State Plans to Divert Route 6 Traffic Years Ago Revealed
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Property of the Watertown Historical Society The watertownhistoricalsociety.orgWater!own - Gakvllie TOWN Weekly TIMES ¥oJ. 10; No. 470 Subscription Price. $3.00 Per' Y .Single Copy, 6 Cents December i, If56 Opening Of New Fletcher Judson School Ends Double School Sessions At Baldwin State Plans To Divert Route The Fletcher W. Judson School, inspected the work done by the on Hamilton Lane, opened its contractor, which, consisted, of doors to approximately .330 chil- providing a packed, .gravel walk dren Monday morning, •alleviating for the children, at the point where a "double sessions"- problem which the busses • •unload, he put the has- plagued school officials for machinery in motion for opening the-past three months. the .school on Monday. 6 Traffic Years Ago Revealed A-t a meeting on the school site Principal Livingston. " Crowe 11 last week, the Board of Educa- and. his staff and, a force of Board, Route 6, 'Watertown, has, 'been the highway is narrow and with- tion authorized Superintendent of of Education, employees set to a, problem, to both state and local, out sidewalks,, Schools Joseph B. Porter to open work moving the Judson. School officials for many years, because More recently, residents, town the; schools .as soon as certain from, its shared quarters in the Town Receives Over of rising traffic hazards which are officials and Watertown's State conditions set by the Board had Baldwin School to the new class- resulting from, the constantly in- Representative Roland W. Tyler been, fulfilled, An uncompleted rooms. $26,000 Payment creasing volume of vehicles pass- have been urging the Governor, portion of" a hard-surface walk The work progressed so rapidly ing 'through a. section where dwell- •the State Traffic Commission and was the reason for the School that it was possible to bring all ings, schools, churches and pub- the State Highway Department to, Board's action.. the pupils to the new school for a For Flood Damages lic buildings are concentrated and improve the situation on Route 6 ' As soon as the. Superintendent one-hour period last Friday, en- The Board of Selectmen on. Mon- 'between Buckingham Road and abling them, to become familiar day received a. check of $26,863.60' Alarm Fails To .. Hamilton Lane. with the new surroundings, the from the State in. payment of The action taken by the state $493 Quota Set In new bus schedule, and the loca- damages sustained by the town's authorities, in. view of the appeals tion of their classrooms in the roads and bridges during the 1955 Disrupt Grand for help, .astounded everyone.The Hungarian Relief sprawling, earn pus-type school. flood. state raised the speed, limits all 1 The pupils were all instructed March At Ball along Route 6, including the very Red 'Cross Drive to take their schoolbooks and The Selectmen's original request Just as firemen and their guests area, in Watertown for which re- equipment with, them,, thus effect- was for $35,000 but certain items, were lining- up for the Grand lief and. control are sought. Edward Thompson, Water-town ing a. saving of time and. money such as sidewalks, were not al- March at 11 o'clock last Saturday Police Chief Frank. Minucci re- .American Red Cross Chapter chair- lowed and. the rates for use of night at their annual ball in the marked that the raising of the man, announced this week that the on this phase of the move. The road equipment to make repairs (Continued on Page 14) were changed. firehouse, a fire broke out on the speed limit from. 25 to 40 •, quot3 a of the local Red. Cross, Chap- temporary wooden bridge over per hour is unwarranted,, "especi- ter for the Hungarian Relief fund „ Steele Brook on Route 6. ally near the intersection, of Route has been set at $493 by Red. Cross || However, the firemen were 6 and Route 63 where 'there are Headquarters,. Methodist Church Seeks $80,000 For fully prepared and. planned in ad- dangerous conditions,; heavily pop- The national appeal for five mil- ulated; small shoulders along 'the lion dollars, to aid emergency vance to prevent any incident highway; no sidewalks." . relief measures, for Hungarian re- Property Purchase And Improvements (Continued on Page 14) It. was also disclosed that, 'the fugees and to provide for an Inter- traffic situation on Route 6, six. (Continued on Page 14) 'The Methodist Church has raised erbough property. Members and years, ago had prompted the State more than $50,000 in its campaign friends of the parish are invited Committee Seeks Highway Department under for- for funds to finance the recent to attend the event which will mer