This is an author produced version of a paper published in Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. This paper has been peer-reviewed but does not include the final publisher proof-corrections or journal pagination. Citation for the published paper: Grabbe, Mårten; Lalander, Emilia; Lundin, Staffan; Leijon, Mats "A review of the tidal current energy resource in Norway" Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2009, Vol. 13, Issue 8, pp. 1898-1909 URL: Access to the published version may require subscription. A review of the tidal current energy resource in Norway Marten˚ Grabbe Emilia Lalander Staffan Lundin Mats Leijon The Swedish Centre for Renewable Electric Energy Conversion Division of Electricity, The Angstr˚ om¨ Laboratory Uppsala University P.O. Box 534, SE-751 21 Uppsala, Sweden Telephone: +46 (0)18 471 5843, Fax: +46 (0)18 471 5810 Email:
[email protected] Website: Abstract As interest in renewable energy sources is steadily on the rise, tidal current energy is receiving more and more attention from politicans, industrialists, and academics. In this article, the conditions for and potential of tidal currents as an energy resource in Norway are reviewed. There having been a relatively small amount of academic work published in this particular field, closely related topics such as the energy situation in Norway in general, the oceanography of the Norwegian coastline, and numerical models of tidal currents in Norwegian waters are also examined. Two published tidal energy resource assessments are reviewed and compared to a desktop study made specifically for this review based on available data in pilot books.