■«* gotaa mo polateng eaj, OBOLOSI EA 1ALEIDI B!*toner feela rtaa botjoa leina la Be blanogetjc 1* k» bai* re b*to r* ba Smnta Irene. Conunixioiier era! G» bataoadi ba ihla tsbepile rer* ke bo Brae«hn>Oobonala r ba lateje 'aoUi ail* |e !_I 1Kilnertoo etla rakoa ka moka kantl* Btlaaiilil.-Mr. Aaqolth It v, -. e booa ba tila ea taeija ---, , g» molato ele’ gore barnti ba e •***- atone Chnrtbill ba puaho u p^T4, ka gare ema a tjoeU nUe go gahlaiia le ganje di Erf* ba bone cbalete tje n«L ba ile go kopaneU le Lord Kitc^f?1 baUoadi. A ba botjeaha motsoadi oa kapa ba a biriab* go bo fanner. jaanong o laolan* Egejeto) t> ngoana gor* ke oft? Gor* a molaetjo* Ea* eona eo ble meblamn ea rena mo- ; * • * 7** lohooagadi kgono Kgarebe e a ba botja g* bi ka «ke ba boi» 'molai. no Traniraal go'nuae nkaka aa domalela Simmer and Jaek.-Kgooa |(Umv etlareng mo bakeng sena ere Oap* a ba gapeletja gore aelo ko ke gore e teen* 000 LetUkaleng la gagu ea gaiiooe.kae tenemaite monorfJ?.1 kotai eka kgona ba amogtle KO gar* go fitiahetja ditoebeng tja babaai. 11* go fetlboa. Le tlogcl. HOANG romele maina a masba Je madi Maloba ka «tk Maj. 191*. re tile le 14.,-taana a aena bua. I4M ore MO gas* mopotao oa Tbolo ea Kitsisho Tsa Goromente. a one, go gaisa ba babgue o tla Tranaraal goban* eoaa ke O t. Gape tjatji le I(*olo mono Tranaraal moUeng i ' • * , ba botjoa g* ba eoanetj* go ea Boaten- oa Pretoria. Oobe ga gahlane Dikgoabl | Mlllehtr*.—Tich*ro ea Leknv* , chaisioa ka (M U S I IA ber*. Oar* taebe gaboU* r rkaba ba tje di ntji tja rena. tja Traniraal | le fa pel* ga Mr. Gill , Utofadil^V’ SEUfCIA ea baiadi. e tjer* 140 eeo leina la Leboni leo k* gomm* tj* di bago di»* ntabe di ile tja go betaa lckgooanjana. ]«ni, h John Zuir. Keaar* Baaa John Zoir gore ___ Batbo ba rena batla akniehiaba - iteiloe 'No 68,1911 Fo o romelang palo e e - i- ke i*k« ka ea toronkong. gotlo batjeela ka di taebo. Oo ile m nyo ke kgeta* *a go ipneloa k. gaisangeababangoe. loatihodl Qa el* kotai **o batbo U rena ba bola nguageng eo mebedi e fiUlego go go «a oboanela go tla kgotla. le mmadl oa maina lemadi e Ua oago ka eona ge e*al» mola ntoa e* na- bua makgotla a mantji i bo go ale m THERO. kbni faaaeng lekbni a bo Tranaraal Na­ Modd«r ni*ir.-i'ich,r» M n. nna loraii P. lontiyane oa kgooa e fetaago e atile gomme go»* U- E« Tia e T..n* Ei o Tljl!««ai! Thata Vuowjnt QM.t T -k -lolo « Ukgotla t kgooa 1* 1* di rioaga »*lo. Go »b*tj* tire Congreaa. African Natire Nation eno ile fa pele ga mageetrau k, ^ ie le Tl illeKux Kg .lo |* Seostl. to ■'entlr j« Sepun, K«*a«a <* Mopba'- Beaconsfield. batbo ha rena be baba thnntjoejo b Political Union, le a bo Iiiri-Lomii goa “ “ *8«traU oooTtlSf' o o fai h^ile .ii (bats i* b. S Micnvl !>■ ■'t G-.r Uela ero )oal* ekaba palo * fiblang batbo taoga Makgotla a mabedi a magolo Trana- Sou h A'.ik. le M01.-J1 0 • ee Moln c Basha go feta maioa a a baba hia In loeng feela ba aeke baahoa ba > koala e eba mol". * D It ■* (Ka^rir 01 •« 1891 ««. iJ.p- ol 0 • p»i«" bedi! Batho ba rena batla akuishiaha palo. .> ka trkr oa ba ntahe goba _ CHUPO EA MORUSI, lemnl-kaai > a l»lel«n< mo raametlrl Ion* rb g M«jo-kiC*ro. S ki.ing. S.0I10K. ge Ukgo.la la Dijaii I* Ua fihla Boaten- joang! Baaipidiahi ba oona ba ile ba Drie'oiiU-in, Zutla-« 'eitia le S k»o. a* 9o*oh a. K i>u>o e* Sooth Afrika rao Prrt.ri*.. gore Lekgotla la rena le 1* eoanetjrgo go fodlsetsa ruri, ka ItaUi teno ja *6 Ai.nl, l»li jaanong n romele maina koa gotla thunchioa Uakgatho gotboe ke lukisha tja naga (Prorince) ke tibnanelo GLADSTONE, gore lebe le te* joale goa Inkiahioa gore Uxieruor Geoeral. go kolae. 