KNOWLEDGE – International Journal Vol. 45.5 TOURIST POTENTIAL OF THE VLASINA LAKE Miodrag Šmelcerović Academy Of Professional Studies South Serbia, Department of Technology and Art - Leskovac, Republic of Serbia,
[email protected] Abstract: Lakes, as important hydrographic objects, have been attracted the attention of researchers from different disciplines. The lakes are a natural evolution and created objects, important for a variety of activities. Therefore, their valorization complex job, especially because it is difficult to coordinate research and application works and the interests of a large number of users with the same lake. Natural and artificial lakes are characterized by low power of self-purification and the preservation of the purity of their water is a primary task. Only when lakes have enough clean water, they can be subject to the process of tourist valorization. This is especially true for lakes in mountainous areas (Vlasina Lake), some of which have the status of national park areas, with specific features or other forms of protection. Serbia has a large number of artificial lakes and several natural lakes. Almost all of our lakes have tourist importance, namely Vlasina lake is located mainly in the municipality of Surdulica, to a lesser extent in the municipality of Crna Trava. Natural resource limits within the first municipalities are covered by parts of the following cadastral municipalities: Vlasina Rid, Vlasina Okruglica, Vlasina Stojkovićeva, Bozica, Drajinci and Groznatovci but in another municipality was affected part of the cadastral municipality of Crna Trava. Keywords: mountain lakes, Vlasina lake, national park in Serbia, area of exceptional importance. TURISTIČKI POTENCIJAL VLASINSKOG JEZERA Miodrag Šmelcerović Akademija strukovnih studija Južna srbija odsek za tehnološko umetničke studije– Leskovac, Republika Srbija,
[email protected] Abstrakt: Jezera, kao važni hidrografski objekti, odavno su privukla pažnju istraživača različitih struka.