As a Passion for All Maori Arts

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As a Passion for All Maori Arts New Zealand Science Review Vol 76 (1–2) 2020 Special issue – Mätauranga and Science – Part 2 ISSN 0028-8667 New Zealand Science Review Vol 76 (1–2) 2020 Special issue – Mātauranga and Science – Part 2 Official Journal of the New Zealand Association of Scientists P O Box 1874, Wellington A forum for the exchange of views on science and science policy Managing Editor: Allen Petrey Contents Guest Editors: Ocean Mercier and Anne-Marie Jackson Production Editor: Geoff Gregory Foreword – Jessica Hutchings and Willy-John Martin ..................................................................................1 Congratulations - Hamish Campbell and Allen Petrey, for NZAS Council ..................................................59 Mätauranga and Science – Introduction – Ocean Mercier and Anne-Marie Jackson ..................................3 Western Science and Indigenous Wisdom: Is integration possible, practical, plausible? – Kepa Morgan and Robyn Manuel.......................................................................................................6 The science and practice of Mäori astronomy and Matariki – Hëmi Whaanga, Pauline Harris, Rangi Matamua ............................................................................13 Developing a Pütaiao resource: Ngä Hekaheka o Aotearoa – Georgina Tuari Stewart and Peter Buchanan ...................................................................................20 Towards building an Indigenous Science Tertiary Curriculum (Part 2) – Anne-Marie Jackson, Tangiwai Rewi, Hauiti Hakopa, Chanel Phillips, Peter Russell, Louise C. Parr-Brownlie, Christina Hulbe, Gianna Leoni, Ngahuia Mita, Chris Hepburn, Jeanette Wikaira, Brendan Flack, Tame Te Rangi, and Hinemoa Elder .......................................................................25 Mapping Mäori knowledge from the past to inform marine management futures – Kura Paul-Burke, Tuwhakairiora O’Brien, Joseph Burke, and Charlie Bluett ...............................................................32 Visualising Mätauranga Mäori for Iwi Outcomes – Maui Hudson, Hëmi Whaanga, Jordan Waiti, Hohepa Maxwell, Kyle Davis, Te Awhina Arahanga, John Proctor, Matt Sword, Thalia Ullrich, and Mike Taitoko .......................................................................................................42 Weaving mätauranga into environmental decision-making – Doug Jones, Dan Hikuroa, Erica Gregory, Hana Ihaka-McLeod, and Te Taiawatea Moko-Mead ...............................................49 Dismantling Cook’s legacy: Science, migration, and colonialism in Aotearoa – Arama Rata .....................54 Cover: From top left there is a puhoro that represents western science with symbols of genes representing laboratory research; on the right side is Indigenous Maori science symbolised with the poutama stairway to the heavens in which Tane gathered the baskets of knowledge. The green pou through the middle represents the ideal person who understands and uses both aspects of culture, unifying them for the good and wellbeing of the people. The grey whare behind the pou is a representation of a whare wananga house of learning, where the knowledge is shared, passed on and embraces peoples’ different world views and beliefs into one whare. Artist: Keanu Townsend (Keanu Arts) a Ngäti Whätua artist raised in the Tauranga and Kaipara regions. His designs, Ta Moko, and painting work can be found across Aotearoa and he has a passion for all Maori arts. Instructions to Authors New Zealand Science Review provides a forum for the discussion high-definition passport-size photograph of themselves. This will of science policy. It also covers science education, science plan- be published with the article. ning, and freedom of information. It is aimed at scientists, decision Articles may be submitted in MS Office Word, rich text format, makers, and the interested public. Readability and absence of or plain text. Diagrams and photographs should be on separate jargon are essential. files (preferably eps, tif, jpg, at 300 dpi), not embedded in the text. Manuscripts on the above topics are welcome, and should be All tables and illustrations should be numbered separately – emailed to the editor ([email protected]). Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., and Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. – and be referred Full manuscripts (with author’s name removed) will be sent to in the text. Footnotes should be eliminated as far as possible. for peer review, and authors will be sent copies of the reviewer’s Diagrams and photographs will be printed in black and white, so comments and a decision on publication. Manuscripts should not symbols should be readily distinguishable without colour, and normally have appeared in print elsewhere, but already published hatching should be used rather than block shading. However, results discussed in the different, special context of the journal colour may be used if the author or the author’s institute is willing will be considered. to pay for the added cost. Manuscripts should be accompanied by biographies of not References should preferably be cited by the author–date more than 100 words on each author’s personal history and (Harvard) system as described in the Lincoln University Press current interests. Authors are also expected to supply a suitable Write Edit Print: Style Manual for Aotearoa New Zealand (1997). Foreword Jessica Hutchings¹ and Willy-John Martin² It is with pleasure that we contribute this foreword to Issue II – Mātauranga and Science in Practice. for bringing this collection of writings together in one place. This collection of writings traverses a diverse array of This collection continues the mātauranga- and sci- topics; from history, to epistemology, astronomy, education, ence-based scholarship presented in Issue I released in late capacity and capability development, marine science, strat- 2019. It further underscores the thrilling contribution that our world in Aotearoa and beyond. Each manuscript unfurls egy, implementation and impact, ethics, Māori sovereignty, mātauranga Māori makes to understanding and innovating environmental decision-making, and colonisation. This array not respect the same boundaries as the western sciences. of topics reveals one of mātauranga’s true strengths: it does an example of mātauranga-science in practice, displayed system. as a dynamic, flourishing, expanding and living knowledge Instead, it draws resourcefully from diverse areas of thought in order to manifest its impact, and that impact tends to the so clearly illustrates the essence of this academic collection. The artwork by Keanu Townsend that crowns this edition effective, the sustainable, the complete, the long-term. While the western science system celebrates the discovery that art His artwork on the top left depicts western science, the DNA and the humanities super charge STEM into STEAM, Māori double helix adorning its puhoro; on the top right Indigenous may be forgiven for their roll-of-the-eyes, as they applaud science is depicted, the puhoro baring the poutama ascended the teina for its discovery that the tuakana had operated by Tāne to obtain the baskets of knowledge. from for numberless generations. Below, the whare wānanga portrays the middle ground, This diverse collection also foretells of a future that lies the space where knowledge systems come together in ahead. As mātauranga Māori’s ever-expanding potential communion. Māori researchers, scientists and traditional reaches into new spaces, places, and encounters new chal- knowledge holders find themselves represented in the green lenges to be solved, it may birth new discoveries that may pou, possessing the ideal tools to navigate and mobilize delight, but may also disturb. How mātauranga Māori mani- their communities. both systems for the good and prosperity of people and fests in the understanding of particle physics may look very Issue II of M tauranga and Science in Practice is a mani different to how it turns up in the protection of Kauri, or the ā - control of environmental pests, or the development of high- value nutrition, and so on. We will need to be aware that an festation of what Townsend so keenly conveys inrd his art. The middle space symbolised by Townsend’s whare wānanga has expanding knowledge system will also expand the kinds of also been referred to as Te Pūtahitanga, the 3 space, the practitioners that do its work. We should be prepared to see liminal space, the interface – a space between worlds (Baker, new kinds of Māori mātauranga-science experts emerge and 2012, Hutchings, 2012, Rata et al. 2012). This is often seen be ready to challenge our mental barriers to what mātauran- as a contested space of opposing worldviews; and when this ga Māori can create, and what its Māori practitioners might space is interloped by the ignorant, these systems certainly look like. That is why the articles in this issue are another do crash against each other, and conflict is the consequence. very important step in our understanding of the potential However, for the artful and adept, the push and pull of these and the diversity. We hope there will be many more articles knowledge systems becomes, instead, as a dance, a duo to grace the pages of diverse tomes in the years to come. swaying against each other to the melody of the reo waiata. A key standout when reading through this edition is the be accomplished in the liminal space: theirs is the reo waiata. The authors in the issue have demonstrated what can truly careful consideration that Māori researchers
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