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.: . .J Remember to Vote Tom6rroM>---’P^ih Will Be Open 6 a. nC to 7 pitn. r— .*

^ T ttagt Daily Net Pnae Run - The Weather^ tke W«ck BaM roBMMt oi V. a. WMtatr ftneea Qptofcwr 11, IN *

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VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 28 (TWENTY-1 PAGES—TWO SE(7nONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1964 (OlauUled Adrerttsliif «a Page M) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Qov. Dempsey JIWMl'Call Reapportionment Session Record HARTFORD ( k m __ the . time limit and in compli-^pressures and tensions of the ance with the terms of the lat­ national election campaign are Governor Dempseyey said.said .to­ est federal ‘ court judgment,” over," he said, "that the Gen­ day he will call the General Governor Dempsey said. eral Assembly will be able to Assembly into special ses­ ^ Since many legislative and act responsibly in the reappor­ •J sion on or before a court- poHpcal leaders “have already tionment matter So that the Political Goldwiater madb plans to take shoft vaca­ business of the state can be imposed deadlinerof Nov. tions aftor-the activities of the conducted In an orderly man­ 16f but deferred setting a luitional 4Ieptlon,” the governor ner.” Sees Upset late until he can talk with said, "I will pot set a dale . . . The governor said he Iras dis­ Scene party leaders. ‘ until I have had. the opportuni­ cussed with the attorney gen­ The governor said he expects ty to check wlth-piese leaders eral the question of whCn a new Of Century the "holdover” legislature, if it as to their plana.” General Assembly might be t complies with the court’s time ‘It has always beeif my be­ elected under a temporary re- I Polls Unanimous WASHINGTON (A P)~ table, to continue to conduct lief,” ho added, "that legfslative apportionment which the court ‘ NEW YORK (AP) — The has said must be planned by The long, strident election . the business osf the state for the reapportionment and redlstfict- polls are unanimous. They poipt campaign comes to a close normal winter and spring legis­ ing should be handled by the ^ Jw*., 30. to victory for President John.son lation session. General Assembly itself and- He dtelined to speculate on a Tuesday. today witli every indicator The announcehient this not by the courts." The gover­ date, but 'Said he believes the But Sen. Barry Goidwater of a computerized, poll-con­ morning followed consultations nor said he was ‘keenly disap­ holdover legislature could "con­ says he’ll win. scious era pointing toward with Atty. Gen. Harold H. Mul- pointed” by, the failure' of the tinue the business of-the state" "I know the polls don’t agree victory for President John­ vey and Secretary of State El­ fall special session to act on so long as it sets up tliS special with me, but they never have,” son. la Orasso. — reapportionment in time for to­ election procedure by Jan. 30. he said Friday night. "I will call a special s^ion morrow’s election. -■A nationwide Associated In 27 hours of elapsed time, '*of the General Assembly within *T am hopeful now that the (See Page Nineteen) PreSs survey of polls showed beginning at 12:01 a.m. .EST figures ' indicating Johnson’s Tue.sday in some New England , percentage of.the popular vote towns and winding up with the ' ’ might approxfitiate the 20th closing of polls in western Ala»- century highs. ka, some 70 million Americans - ' The 20th century record is will choo.se a president, 28 goyC .Franklin D'.'Roosevelt’s 60.8 per emors, 438 House membert and 35 senators. cent of the vote in 1936 against Republican Alf Landon. Repub­ Although he made no predic­ lican Warren G.''Harding got tions on the. exlent of the ^ctory 60.4 per cent in 1920. Dwight D. he cMfWently expects. Presi­ Esenhower got 67.4 per cent In dent^ Johnson obviously hoped 1986. he would roU up more than the Here’s a rundown' on the la­ centlBy’s record 60.8 per' cent of the vote registered for Franklin test national polls: D. Roosevelt In 1636. This would Gallup Poll — A semifinal poll give him a maiSBiye -victory in by Dr. George Gallup gave Uie 638-vote^Electofal College. Johnson 64 'per cent, Goidwater 29 per cent and undecided 7 per GOP presidential nominee Eterry Goidwater-wSJS predicting cent. Louis Harris Poll — Johnson the . ’’upset o^ the century” 60 per cent, Goidwater 34 per would make him the wiimer cent, undecided 6 per cent. ■ •• despite the poll Indicators-:^, Popcorn' Poll Johnson led against any such result.’ Pri­ vately his aides were conceed- 78-22 among purchasers of 99-year-old Carl Schwendy ready for 20th GOP ballot popcorn in movie theaters and Ing only Masaachuaetta, Coonee- ticut, Rhode laland, Absaka and supermarkets. They picked Hawaii to President Jtdmaoa. Harry S. ’Truman in 1948. 80 Million Voted First for Harrison Aides of Jtdinaon ^ d they Newsweek magazine — A poli had given up only on Missiaslppl ol SO Washington correspond­ and Alabama. They brieve they ents showed 40 predicting a May Cast pote have a chance to carry every Johnson victory. T^eir consen­ sus gave Johnson 484 elector WASH1NGToH'^(AP> — other state, including Johnsbn’a New Jersey Man Set native Texas and Qoldwatwr’a votes to 84 for Goidwater. Nearly 80 million ^Ameri­ native Arizona. ' Samuel Lubell — His latest cans, a recotxl, are expected summary of nationwide find- to vote in- Tuesday’s elec­ ’ The two standard bearini tions. Election officials and For His. 20th Election make final televised bids for ingattt VibandeUde victory for votes tonigiit. Pre.sident Johnson.” political observers in all The President and hia nmniRg states and the District of ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. (A P )— When Carl Paul mate, Sen. Hubert H. flNim- Columbia made the predic­ phrey, will, appear on a pre­ * Governors , tion in an Associated Press Schwendy votes for a presidential candidate Tuesday, taped program arranged for 10^ survey. WASHINGTON (AP) Candi­ it will be the 20th tim^ he has cast a ballot in a general 10:30 p.m. EST on the NBC Gaping holes iVere blasted in U.S. Army barracks at the Bien Hba Air Base in TheyNestlmated that 88,- network. Viet Nam in newest Viet Cong raid. A ir view shews some of the damage to the dates for governorships in 28 election. states have shown varying de­ 697,400 Americans are refe- Schwendy, who will be 100 to put ms in tbs German Goidwater and his ruimli>c istered or otherwise to vote army.” mate, Rep. William E. Miller, buildings. Four Americans were killed and 29 woundef. (AP Photofax.) grees of enthusiasm about rid­ years old nextA pril, says he ------— — — — ------in the presidential election. Schwendy joined the postal will appear on a pre-taped 0:80- ing the coattails of their party’s cast his first vote for Benjamin presidential nominee. They predicted that of this service in Atlantic City, retiring 10 p.m. EST program to be Some are hanging on tightly, number 70,856,050 wUl cast Harrison in 1888. After 19 gener­ in 1932 after 28 years service. carried by CBS. Enlarging War Talk Revived others ride with one foot on and ballots. al elections, he is still voting a . Despite his age, Schweqdy Johnson heads for Texas this Events will walk unassisted the two one foot off and some won’t ride straight Republican ticket. afternoon for electicHi eve cam­ blocks to the school to vote paigning in Houston, Pasadena at all. ’’Never in my life have I ever Voters in 11 states will select Four Fatalities Tuesday. and Austin. Then he will fly ^ thought of voting tiny cither'v "And why. not, I walk wherev- with his family to their Johnaoa In State New Viet Cong Raid a new governor in ’Tuesday’s way,” Schwendy said In an ' elections. In 14 other states, sr I want to go,” hd said. City home to await Tuesday’s On State Roads interview ’ at his daughter's His daughter, Tillie Hasson, returns. they’ll either re-elect the home. ”I was a Republican the present governor or choose his confirms that her father is con­ Goidwater, battling to wh| May Bring Showdown NEw /Ih AVEN (AP)— Con­ first time I voted, and I ’ll re­ stantly on the move < vital (California, speaks today in Deins May Sweep challenger. Eighteen of the 25 main one until I die.” governorships now are held by necticut’s weekend traffic toll: ’ ’He’ll walk to the com er (4 San Francisco. Tonight he ends A l l Contests Democrats. Two little boys, struck by cars, In his younger days Schwendy blocks), catch a bus, and the hla vote-hunting travels in the WASHINGTON (A P )— The Communist raid on a The coattails of President and two women, whose cars was a Republican ward leader next thing you know we’ll find little Arizona town-Df F re d o n i^ in Philadelphia. out he’s In Philadelphia, visiting where he wound up both o f Ujg U.S. air base near Saigon Saturday has stirred up new Johnson or Republican Barry swerved off the road. Goidwater ,,fbuld help some In addition, a Stamford ” It was nothing in those days friends. Senate campaigns. Then he flm HARTFORD (AP) — Schwendy believes television talk here of enlarging the war in South Viet Nam. woman w m killed in a three- to vote in one ward, then go to to Phoenix to spend ElMflon Most political.. observers make it intb- the"-- governor’s h8U9 had a good effect on poli­ U.S. officials said today that mansion, but for others, grab- car pile up at Owego, N.Y. another ward and vote again,” Day with his family their consider Connecticut sure events’ seem to be mbving to-'|'is, supporting within South Viet .said Schwendy. who moved to tics. home overlooking the/Ariaona ” In the old days, the only to give a majority of its ward a confrontation between Nam the efforts of that coun­ (See Page Ten) (Sqe Page Ten) New Jersey in 1900. desert. / try's leaders to gain the upper time you saw the candidates votes to President Johnson .the United States and Commu­ "And there was a lot of vote Miller spent Sunday in Wash­ nist North Viet'Nam, backed by hand in the long struggle wdth was at meetings,” he said. ington and plans - to remain in tomorrow, but how will the buying. But they could never ■"Now everyone can see them on Red China, on the issue of secu- the Viet Cong rebels. buy my vote. A man who'd sell the capital tod^i>efore going to President Johnson met Sun­ television,' and (he people can presidential contest affeot i^ty and peace in Southeast his voje doesn’t have a heart.” his L ock port,^ .Y . home ’Tueo- Asia. day with Secretary of State use their common sense to day. the otliers on the ballot? Schwendy was born In New The campaigns for Senate and The whole situation seems Dean Rusk, Secretary of De­ make a choice.” Hum phry scheduled rattles King Dethroned York City but went to Germany His election prdiction? ’’Gold- certain to get urgent attention fense Robert S. McNamara and today In/Los Angeles and Salt House of Representatives have with his mother at the age of 5 from President Johnson and his other policy makers and expert water, naturally, and the wom­ Lake ^ t y before winding up In all been colored by the race be- after his father died. en are going to, win the whole between Johnson and his Re­ top- military and diplomatic on the Southeast Aslan .situa­ Minp4apolis. He will be at hia tion. The principal concrete thing for him this time,” he publican opponent. Sen. Barry advisers In the weeks following ” I returned to America when W ^erly, Minn., home Ttiesday. Tue.sday’s presidential election. action announced after the[t/ii Saudi Arabia I wa.s 21,.’ he said. ’’They trledreplied, with a broad grin. /In a campaign generally re­ Goidwater, Officials said the course the meeting was that the aircraft garded as the bitterest In mod­ Estimates of the plurality the war actually takes in the weeks which- were destroyed by the T -7 president is likely (o get start em times, Johnson rode the ahead wUl depend primarily on raid on Blen Hoa airfield near issues of peace and prosperity. at 100,000 votes and range up­ DAMASCUS, Syria (A P )— Saudi Arabia’s King decisions to IM made by North Saigon had been replaced. He tabbed Goidwater as' aa ward. Many of the' guesses are Viet Nam and Red China. Officials virtually ruled out Saud was dethroned today and his brother, Crown "extremist” and as a man In the neighborhood of 200,000 200-Youth Rumhl^^ If the Communists decide to einy Immediate retaliatory ac­ Prince and Prime Minister Faisal, was proclaimed king whose finger oould not be trust- , and there are some at 400^,000- fjtep up their support for the tion against the Reds by U.S. of the oil-rich desert state, Mecca radio announced. ed near the button of'nucle plus. ■Viet Cong forces in South Viet forces. They said this was an Information mlnl.ster 'Jamal ------weapons control'; If Johnson should win big, the' Nam, these officials said, there incident within the war in South 1 i Hujailan. read a statement over Riyadh, receiving delegations In Bay State T^wn Offering what he c a ll^ *’a Democrats might sweep the con­ is every ■ prospect of very seri­ Viet Nam w d not comparable saying Cabinet , ,,, . radio , saying Cabinet from all over the country who choice and not an echo,’”Xk>ld- tests foix’ the Senate seat and ous trouble ahead. to the North Vietnamese Torpe- | ministers and religious consul water zeroed In on "morality If they choose not to, increase do boat a ack on U^S de.stroy. in inint came to swear allegiance to the six House seats, in joint session him. AVON, Mass. (AP)—While anli-^t forces mustered A victory across the board their efforts, it was said, the ers patrollinjjF— Gulf of- this morning, approved ' the (See'Page ^en) United States probably wllT|.Tonkin last August. In that case The broadra.st said nothjng in northeastern Massachusetts to Atfert a rumored teen- was predicted Saturday by dethronement of Saud, 62, and about .Baud's future plajw; hut ------^ ------State and National Democratic follow about the same basic | ' ------the proclamation of 88-year-ol but made no prediction of vic­ wake of meetings of princes and today. ' volved from the surrou'nding LONDON (AP) — Oxford tory. religious leaders in Saudi Ara­ Police reported dozens . of communities of Brookton. book dealer B. H. Blackwell, He said he felt Republicans By IRWIN FRANK That 500,000 figure is Impres­ News TidJ)its bia. fist, fights in the crowd that Randolph, Bridgewater and Ltd., paid $1,640 at a Londoa will support their ticket from PLUCKEMIN, N.J. (AP) — sive when you recall that John Faisal; real ruler of the coun­ roamed through the streets East Bridgewater. auction today for a ooUeottoa try since ailing King Saud was top to bottom. My ^wife joins that army of vot­ F. Kennedy defeated Richard M ., from the AP Wires over a five-block area. They of every American preeident'il forced from power in .late 1962, ers 'who will enter the.voting Nixon by 113,000 votes. confiscated many weapons, in­ (See Page Ten) elgnature from George WoM- booth with confidence Tuesday’s If you use a voting machine, reportedly opposed the idea of Dilemma Solved accepting the crown. But he 'vas Ington to John F. Kennedy. only to leave It hoping their vote about the only way to vpid your Paul-Henrl Spaak, Belgium's The signaturee 'were aoo> HARTFORD (AP) — The faced with virtually unanlmojjs, will be counted. vote ts to return the levers tloned off by Sotherby A Go.,, nnusual • case in U.S. District foreign minister, ' will spend demands from other 'memjjcrs She'll drive about two miles to above the candidates name along with a number of oth­ , Court today had to do • with next weekend in Washington, of the royal family and e^gious Heavily Insured Passenger the Watchung View Inn on the before opening the curtain. It’s er doounnents of particular Robert C, Rlntek, 22, of Lisbon slopes of the Watchung Moun­ the lever that opens'the curtain meeting x.'ith Secretary of Stale leaders. , who was indicwd last July foi; Dean' Rusk and other Slate De­ According to reports in Beirut i Anterlcon Interest. Many e< tains, and vote. She’d like to that regrtateres the votes and the preeldent’e signatured violation of the Selective Ser­ returns the vote lever to its partment officials, Belgium and Cairo, Saud's health has Shot Pilots^ Caused Crash hear someone say: ’’You have are on letten they wroteL-. vice A c t.’ done everything correctly. Your original position. Embassy spokesman says.. . deteriorated gravely In the past Waahlngtoa’e le on a lettsr.. vote is recorded.;,’ Paper ballots can bo rnore Burglars break into fur shop" in few months, so that fears have IVhat made it out of the or­ WASHINGTON (AP) A^'last w A d from the plane before In his handwriting to n- But there will be no' one to troublbaoms, and the rules Naples, and police say, they been felt for his aurvival. In this dinary was that Riijlek; a 'Je- it crashed and exploded. assure- her, or the millions of change with each state. stole furs worth $160,000. situation, to avoid any new pow­ passenger deeply in debt and Brlgdler Glover and dnlod hovadi’a Witnese, admittedly re­ In reporting today pn its In- others, that they have marked Many states — Oregem, Flori­ Three uniformed Hungarian er struggle between factions 1)} insured, for $108,006 pumped P>b. *6, 1779. fused to be Inducted into the bullets Into the two pilots of an vestlgratlon of the tragedy the Army on the "grrounds that he thelt iMllots correctly. da, Nebraska, West Virginia soldiers escape to Austria and Saudi Arabia, Faisal was urged airliner during e flight last' CAB said that its crash experts, ACCIDENTAL DEATH had been a minister since he -Brendan Byrne, executive, and Utah, to name a few — will ask for political asylum, police to take the throne:'’ director of the American Heri­ accept a paper ballot- if the report .' . . Pentagon had two- Informants in Beirht* said May, the tjivll Aeronautics 'working with the Federal Bu- FT. DIX. N.J. (AP)— Htet iwas eight years old. reau.of InvSsUgaUon,^ad con­ tage Foundation, Washington, voter’s intention Is clear. day advance warning that Its Faisal is copsidering continuing Board said today,. The plane gunshot death o f a 17-ryeair> Rlmek stated in court today cluded that the probaole cause old trainee near the rli^ that he was planning to get D.C., which cosponsors bipart­ ' ” It is pretty hard to spoil the Bien Hoa air base' 4n. Sbuth a4 premier in an expanded Cab­ crashed into a low California isan registration and vote ballot nowadays,” says Jacob Viet N*m was exposed to'^'Cein inet, at least for a while. hill, killing 44 persons. of the May 7 crash was "the range of this nriiiy base hoi, married but had delayed the shooting of the captain and the bten mled an ardent, a|r wedding until next January so drives, estimates that 800,000 Wyler, deputy county clerk in munist attack but apparently The sources recently returned As-the Pacific Air Lines plane first officer by a passenger, " army 'spokesman said that he cobld accommodate his ballots hve -been invalidate^ in Saif Lake City. ” If the judges took no .-taction, says former from .Saudi Arabia' said ailliw was 'going down, a high-pitched Francisco Gonsalssr 27. The victim, Jeeeph ^ ' IS to what happened to every presidential election alnce can determine the Intent of the Vice ‘ President Richard M. Saud will be free to keep hia voice cried- Into^lts radio sys- 1982. voter, they’ll give him credit for Nixon. royal allowance and go to a tarn: - Gongalsz was a native of the Jr. e< Bn^ord, wi C in court. P h lU p ^ M who was woriclag by n elai^ shot frem hie < Judge M. Joseph Blumenfeld In 1040, my wife ^ tt.” Alice Rooaevelt Longworth. European / capital, possibly "Sklppiara ohot! W4'rs been flie half mlUlcB. 80, daughter ef Itepubttean Vienna. ’ abot (I waa) try *la te help’ ” for a Ban Franolaoo dmaxt* M-U iSe. the sotvM the Jodiotel dilemma But la minois, for example, — ta w , aald an I What did ah# do wiKmgT uaing a ohaek Instaad of an X Presldsnt Thoodore Roosevolt. If be wlaitee to remain In Sau­ (tie). ment store. Along with hu 40 . tt was a "elose '.” e«M Pace TUt m ) dent Johnaoa . . . •) < puMlo Mrltov, ' .4 V - - .V ^ ■• • /

. ■■A ^


« ’'T' music, so that thsy could fol­ ciss of the plot. It Is doubtful tlM Atr Fores is a communlqa- back of the voting machine my< if the composer could have set P lugging In tion i^stsm called Aero^ce Sbeihw dld on Bridge low and’ understand it better Many Voters WUl Wonder wife used. The four will write a profound drama, but his tal­ Ground Equipment — AOE. It Enter ^ than If they Were to hear It the vote oif'two tally sheets. One ents were eminently milted to. consists of instruments and else- Hear Symphoiiy suddenly. - . , • sheet will be dellvefed. that F R l i n the caliber of the libretto he T itan Rck^ket tponlcs associated with the pAy- EXPERT IS HOIST 'WTTH 'Beth iMse vulasrtMa If Their Ballot Is Valid night "to-the county* cferK, the “THE WAY had. With a locale of .Ceylon, load for that certain rocket. OWN P e t a r d Nowra Approximately 6,000 Man­ other will be mailed to the s8c- the book is a lltUe different, The a ^ p m a n t Is kored in By ALFRED SHEINWOLO Chaminade Notes retary of state. Paper ballote A New Roll Of chester pupils, . Grades 4 (Continued from Pa$e One) and so is the music. It is not LikeToiister vans and the vidtlcles go with Natloiial Men's Team ObaniplMi 9 9I4S through 10, ’Will attend a con­ intersect inside a box. But Ne> are Milled the same way. I HEARD ir” Ceylonese musk, so it is un­ the rbekat tn the launching pad. If you have to be bitten^ there O JM 53 cert at Manchester High 25 Years Today braskjz lets you use' an X, a k ------7-^------Kodok Film Continuity is maintained up to WAdUtHQTON' (AP) — Pol<^eth J. Gray, Democratic_____ in­ ticular r&ce. In New Mexico the check or even fill IS' the square. realistic; but, as I pointed out, CAPE KENNBSDY, FU. (A1>) is a kind of consolation in being _ i l l * School, 'given by ■ the Hartford opera is not concerned with the instant of launch with this Iticians aren’t Mire if it’s' fkint cumbent running for sixth term. entire ballot is voided if a check Arkansas lias a little problem With Bach Ron Devaiop«6 —Included in the new $186- chewed up by your own teeth. tABT Symphrtny Orchestra, tomor­ Five charter members and Qixrk is used instead o( an X or Dance Tickets reallpm. method. K!06 heart or fading interest that’s Kentucky’s 6th—Frances Mills, this year because the secretary (Block and White 0*4 hy John Gruber mllUon Air Force Titan t oom- This hiqipy fkte befell Howard Democrat 43-year-oUI ’ former row and Wednesday. eight past presidents o f the if a votermarks for more than After the rofeket la ready for K6 ,$ A W 7 S causing a decline in the iniifl- of state erroneously put out his Color Prints) There Is an oriental flavor plex at Cape Kennedy is a long, Schenken a couple of months $ teacher end member of the Ken­ Chaminade Musical Club plan one' candidate in any race. Still on Sale to everything, however, from the launch pad, it either goes ago in a regional tournameftt 0 1074 The conceit, which is .spon­ list of candidates to county elec­ electrical extension cord with a her of.women running for Con­ tucky Legislature, ugainat a 68- sored by the PTAs o f the ele­ to attend its 28th anniversary Signing a ballot or in any way the settings through the cos­ big plug at one end. to the solid motor assembly held in Washington, D.C. 4 97642 tion commissions with separate gress nowadays. ysM-bld physician, Tim Carter, mentary and Junior high high dinner - meeting tonight at 6:80 marking it so it ctm be identi­ tumes, the dancas, the music is Somebody has to plug the cord building, which stands midway East dealer fO U IH boxes beside the names of presi­ Tickets are still available for LIGGETTS between the VIB and the pad, Only 21 candidatss art on the Republican in his first poUtlcol schools in cooperation with the at Woodruff Hall, Con­ fied Invalidates a ballot in Ver­ dential and ■vice-presidential the annual Harvest Football AT THE PABKADE a Ehiropeaii Idea of music on Ink a huge socket betare’ a ^ t h sides vulnerable 4 AQJ9t4) race. , gregational Church. The pro­ — opera aeaim will open^ties of the etngem. These help, that Isignd. It Is tuneful and or to the pad direct. Opening lead — Four of Clube ^ QJ3 • Nov. S ballot In 12 states — the board of education, is sched­ mont, Illlnoia, Ksinsas, Washing­ candidates. State Atty. Gen. Dance which will be' held Sat­ ,,;,^ tu rd a y at the Bushnell with mighty Titan S rocket^jjertfblak New York’s 246Ui — Sylvia uled for two presentations on gram presented J .at the first ton, - Michigan and "most over Bruce Bennett says a voter ' ” ' ’ of course, but the music comes very effective. Some o^ the off from its pad. Two solid-fuel rockets are Schenken Jumped to three 0 92 ^ lowest number of women aspir­ urday, Nov. 14, at the Garden the Oohnectlcut Opera Assocla- Bloom, 60, wife of a Criminal each day. meeting the group Will be re­ might void, his ballot by choos­ s first. most beautiful colorature writ­ Lt. Don M. Spredlin, Air Force strapped on each side of the spades with the South cards in ants for Congress tn yean. states. Grove, Keeney St. The dance J tlod production -of ‘‘The Pearl Titan at the solid fuel building B e «S '' WsW Nsrih Court Judge, Liberal; vs. incum­ The program will be given at peated tonight, after the dinner, 'Ohio voters must use only the ing the presidential candidate of is sponsored by the Women’s The music was written by * ing in all opft'a l.s to 1* heard launchingcdnstructlon offl- le hope of disrupting the Bast- lEflSTUJOO.I I V f ti I ‘ " • I 1 % T M W 1 I After reaching a peak of 20 at about 8 in the Federation MATERNITY , Flahen" bjr Biaet. Borne of you composer, of course, and he is at the end of the firet act. to. give the Titan 8C its distinc­ West bidding. He was quite sur­ 3 .4 Doobb AB. Bsh - w M.'*» J J ■ women in the 87th Cengress, bent Republican Paul A .' Fino 8:36 and 9:68 a.m. tomorrow, pencil provided ' in the polling one party and the vice presiden­ Auxiliary of, the Manchester about this ejetension Room at the church. tial candidate of the other. ) wfll ba going to an i^ra for of first importance. Most opera rocketry. tive look. prised to be doubled, and only there’s been a drop in feminine and Robert J Malang, Demo­ and at 9;2a and 10:40 on booth! California requires voters Midget, and Pony Football PALL DRESSES : You probably never heard of WALT D18NET« crat. Wednesday. Charter members attending Increased use of voting ma­ ; the first time; others will have addiences seem to think the get a kick out of Iti Two launching pads are being then did he notice that his op­ representaUon at the Capitol, to use the rubber stamp provid­ A.ssociation. the cast, but it is first player passes. You hold: the dinner sre Mrs. Clarence chines hak decreased the per­ < seen, one or two operas and will ‘‘stars’’ are of first importance SeCms incredible that ^ old- constructed, each Independent of ponents were using the Scl^en- down to levels of the early 1960s. Ohio’s 14th—Miss Frances Mc­ The symphony orchestra will ed for marking ballots. Reservations for the dance Uniforms, Jumpors.:^ Don’t .stay away- because Spades,ipades, K-104; Hearts, K-6; "THREE UVES OP be led by Its new conriuc ' . I Gustafson, who is also a past centage of voided ballots. Iw i t>e going, “wondering whether and will stay away unle.ss .some fa.shloned extension cord would the other. ken “ Big Club” bidding sjrstetn. And, it all comes at a time Govern, Democrat, former South Carolina voters must may be made with M r|t Rodney Is no gretit “name” ojMlie bill. Three'iaimch ecsitrol centers XMamonda, 16-THI; Ctabe, 9>7-6 THOMASIMA" Arthur Wlnograd, , and will president; Mrs. Paul Erick.son, pick a candidate In every race Now Jersey, for example, there tops, Blouses, ^irtei It’s all .worthwhile; a few will big names are in the cast. Op­ play such a role In the space The opening bid of one club when, 'President Johnson has membdr of the Ohio Legislature Dolin, ticket chairman, or Mrs. You’re going to.