'Mo.bo o taeba gabotae ge golo Dikgolokoane Uaga Dr. Willu* E wU) «e gotboego ke prejodic* * kgolo ea Makgotla ao a mabedi a kopane Pre­ Editor “ Tsala ea Becoana,’ ke cone setlharo sa nnct« sb ' ’ Ki taelo ea Tan e Tona Qjwirooor Geoeial mi Ktrotla, ma Horn ka baka la ntoa ela e fitilego toria ka Iona tjatji leo le tjogo go bole­ 86 alafang boloetae joa diphio jo£ HENRY BURTON, Box 148, Kimbenej. loa. A ile a gahlana Dikgoahi tje di gomme ba raU gore fetja enpjl bo alafang gotlhe ka go nchatu* Kgoti ea Ditiro ta Baocho lebeleloe. lego moo tja ema gobona kopano ea oona Dnmelela tjeo hie dl fetle* dl tae beng Moruti Boebro Twala oa Kereke ea madi. Madi a uuwha a dia din« tja babadi baka ba re thuhe ka di kel* Weaele ea aba eena eo a iabago a tlhacoa madi a a ikhunneog » Tsala ea Becoana. letjo tja bona. Gotboe hloogo dipedl go tee go gahlanja Makgotla ao diphiong, ditlhabi ie goow j difeta ete* leg* *le tja nku. B*na Jano bedi gomme ea aba eena eo a epelago welele le madi a a ikhmmarf Polau. Location. Polau Location. re bona mihloio. Ilatbo ba baao ba maina a matala lego tso«ha leina le lceoa, Morena Mr. E, Noah a ema gobala Ka tiro ea cono o o kocnDengao N.w. se N.W. 89 N.W. 37 NW 30 elbe ketje motae oa bona: o bitjoa Eerati 8EETEBOSIGO 8, 1911 Boat, bohlabatjatji go Pretoria. Joale resolution ea kopanjo ea Makgotla akbni mading le mo ditshikeng dibefc. N.W. 38 N.W. 31 N.W. 31 C goumr goa dumrlanoa. A ema gobolda re bona mornti eo mogolo tbokboe i koane tee dikhibicoana teagsDt, N.W. 40 N W 38 N.W. 48 leina Ir leooa leo eka kgona go kopano* N.W. il N.W. 41 N.W. 46 lAtbrr Rer. H. Sehloeman o njaka I Williams di dira gore ditokoUt N.W N.W. 45 ga.haaja phothego a encbe ripe tje pe> ka Iona gomme goa dumrlanoa gor* 18 N.O. 45 Tsa Bakoaledi. Lrkutla lekhui joale le tla bitjioa Trans cotlhe tea mmele ai itokanelej N.W. 48 NW. 4S N W. 45 ka baka la chalete feela ka mow 1 bereke. Dia nonotaba, di honk N.W. 43 NW lloge bare batho ba baao faatjoa di Kerr- erfl Satire Council. Go ile goa kge- N.W. 44 35 thoa baokamedi ba Iona ka taela ekbni madirdi thatafatsa ditahira mop N.W. 44 N.W. 20 N.W. JG wurrt PKBILE JAANONG. keng tja bona. Banna ba Eerit* Ba't go lee le bogolo be I’hathego ba lie pel S. U Makjjatho (Prraident), Mesnri. Le- b^begolo le ba babotlana, KE MOKOALKDI OA KONA. ba dnmelana go reka. Erfe ee baka twlcba and Utanka (Vice-Preaidenta). ilt«-r» Mangena and D. Moeletai (Trea- Rov. BENN IE BUTELEZL Molukiihi oa “Tnala ra Beeoana." Kim- kagelago Sekolo go eona. Uobu le mea Yolksrust, Transvaal, o koala T go ba dnmelana gore e tlaaba tja boo >urrr>l. gomme go ile goa kgctboa lo berlej. Mohumagadi oame feela bai la neela barnti ba^ona gor I’hutLigi. re kgolo ea tiro (Execotire E ile ka baka la gobajoa taka ka obi- t'ummitire) babadi batla kuahiaba gabo- ona a bogs thata U>a go go fibliahetja mehlamo ea mono ba tKBJe Sekolo moo meagoog ea bom Uornti o lie ge a eokoa tab* Me lw gnrr I/kgotla lekhui la Tranaraal kantlha ea go aa Traniraal. gomme |oale ke tl* thaba Natiir I ouncil le tla goga gotee le Sonth ge u ka dira atbakanjana tlhakaleng le galefa are Erfe eeo I* wanetje go meel siamang ga diphio The Tsala ea Becoana, African Nctire National Congreaa go- di atleng tja Genoeakap (Mivsion) I'bu mine K.iu Ir lla lukiaha ditaba tjohlo le mala. Ona a di fible . tneben* I ihgo ea pa la Bagolo le booa laabe bi The Friend of the Bechuana. lu>hetje ba tlanogetje Phuthego b :« lefoo.- la Tranaraal (Provincial na le ditlhabi tse 'me le Uornti. Eat joa ripa tja pedi il.u eona' Kotfte ee lego ntahe ke gobane thuso e e sa feleng. Go dim batho baba ntje kr ha rakioaago. Bathe o ile a fihla ka lebelo gobooala ele tn dikgolokoano tse go tnhodita eo a ehabaago. Ge a fihla goa bo bakhui babe ba aa rale gotjoa krrekeng Kimberley Every Week, Te gore le marokgo a gagogile! Kapa kege ea laitber feela ba ikana gore ge A LE FATSHE. gotlhe jaanong o fodile, a koenm e aoarane* kapa k* ge a tonoe mahlo a Uornti r eo dira ka taela eeo ba tla ime. Komi.i ngoe e ntae ko Enge- Lenna ka nosi ke ka shupagai AND ehaaba ga go tiipi' a fihla a fetola di I Joa kerrkrug reo I" tlhotlbomiaa kafa aekepe ■ dikgolokoane tse di gakgamatwf aparo aba are go motho eo oa gagoe. ge bona gav phuthego gr gothor phuthrgo ona * lemegeditaeng batbo . tse di nthositse felajaakamol* go fihla motbo mokbui ure. Bara ese J.5 bolrloa Bagolo kgontbr Irntju 1* lere _ e go akanja taela ea gore aetlhogo PUBLISHED IN SKCHDANA AND ENGLISH aba a tlots* koloing. Kgaitjfdi ea mo«a- ka bagoln ba phuthego. aa mothale 00 a* ae ka aa tlhola magadi oame. Diphio toaniediH Oa ill gotee le mo.adk ba fihla koloi e abe. itaho kapa di Pol disa siama, kone kona lo ditlblli (AT 3d P ER COPT, tp e pannoe tie bare re a bolela. lea tse di botlhoko tsa go phaphujl molxrba ge ramiaboea «e a lego ooi br letjo* dikhoa- liabon.