Concentration Camp Guantánamo by Richard K. Moore, 5 December 2003 Date: Friday, December 05, 2003 1:45 PM From: Richard K. Moore To: <
[email protected]>; <
[email protected]> Subject: Concentration Camp Guantánamo Introduction 1. US fires Guantánamo defence team 2. People the law forgot Introduction Friends, There are two articles below by James Meek of The Guardian. The first is about the judicial system being set up to deal with the prisoners at Guantánamo. The Pentagon is having difficulty finding military lawyers who can stomach the gross injustices of that system. The second, longer article talks about the conditions in the prison and includes interviews with prisoners who have been released. Many of the arrests appear to have been entirely arbitrary, with no real reason or sense behind them. Did you ever wonder why the White House set up the Guantánamo prison and why they operate it the way they do? If any of the prisoners have any real connection with terrorism, then certainly it would be easy to prosecute them in a normal civil or military court. In today’s climate of fear, any judge or jury would just love to get the chance to "hit back" at terrorism by handing down a stiff verdict. They probably would even accept thin evidence. My own suspicion is that there are several other reasons for Guantánamo, reasons that make more sense from the perspective of the fascists in the White House. One reason is simply to give substance to the "War on Terrorism". The existence of prisoners implies that there are terrorists, and that the US is succeeding in rounding them up.