Mitteilungen Der Botanischen Staatssammlung München
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ZOBODAT - Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München Jahr/Year: 1958 Band/Volume: 2 Autor(en)/Author(s): Lane Irwin E. Artikel/Article: GENERA AND GENERIC RELATIONSHIPS IN MUSACEAE 114-131 - 114 - © Biodiversity Heritage Library,; B Laubblätter bis zu 5 cm lang und 3 nun breit, vom Sten- gel in einem spitzen V/inkel abstehend, Ehachis kurz und weich behaart, Stengel an der Basis in einige meist nur wenig verzweigte Äste geteilt, Infloreszen- zen end- -und achselständig. Blüten 10-12 mm lang, Te- palen mit etwa zwei Dritteln ihrer Länge verwachsen, Seitenabschnitte des freien Pileunentteils die Antheren weit überragend, Fruchtknoten länglich-eiförmig, nach oben zu stark verjüngt; Griffel kurz, aber deutlich ab- gesetzt, Narbenäste kurz \ind kräftig, dick-pfriemenför- mig. G.angustiflora Mart. Eine Aufzählung der Arten folgt im nächsten Heft. GENERA AND GENERIC RELATIONSHIPS IN MUSACEAE by IRWIN E. LANE The Musaceae . sensu latu, have received an extremely varied treatment, although the genera have generally been uniformly circumscribed and contrasted, as the genera are very distinct, As a result of intensive study of the genus Heliconia and a consideration of the relationships of the genus, a review of the entire family, at least as to the genera, has been necessary, Although this has not res\ilted in a completely new rearrangement of the fsimily, some of the observations are new and are here presented with a discussion of the generea. Endlicher (Gen, PI, 227-229. 1836-40), following Rich- ard (Comment.Musac. 1831), divides the family into two tribes; Heliconieae , with the Single genus Heliconia , seeds solitary in a locttle and septicidal dehiscence of the oapsule; and üranieae containing the other genera of Musaceae, characterized by seeds many in a loctile and de- - 115 - © Biodiversity Heritage Library,; hiacence loctilicidal, Later Eichler (Blutend iagramme 167 -169, 1875) pointed out the difference in orientation of tiie flower of the Heliconieae , thus emphasizing the dif- ference 3 in the two tribes, Bentham and Hooker (Gen, Plant. III: 639 & 655-657. 1880) have treated the Musaceae aa a tribe of their Ordo (family) Scitamineae, Baker (Annala of Botany VII: 189- 222, 1893) does not divide the family, thoixgh in his key to the genera, the Separation of Musa on the basis of the unisexixal flowers, groupa the genera in the same man- ner as the later workers have divided the family into subfamiliea, Heliconia is divided into the aubgenera Pla- tyohlamya and Stenochlamya . Ravenala is divided into the aubgenera Urania and Phenakospermum , And Musa separated into the aubgenera Physocaulia , Eumuaa and Rhodochleumya . Orchidantha waa not included with the family though he had included it under the tribe Muaeae in Hooker' a Flora of Britiah India (VI: 200 & 263-264, 1892), Petersen (in Bngler & Prantl, Natürliche Pflanzen- familien II-6: 1-10, 1889) adopted the Richard claaaifi- cation and placed Orchidantha at the end, aa probably belonging to the family, But Schiimann (Daa Pflanzenreich IV: 1-42, 1900) divided the family into three aubfsimiliea: Muaoideae . with apirally arranged vegetative atructtirea and uniaexual flowers; and the Strelitzioideae and Lowi- oideae with diatichoua vegetative parte and hermaphrodi- tio flowera, The latter two aubfamiliea were separated from each other by the flowers being aolitary or in paniclea, and the sepals connate into a tube in the Lowi- oideae , Strelitzioideae was divided into two tribea, the Strelitzieae with pluriovulate loculea, a loculicideüL, three-valved capaule and arillate seeda, and the Helico- nieae , with \rniovulate loculea, a capaTile of three cocci sind exarillate aeeda, The division of the genera follo- wed Baker f or the Museae and Strelitzieae. smd reduced the subgenera of Heliconia to the statua of sectiona, re- placing the subgeneric name of Platychlamya with the pre- viously published Taeniostrobua of Kuntze. Thia claaaifi- cation waa accepted by Winkler (Natürliche Pflanzenfami- lien 2. Auflg. 