—Go diragetae metlbolo e me- ga marapo, go boga gono ma tjr di tlilr go tlala ka mow! Ilefeng igoe e r boitabegang ko motaing mo- mokgoahi oa lla Uapodixa a fihla; 0 gogolo, te leboga dikgolokoas* P O ST F R E E 15/ P ER ANN UM ) mo*cart Joale dl a .ekoa. Feela ulo oa Potokisi ga looa mo Parlame- tsaga Dr Wi liam/i tse diking 81 iiultnneou iy every 8aturd&y Morning &t Kimberley. laebeng gore choen gadi t)oaane' rorr Phutbego re khui e wke ea aragam Iteng morafe ore go gololor batbo ba ba kgonthe di gona tje boncha gore ge i ka kodu Una ba lather thunhang ta. 00 ehankaneng ka molato oa go leka coana ga ke tlholoke bile ke kj» Blot-mfouL lo 1 h.ba'Noho, Kle k«d..rp Potohbfst'oom, Maanete. ele Bolek ohe atla kgaoloa molala ka 1 beng ee Kot«e ke gore bale bar* re-e< aela tu go cogela mmu »ho oa Republlke Di mphodisitae ka botlalo. Pretoria, anil Johannesburg go pelaelo Ile le be letje fela kahlolo e go akanya go buaetoa King Manoel e Dikgolokoane tso dikhibiccMt tjabo Phardh gor* ditla reng. Feela bahola ba di dira e lebeletje gore etla tholocoeng mo boreneng joa Potoklai. je bo While ba leutjoe gotboe ba Noa lela ka 'muahong Diatla babadi. ifa.hole a ba a lla go phatlalaUa baree- tsaga Dr Williams di rekWoa'M The Be. hu*n* are 'he only branoh of the Bantu (besides Domelang babadi. ditji ele tjeo tja rena ma Tran* .1 loo Parlamenteng ba loa. matlung otlhe a ditlhare na jo bo fetang )a ba larael. eaal tje dl ego di aejiahi baba u di t»r- 0 ka romela koa Dr. Wilaii theZ .lue) mentioned In th« ' Bnuyc.opaedla BilianDloa" tuhetja hie ditiebeng t)a baba bfegn Gothoe mollo o fi.ha ge o ora! Amerika.—Go lefaratlbatlha je 1* golo Medicine Co., Long Street 0w< E Oo re o orago Tranaraal ke oa .tenkole aud th* 'Universal *;yolopodia.' The latter bays of imola a felego 1* a ba Urael a »ontu fa gare ga President Taft le Towa Botlolo 8/3 kgotsa bow nono Tran.iaal abiao' Re bile kapa oa moboelere. Oo tangile lethu- iol Rooaerelt president oa pele. them:-'-They the moct olvlils6d Datlon In South loe gare l-ebe I* tboko eeo re l- nthung Kilnertoo motteng dile thataro 17/-, o sa duele po* Alrtoa The Kuruuian Mission or ihe London Mi.Blonary lago nt.he’ Boima joa ba Unel e India For*.—Miunsho rena a locjreu ea rena ba be Ke gore molui. letagoa. *te..G* ke fitlbile ko Engelane. Are lefa a lealtae tabs MCI. nunt of the Union of South Africa, with ba ehabelela ba a fetoge bolo koa Engelane. Mantralia a tsena NTLO , le tia goN YA LA , Messrs. Aberdein & Butt, High-Olass Drapers, tje tjeo ka mefegelo koaang joale tje re ka mokgoa oo moog 1* tla rakoa mo mo- pelo a dira 448 ka innings ea ntlha. Bo choaneUeng dl K A B ttO ; di knago di rtjoa koa Booiberg District ba» ba rona ba fata 26S ka inninga ea MATLOLX A BiBHOI, Maitland Street. Bloemfontein, write to the ea Kil.trnbuig |NiU«eng ea Haartebreat- ba botje Mrv Mokone le Mra. Antone nUha Faulkner a dira 123 ale Ml. Ka Ka T LH O A TLH O A Ut fontein di rr blnkiiba le megopolo. Mo- (Mn. Antone monna oa gagoe ga a Bditor: "Our Advertisement in your paper haa TljSA nkga fela jt* mipleoo. D ILO di diroa tbo eo mow Tranaraal o fetogile phntl' gaae) gore eka kgona bona /ba *“ • dock*, ma Sonth' Afrika';* O K K 1R K le ka K 0N0T0- Increased our Native Trade by 50 per cent 'Mu.ho o neetje oaaaba a rena ditbnnjra roale ba «epel* gona joale. Go lekfloe dira K fela. Ke gore ba. fencoe ka inn­ Ke e a K A lie K A I ao b gore fetja' Be koa goban* xncahimane njaka molato gomme baruti ba pall ings eotlhe mo teraecbtng ca ntlha. gene. M AW *M «lUtk»»*f opane lUbara) o tjere aethunxa a o bolela bar* feela bare eka kgona 418 WA&IHOKK. L I OA**1 hlatlogrla ka thabtog, bnetja moabima- * Uebe ele loba ka oooahi. Oa el* ea 0 choeroe.—Jamee Donglaa oa aethnb* KOMAKt VBW . Fa o k«K BATEATI. njana oa rhoenjana (motbo eo mode) a Mra. Mokone gobooala gore * tlaba ea diteronko roouaa tbobile mo chanka- Box 88, B L O *m O M T H M . 0J Advertise in the TSALA EA BECOANA, TSAEA 00 MOGOLO 0A GA It will Increase your Native Trade. WOOD V

    Corner of Shannon Street and Brett Street, Kimberley. BAHG0DIE3I. OA ■ __ p e a r ly Every Other Post . ^Brings Fresh Subscribers. t nun ncnuu le jnyg (8BHHBQ8IOO) 8,1911 T8ALA EA BECOANA (THE FRIEND OF THE BiCHUANA).

