Humanities in Minnesota: People, Funding, Ideas
.DOCUMENT RESUME ED 175 161 007 658 AUTHOR LeBarron, Suzanne TITLE Humanities in Minnesota: People, Funding, Ideas. A Handbook of .Resources. INSTITUTION Minnegota State Dept. of Education, St. Paul. Library SPONS AGENCY National Endowment tor tae Humanities (iFAH) , Washington, D.C. , PUB DATE Mar 79 NOTE 59p. 1111 EDRS PRICE MF01/PC03 Plus Postage. DESCRI:PTCRS Adult Programs: *Humanities: Human Fesources: Informaticn Sources; Program Budgeting; Program Descriptions: *Piogram Pianning: *public Libraries: *Resource Guides IDENTIFIERS *Minnesota ABSTRACT This handbook, produced ny a project ofthie Office of Public Libraries and,Interlibrary Cooperation (OPLIC), provides planning, topic, funding, and,resource information to help public :libraries in Minnegota, in collaboration with other education and cos unity agencies, provides public adultptogramming in the hum1,,,c les; Information wasgathered through statewide planning me s involving public librarians, as_mell aspeople from edu nnal agencies, community Organizations, other'types of libraries, and interested citizens. Telephone surveys were conducted to assess current public library programming for adults, particularly in the humanities, and to intiate a survey to judge circulation of adult humanities materials. Insights gathered from the humanities meetings identify some gaps, in programs and topics, attitudiral and resource barriers, planningconsideratidas, possible evaluation techniques,.and ideas for topics and formats-that could be used for humanities programming. A brief listing of sources is provided to help planners locate people,,traveling programs and exhibits, spec4l cinllections, and fitrther guides to programming. Funding sources are also listed and,outlined. Included is a directory of humanities tesource people in Minnesota representing teachers, writers, and practitioners wilring to assist in plannincu participate in programming, or assist in grantwriting: area library and topic indexes to the directory are pirvided.
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