Commissioner G. Albert Hill purchase of the former Louder- be held from 6:30 to 9:30' p.m. Holiday Gifts For to make definite plans for divert- 21 st Annual Toff bough property on. Main St., and The newly-purchased, property, ing as 'much traffic as possible capital improvements to the which was at one time part of Hospital Patients from Route 6 through, an express- Carol Service Sun. church's building. Improvement the Heminway Estate, is adjacent way. plans include remodeling of the to the Methodist Church and con- The Mental Health Committee In Christ Church Sanctuary. of Watertown announced this week A communication to this, effect sists of approximately two acres that they are sponsoring a gift was -sent by Commissioner Hill 'This Sunday, December 9, The The final report on the financial of land, the main house with 22 to Joseph R. Neili, Guernseytown drive will 'be made at an. Open collection for patients at the Fair- Taft School will present, its, twenty- rooms, and 61 bathrooms, a garage, field State Hospital, with December Rd., who was a member of the first annual Christmas Carol Ser- House on Dec:. 7 at 9 p.m.. in the and another dwelling, said to be 13 set. as the closing date to make State Development Commission. vice at The Christ Church, on the new parish house which, was form- one of the oldest houses in town, possible distribution of the gifts, The letter was dated December 20; Green in Watertown. The service erly the main building of the 'Loud- which had 'been converted by Dr. by Christmas. 1949 and Mr. Melll confirmed the will be .given at "f:45 p.m.. Mr. Henry Louder bough for his office The Committee is seeking gifts fact that It was written to Mm. in, Morgan, 'the director of the choir, quarters. The purchase price of for both, men and women, and a response to his: inquiry 'then as has announced some changes in the property was, $55,000.' complete list of suggested gift to the further relocation of Route the program this year. He has Fund Appeal Made The Methodist Church members items is available from members 6 around Watertown. added Areadelt's Ave Maria, of the committee. Local committee {Continued on Page 14) Vaughan William's God Rest -Ye To Buy Christmas had completed, plans to build a members are Mrs. Harold C. Ash- Merry, Gentlemen, and Christian- new parish house arid had or- worth, Chairman; Cor bin Hauer- sen's .Beautiful- Savior among ganized for the financial campaign was and Melvin Hathaway. others.- when, the opportunity suddenly PHNA Board To Dinners For Needy came to buy the Louderbough Mrs. Ashworth announced that 1 The Christmas service 'was in- The Town's, Welfare Department property, since1 Dr., and Mrs. Henry the committee is also accepting Discuss Budget stituted by Mr. Morgan, in. 1935 is making its. annual appeal, at this Louderbough were moving to an- j money gifts for the Patients" Ac- and. it was the first such service time for funds to purchase Christ- other state. tivity Fund of the hospital, in the area... As in the past, two mas dinners for the sick and needy. If gifts are wrapped, it is, re- With U. F. Panel choirs are taking part, in the per- Mrs. Lilian McCleery, superin- It is now planned to use the quired that they be individually •The United Community Fund! formance — a. chancel choir con- tendent- of 'the Welfare Depart- main dwelling of the newly ac- packaged and marked to show budget committee will meet with sisting of twenty two boys and an ment, also announced that any quired, property for parlors and whether the gift is. for a man o:r the entire Board of the Watertown. anti phonal • .choir consisting of amount contributed will be grate- Sunday School departments, A a woman, If the donor wishes, he Public Health. Association twenty-five boys. Mrs. Morgan, a fully accepted. committee, with Bronson Hickox may attach paper and twine to on, Dec. 10 at the Munson House, voice teacher and a 'singer her- Individuals and families who are as chairman, has been appointed the gift, and. it will be wrapped it was announced by Melvin S. self, 'will direct: the antiphonal. not eared for 'by any agency or to study the space needs of the by volunteer workers, at the hos- Hathaway, association president. Miles; F. McNiff, III, son of Mr. group are provided with a Christ- parish. pital. The United Fund has instituted and Mrs. Miles F. McNiff, Jr., mas basket of food, by the Depart- Contributions and gifts, may 'be a new procedure in appraising: Cutler St., and Harry" E. Leonard ment. The financial drive is headed up left at Georges Market or the Wa- the budget requests of the various, ..Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry It is hoped .that the response by Arthur P.