^hftir Blret’s are located on the third floor of «-8. feature Ben Clinesmith as cello Mrs. John Porcheron, Mrs. Eva or the ballot is voided. were 11,000 ballots rejected in be veteran attendantt. But eras are thoroughly enjoyable music, remembei? And you’ll business,” he said. in the Schenken Sykem prom­ 6010 • 0tS8 bean trying to boost the role of aAdvex-chairman of state’s Pub­ Ernest Wolfram, dance chair­ Stretch Pants, Brosr even the seasoned veterans miss the VIB, with 'platforms for What do yon sayf soloist. ■Wood and Mrs., Cecelia Moore. Texans who want to vote a 1920 when 937,000 people voted. man, until Monday. Nov. 9. produced by resident or “stock" hear. It ^teil^performed, since .The cord and plug aren’t the ises 17- points or more in high wotnen in government. lic .TJtilities Commission, vt. in­ much, and many attend merely spectators to watch die firing Answer: Pass. The combined cumbent Republican William H. The program will Include se­ Past presidents attending, be­ straight ticket must draw a line In 1960, when 2,800,000 voted, Parents are reminded to return Girdles ccmpanlas, which accounts for the Iqoat company doe.sn’t of- ordinary household types found cMds. Wek could afford to dou­ "BULLET FOR A Political experts don’t think because It's the thling to do. three miles away. coimt is M points at most, not Ayres, who was elected to Con­ lections by Rossini, Bach, sides Mrs. Gustafson, are Mrs. or an X the length of the party only 1,039 ballots were thrown any extra tickets because the fer-dJad productions. They range around most housewive’s ironing ble three spades with her mea­ enough for. a game contract. the forthcoming . electioh will A great many people go only the plentitude of opera in Ger- Gone is the familiar equip­ BAD MAN" gress in 1050. Tchaikovsky, Morton Gould, Alfred Lang. Mrs. Harry Fra­ columns he- does not want and out. ■supply is limited. many, for example. You shouldexcellent, boards. They are a monstrous gre k r e n ;^ , relying on the Be satisfied with a good part change the d ^ in in g pattern once and decide that opera is cable and a huge drum powered ment associated with a launch­ power of his partner's strong with AUDIE MURPHY Texas 1 s t -Mrs. Willlaih Jones Saint-Saens and Berlioz. ser; Mrs. William Gray, Mrs. leave Ws chosen party un­ When the polls close, two Thera will be a dance com­ Glazier's go to hear the music, apd’you'■ with occasionally a superlative' ing. No more periscopes, or score. at 8:15 much. They think women will be Republicans and two Demo­ not for them. The . rea.son Is Job that puts the Met to shame. by a winch. opening bid to do most of the lucky to elect one or two new­ Republican, vs. Rep. Wright ■ Classes were held in all 6f Fr^erick Wood, Mrs. Porter touched. mittee meeting Wednesday at Corset ami Uniform ShoR that they don't really know should try to undejisfand the rows of television sets. Ilie con­ Job of defeating the' contract. Patman, a Democrat in Cm- i the sciiools last week to aC- Blinn, Mrs. Victor Herring and In Michigan, as in many other crats, appointed by the district j9 a-.m. at. the home of Mrs. If you have failed to find s The.Air Force said the cord For Shelnwold's M-page book­ Special No-SchooI Matinee comers from among the eleven 631 Main St.-—Manchester i what to expect, and don't under- ideas of the corru>d£er first. trol room Is sd bare of equip­ If Eak’s opening bid prom­ gress since 1928. I quaint the students with the Mrs. {Jyrus Tompkins. states, the lines of .the X must election board, will open the Dolin, 8 Pioneer Circle. copy of the libretto in advance, saves a big chunk of money in let, "A Pocket Guide to Tuesday starting at 1:86 Democrats, eig(ht Republicans, 1 stand the medium when they These be given ex- wiring costs. ^ ment that It seems austere. ised merely the 12 high-card pressioij,,''by performers, of or to find the work in your fa­ Mo.st of the monitoring Instru­ Bridge.” send 60 cents to'Bridge one Liberal and dne Conserva­ go. Usually they envision some The new rocket launching points of a minimum opening Book, Mancheker Eve. Herald, '‘Thomaaima” at t:58 tive who are candidates for Con­ courser but the performers are vorite book on opera, don’t de­ ments are in four rooms ^a'way bid. West would have to pass sort of high-class musical come­ spair. There will be a synopsis complex Is nearly finished and a Box 3318,. Grand Ontral Sta­ "Bullet” at 1:80 gress. the disposal of the composer;- Titan 8 rocket is scheduled for from the control center. over three spades. East ..would dy, a sort of superior “My Fi^ of the plot in the program, and tion, New York 17, N.Y. Fourteen women served in the Lady.” Opera, however, is-mo the composer is not at the dis­ firing next spring. The Titan 3C is the booster the reopen the bidding With a dou­ posal of the singers. Unfortun- Since it isn't profound you’ll Air Force Mans to u.se to orbit ble, but W ek would still 'not outgoing 88th Congress and two more like a musicat'-tiomedy Tall buildings and 260-foot of them have now retired—Eliz­ sitely, many sfngers think they find your way along without high service towers sit un­ its manned orbiting laboratqry. dare pass the double for penal­ than a circus Is Uke^ carnival. much difficulty. abeth Kee, D-W.Va., for reasons t. come first and impress audien­ naturally on Islands built of shell ties. W ek would probably not Of course I taiuvfthere are peo­ o f health and Irene Bailey Bak­ ces with their virtuosity and Even If you’ve iead up on ft, and sand pumped up from the even take a gamble on bidding ple who paimot distinguish be- TRY OUR SPECIAL \ er, who briefly filled the term \ tw e^-those forms of entertain>- vocal gymnastics. Then some read the synopsis. There are Banana River. three notrump; he would prob­ two endings to the work In ex­ Building the complex in the ably bid four clubs. of her late husband. Rep. How­ \ melfC aflher. critic (a stinker like me) pans Board Takes ITALIAN DINNERS ard Baker, R-Tenn. Let’s start with the libretto, them and the audience is at sea. istence. I don’t know which one middle of the Banaiia River Would Bid Lees they will employ, and you have wasn’t the only startling move Schenken would have bid only f 5.50 Running for re-election Me 10 or “ the book” . oh which the ‘T thought she sang beautiful­ House incumbents, five frwn opera la baaed. Many people get only a 50-.S0 chance of haying made by the Air PVirce. O a t h T o d a y two spades if he had noticed ly” is the reaction. She may read the one you will see, un­ that his opponents were using SERVED NIGBTLT AT each party, and all favored to the libretto In advance of their The concept of putting A rock­ have produced lovely sounds, all less your book gave both end­ et together for space flights In his own system. This would be a w w ^ EAST keep their seats. for Americans Progress first opera, read it and are im­ Mancheater'a new board of right, but she did so at the ex­ ings.' buildings Instead o(^ on the pad safer, but It would not disrupt CAVEY’S The two women senators — mediately di.sappointed, so they pense of the compoeer's inten­ Is another. ’ directors, chosen at a town the bidding. The opixments Margaret Chase Srbith, R-Maine go to their first performance in Have a good time; don’t look tions: therein lies the trouble. Putting the cdhtrol center on election la.st month, will meet would probably get to three no- and Maureen Neuberger, D-Oro. a questionable state of mind at for realism, and listen to the If you go merely for enter- the third floor of the 23-story tonight to be sworn In and to truAu), their normal contract. , — Me not up for re-electkn. the outset, prepared to dislike t a i n.m e n t you mAy have music. The rest of the operatic trappings are only to help you Vertical Integration Building— pick officers for the next two At'the natural contract of Their terms expire in 1906 atjd .what they are about to see and achieved your goal. But if it is VIB—Instead of a traditional three spades doubled, the de­ 1967 respectively, bean. understand the composer. years. No other actions Me only entertainment that you blockhouse is another. fenders shredded Schenken to Interest on the distaff ride Most opera libretti are in seek, why not stay home and The' Air Force calls its new contemplated tonight. slivers. He managed to take verae, eo right off the bat there AdminlfrterUig the Oath of. of­ centers Tuesday on two women watsh TV? The advertisers program Integrate Transfer tricks with six of his seven MANCHESTER engaged in tough campMUgna to Is a distinct change in thinking spend millions to pro'Vlde free LAunch—ITL. 'Die theory looks fice 'Will be State's Atty. John trumps, but this left him down D. LaBelle of Manchester, who gain U.S. Senate seats in Penn­ habits required of the reader. entertainment for you. Opera Police Arrests so »x)d the National Aeronautics three. The penalty o< 8(X) points QILBERT ft SUUIYAN WORKSHOP sylvania and Michigan. Tou ca n t read Shakesi>eare, for is an art form which happens and Space Administration is pat­ also swore in the board In left a big smile on the laces m STAKES ARE TOO HIGH FOR YOU TO STAY HOME example. In the same fame of to be entertaining to some terning its Merritt Island Apollo 1962. Democrat Francis J. Ma­ of E ak and West. Democrat Genevieve Blatt, 61, Pittsburgh lawyer and experi­ mind aa you would approach people, but it must be viewed David Dupuis. 17. of 3b BSsex facilities after the Titan 8 ewn- honey, chairman of the past The last laugh came to Schen­ TRYOUTS FOR LEADS as art; the art in question be­ St., was charged with failure to plex. ■board. Invited Atty. LaBelle ken, who won the team cham­ enced government executive, is *T>eath of a Salesman." The given a fighting chance in her mere fact that this Is a verser ing music. display tailllghts,^ 'defective Air Forge Brig. Oen. Joseph to perform the ceremony. pionship in Washington with a Tiwsdoy A WcdiiMdoy — Nov. 3 & Nov. 4 liie board is expected to vote challenge of veteran politician drama sets It apart at once from There will be drama, but it muffler, defective horn and a S. BleymaSer, deputy command­ record • bresLklng score despite is secondary, there will be Mahoney to be chairrhan for a Starting at 7:30 P.M. Sen. Hugh Scott, former Repub­ realian, and this is what so few defective windshield wiper Sat­ er for manned sykems, explains the bad result on this one tiMd. painting in the scenery (some­ urday night. Th^ arrest follow­ the new spaceship philosophy: second, two - year term. (As It was a convincing demonstra­ lican national chairm w, who people seem to realise. times surprisingly good; Pi­ chairman he is also titular may- Cooptr HoN— South Methodist Church served eight terms in the House Opera is not realistic. It nev­ ed a r o u t ^ motor vehicle ” If we continue to Ue up tion of the accuracy of the Big casso was a scene painter for launching facilities for weeks at ■or. Vice chairman is likely to Club Sykem. before his election to the Senate er has been, and although mod- check on B'. Center St. Dupuis Sooras and detailed InfonnatlOn may be obtained at in 1988. Diaghilew) there may be bal­ was supimoned to appear in a time for each payload. It will be Atty. David Barry, who was Serious kudents ot the game sn composers try a realistic Watkins Ten days before the election, let and choreography; on oc­ Mancheker's Circuit Court 12 not be long before present facili­ secretary to the prsvlousTjoard. should treat themselves to ^iproach, their efforts arp un- casion there Is even sculpture. Robert Stone will probably be the President’s wife, Mrs. Lyn­ on N6v. 16. ties are saturated and more copy of Schen}cen’s new book suooeasful. Sometimes they But thw'prlmary art is music. must be constructed. chosen secretary. “ Better Bidding in 16 Minutes.” don B. Johnson, shared a rally achieve some sort of theat;rlcal The opera you will see Satur­ The new board is substantial­ platform with Miss Blatt at Al­ ASSAULT CHARGES “ Since there are few areas In The Big Club may be Just what suoceas, but r e a li^ there is day evening is by Bizet, and is this country which fulfill the re­ ly the same as the one inaugu­ you need to whack the neigh­ lentown, Pa., and boosted her as LITCHFIELD (APJ — Rene noas, even if they set a prose his firk attempt in the field- quirements fbr launch sites, rated In 1962. In numbers it is bors with. “ qualified in every way to be a book to music. Bizet is not a profound co

■ ) ' 1 ' I ^ MANCHESTBSB EVENING H BRA l^, MANCHESTEE, CONN., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, PA G E fiy fe fUMHlBtEH EVkNINO HERAU!). MAlf^Hphat kOKDXT, NOVEMBim^ 1964 E v en ts Frssman of LsfKto. Orphan Girl^ H ero’s R ites The Air Fores planned to Shop D&L fitl 9 p(,m,fohighf (Monday) and Wed., Thurt. ond Fn. nighfs fhh week! move the plans wreckage to a TrMMl — B«Ht In W a rtd TV-Radio Hangar for rsoonatruction to T o G o H o m e^ T o B e H eld determine the cause of the --'■X ' - Baby Has cirash -of the (nipersonlc swspt- ARTHUB IRU i (AP) —Two trains Hip in Place wlng eraft Bed Sunday night in Oxn- T e le v u io n reem an There was speculation , the munlst East Germany, killing SO plane, collided vnth a flight of ■ persona and injuring more man Ry JAMES CALOOERO - 6:00 (8) t o 8 Ttaeatar A 8:80 (M) Ahout Bartf<,’ord Hospital H ouarotr, Tost. (AP) —A geeso' while landing at nearby 100 others, some seriously. Been Named... The official East German BOSTON (AP) — Seven-year- ^30-*WHo^^**^or Rtts. hero’s burial will bs acoordsd Bllintttoo Air Force base.' Read Herald Adf. ol(l Meria Elena Jllon of Quito, (U-IB-IO) Me (I) Polltloal astronaut Theodore C. Freeman news agency ADN satd the apcl- (Bi Vop.B Pies One dent occurred at Langhagen, 40 X. Ecuador-^ bom with a crippling ■ •. Portrait^ Mezloo 8:00 (14) (M)_ Araertca'eAmericana OieesC Wednesday in Arlington Nation­ deformity and orphaned by <8p) Sarly gbow (8-13) Lacy Show al Cemetery following services miles south of the BalUc port of (10-3M 0)Jbdy #1llllame (d) Rostock. A ttiBight train overran tragedy — today has a big smile (W> Mramifi: (f-KFSm___ .., W_____ e^ y and ai Me Tuesday at Beabrook, Tex., hear 1 ■•taM MwkhI aon crf'liatert Edward and that was' a long Urhe coming. 1 :10 (8) Niwe, iporu Weather here. crashed Into WUbanka, M'School St. R»->m bom Oct 1:80 (ii W alursCi^lt* 8:80 (i-13) iRep. Politic^ A doctor at Massachusetts (8) Oaliant Men (18)I) Su S ube^plion TV Freeman, 84, a former Air , the Bbrup- |to6tock express. ST at SUBCltwtar Manorial Hoapital. HU maternal grahd- Ganeral Hospital told Maria she (iv-lS-SO) Uua* ey-Aruikley (8-ao-M)-ao-% Bing Croeby Force test pilot, was killed Sat­ motlMr Is Mrs. Amelia L anaii, 98 North St. Hla paternal (13) Newabea( 10:00 (84)I) Infn School Preview BERLIN (AP)' British Eu­ grandpanata are, Jtr. and Mrs. Buford Jordan, Lincoln will be home by (jhristmas and, _ (M) What'a Naaw (3) Richard IMamond urday whan t o T38 jet craahed ' _{A better |UU, she’ll be able to t : t t ($(>) Roll Ooehraa (13) Slattery's People on a routine training flight ropean ^rways has started Oouatj, Tsbb. He* has a stater, caurio Ann, 30 months. walk and run like other chil­ 7:00 (S) Political P rogram . (ID) Hitchcock Funeral services are sched- DOUBLE daily geridce between London • • • • • dren. (10) XoVie (18-80) Dam. Political *nd._pertln despite East German < ft Jit (30) U a ) r tM a r Market (30-40) Ben Caaay matesU that civIUan flights’^ MarMs. Botiert Brass, non of Dale C. and Janet Doyle Mar­ Dafk eyes flashing, Maria (34) Arlal II (8) Political WORLD GREEN tin, OM Btone Rd., Vernon. He waa bom Oct 27 at Manches- (18) Subscription TV 10:11 (8) TBA Ibe Communist-surrounded city turned to her* guardian-uncle, 10:81) (.3) Survival tar' Mamorlal Hospital. BU maternal grandparenu)are Mr. Luis del (Jamp, of Quito, and 7:10 ( 8) Movie . are Illegal. grand- 7:18 (80) Sporte Camara (80) Rep. Political A \nscount turlx>-prop plane and Mra Stephen Doyle, 307 McKee St. HU paternal agreed wHh him that "No htf (33) Voting Racords 11:00 lM-104(L33-a040) News. parents are Mr. and lb s. Garland Martin, Slmsbui mal qua por blen no venca’’ — 7;80 (13). To Tell lha TnKh Sports. Weather carrying .86 passengers made ^ a brother, David C., BV4: «nd two sUters, Holly Je^nhe, ’There is no evil^ from which (33^) 90'Biiitol Court 11:16 («(40) 1 ^ Powell the Initial flight from London (34) ' Complaat Oardanar (10-80) Toeight STAMPS Sunday without incident. 4, and Heather Lgrhne, 3. good does not come'.' (8-30-40) voyage (o Bottom of 11;*) (12) li; Movie Several doctors, headed by ,-8aa - (8)(8, Movie The East German Cbmmunist 8:00 (341 The Praneb Chat 11:80 (83) Tonlriit (C) regime warned last week that it. Breen, Ooleen, Jssm, daughter of James H. 'hnd Joan Dr. J. Drennan Lowell, ­ 11:86 (8) l^vfe Waterhouse Breen, 4 OreenhUl St. She waa boTn Oct. 38 at ant in orthepedic surgery a{ the (13) I'va Got A Secret would take necessary steps to hospital, donated their services SEE SATLIHOa x -H tv WbfcMM POR.«6mFLBTE LI8T1NO protect air safety over its soil. MMchsster Memorial HosplUl. Her paternal grendparenU The East Germans made simi­ ard Mr. and Mrs. Louis Breen, 4 OreenhUl St. She has a for two operations that correct­ lar protests last summer when brother, Richard, 7t4; and four sisters, JoAnn, 8H, Kathy, ed the dislocation of both hips EVERY with which Maria was born. Pan American Airways began 5, Margla 8, and Patricia, 31 months. flights between New York^and beys' Texos-jnake corduroy socks ’Three prominent Bostonians; H a a io Berlin. “ Kantaald, Roberta-Anne, daughter of Robert L. and Alice touched by the child’s deformity and the loss of her parents in a fThls listing intrudes only those news broadeasta of 10 or 16 B. Spiaak Kaminski, 136 Brook St., Wapping. She was bom WED. TAIPEI, Formosa. (AP) — A Oct. 22 at Manchester Memorial HospiUl. Her maternal Boston hotel fire, raised $12,000 minute length, ^tunei steBons rarry other abort newscasts). to pay other medical costs. U.S. cargo plane from the Phil- 2.90 3.90 4.90 grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Splsak, Brooklyn, N. Y. •VDBO—IXSS WPOP 1418 topines with two pilots aboard Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kamin­ Insurance executive George size 3-7 sizes 8-12 14-20 and Husky Swartz said any money left will 6:00 UDBi John WsOe 4:00 Laiu Terii OPEN developed engine trouble Sun­ ski, 70 Parker S t She has a brother, David Jerome, 19% 8:00 Dick Roblnsoe 7:00 Kan ^ H n day and the pilots ditched K in go for Maria's education. 1 Vj Newi Sian Off 13:00 Sal LaRnsa. THEODORE C. FREEMAN reg. 3.98 reg. 4.98 reg. 5.98 months. WED h the Formosa Strait about 18 Her uncle said Maria Elana’s v n u f '-ait EXPERIMENT FAILS . father had .scrimped and saved 6:00 Fred Swonsoii Show uled for 10 a.m. Tuesday in the THilRS., miles south of the Pescadore Rugged, washable corduroy slacks "with the famous Prignano, MIoImmI Aathaoj, s m of Pascal Anthony and to take her to Florida for two 6:80 News. Sporto oad W estksr FdtlT WASHINGTON,. Pa. Seabrook Methodist church, Islands. label in evdry pair! Trim or regular style. Antelope, Louise Blen Poultot PrignanO, 3|A St. James St. He was 7:00 Edward P. Morgan (AF)- -4 Waggy, the dog with an with the Rev. (Jonrad W. Wln- PRI.ASAT. The U.S. Taiwan Defense operations four years ago. But 7:16 Joe Bdwsim - charcoal, navy, brown, olive, loden. bom Oct 32 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal the hips did not stay in the sock- 1 *) Piem Of) \ artificial heart valve, is dead. bom, pastor,, officiating. Fellow TILL Command said (^linese^a__ grandparwits are Mr. and Mrs. £m 1s Poullot, East Hart­ .sts. WINF—U88 ’The body 6f the two-year-old astronauts and neighbors will allst and U.S. search planes ford. HU paternal gfandparents are J>r. and Mrs. John Prig­ After raUing more money, 6:00 News, Weather niongrel. waa found Sunday by serve as pallbearers. 9 P.M. located the pilots and a ship nano, 67 W3rllys S t He has‘a brother, John, 1%; and a sis­ 6;18 Radio- Greater Hartford Its owner, Adair Rogers, in a The body will be flown to icked Uiem up unhurt more boys' syntlietle slocks said J5el Campo, Fabian Jijon, 6:46 Lowell Thomas: Sport'f S ter, Anne, 3. 89, and his wife, Lola, 34, 7 :00 Ndws. Sports wtXMled area behind his home. Washingrton by commercial 7an three hours after they • • • • • 7:36 Invitation To Learning Rogers, an engineer and re­ airliner. ditched/ Washable chinos and Syntrel blends from two famous brought their 'only daughter to 8:00 Life Line Texas makers . . . all discontinued colors. .> Ocfyer, Anne, daughter of Richard E.mnd Bileen Devine Boston. For 10 days the three 8:30 Jerry Gordon Show search associate at the Univer­ The time of the burial serv­ Oeyer, 466 W. Middle Tpke., A pt 35. She was bom Oct. 22 lived in the Sherry Biltmore 9:3o Speak Up. Greater Hartford sity of Pennsylvania,, had des­ ices at Arlington National Cem­ ROME (AP) — Italian cus­ at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandmoth­ Hotel while Maria underwent 13:15 Sign Off igned the heart valve. etery have not been determined. toms collectors began a two-day ^ size 6-12, reg. 3.98 ^ WTic—lone He believed that if the dog Freeman will be buried with full strike today, disrupting the er U Mrs. William T. Devine Jr., Uppeir Darby, Pa. Her pa- daily tests at Massachusetts 8:00 News, Weatner Sporta temsJ grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. G. Edmund Geyer, General. 6:38 Old Borrowed Blue had lived a year, the valve military honors except for,.the shipment of freight in and out of Wynnewood,. Pa. She has a sUter, Mary, 1%. On the 11th day, the child was 7;06 Converaatlon Piece might have been used in opera­ plane fly-over which the vridow Italy. size 14-20, reg. 4.98-$6 ^ 7:30 News of the World requested be eliminated. Free­ TUESDAY tmd • • • • • admitted for surgery. That eve­ 7:46 Sing Along tions on hqpians. Waggy under­ Finance police, who normaJly DePietro, Paul Nicholas, son of Nicholas Michael and Bev­ ning — March 28, 1963 — Mr. 8:06 Pope Concert , went an operation for Implanta­ man leaves the widow, Falzai, patrol borders and coastlines to 10:06 Newabeat tion of the valve May 19. Huntingtem Freeman and his . WEDNESDAY guard against smuggling, took erly Jane Phillips DePietro, 32 StrSnt St. He waa bom Oct and Mrs. Jijon died in the fire, 11:00 Newa 22 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grand­ which also killed two others. 11.'6 Sporta Final. Weather. Rogers surmised his pet died over the handling of passenger parents are Mr. and Mrs. Paul PhlUipe, 392 Main St. His The next day, Luis del Campo 11:30 Art Johnaon Show. of natural pauses. traffic at airports, harbors and paternal graiulpaTents are Mrs. Viola DePietro, Water, flew from Quito to arrange‘ship­ SPECIALS frontier posts. bury and Mr. Ralph DePietro, Waterbury. ment home of the bodies of his The customs collectors are • • • • • slater and brother-in-law — and asking a review of the regula­ take Martha Elena out of the tions for their welfare fund and Tedalr, Tfanothy Pool, son of Raymond and Karen Cratty 725 Middle Turnpike East Improved bonuses for special LspsJe, 281 Spruce St. He was bom Oct. 31 at Manchester hospital. Swarts said he read about the service at night and away from Memorial Ho^ltal. HU maternal grandparents ar* Mr. and TONIGHT ON TV IN MANCHESTER their hometowns. Mrs. Robert Cratty, 138 Blssell St. HU paternal grandpar- tragedy and "I immediately got on the tslsphons to solicit ^ a n - Rome night club owners onts are Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lepak, 106 Norman S t dosed their establishments for ' • • • • • otalhelp." most famous make Dr. Lowell said tbs'operations several days, claiming they Isuiiberh Miohelle Elisa daughter of Richard and Jac- performed on the girl involved have to pay excessive royalty Snsllne Belanger LambM^y. 342 Woodlawn Circle, Bast cutting a portion of the pelvic fees on the music their orches­ Arctic-weight :artford.I She waa bom Oct. 31 at Manchester Memorial bone and tilting it outward, BOnOM ROUND tras play. Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Hol­ forward and downward “to give ■2 land O. Belanger, 86 High S t Her paternal grandparents are the hip bone a good socket." RAGUSA, Sicily (AP) — The Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Lambert, East Hartford. Dr. Lowell said that in a cou­ W hy hav« your laundry^ toll fiom a weekend of tornados famous make children's sleepers ple of weeks the casts will be In southern Italy rose today to top nome sweaters Weotoo, Ronald John son of Ronald John and Janet removed and Maria Elena-will lant out of town? six dead, with 160 injured, Splgartdo Westoi^Ji3 linnmore Dr. Me was W>m Oct. 31 at begin walking, with crutches at hundreds of homeless and dam­ wool skirts regular $3 1.90 Wa'll do it right haca, ROASTS age that officials said might lumchester Memorial Hoapital. His maternal grandmother is first to regain strength In her ond wool slacks Mrs. Mabel Spigarolo, 53 Linnmpre Dr. His paternal grand­ legs. promptly, and at low CH O IC E exceed $30 million. parents are Mr. and Mrs. George Weston, Fairfield. He has iTirough a translator, the One tornado hit southern Sici­ cost. ly Saturday. Another swept over reg. to $11 6.90 Cotton flannel sleepers for boys and girls by the best- sweaters, reg. to $13 6.90 two staters, Kimberley, 4%, and ChrUtel, 31 months. child said she-is looking forward ALL ClMTERS c kno'wn maker! Print sleepers with feet, size 0-4. Ski • • • • • to running with her brother, the toe of Italy Sunday. Oalaska, Denise daegaellne, datighter of Francis David Jose LaiIs, 4, and her two cou­ lb Save on smartly tailored skirts from pffjamas, solids and prints, 3-8 and 4-12. Also girls’ slacks, reg. to $13 7.90 sins with whom they’ll live'in NO ENDS (3AIRO (AP) — TalHs are cotton flannel, long leg pajamas, 4-14. and Joyce Tuller GalsMta, 138 Park St. She waa bom Oct reported under way at Port a famous sportswear maker. Solid or 31 at Manchester Mmorlal Hospital. Her maternal grand- Quito. . N E W SY ST E M 99 tweed wool skirts, slim, gored, A-line. Sudan, on the Red Sea coast, to Full-fashioned cardigans, V-necks and parenfits are Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Tuller Sr., East Hartford. arrange a jieace conference for Her ppaternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oalaska, ---- — ______" LAUNDRY 10-18. girls' orlon Shetland sweaters turtlenecks, 34-40. Fine quality wool­ Bast. Hartford. Yemen’s two-year-old civil war en slacks, lined and unlined, solids, * • • • • AND DRY CLEANING between the monarchists and Our own D&L Brand labels the Republicans. 3-6x cardigan or 7-14 slipon, reg. 4.98 . . . . 3 . 3 3 protect the famous maker of plaids, checks, tweeds. 8-18. Oobb, Jennifer Anne, daughter of Ellsworth H. and Sheila ON HARRISON S ’!*. (44) - Authoritative sources said the Sheehan Cobb, 125 Jackson Rd., Haaardville. She was bom Oft East Center St. misses warm pajamas 7-14 cardigan, reg. 5.98 ...... 3 .9 0 these luxurious orlon Shetland Oct 30 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal, L GLOBE 4 TOP ROUND exiled government’s foreign Opposite the Cemetery minister, Ahmed Muhammed pre-teen cardigan, reg. 6.98 ...... 4 .9 0 sweaters! 7 elegant colors. grandmother U Mrs. Thomas Sheehan, 50 Durant St. Her Shami, represents the royalists paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ernest S. Cobb, b- a Travel Sfrviee a A documentary film on Tom Dodd and For Pick-up and Delivery while Mohamed Zobeiry, an reg. $4 2.08 X'’ new toll handbags South Kent. She has two brothers, Anthony, 6, and John, 4. influential political figure in • • e • • F 905 "MAIN STKEET ^ the U. S. A. from F. D. R. to L. B. J. OaU 649-7763 Yemen, is attending on behalf of values to $9 5.99* Bator, Melissa Jean, d a u ^ te r of John Michael and Caro­ k 643-2165 J President Abdullah Alsallal. Classic, mandarin and ski style pa^ lyn Jean Clermont Bator, 85 Birch S t She was bom Oot. 19 Branoliee at: 219 North Main STEAKS MANILA (AP)—Japan has jama from 3 leading mfgs. Cotton New shapes and colors in leathers,, at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandmoth­ ►Authorised agent in 5lan- . Channel 3 and 8 8L and 601 Hartford Rd. cut its number of actibe tuber­ er la Mrs. Laurett Krok, Adams, Mass. Her paternal grand- Chester for all A irlines,^ SELKT culosis patients by one-third in flannels and challis, solids, florals, tapestries, plastics, cut velvets. All ppents are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bator, Cheshire, Mass. Jtollroads and Steam ehip^ .09 five years, a Japanese doctor novelties. 32-40. with zip compartments. *plus tax. She has a brother, Shawn, 1, at 8:36 p.m. CHOTCE reported “today. • • • • • OammlHe* for Re-elaetlon of Sender Dodd, A J. Donehua, Cheirmen Dr. Haruo Hioki, cl»ief,of the Bwlng, Robert SeoM, eon of ‘Ihomas Brown and Jane clinicaJ dejiartment of Hoseien Audre TOrter Ewing, Meadowood Rd., Tolland. He was bom Sanatorium in Tokyo, told the Oct 19 at St FraneU Hospital. HU maternal grandparents eastern regional committee of are Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Porter Sr., Marshfield, Maas. His pa­ the International Union against •‘"''•St,.; t~~t , "H . ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Ewing, Manches­ Tuberculosis that Japan had an ter, N. H. He has a brother, Thomas Brown Jr., 4. estimated 2,920,000 sufferers • • • s • HADDOCK FILLETS from the disease in active form nylon slips and petticoaH men's, ladies' driving gloves Beloher, Kirk Allen, son of Kirk F. and Susan DennU Bel- SIGN ANY FUEL OIL In 1963 ; 3,040,000 In 1938 and 2,- eher, 1346 Colusa St., San Diego, Calif. He was bom Oct. 18 030,000 in 1063. reg. $4 2.88 reg. 3.98-4.98 2.88 at Sharp’s H o^ltal (San Diego). His maternal grandpar­ CONTRACT UKTIL YOU FRESH ■ fi ents a r r Cmdr. and Mra Arthur Dennis, Portsmouth, Va. Lingerie from famous makers' current stocks! Men’s, leather palm on wool or raccoon blend. HU pAtemal grandparents are Mr. and Mra. Allen F. AT OUR Showers Held Ladies’ leather, palm on orlon knit or raccoon. Beloher, 36 W. Middle Tpke. HU paternal great-grandpar- GET OUR FISH DEPT. Embroideries, laces and applique trims, white snts are Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Robinson, West Hartford. and colors. Sizes 32-40, S, M, L. sale of better Beige, black, gray. • • • • DONT For Miss Arner BenaUUrd, Noel V. J r , son of Noel V. and Carolyn P. Mo- DOURLE DISCOUNT DEAL! CHnnias Remillard, W. Island Beach Rd., Amston. He was Miss Judith Amer of 66 Cash- bora Oct 11 at Manchester Memorial Hospltali His mater­ man br. was recently feted at nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. McGlnniss, four nuptial showens. Mr. and u n t r i i n m e d Vsrncn. HU paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Henri INTERESTED IN SAVING STAMPS? Mrs. Olin Gerlch of Buckland, Remillard, Amston. CAMPBELL’S aunt and uncle of Miss Arner. INTERESTED IN SAVING SERVICE COSTS? honored the future bride and our own her fiance, Robert G. Oickmore men's top name c o a t s INTERESTED IN SAVING FUEL OIL? of CoventiV, at a Mr. and Mrs. Shower at their home. Many sport shirts "M erry LAST...9UT BEST OF ALL TOMATO SOUP friends and relatives attended. Mrs. Stephen Phillinjore Jr. of Columbia and Mrs. Gene Du- and dress shirts reg. to $65 'VIS Lee" ^ SAVE MONEY chesneau of 93 Starkiyeather St., b * It; ^j. j '>’i 4 When you have an both aunts of Miss Amer, . hon­ A2 'I ored her at a miscellaneous « 't $$ REAL HARD CASH $$ insurance claim,relax CANS shower at MTs. Phillimore’s seamless — take in a game! home. 3 f . , n o I" WeMI Help You Do It A ll^ lu s A shower was given for the values to 6.95 New-design coat fashions for We’ll put ourselves future bride by the aurit.s of her Fall and Winter! 'tSveeds, fiance, Mrs. John Haloburdo, Long sleeve sport cross-hatches, boucles, plushes nylons in your shoes with Wheeling Rd., Andovtr, and . . . from famous Forstmann, Mrs. James Lee, Tolland Rd., shirts in cottons and Bolton. Mrs. Allen Crickjnore of drip-dry blends, Worumbo, Quelinda, Macau- Lakeview Ter., (Coventry, sister- plaids, checks, ley. Misses’ 8-30, misses’ pe- in-law of the future bridegroom, stripes, solids. Dress tites 6-16. 1000 TRIPLE S BLUE STAMPS PILLSBURY . also assisted at .the event which •FMSONAL SSnVIOt was given at the home of his shirts in whites, granchnother, Mrs. Alfred Cri(:k: stripes, solids. mink collar suodo coats more. High St., Coventry. * FREE SAVE LB. Miss Amer was also feted at a BAG linen shower at the home of % len^h “Susie Wojig” sty­ MtPAY* AMOUNT 14c Mrs. Thomas Davis of Hampton, ling with luxurious genuine MONTHLY OF LOAN bridemaid for Miss Amer. Co- Let Beneficial put IF YOU ,SIGN FOR AUTOMATIC JmltptndiMt bostesses were Mrs. Calvin Man- mink collar, sizes 8-16, reg. $ 16.75 $300 /msk /AGENT ley of Lakeview Tprrace, Cov­ $100. 704N ) 26.58 500 > entry, another bridesmaid, and CASH FUEL OIL DELIVERY...NOW! SEEDLESS, PINK MEAT Miss Louise Amer, sister of famous brand 36,41 700 the future bride and maid of spocid group of rdncoots in your pocket-fast 51.16 1,000 For honor. r • micro-mesh *On 24 month pign ABSOLUTfcLY NO EXTRA COST. (Stamps issued upon pajonent GRAPEFRUIT 6 4 9 c Miss Amer, daughter of Mr. men's slacks Group'includes solids, reversibles, cotton poplins, washable • plain kbit in full of first fuel oil delivery). Don’t sign any contract until you CALIF. ICEBERG and Mrs. George N. Amer, will dacron blends. Misses’ and misses’ petites, reg. $11 to 37.50. get our DOUBLE DISCOUNT DEAL! be married to Mr. Crickmore, 84NI to 264N) 2^/ M 9 9 t to sn)oy the hoHdaysI Qet the cash you want now for shop- son of Mr. and Mrs. Prank Ta­ reg. to 8.95 6.90 ging, for ps^ng bills, for any good reason. Apply at geneficisl LEHUCE 2 Heads 39C bor, Lakeview Terrace, on Sat­ >-whsrs the money U ready and waiting — and find out what MONTHLY OR BUDGET Special consideration to Pubs, Churches, CALIF. .FRESH urday, Nov. 7,* at South Meth­ Acrilan-rayon flannel or junlort' and missts' suits , Mil Midsy sorvice is! Two million fsmllus do ssch ysar. odist Church. nylon-rayon twill, easy- 0 ' Stock up. and save now on these flattering, seam­ PAYMENTS Commgrdal Accounts, Etc.. All wool twpeds and solids in newest fall snd winter styles, less nylons during our great Anniversary Sale! BROCCOLI Bunch 2 9 e Infant Deaths Sink care, permanent erdase, 1 rog. $25 to $50. lO JN I to 3 8 .0 0 B E N E F I C i A L CLARKE] year guarantee. Plain Micro-mesh or plain knit, beautHuliy sheer, new­ INBURMfCE FLORIDA, JUICY TOKYO — Japan’s infant front, deluxe make. 5 est Fall shades. Sizes 8.V i-ll^ in proportioned riNANOK SYSTKM 1964 AOBNCr lengths, short, medium, long. Heeding mortality rate sank to- an all- choice colors. 24.Heur Doz. S S C time low last year of 23.2 175 ORANGES deaths for every 1,000 babies. losnt up to $KXX) — Loans Ift lntured at low cost ** Speclolitfs The overall' Japanese mortal­ BOLAND \ r U Customer 4 I s w tdiH nnofM* C«. of Monchestor East ity rate decreased 8.6 per cent Slace 193S 1962 to seven per 1,000. 806 MAIN ST, MANCHESTER * OIL COMPANY liimet Servlee Msneheater REDEEM POPULAR'S M mI »41M • C*er la Nsw faglaaf TsL M iw s OflH ‘ I t to wise to cut pies liit»= Cantar 8L VALUABLE COUPON'S serving pieces before freezing. biggetf sale of the year. . , shop and^ave on nafianaUy adverfised items far now and for^lirhhr^^ 3A9 C IN T R ST, at Wait Cagfer Sf. TIL 44S-SI20 In thlB way, one or two pieces BEGBIYED IN THE MAIL • may be served at a time. . c M -tT*


lets without a permit. Negro hood Playhouse, where I studied cover areas, for the most ^rt. Under Sandford. Melaner. I was going through the wall to visit In which they live, so t h ^ will leaders say it is virtually impos­ Elderly East Germans relatives in the Soviet sector., of Harassments Charged sible to get a permit. eOSMETlCS State Midwdves Rare, Greg Peck really a method actor, though be femiOar to their neighbors. WE OARSY ALL we called it the StanUlkvski divided Berlin. Nearly 100,000 Maine Huntlhg tor In one case, at Canton, bond with the' necessary permits T he drive Is expeoted to be THE TOP LINKS system then.” , sale, 81.200. Electrioity,' was set at $600 after Martha made the crossing Sunday. completed in about two weeks. In Negra Mock Election UndisturJbed From the playhouse he start­ \ P ermitted to Visit West furnisHeti 2 acral, excel­ Bsstur Speehs to Children Wright, 25, a white volunteer The Communists opened the lent dMr country, easily worker from San Francisco, ARTHUR DRUe At Least Two Active ed heading upward, and his The Rev. J. Thomas Leamon, direction has never changed. wall Ust Friday for the second accesMle. For informa- By EDWARD MOCUSKER Farmer was in the state to was arrested on the. permit By HANS NEUER80URO ♦munlst regime’s “humanitarian pastor of the Westfield Congpre- ‘Critic’ His local address: The .Waldorf timer since It was erected In Uon cidl 640-6255. gational Church in Danielson, he^v the Mississippi Freedom charge while carrying sample HARTFORD (API — Con-e FRANKFURT, Germany attitude." , . . 1961. It will remain open until JACaCSON, Mlss^ (AI^) — Mrs. M a rc^ x says som e. Towers. will speak to Graddi 6 and 8 Democratic Party — MFDP — ballots. naotlovt hM only two mldwlvto dootora would like to see monT HEW YORK (AP) — A mid­ (AP) — The CSommunists for the The pensioners, men over 65 Nov. 12 In the first of four visit­ Leaders of a moCk election try to tuhv.out a Mg vote in a and women over 60, had permis­ Nov. 10 on "Pictures, Children Bonds of'$800 were set at West —and a thrM-man panel of women go Into midwifery, first time let large numbers of ing periods duylng the next among Mississippi Negroes said mock electidn preceding Tues­ Point, where Joel Bernard ot dle-aged gentleman walked up sion to remain In the West a year. and B4mks." This is in connec­ ‘Vany obstetricians are very Games Brought Truce ^ Bast Germans idslt the Weet We*re o9 . tion ■with American Book Week today they were up against day's real electtom New Tort and Gavin Lewis ot doctors to licenso them. keen on having nurses who to Gregory Peck In OntYal month. 'Die Red regime did not Th'e West M rlin government, More than 1,88S voters are WANTED today for tearful reuniona with appear concerned' over the po.v smd National Education Week. intimidation that included two Four days banbUjw — con­ London, England, white volun­ 0ns o f ths midwives is all know mors about childbirth Park Zoo and commented, "You OLYMPIA, Greeije — Olym­ In order niA to endanger the neor as relatives. The visitors are old ribility of defections, presuma­ eligible to vote in tomorrow's The Rev. Hr. .Leamon - is an church burnings and 23 arrests. ducted in Negro qafe^church- teers, were arrested on the CLEAN LATE BtODEL but rdUred and the other is in and are familiar with the pa­ look 10 years younger In perimn pia; about. 3Q0 miles from visiting. a^eement, , reportedly illtutrator and professional art- es, stores — enoa tonight>\ charge. tients,” she says. than you do on the screen.” persons who no longer work. bly because the old people are has thedatened to jail persons yoitr presidential election at the FBI agents were assisting in another line of work now. - Athens, is one of the most pop­ no longer a factor In East Ger­ let specializing in lllustrationa the investigation of the church It was nn effort-to ‘give ois: In most other permit cases USED C A R S Mrs. Marcoux says she only It was a remark that might ular tourist sites in Greece. The first group of pensioners who .help refugees flee from town hall from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. *Tve delivered thousands of have sent a mor« Vain actor Into man production. Oernfany while the Wall is for the younger teen-s. He has fires — some 2(X) miles apart. enf)*anchl8ed Negroin, a chance bond was $60 to $100. delivered babies at Day-Klm- Here in ancient days the Olym­ arrived by train in central Ger­ teiephone A few more voters an Expect­ babies," says Mrs. Oiovanns' a Ussy. Peck merely turned on Previously, elderly East Ger­ open. West Berlin police also illiutrat^ texts, periodicals Over 30 Negro churches have to make their politibal views The WtFDP had about 75 TOP PRICES PAID ball when there was no doctor pic Games were held every four many from Leipzig shortly after ed to be added to the lists at and trade novels of publishers known," Farmer said. ’whl^yoluntoers helping in the Maria Garamella of Bridge­ readily available. the grin that crinkles the right midnight. During the next' year mans were permitted to leave ere said to be under orders not today's special session for those gone up in smoke or explosions years, starting about 776 B.C. only If they renounced the in Boston, New iTcrk and in the past few months. drive. ^ party—not legally FOR AU MAKES port' "Thousands and 'thou­ According to state-law, mid- side of his face and refilled, “ I as many as 8.2 million of them to publicize any wall incidents. It also was to form the basis sands." During the gaijnes a truce was pension payments. Now if t)ffey FREE whose righU hAve matured Nashville. He has also had ex­ James Farmer, head of the recogrn 'zC d ifi' Mississippi— wives may deliver babies only a.m. 10 years younger thaji*«I are expected to enter West Ger­ since Oct. 10. of a possible MFDP challen^ to observed and warfare ceased. defect they can get W e s t e r HUNTER STILL HEI.D perience in directing and pro­ Congress of Racial Equality, the Democratic party crMen- campaigned fOr the Johnson- Mrs. Oarsmella, now 70 In “normal childbirth." If there km on the screen." many the largest East-West In response to many queries ducing a motion picture for Humpbrey tlcket'^v Gartar Chavblal years old, obtained her mid­ complications, a physician Nothing much perturbs Greg man pensions. West German PITTSBURGH (AP) — Wil­ DELIVERY said the church fires were tials-of the state’s congressional . BELL FROM 8A)ITA FE crossing since the Iron Curtain officials said all who Wanted it received by the registrars re­ area television, illustrating and among “ at least 40 separate delegation. *• In the real electioii,-- Mlsslsslp- wifery license back in 1912, must be called in. Peck. He was happily starting came down at the end of World liam E. Pl.*iher, 24, arrested garding split tickeU, the regis­ soon after she arrived from AMARILLO, Tex. (AP) —A would be given asyhim, but no producing color filmstrips, con­ In.stances of harassment, in Most of the arrests, scattered pf was expected to go RMUbll- GOi, In e - Also, a midwife may not use his new movie, “ Mirage,” War n. Tuesday night on the route of trars have this to say: "In Con­ tributing articles to many re­ 1229 Main SU-«49-8tSU Italy. which happened to be shooting locomotive bell has become a official effort wouIT m made to President Johnson’s motorcade Your order for 'drug aeeil addition to campaign workers over the state, were either traf­ can for the first time in Iw^Jiie* "any Jnstrument (suoi as for SkMt German Oommunist get any to defec' necticut, the voter must enter ligious journals and designing During her busy y e ^ , Mrs. East Side, West Side and all church beil. Santa Fe Railway with two rifles and a pl.stol in and cosmetics will be takes arrests." fic charges or distributing leaf­ tory. ceps) or artlflcial or forcible donated the bell from md steam leader Walter Ulbricht ap­ Residents ^ WolsBurg. the the booth and pull the lever to covers for nationally (Jjstrlbut- Gasamella recalls, she deliver­ or mechanical means" or use around the town. At the mo­ his car. has been held for the care ot Immediately. ‘ the right to close the curtain. ed magazines. ed as many as .10 babies a ment, he was doing^ scene with locomotive 6044 to the first Bap­ proved "Operation 6ldeter” last first trtln s ^ in West Germa­ grand jury bn a charge of vio­ any drug "other than a disin­ tist Church here. The church has August In an apparent bid to ny, grected4he tired but happy Then he must pull a party lever. The Rev. Mr. Leamon will week. his co-star, Diane Bakef, beside lating the Uniform l^rearms fectant" constructed a building like Ama­ Improve relations with the Luth­ travelera/ from ' Leipzig. Red If he wishes to spilt his ticket, illustrate his talk. Parents have "But now, not ao much any the pool of California eeals In Act. Similar rules applied in Lan­ the zoo. rillo’s original First Baptist eran Oiurch, 'Which reportedly, Cross ptmses gave them refresh- he must push the pointer up on been Invited to attend his lec­ more. Just for friends I can't Fisher, of suburban Bellevue, cashire, Mrs. Marcous says. Churefi adjacent to the present suggested the visits. The east meiif (x^jildoklL the candidate he wishes to elim­ ture which was arranged by turn down," she says. Traffic continued humming up said at a hearing Wednesday Prescription Phamaoy i inate, and down on the candi­ "Now Tm delivering children Connecticut will apparently and down nearby 5th Ave. churifh. The locomotive bell will German press' hailed the ar­ ianwhile, hundreds of thou- night he kept the guns in his car Richard Curland and Miss Ruth retain Its three-man boanl of be used there. ds of West Berliners are 001 MAIN ST.—648-5821 - date for whom he wishes to Pagach. o f children I delivered.” Troops of first-graders marched rangement as proof of the CoAi-< to be handy (or hunting. vote. If he does not'like eiBier Mrs. Garamella keeps re­ examiners in midwifery for an two-by-two on their visit to the indefinite period, says State zoo; except re­ ing for a job. My only lead was and o a his S38 a month salary. stetrician.” The quads — Carline, Pollle isn't paid lor. And now we've by Mrs. Ernest Carini and Mrs Person To Person new Mrs. Gamai^la's license. a friend of a friend who was a Edward Tyrol. They will be as Mrs. Marcoux worked as a big money man in WalPStreet. Ann, Willie Jr. and Lamar — got eight children, it isn't big We read a were bom in a five-minute peri­ enough," sisted by Mrs. John Sullivan nurse in the obstetrics ward at 8,700 Campsites 4dded “ I went down to his office and od early Sunday to Willie Grant The Rev. Mr. Lyons, 45, a Mrs, Irene Vertefeuille, Mrs quote from Day-Kimball Hospital in near­ presented my letter of introduc­ Ruby Wolff, Mrs. Boyd Tuttle by Putnam. The few babies she tion. My friend had suggested Lyons, 35, a scant hour and 45 Negro, said he. receives $28 a WASfflNGTON — The'United month for preaching twice Mrs. Elarl Watrous, Mrs. Rus an adver­ has delivered since she became that this man might have a job SWITCH minutes after she, entered Madi­ States Department o f Agrlcul- RANGE son Coimty Hospital. monthly at Mt. Zion Baptist sell Wheeler, Mrs. Fred Low tising execu­ a licensed Connecticut mid­ for me at the World’s Fair.' man, Mrs. Mark fithridge, Mrs, wife in 1960 were delivered in lure In 1963 built 8,700 piciHc "Yes, I believe I do have “ The mother and quadruplets church in neighboring Dyer FOR PRESIDENT FOR VICE PRESIDENT and campiog sites in nalionaY Paul Brockman, M rs.' Ralph tive who the hospital. some investment at thp (air," he are doing'just fine," a hospital County. He said he earns $4 a forests and rehabilitated 40^)00 day as a laborer, when he can LYNDON B. JOHNSON HUBERT H. HUMPHREY Now Mrs. Marcoux Ls work. l^aid, and he riffled through his 10% OFF spokesman said today. “ We've Wolme.-, Mrs. Robert Wilks wrote the old ones. This was the greatest really had some excitement. “ get work, but owes a month's and Mrs. Robert Tuttle. Ing In a rest home for elderly p ^ fo lio and cam^. across some­ Tennessee Public Health De- grocery bill and must meet $40- book, “ Let’s people, where the hours fit expansion of recreational facil­ thing called meteor race. He ON A NEW Mrs. Latfergne Williams is ities in national-forest hi.story. partmeht records dating back to a-month automobile payments chairman of a transportation Get Madison, more easily Into her schedule sen fm e out there, and I got a as a busy mother and house­ Recreational visits to the na­ job a^ a barker, trying to induce BENGAL and baby sitting committee and Avenue Out tional fore.sts reached 123 mil­ will be assisted by Mrs. George wife. people into the auto-racing Model X83DATW of Politics,” Doesn’t she find a rest home lion in 1963, a 10 - million in­ show. My salary was $25 a MODERN Greenway, Mrs. Leonard Rob­ crease over 1962. inson, Mrs. Edna Peterson, which puts depressing after in obstetrics week. New convenient finger tip height for broiler into a ward? "I did tl^t for a month and Brighter Side Mauiiqe Bolstrldge, 'Vincent Stu Johnston TOOK NO CHANCES ends stooping, bending. Spacious oven, the widest Sledjeski an<} Lucius Robinson nutshell our "No, I don't think so. Old then got a 'jo\ as a tour gpiide in people need someone, too. And PONCA CITY. Okla. (AP) — Rockefeller Center (or $40 a in any 30” range, will handle those special holi­ Sr. ideas about the proper use SA Drive Starts you become attached to them After several bomb threats here week. My worti was to herd day meals. Automagic Cook opd Keep Warm Of the ISews of advertising. He said, and can be of help to them. that proved to be a hoax, resi­ people through the buildings Mrs. Hayden Allen, chairman "Nothing In this world is Oven automatically turns foods down when of the Salvation Army Fund “ Adverticing should be dents thought they were inured and give them all \inds of facts more wonderful than to hear a to such. However, when a threat Drive, has announced the drive viewed and practiced as a and figures. If someone asked they’re done, holds them at perfect Serving tem­ ANXIOUS COCKTAILS <^stlll on display at the Murray baby’s cry as it Is born. But was telephoned a local theater, me how much the Radio City GAS perature. is under w-ay this week. She form of communication County courthouse. I think It Is just as important the building was emptied rapid­ Music Hall weighed, t~ had the PINE MOUNTAIN, Ga. (AP) named her solicitors as fol­ which prepares the reader and just as rewarding to help ly. Patrons were taking no ans"'C’’ . Sheriff Charles Poag esti­ lows: Mrs. Fred Lowm.an, Mrs. See your dealer or Hartford Gaa. — Do cocktail parties make you mates 8,000 to 10,000 persons for the actual experience he people as they tire leaving this chances. The feature picture be­ "I stayed on that job fdr the John Lester, Mrs. Lee Beck, .world as it is to help people ing shown was "What A Way To anxious? have viewed the still since it Mrs. Marshall Altken, Mrs. will have when he uses the rest of the sum;aer, and thbn I enter this world.’’ Go.” got a position at the Neighbor- Don't worry — it's all part of was confiscated in a raid last Harvey Collins, Mrs. Walter product or service. I find a recognised psychological pro­ week. He said it was equipped Schroder, Mrs. Donald Caul­ reprehensible advertising cess known as unstructuring, to operate automatically on a field Jr., Mrs. Clifford Erick­ says a Boston University psy­ 24-hour basis and could produce son, Mrs. Philip Isham Jr.. Mrs. that promises more than chiatric exi>ert on group thera­ 1,000 gallons of moonshine in Ruby Wolff, Mrs. Morgan Hills, the product (or service) can HEATING TRY A py- that time. Mrs. Wilbur Fletcher and Mrs. deliver.” We would indeed The purpose of cocktail par­ Based ,on current retail Donald Tuttle. appeciate an opportunity to | ties, says Dr. James Mann, is prices, Poag estimated the still Also, Mrs. Robert Bell, Mrs. NOW FOR ONLY NORGE GAS DRYER getting people to know each could have made more than $2 Marshall Nuhfer, Mrs. Edward demonstrate to you that we j Other, But Mann says they are million a year for its owners. ■Rnthbun, Mrs Eugene Roberts, always deliver as much or; afraid to get to know each other “ They must have spent $10,- Mrs. George Johnsdn, Mrs. more than we promise. Call j because they fear rejection. 000 or $12,000 to rig it," Poag Raymond Gray, Karl Hammar- This makes them anxious at said. “ It looks like it would take us soon? Dillon Sales and stron, Mrs. Saul Blum, Mrs. Service, Inc. Your Ford cocktail parties when they ought an engineering graduate to hook Charles Olsen, Mrs. Lucius FBEE to be enjoying themselves, he it up." Robinson and Mrs. Arnold dealer, 319 Main St., Man­ told a session at Georgia's first Sihvoiien. These women will chester, Phone 643-214.5. psychiatric institute on group WALK TO POLLS FOR SENATOR FOR REPRESENTATIVE FOR 3 MONTHS! behavior and group leadership. SEATTLE, Wash. (AP) — THOMAS A. DODD "MIM" DADDARIO The institute concluded Sunday. ^Walk to the polls." the Rev. Peter S. Ralble advised his RELIVINO THE WEST parishioners at the University LOS ANGELES (AP) -R o p e - Unitarian church Sunday. "Because our government is the sum total of the people it serves^ He said the right to cast a trick artist Monte Montana, the choices that W e personally moke, the courses that we personally fol­ t» cruising along the “San Diego ballot in a free nation should be Choicest Meats In Town! marked by a symbol with mean­ low.'the contests that we personally join— these will finally decide the A Norge Gos Diysr will Freeway Sunday, came across a damp diy In 15 minutss, Wild deer loose on the highway. ing, and the ease of auto trans­ (Also Monday reol character of this country." fluff diy In only 30 min­ Also at the scene was Ernest portation has given* special TUESDAY ONLY! From 3 P.hl. On) E. Wolfe, who said: “ Out of this meaning to pilgrimages on foot. — LYNDON B. JOHNSON utes — keep up with Cadillac pulling a horse trailer, "We need occasional symbolic INSTALLED! yout washer. The Gos stepped this guy all dressed up cues to remind us that certain you will use costs only in a Western costume with a small acts have vaster mean­ ; pennies 'fxr load. Tiy lasso in his hand. Boy, wa'S I ings," he said. STEAK REGULARLY $265 one In your home now — surprised." free for 90 days •— The deer, too, wets surprised. PROBABLE CAUSE without any obligation Montana snagged it quickly and SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — lb Playtex whotsoeverl hustled it off the highway. San Francisco lawyer Jake SALE Nothing Down — 3 Years to Pay! "It shows the Old West hasn't -Ehrlich wa.s summoned for jury died yet," he said, duty last week. • SHORT • SIRLOIN # PORTERHOUSE Padded Bra " I ’ve always wanted to serve S$$ your Norge deeter or Hartford Gaa. e l e c t r o n i c S'HLL on a jury,” he wrote the jury REGISTRAR OF VOTERS CHATSWORTH, Ga, (AP) — commissioner. Bill Lowry, HIGHLAND PARK MARKET They're turning out in droves to “ especially in a case I am reg. NO INSTALLATION CHARGE. See the ' Iklest' mah'el of the trying.” 317 HIGHLAND STREET^^HONE 648-4278 I technological age — a huge, Presumably, Ehrlich was Natural Gas piped directly into your home EDWARD MOklARTY electronic, push-button whisky excused. at O U R expense! • now 1 0 9 5 j ! MAV I COMC TO YOUR House? -A ■ f . ' ' . II.. 31 Years of Service os V i NEW LOW GAS RATES bring heat AND hot water to typical 6-room house EVERY PRESCRIPTION now soft cups stay soft/ Democratic Registrar machina washable/'^ for as littFe as $20 per month! IS A MIRACLE'DRUG made without rubber/ GALLON Because, after a personal examination and C.O.D. GAS FUEL COSTS NOW can be study of your problem, your physician has sep lected the one specific medicine he believes will spread over 12 even, convenient monthly help you most. The odds are It will. SAVE up ^ $60 A YEAR ON YOUR Now you get payments. No high winter bills! ■ That is why it is wiser to depend on your physician’s prescription when sick Instead of HEATING RILL... exciting savings of home remedies prepared for the average person. PLEASE give one day notice for $1.00 on the seniational new Also, when you treat yourself you can only treat JUSTICES OF THE PEACE the symptoms which distress. But a physician Playtex Soft-line Padded Bra. The has the knowledge to fipd the cause of your delivery— or you may h ave au­ LIMITED TIME OFFER! Covers rental of 30- sickness and cure it. y o o / i m y s cups are soft and stay soft \ gallon heater, nor­ tomatic delivery. Pay at time of WILLIAM DeHAN RAYMOND T. QUISH mal installation, free through countless machine washings. The rent AGAS maintenance! No delivery or at our office up to 9 FREDRICK NASSIFF YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you ALBERT VINCEK secret? The cups are made without CALL YOUR PLUMBING OR HEATING minimum rental pe- need a medicine. Pick up your prescription if w a t e r riodl With Qai, youH shopping nearby, or we will deliver promptly P.M. same day. rubber/Wash it again and again.,^ cups CONTRACTOR OR HARTFORD GAS without extra charge. A great many people f o r a s alwaya have plenty entfust us with their prescriptions. May we WE GUARANTEE stay soft—never crumble, harden or of hot water — eco­ oomppund yours? That the oil you buy from us is equal or sujieripr tp\any lose their shape. So right now buy a $1.80 PER nomically. other on the market Playtex Soft-line Padded Bra and save 'V $1,000.00 REWARD — If Proven Otherwise $1.00. Hurry, offer expires soon. Call any gpoadfiag coDiraeteri dealsr, or Hartfeid Gas, VOTE DEMOCRATIC White. A, B cups 32-36. 4 COOPERATIVE OIL CO. HOUSE POLLS OPEN 6 A.M. to 7 P.M. Reg. $3.95,‘'now only $2.95 f m a n i . A OtviUon of Boland Oil Com puy Since 1985 Prescription Pharmacy FOR INFORMATION, RIDES TO THE POLLS OR BABYSITTERS 901 Main Street— 643-5321 315IRO A D ST. TEL 643-1553 , Copyright 1964 (WlO-4-64) OTHER OFFICES IN BOLTON, WIIXIMANTIG, CALL DEMOCRATIC HEADQUART^S 649-3001 THE HARTFORD DANIELSON AND NORWICH HALE^ 233 PEARL STREET, HARTFORD 246-1331 7 . Sponsored by the Manchester Detnocrotic Town Committee ' SST !^IN STRBBW’MANC 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE ' <-4 . . A - , • aw av MT«MI(ITIM*I. uir«* a»y *TCit raiNTn IN w.t.a. MAIN STREET-»-MANCHESTER.