15a, 505-545, 1930), with the only change being the placing of Ravenala in a separate tribe, the Ravenaleae , Hutchinson (The Familiea of Plowering Planta, Mono- cotyledona 71-73, 1934) haa divided the Musaceae of Schumann into three familiea: Muaaceae wf-fch the aingle genus Musa; Lowiaceae with only Orchidantha (Lowia); and StreliTziaceae with Ravenala , Phenakospermum , Strelitzia , and HeliconiaT No attempt waa made to divide the laat family into amaller unita; and the basia for the Separa- tion waa the aame charactera uaed by Schumann for aepa- ration into aubfamiliea. - 116 - © Biodiversity Heritage Library,; Perhaps the extreme in Classification of the Musa- ceae has been reached by Nakai (Journal of Japanese Bo- tany Vol. 17 No. 4, unf ortxinately not seen; and Bulletin of the Tokyo Science Museum No, 22: 5-24. July 1948), in which he separates off the genus Heliconia as the Helico- niaceae ; presumably accepts the Lowiaceae ; and definitelj accepts the Musaceae and Strelitziaceae sensu Hutchinson. In the latter publication"i the Strelitziaceae are divided into the three subfamilies, Strelitzioideae , Ravenaloide- ae , and Phenakospermoideae , with the last subfamily divi- ded into two tribes, the Phenakospermeae , and the Musi - dendreae, to take the newly described genus Musidendron which he separates from Phenakospermum. The distinctness of the genus Ensete is accepted, and it is divided into two sections, Musa is divided into 11 subgenera and with- in which 9 sections and subsections are placed. Schumann grouped Heliconia , Rgvenala, Strelitzia , and Phenakospermum (as a subgenus of Ravenala) together on the basis of the distichous arrangement of the leaves, and the hennaphrodite flowers, V'inkler and Hutchinson ac- cepted this grouping, These treatments are based only on the appearence of the vegetative plant: "denn Ravenala xmä. Strelitzia zeigen in allen Verhältnissen bis auf die angebliche Stellung des berührten Organes für jeden unbe- fangenen Beobachter ausschliesslich Beziehungen zu Heli- conia « ...«", disregardin« the basic differences of the orientation of the flower which is as Eichler described: the presence or absence of the aril; and the anatomical differentiation afforded by the lack of xylum and phloem Strands in the central parenchyma of the root of only Heliconia . With the lack of Information of the genus He- liconia , and the general prevalence of an apparent dis- tichous arrangement of the vegetative parts, the simila- rity between the members of this group is understandable, However with the discovery of certain species of Heliconia which do not have a distichous arrangement of the vegeta- tive parts, and others which have only a pseudo-distichous arrangement, the entire basis for the Separation of Musa from the other members is reduced to the lack of unisexu- al flowers in other than Musa, In fact, there is some question in my mind as to whether distichy exists in Heliconia ; only a careful mor- phological examination of many or all species will reveal the answer. There also exists the possibility that the distichy observable in Strelitzia and the other genera may be only pseudo-distichy , By pseudo-distichy is meant the appearance of distichy in the mature members, here the leaves, but the arrangement of the buds or of the bases of th*e leaves indicates that the Insertion is actually spiral. In Heliconia (e,g, H,hirsuta L,f, or H,psittacorum L.f,), though the leaves appear to be distichous, the buds and the leaf bases on the rhizome as well as the scales which - 117 - © Biodiversity Heritage Library,; Cover the elongate rhizomes of the latter epecies, are arranged in a definite apiral, The later formed buds on the erect portion of the rhizome of H.psittaoorum become more and more apparently distichoua as the developing previous leaves exsert more and more pressure. In spite of what Winkler states, the inflorescence of Musaceae is not inostly terminal, That it ie terminal in üeliconia , Phenakoapermum , and Musa, there ia no doubt. But in Ravenala and Strelitzia it is not terminal, Aa evidence one needs note only that succeasive leaves, aa many aa 5 or 6, in Str, retinae , Str,paryifolia , Str , Nicolai , and Ravenala mada^aacarieneia will subtend inflorescences, Excluding the genus Ü.rchidantha , which has been re- ferred to another family, and for which a discussion and data are presented fiirther on, the family Muaaceae , and the component genera may be characterized as follows. MUSACEAE Large or giant herbs or lignified atemmed planta from a corm or rhizome, The leaves are either apirally or diatichoualy arranged and conaiat of a sheathing baae, which forma the pseudostem found in certain genera, usu- ally a well differentiated petiole and a dorso-ventral blade with a midrib composed of the veins in a groxmd- tissue, This midrib is gradually lost toward the apex as the lateral veina diverge from it at regulär intervals, paas to the margin where they conflue into an intramargi- nal vein, and with the stomata oriented perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the blade, The inflorescence ia terminal or lateral, composed of spathes distichous or spirally arranged,