    T “-‘.r Cooaitaioner of Edo- «P. bat moird tccoiding to their clattet; cation. Uaihmgtoo. Dittrirt of Coluo- I Native Aflain gtve a sympathetic hear- . _ replied ud reftmd 1 fact that ia native case* which al* toa*- ■ ,st dear that the; did not agitate for •a t Of the prtaent nlatiou of the Fre* State Nativ* Congrea. opened ita th* objtctionible danse* wtr* removed. At qatstioa tia* tta Secretary said Rev. Mr. Malato. i t Krooaitad. Ma­ nttiag with white people, bat wanted ke did aot wiah to iavad* tta Udy del*- i two Continent*. he uid tome thing, that sewion on Friday, the Uth May. Empire With regard to Women Paatt*, tl* comfortable and mpectable carnage* Day. at 8t. Philip's School Chipel Waai limster of Native Affaire gate* province, who went to Capetown Agreed ttat copies of Ui* n were perhap* not new. tat wen at least when travelling. Mr. SUement. the then strikingly pat. Ht taid: Hoek. Bloemfontein. Before the ap­ ht would communicate with the Admini- themselves, that would com* in their re­ bt forwarded to the Misister of Jastic* chief clerk in the Katie* Affaire Depart- pointed time tbe large hall wae taxed to iit Province with * view of port. with regard to P*»*«*- (Applaa**.) aad tta Minister of Native Affairs. “Thll ii hia favoured land; a place -lent. waa told oB to take note of oar Th* resalatios wu camsd with ac­ prepared for'the Negro; hia enlighten. us doors by the coloared and native pab- Kcuring relief for the It wu propo*ed by Mr. Peter PhahUar. rirnae*. lic, with a large sprinkling of ladies. Hoiteli. tbe deputation was jconded by the Ret. Malate. that the clamation. ™eat, hia nplifl, hit enfruchuement When Cosiniandant Cronje took the Thia terminated tbt Coagrat*. which «d enlargement. By wcial cmtom he Tbe proceedings opened with a hymn atked whether the establishment of these report be adopted. The Chairman, htv- ^ttrr to the Volbraad, many memben and prayer by the Rev. Melato. of Kroon- ing pul the resolution to the meeting rioted by the singing of tta Natioaal ^ compelled to race consistency; because ilutions would not be to io»rd oppMilion to the amnluration itad. The General Secretary (Mr. T. M. wu unuimouily adopted. (Clmn.) Anthem at ajn. Saturday morning. of thia he ia the atrongeat tingle elemcnl lage of Ihe natiies, thbdspontion replied of the natire.. Bat through the wite Mapikrla) rtad notic* convening thf :hit three Institutions are Intensely ob- Congress thsn passed th* following re­ in the life of the new world, However guidance of that renerable old man. the t there N k» *«cta«noho te so meeting, ift*r .which Mr. Tobiu ectionable to the natives, tbe; would not solutions:— much other people fail to come to thii late 1‘naidrat Kruger, who genuinely Mruli wu elected prett reporter n Mr. Tobiu C. Mvul* moved: “Thtt t |t mogogi co o t*hohu. new world, he mait not fail. If the |ivt effect to that purpose lor which they ipportrd Commandant Cronje, the mat- Mr. Abiel Utbiwtke recording secret*! ire lutendrd; bul on the other band thit Congrett expn**»s it* tymptthy o Iherong eags whito man faila here. Enrepe will .us- T waa -u««ajullj carried in the Vermicure. ____ *or* Morena o iletsra. Menong tnd Libati uting as i hey would tubject our women folk to •ith the frltndt ud reUtivu of thote tain hia place. If the black man faiU Volkuraad. Ueapectable natire. wen erpnten. The following delegal jjrii* morsgo ft • ta* kaga Ba- « maloetae a ka go dinta VXSH1- iti ba ba bangoe. Dlfofu, ke gon tion he command. !i«n the people. < Albert Mkaoetaa ud Thrkheli. Undley le Higher Education the • .’’ of Augu.l. 1909. tht replies CUBI. Ke molemo o turns* I* o notipari oleng mo leitlhong la bone world and the part be take, m gii Magubule; Fnde. Mr. Prince tte geatlemsn to the European Ikanjcging mo boloetaeeg, jo be boitata- bt kake ba goga difofo tae di ngoe. lo the coloured race, ol Africa lloahoff. i. T. Ramathe and Mr. Le reference to Railways, >n which went over to England ka ba toga fela fa motipuri o o cobenyo: Jagenfontein. Mr. Forster nterviewed the Minuter etion With the South Africa Act ^ tR H lO U R Z ga * iae * ke * twicoe oo leitlhong. Theui r; bad an inlemes with him. reteleloe ke m fodi>a, mo* e dirnics DO Oo naif lenco* je lengoe je le monofi- JAMESON’S A110 I’M ENT. mafeioojt otibe mo iMotb Afnka ka og jr le lebaguyen* le techoancbo te. ►Wart, a Methodi.t Kpucopal Minuter, ions—Dr Jamison, like Mr bahami le bahmoanegi. He bailocng ke Morena, “Morutioa ga lo gate a tarn amounting to about one n, ud it ma; be added likt TKKW OUU e rekisi* ka ditod oogolo go feta mornti oa gagoo; mme hundred thouund dollar, to eatabliib tae dl nang le dipbutbelujana isa mupe x-cjoe le mongoe mogang o itekanelaag in African Miuionary Training School. le lokoalo lo lo btdioang: * ttchupole tla nna I aka mornti oa gagoe." Mai- o English dikes taa di' oko mo tsnenj^’ Tutlo ke itltlo a lenoo* je a wka a tlhakugoa ” t'h* * C°",rrTn”- tomewhat umilar ol IJir left arm I sis igun one < 1/R. Poto ga e duelo*. ^Uomela lokoalo msnco* a mangvj a oboanang leje upon the Negro, wu held in AtlanU lelegalrs wbo ippnucbed tbe Soul ledly summoned, u you in loamailL) bucgeng ga one, a bulloeng mo under the auipiee. of the Foundation. an llepublic tiorernmcnt for II AFTERNOON SESSION Adre*c: I tse dingoe. Fano go bonala se- Dr. Corneliua II. Patton, in a brief ral of this badge of degradalir bearing the report o( Ibe (ienr Exactly al ! 