. r --TI

- \ ' .-bv;-,. \ ' i MAWUiiiiaiJUlK JiiVIUMiXMU HiUKALD, MAMCHiUSi«K, UJMM, MUmJAlf, NOVEMBER t, 1964 » ■ e - ■ ' lUKCHBSTfiai BVBMNO HERALD, MANCHBR'fER, OONR, ItONDAVt NOVEMBER 2 1864 R A O B m m iiUttir^riatnr elcty beoomea ass avil, diseased plan to ' '■ J ------— ------' * -- promote and enoouraga the growth of Seralli lawleeaneea. Mrs. TTeaver diaiu conduct ti»inssiv^ii5j’ Take your oholce. A reasoned choice ta g tha c o o g r e s s T ^ •• * "• m e may not be as eaay as ona first ima- . NORMAM'moMAB gincA niere Is soma pretty weird, far- LOS ANOELEfl (AP) - Mar. out stu^f being tried, these daya Boms 8TAMfX)lU>, Oalit ( A P ) .—e Every day «t A p.m. Mrs. man. 111011141, six tlmss ths Prtllilurt advanced ideas probably do vtnd up do­ Ellen Weaver, M, U a Vrke, nDEL^OABniO Socialist party caadidaU (or IM bM October L u n Woa'ver leaves the H u een Lab* ing more 111 than good. And who knows? (O onknei from JPage t) mother and homemaker — Cleo entories of Physlea on the cam HAVANA (APr‘— f^m e Min­ prsiridant, says he’s going "pan of Uia wmy with hB JJ’ ^ 1 f rjr Cy«aiai Bmom Jkoidaya There might be, here and thera aome H^-wlnnlng researeh Molog- ^ aad heads home to meet ister Fidel Castro has celled en Md BoMoym.ya JbMTcd a t a * Port OffiM at Hlgli^ Fho hses a bottle for ohUdren Patricia Lynn, •, Mark, " I have reservations about MaaeiNotor,; Com. aa - B«coi>d Claae Hat non-criminal who might like to have The famUy knew of her tal­ hie fellow communists In the ^ ttw . eoBvsnstloB, 4ug in and wont I, and Ttmi, • when they return tha candidacy o f Prssident his face lifted free. to wsrii. At S a.m„ Red High ents, so they weren’t too excited tram B c ^ l. Cuban government t6 learn how Johnson, but 1 feeljv a ’vs got to ■OBScaupnoN HAnt But if, at the end of thia far-out said h* wanted to fly to Chica­ when she w on 'a tn.MM g m t . "I glra them my time untU to study capitalism to learn how lick Ooldwateff,” ‘^ m aa aMd Payable la Advaaea from the Atomie Energy Com- in a speech Sunday night. Af ••aaaaabaababaaaaaot experiment, the aocial experts can claim go to See Ray B o l ^ at the they go to bed, then I go back to end waste. * X! H b n er House. A t 4 a.m. July mlsslan to continue her fltanfprfl my studies,” she said. to Thomaa said Rqp)eMiean Bar­ ICOStlltt a a a a*A*a««* a«*aaa a l^y this face-lifting has healed even two or '‘Capitalism Is using Ifs mon­ M Montbs aaa«aaao»a*aa«ba P.V poured a ptteher of water on University research Into photo­ ry Goldwatar’a ^ollCT was ooaaaaaat^aaaaaa^i three lives, and helped make good 'use­ synthesis. Mrs. Weaver credits her hus­ ey, w s' socialists thsow it him. . An hmir later, Red . High band for much ot her acMeve- away,” said Castro In a speech "apeak vary knid and eatry a ful ritisens out of some borderlina threw a pie In July’s face and "Many more women can d» what I'm doing,” she said. Mrs. ment. He enooureged her to Saturday night big bomb.” TBB AStOCtATKD'pH^ cases—then let's give the theory a the .night was bqilnnlng. At oonttnue school 90 yeisrs ago , The prime ihinlster blamed > .... I ■ — lha Aaaadated Praaa la axclualyblyEciuaiybly aetltla^ Wsaver says the lack of women break. ■* ' • ;S0 son-, Rsd High toppled In­ When they. were first married the U.S.' blockade for some o t la tha uaa ot rapabllcatlaa ot all aawa 41a- to a chSir in court and said he winning such grants is duo to Dupltckte Bridge aatebaa credited to It or net otbarwiae credit- lack of encouragement. while she was still a student .at Cuba's economic problems but ad la tbia paper and alee the 1 o ^ aewa. aub- needed a reht. Hie last personal Western Reserve University in said "inexperience, irrespon­ Hahad here. ^ vaeatlan had been tai Florida. Her husbend, Harry, a physi­ Reaulte In a duplicato bridge All rlahta cl repubHeattoa o( abedal Ala- cist, said, ‘-‘getting grants Is fSeveland. She took her mas­ sibility and lack ot capacity fatcliee aereln are alae reaerred. He earns out to the pool in the ter's- dsgm -in biological have also been the cause of game held Friday night at the Boom For The Ball and Crana aomethlng thet’a with you aU liasement rooma of Sfl School morning in a cabana set, a bot­ tl\e time. It’s a relief when they fclsncs frain Stanford and her many of our difficulties.” The Baiald Priatlag Comoaay. lac., aa- The biggest boom of the shining sixties tle of vodka la each hand and PliJ> in genetics from the Uni: St. are- Milton. Gottlieb and aumea ao nnaadal reapoaalbillty (or tjrpe- come through.” Frank Connorton, first; Rich­ graphlcal orrora appearing In adyertlaemeata a busboy trailing him with ice 4 e ^ ty os Oalilbrnla. ADLAISTEVENSON Is. it might seem, the boom in the wreck­ Mrs. Weaver Is seeking O'vi- ard Voaburgir and Jack Deacy, aii4 other reading matter la Tha Uancheata* and dranges. The busboy spent dence about an' elusive compo­ She has given up civic activi­ MEXICO d T T (AP) — Adlal Ereatag Herald. ing Industry. second, and Mr, and Mra. B. B. the day at Red High’s side. nent called “ P700,” perheps.the ties and has.little time for the E. Stevenson, U.S. ambassador Not only in such spectacular job op­ “Don't Uft the glass,” Red Smythe, third. Full aenrloe citaat el N. B. A Serrlce, lae. primary energy converter In the skiing and tennis she enjoys. to the United Nations, left Mexi­ Pnbllahera Repreaentativee — The Julloa portunities as taking dowp Pennsylvania High told a^ guest, "thats what photosyntheUc process by which "1 mads up my mind some co City for Chile today, but bad The game Is open to tha pub­ toe boy la tor." Mathewe Special Agency — New Tork Chi- Station for 12,500,000 is the wrecking green plants and sunshine turn time ago to do what I'm doing, weather forced his plane to lic and is held each Friday, at eago, Detroit and Boatoa. He Is having a real rest now. carbon -dioxide end water into return to the Mexican capital. 7: CHUCK be setting s new record, as they demolish LBJ tomorrow. For Saturday — 1 p.BL Friday. ^ ^ ^ servers predict , BOMBAY. India (AP) — Pre­ DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Claaalfled deadline; 10;S0 Am. eaeb day af the tallest skyscraper ever demolished— •Tfs no good,” he seld. "You Food Stock Too Low mier Lsl Bahadur Shastri of George Borg, president of the puMIcatlaii except Saturday — t Am. know these poUtlolans. They So—to Insure a respectable Bone-In the 40-story Morrison Hotel. showing, my advice to all Re­ India says he'll attend the Inter­ Iowa State Bank, has never . don’t fonret You got to be WASHINGTON — If ouUide national Eucharist Congress In missed a meeting In the 25 years Monday, Novembor 1 After next year, the wreckers will eounted. 1 wanted the guy to publicans Is: food supplies were suddenly cut All Cvlt flO'D ll-MV/ 1. G tt out and vote Tuesday, Bombay despite the mounting since he joined the East Des have s field day taking down the World’s kn(#w I voted for him. After all, off by an emergency, 42 per objections of orthodox Htndus. Moines Kiwanis Club. . Nov. 5. Fair. The contract volume for the wreck­ you never know.” cent of big-city homemakers Pope Paul 'VI of the Roman It may be a record for the club b tC "' Tl.'L'i 19M FaMIstiers -Newspaper 2. Pull the second lever. say they'd be out'Of food In a ers this year hM been In the several (^ithollc Church is scheduled to but not for the Borg family. His Cast A T ru e V o U syndicate S. Vote It straight — no cut­ week or leas, a United States attend the congress, which be­ brother, John Borg, has a 31- hundred million dollar mark. • Theii* av­ ting — no splitting. Normally, in thla apace on the day Department of Agriculture sur­ gins Nov. 28. year perfect attendance record erage annual task has now grown to And may Ood save the UJ3.A. vey shows. On farms, only 17 Shastri told a public meeting a.s a member of the Downtown SHOULDER before a 8T«At national election, the Tours truly, 26,000 buildings a year, and that means per oent would be. Sunday nignt that "India is the Kiwanis Club. buaineaa of expoaition and'exhortation, Fortim Sherwood G. Bowers buildings, not homes. tOHDOM B4 0 II;. o f analyaia and argument, ia eonaider* ad over. In ita place, cuatom calla for Just as all the beautiful granite of Stin Uke Barry’ Pennsylvania Station has come to no To ths Editor, CROUliO CHUCK the traditional admonitiona about ,how This year’s political activity Today in History it ia the duty of eitizenahip to "get out nobler use than being dum p^ out in a Is about over, and whet a re­ and vote." New Jersey marshland to be t^ed as fill, lief! It has baen a dull, drab, By The Associated Press so the wrecking process has bew-slmpll- Today is Monday, Nov. S, There ia aomethlng in the air thia disappointing, and sometimes disgusting spectacle from the the 307th day of 1964. There Frmsh Pipotiuco year which prompta ua to amend that fied everywhere. There is no longer much are 59 days left In the year. effort to save or salvage anything. It time things started to roll. RE-ELECT traditional aloganeering. I was glad to see Barry Gold- Todisir'a Highlight In History costs more to move or store something On this date in 1880, the 39th We are concerned not only with the water get the Republican nom­ than it could ever be worth. ination lasf summer. He showed state. South Dakota, and the idea that people ahould vote, but with signs of being a candidate with 40th state, North Dakota, w ere: In compliance with the new demands admitted to -the union. j the mood in which they vote. Ideas and aims decidedly dif­ upon it and the new contracts available, On This Date | The queationa thia election poaea to ferent from the "liberal” can- In 1783, George Washington BANANAS 1 CONGRESSMAN the wrecking industry has been working the American people cannot be anawer- dldaites of both majot; parties delivered his farewell address j steadily to Improve its own techniques ever since the New Deal. I fig­ ad completely by, the victory of one Photographed By ReginaJd Pinto to the army at Rocky Hill, near and performance. The crane and ball ured him to be a courageous Princeton, N.J. candidate or anothbir. technique no longer meets the test for SCENE AT MANCHESTER FINE ARTS FESTIVAL: Sculpture "Job” By Robert Hughes non-conformist who would be In 1901, the Pan Am erican' good for the country If he was GOLDEN RIPE , u The maturity of ^ r behavior m a big city skyscraper demolition. In such exposition ended in Buffalo, sleeted president. N.Y. I ‘ people and our capacity to take our in- a. case, the new technique calls for build­ 12 It is beyond my comprehen­ MIM In 1920, regular radio broad­ etitutiona and our own reaponaibilitiea ing a new building around the old to sion how any politician who so casting 'was started by Station M sal. and Producs Prices H fsctlvs Monday, TifasS^nr (mM' Wodnasday Only to them aerioualy, are thinga at atake shield everybody while the old/ building shrewdly rounded up all the K-D-K-A, Pittsburgh, broad­ delegates Barry Goldwater had in thia election which -are bigger than is tom down. Then the shell building Is Jimmy Inside Report casting, the Harding-Cox elec­ partiea, bigger than candidatea, more on his side at the Republican tion returns. ; taken down, too, and saved for another The Crucial Vote by National Convention can go out In 1950, Irish Novelist, Play­ fundamental even than any great aet job. Improved methods and more zophis- into the campaign and fall so wright and Critic George Ber­ of politiCAl prlnciplea. ticated equipment have revolutionized Rowland Evans Jr. «nd Robert D. Novak flat on his face that he never nard ishaw died. I Breslin could seem to get going “on any In 1048, President Harry S. Let ua not, in our Attitude toward our the trade, with hints of automation even reasonable course. It appears Truman was elected to his first, ow-n voting' tomorrow, fall into any of here, in the latest profession of the great EN ROUTE WITH PRESI­ now forgotten airport lat* one NEW YORK, Nov. 2—Among Social security with a marker DENT JOHNSON — "He could night last week, an old woman that a lot of people in high full term. the trapa g t cheapneaa and glibneaa and double wire screen which sep­ industrial age. Two men with a good those highly important ballots' or a bum check. You'll wind up sell -sand to a beach comber." asked him: "And how are you, party places have been jmilty of Ten Years Ago DADDARIO arates visitors from guests. ahallowneaa which the circumatancea of concrete breaker c m now do the work which President Johnson's ,J)eing 68 years old and sitting Thia bit of hyperbole, uttered Mr. President?” monumental stupidity in their In the biggest turnout of vot­ Aside from contempt cases, ers in sn off-year election. the day and our own wonderful aophla- of 20. men with old-fashioned air drills. workers were counting on in a wheelchair broke and in­ Civil Prison is primarily used by an admiring fan of President "I'm just wonderful,” he said. conduct of the Republican cam­ paign. Democrats won control of the tication have aet all about ua. To be heavily and now must do with,** stead of sending your check to detain men who do not pay Johnson in the midst of one of “ I had a very light day. I didn't As for the future outlook for their In­ out, is the vote Mr. Red High once a month, the government the President's folksy, pie-in- get up til 6:30 this morning . . Of course, It is hard to run Senate by a margin of one aure, we can all figure out imaginable alimony to their ex-wives. The dustry, the wreckers are full of confi­ were ready to cast until his will tell you that some guy in the-sky talks to the voters last Mr. Jo'hnson haa run hiz own against and prevail over seat. better choicea, or more pleasant election double screens are not there to Five Years Ago dence. They derive this confidence from rights were disturbed by a Duluth just kited one on the keep the prisoners fenced in. week, tells a lot about the John­ campaig;n this fall. He has stud­ "peace” and "prosperity,” so- days. To be av»re. It la eaay to mask our change of address. .social security and if you can son Presidential campaig;n. ied reports from the field by his called, but the Republicans had The United Nations said that the quality of the new buildings they see They are there to keep the ex- new homes had been found disappointment about one candidate by Mr. Red High’s change of go and collect off the guy the wives from getting at the pris­ Never has ao much snake oil political advisers with a zest mateiial to work with that rising in the place of the old ones they address from Jllly’s bar oh 52nd money is yours. That's no way been applied so generously to for attention to every little de­ should have shown them off to within the past year for half of putting the other in the same basket oners. the refugees living In camps in have demolished. From what they can St. to No. 434 West 3Tth St., to do busine.ss.” ‘This isn’t a bad place at all,” such enthusiastic audiences by tail. These reports have gone far better advantage. with him. To be sure, it ia sophisticated an old red brick building which Two fellows with him on the a man in the White House. Mr. back for action with Presidential I am a registered Republican, Europe. see. there will be, for this generation of ' Red High was saying. "The rest One Year Ajfo to pretend there is fto choice really houses the New - Y orf Civil other side of the screen agreed. Johnson doesn’t make political scrawllngs all over the margin.s. although I have sometimes been building, no slow business of waiting half does me good."* Army rulers in South 'Viet worth our own whole-hearted endorse­ Prison. Red High moved into Red High then went on to the speeches. He chins with the vot­ "I have never seen a can­ less than 1009i "regular.’’ How­ a century or a century to be proclaimed the place at the request of a Senatorial race. It certainly does. Red High ers as if he were giving them didate so intrigued with the nut.s Nam sal(l president Ngo Dlnh ment. ever, this time I am going right Diem and his brother, Ngo Dlnh obsolete. As the wreckers see it, many judge. The judge got mad at "I would have voted for Is one of the last of the great; the Johnson treatment in his and bolts of politics,” confides down the line with the Second Very few of ua have managed, Red High becau.se he didn't an­ movers. He appeared . in Civil parlor down at the old LBJ one of Mr. Johnson’s principal Nhu, previously reported sui­ of the glamorous shells now being erect­ Keating,” he said. "They keep Lever, Not only do I still Uke cides, had been a.ssassinated. swer a question before a .special Prison 10 days ago with his ranch. The cliches pour out as political agents. ‘‘Ev4ty sug;ges- through thia campaign, to escape such ed will be ready for, their craft in 15 or saying that New York needs a Barry Goldwater, but I’ think Today's Birthday Brooklyn grand jury which is democratic Senator so he can eyelids puffy, his face flushed when, in Pittsburgh the other tion we made to him this fall the whole GOP ticket in Con­ thoughts and feelings. 20 years. The best news the wreckers and the top of his head throb­ Sen. Richard Russell of Geor­ Investigating the horrible crime get along with President John­ night, he ended a long descrip­ he accepted. Some he Im­ necticut is one of high candidate of gambling. bing so hard that' his hair gia la 67, But let us, tomorrow, be citizens, and have is that the fashionable principle of son. I can’t see that. Keating’s tion of life in the GREAT SO­ proved." quality. "Are you a bookmaker?" moved. He had spent the night CIETY this way: Quotation For Today not mere sophisticates, voters, and not planned obsolescence, on which so much a nice fellow. He and Johnson Instead of soft-pedalling his These predictions by various The Government Is best the.y asked Red High. are grown men. Why shouldn’t before accompanying JlUy on a “ y'alls,” or trading in his white humorists, Americans, and not careless of our ordinary commercial prosperity "It is the time of peace on “experts” of a record-breaking "That is a personal question,"" they be able to get along with round of the town. earth and good will among men. We.stem Stetson, he has por­ scoffers at any part of the vital and has been based for the past few decades, he said. landslide for the Dems in Con­ each other? If I got sent down They went out to Long Is­ The place is here and the time trayed himself for exactly what necticut, even by as many as sacred processes of our democracy. has now been adopted by the building The judge gave him 30 days to Wa.shington as a Senator you land and caught Keely Smith is now." he is. He's gone around the coun­ 400,000 votes, are getting under Industry. for contempt of court. It is his could bet your life I'd get along at a dinner show. Then they This sort of rambling mono­ try and waded into the huge my skin. This is an election second sentence for failing to with the whole world.” came back and made Shecky logue is far away from Adlal cheering crowds in the big EAst- ■j’ear when all regristered Re­ Ajid surely this Is one of the great answer the same question. Red High had just come Green • and Buddy Greco at Stevenaon’s soaring rhetoric in em cities looking like a South­ publicans ought to vote it There are five other people on ern planter dressed up for a INSULATION Rob A Bank, G«t A Now Face? glories of our age, that even the nega­ down ft om a djnner of ham and BAsIn Street East. Then it was 1962 and 1966 and the slightly straight, if they have any pride their second and third 30-day night in town, not a Texan try­ tive side of progress should be converted cabbage and boiled potato, every man for himself. Red ironic understatement' of John at all In their party. PINAST FROZEN - B««f, Chtdcpn, Turk«y It is perhaps too recent a disclosure terms in Civil Prison because which he found very good. He ing to look like an Easterner^- into a great and profitable industry ail Kennedy in I960. It is original W. H. ENGLAND to get itself into the present political they, too. were asked embar- was speaking through a thick (See Page Nine) Johnson — a mixture of Texas As a campaigner, the Presi­ its ow-n. One can look forward to a great TAssing questions in front of the dent has made only a few mis 1 StUI Uke Barry’ campaign, but sooner or later, we'll frontier and cracker-barrel com Even those who don’t like LUMIER CO. 8 02 $ 1 0 0 future collaboration and mutual pacing jury. They had no chance to delivered by a politician inordi­ takes (though it’s doubtful i! warrant, there will be some rather stri­ Barry have no great cause for : PKGS I betwen the two industries,, the building apply for absented ballots and nately plea.sed with himself and anything would have changeo “At the Grran” 649-5901 dent discussion of the business of free warden says he cannot let them the probable outcome of the the result). worry; most signs point to the MEAT and the wrecking, the construction and A Thought for Today plastic surgery for criminals. out to vote tomorrow. election. Late lAst summer, as the cam fact that he 'will take a shel- yie demolition, and not even the sky a "I don't think the Democrats President Johnson hAs every 5 The hand of the past reaches paign began, Gov. John (>nnally A two year experiment in such plas­ limit to either. got anything to .squawk about," of fame, like Jessie. Jessie was a friend of mine, a lady rea.son to be plea.sed. A compila­ of Texas and other Presidential tic surgery has been announced down in Red High said during visiting out over u.s like a cloud from tion of the latest confidential S ji'il'ilSia.WIWWiSiirV'VSIlSi Mama who had b ^ n young a long intimates warned him not to let Good Luck Margarine New York, the program being backed hours yesterday. "They lose my the west, to curse or to bles.s; polls that he loves to exhibit to Sen. Goldwater get under his 2 59c vote. But what about me ? I time and who never felt very 935 Main Street - Tel. 64345171 by a federal grant of 1240,000 from the and lucky .they are whose past friends shows him carrying all skin. But on the West Coast las blow Tony Bennett’s opening at well but always got through but four states ■ Mississippi, Vocational Rehabilitation Administra­ An Excellent Try the Copa.” is a blessing. somehow. She had this prayer week, there wa sa lapse by the Alabama, Louisiana and South President. l^e irrelevantl;; AiRO CAN 53= tion of the department of Heaith. Edu­ The Middletown United Fund clo.sed The shame of it is that Mr. Lucky we are in the Church­ which .she stuck with .scotch Carolina. Lucky Whip topping es. where yesterday (and every tape in the front of her Prayer ‘Ifsggcd in Gen. Eisenhower as cation and Welfare. out another year last night by mis.sing its Red High ha.s a fine grasp of The President well knows that having had, "the same type ot yesterday) was AH Saints’ Book: "O Lord, help me to un­ goal by 53,600, but this in no way should the i.ssues of this campaign. He a major rea.son for thi.s almost problem" on his staff that Mr. - The plastic surgery In question will bay, recalling the Saints, peo­ reflect on the dedication with which was not going to be a robot derstand that You're not going emphoric estimate of the poll­ Johnson had with Walter Jen­ B & M Brown Bread tl02CAN'|8c remove tattoos and scars from selected those who worked on the drive perform­ voter. ple who have been canonized to let anything come m y way sters Is Sen. Barry Goldwater. or placed in the Church’s hall kins. Except ttr that Igpse, Mr. criminals. ed. An extremely high goal was set this "I was going to split up my that You and me together can’t But he also believes that in the Johnson has managed to subdue year, 5216,000, as compared to 5210,000 ticket." he was saying yester­ of fame, like St. Paul who was handleV \ brief space of less than 12 knocked around a good deal but his anger at Republican attacks The theory behind this project ia that set for the year before. day. "For the big job. I wanted In my bopk Jessie qualifles months in the White House he on his character and cronies. Baker's Vanilla Extract ^qz btl 85c *<>2 45c proved that "God is faithful, |Ufh improvement in the appearance of John.son and Humphrey. Gold- on All Saints' Day, because has successfully coaxed a tear­ The campaign is over now alid The United Fund directors believed water come across very bad. and He will not let you be criminals may help them change their this was needed and could be raised be- ".saint" means "holy," and ful nation out of despondency Mr. Johnson is going to miss the especially on social security. tempted beyond your "holy' means wholly expectant EXPERIENCE i r VISION outlook and their perscmality and- may cau.se .the goal was exceeded last year by and captivated a large part of roar of those crowds. They di­ He sqid you should makb the strength." (First borinthians that whatever comes from Him it by his exuberant, unorthodox verted and stimulated him. Now Red Rose Tea Bags pkgof48 (55c Increase their capacity to obtain jobs roughly 52,000. .Their estimates were ■ pa.vments voluntary. What's the - 10:13). comes postpaid and ready-to- handling of the Presidency. that he’s on the threshhold of wrong because by the time the drive got matter with a guy like that ? after their release from ' prison. I like that so much that I wear. He glories in his ne'w job and one of the largirt Presidential COURAGE SENIORITY under way, some 800 fewer people were Didn't he ever hear of mark­ hke to hear it often, from other This, so long as we stay on this aide working in Middletown than were work­ Rev. George NOstrand, can't tell the voters enough, votes in history,.'the problems ol ers? People would be paying saint.s vho didn't make the hall St. Mary’s Church. about it. Along the fences at a Calo Liver & Chicken Gat Food 2 cans 3 3 c 'o f the argument, ia an advanced exam* ing here last year. This means that the the first Johnson administration ^ community really exerted itself to raise —^ China, Western unity, infla­ ENDORSED RY THE NEW YORK TIMES: pie rof what a modern society, a as much as it did, and ail who gave and I’Nk'li.i.rv tion at home —^ ar^ crqwdlng In. 12-OZ benevolent government, can undertake worked .should be proud of Middletowii'a “ Representative Emilio Q. Daddario (Dem.) ^ias made an ex­ cellent redord in his three terms in the house, where he has Green Giant Mexicorn (L4NS 45< hi the way* of a scientific psychological record for generosity. A approach to the complex problems of a Many of the lost jobs went the wa.v of ' taken a leading role in the exploration of space problems. He Yestei^dayg UB3-OZ modem society. We do not want to do automation, although in selective indus­ should be returned to office.” tries there have been cut-backs in num­ , 9 , Green Giant Asparagus Spears CAN w /vJC merely what ha^ been done before; we « 1 1 Herald Editorial October 22, 1964 bers because of changed business condi­ — r * want to do aomethlng better and more 1 .-1 1 VOTING THURSDAYS tions, Therefore in some instances the 1 1 . i 23 Vears Ago meaningful; we want to try to solve-our industries themselves reduced their con­ fRlOAYS ENDORSED BY THE HARTFORD TIMES OR ELBOW MACARONI .1-11 PKG 2 5 c tribution, and the amount raised by (he I Delay announced in putting Prince Spaghetti social problems, not merely parry them police radio system into op’ r or bury them. employes shrank not ip terms oif ih- eration due to lack of copy of **. . . haa'won the confidence and respect of America’s sci­ dividual donations, but in terms of total town charter on record In Man­ entific community ... for his work.” *““' Buppoac, however, we now cross over contribut'ions. 25-FT ROLL I I- chester and lack of informa­ Reynold's Aluminum Foil 35c to the other aide of the argument. The shrinking employment, some of tion in town engineer’s office Idealist ■ l What then becomes of such luxurious, which is technologically caused, should ' as to latitude and longitude of . PRAISED BY PRESIDENT JOHNSON advanced social theories? serve as a reminder to the city to re­ police station. t-Ol CAN 3 S « double its efforts In terms of industrial ^ z ± n ^ Board , of Selectman plans Horihey Cocoa It becomes, of course, a "coddling" of attracUim.. The loes of 800 jobs puts survey of street lighting facll- or Realist? • I w an t to congratulate you for tl)e very imaginative way in DOUBLE Norshey Instant Cocoa Mix M-OZ CAN 41c known criminals. It engenders such slo- greater strain on the humanitarian or­ ities in Mancheser in effort to which you are mobilizing resources to improve our under­ ganizations that are financed by the Uncle Ben'f W ild Rice M ix lONO aiA)N t-OZ KO 69< B^a "go commit a crime suid then improve street -lights. M . United Fund, and consequently a vicious F standing and policies with regard to Science-Government ) l-OZ get your face lifted for-free.” But the l^ills|>ury Biscuits ZWI(TM)U( OZ KmUMIlK CAM 29< circle Is begun. Naturally the loes of 10 Years Ago Tho Idsalist credits sound sleep to good relations...* GREEN clincher will be the argument that all jobs thsmselves Is far n^we^portant Manchester voters give Oov. - conscience; the realist laj'slit to a good Burry's Oxford Crepnes w-oz no 2«c this la probably a Communist plot, de­ than the effect on the T*und, but we John D. Lodge, unsuccessful mattress. The idealist believes any mat­ s t a m p s HZ NO signed to case the path for crimes in our mention it only to emphasize the manner candidate for re-election, plu­ Nqbisco Graham Crackers 39c in which community prosperity fits to­ tress will do. The realist knows the better society by offering criminals free fresh rality of 469 votes over suc­ Qub, completes course at Hart- aat 4em n aod aHra |taa ariaaa hi our aa> dietowB did,—M n X lU inO W N PIUDM. Ml iXAttr vou im i ais moK ftjFd Bwpttal Bcheol of MBi«- • .sA'i MANCHESTER EVENING HERAED, IfANHMiMlTgtt, OONN^. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1964 MANCajESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONM, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, ld64 M a t sunm.

