T 3 4 U IA BKCOAKA ( T O g g g D OP m I I B M H g » * uUaiilttetg bangot bo- r f l t o , teronko e* Birkly t Oa i repreaentatitfw of th* I think it thii; thit wt must txtend tnagolego* otlho * « AJ.O. tnd of the South African Na­ How to Promote a the rlghti of natire* and girt theae Unpontili a nt t thuu tional Natire Congrm, it U .WlraM. people self-government to t certain ex­ JU T A ’S that there ihould be dtttr cooperation WOMEN’S PASSES AND MEDICAL Revival ol the Work of tent. I don’t think wt .hall girt eon- th* Colon red ^ EXAMINATION. tentment in Sonth Africa if wt treat Text Booki for Sonth Africa. of Sooth Afrie*." Tht rub camt when the matter of the God. both 'racsa on tht umt line*, hot wt It was further decided that the two women’, passe, waa touched. Mr. Mapi­ must treat thet* peopl* t. we woald R10HNT ADDITIONS. bodle* abould keep in cIom touch with kela pointed out that they in the Free treat oumlre*. W* mast trett the** Deputation to Govern­ —1 other, and diKun matter* *fect- St*t» hare had so many promiae* and addrrsa delivered by Bet. I. people with dignity and justice. Gir* Korop*: IU lafltiraM oa Srath -PirUntatt ti Hung- non-Europe»n«, and where n«w Motahumi at th* Wesleytn Methodist in extent of responiibility to th*t Africa." Jute’. Dainnity Hatory "flijerTmin* a Botlhibitutel koa ment. lakt united action.—• AJ’^O” menU that tht women folk hav* con­ Synod, Bloemfontein, January, l»U:- an build np tomithing for their Count fog tht Juth-r Oertificate Ex- , fokodits* Uolo m Kgosi cluded that the men wrr* not properly iot deal with tha (abject of tmiattlmi. B» fl. C. Oirifcrtooe, EA. mo UUm1» 1b|. Ggotit ‘ RAILWAY MATTERS. representing their cue. and ther think ••(J lion of a revival o! the work ever become ooe. W* muit not tolt- (Ljodoo). Price i t nta J * ,« Mmusho e» t itiist On Tueeday morning. Uarch 19. tho that It ia *bout timt they came « • ithoat Irst well under.taad- A C m * Book of KifUsH O n » >t* th*t. We mad.w oor infloenee BAT. h Parlsmento « u fttolt mafoko aatito depnUtion waited on the Hon. and taw the Government tbemselrts. Bt W. R <3. Clirkt tad A. a Tbe Squatters Bill. not (0 tllow social equality, because Muller. iDcludioz to'ti oe Rgnrtt t i Uj to. mo boggodag. Ga ftp*- J. W. Siuer, Minuter of Btilwap anJ The s inter-marriage of bUck and white it Harbour!, in hi. oSce. Parliament petition for signatarea which a depu­ of languor or deprewuoo, Bpeccb tnd tht W o e of Eadkh " k, dipoo Gormeatt a ba art <m impoaaible, and can hare nothing bat Yene S/fl o«tL A new ini entirely _ „ tojjong, t netloa ba wle. Ba Street. Mr. W. VV. Ho,, General tation of themselre* will bring down to apparent doth, a Uat Friday week the deputation from b*d results. rtriied Edition. _ _ j» jape Ja Kgoai trt "kt Manager of Railway., wai alto pre- the Natire Coogrw. waited upon the th* Prime Minister U Capetown. religion after indi 1 want to improre the natir* ia lu. Mr. Burton hoped that they will no( decline. Jotiai Unlwtralty Kagllih z T * nocofrUi mo mertfeng eotlhe lent, and >o wa. Mr. Viljoen (Prir.te I. U. Burton, K.C.. M.LA., Mini*- awn ways, and thereby make a better Oonrte. Bt H. Jtektoo, BjL, Sooretary). Tho deputation included come down. The dilculty is that no­ we tuNt with the M. ^-Tj« If motlhn opt gi t tt nkt ke for N.tire ABaira. Mr. i . L Dube, uian of him than ht U today. Im­ Loodco and Capt Qonotumaa ia Eng* i dichoanelo t»» morafe, mme Mr. S. M. Makgatho, T. N. Mapikela President of the Congress, outlined the thing can be doee nnW ooe changed ur mind, are at i prove him. I uy. bat do not try and tht Uw, Power waa reated in these tvious sUte of ao- liab of tht UtinnitT of Loedoa; 5,-il llotla fela fo mottfe le one a and S. T. Plaotje, who detailed the feara of tbe native, in »n intelligent intermingle the two race.. Along those English Muter Boyi' Rigb 8ehool, Seo - J'<* mt. grlorances of natire pawengern on the speech. Amongst other thing, ho Municipalities by the Uw of the Frew vity. • len lo Inactivity, my opinion, poniblt to State, and all he coaid do wa. lo ask life In that tonne Point Priot 3/- Dttt .railwtya. Mr. Sauor replied that urged that natives wcro taicd too improiv Ihe nstive. (Cheers.) JatA’a Stoo lord Arithmetic* Vuihni.