30 p in ibe ball wa. again Tha Vannl'ura Proprtoiajy, tie gon o na a kaea gore morutioa ga fro! Ihe natire*. ry and the lady delegate’s npe addtoa nt about twenty minute* gave sxed to iIs capacity when the proceed- ____ 7 P)*la Strest. Capa Tows kake a rata ka mokgoa opo o tele fa i rety graphic diiplay of prewnt condi- When the late Commandant Cronje will icmbcr that you sen cal ng* wen again opened with a hymn and « oiga mongoagoe, eleng go nna se ions in Africa u they appeared to him x»k this matter Io the Volkarud. it was itribute a certain sum boleieloog batho gore, ba nne ahone. ehemently opposed by the memben. be purpose of sending t KITSISHO. ■ ■" Sjm - 1* ponalo ea nnete e ’ontinent. He .pole first of the iteam- hier wiae leader tried in rain to bring Urn. u ■ r run, mujD spphiri aa thata ea hip line, the railroad, tbe bridge*, lrm lo reason At lut the late Preai- he National Congress to Palo u Ntlo u D!j« le tin k ilt i|ce ea Bo rati It u monofo ea gagoe locks, and other improiemeots in which dent Kroger left hi. Mat in the Volk*- ghts. Insisting on it now would ■ — “sa difofn te ne te le foo. Kga Europe was now inreatiog it. capital in no Union, and a reaction againsi . the duty faphegileng e t lateloa, ke s lillerent parta of.Afnca Be uid then alive rigbtaM Under Union the MOKUKNA HOME. _. . cboaro “ Mongoe le mongo?, ’ »en aixteen railway line* on the ive effect viU go on. I cu’t agres ■ (on.morotioa mongoe la mocgoc, a higher r suggestion that we should sdmpt IilTSAI.A colibe d< I'sisio. fi u*is RAM AII ANE. I.ikM LU oa gagoe.” Hue ka go pheta itarting for the rich g the es. »oold rr>ign his trade 'bey THE POUCY OF PONTIUS PIUTE Ol ks I*ai»t ja 10th phuku, 1911 Ju j) obclrng ie le go ka oatinent or penetrati tbe lake lid ebot^r them. Thai argument no doubt had much Dijo Ua Uietbale K< tibe ka du.sk m li e, 'rr-idrnt Kroger) left Dinno tar diUudnli. Di.no laedi tsdb 'b-s Ulkofl, Dlte* le Kaukau. Uiahl, I Lekuka i M diriung u .aid Dr. Patton. ' the chief .ignibc bat Mr Rhodes’ famoua principal. of iti ...... ence. Tbe Volkanad *djoarned until in> sbosc friendliness lowir * equal nghta for every civilised man" le Mubl I Loteac ka tlboatlbua e duma- io ro e reng a nale motipnri mo lioin g le Batumai, Ihkepe Kara tsa ng ja gagoe a Ieka go ntaha telabe that e reng ecoa a u ikobele boa- iser. tienernl llertios ihe untment of lb ipon to adjust tbemielm to the Wett- toed and ibe badge* ■rrr don n.ter of Justice). Meur- H'atk. uri lefagontaejalo a u leke go bo rn way of being blotted oat.” ‘ Barlows, who have slways mme goo fa Morena o go gatelcla Central Africa, according to Dr. Pat- M. N. RAMAILANE, icoe je le bog ale, “ Moitimokauyi ke PO. Bex 573, a battle md of ti Transxail a^giit*! nt«ha pelo moaipuri o o mo itlbong >n of Cl ook plan- in ihr Volksrud on t BLOEMFONTEIN |igo.” Ided O'. Abdurrahman, Won. as npurtrd in those days comes of English principles Mafoko a otlhe a boela a a gatelcla ka KaTtapo:—“ RAMAILANE. Standard md Diggers' New. " 1 liberty uid a native from tha Orange ihoiocho u go belega manngo, a boleia riend We ought not 1 setlbire te te molemo te u kake u MISSIONARIES OF CHB1ST liv»r “And be- igoa lonngo lo lo bothnla, le gore te- he ad ranee guard, ntprctirly of the e principles of !lir Georg* Qrey.” ie bothnla ga te kake u ungo* two contending religion* Dr. Patton e .um of EJ.OOO, Mis. Molteno. irbo speak, with «mjo lo lo molemo. TIhalotho e e do-_ thinka that it ia'of tremend be guided by a rKtion of Olive i t . that Chriitianity shoo! sas voted by tbe Schreiner "Why strain at a gnat ud M O S E G I e te gatelelang nnete ea gore bo- in thit battle.- There tbat il IS tbeir dm Uplift Ibe allow a cameltneend Synic “ Too joa motho bo choanetae go thapa other pomta of new ' willing to leave the native to the Eo o liwtskelfl I iW i, •ng thone, le gore terodamo se o thia Conference. Then THE INCONSISTENCY AND THE ider mercies of a Parliament tucb as ■ling ba bangoe ka thone w kaea ought in England, tor i HOLLOWNESS OF THE OUTCRY •»’’ ~ Yes; and ttat It a bitter enough Fa Hukung ea rLORBMCK lo joa gagoe. Fa le molemo. se- liere that the religion •rrrred thit natire. an suffering I lor US to swallow without ttill fur- BOAD le ROPER 8TBKKT. s ea gagoe ke u tahiamo. Fa a better adapted to Africa than the're­ >r insisting ttat we thill oprtelvn Oaufi le Steishene. boshala, terodumo u gagoe ke u ligion of Chntt. Thi. nligion wu body m the conititution ihe principle tacitly expressed in a paper by E. D. il no Africu or coloured mu ahill 14, NEW MAIN STREET. ipe Morena o diriaa manrae a mi- ' wbich wu not nad at thi Con- ■r be permitted to legitltle for 8o0th Oo lebagana le Kerek* e kgo o ea 1 • thero ea gagoe ko thabeng go t but will be published in the pro- rici. Pontius Pilate might it leut bt Makgooa es I’rmb) tcrian. lela bogolo joa kntlo, to te teng, ong e go gaiu kafa o n The third address of the day was made A u batla 'emolo, ira ka gone mo tberong to. M by United Stale* Commiuiooer of Edu­ Bemapa 'Marase, on are, “Oa te mongoe le mongoe cation, P. P. Clarion. It wu a good Beltunata, Mafadu! o nthaoang a re Morena, Morena”; ipeech but was especially interesting u 0 tla go tegela fela ka& thutong e are. “Lo mpiletung Mo- mining from a roan who i. a Southerner. i. Morena. mme Io ta dirt dilo tac Mr. Claxton uid: "No State can be kelooopg ea ga*o. nog lo di dir*?” if one-lhird of the people an in other w, Thaka e e coang mo Dikompe- Mafoko a otlhe a re eenolela bogolo le no .tate can coanl itsnlf rich if • tucb I hot. When ea temana ea thato e. Otlhe go '■"lent of tl one-third of it* people y ben. we thought ning e itumedisioa thata k e a o e a phutheooe mogo eone. “Lo nne d to porerty No state can be in­ in tbit you. it least. > b* lefoko, e teng bantlui fela," telligent in tbe highest go latela kgakololo e e faphegileng one-third of it. people mmt be ijnortnt. man. irrespective it. But yoo'tn n i lancoeng a. “lo itoietu." Temana and no State can reach the highest de- people in theIbe world' wbo hivey into e e eteleloa pelo ke of tirtue to long u one-third of gone latlnang bomuhoe people an exposed to rice, and an i ■Ixolute power pcnologa ga boikepo, mme lo amogele able to resist the temptations whi I use with justice lonolo lefoko je le tlhomiloeng, je come throngb ignorance and porerty. No that .orb fumigation mooofilen; go boloka meoa ea Iona." can reach the hightat degree of of bouse-, traps. Ac., i. not dour. and. i e re laela go amogela ' and citisenahip until all of it* therefore, the outcry it misleading, ho'- * jalo go ka dinja gore re people are able lo comprehend thi possi- low and inconsistent. 'nogele lefoko je le tlhomileong me lefa ..... ra of citisenahip and its datiei. eople who lire in gla» boom must ...... o ra tlhaela mogo le ikobeleng, throw stone*. The disease men'.need (To be cootinned.) ime temana ea 22 ko kgakololo ea gore the memben of the Trantraal Agri­ » rebels." It will b r itiie kgatlhanong le taietsi eo. cultural Association i. imported from Ufa gontso jalo go t* UhokafaJela Europe or i. a European di*M'< “re re gatelele bogolo ji lenooe je lo Natives on the Rail­ ' ire been immorally oonr>7^d lo s friend in tbe de- ‘Ucne kgomooo kaga lefoko je lo tlbo- I per cent Northern T>an*i rued genllem iloeng je le reng. “1* nonoBle go boloka ways. of' the Walerberg diitn tM to protect any man whose beastly, and takes advantag put tb* resolution «» ea Iona." Ereka boikarabelo joa to beliere what it uid >7 oni to tbe Congresi. and the resolution wu mbcr. in that meeting of You mast therefore exert passed, the memben ttanding. :lo ea rona e nale go tlhoUheledioa T.A. Asociation. trying to put t .lop to It wu further agreed tbat * ~>py ol poloko • lefoko je le tlhomiloeng le not necessary to drag th - quei- ;hi> rrwlution be forwarded to tht re­ * leretaeo*. tion of thete unfortanat* rictimi, be- lcidcn of your people uc lative! of tbs late Mr. Stead. '"we ja bofelo kt kgakololo •tat travel respect of your people. V regretted thit the repr. lb) Mr J. B. Twayi moved that this rt^ng rt • kail*, « e alnpang go ka a. I ibink by tpeaking about i rismrtb expressed .uc Congreu retolvet that although In the >*'eUa ga rona. Bont*! joa rona bo it wu oaly brought ap by way of ciatiooi and by pi question. The Cape Colony w, prevalence of tbe crime known as the “**ela lefoko ka bonalo. bo tana mole- tempting to paint tta natives ** nllimi. people that yon ba' lot only to deal Ih u/ety speak blick penl it greatly exaggerated by the * “ le te kaeanf, mme bo itucwdi- - ‘ - king thit, paaat for a nu>- with the faults of three cbildn press, whow tendency it to expose on. ke jone, mme n itlhome ka go To the Editor 'Tulaea Becoana.' >k back, and it* who ar* the >r who rvceivt section of the community ud screen the Saad at t port card or litter with your ira dilo tae re tlatu maikaelelo Sir,—Kindly allow me * .pace i culprit*, aad if yoa want to rl**r the Cipe Colony. other, .till effort* .bould be mtde lo name aad addnta plainly written thtnoa • Kt gone go itaietu mo go toeng inclinable paper to reotilate my newt itmosphere bring the culprit* tt ' rdueitt our people to res peel themtelres aad w* wUl tnd ta yoa port fre*: fPQgelt--N.8.M. . oa the tbore tnbjeet. whjch hu recent­ The very people who ar* the loadnt .nd learn to recogniM the boooor of ws» M rsckrtt of oar Famoo* Flow*r a d Ttj- ly been brought into prominence by the against the native*, an tta on known u the * While League.” tbe sole mcnfold, the violation of which ai*si rtablt 8t*d* *t Cd. ptr packet, wild and ancontrolW utterance* by the ______I_an victinittd. object of which is lo do the bltckmi ni'-eaarilyOX followed by heavy penalty m U paokrt* t t oar Ba t Sni* *k «dL ptr ibert of the fra»rt*l Ajriealtaral A good deal it h**rd from th* oppodte down. No mu or mtion. however, tt pmilion of the natives m the Pro. Serondtd by Mr. P. Phahlane; carried 'fiend of tbe Beehoana. __xiation. which'met in Pretoria ip of no eqaality between whit* tnd do uother down, bat • mu or t natl< of Natal, Free Stite. ud Tranan- ... unanimously. , little while back/ black, ud yet from the same camp a will do_iU*lf or himself dosm, if I the evtut of tbe Squttten