struggle against the Viet Oong. before ttia attack Mm NenkuroB I^ng Campaign Ends Today, Washington autborltlas said was warned that the« aliM ld I Hjffppeny Pleads Not Guilty, Newest Communist Attack tltat there was no evidence indi­ near Saigon waa exMeed to l a r y cating any link in timing be­ such action. He . said tbar* waa LBJ May Draw Record Total May Bring Viet Showdown tween the raid and the U.S. no indication that anything waa * Tru'rial on Toll Count Friday election in which the South Vlet- done about the waratof. '* * Bbv» nameee war has been a contro- There waa no Immedlata com­ l i Xn. T«tte W t y m Nuawlorf, (Centbiaed from Om ) (Continued from Pnge Om ) • ment from the Dafenaa Depart­ sioner Leo Mulcahy of hia verelal lesue. -"90, wlf» o t Jacob Nuaadorf o t Fran«4s Happeny of 9 Hospital Notes were destroyed had- been sta­ However, Sen, Barry Gold- ment on Nlxon’a atatementa N. Main St.. gram « f Manchester, died l a s t there were few pranks played net Junior High students, for a Starkweather St.; James ^ Ly­ which had been stalled under Wednesday at Ormond Beach. any more dam a^ng than the poatar at the Main St. W. T. Trick or Treaters with a Message man, Wajq>ing; Joel Roberts, 175 Kennedy. Also cited was the Bhe was the widow of Robert ususd soaping o f windows and Grant store. Three Scarborough Rd. girls combined the national elections with Saturday night’s trick- Green Manor Rd.; Wendy Han­ President’s action in the Gulf of / . Smith, stealing of pumpkins. Third prize: Cathy O’Donnell, or-treating and came up with a living reminder to their Porter St. area neighbors to vote to­ cock, Eeist Hartford: Frank Tonkin incident and his asses.s- Mrs. Smith was bom Sept. Behind soipe of the soaped 18 Adams St., and Cathy Egan, morrow. Ginny Lowe, 13, Patty Barbato, 12, and Debbie Knowlton, 12, dressed as a Demo­ Chambers, East Hartford; ment that the explosion of the Jeanne and David Roszczewski and their entry. (Herald photo by Freeman.) •7, 1876, the daughter of Mr. windows were the winning 24 Hendee Rd., both As.sump- cratic donkey, a voting machine and a Republican elepliant to dramatize the voters’ responsi­ Mitchell Manseau, 14 Strong St.; Red Chinese nuclear device and and Mrs. William Runde, and paintings in the Chamber of tion School students, for a post­ Mark Hilton, 6 French Rd, bility to go to the polls. Their costumes' were widely applauded. ______the Soviet Union’s ouster of lived in Manchester until mov- Comnmrce's annual contest for er at Pinehurst Grocery. BIRTHS ’YESTERDAY: A son Nikita Khrushchev had not Inig to Florida 25 years ago. ' seventR and eighth graders. The Honorable mention: Kather­ to Mr.-and Mrs. Richard Parker, RockviUe-Vemon winners were announced today. changed world conditions ma­ Survivors Include two broth- ine Glenney, 182 Boulder Rd., Amston Lake; a son to Mr. and The most damaging prank re­ terially. srs, William Runde of Manches­ and Jane Karp, 114 Waanoke 4 Questions Campaigns at End, Mrs. Clarence A. Terry, East ter and Alfred Runde of Day­ ported to the police was com­ Hartford; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Whatever the reasons, a victo­ mitted at 291 Bush Hill Rd., Rd., both Bennet students, for tona Beach. Fla. a poster at the Sherwin Willi­ Allan J. Robinson, Kelly Rd., ry by Johnson of the scope indi­ where unidentified youths cated by most of the polls would Halloween Display Wins Prize A memorial graveside serv­ ams paint store. Face Voters Vernon; a daughter to Mr. and threw a l(t - inch pumpkin be certain to affect the outcome Eighth Grade winners are: Mrs. Daniel Gallagher, Wap- ice will be conducted Thursday through a double picture win- You Decide Tuesday of congressional and statehouse at 3 p.m. in Ea.st Cemetery by First prize; Kathy Farrell. ping; a daughter to Mr. and David apd Jeanne Roaxczew- ♦Sltek and Antoinette Wilkon-*Jane Blron and CSirlstlne Ba­ dovy. The replacement will coat Mrs. Stewart Joslln, Tolland. races. the Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, 96 Dartmouth Rd., and Janice In Elections chiochl, Sykes, third place. about 1100, police said. DISCHARGED SATURDAY; ■ki, of l^ington, brother and son, Ellington High School, pastor of C3enter Congregation­ Other jokesters burned old Obuchowskl, 25 Park St.. St. The polls will open at 6 a.m. tomorrow and remain Town and Casual, W. Main St., Mlchpel Muschko, 52 Bretton sister, won first place in the right window at W. T. Grant al Church. Ores in Buckland—the blaie James’ School students, for a Manchester voters tomorrow, open until 7 p.m. for town electors to choose a President Rd.; L a s c 1 o Boszormenyl, Store, Rockville; Dorothy Bo- Rockirllle. was extinguished by the Eighth poster at the W. T. Grant will ballot on four questions, a senior division of the -Annual and a vice president— either Democrats Lyndon John­ Montauk Dr., Vemon; Mrs. El- nan and Donna Chase, Elling­ Honorable mentions in the Mrs. William Zimmerman District Fire Department—and Parkade store. local proposition for the Sunday Halloween Window Painting friede Ratajski, East Hartford; Events ton High School, Mickey’s Auto junior division went to Charles WAPPING — Mrs. Katherine painted an aluminum colored Second prize: Ellen Donahue, sale of liquor, and three pro­ son and Hubert Humphrey or Republicans Barry Gold- Robert P. Thiel, 67 Olcott Dr.; contest Saturday. Their entry Sales, Rt. 83. EUington, and Kelly and Chris Wood, Sykes, Zimmerman, 79, of Straits Rd., i line down Jensen St, 254 Spring St., and Cindy Ha­ posed state constitutional water and William Miller. was painted on the windows of Barbara Kozak, Rockville High L. Bissell and Son, Park St., Chester, mother of Ruth Zim­ amendments. Mrs. Florence A. Greenwood, Apparently afraid of the less ney, 160 Parker St., St. James’ They must also choidse be­ individual polling places will Ralph Wilcox Jewelers on Park School, left window in the Rockville; Marcia Bressette apd merman of Wapplng, died Sat­ real spirits, the pranksters who tween candidates for the U.S. East Hartford: Mrs. Bertha In State students, for a paster at the W. The local question proposes also be Republicans. PI. Windsor Ave. Shopping Plaza. Terry Roberts, Sykes' Carou.sel,. urday at Middlesex Memorial tip over grraveatones kept away Senate—incumb'ent Democrat In addition to the votes cast Clark, 73 Oak St.; Jose A.. T. Grant Parkade store. the sale of liquor on Sunday in Cantizaoo, 82 Haynes St.; Mrs. More thorn 110 students of Gayle Amsden and Antoi­ Tri-City Shopping Plaza; De­ Hospital after a long illness. from the East Cemetery and restauVants, clubs and hotels, Thomas J. Dodd and. challenger in person, there will be a record (Continued from Page One) IMPORTED CANNED HAMS DEU HAN tSS ^ 6 9 * Third prize: Judy Cambria, Gertrude M- Hale, East Hamp­ Rockville ElUngton High nette Dobosz, of Sykes Junior nise La France, Sykes, Lutz ■ATMIA Other survivors include her did their tipping in the Man­ 50 Ardmore Rd., and Frances between the hours of noon and 9 John D. Lodge— and for the number of absentee ballots in­ VMOX husband, a son, and three ton; Mrs. Doris Rivos, Wap- Schools and Rockville and El­ High School, won first place in Hardware. E. Main St., Rock­ chester Memorial Co. across ■Greene, 366 Hilliard St., ajso p.m. It was placed on the voting House seat for the First Con­ cluded in the election tally, this questitm" as to whether Ri- lington aad junior high schools a daughters. ping; Mrs. Diana Mahoney, the junior division for their ville; Michael (Checkers and Do­ SAUSAGE B S 8 9 * Harrison St. St. James’ students, and also machines by a Sept. 1 action of gressional District — incum­ year. Almost 1,200 such ballots mek could actually be classi­ participated. The contest was PORK LOINS 1 Funeral services will be held The 91 entries into the annual Wapping: Mrs. Nellie McGlinn, window at the Vemon store ot nald Bowman, Sykes, Vemon for a poster at the W. T. Grant the town's board of directors, as bent Emilio Daddario and chal­ have been mailed in and the fied os' a minister, Judge Blu- sponsored by the recreation tomorrow at 2 p.m. at All window painting contest, which 31 Jarvis Rd.; Miss Evelyn J. W. T. Grant; Molly Light and National Bonk, Vemon Circle, an alternate to a suggested lenger Atty. James Collins. deadline is not until 6 tonight. menfeld suspended sentence oommisslons of Rockville, Ver­ \ Saints Episcopal Church, Ivory- is sponsored by the Chamber of Parkade store. Sazinski, 82 Foster St.; Mrs.- Debbie Cartem, Sykes, second and Theresa Kulawy and Mary- town ordinance. On the same ballot are two and placed Rimek on probation non and Ellington. The contest UNI ton. Burial will be in Fountain Commerce reb^l division, were Honorable mention: Nancy Mkry Chambers, 182 School place, N u tm ^ Pharmacy, Ver- anne Ckip, Sykee, Vlncent’a The same question has ap­ sets of towm slates of justices for one year. was coordinated by the Rock­ Hill Cemetery, Deep River. , judged Friday. Stankiewicz, 22 S Adams St., St.; Miss Marie Poudrier, 11 Pharmacy, Union St., Rockville. t a i i c y peared. before the local voters of the peace and two regis­ Then the Judge pointed out ville Area Chamber of Com­ no'n Circle Shopipi''® Center and ^.There will be no calling hours. The winners among the and Donna Comilleri, 28 S. trars of voters, one for each About Town Short St.; Mrs. Shirley Put­ that as soon as Rimek get" The LaPlace, Ziegra and Grade 7 students included the Adams St., both Assumption several times, dating back to nam, 206 Hollister St.; Mrs. merce. b i n d s O P B S E jp 1917, and has lost each time. party. All will be elected no married he will no longer have In addition to a cash prize, Price Funeral Home, 215 Main following: students, for a poster at the Helen Lazaroff, 26 Dorothy a problem. As a married man, The ‘three questions pertain­ matter how the vote turns out, toe first place winners received 8t.. Deep River, is in charge of First prize: Carol Joseph, 545 Grand Way store in the Park- since there are only as many Women’s Home League of Sal­ Rd.; Peter D. Messner, Wap­ he will be exempt from the ing to state constitutional vation Army will meet tomorrow a prize from Ralph Wilcox, pro­ Heavily Insured Passenger arrangements. |E. Center S.t, sind Doris Mitch- ade.' candidates nominated as there ping: Alyron F. Barkus, East draft. T in C K amendments concern: at 2 p.m. at Junior Hall for a Hartford; Mrs. Elisabeth Dun­ prietor of the store. (Cre offices. CDT Mrs. Charles W. Church 1. Procedures in the state leg­ worship service. Hostesses will bar. Phoenix St., Vemon; Mrs. Other winners In the senior Shot Pilots. Caused Crash ■wimpRiGiniM Mja PBmiTAUAV Miss Lilly W. Wilson of Storrs. islature for voting on amend­ Voters win al.so be a.sked to be Mrs. Florence Smith, Mrs. Charlotte Cichocki, RFD 2, Two Strikes BOLTON - - Mrs. Mllllcent express approval or disapproval division were: Second place, Stone Church, 33, wife of Funeral services will be held ments to the state constitution, EdithTurkington and Mrs. Belle Rockville; John P. Tomuslak, NEW HAVEN (A P )— A tie between Donald Garrett and BACON L;i!^ 5...... 9 ‘ SAUSAGE- a S-.iS*a,59®l b u m cut I WR4BM A. ^ ____ .• I Wednesday at 3 p.mr’ at the before a state-wide referendum. of three proposed amendments 'Turkington. strike by 700 union employe.s (Continued from Page One) Francisco-bound plane. Before SRAMDOmON COUNlAlPOUni Charles W. Church of Tolland Political 66 Meadow Lane; Thomas J. Manuel Simmons, Ellington long he and the other 43 were r m S T C P T i ; Watkins West Funeral Home, The proposal wo\iId permit to the state constitution and shut down production at Seam­ Rd., died Saturday at St. Fran­ one town ordinance. HarVey, 38 Liberty St.; Doug­ High School, for their window dead and bits of the wreckage 142 E. Center St. Burial will be the General A.s.sembly to ap­ Messiah Chorus will rehearse less Rubber Co. today and irr crew members, he died in the rRANKS.iS.a49"KlElBASl a cis Hospital,. Hartford, after a The ordinance will, if ap­ las A. Pastel, 66 Waranoke at Albert and Larry's Beauty were scattered over the hillside. in East Cemetery. prove a constitutional amend­ tonight at 8:15 in the Chorus Rd.; Mrs. Ellen J. Rosario, 22 Bridgeport, a strike by some 55 crash near San Ramon — only short Illness. Friends may call at the fu­ Scene proved, permit the sale of al­ Room of Manchester High Salon in the Tri-City shopping The gun was found in the She was bom March 1, 1931, ment by a two-thirds majority Dudley St.; Mrs. Marie A. employes of Dolan Steel Co. plaza, Vernon Circle, and Larry 21 miles from toe Oakland Air­ neral home tomorrow from 3 to of those present at the time of coholic beverages in hotels, School. Members are reminded port. The plane was bound from debris. In Hartford, daughter of Mrs. restaurants and clubs from noon Packard. East Hartford; John also closed down production. Kovaeik and Klti Gessay, El­ The FBI idenUfied an indenta­ 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. (Continued from Page One) the vote. It would change the to bring their books. The riheai'- Labansky, 221 N. Main St.; Reno, Nev., to San Francisco. Florence Underwood Stone of , The family suggests tha^^ to 9 p.m. on Sundays. Officials of the rubber com­ Ungton High School, for their tion in toe metal tubing in the present requirement of a two- sal is open to prospective mem­ Mario Agnes, South Windsor; The CAB sold Gonzales Hartford and the late Arthur those who wish to do so may Missing from the voting ma­ pany and the union negotiated window in the fVont on Consum­ frame of the captain’s seat as biq^ the coattail might be a thirds majority of the entire bers. Richard Carlo, 18 Marshall Rd.; bought a revolver and ammuni­ Btone. She was, a member of contribute to the American chines are candidates for State over a five-week period without er’s Food Center, in the North­ having been made by a bullet. dangerous move. membership. Evelyn R. Armstrong, 10 Carol tion on the evening of May 6, United Methodist Church of Heart Foundation or the Center Senator, town Representatives The rehearsal schedule for this reaching an agreement. Major east Shopping Center. La.st Aug. 6 a new rule weqt Bolton and was progrram chair­ The coattail problem is 2. Removal of the present Dr.! Rockville; Miss Pauline showed the gun to numerous Congregational Church Me­ to the General Assembly and week for the Little Theater of differences include wages and Third place was tied by into effect requiring that the man of the Women’s Society summed up by Republican War­ one-year, state residency re­ Lipke, 156’/4 Union St„ Rock­ friends, told one ot them he DOLLAR SALE U.S. Repre.sentative - at - large. morial Fund. ren P. Knowles, running in Wis­ quirement for new' voters, in Manchester’s forthcoming play, pensions. Neither management Sheryl Spain and Sharon Camp- door separating the passenger for Christian Service. She was Election to the state posts has ville: Raymond C. Masaitls, Intended to shoot himself, told consin against Democratic Gov. favor of only a six-month "The Streets of New York,” of the steel-jcompany, nor union beU, RockvUle High School, for cabin from the crew cabin on all secretary • of the Bolton Ele­ Frederick W. Sherwin Sr. been delayed pending the out­ calls for a complete run-through 635 Center St.: Mrs. Claire spokesmen would furnish de­ others he would die May 6 or 7. scheduled airlines be kept mentary School PTA and was John W. Reynolds. town residency requirement. March, East Hartford: Mrs. toelr window at the Rockville It also said he bought Insurance 3. Provision for voting by come of court-ordered reap­ of the play tonight, Wednesday tails of their problems other locked during flight. active in the work of the Bunce SOUTH WINDSOR - Fred­ ’’Ip a non-presidential year I Constance E Zane and daugh­ Savings and Loan, Park PI., and policies at toe airport. Their absentee ballot.s on religious portionment of the General As- and Friday. A special rehearsal than they were unable to agree Susan D’Agata and Janet Lim- As for Gonzales, the board Center for Retarded Children, erick W. Sherwin Sr., 47, of 22 would swamp Reynolds," •sembly: the post of U.S. Rep­ ter, 10 Echo Dr., Vemon; Mrs. total: $105,000. O R B W U A lt r Wheeler Rd., died suddenly at Knowles says, "but if Johnson holidays for those electors un­ for all television scenes will be on a new contract. berger, ElUngton High, window said interviews revealed that he YeSHT Manchester, and the Retarded resentative-at-large was elimi­ Janet D. Martin and son, Old Various persons saw him was "disturbed and depressed Your his home yesterday after being carries the state by^ 100,000 able to appear in person be­ held tomorrow night. All re­ in Metcalf’s Pharmacy. Park NIBLETS CORN Children’s Center, Talcottville. nated when the U.S. Congres­ Stone Rd., Vemon; Mrs. Mari­ board the Reno-bound flight the over marital and financial diffi­ stricken with a heart attack. votes I will be in trouble*" cause of the rules p f thellNre- hearsals are at 8 p.m. In the St., Rockville. •■AMD—PK«. o r 400 BUMBLE BEE tSXU C f c o iw Other survivors include four ligion. sional districts were redrawn workshop on School St. on Kiselca and son, 633 W. evening of May 8 carrying a culties and that he cried con­ Choice Children, David, Richard, Doug­ He was bom April 7, 1917, In earlier this year. Middle Tpke.: Kehoe infant, Public Records Honorable mention In the small package, the CAB said. tinuously during the evening of Charlestown, N.H., and had FACIAL TISSUE las, and Daniel, all at home. House The absence of local candi­ The student body at filing 275 Oakland St. senior division went to Debbie He took a front seat immediate­ May 6. •MAMDIIMION PINEil$nE JUICE Funeral services will be held been a resident of South Wind­ dates for the State General As­ Junior High School held a mock DISCHARGED YESTER­ Warrantee Deeds Torrey and Marion Wegner, ly behind the pilot’s compart­ "A credit check showed Gon- U b .n . Wednesday at 1 p.m. at the sor foi» 18 years. He had been WASHINGTON (AP) — The 12th Circuit ' sembly put a crimp in local election thie morning and gave DAY : Cheryl Klein, 109 Cooper RockviUe High School, Arthur ment, but caused no trouble. zsJes to have been deeply in •BAND UNION 435 men and women to be elect­ Warren E. Howland and PUM PKIN S Watkins-West Funeral Home, employed by the Hartman To­ campaigning for national of­ President Lyndon Johnson and Hill St.; Brenda E. Wheeler. Edith Howland to William H. Drug in Rockvill.e; Ellen Jasek At Reno, toe board said, Gon­ debt and that nearly half of is SraUTO'MOKWAT 142 E. Center St. The Rev. bacco Co. for 13 years, and was ed Tuesday to the House of fices. The two town commit­ Sen. 'Thomas Dodd overwhelm­ Thompsonville; Theresa A, and Ellen Davis, Ellington High zales spent the night in gam­ ■alary was committed for loan 7% -ck. PRUNE JUICE r r R,epresentatives will decide Sleith and Iona Slelth, prop­ Abram W. Sangrey, pastor of an air force veteran of World Court Cases tees have not been conspicuous­ ing pluralities over their Re­ Henry, Clark Rd., Bolton: Doug­ erty , on Highwood Dr. School, Bo Peep B&kery, North­ bling spots. .Early the next payments.’ SARDINES United Methodist Church, will War n. whether the president iTiaugu- ly active. A Goldwater Club publican opponents. The results las D. MePhee, 312 Lake Rd., morning, he boarded toe San ■■AM D ONION nUDfOM COT rated next January will have a Ann E. Verge to LeRoy M. east Shopping Center; Nancy Officiate. Burial will be in Ce­ Survivors include his wMfe, without particular tie.s to the show President Johnson with Andover; Otto F. Schleminger, Gatzkiewicz and Jean M. hard or ea.sy time getting things MANCHESTER SESSION W HITE TUNA dar Hill Cemetery, Hartford. Mrs. Sarah Miner Sherwin; two town has been responsible for 761 votes to 138 tor Sen. Barry 188 Eldridge St.; Mrs. Gertrude Gatzkiewicz, property at 16. GREEN BEANS done. A 60-year-old North End man Deadline Nears ’ There will be no calling daughters. Miss Irene M. Sher­ the only public demonstration Goldwater, and Sen. Dodd' with McDonald, East Hartford; Mrs. Green Rd. •■AM D OMHM STCM t * r a C B I That’s the entire House mem­ was given .30 days in the State hours. win, at home, and Mrs. Albert for a national candidate: the 614 votes to 274 for former gov­ Mary Clancy, 433 Center St.; Victor J. DellaFera ant’ .On RC Course n ^ E R V E S ' The fairilly suggests that bership and .in its hands will be Jail at Hartford for intoxication, club sponsored a bandwagon Mrs. Eleanor Mozzer, Wapping; Louella R. DellaFera to Ken MUSHROOMS WS Williams of Windsor Locks; a the decision whether there will one of three counts brought ernor John Lodge. ihose who wish to do so may son, Frederick W. Sherwin Jr. tour of town last Thursday. Walter A. Shea, 63 Trout neth A. Beebe and Alice K. be a re-enactment of a form of again.st him last Friday night Stream Dr., Vernon; Ellis Mize, Wedne.sday will be the final contribute to the lOH— Pool of Manchester; two brothers, The high point of the presi­ Hose Co. 1, Town Fire Pe- Beebe, property at 257 Green Inferested In Sports? the "first hundred days" of the following an alleged fight at De­ 22 St. James St.; Mrs. Julia Opportunity to register for the >hmd, Manchester. William Shervrin of Brattle- dential election campaign for partment, will meet tomorro'^ Rd. < initial Franklin D. Roosevelt pot Sq. Rich, 127 Helalne Rd.; Daniel J. We have a full-time opening for a sports Red Cros-s Standard First Aid Me l MONTE 14b. oa a boro, 'Vt., and Laurence Sher- area residents was undoubtedly at 8 p.m. at, the firehou.se at William J. Kennedy and Ann ^ lito. Samuel Stevenson — administration or continuation James Glynn, of 221 N. Main President Lyndon B. Johnson’s McCooe, 32 Durlfin St.; Gary S. Course. Classe.s meet for six wdn of Winston-Salem, N.C.; St. pleaded guilty to the intoxi­ Pipe St. and Hartford Rd. M. Kennedy to Robert V. Du- of the executive-legislative frus­ visit to Hartford last month. Gibbons, Pinney .St., Rockville; reporter, principally to cover scholastic consecutive 'U’ednesdaya at FRUIT COCKTAIL Your Choke -- Mrs. Florence Wilson Steven- and eight grandchildren. cation charge but told the court Baldo and Jerilyn L. Dellarysa, ^ n , 69, of 76 Foster St., widow tration .that has plagued presi­ Goldwater has not appeared in Mrs. Sandra Forbes, 428 W. 7:30 pjn. at the Red Cro.ss Of­ DEAL rao. or S ROLLS-KUBHIZ Funeral services will be held he not remembei* what happened The students at Wa.shington property at 153 Wells St. sports events. Experience would help but 4)f Samuel Stevenson, died yes­ dents since FDR, Connecticut since la-st April, Middle Tpke.; Mrs. Violet Ned- Adoption of Trade Name fice, 175 E. Center St. The ses­ Wedne.sday at 10 a.m. at the Democrats go into the’ House so could not plea to the charges School, at a mock election this BATH TISSUE terday afternoon at Manchester although his son hedge-hopped morning, gave President Lyn­ dow, 18 Bank St.; Richard La- Walter O. Hettinger d/b/n it is not essential if you like sports and sions last two hours. Holmes Funeral Home, 400 elections with 257 scats against of breach of the peace and re­ Mothes, 59 High St., •BAND UNION QUART BTL. ^emorlal Hospital after a short here and vice presidential can­ don Johnson 175 vote.s to 50 Walter Anthony’s Caterers and In.structors will be Joseph Main St. B\irial will be in West 178 held by the Republicans, sisting arrest, poth charges John L. March, 848 Hillstown DIN N ERS fiataoaeffi 3 Allness. didate William Miller spoke at votes for Sen. Barry Goldwa­ Restaurant, 139 N. Main St. feel you can do a good job reporting. Pleas­ McCooe, Manchester Fire De­ ■RAND UNION B O a IN B A t m z b m m m a Cemetery. The Rev. Roy Hutch- both figure including vacan­ were nulled by I Prosecutor Rd.; ’^ om a s Menscl, Covciu..v; TOMATO JUICE ' She was born June 11, 1895 the Statler in Hartford. For­ ter. The vote for U.S. Senator Marriage License partment, and Sgt. Robert Lan- •■A N D UNION DBLOZE eon, pastor of Wapplng Com­ cies. But the statistics are mis­ James Mirabile. | Mrs. Pamela E, K^i|rns, Wind­ ant working conditions . . . paid vacation In New York City, and was a mer vice president Richard resulted in 131 tallies for in­ Douglas Theodore , Metheny, nan, Manchester Police Depart­ V E G E T A B L E SlSir 3 'iS munity Church, will officiate. leading because many Demo­ Police found Glynn with a fore­ ham; Mrs. Andrea E ^ a y e , 35 retired elementary school teach- Nixon also talked at a fund­ cumbent Sen. Thom.ss Dodd 18 Ardmore Rd., and Janol ment. The course, offered free CAKE M IXE S I eELpliB. IPRD M BRAND COT ^ . br. She had taught in the Man­ Friends may call at the fu­ crats, mainly Southerners, don’t head laceration Friday night as raising dinner in Hartford last Charter Oak St.; Mrs. Carol J. and many fringe benefits. he staggered along the sidewalk. and 91 for former Gov. John Mae Stevenson, 286 E. Middle of charge, ts open to all persona ntlSNPAK ■■ ■ chester system for 2h years, neral home tonight from 7 to 9 always follow their party line in month. Dufour and son, 399 E. Middle Tpke., Nov. 5. Center Congre­ congressional voting. Across the street they found Lodge. over 16 years of age. The basic GREEN BEANS 8 icWring in 195.5. and tomorrow' from 3 to 5 and 7 ♦ 'The polling places are at the Tpke.; Mrs. Ruth Griffiii and gational Church. emergency measures for .shock CATSUP ISSL’ S BIRDS BTE _ Mrs. Stevenson was a grad­ .Tohn Lnban.sky, 49, also bleeding CALL 648-2711 FOR INTERVIEW to 9 p.m. following places: son, Wapping; Mr.s. Judith A. Richard Jepson, East Hart­ and bleeding, bandaging and ar­ fU C S D OR HALVES uate of Willimantlc . Teachers from the forehead. Both men Oleson and son, 6 Creep Rd., PBACNEI were taken to the, Manchester * , Di.strict I at the Ea.st Side Four Fatalities ford, and Susan Marie Whelan. tificial respiration are included SPINACH . . m . .2 'SZ: College. A member of Center Senate Rockville: Mrs. Judith F. Sw'i- Ub.lS4a.MeB Memorial Hospital for treat­ Rec, School St.; District 2 at 702 W. Middle Tpke. DEL MONTE Congregational Church, she was Couple Unified Spain WASHINGTON (AP) The ney and daughter, RFD 1; Mrs. B«illding Permits in the course. ment but Glynn fought Ixilice the West Side Rec, Cedar St.; On State Roads Persons interested in regis­ ■cctlve in the women's fellow- 35 Senate seats at stake in Tues­ Carolyn N. "rhomas and daugh­ Eugene J. Michaud for Eki- and u.scd abusive language at District 3 at the Waddell tering for the course n;ay con­ ahip of the church. She had MADRID — The conquest of day’s voting provide some of the School, Broad St.; District 4 ter, 167 Green Manor Rd. ward Wait, alterations to llv ^ in Manchester more than Granada in ,1492 by Ferdinand most interesting races in years. hospital per.sonnel. it was. re­ (Continued from Page One) tact toe Manchester Red Cross. ported. He was taken to i jail at the Community Y, N. Main DISCHARGED TODAY: Deb­ dwelling at 36 McCabe St., 40 years. and Isabella finally expelled But when the votes are counted, St.; and District 5 at the Buck- orah P. Soja, West Wllllngton; MOO. the' Moors from Spain and un­ at Hartford after treatment (and TLORIDA — SEEDLESS _ M .EMPEROR Survivors Include a daugh­ the Senate’s political lineup is -Wy School, Vemon St. One of the boys, four-year- John Steiner, 219 Bush Hill Rd.; To Richard W. Hyde for Philip ter, Miss June A. Stevenson of ified the nation.Under this pair ifkely to be about the sam'e. held until today’s liresentation. old Kevin Graziano, was trick- John T. Black, 25, of Windfsor The voting machines have Einer Scott, East Hartford; S. Hyde, alterations to dwelling Manchester; two sisters, Mrs. of monarch.s Spain became a Democratic and Republican or-treating in Naugatuck on Locks, was fined $102 after ’.^e been moved to the polling places John W. Chudoba, 92 Tanner at 37 Green Rd. Anna Greer of Durham and modern nqtion. dopesters alike point to two to Halloween when he ran in front pleaded guilty to a charge Ipf and are ready for action. Town St.; Wilhelm Hanson, 18 Trotter To Frank D. Clifford Sr. for' four seats they feel confident of operating a motor vehicle while officials who oversee the voting of a car and was killed, police St.: CUfford Bissell, 87 Fobest Church of Jesus Christ of Latter winning from the opposifion. under the influence of liquor, t are expecting a large but' not said. He had been accompanied St.; George Schaller, 73 Cooper Day Saints, demolish' shed at Giapelniit 5^59 2“29 I The final re.sult may well find Richafd Shea, 39, of no cer^ overwhelming turnout around by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. St.; Mrs. Betty A, Roberts and Hillstown Rd. and Woodstock St., PUBLIC MEMORANDUM ______\ J c t is L . I the Senate of the 8flth Congress Charles Graziano. daughter, Storrs. $50. ^ FLETCHER GLASS CO. OF MANCHESTER tain address, Mancjiester, wasv 17,500 of record eligible 23,112 I divided at Just about the 68-34 sent to jail at Hartford for 30 voters. I Democratic margin which now days after he pleaded guilty to , exists. \ A final voter making session, pmEAPPLESte > 39*1 o t m g e T 5 9 * iStocCTU w 29 ? 