Section U) Dated the 25.10.48, Which Should Be Destroyed
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AiODEL BENTLEY MARK VI STONE GuRB ON BlllR UINGS AND SILL. lbulded rubber stone guards on the front of the rear wings and the mar and of the 8511s rre now a staxdnrd fitment. Some cars inajr not have been fitted with them, in whjcb aaae thqg may be fitted on request. In 8uoh we8 they my be obtriMd in sets fm &the &ad Service Station togethar with the quisite quantity of the materials necessaxy for affix- ing thm. To fit the stone m,fj~t, acuurately align the front edge, and with the guard pressed tightly to the wing, mark out the outline. Rem~vethe guard, md thoroughly alean and degmase the paint using a reliable agent, trjohlorethylene being the met satisfactory. Brush on a thin even aoat of Bostik Conpqy's Aimer 81-15 ad allm this to d.ry for +& hours, takillg preuautions to keep it fret frca dust. Rice paper if available, rill not p-ntly &bere .ad is an exadlent cover. Next m@en the inner surfaue of the rubber using No.2 em- 010th or similar means. Mix thoroughly - together the quantities af Bostik Compaqy's Cement Boscraprene 2400/1 and 2400/2 as ewplied, ad a~plyingone ooat evenly to both the rubber and the metal, all- to dry for l& minutes. Note that when mixed, the cement will last only 24 hours, therefore mj X on1y the necessary amount. When applying the rubber to the metal after the requisite drying period, tack tbe fmnt tap corner in position, gently align the front edge, d when sure of the position, finnly press it bane. Then work from front to rear with a roller keeping STCmi GUARD II PCGTROW. the top edge in line with the ma*j ng out, ud squeezing out any wri nkl es air bubbles. The be .ripad dear of .ag pint rhiah has nat been affected by the primer, wen after it hs sat. The Put habem of the GiPrds m:- Rear ling, L .E. m. 3525 Pear fing, R.E. RB. 3524 Sill, L.E. m- 3827 Sill, R.H. RE. 3826 JERVI E No. m%- .. p-. MODEL BENTLEY MARK VI STONE CDABDS m BEAR mcs Arm SIX& AmmmNT. As the Bostik Campaay's preparations mentioned in Service Bulletin BB- J are suited only for factoxy use where it is possible to handle a number of cars simultaneously, an alternative procedure is desirable when dealing with odd cars, In these instances Bostik C adhesive No. 252 58 rocotlmended. This can be supplied in %oz. tubs. oufficient for fixing one set of Stone Guards. No primer is needed, but the wing and sill surfaces must be thoro~hlycleaned and degreased, after 'which a thin mat of No.252 adhesive is applied to both metal and rubber, the latter being previously roughened. The coated surfaces mst be allowed to dry for 45 mirutes before fixing. MODEL' BENTLEY MARK VI F'ROPJT SEATS- - BENPLEY STAI'?DAED SALOON. There have been one or tro imtancee here the front eeats have split at the rear oornere *here the top leather ie etitched to the aide panel. The reason for this ie that the side leather is anchored to the back of the eeat on the outdde of the framerork and cannot flex inrerds sufficiently to follow up deflection of the top leather. An alteration has therefore been made a8 ehom in the dradng heredth. It dll be seen that the side well ie now datached from the back and ie paeaed inside the tubular etrut. Thie alteration can be applied to existing seats in the event of any complaint of eplitting. The procedure to adopt ie ae fo1lors:- 1. Remove eeat back millboard 14th carpet and hide. 2. Take aide will of meat cover inside the tubular etrut and *french1' securely to the topof the cover and piping. (This rill allowtheaide iell to flex with the seat cover instead of being conetrained by the tubular strut. 3. It may be found neceeeary to cut a emall portion of eurplus hide from the rear of the cushion cover to enable you to cover a portion of bare tube which may be left expoeed. Thie ie only a matter of an inch or eo 09 hide and may not be neceeeary in all caeee. 