Bill becoming (c) Mr, Pitao moved tbat Abli Congres. Ptrfum* at 6d. per gackrt, The history th* coloared perton...... Sonth Af- neglects to cultivite I bote virtues upi resolves tbit the Mmisttr'of Native Af- erwtwflluad half Sttdtud half P* he Trnniraal' trarelling 1st and Ind cultivation depend, hit existence Tbe delegate (T. M Mi fun be tpproached through our in life. So it will be the case with you Al tooa u wt nnaaiT* yoar Ilf wa will .law# date*/back to tho Sonth African mi n. Then ia aocial equality there and uid tbat wu what they a.ked, uH I National Congreu with a new to re-e*. tmmtdl ttalj; pport lo yoa FEES af all Republican floterament I Wu one a practice, although ia theory tbey If you neglect to cultivate those virtnres Minister i nreply .aid labli.hing Ihe branch of the Native Af­ ohaigta, yoarar okstale*------of a UdW---- or Gtnft the delegate who waited apon the I pretend there it none. One hu to re- ibifh alone cm mike you i nitio diffieully, becauat these fairs Department which was in existence Ouanntecd Watch or ottar arJda which Die International Con ’ [t Cronje in hit capacity ipect the fe*liagt of other people aa well et yoorsclves to the tuk of civilising require a'locality s hen during the late Crown Colony Govern­ 'end their own. the white men. You will, in Ih settled. ment, and wbich wu abolished by the “ a gooaa. find yourselves an eitinct nation, fin, tree and toand batit it the eqaal- Th* Cbiirman remarked that that late Orange River Colon; Responsible ference on the Black ally. I would advise yon to be calm and a__ Ms*aaJ.| BnatnaaJo tion of ameliorating the lot of th* ciwiV- ity of til humanity. Th* superiority of wu p*rhapt tbt cause of tbt Bill Oorernment. Seconded by Mr Lebale.!UUl llulinSI llSlbillS ised and I respectable natire* or *l- th* one and th* inferiority of the other moderate ia yoar deliberations. Say being introduced in Parliament thi. L worth double tta a railvayt. Katire* or coloared j ia onlj a matter of environment aad yon hive got to uy in moderate provi.ion .hsi lo be n Retolved tbit compl*inti against police evolution. That being the case, the lab language. (Applause.) i INTERE»tlNQ PROCEEDINGS. ander the South African Bepablic Got- for th* h&mtltts. ~ treatment be nferred to th* Executive " ernment ai that time were not per ' ■ Mr. C«il Rhodes, who it anivenally At thii stage the Secretary re*d oor- Mr. Twayi at this stage asked the Con- for invettigitioe. tef a packet el ‘ "ted a. a farseeing statesman, wai greet permiuion to introduce Mr. Petru* (e) Mr. Tobiu C. MvnU moved thit ' OO at Id. aach. ■ (Bj our Sptclal Corrtfpondint) Jel* compelled to 'tr*r*l Jrd el*** in; tta soandett basis, whtn ht bruch** wi.hing the Congress mcce*.:- Murray, with two othen from th* Beth- this Congress reeolvt that the attention U(i M _ _ M ... n From Harrismith Local Branch Chair- Tnikegee, Ala,, t i l . only. The compoltico Ao tr»r*l in •aid “eqaal rights for all clriliied men.' anj Mist ion Station. Congrett igretd. of the Minister of Justice and th* Mini- ^ uadyo* a prtuat wh*Tyo. not done erea ander kraal Ufe-that SAUL M8ANE. vant* and MinfUboar. ^ g^rotjfj 0( tb, matter it ttill In litigation. Tht Con- the mention of the ulboritln to tho aaUrtt wtr* not >roButenootly ma«| Bandolier Kop. Transvaal. He Squatters Bi! ^Ataiort. CAM TOWN. ’fgm m am m '- -m

    JTOB (8EETBB0310Q)» TSALA EA BEOOAKA (Tflg FBIgKD OF THE BECHUAKAi. DE BEERS CONSOLIDATED MIKES, Ltd. (Metlobo ea Komponi ea ga Mokebisa.) R. MULLER, CAPE TOWN. Babereki Botlhe ba ba Batlang Tiro mo Dikepong Tseo, ba Laeloa PIANOS. go Botsa Agente oa Cone: Mr. L 8. GLOVER, Lobatsi. ORGANS. Sab ’n(roe ba ka ea fela Koa Dlhekeng tsa Dlkomponi mo Kimberley le Beaconsfleld. Maina a Metlhatlhelo le bo Henenchere Botlhe ke a:

    Bock Shaft Compoond Mine Compoond J J. N IC'HOUiON. Stable Compound Surface Compound Floor Oompound | C. K Hoi'LKV. Mine Compound Mine Oompound No. 2 Compound j C. E. Rorm Be wise! Send in at once fop Surface Compoond Floor Compound Price Lists; P IA N O S, ORGANS Floor Compoond | J. Swanson Mine Compound1 CORNETS, V IO L IN S , AUTa Compound 'I S. Tidd I’ratt Surface Comp mod WORKSHOPS- H ARPS, a n d a ll M USICAL IN. Floor Compound CENTRAL POWER STRUM ENTS. GUNS, RIFLES. STATION: Compoond PISTOLS, A M M U N IT ION , &c. ^ You cannot do bettep than en­ tru st y our orders fo r such articles Banna! B nna, Bonang to an old-established house (Wenkele eo montle eo mo Hukung go leba Poet Offloe) F a U ea go N Y AL A kgotaa U ea SELA LELO N Q . Rekang dithoto tsa Iona cotlhe

    Re k* go *homol* k* paka go co* k* Monoto go e* ko* Phogong Ditinkane, Hatlole, Dikoadi, F* u ea go Lem* kgo do u ea Diklemeng. He ka gu haakauyeUia aparo isa methale Eotlhe tee di that* thaia, Tea Btberek. Diphala, Dijolo di Gramafono. U(a U -a batlf Paka emlhe (' ka reka BAKI BOKI'KHOF. IIKMPK Ba tla go romela Katalogo a DITLHAKO. * HUTSHE. KOLORO kgone eng sa Banna, fela j ee U se batlang U tla ee fitlhela, dichoancho. Re rekisa Thoto taa Banna fel* ga gona tea Basadi le Bana. Ditlhobolo, Dipistolo le Maniio SEN EIR E o mo Leweokeleng, a ka go segal* feia iak» V m o T!ang lo itlhophflle ka lo® me g* WALTER H. ADAMS R . M U L L E R .