—I>eksotla ja morafo ko* Bo- thoee matter* were alrrady engaging bearily already in coin pari son with these Municipalities to modify their re- revival of trade, < (Excellent sentiments if they win gulations: bfyood that he could nol By R. M Chrktopher tad J. J. ■ ^ it De le coocoo maloba go tahe- hia attention. earning., «nd to .ugjewt M i- nly reduced lo aetioa; bat th* Prim* IJewelljn For Sooth Africa). 8cbook pOMibly go. He feared that if he went ^ naChache mo lothung lot Moruti Mr. Plaatje further referred to a Ulation of £2 10s. and 13 U... *a linister's aweet assurance* without Staadinli 1 », J, L 5, 6 tad 7. 64 S»»ii Maria Bnrton, eo o tunai- a tbe ri which •ed in this Bill was to make the lo (he Boor of (he Iloase with a motion ot thinga that had previously reds are very much like mustard t«*n active, alive, but had declined into nth nett Thi. tetiet fir doth »ay- iithnlo taa Cbache mo Bothotho ia likely lo lead to blowi Utwevn ihe tai unpayable. reducing the powers of the local auth­ itbout beef.—Ed.. T"J thlng of the kind jet produced. Drpartment’s officiali and tbeir natire! Burton said that could be looked orities. it would raiie «nch a ronflagra- • of death. The Premier also compared native jiytgi dil'1 dintii 0 ahoa tion that the door which was now word "Beviial," then, is a rery Now Onion Reodtr By Rtr. J. tsa gsgoe dile 7* customen. In the Pre* State and md the amounts wtr. only placed isation in the different Province*. In WhitetWe. Contiim chipten oo Trtniml a natire cannot get a ticket clowd, and which he waa endeavouring Siting one in dealing with (he work of the C*pe, with a native population of to open, might be locked lor ever. Per­ G«l. of the Church. It is a word in Hygiene, Ttnperanee, Ooreniinent of fi, David GriiJ.—Kgotl ea dipote le without producing a paw. He had ooe and a half million., they paid 8ooth Africa, Uw Ooorta, Fttedocn, £ttltkrafa e u loala koa Ka pa. ■omrtimei been forced to take the train sonally. he wa. against the idea of ice II remind* ua thst one* £1(0,000. In Natal K0.000 native, paid forcing women to carry pamea. and they Thrift, Money, Ac. A ooiqnt book, without a ticket, and when he com- »; in tbe Transvaal 1.200,000 un­ mounted, i/6 nett jilaincd of thii ihe General. Manager could believe that he will do bis hr.t paid CBS, ; and in tho Fro* fnfeuor Houghton Oray.-Adwokiti • ith tbe Municipalities for them -be­ 000 Bontb Africa and tho British t mataetaelfko ea Grthamitown, er wrote Moling that thoae who refined Stale 339,000 native, paid £75,000. Thia Empire. By tht litt Min A. S. yond that he could nol promt** any. Lu ka lefaratlhatlha ja diwontu a bo to give him tho lickot were acting in iu a question Ihsl wonld have to b* Bltby, B.A. (Load}. Thoroajhly “• |, kIuIo aa' Tombtiland le Dr. order, and tbot those who supplied lealt . rtriied by B. 0. Oltdlettoot, B.A. lana, Tebolo ja mo *egn ka dithole, him with tickets when he had no pau, rrstand hi u that in one State Lood). Uooi'ld* in 1 Vol, 4/6 nttt feeding tbeir authority. (he farms whe iled ou( (hat the degradil *roe maloba ko* Middelburg ga-j J . O. iT D T A 3 b O o , tbe n amng o radically nothing. ocuile dipharant. 1 wu felt by Natire* throi md others to (be location*. _______ BOOKSELLERS A PUBLUHUI, ipplifd in regard to /.ululand. but in on. If anch a degrading permitted in the Free St raal. Vital. Flee State, and Transvaal they lafoko a Paseka, 1912 »a«d aa a precedent for iti Amateur Interpreters. Mr. Sauer: What l*w? I would like lad nowbere (o go to. In theM Utter ut Loodoo, ui to set that !*w. Province, the Government found na­ I real) il last oar editor again (0a*h Win Mr. Plutje Went on to say (hat aa a tes residing on large tracts of Und. Mini.ter for Natir* Af- rule thr Pass Laws were administered The Government attoe/td these under '. P. Schniner ind Mr. (Ke Ur. N. S.. Motahumi). by- the Police. He very often went to them, and gave them out to Europeans *s inied him. Amongst the Transvaal, and no policeman had is. theee in turn told them to con­ r things. Mr. Schreiner told the Iiaaaa: Ditiro II., S2: "Jea!» eo, Mo- insulted him by asking him for a es and other landowners, with the mister Ihsl 'he e badhsd receired teveral jiao o mo cosiUo; fornt rotlhe re pass; (he railway official, do that, llo vea residing thereon .and the latter mplaiuti y tfardmg tl incompetent tulopi ba gone.
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