4. Replace the millboard seat back together vdth the carpet, using the eame seat back hide rrhich ie also refrenched round the top edge of the eeat back. ~~.1/~~.16.7.47. PR~NT~DIN ERGLAND MODEL' BENTLEY MARK VI YODIFICATION. FRONT WINGMUDFLAPS. Pront ring mud flaps are now fitted to all cars being manufactured with Bentley standard coachwork. Prior to this modification, a few cars have been delivered for selvice on which mud flaps were not fitted, end Retailers are advised that modification sets are avaiiable on appliuation to this Service Depot should owners of these cars wi8h to hsve theon fitted. The mud flaps are fitted to the rear underside of the front winga, the method of attachment being by angle plates and 2-BA bolts end nuts, the positioning of these may be noted from the attached drawing. Would Retailers kindly inform this Service Depot concerning chaasis rnmibers of individual cars on which they cam out this alteration. MGDiL BENTLEY MAAK VI MODEL BENTLEY MARK VI FJR CATEGORY 2 ACTICN: D30R STRIKER PLATJS. A modification has been introduced to provide an ;qi~.;-53type of striker plate for the door locks of the Be"3tley Stanrlard Saloon. The modified door striker plate emboayes a solid safety catch in place of the spring loaded safety catch in the original fitting. This alteration will now be incorporated on all Standard Saloons. On earlier models, the modified striker plate should be fitted retrospectively when cars become evailable at service stations. Arran ements have been mde for a number of the new striker plates ?Part No.RB-4228) to be foraarcled to Xetailen who Wre Bentley Standard Saloons in their area. In the event of further sugplies being necessary, they my be obtained from the hndon Service Depot. lECTlON U PRINTED IN ENGLAND M3DEi 6E4TiEY MARK V: The foll oning desarjpti on of a method of jmproving the eealjng of the sauttle venti.1ator js provided for the information of Ret.ailers, so that aation mey be taken in cases of complaints of leaks.. Briefly, this oonsjsts of fitting a ncw rubber seal, smnct-hing off with paint fjl1 ers etc. the unaerside of the ventilator ljd which oontaats the rubber and then, very aarefully rbassembling the ventilator to ensure 1- conteat with the rubber seal when in the a1os'ed p08 i t 3 on. New rubber eeals (part ~o:RB-2514) are obtainable from mhe Road Service Station. The 1-soommerded procedure is as f011 avs :- (i ) Detach the instrument. panel fmm its mounting by first the wood faci a which is retained by three screws at the top, and two screws along the bottm edge, and then remove the scrms securing the instrument mount5 ng plate. The mounting plate together wj th the 5 nstruments can then be pulled clear suffi a5 ently to gaj n access to the underside of tt!~venti.lp.tor. It. will now be rcssible to d't econnect the operatj ng lever from the ventilator, by rslcov<.ng the small bolt and the two locknuts. (ji ) Witk. the ve~tilatorin the open position, remove the two screws rh.:ch are fjtted at eack side of it (and acces~S'tlefrom cuts5de the car) and then lift off the ver.tilator. (5ji) Remove t.he ex5 sting rubber sealing etrip which has probably become f3 att-ened j.n plaoes , and then check that the water drajn pfpe from the ventilator trough is free from obstmction. If there is a partial bl ockage, it may be due to an exoeasive quantity of nrIhe@ivetteing wed for sticking tbe rubber &! :'.n ~osition. me nibber drain pipe can he removes jn olller to see if this is the trouble. When refitting the pipe, it is not necessary to use an edhess-re. MODEL BENTLFY MARK VI (iv) Stjok the new njbber' sealing strip i.n posit ion with Bostik or other suitable waterproof adhesive. !his openation will have to be vezy arrrefully oarried out, as jt js possjble tn rt*ick the rubber in posj ti on j n suah a way that the l 5p i 8 level wjth the nrajn body of the seal instead of stjokj ng \q, abwe 5 t . (see illustration) &PG, before allowing the adhesive to et-, make sire that the zlitler js so positioned that. it wS l1 aontaat the ljp of the ventj 1~.tcr 83 ! the way mud. Thj S aan eas5 ly be ohecked COR R ECT p---INCORRECT by placjng the --v ventilator in position ard then trying to rock it. Section through rubber seal, shuwing correct methods of stidcing I seal in position. (v .) bunination of the underaide of the lip of the ventilator will show that there are depressions at each corner oaueed by the cut-away of the heet metal before turning over the lip. These depressions prevent a good seal being made with the rubber, so it rill be neoessaxy to fill them in with paint fillers in order to make the surfaae smooth and flat. (vi) When refitting the ventilator, great care should be taken to ensure that it is aacurately poaitiozmd in relation to the rubber seal before the four sorows which eeoure it to the hinge are tightened.