    Siege Buildings i Opposite Poet Offloe), De Beers Road, Kimberley. John Henderson, iSil No. 1150 Katlele e Ncho « For* e e k«abUlcoeng that* ka kgollho, mo ilit'.hosoog me ,TE SHONE SELAOA se se beakanyang Dinama ka kelo thloko ■Duekenf! le inephakalrxo Teksnyo e* eooe 4ft Bin I 8ft Aid. Mmogo If V 0 rek* Dikgomo le dilo tee di tsamaeang. SELAOA ea matnar oa apring, le oa l>ibo» le mesamo e mabodi ca diphafa R olec * nentle eaba Jh«-ntlha mo ea pakna k» taile et e* so pego* mo ateiahenooR a Ctpelowo, £4 St. Ms-'i t Ue le koalo lo lo bita*og katlele Re amogctae raakgolo a dikoalo ta Bancho ha ba itnmcdiricoeng ke thotn tia rona THABA NCHO. Koalelaog:— THE ‘ ACURA" REMEDIES. The Direct Supply Stores, I want an energetic and trustworthy agent who speaks Sechuana. BOX 284, CAPETOWN. “ A C U B A ” P IL L U L E S .— For Cough* and Colda They relieve that soreness of the thrDat and iber*. that accompiniee cooghs and colds in a few hour*, and will completely cure in a few days. In valuable to public «peakero *nd singer* Sold tt 2/8 per lx>ttle. or Fa ole mo Johannesberge o no otla mo three bottlee for 8>8. Poet Free in tiie Union. Bankeng e ea rona. Dikgomo le “ A C U R A " P E L L E T S - Pnr Rneumatism and Gont. Sold at 2/6 per box, or three luxe* for 6/6, Poet Free in the Union. Dihutshanel W. N. COOPER, Banka ea Koloni le ea Poloka ea Komponi " A C U R A ' P IL L S .—Curr lndigwiUon. Constipation. Sick He«d- ■ ache. Heartburn, and all thr disorders of the stomach caused by an 1 M0RBKI8I OA DITLHARB, ea Africa, Ltd., BONA B*f*atai re uUoat»£* a*k inactive liver Sold at 2/6 per box or 8/8 for three boxes, Poet I difintio te* miuna . |WEST END, KIM BERLEY. Wuntan o* Ntlh* oa Free in the Union in&le polokelo fela e idirecoeng Banco fela. (Le ke* MAFIKENQ le ZEERU8T koa MADI KOE ko* TWKE3PRDIT s r A TION, Th*b* ‘Nchu. ___ NTSE LE BECOANA ka baka >e se telele that*, ebile o aetee * Ntlong lo tlo go re bona me fa lo tloko go katla, koalelang lokoalonyana To be had direct from th* Bole Propt I*torn, lemogile thata go ba baakanyetaa ditlharr A ko leke methuibo loa rona lo lo tla lobolelelang GOTLHE kaga Banka e. ea bone e e nUnrig 0 ka dmolola go boloka 6/- (Sheleog tae tlhano) lefa ele go feta mo COOPER'S QREEN PILL (Pile i itteng go tlhacoa mil*) letlojana, fel* mo lokoalong jaka orata. Ih e Colonial Seed and Supply Coy. ( S i.) , Taler*. PECTORAL BAL8AM (Molemo oa Dlgotlhola), 1/6 Ig 2/9 botlolo. Reletlela 3j mo lekgolong mateadisho mo lokoalong loa polokelo, madi 71 B u r g S tre e t, to 1.H1, INFLUENZA MIXTURE (Molemo oa Mmele), il- kt botlolo. agago o kana oa a bona kafa ora tang. Live Stook Auclioneefl, BLOOD MIXTURE (Molemo oa go tlhacoa Madi) o e tumlleng that* Clare batle polelelo pele fa o batla madi agago. BLOEMFONTEIN. ______C i PE TO W N . that* ea fo OOOPER, Botlolo o ainolola ka t/• * ee fo 10/•.... Me lek ek* boloetae bongoe lebongo« Jo bo go choenyang l ka go The Colonial Banking & Trust Co., tlfcakinyataa methuiho e e aiameng thata mo lewenkeleng |a ~ BATLANfi! BirLAN6!! BATLANG!!! gago* KATLHOATLHOA TSE Dl OKOCOLOOOENQ of Africa, Ltd., N. STEIN, MELBMO BA GAGOE B THUS A THATA. Ooraer S1HMOND8 and MARKET 8TRBST8, iD t a n 'Port S t m t h * * S t m t . )!! DITLHAKO!!! JOHAIffHTHSBTJIlG. B, b* agileng kgakala ere ba mo koalela ka poie ba romele PO. BOX 1151 BLOEMFONTK11I- madi ba beele botlolo ngoe le ngoe Sekiaipenae ea pose (a a * . | #% I A godimo Ebile re n* le Kala koa Hemming Street, 0 ItaU to ~ lll« k a T*l

    a iddae lo to*** Central Shoe Coy, Wtaedikcthoka THE STOBIE BESPIDtTOR. Dflotyiaa« dik dlatai dik* 20c LOWER JONES 8THEET, j W i II. V W r C n ) (Kgctsana ea Stobie e e beoang mo nkong.) Ka fa tlase g a Tleloko. ' M M lb kbkbkb ba iabgooa. 0* go Moepi ope oa Metlobo o ka dirang ka itekanelo a m ------; KOA W EST END, KIM BERLEY. Bogolo mo Metlobong ea koa Qautesg. DITLHAKO TSA RONA TSA BANNA di tia iturnedisa pelo ca gago ka 9/6.. DITLHAKO TSA RONA TSA BANNA LOROLE lo lo iroang ke Boro mo diamaeneng lo golole^oa ka ; di siame, di ehipu me di that* ... ka 10/6. -- — ' ' ' kr Bab*reki. Lo ba phunya makgo&kgoa lo ee go mo Makgov - a J f f S DITLHAKO TSA RONA TSA BANNA hung a babereki, ba shoe. Ba ba teamaeang ka bonako ba sa tahedile ’ Ua di amwmhim te* metlobo le t*s go teaman* ka 12/6. eare bo fitlha koa gae lo ba bolaiae mafatiha I lutium ““ rTi MATLHO A BASADI a tla phatahima ha * bon* difenstere ta* ron* J. SLEI1T, STOBIE RESPIRATOR e kganela lorole loo goripereko ea metlobo e di tletae ditlhako tee di ntle. nne bokgoabo fela jaka eadipolak./ \ a a s s s s * - . * STOBIE RESPIRATOR e kganela lorole loo le mod ebil aiameng go gaisa tae dingoe lefa ele dupL Itumeleng! Itumeleng I! Itumeleng HI. 274 29 0IJ) MAIN 8™ ET' kimberley. M a c Oo 18 B n rf St*** REKANG STOBIE RESPIRATOR fela eteng tae dingo*. Lo le bone lebcnkele mo lo lu rekang ditlhako taa Iona. MOSIOI oa Maanete, P A K A tea gagoe di simolola ka £ 2 10/-. i ■ _ ,DiiiUk.at/.. r*AftTral N linp f « A l f Koantle ga tae di segiloeug, ebile o nale methale e men tain ti ea V l l ” " % r l l w V V U j e j i Ditlhako, Mahotahe, Bo Hempe, Ditoko le Dikommereee taa menhoroto DI REKISI0A MO METLOBONG KA - A W UJCT1EH, I Eodlw-W. SHELENG. ■

    : :O M ' Collection Number: A979

    Silas T MOLEMA and Solomon T PLAATJE Papers

    PUBLISHER: Publisher:- Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand Location:- Johannesburg ©2012


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