Albuquerque Morning Journal, 01-30-1922 Journal Publishing Company
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 1-30-1922 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 01-30-1922 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 01-30-1922." (1922). abq_mj_news/462 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. '(ifr lliljiL'mitf'ISfiMtll'il'g:"li1 0 ' CITY CITY 1 C3TDB EDITION ALBXTQHEIBQUE MORNING tNAL EDITION POISXY-SKOM- ) YKAK New Mexico, Monday, 30, 1922. Dally hj Carrier or Mull, 85c n Month I'Oli. CLXXII. No. Albuquerque, January S:nglr il .lo IGHURGH USED TO archbishop cf mm n mahtle tLIST OF THOSE REPRESENTATIVE MOUNTS AS DEATH LIST hamed as pope s easi; HURT IN MOVIE CARE FOR MOVIE possibility HOUSE CRASH TELLS STORY OF RESCUE N (By Thp AHMteliileil PrpKH.) As- GATASTHOPHE HUUbt 23 YEARS Washington, Jan. 2:i (by the li Elirid , sociated I'ross.) the in- HS in (lie Kniekerhocker theater i jured ; iliyasti-- were: Christian Scientists Throw J Middle Atlantic Section! Neddie I Jr jn Jim. Bntteman Adams, M0IIETHE1TER WRECKAGE: Their House of Worship Spent Sunday in Efforts Tomasso Asset o, third secretary of IRE the Italian embassy: .Itine Berg- Open; It Is Used As First J(?f ;V to Resume Activities Halt- - man Mines, ll axle Ruehlcr, Mrs. J. tf, Unwell. Mrs. Bernard I'.rofs-lcal- t, Florida Congressman, Who Aid Station. ed Friday Night. Miss Sadie Bresslcau, Joseph I ( Bruce, L'lliott Brumbaugh, ; i Was in the Balcony at RE (By The Ansoclntcd I're.) BLIZZARD HEADED heit Cnplan, M. 10. Caslney, Mrs. 2!t As- De- Washington, Jan. (by the Mary Chalmers, C. C. I.afli. Mis.-- i the Knickerbocker, OH sociated Press.) Recovered from TOWARD BERMUDAS Margaret Cole, James A. Curtain, scribes the Disaster, the wreck and horror of the ruined W. 1. B. ,1. I.. a hodson, Ilodsnii, Knickerbocker theater, pitiful With Weath- Dm land, .Mrs. J. L. Dur!a:;d. .Mrs. stream of mangled bodies, dead Even Favorable Guy S. Mldridge, Miss Mary ESCAPES UNAIDED BUT ROOF OF MOVING and living, flowed all last night Miss Fonts. William A CAUSES ot er Normal Conditions Will Ruth Ml and today Into the lower rooms Galloway, Dr. Clyde M. Gearliart. CANNOT SAY JUST HOW a Christian Science church, a few Not Be Restored for Days, Xorntan I. Gibson, and sister: hundred away. At the first i yards Mm. Ilaby. lfngh Glenn. Moo Ducks As Plas- word of the disaster, the place was Is Report. Gold. Dr. Custis i.eohall and wife; a Piece of foil: 1 thrown open to those stricken Ivy a in It on. Dr. H. K. Ilayden ter Starts to Fall; Men, and the hundreds of others who (By The ANtmrliilrcl Prcsn.) and two children: Warren llelph-iii- , or Occurs at the camo to search for their dead Washington, Jan. 29. Hurled Mrs. Douglas llillyer, ('apt. I. Women and Children Disaster Washington During, injured. from one to more two ii. Hills. U. S. A., and wife: M. sta- -- under than Groan Call of It was merely a first aid 1 Pera Hill, Miss Helen Hopkins, and for Help. cf a Film Comedy; Exploration tion for the who were car- - feet of snow by one of the most Showing injured, severe snow storms In several Margaret John, John Kleimer, Mrs Be- ried there on stretchers. Doctors T. (By Tho Atsorlntrd and Those in decades, the middle Atlantic sec- li'iv;ird Kneesi, Henry I.aoev. Prosn.) the Ruins Continues Charge and nurses and women tenderly i S. M. Lee. .louan A. Oreste Jan. 29 tion in to Margnt, Washington, (by the washed from the suffering the sient Sunday efforts Lillian T. Additional Bodies Will Be of activities supondod Friday Matillo, Masse. John Associated Press.) An avalanche lieve Found; gray dust of crumpled concrete, Jlrs. Julius McKinney, caked blackened some- night when the storm broke. of broken plaster, bricks, snow, the blood, The described the Mertie, Mr. nnd Mix. Jonas the 87 Have Been Identified. times hours of storm, by V. splintered wood nnd twisted steel Dead, by waiting pinned weather bureau as the worst in Michahas, T. Monahan, Wake, under the debris. were T : beams on tho audi- Bandages e field, R. S"o!t Montgomery, catapulting nnd then tho were twenty-thre- years, tonight had A. ence while the the Associated Press). applied injured out to sea and Its center John Morgant, Herbert and orchestra played Washington, Jan. 30, (By taken to hospitals or home. passed Mildred Nash, John nnd Katherine and a comedy film ground out. the In Hows. was said by the weather bureau to