5 m m o e s j b . a 3 ^ an intoxication charge. for electors whose rights ma­ ...... ■: THE SESSION OF THIS GHUROH WISHES TO GO I *\ **When You Think of Glass, 649-4521 The companion (;a.ses of Law­ tured since the last session in * Think of Fletcher** rence Jeffries of 185 Green Rd, O^ober, was cond\icted in the A "SAVINGS and LOAN CONVENIENCE ON REGORD AS OPPOSING JHE SUNDAY SALE OF rABRlC lOrTENER ■i-c rtoaisA rvNca OT NO BLOINO HBeBRSART King Sand and James E. Lassen of 36 town clerk’s office in .the Mu­ ORANGE DRINK NOW AT OUR Brelton Rd., both 18, charged nicipal Building this morning. It '1-qt. 1-ox. with breach 5f the peace, wwe addeq 44 to the-voting rolls, re­ bti. Ch Sj SAUCE 3 7 * RINSO BLUE nolled by the prosecutor. B(!lh LIQUOR IN THE RESTAURANTS AND GLUBS OF MAN­ FINAL TOUCH 8 7* Dethroned sulting in the 23,112 total regis­ ROTAL (1 • ee. pbga. S3e) r*BiUTStXBM.4.ea TRY R TODAt NEW LOCATION boys were arrested on a Circuit tration. HEINZ KETCHUP 3 S * Court 12 w'arranl issued after OPEN TILL 5 P. M. CMUaiBBTJIW,aMC. A ■BAWBIASTBa'S Of the total, 9,517 are Republi­ CBnMajtiwm.etBZ’B U In A r a hi a several teachers at the Man­ cans; 8,820 are Democrats; and CHESTER. PUDDINGS iwm.BhuiABBnnx. A 45* READY6RAVY “ S T 21* VIM TABLETS chester High School made a 4,769 are unaffiliated. Accord­ MONDAY-TUESDAY-FRIDAY IN9TANT taaeBPxe.or79 otib. MILD TO YOURlUMniP 54 McKEE ^REET GLAD BAGS 2 9 * (Continued from Page One) complaint concerning the two ing to the national polls, the youths who were drinking and THURSDAY WE FEEL IT- OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CITE THE s p i BUBAXBimSTITOTB mg,. • OPEN THURS. NIGHTS TILL 9 • vote will go heavy for Johnson SWEET N'LOW MMiNiNb 4 9 * LUXUQUID to do so, they added, but qrith smoking and causing a disturb­ despite the Republican registra­ YUBAN COFFEE HOTT'ineueccoNTaoi..,.^ ance at a school affair. Neither HOWARD JOHNSON ■LVR . almost no contact with anyone. tion edge. 11 hours of uninterrupted iservict -9 A.M. SUNDAY SALE OF LIQUOR AS A DESECRATION OF THE APPLKAUCE om n 2 3 5 * LARGEB QUARTERS and 5IQRE PARKING Saud has been treated in Swit­ boy attends the school. Chief moderator' for the elec­ AREA TO GIVE VOU BETTER SERVICE straight through to 8 P.M. zerland and the United States in judge Stanley Yesukiewicz tion tomorrow is Republican TOBIATO SAUCE ^ 10* told thf youths to "quit rocking FRIED CLAMS JROZEN 69* WISK LIQUID recent years fos- eve iroct))'- n Atty. Vincent Diana. The Demo­ SABBATH DAY. - COrrEE RICH IN FjL'AVOR . . ALL PURPOSE . AUTO GLASS INSTALLED stomach ulcer, high blood pres­ the boat. Your apt to go right crats supplied a chief moderator hIS ysyrup 2 't : : 4 1 * -ft 'ft GLASS FURNITURE TOPS sure and general debility. over." for the tow'n elections .Jast RERtRCT a*OT Saud was a generous spender month, The moderators for the WE URGE ALL RESPONSIBLE OITIZENS OF MAN­ CHOCK FULL 0 ' NUTS 9 9* FAIOLT COCOA 1^2^35* HANDY ANDY during his reign and Faisal zaa«EUh.«.OT.|M BAc CONIttMUBB EODS MIRRORS (Firtplaet and D W ) objected to it. Saud had fleets of S AV IIM G S HERSHEY toeSto 5 9 * 200-Youth Brawl CHESTER TO NOTE “HO” TO QUESTION FOUR ON brosMBBaa PICTURE FRAMING (oil typns) American limousines, rented a>,U I ML pin .- out entire hotels on his ' trips Personal Notietbi LOAN CHOCK FULL 0 ' NUTS n ” PILLSBURTnOUR 6 9 ' FLUFFY ALL \ S . C ) < I \ I I O V abroad and often bestowed gold I n B a y S^tate "Mnnchee tor’s W IN DO W and PLATE GLASS Oldest Financial watches on airline hostesses. ELECTION DAY. Card Of Thanky Inatitutton" OONTHACTORS: WpC HAVE IN S’TOCH I Faisal, , a returner, claimed (Continue from Fage One) W* wish to thank all ot our nawcNUTis'e .'• H ts T rinsntist intlTiTeTiee' that Saud was wo lavish with naiehbon, friends and relallvee tor BY ACTION OF TOE SESSION OF THE FRESSYTERIAN CHURCH towards THl PURCHAM OF 4-PC AND ) PC the many acta ot kindneaa and Oiirrent Annual ADD-ON-Sn WITH COUPONS FROM MAILIR MEDICINE CABINETS and SHOWER DOORS Saudi Arabia^ oil income a-:d Police from Brockton, Ran­ sympathy shown ua In 4ur rapant / O O T U i a i f OF MANCHESTER, S A V E ^ 3 . ROYAL COURT PORCELAIN CHINA I that the money should. be dolph, Stoughtdn and itata barsavamant. Wa sspaolally thank Dividend On When Von Think Of Glass. Thlnl- Of Fletcher BRANCH OFFIOK, BOUTB 91, C X IV liN nT Dunire^ Bavinge I poured into projects to impro\ e troopers from the Foxboro Bar- all those who eant tna ' beautiful i i Itov. JaiMS L Modorertw ESTIMATES QJUADLV GIVEN I the lot of the nation's six million racki rushed to ’ the aTd af the floral tritutaa. F iiM •ffectiTO thni Satiird^, , Not. 7th. Wo tm irfo sight to Itoiit ooERtttittN w , l^people. ■mall Avon forea. ICm WSHaa MeOoitiaG liiiRdMEtar PaHokU, lDd& Tpko. W est—OpoR A jirto 10 PJI. r __ 4 - iS v ftE V l ■AKCHESTBR EVENINa HERALb^ MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER %, 1964 Section Ttvo MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1964 jflltin irlfifB tT r.lE u T ttin g ilz ra U i MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1064 Pages 13 membera will be asked to re­ xfter a froni-firidn- coIUrioB at count the most frightening ex­ W. O n t a r and JfbKaa 8ta. ‘I met^iOhrmuM Halloween Weekend Brings perience they havg had. Saturday afternoon. The oaiv Hcepltal Notee w«ra driven by Andre J. P u t- rica, 17, of 185 Tanner 8t, and turkey bingo Admitted Kriday:' William A bout Town Miss Biker Bash of Crashks^ Arrests Roy F. Bllia, 2S, of 66 Foley St. Tiumdi Kd. House Gutted Hansen, 47 Hale St.; Adolph . SpoMMrii by 9 t . U toO ET ROSART SOCIETT A third Saturday accident at Hahn, Broad Brook; Daniel Gar------Wesley Circle, W8C8, wUI ILrOmUr and Spnice Sta. re­ CiMireii HaN - T|kin4ay, Nov. 5 - 7:30 7.M. 'm eet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Will Study rell, 26 Spring 8t. Edna kt. Russo of « Pioneertto police, Press, making a left sulted in mln«r damage to both In Halloween Night Blaze Admitted Saturday: William turn into a gas atation, craahed bfl^e of Miss Marion Brooklnga, Circle tvas charged with failure ca n involped. Rink, 100 Grove St.; Jacob Loet- to drive In the proper lane and into an oncoming car driven by ^ IniRkEYS oiyoi a w a y tar Maple 81. scher, Ellington. failure to can^ registration Ourl Kreyaalg, 62, of Ware- In Colombia dually ftf •eyen was^arted pies. ■.Raaerv'atlona may U regular' gamea, plus 6 apeelala wWi oomplete The committee that arranged ~ ■ ~ be made by calling Mrs. Ray­ Admitted Sunday; Harold Be- Saturday night when she re- houae Point. No one w u In­ '(Nft of ita* Tunnel Rd jured; the care had alight dam­ giving dimer* as prijees — and a fM food cerUScata as • the West Side Old "nmers Re­ mond Nielaen or Mra. Richard van. Crystal Lake Rd.; Mrs. portedly^ failed to make a left Copelands Note Eleanor Riker of 680 Spring IM m tatarddy night, after a age. Preaa Will appear in court dmr'prlae. union will meet Wednesday at Linda Dzen, Barber Hill Rd.; turn from Waddell Rd. Into St., Rollins College junior, out. Saich. Nov. 9. T p.m. at the home of Nicholas a The monthly trash collection, Mra. Marion Lukaeik, 30 Hale Pioneer Chrcia and sideswlped 25th Anniversary DONATION $1.00 I^aAcia Secore and her St. Ext.; Samuel Stevenson, 11 A fourth Halloween motor Angelo, Williams Rd., Bolton. will spend her spring semester " a K e M ld r e n , were out on Mal- conducted by the Rockville a car parked in the yard at 58 vehicle summona waa Isaued in Colombia, stud^ng at the Public Works Department, Fairvlew Ave.; Oeogge Cook, 83 Waddell Rd. IdWMB night. Secore was at Maple St.; Joseph Dziadul, El to James L. Bancroft, 34, of Mr. and Mre. James L. Cope­ Stanley Circle of South Meth­ Unlversidad de loe Andes wdik. When they returned home, starts today and will continue Her car damaged fences and Hartford. He was charged *rlth land .of 85 Doming St cele­ through the week until the en­ llngton; Karen Pelky, Broad odist Church will meet tomor­ through a unique plan offered Iba Rre waa diwovered and an shrubs before stopping. Both following too closely, smd was brated their 35th wedding an^ row at 7:46 p.m. at Susannah tire city is covered. City resi­ Brook. by Rollins College at Winter alaxin turned in. Vernon fire­ Births Friday: A daughter to cam were damaged; the Russo issued a written warning for niversary at a surprise opeh Wesley Hall. W. J. Godfrey men, aided by unite from Tol­ dents are asked to place con­ car was towed from the lawn. driving after drinking. ’The ac­ house yesterday at their homA Park, Fla. tainers at the curb, and no Mr. and Mrs. Gary Stalger, Gourley 'wUl present a program l s ^ , Nortii Oovantry and Bolton ’The parked car, owned by Wirt cident happened Saturday The event .rranged by on Ireland.- Hostesses will be She will -live in a private home oversleed (50 gallan) contain­ Reed Rd. with Colombian family while Mutual Aid, fought the flames. night, police said, as a oat their children. About 50 rela-^ I t ^ . Drummond Stewart find a ers will be emptied. Births Saturday: A son to Mr. P. Craft Jr. was unoccupied. attending the Unlversidad in Bo­ nrataea were hampered by driven by. Frank K. Rlzza, 17, tlves and friends attended. Mra. Morris Bennett. tlflek amoke and intense heat in Women’s M ard Meet4 and Mrs. Ronald Dyer, Tolland. Mrs. Russo will appear In court The couple was marrl6d Nov. gota, Feb. 5 to June 5. Twenty Discharged FUday: Mrs. Har­ Nov. 16. was turning Into the drivoway When money ^ the house. Although wearing air The executive Board of the at 812 Center S t Bancroft, 3. 1939, by the late Rev. Fer­ students frdln colleges and uni­ riet West, Tolland; David Zele, A 17-year-oId Glastonbury Mizpeffi • Spencer Circle will maaks, the fire had to be re­ Vernon Junior Women's Club driving behind in a semi-truck, ris Reynolds at Second Congre­ versities throughout the United duced through a hole in the roof Vernon; Joseph Mitchell, Win- youth, William B. Milton, who meet tomorrow at 12:30 p.m. at States .will participate in the will meet tonight at 8 at the swerved left and crashed into gational Church. Mrs. Copeland, Susannah Wesley Hall. Hoatess- before firemen could get near home o f Mrs. Donald Fay, Wil­ derrmere Ave.; Mrs. Barbara told police he was blinded by the left side of Rlzza’s car. the former Miss Dorothy Gill, needs mount jcL^miNR^ RolUns program. Yurgel, Snipslc Rd. the lights of an oncoming car 4 *s will be Mrs. James Chlpps, ttie area of the flames. son Lane. Both cars were operable. Ban­ is a native of Shelton, and-is a cBalrman, assisted by Mrs. The Unlversidad de Iqs Andes Vernon Fire Qiief Joseph Duf- Reservations for the John F. Discharged Saturday: Miss Saturday night on Hlllatown croft will appear in court Nov. teacher at Wapping Elementary Is a privately owned, non-de- fin said the fire started wtth a Nellie McKnight. ElUngton; Rd., hit and ricocheted off a psaborrow confidently Howard Keeney and Mrs. Elmer Kennedy Memorial Library. 16. School, South Windsor. She Anderson. nomlnational college with a cos­ abort circuit In the attic. Fund dinner dance, which will Ricky Voisine, Ellington; parked car. Crossed the road, Five other weekend motor formerly taught in Manchester. fr o n iH F C [itlTALMgNTRl mopolitan atmosphere. It has The house, owned by Ben­ be held at Fiano's' Restaurant Manuel Zahner, Hilltop Dr.; snapped off one telephone pole, vehicle accidents resulted in no Her husband, a native of been a pioneer of co-education in ^ 1 APPUf NOgBl St. James Holy Name Society jamin Kanter, was severely in Bolton, must be made by to­ James Taylor, 129 Union St.; and slid down the street stop­ arrests, two written warnings, Newport, R.I., is a foreman at When yeur ptous, er i - . ■'L'_ Latin America with a sy.stem of damaged. The structure ia morrow with Mrs. William F. Walter Jones, 34 Park PI. ping against another one, police and no injuries. the Southern New England will meet tonight at 8 In the education which offers a fusion preMsme, cMI ferm oney— fgymhouse believed to be at Luddecke. Discharged Sunday: Lawrence aald. . A warning .was issued to Roofing Co., Hartford. ’They school hall. The Rosary will be of the Continental and American recited fOr 'deceased members. Uaat 100 years old. Service News Loftus, 12 Maiden La.; Leonard Milton and a pas.senger, Paul John F: Catalano, 43, of 26 have lived In Manchester since ■ee HFCI Arrange fer meney to psv bHb cr elements. JWhen they arrived, firemen Marine Pfc. Lucien A. Pa­ Trotier, Verrron; John Caron, their marriage, and attend Sec­ Dr. Ludwlk Michalski will speak The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mattson, 18, of Glastonbury Hiyiry St., for failure to pass ether lsMie>...Ms the heut*• • • buy a bettor car.M on "Communism vs. Democra­ tarew salvage covers over some quette, son -of Mr. and Mrs. Brooklyn St. to the left of a parked vehicle. ond Congregational Church. A. Lawrence Riker, she is a were treated at Manchester Me­ esstlR the fam ily. . . travel. . . er for any ether wertto cy’’ and " llie New Change In o f the furniture in an>.effort to Victorian Paquette of Wellwood morial Hospital for minor cuts Police said that Catalano be­ The Copelands have two chll -1962 graduate of Dana Hail Advertisement- dreri, Pfc. Fred Gill Copeland, whHs purpees. torrew confidently, lepay eenvm the Liturgy.’’ agve it from water damage. Circle recently took part in op­ and bruises and released. Mil- came drowsy at the wheel about School in Wellesley. Mass. At However, damage to the house eration Steel Pike— the largest Vote Democratic! Pull Top 2 a.m, Sunday and struck the currently serving as a military lentty, at HausehoM Fbianca. Rollins. Miss Riker is vice chair­ Lever! Baby sitters—Ride to ton, whose car was demolished, policeman with the U.S. Army Mrs. Bruce Henfy of East and furniture was extensive. amphibious operation in the At­ was charged with failure to rear of a car parked on Wood­ man of the Young Republicans Traffic on Tunnel Rd. waa lantic since World War n. the polls. Call (In the City) in South Viet Nam, and Miss Hartford was feted Friday and captBLin of the waterskiing drive right and will appear in land St.. The parked car, owned to p p e d for a long time. Fire- A combined Spanlah-Ameri- 875-6631, 875-8395. In Fire Dis­ by George M. 'Thomson, 22, of Judith Copeland, at home. Borrow up to $1000. Take up to 24 rnontln to oopoy night at a surprise stork show­ team. Majoring in Spani.sh, Mi.ss ifien pumped water from a creek can force of 28,(MX) Marines and trict, call 875-8513, 875-8618. court Nov. 16. Waterbury, had to be towed i A money tree waa included er at the home of Mrs. Irving Riker plans a career in the for­ An occupant of the parked in their many gifts. A loan si SIM costa tUAI wiwti promptly ropaM la Mann, 265 Summit St. Mrs. eign service. across from the burning house. 94 vessels mads the mock as­ away. It was not occupied at 12 censocutis* monthly hiotalments ol aoeh. John MoNulty, a Vernon vol­ sault on beaches in Southern Vernon news Is handled by car, Carol Jacobs, 18, of 742 the time. | Henry Is the former Barbara unteer fireman, was injured as Spain near the spot where Co­ The Herald’s Rockville Bureau, Hillstown Rd., waa uninjured. A minor rear-end collision Burgess of Manchester. Twelve Members of the wedding party are, left to rig ht, George Hall, Mra. Mary Taylor, Wayland he fought the fire. He was lumbus first sailed for Ameri­ 6 W. Main St., telephone 875- Her car had fender and bumper occurred Sunday night between Don't Noglect Slipping Aok abowt crodR Wo insuranoo on loans at group rslea attended fkrni Manchester and Straughan, Mrs. Olive Cropsey end Francis Burke. (Herald photo by Oflara.) treated and, released at Rock- ca. Paquette lsjly,e to return to 3136 or 643-2711. damages. cars operated by Raymond A. Ctirroundlng towns. A buffet Bazaar Planned Tllle Caty Hospital for a head his home base at Camp Lejeune, Elmergency, crews Installed a Roy, 22, of 109 Holl St., and was served. new pole. A telephone emnpany Robert L. Provost, 37, of ’ An­ FALSE TEETH By Fellowship laceration. N. C., early in December,. Magpies Ring Phones Do false teeth drop, slip or wobbis Witch, Monster United at Halloween Party Chief Duffln praised the Jsmet Thayer, daughter of CANBERRA—A problem for spokesman said that customer dover. when you tsllc. eat. laugh or sneeze? HOUSEHOLD FINANI . Buckley School library work­ teamwork of firemen, and said Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thayer, Australian telephone subscrib­ service was not interrupted. A warning for following too Don't be annoyed and embarrassed ers will meet tomorrow at 9:16 The Women’s Fellowship of oy such handicaps. FASTESTH, an Mrs. Mary, Taylor, an exotlc<»as best man and supported the<& 'The wedding reception ’was that the fire was one of the was among the 132 freshman ers is the nest-building magpie. A 77-year-old Dougerty St. clo.sely was issued to an out- a.m. In the school library. Second Congregational Church alKallne (non-acldi powder to sprin­ witch, and George Hall, a dash' bridegroonv held in the sanctum of Crest- most difficult in Vernon be­ who participated in an Inves­ The bird picks small thread.s man, Charles Press Sr., was of-town motorist Saturday noon kle on your plates, keeps false teeth MANCHEiTIR SHOPPING PARKADH will sponsor a ’’Winter Wonder­ Mrs. Anna Robinson was the field. Many ghosts and goblins cause of the intense heat and titure ceremony this - weekend from the wires, causing phones charged with failure to grant after another minor rear-end more firmly set. Gives confidant feel­ 382 Middle Turnpike West Army Navy Club will spon­ land” bazaar Friday, Nov. 13 ilig monster, were united in amoke. at Trinity College in Burling­ to ring. This annoys people right of way in an accident on collision on Tolland Tpke., west ing of security and added comfort. sor a card party tonight at 8 at from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. at the unholy wedlock Saturday at ring bearer. She wore a blood of nurses attended. Mrs. Dotty No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feel­ red gown trimmed with a thir­ Perrett’s dancing cats gave mu­ While firemen were at the ton, Vt. Miss Thayer is a gradu­ who answer and hear not Center St., 'eaat of Stone St., of Parker St. . , i ing. Get FASTEKTH today at drug 2nd Fleor-PHONE: 643-9536 the club house. church. 2:30 p.m. at Crestfield Con­ sical entertainment. Mrs. Ethel scene, a small grass fire was ate of Rockville High. even a magpie’s peep. Saturday morning. According Two cars were towed away i counttrs everywhere. Mrs. William FiWman is gen­ valescent Hospital. The mar­ teen-point bow, Her shoulder- Minor, caterer, served Hallow­ discovered at Vernon Circle. It Lt. (jg ) Richard M. Lorence, ’The Past Mistress Club and eral chairman ofrfhe event. She riage was the highlight of a length pink veil W8L8 attached een cake and cider. was extinguished by Vernon Po­ son of Mr. and Mrs. John Lor­ auditing committee of Daughters is being assisted by Mrs. Ed­ Halloween party for residents to a lavender crown trimmed The couple took a motor tour lice. ence of 144 W. Main St., is of' Uberty, No. 128, will meet ward Lee, Mrs. Joel Hitt and and staff. with an iridescent green bow. On Sunday, Vepion volun­ serving with Air Traxi^mrt Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at the Mrs. Clifford Hansen. The somber preacher, Fran­ She carried a rose satin pillow. to the moon on their jet brooms. teers were called to three more Squadipn Seven, Moffett Field, home of Mrs. Robert Dunlop, 90 Mrs.'Edwin Sage Jr. will be cis Burke, performed the union fires. Calif., which next month will Chestnut St. chairman of a “ Sip and Sup of witch and monster. Tw’o brush fires were extin­ take part in aircraft proficiency Room,” where luncheon will be The bride wore a fioor-leng;th guished, and an abandoned car tests at Hunter AFB, Ga. Buckley School PTA executive served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. white satin gown trimmed at on Monlauk Dr. was found last Grange Meets Flldsy board will meet tonight-at 8 In Penny Saver Features High Fashion at Low Cost Mrs. Norman Rylander will be the waist with an anemic white night, ita upholstery burning. Vernon Grange, No. 52, will the teacher’s lounge at the Garbed in clothes from the Penny Saver, the hospital auxiliary thrift shop, Mrs. John E. chairman of a ham and baked rqse. Her floor-length veil, GRADUATE NURSES Rockville firemen were called hold its second meeting of the school. White is wearing a rust color wool coat over a cocoa brown dress and black cloche hat; beans supper, which will be fashioned from curtain lace, to a shed fire at Oak St. yester­ season Friday at 8 p.m. in the Mrs. William Fisher models a pure silk paisley print blouse in blue and gold, with bright blue served from 5 to 8. was attached to an ice blue Do more than 80,000 Connecticut Manchester W A T B S will crown. She carried a bouquet FULL OR PART-TIME day afternoon. Damage was Grange Hall. Music and games stretch pants, and Mrs. Evan A. Thomas is wearing a wool suit in green and blue plaid. The Booth chafrmen are Mra. Don­ _ considered minimal. are scheduled along with a re­ meet tomorrow at Italian women, all members of the Hospital Auxiliary to Manchester Memorial Hospital, will show ald Weils, baked goods; Mrs. of golden milk weed pods, dried .Record Number May Vote view of the highlights of annual American (Jlub, ETldrldge St. the fashions Friday at 2 p.m. at a meeting of the Cosmopolitan Club X't Center Congregational James Beckwith, toys; Mrs. flowers and pine cones. Start at $93.10 par wook A record-high number of meeting of the sUte grange by Weighing in will be from 7 to 8 Church. Mrs. David Warren will be the commentator. Other models are Mrs. Phillip LaFond, Walter Smith, antiques; Mrs. Mrs. Olive Cropsey. the maid voters will be eligible to par­ Nelson Skinner. p.m. Mrs. Edward Serrell, Mrs. Joseph Swensson anJ Mrs. Leonard Wood. Mrs. Donald Stroud is James Irvine, attic treasures; of honor, wore a floor-length End of first yoor $104.22 ticipate in tomorrow’s election, In a post-Halloween spirit. / chairman of the show. Mrs. Herbert Snyder is in charge of models. The hospital film, ''All Mra. William Freeman, country gown of fuchsia nylon lace with registration officials have an­ Fellowcraft Club of Manches­ in a Day,” will be shown after the fashions. (Herald photo by Satemis.) store; Mrs. Nellie Bradley, a gremlin pink shoulder veil. Maximum $114.56 1 nounced. More than 9,700 / ter, Lodge o f Masons, will meet kitchen cupboard; Mrs. Richard Mrs. Dehlia Sullivan, a brides­ voters are on Rockville afld car owners buy Allstate tonight at 7:30 at Masonic Howes, dried arrangements; maid, wore a chartreuse satina 3 WEEK9 Vacation 1^2 OVERTIME Pay N Willing Workers Circle of Temple. Plans for the annual floor-length gown with unicorn Vernon voting lists. South Methodist Church will Mrs. Wallace Tracy, yard goods; 11 PAID Holidays Liberal Retirement and Two polling places will be In dinner meeting to be held Dec. 7 Hearing Scheduled Nov. 12 Mrs. Felix Davis, baskets; Mrs. g;reen shoulder-length veil. will be discussed. Refreshments meet Wednesday at 2 p.m. at They esu-ried bouquets similar Social Security business tomorrow from 6 a.m. the home of ,Mrs. Nonnie Hild- Clifford Hansen, silent auction; Up To 120 Days to 7 p.m. City, re.sidents will will be served. The meeting is to the bride’s. ing, 313 Charter Oak St., Mrs. Roger Crafts and Mrs. Ed­ SIC K L E A V E R o4hu, Board, Laundry vote in town hail. Park Pi., and open to all members. On Begion Land Use Plan ward Lee. Christmss gifts and Wayland Straughan served president. Co-hostess will be $316 Per Year district residents will vote in Mrs. Joseph VwiHaverveke. decorations; and Mrs. Samuel Free Blua Crumi. ' the Vernon Elementary School, Miss Susan Shearer, daughter Pierson, consig^nrftents. of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Shear­ The proposed land use plaas^eral auditorium in Bloomfield. CMS, Rliij. M ei^ Annual Increases Rt. 30. auto insurance just because There will be no executive for the Capitol Region—a guide Copies of the land use plan TTie youth group of the Offices in town hall will be er, Cider Mill Rd., Bolton, left church will be In charge of a OPEN MONDAYS by jet plane Friday for Lon­ board meeting of Bentley for the growth of the Greater are available at the Town Director af Nursing Cedarcrest Hoapital clo.sed all day tomorrow, as / Hartford area that is already booth featuring bird houses required by state law. Regula­ don, England, where she will be School PTA tomorrow night Clerks’ offices in the towns con­ 6 66 -4618 Newington associated for an indefinate due to the elections. helping direct new development cerned. and suet. Adrian's tions require that offices close / -will be aired at public hear­ Cor. of Main and Park when they are in close proximity length of time with a London In general, the plan calls for computing firm. She is a 1968 The *Army-Navy (31ub Auxilia­ ing at the Bowers School au­ a concentration of heavy devel­ T d. 643-6266 to a polling place. / ditorium on Nov. 12. Walk-In and Phone-In Twelve voting machines will jgraduate of Manchester High ry will have a potluck Wednes­ opment in the Connecticut Riv­ / Service bo used, six at each polling Schodl and a 1962, graduate of day at 6:30 p.m. at the club­ The plan has been prepared er valley, some moderate de­ place. they save money? Clark University, Worcester, house. There will be a demon­ for the Capitol Region Plan­ velopment in a few commercial HOW ABOUT THE A voter making session will Rfiadow ihadM of lovely Du Pont stration of Merle Norman cos­ ning Agency (CRPA) by its ('enters in the valley area (in­ Tontine" sre esty to waih. Wn be held today from 2 to 6 p.m. British American CJlub will metics after the supper. A busi­ staff, and will be altered if cluding Manchester), and light look like new. Won’t crack, fray or meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the necessary and adopted this year WORKIHQMAN’S at town hall only for those pinhole. Availebic in uiany attrse- ness meeting will be conducted residential development and whose voting rights have ma­ clubhouse. A buffet of corned after the demonstration. after public hearings and a gen­ open space in the hills east o ( U dve color*. Juct call ua. Wc will be eral review. tured since the last session, beef and cabbage will be served the valley. Geor9€ N. glad to meanire your windows and The hearing on Nov. 12 will CANDIDATE '/ 2 '/ held on Oct. 10. No one else after a business meeting. Mystic Review, Woman’s Ben­ live ]TOu a free estimate for new be for all towns east of the / will be registered. ’Tontine.’’ efit Association, will meet to­ DeMolay Mothers Club will Connecticut River in the Capi­ TRAFFIC DEATHS FOR U4. SENATE? Converse Legion Sale Tomorrow morrow ai 7:30 p.m. at Odd Fel­ HARTFORD (APi - ’The The Annual Election Day meet tonight at 7:30 at Ma­ tol Regrion, including Manches­ ^PAINTING AND lows Hall. Mrs. John Vince and ter, South Windsor, Vernon State Motor Vehicle Depart- Write in Raymond H a ^ l Food Sale of the American Le­ sonic Temple. Members are re­ Mrs. ' Raymond Gamble will FAIRWA Tolland, Bolton, Andover He- ment r(;ported today the fol- DECORATING gion Auxiliary, Unit 14, will be minded to bring gifts for a serve as hostesses. ^ Smith, 42, married, 6 chil­ Chinese auction. All mothers of bron and Marlborough, among lowing comparison of traffic PHONE 643-2804 held tomorrow starting at 10 fatalities from Jan. 1 through dren, aircraft worker, veter- am. at Schkeffer’s Market, DeMolay boys are welcome. others. St. Elizabeth Mothers Circle Another hearing, for towns midnight: Call Evenings — 6 to 9 Park PI. will meet Wednesday at 8:16 west of the river, is set for 1963 1964 A Hardest Supper will be p.m. trt the home of Mrs. Bruno NoV. 10 at the Connecticut Gen- 262 254 served Saturday at 6 and' 6:30 Ladyga, 39 Horton Rd. Mrs. An­ TUES. ONLY ai BOTH STORES p.m. by the First Congrega­ E.A. JOHNSON thony Gryk will serve as co­ tional Church of Vernon. The hostess. Tickets will be available supper will feature roast tur­ True, most switched to LECLERC for a Combined (Jircle banquet. AUNT LYDIA'S * ASST. BMEED key, cranberry juice c6cktail, PAINT CO. vegetables, beverage and as- «M MAIN ST., MANOHESTEB FUNERAL HOME Daughters of Union Veterans RUG XMAS FUNERAL of the Civil W ar will meet to­ Allstate to save. But confid^ce morrow at 8 p.m. at the home YARN CARDS of Mrs. James Shearer, 113 LOOK AHEAD! PLAY IT SAFE! a . . / SERVICE Russell St. Rag. 35e Rag. $1.00 up Monday, Tuesday WALTER N. LECLERC VFW Post will meet Wednes­ S P £ C /A L S and Widnnsday in “Good Hands” service explains Director day at 8 p.m. at the post home, 23 Main Street, Manchester Fresh, U. S. Gov't Inspected, Grade A VFW Stein Club will meet Call 649-5869 Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the why so many stay with Allstate post home. Re-elect 23 ' 44 ' AMtIate Inturet more can in Connecticut than ang Chicken Legs lb 49' other eompang. One of every ten tneured Qpnneetieut tart It In good handi with AUetat'e. Fresh, U. $. ®ov't Inspected, Orada A CLIP THIS COUPON JUVUU' Day In , Day O ut,.. Senator ELECTION DAY COUPON Chicken Breasts ib * “ Good Hands” service? It’s a apecbl brand of help ■ettle y o w elahn accorately and eflRcieijtly. chances are you’ll save quite a bit of money. 