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T 3 4 U IA BKCOAKA ( T O g g g D OP m I I B M H g » * uUaiilttetg bangot bo- r f l t o , teronko e* Birkly t Oa i repreaentatitfw of th* I think it thii; thit wt must txtend tnagolego* otlho * « AJ.O. tnd of the South African Na How to Promote a the rlghti of natire* and girt theae Unpontili a nt t thuu tional Natire Congrm, it U .WlraM. people self-government to t certain ex JU T A ’S that there ihould be dtttr cooperation WOMEN’S PASSES AND MEDICAL Revival ol the Work of tent. I don’t think wt .hall girt eon- th* Colon red ^ EXAMINATION. tentment in Sonth Africa if wt treat Text Booki for Sonth Africa. of Sooth Afrie*." Tht rub camt when the matter of the God. both 'racsa on tht umt line*, hot wt It was further decided that the two women’, passe, waa touched. Mr. Mapi must treat thet* peopl* t. we woald R10HNT ADDITIONS. bodle* abould keep in cIom touch with kela pointed out that they in the Free treat oumlre*. W* mast trett the** Deputation to Govern —1 other, and diKun matter* *fect- St*t» hare had so many promiae* and addrrsa delivered by Bet. I. people with dignity and justice. Gir* Korop*: IU lafltiraM oa Srath -PirUntatt ti Hung- non-Europe»n«, and where n«w Motahumi at th* Wesleytn Methodist in extent of responiibility to th*t Africa." Jute’. Dainnity Hatory "flijerTmin* a Botlhibitutel koa ment. lakt united action.—• AJ’^O” menU that tht women folk hav* con Synod, Bloemfontein, January, l»U:- an build np tomithing for their Count fog tht Juth-r Oertificate Ex- , fokodits* Uolo m Kgosi cluded that the men wrr* not properly iot deal with tha (abject of tmiattlmi. B» fl. C. Oirifcrtooe, EA. mo UUm1» 1b|. Ggotit ‘ RAILWAY MATTERS. representing their cue. and ther think ••(J lion of a revival o! the work ever become ooe. W* muit not tolt- (Ljodoo). Price i t nta J * ,« Mmusho e» t itiist On Tueeday morning. Uarch 19. tho that It ia *bout timt they came « • ithoat Irst well under.taad- A C m * Book of KifUsH O n » >t* th*t. We mad.w oor infloenee BAT. h Parlsmento « u fttolt mafoko aatito depnUtion waited on the Hon. and taw the Government tbemselrts. Bt W. R <3. Clirkt tad A. a Tbe Squatters Bill. not (0 tllow social equality, because Muller. iDcludioz to'ti oe Rgnrtt t i Uj to. mo boggodag. Ga ftp*- J. W. Siuer, Minuter of Btilwap anJ The s inter-marriage of bUck and white it Harbour!, in hi. oSce. Parliament petition for signatarea which a depu of languor or deprewuoo, Bpeccb tnd tht W o e of Eadkh " k, dipoo Gormeatt a ba art <m impoaaible, and can hare nothing bat Yene S/fl o«tL A new ini entirely _ „ tojjong, t netloa ba wle. Ba Street. Mr. W. VV. Ho,, General tation of themselre* will bring down to apparent doth, a Uat Friday week the deputation from b*d results. rtriied Edition. _ _ j» jape Ja Kgoai trt "kt Manager of Railway., wai alto pre- the Natire Coogrw. waited upon the th* Prime Minister U Capetown. religion after indi 1 want to improre the natir* ia lu. Mr. Burton hoped that they will no( decline. Jotiai Unlwtralty Kagllih z T * nocofrUi mo mertfeng eotlhe lent, and >o wa. Mr. Viljoen (Prir.te I. U. Burton, K.C.. M.LA., Mini*- awn ways, and thereby make a better Oonrte. Bt H. Jtektoo, BjL, Sooretary). Tho deputation included come down. The dilculty is that no we tuNt with the M. ^-Tj« If motlhn opt gi t tt nkt ke for N.tire ABaira. Mr. i . L Dube, uian of him than ht U today. Im Loodco and Capt Qonotumaa ia Eng* i dichoanelo t»» morafe, mme Mr. S. M. Makgatho, T. N. Mapikela President of the Congress, outlined the thing can be doee nnW ooe changed ur mind, are at i prove him. I uy. bat do not try and tht Uw, Power waa reated in these tvious sUte of ao- liab of tht UtinnitT of Loedoa; 5,-il llotla fela fo mottfe le one a and S. T. Plaotje, who detailed the feara of tbe native, in »n intelligent intermingle the two race.. Along those English Muter Boyi' Rigb 8ehool, Seo - J'<* mt. grlorances of natire pawengern on the speech. Amongst other thing, ho Municipalities by the Uw of the Frew vity. • len lo Inactivity, my opinion, poniblt to State, and all he coaid do wa. lo ask life In that tonne Point Priot 3/- Dttt .railwtya. Mr. Sauor replied that urged that natives wcro taicd too improiv Ihe nstive. (Cheers.) JatA’a Stoo lord Arithmetic* Vuihni.