Is records Head Double north-northea- N'esblt, Clarence R. the description of the Knick- Official police early today placed l.y be some distance st Newkirk, Mrs, theater disaster But the dead lay long in the l'asfUalc, Alice I'as,iial,', Henry erbocker theater disaster given to- known dead in the Knickerbocker double rows In which of the Bermudas. they as center of Pearson, Miss Virginia Poole. Mim day by Representative John H. 107. Elimination of names broupht stretched across the until Washington, the K. at duplicated floor, lay storm's suffered the Ruth I'ostley, Mrs. Henry S Smitlnvick of Ponsaeola. Ela. He of 112. a tearful relative or friend, a hus- the strength, Wilson Miss was In the when the roof the final total down from the unofficial,peak most severely a toll of nearly 10U Powell, Henry and balcony band or wife or father or mother, Kdolin John Ma,-ti- e its of The list of stood at 134 with 14 listed as lives having been taken and more Wilson; Prezioso, collapsed under weight injured recognized the crushed form. Rhea, Hello Ib nibo. Edward A. snow. He escaped unaided Just Some ot the seekers came with than 100 Injured. Tho loss of life "seriously injured." hero was duo to the Sacks, New York City; Ilarrv U. how he cannot recall with more tho dirt and of the wreck- principally Mat-ti- grime of the roof of a motion Sacy. Walter I'rd Saey, Mrs, or less serious hurts. age on them still. Some had collapse Schwab, K. IT. Plaster Begins to Fall. Jan. 29, (By the Associated Press). the theater crash picture theater under the weight of shaughnessy, Washington, passed through x second assistant gen- "The orchestra was In twenty-si- inches of snow and this postmaster playing are known to have lost their lives in the only to leave a dear one dead eral; Mrs, E. music and a comic film was run- Ninety persons mass. had catastrophe also counted for most Shaughnessy. Knicker- tho tangled They Myrtle Shaughnessy, Ruth Shaugh- ning," he said in his bed. hand-age- d collapse last night of the snow laden rocf of the worked hours with tho rescuers of the injuries. Snow lilocks Streets. nessy, Representative John A. and with his face and hands bocker motion theater. Rescue workers, fighting to find that one only to turn now and Sniithwiek of picture Daybreak today found th capi- Florida: Albert R. covered with cuts. "Suddenly dark and had re- then for a nurrled trip to the Sward. Martha Strayer, Mrs. Ger- there was a crack. I saw a a desperate battle through daylight, chamber of death. tal without street car service, its sharp More with its su- trude Taylor, Lieutenant Colonel great fissure across tho covered that number tonight. than a hundred Kleven times death struck down streets blocked snow, U. S. running burbs cut off, deliveries of perish- Taylor. A.; Leonard and celling, right over my head. The others are known to have been husband and wife seated side by side. Elizabeth 'rheunlssen, Christiana to injured. it w.u able foodstuffs curtailed, nnd many plaster began fall, all over the in Knickerbocker theater But many other limes only Thomson, Etta Underwood, Caro- It seemed to me. While The identified dead the wife or who per- buildings endangered by the load theater, the tho .husband at- line Upsaw, Nathan I. I was The children of snow. Sunday was spent In Urdong, looking up a great piece catastrophe are ished. times when Cardinal Uatti. of von Pouckli, Col. C. M. over head to ESF.NTATIVK E. MARTIN-DAL- were taken were storm tempts to restore a semblance right my started FO BM E II RKPR MRS. NORMAN few, the aid- Wesson, !'. S. A.: Nancv Wesson, fall. I invol- most of them at home. normal conditions and though Miss ducked, crouching, V J. BARCHFELD, formerly of having kept Cardinal Ratti of one of the most created ed1 sunshine Mael.ean White, Edward A. I down MISS AGNES MILTON. Stretelx r S:;uads. Milan, recently princes by favorable weather untary, suppose, between Pittsburgh. Pa. of the church, is mentioned prominently in connection with the with thawing the Williams, Mrs, Juliette Webb, Miss the seats. The piece struck ohe MRS. JEAN MIRSKY. I'P the long path, trodden temperature Inez Edward A. Wil- MISS HELEJ BARCHFIELD, election of a successor to Pope Benedict. It will be recalled that city tonight was still in the grip of Woodruff, seat where I had been sitting. The MISS VERONICA MI'RrHY. through heavy rhow, that ran from a a liams, Miss Marie Young, Mrs.