59 WE MAINTAIN OUR LOWEST PRICES stamps -Choice Center Slices'of Fully Cookqd Ham that only AHetate etm offer. ^ Because Allstaite has a Good Driver Plan and F R E E ’ ®® -J.'oC Past Help. Because AH.state has the biggest, most M MUtosUswIth any purchase $8. Sr mori Convenience. Because Allstate has 372 Drive-In tailored r3,tes . . . savings of $10-$40 for fuU- efficient teletype network in the industry—more Qaim Centers, *^oast to coast, where ihe policy- eoyerage auto insurance are commonplace,; com­ Tom WITH 'THIS COUPON ONLY Ham Steaks' gu nf lb 88*^ than 8,O0O,mil^ of private wire communications, ON PRESCRIPTIONS bolder can have his daini settled expertly and pared to rates for similar coverage with most Other Super-Right Quality S LB. PKG. 1.29 coast to coast. Help from Allstate is always as , . . . resulting in meaningful fairly by a skilted adjustor, ki less than half companies. near as the nearest f^one. savings to you "every-day! Jui<7 an hour. - And you save with confidence. ' No ups and downs In your Prescription Ground Beef Flavorful LB 45 " " Biggest Claims Staff. Because ARstate has die Dependable Sendee. Because ARstate knows that Count- on “ Good Hands” service whenever and costs — no ^’discounts” today, "Regular Dodd prices” tomorrow! largest full-time, salaried claims staff in the insur­ wherever you need it. JUMBO 89c DECORATIVll auto insurance ks only as good as the service that No "reduced specials”—no ‘,‘teiQi^rary FRIED SMELTS "»svT is 45* ance industry—more than 5,000 experienced claims stands behind it—and at Allstate, as at Sears, "We Talk to an Allstate Agent soon. redactions” on Prescriptions to lure customers! Every Inch COLORING NYLON people—whose only job is to be diere when yon ■ervice what we seH." AHstate Insurance Company. Home OlficRt m A t ttie same time, there is never any A Seliator” NETTINB A&P BRAMD FKOZEN FOODS Raed. Itolp. lltoae agperts are b i s ^ trained ta When you iwitdi to AMataie Ante Inauranee, Skokie, HtmouL compromise In service or quality! BOOKS YOU GET OUR LOWEST ASST. TITLES Assortod C olon 7$“ wide Gr$«n F t« PRICES EVERY DAY OF THE W e Deliver Cut OroM Boom YEAR . . . AND YOU SAVE MORE 'THROUOJIOUT TOE Everywhere, Fast A&P Ptof And Corroti YEAR . . . ON ALL YOUR PRESCRIPTION NEEDS. MIXO* SfARS-MANCHCSTiR Td. MATCH 5 fok 98^^ TRY US AND SEE JAM PARKHt lAROI 348 MHNMJ TURNfiKI W iiT 6-meH t oz fizi 1 16 A P P U PIES PHONI: 643-1431 Coma In lor your FREE YARDSTICK! WE GIVE ilfSC g r e e n OTAMPSI l A V I ^ T O < You’re In good hands with 1 39c X for # T r TUe adv, paid for hy friends at the eandldats \ PricM sHsdiv* as AU A6P , MsilwSs la iM* Csaimuaity 6 Vlslall^ FAIRWAY VALUI off fho W IIKI DELICIOUS RIPE FREE MAIN ST. DOWNTOWN , A ... ,, *Wd Sava You Monay' Allstate* Auto Insurance TOP LEVER i t TOP TEAM rAM KlNO .BAANCiUliWW i: ' ' 'J: JC fW MdJW jW iipMV AT THE PARKADG—WHY MWOU TPIfl. BANANAS »• / . MANaiESTTU EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CC»m, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1964 M A N C ^T B R EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1964 -PAGE ------■ — . ■ - ■ . , ______Sputh Windsor Woman Held Candidates Billy Graham For Dolii^ Out^ IMCEI M b U Key Quotes .Urged to Say ^Retarded Aid Group to Assist ' Poisem ‘Treatg’ SUE How He’U Vote! Un Rummage Sale Collection ORBHMLAWN, N.T. (AP) — AMERICAN LEGION In Campaign MONTREAT, N.C, (AP) — A 47-year-old mdibar has boon AUXILIART ^ __ - oommitted for psycMatrle ob­ Evangelist Billy Graham, not­ Top o' the Grade Quality! ^T ks Smith Windsor Oommlttec^tary and Donna Dodd, treasur- WASHINOTON (AP) — Hwe, servation after allegedly hand •URTON'S In their own words, are what ing hit temily la "polltlcany ~ Retarded Oiildren will .-be er. Ing out antat polaan pellete to divided,” says he will remain the South Windsor South Windsor High School's Halloween trim or treater*. Preiident Jtrfinaon and Sen. Women's Oub In the cotlecUon soccer team became North- TUESDAY. NOV. 3 Barry Goldwater have aaid on etricUy neutral despite thou­ M nut Helen Pfeil, Loi« Island Early walk nunmace for Its snnuiU rum- central Connecticut Conference housewife and mothw of two Bome of the major lasueit of the sands of requests that he take a £ a n sale. Ihls event will be 9:30 A lA . stand tn the presidential elec­ champions last week, defeating teen-age eona and ’’a married 1964 presidential campaign: ' spaaialtl k M fromt 9:80 a.m. to 2 p.m. Staffer 1 2-0. South Windsor tion. Bsturdsiy st FIrehouM 2, El- daughter, waa arreated. Satur­ WAR AND PEACE finished its soccer season with day after a parent apotted the "My wife does not even know 1 ^ V- Rd. a non-ronference game against' pellets In a candy bag hla Johnson — "In a world such I Proceeds for the sale will be Granby. youngster brought home. as this — a nuclear world, there for whom I snt going to vote," I need to nqiport the various proj­ Richard Riordan, center for­ Mra Pfeil, diargad with en- 1# no room for bluster and bluff Graham said Sunday 4n a state­ ects o( the Woman’s Club. Re- ward. wa.a the season’s high dangefbig the bealm of a minor, and belligerence. There is room ment. eanUx the women voted to ac- only for eburage, intelligence scorer, with a total of 17 goals, whs ordered oommitted Sunday and reason." (Oct. 21 at 8t. Dr. Graham Issued the state­ •ept the project sun^<>ted by breaking the school’s previous to Central lalip State Boepital Harrisoi’s ment after learning there was tbs local Oemmittee For Re­ Iqr Dtstrlet Judge Viator J. Or- Louis) tarded Children: A tape reoord- record of 12. Your Goldwater — "The outright lie "conside'rable comment" about Recreation Program Begins gera. that I am trigger happy is the the appearance of his 16-year- to be dhared by the town>^ The adult ' recreation pro- PoUo* eald MM. PfeU Md DOWNTOWN old daughter, Anne, at a Colum­ two special classes. them eh* gave out a doeen pel­ most damaging thing I have run grain will begin tonight with Stwtlowtrs into. But I think that it is being bia, S.C., rally tot Republican . ICembera of the Committee for men’s volleyball at Orchard lets as a prank. Suffolk County presidential candidate Barry Retarded Children and those in­ police continued to alert parents overcome by Just people stop­ Goldwater Saturday night. terested in the work of ihe q>e- Hill Flementafy School from 7 ping to think that no man, par­ to 10. The recreation depart­ ui the area, although 12 pellets He described his daguther as blal classes have been asked were recovered. . OPEN ticularly no American, is ever to set aside rummage articles, ment hopes that a league for­ going to push the button.” (Oct. a "beautlfuL intelligent high mation will be set up. school senior who .has a growing TOP These include both clothtnf aifd HOOVER’S TOGETHER Modu thrn Sat. 12 at Phoenix, Ariz.) household items, which will A men’s volleyball grame will Tlmrs. tUi 9 P.M. GOVERNMENT Interest in civic and social af­ o'niB eollected Thursday, be held tonight' at Our Savior ■ WEST BRANCH, Iowa (AP) Goldwater — "This adminis­ fairs.” ’ For a pick iq;> in W aging call Lutheran Church, Graham Rd., Dog-gone Good Meals Are Served at This House Every Day The body of Mn. Herbert Hoov­ tration wants to pass solutions Noting he and his wife have at T. er waa burted.beside that of her taught their five children "to CaADE MTS, Leonard Oreen, Pam La.' All 11 of these dogs, owned by Mrs. J. Seudamore, he moves over to grrab- some of his brother’i meal. huaband In a brief ceremony * Slide Rnlee on to the people from Washing­ Quality Meats mad in the Mito St. area Mrs. There will also be a Sunday Mama looks unconcerned about it all. (AP Photo­ ton. It is bureaucracy-centered, think ‘independently.” Dr. Gra­ ICarol Dowgielewtcz. school tsaelwrs’ meeting at the Sideup, England^ are Golden Retrievers. But the Stmday. * Drafting SnppUe* not individual-centered. People ham said some of the family • Town to Pick Up Leaves church at 8. Tomorrow the one second from left acts m^re like' a chowhound as fax.) ' ' About 80,000 perinna, were generally are coming to recog­ supports President Johnson Morning Bible Stiflly class will present , a weMc earlier lor the 'Highway Superintendent Gene nize the issue involved: BYee while some are for Goldwater. T.M.9. Bronxl said the town will be ool^' be held at 10. Thursday at the South Wind­ asked to bring a meat dish to are asked to bring In the bags to be sent to Mrs. Lawrence burial of the fOAncr president. Stationery enterprise and balanced govern-' The evangelist said' he had On Wednesday, the Confir­ There was no crowd Sunday. At tseting leaves in the gutter areas sor High School. The speaker serve eight people. they have been making. Also Grennan, 914 Eniington Rd. ment versus a controlled econo­ received hundreds of telegrams ft roads to alleviate any possible mation clasii will be held at the famliys request, detalla of my and an all-powerful cenbxl and thousands of letters urging Ik 3:30 p.m. The Area Bible In­ will be Rev. Lyman G. Potter On Friday, World Commun­ on ^Ici'ay at 8 p.m. a meeting the transfer of Mrs. Hoover’s Btugging of storm drains during Manchester Evening Herald government.” (Oct. 12 at Phoe­ that he endorse one or the other Winter. stitute will be held at 7:30 p.m. of the Simsbury Congregation­ ity Day will be held at the of the church council will be body from Stanford, Calif., to Its nix.) ^ presidential candidate. This la tha last of five nights al Church. There will be mo­ Community Baptist Church, held in Fellowship Hall. South Windsor Oorreepondent, resting place overlooUng Hoov­ « 'The ooUeeUon schedule is: TV>- Brownie Joseph, tetephone 494- Johnson — "A responsible The Western Union office at 4ay, tomorrow and part of with thirteen churches partic­ vies for the younger members Manchester. There will be a Saturday is the deadline for er’s blrthplac* her* were not government will not torn its Richmond, Va.. had to call In Wednesday, Woodland Park, ipating. of the family. Blach family Is coffee hour at lO'a.ni. Women Pariah Post articles. They are 0148. announced. back on woNcers whose Jobs extra employes Sunday to han­ Spencer Heights area; latter Friday, tbs parish choir will have been taken over ma­ dle 3,000 Richmond-area mes­ part of Wednesday and Thurs- rehearse at 8 p.m. chines ; will not. gaze into the sages and about 20,()00 (or other my, Birch Hill Estate.s area, New library Books sky while millions of Americans points In the Virginia-North and Friday, Westwood Park. Tbe following new books have live in- poverty. A responsible Carolina region. Most urged Residents may pile leave.s by been received at Sadd Memorial government is going to put edu­ Graham to back Goldwater. the side of the road on the first Library: Gouze, A Quiet Game cation at the top of our list Telegrams . poured into West­ day the town is scheduled to be of Bajnbu; Todd, Justice on Depending on Hew HAL D3YLE Feels Today... unfinished Work.” (Oct. 16 at ern Union offices at Phoenix fai their area, and the leaves TVial: The Case o# Louis Bran- Rochester, N.Y.) and Tucson in Arlztma; Fort wW be collected by town trucks. Will the Real Potato Stand Up? dels; Friedman, A Mother’s CIVIL RIGHTS The real potato is standing up, somewhat sheepishly since Worth, Odessa, Midland and Voting Places Listod Kisses; Wallace, The Man; Du- Johnson — “We seek to give San Angelo in Texas, and at The District 1 polling place is it looks more like a comic strip lamb than a garden variety, mltrki. Incognito; Bellow, Her every American, ot every race spud. The "potato” in the fore^ound is not a real potato dt Kansas City, Mo. at Valley School. The zog; Kieran, Not Under Oath; and color, his full rights under Western Union officials in Includes from the Blast the law.” (Sept 7 at Detroit.) all but a plain, old rock. Both were found around the West- ford town line to Sullivan Kunitz, Twentieth Century hill Gardens housing project. (Herald photo by Satemis.) Phoenix alone reported receiv­ TOP ROUND Goldwater — “If you ever Xve., Oakland Rd. and Rt. 5. Authors; Salinger, A Tribute to ing more than 6,000 telegrams John F. Kennedy; Shbel, BVsts hear me quoted as favoring the to Graham. . Residents on both sides of the right to associate — without dividing line streets are included of life; Kunitz, American Au purse or an inadequate insur­ final responsibility (or all deci­ The Western Union In Min­ YOU and the readers favoring the equally 'vital right neapolis, headquarters for the FACE RUMP or SWISS T r in this district. thors 1600-4900; Lippman, A not to associate — look again, ance policy?” (April 17 at sions on nuclear weapons must District 2 will vote at South Preface To Polities; Wise and rest with the president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic As­ Treat Dad to a fine ateak dinner! because somebody will be kid­ Washinfton.) sociation, Inc., said it had not Windsor High School. This area Roes, The Invisible Govern­ ding you.” (Oct. 26 at New Goldwater — "The Social United States. (July 24 news It’a our famous Top o’ the Grrade Includes north of S\’'' - an Ave., ment; Stout, The Right To Die; Security system is not the way conference.) received an unusual number of York.) telegrams for the evangelist. Oakland Rd. and R t 6. Snow, Corridors of Power; VIET NAM to do it .effectively. One sure Goldwater — "I suggest that Choice Quality baef . . . at a bargain Polls will be open trum 6 a.m. Marshall, The Lost Colony; of more than 500 newspapers Goldwater — “American boys way to Wreck the Social Securi­ the supreme commander of About 20,000 circulars price i to 7 p.m. MacArthur, Remipiscences; are fighting and dying in the ty system woul^ be to saddle it NATO have direct command of prepared by the Minnesota Cit­ Atty. James Throws will be Lanham, Spe'idc No Evil, and Asian Jungles and It becomes with ynnecessary new burdehs, a NATO nuclear "force on Euro- izens for doldwater and saying moderator at District 1 and Ar­ King, Help! I’m • Prisoner la a more apparent every day that such as medicare.” (July 5 peem soil." (April 14 position Graham supports ckmpalgn nold Lelbowitz at District 2. Issues stressed by Goldwater Sliced Bacon ^ 49£ Chinese Bakery: this administration is drifting — statement to Associated Press.) statement.) Oeheiel MeiNr Town Manager Terry V. that it has no pbllcy worthy of MORALITY RELATIONS WITH RUSSIA were distributed Sunday on Car Sprenkel announced that the Also: 'H unter,/'A x ; Gregory, may LAUGH, Goldwater — "Something Goldwater — "The present windshields outside churches in rerk SIfekhr Swth Windsor' Town Hall and Nigger; C re a s^ The Toff and the name." (Oct. 6 at Washing­ the Mlnneapolis-St. Paul area. Daisy Butts 69<£ the Runaway /Bride; Crawford, ton!) basic and dangerous is eating administration has made the Public Works Department will Johnson — "We will not be away at the morality, dignity mistake of . thinking that ‘peace­ "I have the privilege of being be closed tomorrow for S!lec- Birch Interval: Condon, The In­ and respect our citizens. ful coexistence' is the same as personal, long-time friends with finity of JMrrors; Chaplin, My worn down. W* will not be driv­ ot tlon Day. All town offices will en out. W» will not be pro­ When immorality occurs it al­ ‘peace.’ It has Ignored the fact both President Johnson and be open at 8:30 a.m. Wednes­ Autobiogr^hy; Carpenter, Eln- voked Into rtishness. But we will ways starts at the top.” (Oct. 20 that all Communists agree on Senator Goldwater,” Graham day. chantm«ft of America — 'Wis­ CRY, continue to meet aggression on television.) the same goal — a Communi.st said. ‘»Both President Johnson DOUBLE STAMPS WEDNESDAY ^Fiream s Instructor Named consin, / Mlchigaa, California, with firmness and unprovoked Johnson — "The 'seemingly dominated world.” (Oct. 12 at and Richard Nixon have ad­ Richard W. Hassett of 86 Wil­ Iowa juiA Nevada; Oldfield, The attack with mewured reply." insurmoimtable moral issues Washington.) vised me on several occasions la H arlM , ieet Hertford, Weot Hertford, MlddMia^ . IrwMi low St. has been appointed a.s a ’Ihue/stoy of Albert Einstein; (Aug. 12 at New York.) that we face at home and Johnson — "We must never to stay out of politics and I certified rifle and pistol instruc­ Matthews, Exploring the World MEDICAL CARE abroad today can be resolved by forget that the men In the intend to follow their advice. tor by the National Rifle Asso­ o. /Fossils; Gels, Let’s Travel Johnson — "Is it asking too men of strong faith and men of Kremlin remain dedicated Com­ “The ultimate answer to the ciation' of America. Hassett suc­ tn—Italy, FYance, Switzerland SIGH, much for this bountiful country brave deeds. (March 28 at munists. A time of trouble world’s problems does not lie in cessfully passed a series of tests among Communists requires any political party, but In the •nd serv ^ a prescribed period, -and Holland; McCIung, 'Who<^ to prepare a law so that older Washington.) Ing Crane; Woolley, Cathy’s folks can face Illness without NUCXJBAR CONTROL steady vig;llance among free reign of the kingdom of God in of time in training activities b ^ men. (Oct. 18 at Washington.) the hearts of men,” fore receiving the certification. Little Sister; Wlbberley, A ^ e chill foreboding of an empty Johnson — "I believe that the He is now qualified to con^ct Dawn in Trees—Thomas Jeffer­ local classes in firearms opera­ son; Laffin, Codes and Ciphers FUME, tion, safe gun handling and —Secret Writing Through the techniquee of field and/target Ages; Flrewer, Adventure in shooting. Fhrgotten Valley; Gray, Star Teen Cltib Stai Bright, and Gehnan, Young The cenlor membe/s of the Olympic Champions. Pleasant Valley ^ H Home­ Religion Commlttoe Meets or CHEER makers have changed their The Religious Education club name to Ui^ South Wind­ Committee of the Wapping sor 4-H Teens. ' Community Church will meet Officers e le c ^ by the group Wednesday in the library at 8 Include: Shirley Waldron, pres­ p. m. There win be senior choir tomorrow! ident; Lynn .^rlcaon, vice pres­ rehearsal at 8 p.m. THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS BEING ident; Kathy Rlordan, seers- A potluck supper will 'be held PLACED IN HOPES THAT ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL GUILD FAIR PLAY Vm JL PREVAIL iS*NlS ANNUAL FAIR rW PARISH HOUSE THURSDAY, NOV. 5 — 1 to 8 P.M. V /■ Booths: Aprons, Fancy Work, Gandy, Food, Christmas 7 «z Decorations, Cards, White Elephant, Household Products. OM Used Clothing snd Toys (Infants to 14 yrs. old) GEISHA Girl Scout Calendars and Cupcakes

CHICKEN SUPPER — NEIU HALL OUR RESTAURANTS AND CLUBS WHITE TUNA 5 to 7 P.M. DO NOT HAVE THE SAME RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES Donation |1.60 Children undler 12, 75c For reservations call: Mrs. Ludwig Hansen, 646-9197 or AS THOSE IN Mrs. Harold Melendy, 649-2332, Deadline Tuesdiiy. i . . • ALL SURROUNDING TOWNS,


WE DO NOT Th i n k it is f a i r —


N eceA 4tt^ Hal Boytefe a man

— ■. : ;. • ; - V .. ■, -;i, :, ■, • ■ ■ : MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, QQNN^, MONDAY, NOVEMBER t , 196^ PAGE Sgn^ENTHU^ ttxrm 4UNCHE8TER BVENIN6 HERALD, MAKCHB8TER, COKN^ MONDAY. NOVEMBElt-. 2, 19M Seience Shrinks Pilet Blown-LeBlanc ling Johnson'Crump Hhi New Way Without Surgery OroMS • jBaglMon TIm martugb bt Miaa Barr , Miaa Nancy Arlilia Eagleaon bars’ trdae Grump o f Hairtfprd, Stops Itch—Relieves Pain becamh - the bride of Robert fonperly of California, to'Robr <3rlawuld Crouaa, both of Man« t r t (3. Johnsdn o f Wapplnjg .cheater, Saturday afternoon at was qolenmlaed Saturday, O ct St. Mary*a Bpiacopal Church. laklnt ability to tkriak 34, at St Margaret M iry rkeids, stop Itofclst, ssd rsllsv# stones (B ie-D yns*)-dlsesroip at The bride i* (he daughter of Church. Wapplng n vorld-fsaMnt riostrdi ttstUota. Mr. and Mra.^Albert . f , Kagle- peia - witbent tn fsry. ’The bride 7a the daughter of In esM nftsr csss, wbils ftstiy Tbia snbstanee is aow STSflaUe aon Jr., 40 W ; Gardnea St. The ia mppesUery at ehitoient /arm the late Mr. and. Mra. Walter rsllsving pslB, setssl rsdoetlen b iid e g i^ m ia the aon Of Mr. fskrtnksfs) took pises. under tbs' ntma Prapmrmtiam B*- and. Mrb. Edgar O. Grouae, 173 A. Crump. The bfidcgrooln is liMt swaaisc «d aU-rssalts oars At ^ dm* senatMi. Spruce S t the son of Mr. and Mrs. An>- The , Rev. Jbmea Bottom.^ of thony Rinaldi, 75 Lewis Dr.. St. M ary’a Episcopal Church ’The bride, given in marriage perfoimed the double ring cere- by the bridegroom’s father, niony. Sidney MacAlplne waa wore an ankfCHength gown Of TURNPIKE TV the organlat and aoloiat. Bou­ Alencon lace, designed with queta of white pompona were on fitted bodice, sweetheart neck­ APPLIANCE Uie' altar. line, long tapered sleeves and The bride, given in marriage apron effect outlined with ruf­ by her father, wore a street fles. Her flngertip-leagth veil length aheath of white brocade was arranged from a coronet with nqatching jacket accented headpiece. She carried A cas­ v/lth White fur cuffs. Her bouf cade bouquet of white roses, stephanotls and yellow carna­ fant shoulder length veil waa tions. arranged from a crown of white ... the quality Miss Joyce Rinaldi of Wap- fur. She carried a cascade bou­ plng, sister of the brldejn’oom, quet of white pompona. comer«.. was the maid of honor. Brides- Mra. Robert Tyler o f . Man­ mald.s were Mls-s Carolyn Sur­ chester, slater of the bride, was face and Miss Sharon Surface, the matron Of honor. S’le wore both of Ellington and cousin.s •a powder blue brocade sheath of the bridegroom. Mli'a Mar­ v/lth 'matching veil and carried garet Rine'di of Wapplng, sis­ a cascade bouquet of white and ter of the bridegroom, was the R. Kneeland Jones calls orders as “ Broad” and “ Bright” draw the “drag.' The youngsters are yoked. Ribbons won over ten years. yellow pompona accented with flower girl. CURTIS MATHES j wheat. The maid of honor wore a Peter Tsouroc of Worcester, two-tone gold satin floor- Mass., served as be.st man. length gown, designed with em­ Ushers were Craig If. Broberg pire waistline and s'leath s;ilri of Manchester and Clayton ,{Uid wore a matching headband i ‘ Murphy of South Windsor. and veil accented with. pear;s. The, brideemaids wore two-tone M Mrs. Hkigleson wore a pea­ Prize Oxen Are His Hobby / cock blue sheath with black green satip. gowns and head- accessories and a corsage of pieces styled to match the honor attendant's. They car­ yellow tea rores. The bride­ TELEVISION •’3GRT By CLEMEWELL TOUNO steins (black and white), brought up the wire. He mentioned a school groom’s mother wore an elec ried cascade bouqueta of bronze chrysanthsraums. the rear. Then came the other red- principal who weighs all feed, water trie blue sheath with mink ac­ PHOTOS By SYLVIAN OFIARA brown Devons, five-year-old “Broad” and hay scientifically. Althougdi Jonen cessories and a corsage of Robert Burn.s of South Wind­ and ’’Bright,” and four-year-old “Stub” admits he sometimes outs down on white sweetheart rose.s. sor seived as best man. Ushers and “Star.” feed and water the night before a fair, A reception for 100 waa held were I’ eter Sisco of Hartford, Although he calls It a “foolish hobby,’’ R. Kneeland Jones of Bolton At a word and a touch of the long he vowed that “you never hear my at Lithuanian Hall. .’The couple and Wayner Sauer of Newport American HeriUs* whip -the eight oxen moved together cattle bellow for want of something will live at 66 High Court, East News, Va., uncle of the bride­ U justifiably proud of the ribbons he __ ' ■ im iot photo MRS. ROBERT C. JOHNSON has won In ox-draws at fairs all over across the dry grass. The commands to eat.” Hartford, after' Nov. 1. groom. MR, AND MRS. RICHARD BROWN Connecticut and beyond in the past rang across the Indian summer after­ Jones went further afield than usual Mr. Crouse, a graduate of The mother of the bride­ noon. this fall and brought back a fourth Windsor High School and is eight to ten years. Church at tha Aaaum)>tlon^ M rt. Brown U an honor grad Norwich University, North- groom wore a pink and cran­ wore a green wool suit with “ (3ome heah! Ho! Forward! Back prize In type of competition new to field, Vt., is employed by Liber­ Jones, a retired dairy farmer, and uate of Mancheater High School berry velvet ensemble with black acce.ssories. ’The couple employed by Miets Auto Sup- up! Hold it! IValt! Gee! Come 'up a him and his oxen. A t the Fryeburg, tha acana at tba marriaxa ty Mutual Inaurance Co., Man- his wife live in a neat white cape on and attended the Univeralty of black accessories and corsage will live in'East Hartford. I ply, East Hartford. He is also little! Haw! Careful!” Jones explained Maine, fair, the contest was for the o(< Miaa Dllen' M. LaBlanc of cheater. Mra. Crouse, a gra«i- their form er 70-acre farm at the flat Hartford. She la employed at of pink and white carnations. Mrs. Jack Scarseletto of I a member of the Good Will later that the oxen understand every greatest distance in a prescribed ,uate of Manchester High top of Bolton Center.' Houses have l^ehaatar to Richard D. Connecticut Mutual Inaurance A reception was held at Buckroe Beach, Va., maternal ' Club, Hartford. Mrs John.son word he says. time. School, is also employed by sprung up along the road, but the Brown of Middlatown on Batur- Oo., Hartford. Mr. Btwwn ia a American Legion Hall, “South grandmother of the bride- attended the Academy of Holy "Stand in!” he cried, whacking their Liberty Mutual Insurance Co., fields in back are still vacant. Motorists ’This ia the first year Jones has not m y, 8apt. 1*. graduate of Woodrow Wilson Windsor. For a motor trip to grroom, attended the wedding. t Family, Baltic, and Hamden front legs with the handle of the whip Manchester. can often see a red-brown "pair of done the “ drl'ving’’ of the oxen him­ >nia bride la tha daughter of POgh School, Middletown, and New York City, -Mrs. Johnson Mr. Johnson attended South ' High School, Hamderi, oxen grazing in the com er field above to get them closer together, Xir. and Mra. Oarard N. La- self at the fairs, leaving it to hia the Ward School of Electronica, Clark Rd. “ Hold up your head!" he admonished, friend George .Ca'vanaugh, who has Blanc of 386 Bldwell Rt. Th# and attended the Univeralty of Weather Is Costly A t 77, Jones seems as happy with pulling the youngsters’ heads up. won a blue ribbon as the best driver bridegroom la tha aon of Mr. Hartford. He ia employed at the ; QUALITY INSURANCE SINCE 1923 his oxen as a young.ster with hl.s 4-H Class dismissed, Jones went to get in the 2,800 pound class at almost ahd Mra. William D. Brown, Middletown Branch of the South­ W A S H IN G TO N — ’The Feder­ calves. He also has two cows and ten his strings of blue, red, yellow and every fair. His friend Tom Daley Middletown. ern New England Telephone Oo. al Aviation Agency estimates n 9 » sheep “just to keep myself busy." white ribbons, displayed In his base­ drives the truck that carries tjie oxen. Rev. Emeat J. Ooppa per­ that low ceilings and low visi­ 1B4 EAST CENTER ST. I ment den. Sitting In the heap of satin Jones says he buys his pain when fu m ed the double ring cere- bility, which disrupt airline ’This Is the first year he has owned Guam Stone Mystery four pairs of oxen at once. (Oxen Is a trophy for the championship in they are about two months old and niDny, and waa celebrant at the schedules, cause a loss to Car­ the annual eastern sea coast ox draw, starts to train them “just as soon as niqptlal Maaa. Bouqueta of white are really steers—gelded bulls— trained AGANA, Guam—A bout riers of >10 million a year on jet MANCHESTER - 649-5261 under 2,700 lb. class, won In Chester ehryaanthemuma and pompona to work.) ’The other afternoon he drove I get home if it isn’t too dark.” At Guam’s famed Latte stones traffic alone. It has started a ::i Oct 18, 1958. Although the prizes ^ weca on the altar, and bouqueta- them all together for the first time. flnt a rixig holds their rope haltera very little ia known. There are study of all-weather Instrument , 6 : bring cash as well as glory, Jonen togrether. Later, they are 3roked, then The full team of oxen seta out acroei the field. of yellow chryaahthemuma and systems. Ample Parking Front and Rear It was like getting all members of said he just about makes expenses. pompona were on each aide of several pieces o n . the island a large family to smile simultaneously pull a chain between them, then a- &10 ^ n t of the aanctuary. Paul where they can be seen. Chim­ for a Christmas portrait. The smallest Earlier in the afteritbon, the five- “ drag.” Ohetelat waa organlat and aolo- ney-like structures, they nar­ oxen were as fidgety as pre-schoolers. year-old Devons had given a demon­ Although he has tracton, Jones em roads. Jones was a Democratic Weldon Miner house in the qiring oC faffing off the road Into the softer lat. row near the top, then flare “ Duke” and “ Diamond,” eight-and-a- stration of drawing, pulling a “drag,” often uses his oxen for chores, to keep selectman in the Republican' town of 1919. A dairy farmer for 80 years, he snow below Oils track. * The bride, given in marriage out like huge eggeups. Some half-month old Devons, were brought a flat wooden sled once used to clear them in training. In the spring when Bolton for 16 years or so. As first said he “milked by lantern light and Jones and his w ife Elsie have a son, by her father, wore a atreet- people believe they are ruins Tonight "Before Losses Happen, Insure With Lappen! ' In from the field and yoked for the . the fields o f rocks and so also called the Bolton, fields are sopping wet, he selectman he was in charge of build­ kept two teams of horses working Roswell, who is married and Uvea -Bi length aatln gown, deaigned with of native Chamorro buildings. performance. a “ stone boat." A t fairs this is loaded hitches a peUr to a disc harrow to turn ing the first ■ “black ' top” roads in days.” MUo, Maine. ’They have one grand­ with cement blocks and the contest He remembers the time when there daughter. n' \ three - quarter, - length aleevea, The older pairs, already yoked and the ground' over and let it dry out. town, under Gov. Wilbur Cross’ cam­ is to “draw’< Increasing weights over a were 160 head of cattle on Hebron Jones’ views on child-rearing foUow and alencon lace trim. Her man­ standing patiently in the barnyard, A tractor wouldn’t 'do the job as paign to “get Connecticut out of the three- or six-foot course. Green. After a snow storm in thoes Us methods of ox-tralning. Start - tilla with alencon lace trim waa hear Barry appeared much more sedate, although easily. Once in a while he’ll do a favor mud.” days every farmer would' hltoh up training when they are very, young. arranged from a double, crown Jones said they all were hard to The oxen are entered In classes ac­ for a friend, like going in after fire­ Jones was bom in 1887 and grew o f cryatala and aeed pearla, and cording to their weight. Jones said wood where a truck or tractor couldn’t up on Jones SL in Hebron. He attended his team and go out and DMk the Use the whip, but use it only when GETOUT handle at the fairs. He strung thqm roads until they were ae Itord necessary. He seems to feel that ip ahe carried a aingle American bon't forget — together, hitching the young ones In some competitors "shrink” their oxen make it. (Jolchester Bacon Academy and latet as Goldwater rock. Toward Um of a kx)g win* this modem age p^^nts are no longnr Beauty roae. ^ NOW the lead after the others were in place. down as muoh as 100 pounds by limit­ Hia days of pulling cars out of snow worked on the Cheney farm in Man­ and TOMORROW a n t! ing food and ■water to get them under and mud are gone by, thanks to mod- chester before moving to the present ter, there was always the danger of the "drivers” of their own ebUdren. Miaa Ronnie - Joy Radic of IS THE TIME TO “Pink” and “Posey,” six-year-old Hol- Portland waa m rid of honor. She wore a ab'eet-length dreaa of gold taffeta Mmmed with vel­ LEASE ton, George F. Farrell and Industrial Arts Association at iiinii iiiiliiiiiijiillpij y the Groton ’Training Station. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-niptill::: vet ribbon, matching pillbox, hat THE m i Viggo Jorgensen. Officers were Coventry with veil, and carried a colonial This friendly Reminder ii iponsored in the interests of inatalled by Farrell as past ’These were Grarland W . Reedy, m bouquet of yellow and gold pom­ president. Roland V. Stoodley, John E. iiii pona. 1965 good govornment by John H. Lappen, Inc. Church Training Session Regan, Charles E. Regan and Dennia M. Pemiccio of Mid­ Democrats Trailing GOP A Visitors Training Session Thomas N. Bordner. Car at Tour ChoIcA m WE DON’T dletown aerved aa beat num. will be held at 7:30 p.m. ’The Ladles’ Association of iiai Mra. LoBlanc wore a pink bro­ Wednesday for men of the Sec­ the First Congregational ii::i THE FERENCE By Only 95 Town Yoters (Jhurch ■will have a work ses­ TOMORROW cade ahaath, pink and black fea­ MORIARTY I ond _ congregational Church Hili r e r hat, pearl acceaaorlea, and who’ will work op ” Our Chris­ sion at 10 a.m. and a business iiS- Chairtiel 8, 6, A 12/9:80-10 P.M. a coraage of deep pink aweet- Republicans in Coventry are'*'- Reading Demonstration Ret tian Enlistment” program N.ov. meeting at 1 p.m. Wednesday i f BROTHERS ^ May tee quote ratea and aaaiat you Demonstrations by the Am er­ In the vestry. iuii heart roaea. The bridegroom’, M YOUS HCAST.VOU KNOW HE'S SISHT GET MANY • slowly being outnumbered ac­ 8. ’The session 'vrill be con­ >01 Center St. m other. wore a blue crepe rm fM unr iMw»n» cording to the Registrar.s of ican Book Ctompany Reading ducted by the .Rev. J. ■ Roland The Robertson School PTA ON 4UESTI0W 4 l i aheath with royal blue acceaao- Mancheater aa we have ao many others? Specialist. Mrs. Ruth Gibbons, Palanglo, minister for Men and executive committee will meet S4S-S1S5 Voters reports which show IPH riea, and a coraage of pale pink This ad sponsored by Republi­ there are only 95 more regis­ are scheduled for tomorrow at Missions of the Connecticut at S p.m. Wednesday at the alreetheart maea. can State Campaign Committee, 9 :30 a m. at (Coventry Grammar Conference of United -Church 7 tered Republicans than regis­ school. iil;i A reception for the immediate * John Lupton, director. tered Democrats. ’This report is School and at 12:30 p.m. at the of C^irist. PTA Meeting Besobednled fam ily waa held at Fiano'a Rea- CALLS FOR exclusive of what new voters Robertson School. At CGS the Church members are urged ’The Robertson School P T A Ii!;! taurant. For a motor trip will be made today at the demonstration w ill be in a first to make their pledgee at the meeting will be held Nov. 10 I through northern New England two-hour session from noon to grade class with a high reading morning worship service at 11 instead of Nov. 11 which w ill be Mra. Brown wore a red and g;roup, as well as in a second 2 p.m. a.m. Nov. 8, toward a^ church a holiday for . the school. This w black tweed auit, black accea­ grade class of the same level, A total of 3,432 voters \yill be budget for the year of >70,878, w ill be at 7:30 p.m. with an open aorlea. and a white orchid cor­ followed by a conference with eligible to vote at the polls when a special dedication ser­ house program jn observance of aage. The couple are realding at Mrs. Joan Howland, remedial SERVICE... tomorrow from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. vice will be held. The ‘'fevery American Education Week. A s A Person You llA Fairview Helghta, Crom­ reading teacher. Member Canvass” will be made The First District votefs will Grade 5 classroom of WllUam well. ’The Robertson School demon­ by the men of the church who vote In the Registrar of Vot­ Hammond will present two stration will be in both a third will call on those unable to at­ ers office and the Second Dis­ short skits. Refreshments will trict voters in the North Cov­ grade class and h second grade tend the church services. class, both with a high, reading Women’s Club to Meet be served. entry Firehouse. The school’s annual Book Are/Asked To Vole "N O " On We take such good care of heating In the First District the group, followed by a conference The North Cpventry Wom­ A R E Y O U IN with Mrs, Bernice Grabherr, en's Club will meet at 8 p.m. Fair will be held Nov. 17 and / Democrats with 834 registered 18 at the school with Mrs. Bev­ party voters outnumber the Re­ reading supervisor ar ' four tomorrow at the Church Com­ teachers. munity House. Hostesses will be erly Reedy In charge. On Nov. or ouf of equipment that our customers publicans with 792, or have 43 18 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Mrs. more. Unaffiliated voters in Society Names Officers Mrs. Naren Ellis, Mrs. Robert John Hetzel i« the new presi­ Kingsbury and Mrs. Michael Reedy and a committee will be S U N D A Y S A L E of L IQ U O R H O T W A T E R ? T i this district total 578. at the school for those parents t dent of the Ckjventry Historical Pesce. Illli hardly ever need special service. In the Second ' District the wishing to" obtain books. /' Republicans with 490 retain the Society with A. James Adams Coventry H igh School Indus­ Just 9 >4c* R day for fuel as vice prMident. Miss Mar­ trial arts teachers were anfong lead over the 353' Dertlocrats, Manchester Evening Herald Hin garet Jacobson is recording sec­ others in the same field in can get you out of In fact, effective maintenance is one, or have 137 more. The unaf­ Coventry correspondent, F. filiated voters here total 295. retary; Mrs. Eva M. Toedt, Connecticut who were guests in Restaurants and Clubs. trouble! Pauline little, telephone This year there are 375 more corresponding secretary, and Friday at the annual fall conference of -.the Connecticut 742-628L U jam live In a typical of the extras that make Bantly so voters eligible to vote than in Walter S. Keller, treasurer. house, you could easily run 1963. The monthly voter-mak­ Members of the executive com­ out of hot water ' eeverml ing sessions and the regular mittee at large are P. Raymond Umes m ereek. different from other companies. W e sessions In September and Oc­ “Broga, outgoing, and the Soci­ Now yen can have an the tober added 512 new voters to ety's first president; Malcolm hot water you need at one the lists with 348 in the First Erb, Ralph Gale and Mrs. Ehnll District and 164 in the Second ttme for 9*4o* a day. Mamet. use extra time . . . extra effort . . . District. Persons who moved lU a h . of It—only 9^0* a The past year the society has and died reduced the above fig ­ 1:!! dayl t listed as accomplishments: REPUBLICAN ure to 3,342 eligible. Tea. thanks to MobUeat extra precautions to protect all our Roofing of its home on South aad aa ell-flred h<^ water Election workers In the First District are: Clarence Brad- St. painting the exterior and heatsr of eorroet oapaotty— Installing srqall-paned ■windows, your family eaa take ear# of field, moderator: Mrs. Mildred customers against unexpected prob­ C. Hlltgen and Mrs. Doris W. such as were in the house when BECAUSE: an thair washing needs at Lyon, regristrars of voters; and originally huUt at the end of the m\ oao' thao. isth cehtury. Practically all the Moas eaa do the fansUy Mrs. Shirley M. Szeluga and t lems or expense. No wonder our Mra. Jean L. Hung, deputy labor for the extensive renewal wash. 81s eaa do the dishes ,,,Sunday Is A Special Day! at the same time Junior registrars. program at the house was pro­ Mrs. Elizabeth Lacek and vided by members of the soci­ takes his bath, and you ca> service phone is so quiet! Why don't iiii Joy a shower. Tom orrow- Mrs. Virginia Snow will be ety. who are about to start on ,,.We Have A Responsibilify Doa’t delay— phone ns to­ checkers; Mrs. Helen M. Popple refurbishing the inside of the day. find out how easy It Is and Mrs. Alyce J. Wiley, chal­ building in order to transform you give it just one call? Sign up for lengers; Mrs. Ruth Benoit, Mrs. IN to switch to a Mobinisat- it into a typical farmhouse of WE PUT THE SURE To Our Youfh! ■rod srator heater. Dorothy Marinelll, Mrs. Jeanne ^ e period 1790-1800. Swanson, Mrs. Itoren Barnes, \ *Average fanoJIy of four. I The society’s plans are also extra care from Bantly— soon! Mrs. Margaret Brown and Mrs. Under %vay, in cooperation with INSURANCE Doris LeDoyt, machine tenders: ,\,Sfafisfics Rrave Our \ Frederick G. Blssell, mechanic, the Coventry Garden Club, to and Mrs. Mathilda Nyack and arrange for planting of flowers the 2 Party System and shrubs that will be of the Corhmunifyl Wauld Be Safer!. 1 Mrs. Helen Westland, absentee ballot counters. type used during the 1790-1800 s.i;With Our Comprehensive In the Second District, Mrs. pierlod. BROTHERS Betty K. Ryan, moderator ; Mrs. ’The choir of the Second Con­ ..,Manchesfer Has Always Voted Bessie 1. Strack and Mrs. Ger­ gregational (Church will meet at Auto Accident Protection! 643-513S FOR TRANSPORTATION TO THE POLLS. PHONE — BANTLY trude A. Haven, registrars of 7:30 pjn. 'W^ednesday Wednesday in the An Overwhelming ”NO”I m m voters: Mrs. Mathilda Ralsch sanctuary. Don’t be uncertain about your coverajie . be Rure R01-315 C I * St. OIL COMPANY, INC. and Mrs. Margaret Robertson, Lions Slate Named - deputy registrars: Mrs. Arlene Lion’s Club officers follow: with full-coverage auto insurance, offering the broad­ I B. Seibert and ,Mrs. Esther 8. H. David Strube, president; est protection possible for all yopr family. T U i ed ia sponsored hy W E GIVE M Olsen, checkers; Mrs. Fran­ Richard Sanborn, vice presl-, aiyfC 331 MAIN STREET ; ,n s Sdolal Aotloa'Cominlttoo GREEN STAMPS ces L. Aho, Mrs. Pauline J. Mor­ dent; PAul W . Judkins, secoffd 643-2143 •649-2851-649-2835 ris, Mrs. Alice Bumpus and Mrs. vice president; Bowie Black- MANCHESTER, CONN, e 649-4595 lOHN L JENNEY AGENCY Of Mintifciiito OovBott a t Otanrehas Anna Gelsecke, challengers; bum. secretary: Eugene Rood, M o b i l h G o f i ^ i Vincent Maceyka, Mrs. Emma treasurer; Herman Allard, lion YOUR INDEPENDENT AGENCY H. Haramerllnd, Mrs. Ruth Hill tamer, and Rajhnond Morgan, C. LEROY NORRIS-JON L. NORRIS ' £ and Mrs. Evelyn Dickson, ma- ' hd Ip ■foawBtod ky tha BaumBeah.Ttpp Poaaaltooo of Manehootor. WEST STREET tall twister. Board of dlrecUtts iii a l^ e tenders, and Arthur J. Vin­ 357 E. CENTER ST^48-4H7 are Carleton King, Edwin I a w - ★ * *<[ 4 * * 44*4*4*44*^* ROCKVILLE. . CONN. • 87S-8S h ton, mechaille. ' 'J

^ G H T E E N B1ANCH1ROTER EVENING HERAlj). MANCHESTER, CONN, MOf{pAY, NOVEMBER 2, 19C4 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 19«4 PAGE N IN E rm {^ t ^■1 mi DAILV rpoHSWORO PI»y//I.B ing the case and a guilty plaa to reach agreement on a plan. JSTLB SPORJS BY ROU80N OUR BOARDING HOUSE iHth MAJOR HOOFLB AiMwwr to PpmImm Pimto Woman Is Held given by the accused on Oct. 5 The federal court said It will Navigators In the same court G o i5, Dempsey Agrees to Call ap^lnt a special master to U li-t.'l As Cars Collide Atty. Allan Hutensky, public draw up a stand-by plan if the IM ir.'ii*) assembly fails to keep to the VMMT AcaoM 40 Om (0«r.) I r.'ii-; aj defender for Brazalovlch, ask­ e u * ikip 4lGrMk tottar ed the coilrt to take into con­ Special R ed istrict Session timetable- or come ^aip with an X Jm m 't A Want Redding woman waa acceptable plan. mrMpr R6AUUX BA)?T6R,yoU« TOMATO-NOSEt/^lj 0 0 HIS BIRD SEED FROM] HIM " J 2 S S ! 2 _ i _ pitrtrt In Orcult Court 12 In Stafford Manchester on April 6, 1964, manent plan of legislative re­ gtRAlM IT MIND YAKKIM', Nov. 26. vides for a flat stipend of organisation to be submitted The Manchester Registered UIHHIi Bl GGS BUNNY IMG OTHER thB looks o f VtOUR UHM ^a& SEfr*"** regarding a stolen Georgia ve­ Nurses Association will sponsor COLLAR YOU COULD /MA3 0 R. to Draka and Police said a car driven by hicle. Police said he rented a 12,000 plus 1600 for expenses sometlpte during 1966. J L -i. P E O P L E 'G ^ USE A GOOD MSALV WHILE ' Bawklaa \ OTDoiaa 0 Abaonnal OlNar aifUw Samuel Stevenson, 51, of Fair- for legislators, regardless of Some of these, the governor a cake sale Wednesday at 9 a.m m m ,teoathlR| 04Knfaaa, tar car In Savaiinah, Oa., on March W H E R E ' S ^ HEY, SYLVESTER! QUITE SOME TIMS BUSIHB&S? t WIND UP MParta af aUln DOWN view Ave. Rxt., In Rockville how mai^y tlpies or days they said, might also be "telescoped," at Burton's. Proceeds .will bene­ .~CUtANINOTHB'| \ S lP n t aa 11, failed to retuftt It on March fit a scholarship fund. ' Antdce'i IwtfH ttFhg THAT BUM? HAVEN'T YA A(3 0 , GUVNOR,PUT PROSTlhJS-WVNIi' ^ THIS WOOD IFamlntna OTltondar at stopped because of traffic and are called into special session. but he declined to speculate on SlA(iUtkMi apptHatkm lOGIadal ridfaa 13, and on Morch 24 drove the 1 COUUO U6 E PWISHEP PR06TIN' i N ^ m r f u . PUSSV'^ SSSaMrilart was struck by the Rose berg ve­ car, with Georgia plates, to A new General Aasembly what the leglalature might The committee for the event TOILET TANK BALL SOME HELP THOSE CAKES 'VET? abaci “ S f f i ' •D nOOwQMT chooae to do. includes Mrs. Ben Jeffries, Mrs. BUSY.. MRafarrlng to a OWcTObo hicle from behind. Stevencan Connecticut and Manchester could conceivably be elected TH« Wotor Mottor IflKenrty UP HERE! T ITDuck OODatabaartoatar and his wife, Ruth, were-treated where he rented a room on later Ih th« winter, but this Today'! announcement fol­ Charles Woodbury, Mrs. Ray­ tK« How of wotor offor ooch HwdUiif. MR^ part 4 Mountain lOPariod 41Anaar ipifita for minor bruises. Troojier Wil­ would pose some problems in lows a judgment handed down mond Ward, Mrs, Afford Ma­ 01 MImicKar nymphanympna 20 Jump 43t«aA Center St. He pleaded not guil­ Thursday by a three-man fed­ son and Mrs. Julius'Fox. 7Sc AT HAMOWAKt S r o m 02 ------OJuUuaJohnaon qaatar, 34 Roof odfa 4l8ptadla liam Duckert of the Stafford ty to the interstate motor ve­ completing the normal work of for hiaUnco assandy nalmu 44Sward aaad Troop investigated. a legislature before June, when eral panel v^tch had been mull­ Donations for the sale may be OOSMotetton hicle violation on May 18 in ing the problem of reapportion­ left at the hospital nursing office 04 Ib middle of 6 Ago ao Samd bull of la fasdag Federe.l Court but later a new budget must be adopted. 0SShlp4lke clock TRadncadln Urpf 40 Small aaiOBal The governor noted that ment Since a special session of Wednesday until 9 a.m. Those nnk 271lui Chsi^lo 47naet_____ changed his plea to guilty. the General Assembly ad­ wishing pickup service may con­ OOWlatod bont After his Manchester arrest there will normally be town 08 Nivlfator't OLobatar'atan 20Bba tributaiy ddRUpo Federal Court elections in October of 1966, and journed Sept. 10 after falling tact Mrs. Fox at 81 Edgerton St. Read Herald Ads. map part aoOmy (dlaL) OOBafara the case was turned over to FBI jurisdiction. some city elections in Decem­ r - i T !T Harold O. Brasalovich, 26. ber, and the election of a new 1“ r “ r - [ 2 5“ no certain address, formerly of General Assembly, after reap­ 42 Center St., this morning in Surgery Only Cure portionment, could conceivably r r f r tT” Hartford's Federal District be "telescoped” into one of CTourt was given six months In NEW YORK — Surgery Is these dates. J L l S ayter prison, execution suspended, the only cure for catarracta DOESN'T r r iT" 7 The federal court order calls SCENT and placed on probation for the National Society for the for a total of three elections In ALLY OOP BY V. T. HAMUN TROUBLE* three years for Interstate Prevention of Blindness Warns. the reapportionment process, r r 19 transportation of a motor vehi­ It says there are no salves, the governor noted: cle. pills, or other medicines that -^Election of a temporary re­ ALREAPy Hie RAMB OP cxxitee h e o u r rgi WARRIOR SOOHOTAM 2 T Judge M. Joseph Blumenfeld will cure this condition, which apportioned legislature, follow­ DANGER INE PEET TALL/'^ LCwmmtm passed sentence after review­ clouds the eye lens. ing a plan to be set up by CAPIAM! a 27^ n r-' E ■ ’’ CARNIVAL BY DK’K TURNER w ^ 3 1 ■W 33“ 51” % ____ m w 3T" 37 □ ■38 YOUR COUNTRY W ■■■ « UTMAL TIUNOUmpM b TT TT JST OPIUMCMEMURe «“ 43" 44 e - IFF W“ s r S fi TOhflAlBtTAl CAN’T AFFORD 52" 53 54“ PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER n ■ Deck the Halls and Everywhere 55“ BT" 5 T Mrs. Fred Schaefer holds a pine wreath and Mrs James An­ POOR MR. JOHNSON ‘ I CAN^ B U RSTIN G DONfT FORSET,^ 2 derson arranges a centerpiece at a preview of Christmas AND MR. .. • ul J H Wll.Lf A'lVl p.m. at the Holiday Fair sponsored by the Women’s Guild of 0E TERRIFIC 1 TOY I N S FO R N O OKICF! 1 ' 1 Trinity Covenant Church in the lower auditorium a t the ONE-PARTY I B V N O W ! WITH , REASON XXIR PULSE SEEMS church. Luncheon will be served from noon to 2 p.m. Coffee THEIR ^ NORMAL-LET ME and Swedish buns will be sold all day. Mrs. Schaefer is CEREAL- SEE THAT TONGUE , chairman of the ways and means committee of the fair, and AND THRCAT/THERElS T T f SOMETHING WRONG Mrs. Anderson Is president of the Women’s Guild. (Herald WHEN you CANT photo by Ofiara.) EAT THAT LITTLE BIT: v H:? Bolton GOVERNMENT 1,578 Registered to Vote; H*1 Republicans Lead 2 to 1 MOTTS SUPER YOUR BONNIE BY JOE CAMPBELL Figures released today lndl-meet tonight a t.8:30. Wednes- MARKETS This pointer must be UP day will be parents’ night at cate that there are 1,578 regis­ fiyt MJBUL,PONT tered voters In town. CYO, starting with a holy hour In the church at 7, folldived by MOTT I CAME STAMP OUT ^ e W > A I>,M1A. I , t , M. 00, Mrs. Mamie Maneggia, Re­ a short program and refresh­ OVEBTD TBERE.COME /J-Z publican registrar of voters, ments. I AFY>UXH7E IM6 IPE' *i‘Okay, okay! So he’o more than just ‘good’ on that reports that there are 829 Friday, the first Friday, there FOR THE townspeople registered with will be Communion at 8 a.m. m ^ rv u M / thing! How about good and loud?" HOSTESS M30 the GOP. Mrs. Mary Morgan, and Mass at 6:30 p.m., with I TREATED you confessions from 7:30 to 7:50 iMvrrB me $URE ARE Democratic registrar, lists 381 Whether you're buying for two or ten or 112, IM AFTER In her party, leaving 368 unaf- a.m. and 6 to 6:20 p.m. There A Q O O 0 fillated. The special session this will be a holy hour from 9 to ALL THAT 10 p.m., followed by adoration you'll tirfd that the Mott Hgstess is quick to help ? ii-a-M afternoon could add a few if BORN THIRTV YEARS TOO SOON a R W iix iA ^ names before tomorrow’s elec­ by the Nocturnal Adoration So­ BitoMM.tMiaaeiM.ep with budget and menu ideas. She knows about tion. ciety until 6 a.m. Saturday. BEN CASEi Raymond Cooper will moder­ Mass will be read Saturday at ate the election. Mrs. Margaret^ 6:30 a.m. recipes and good cooking— what foods go with Dodd Asplnwall is deputy registrar _ The Society will have its an­ THIS IS WHAT you AMERICANS for the Republicans. Mrs. Jean­ nual reception and business whatgmeafs— and how much of everything to buy. FOR >DUR UNCLE'S CONDITION BEING CALL "BIG BUSINESS." BUT FAR meeting Sunday at 7:30 p.m. ONE OF THE BEST KEPT SECRETS IN ette Massolinl will be checker. BIGGER THAN AAf/W/A/G you Mrs. Hannah Mildner, Mrs. There will be a coffee and So if it's a party or a picnic, family meals or SHORT RIBS _____ EUROPE S7RIKK ME social hour after all Masses te BY FRANK O’NEAL AS ODD. CHARLK! Irma Cocconi and Mrs. Thelma Fracchia will be machine tend­ Sunday, Roland Massee, chair­ nsnncnsrnr t , v x t a . I church supper— ask the Mott Hostess for meal TWISCASIU ers. Mrs. Dorothy Miller will be man, will be assisted by Robert \$CC9riN(3 MEAfoRTUNE/ the absentee ballot counter and Simmons, Ray Cocconl and Ed­ planning help. Keeney Hutchinson, the ma­ ward Corbett, with M ^ k e chine mechanic. Strange as alternate. And lliis pointei musi be DOWN Mrs. Eleanor Churilla will be The annual book fair for the the deputy registrar and check­ support of the parish library Motf's Hostess Service is only one of many things er for the Democrats. Mrs. will start Sunday. Katherine Sc.anlon, Mrs. Sheila Any men planning to go on you'll love about shopping at Mott's. Why wait? . THE X MUST SHOW Chemerka and Mrs. Mary Ro- the retreat Nov. 13-15 should gowskl will be machine tend­ contact Alex Kozlkowski. A Enjoy the difference today. ers. Charles Lathrop will be joint meeting of the CXID and absentee ballot coiinter and the Holy Name Society will be r Donald Massey, the'mechanic. held Nov. 9. Bolton voters will vot,e tor Gram Fire Put Out ------■== registrars of voters and 12 jus­ The fire department was MORTY MEEKLK HY DICK CAVAI.I.l tices of the peace for each party. DOUBLE S A H STAMPS i BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE The incumbent registrars are called out Saturday at 1:30 k lAWDLE J ot ri iJ 1 MlVir *# A IS / p.m. to a grass fire near Hill­ Pick seeking re-election. top Motors on Rts. 6 and 44A. ^ C?HE TAKE-OFF... MUD...BUZ A c a iP L e o F •eaoDeNLV r W O N D E R The polls will be open from 6 DON DIE6 0 MVS WE WHAT THE HECK'S WRONG? A small area was burned. The ^ EVERY WED. ^ ARE TO ACCOMPANY VOU - HAS TROUBLE GtTTINS \ © \ E 6 A 0 O I H A P r HAV6' a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Commu­ fire was brought under control OUQAD CRANDC TH E TAIL UP. A ‘oUDPeH FSBUN& THAIdAWE R6A,LLyi6 nity Hall. quickly, Chief Peter Massolinl THAT "maze WAG FEeLING ABIRC Free coffee and doughnuts will reports. A tanker responded to A B IR D ON ACSAIN, ONMY... ir> - be available at the party booths. a mutual aid call for a house The dessert for dinner will be fire on Tunnel Rd., Vernon, MVHG^O... available at the FTA bake sale. SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE TUES. and WED. t.^'y ANDTHase Refreshments will, also be Saturday at 7:30 p m. 6 The firemen drilled yesterday LODGE I WAe, served to those who give blood i fi.-. at the bloodmobile at the Edu­ morning at the site of the for­ SWIFT'S PREMIUM cation Building of Bolton Con­ mer "Bottle Club." once the gregational Church from 1:30 to Frank Mantelli house, on Rt. 6:30 tomorrow. Walk-in donors 8. The present owners have are needed. given the department permis­ sion to use the property for *yU^. Free baby-sitting lor mothers IJIIRBORNE AT IAST.'...THE TAIL STILL HEAVY.' AND HE'S will be available tomorrow after­ drills. Yesterday they set fires WWONDERINS IF HE'LL BE ABLE TD CLEAR THE TREES. in a non-combusClble building LAMB CHOPS noon either at the polls or in the voter’s home. Senior Girl Scouts and tried their self- contained will baby sit after school. Mrs. breathing apparatus. Malcolm Lambert, Bolton Cen­ The fire department was CAPTAIN EASY ter Rd. may be called. called out this morning at 8:30 U>|« $1,091™ BY LESLIE TURNER MICKEY UNN BY LANK LEONABD to the home of Leslie William­ TO ELECT WSCS Meets Tonight The WSCS of United Methodist son on Notch Rd. About an lb. J IS PAT acre of brush was burned and ''^AND A BRONZE STATUE, ^RSUS ANY WAV TO Church will hold its November WITH THE HEAD OF MEDUSA'* IS meeting tonight instead of to­ the garage was threatened. The TREAT DA morrow because of the election. fire was brought quickly under NOW IN THE LOGGIA DEI LANZI IN ELPSRLy . YOUNG STEER FLORENCE J A 6K>TeSQUE fW >eR“ GHOST op The meeting will begin with a control. t¥E/6 HT. \f A T f r i a r FROM ■ MEVmFE5 worship service in observance of Briefs FONTAINE^EAU^ CREATED FOR rmoLB a call to prayer and self denial Today Is the lost day for per­ Sliced Beef LIVER u 39c KIRCFR^tS OF FRANCS, HASj 7 APPV? led by Mrs. Iver Anderson, Mrs. sonal property declaration. The lOHN LODGE Charles Miller and Mrs. Joseph assessors will be In the confer­ Androlouis. A business meeting ence room of the town offices Seafood Deparfmenf will be held before the pr.o^tam, from 1 to 7 p.m. led by Mrs. Howard L^ckward, entitled "Thoughts on Prayer." The selectmen will meet to­ FRESH FLOUNDER FILLETS l. 49c Hostesses are Mrs. Myron Lee night at 7. ^ and Mrs. Fred Warren. The public building commis­ Chairmen for the turkey i sup­ sion will consider the question of the heed for a site for an per to be held Nov. 7 are Mr.s. elementary school at Its meet­ TO THE SENATE Tht Milk Thai Modi Conn. Hliloif Charles Bedford, dining room; ing tonight at 8 In the confer­ Mrs. Robert Miller, kitchen; CONN. APPROVED HOMOGENIZED HALF (•AFTER you pull a party lever, you con PUSH UP thefolnter Mrs. Richard Noren, clean-up, ence room. Repi'esetnatlves and Mrs. Florenife Hayden, pie. from tne boards of education, GAL. oyer.each condidote you DO NOT wont. . . and PUSH DOWN MR. ABERNATHY BV RALSTON JONES end FRANK RIDjCEWAY DAVY JONES Sittings will be at 5 and 6 :S0. finance, selectmen and the Vitam in D BY l EFF and McWILLIAMS Reservations can be made by planning commission have been the pointer over each condidote you DO wont.) calling Mrs. Herald Lee or Mrs. Iniyted to attend. GALLON Hg WORSHIPS OH, COAAE NOW, ^ BACK AGAIN, EH t Y j Michael Goldsnider. ■Tbe library will have an ex­ PoUttort Adv. THE VERY a r e n 't YOU ALL THE LIGHTS VO'RE A LUCKY Brotherhood to Meet hibit of children’s books this LODGE FOR SENATOR Commlttoa, PretcoH Bwth, Hen. ChoirmoN ARE OUT, 50 THEY MUST week, ih honor of children's MILK piul Dcpolil GROUND SHE EXAGGERATING? BE .ASLEEP BY NOW .. CRITTER..,'WHAR The Brotherhood of St. An­ WALKS ON. AH COME FRUM.. drew of St. Qeorge’s Episcopal booJi. week. I'VE GOT TO HAVE A WE .SHOOT TRES- Elementary school will close LOOK INSIDE THAT PA IN' VARMUNTS Caiurch will meet tonight at 8 PADLOCKED CABIN. 5 5 at the church. The Women of Wednesday 'a t .1 p.m. for par-; MANCHESTER B-TWIXT TH' EYES. ent-teacher conferences. WEST HAKTFORD HARTFORDi Bt. George’s wlU meet Wednes 587 Middle Turnpike East I t e w , , ...... day, rather than tomcftTow, to Comtr Respect Avt. and 6oul«vard 1269 Al^iny Aw...... |||,#l!M#!lH'"f hear a talk on flower arrange­ Advertisement— •RtSTOL Be the life of the PARTY- WETHERSFIELD WILSON ments by Milikowski, a florist 525 Farminttoo Avt. In Manchester. Guests are in­ Vote Republican. Stop by Re­ 160 Silat Deane Hwy. Corner Jordan Lane . 260 Windsor Ave. X '- vited. Hostesses will be Mrs publican headquarters In Bol­ 0FENNI6HTS; MON. thru SAT. til • Except Albany Avc. WED. thru SAT. n i l Henry Bay and Mn. Charles ton for ^oughnilts and coffee. Lathrop. For transportation or babysit­ LODGE The executive, committee will ters call 649-8990. •neet W e^esday at 8 p.m. also. PULL (HE SECOND ‘ St. Bfanrice News Manchester Evening Herald ^ e Council of Catholic Wom­ Bolten oorreapondeat. ClemeF en t t SL Maurice Church will well Yomlg, teMphone 641-6981. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHB8TBR,*00NN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, i m lU U CIilBTEB EVENING HEBALO. MANCHESTER. CONN„ MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1964 PAGE TWENTY.Q!fl Giant Uj)set *Bring on the NFU- I Deaths Up 1(H) PerUent Wi^ Sparked P u la M Tops Eagles Safer to Play Football Raiders Win Grown^ By Old Y.A. Than to Drive Vehicle Woods Scores Three NEW YORK (AP)—y. LOS ANGELES (AP) — He said 18 of those fatally -8 Football deaths In the United A. Tittle stood in front of injured were high school Stately ore up more than 100 players, two were college • his locker with the ceiling Toward A F L per cent this year, but the Running 40', 46 and Ifvef .5’*^ lights glinting off his bald B y JO H N G O L D E N ■^^ebo in Manchester. The vic-'^ltanoxed Ilian who keeps tr.^rk says (riayers, pne was a semi-pro. yards for touchdowns, Not Oply did he tally three IS ^rda tor a touchdown, Overpowering offensive fessinnsi and one a sandlot tinies and add onb conversion 19th Hole pate. A group of newsmen «>touchdown pasaei of 76, and 47flt tory oU but clinched tb* Hart­ which was aided by two penal­ n’s still safer to play foot­ Frank Woods paced the un­ NEW YORK (AP) yards and latching on to eight In trinerln g the Jeta to a Sl-0 drives xnd a strong de. ties, by plungtoC over from the ball than to cross a street or player. but, he gained a total of 206If ford County Conference chant- had formed a half circle, halftime lead that proved big nse-yard'line. Jim Cheeky add­ defeated, untied and un­ yard-s. fencing him in. For the lirst High above War Memorial ail for 308 yards In a 81-17 v lc ^ fehse aHowed Pulaski High plonship tor the Generals and drive a car. Dr. C