—I>eksotla ja morafo ko* Bo- thoee matter* were alrrady engaging bearily already in coin pari son with these Municipalities to modify their re- revival of trade, < (Excellent sentiments if they win gulations: bfyood that he could nol By R. M Chrktopher tad J. J. ■ ^ it De le coocoo maloba go tahe- hia attention. earning., «nd to .ugjewt M i- nly reduced lo aetioa; bat th* Prim* IJewelljn For Sooth Africa). 8cbook pOMibly go. He feared that if he went ^ naChache mo lothung lot Moruti Mr. Plaatje further referred to a Ulation of £2 10s. and 13 U... *a linister's aweet assurance* without Staadinli 1 », J, L 5, 6 tad 7. 64 S»»ii Maria Bnrton, eo o tunai- a tbe ri which •ed in this Bill was to make the lo (he Boor of (he Iloase with a motion ot thinga that had previously reds are very much like mustard t«*n active, alive, but had declined into nth nett Thi. tetiet fir doth »ay- iithnlo taa Cbache mo Bothotho ia likely lo lead to blowi Utwevn ihe tai unpayable. reducing the powers of the local auth itbout beef.—Ed.. T"J thlng of the kind jet produced. Drpartment’s officiali and tbeir natire! Burton said that could be looked orities. it would raiie «nch a ronflagra- • of death. The Premier also compared native jiytgi dil'1 dintii 0 ahoa tion that the door which was now word "Beviial," then, is a rery Now Onion Reodtr By Rtr. J. tsa gsgoe dile 7* customen. In the Pre* State and md the amounts wtr. only placed isation in the different Province*. In WhitetWe. Contiim chipten oo Trtniml a natire cannot get a ticket clowd, and which he waa endeavouring Siting one in dealing with (he work of the C*pe, with a native population of to open, might be locked lor ever. Per G«l. of the Church. It is a word in Hygiene, Ttnperanee, Ooreniinent of fi, David GriiJ.—Kgotl ea dipote le without producing a paw. He had ooe and a half million., they paid 8ooth Africa, Uw Ooorta, Fttedocn, £ttltkrafa e u loala koa Ka pa. ■omrtimei been forced to take the train sonally. he wa. against the idea of ice II remind* ua thst one* £1(0,000. In Natal K0.000 native, paid forcing women to carry pamea. and they Thrift, Money, Ac. A ooiqnt book, without a ticket, and when he com- »; in tbe Transvaal 1.200,000 un mounted, i/6 nett jilaincd of thii ihe General. Manager could believe that he will do bis hr.t paid CBS, ; and in tho Fro* fnfeuor Houghton Oray.-Adwokiti • ith tbe Municipalities for them -be 000 Bontb Africa and tho British t mataetaelfko ea Grthamitown, er wrote Moling that thoae who refined Stale 339,000 native, paid £75,000. Thia Empire. By tht litt Min A. S. yond that he could nol promt** any. Lu ka lefaratlhatlha ja diwontu a bo to give him tho lickot were acting in iu a question Ihsl wonld have to b* Bltby, B.A. (Load}. Thoroajhly “• |, kIuIo aa' Tombtiland le Dr. order, and tbot those who supplied lealt . rtriied by B. 0. Oltdlettoot, B.A. lana, Tebolo ja mo *egn ka dithole, him with tickets when he had no pau, rrstand hi u that in one State Lood). Uooi'ld* in 1 Vol, 4/6 nttt feeding tbeir authority. (he farms whe iled ou( (hat the degradil *roe maloba ko* Middelburg ga-j J . O. iT D T A 3 b O o , tbe n amng o radically nothing. ocuile dipharant. 1 wu felt by Natire* throi md others to (be location*. _______ BOOKSELLERS A PUBLUHUI, ipplifd in regard to /.ululand. but in on. If anch a degrading permitted in the Free St raal. Vital. Flee State, and Transvaal they lafoko a Paseka, 1912 »a«d aa a precedent for iti Amateur Interpreters. Mr. Sauer: What l*w? I would like lad nowbere (o go to. In theM Utter ut Loodoo, ui to set that !*w. Province, the Government found na I real) il last oar editor again (0a*h Win Mr. Plutje Went on to say (hat aa a tes residing on large tracts of Und. Mini.ter for Natir* Af- rule thr Pass Laws were administered The Government attoe/td these under '. P. Schniner ind Mr. (Ke Ur. N. S.. Motahumi). by- the Police. He very often went to them, and gave them out to Europeans *s inied him. Amongst the Transvaal, and no policeman had is. theee in turn told them to con r things. Mr. Schreiner told the Iiaaaa: Ditiro II., S2: "Jea!» eo, Mo- insulted him by asking him for a es and other landowners, with the mister Ihsl 'he e badhsd receired teveral jiao o mo cosiUo; fornt rotlhe re pass; (he railway official, do that, llo vea residing thereon .and the latter mplaiuti y tfardmg tl incompetent tulopi ba gone.