'■. , -•■■f- IX ■■JT •. f .: . .J Remember to Vote Tom6rroM>---’P^ih Will Be Open 6 a. nC to 7 pitn. r— .* ^ T ttagt Daily Net Pnae Run - The Weather^ tke W«ck BaM roBMMt oi V. a. WMtatr ftneea Qptofcwr 11, IN * ^ n l r ioei 4M>ol tooliitat, loir 40-411 1 4 ^ 1 . tnr. cMNitioMd mild temoTftwr, IttiiilM r tH t in Mlli III Ms. Banna of <Xraal»noa ' ^ Manchester— ytCity o f VUlage Chmrm VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 28 (TWENTY-1 PAGES—TWO SE(7nONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1964 (OlauUled Adrerttsliif «a Page M) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Qov. Dempsey JIWMl'Call Reapportionment Session Record HARTFORD ( k m __ the . time limit and in compli-^pressures and tensions of the ance with the terms of the lat­ national election campaign are Governor Dempseyey said.said .to­ est federal ‘ court judgment,” over," he said, "that the Gen­ day he will call the General Governor Dempsey said. eral Assembly will be able to Assembly into special ses­ ^ Since many legislative and act responsibly in the reappor­ •J sion on or before a court- poHpcal leaders “have already tionment matter So that the Political Goldwiater madb plans to take shoft vaca­ business of the state can be imposed deadlinerof Nov. tions aftor-the activities of the conducted In an orderly man­ 16f but deferred setting a luitional 4Ieptlon,” the governor ner.” Sees Upset late until he can talk with said, "I will pot set a dale . The governor said he Iras dis­ Scene party leaders. ‘ until I have had. the opportuni­ cussed with the attorney gen­ The governor said he expects ty to check wlth-piese leaders eral the question of whCn a new Of Century the "holdover” legislature, if it as to their plana.” General Assembly might be t complies with the court’s time ‘It has always beeif my be­ elected under a temporary re- I Polls Unanimous WASHINGTON (A P)~ table, to continue to conduct lief,” ho added, "that legfslative apportionment which the court ‘ NEW YORK (AP) — The has said must be planned by The long, strident election . the business osf the state for the reapportionment and redlstfict- polls are unanimous. They poipt campaign comes to a close normal winter and spring legis­ ing should be handled by the ^ Jw*., 30. to victory for President John.son lation session. General Assembly itself and- He dtelined to speculate on a Tuesday. today witli every indicator The announcehient this not by the courts." The gover­ date, but 'Said he believes the But Sen. Barry Goidwater of a computerized, poll-con­ morning followed consultations nor said he was ‘keenly disap­ holdover legislature could "con­ says he’ll win. scious era pointing toward with Atty. Gen. Harold H. Mul- pointed” by, the failure' of the tinue the business of-the state" "I know the polls don’t agree victory for President John­ vey and Secretary of State El­ fall special session to act on so long as it sets up tliS special with me, but they never have,” son. la Orasso. — reapportionment in time for to­ election procedure by Jan. 30. he said Friday night. "I will call a special s^ion morrow’s election. -■A nationwide Associated In 27 hours of elapsed time, '*of the General Assembly within *T am hopeful now that the (See Page Nineteen) PreSs survey of polls showed beginning at 12:01 a.m. .EST figures ' indicating Johnson’s Tue.sday in some New England , percentage of.the popular vote towns and winding up with the ' ’ might approxfitiate the 20th closing of polls in western Ala»- century highs. ka, some 70 million Americans - ' The 20th century record is will choo.se a president, 28 goyC .Franklin D'.'Roosevelt’s 60.8 per emors, 438 House membert and 35 senators. cent of the vote in 1936 against Republican Alf Landon. Repub­ Although he made no predic­ lican Warren G.''Harding got tions on the. exlent of the ^ctory 60.4 per cent in 1920. Dwight D. he cMfWently expects. Presi­ Esenhower got 67.4 per cent In dent^ Johnson obviously hoped 1986. he would roU up more than the Here’s a rundown' on the la­ centlBy’s record 60.8 per' cent of the vote registered for Franklin test national polls: D. Roosevelt In 1636. This would Gallup Poll — A semifinal poll give him a maiSBiye -victory in by Dr. George Gallup gave Uie 638-vote^Electofal College. Johnson 64 'per cent, Goidwater 29 per cent and undecided 7 per GOP presidential nominee Eterry Goidwater-wSJS predicting cent. Louis Harris Poll — Johnson the . ’’upset o^ the century” 60 per cent, Goidwater 34 per would make him the wiimer cent, undecided 6 per cent. ■ •• despite the poll Indicators-:^, Popcorn' Poll Johnson led against any such result.’ Pri­ vately his aides were conceed- 78-22 among purchasers of 99-year-old Carl Schwendy ready for 20th GOP ballot popcorn in movie theaters and Ing only Masaachuaetta, Coonee- ticut, Rhode laland, Absaka and supermarkets. They picked Hawaii to President Jtdmaoa. Harry S. ’Truman in 1948. 80 Million Voted First for Harrison Aides of Jtdinaon ^ d they Newsweek magazine — A poli had given up only on Missiaslppl ol SO Washington correspond­ and Alabama. They brieve they ents showed 40 predicting a May Cast pote have a chance to carry every Johnson victory. T^eir consen­ sus gave Johnson 484 elector WASH1NGToH'^(AP> — other state, including Johnsbn’a New Jersey Man Set native Texas and Qoldwatwr’a votes to 84 for Goidwater. Nearly 80 million ^Ameri­ native Arizona. ' Samuel Lubell — His latest cans, a recotxl, are expected summary of nationwide find- to vote in- Tuesday’s elec­ ’ The two standard bearini tions. Election officials and For His. 20th Election make final televised bids for ingattt VibandeUde victory for votes tonigiit. Pre.sident Johnson.” political observers in all The President and hia nmniRg states and the District of ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. (A P )— When Carl Paul mate, Sen. Hubert H. flNim- Columbia made the predic­ phrey, will, appear on a pre­ * Governors , tion in an Associated Press Schwendy votes for a presidential candidate Tuesday, taped program arranged for 10^ survey. WASHINGTON (AP) Candi­ it will be the 20th tim^ he has cast a ballot in a general 10:30 p.m. EST on the NBC Gaping holes iVere blasted in U.S. Army barracks at the Bien Hba Air Base in TheyNestlmated that 88,- network. Viet Nam in newest Viet Cong raid. A ir view shews some of the damage to the dates for governorships in 28 election. states have shown varying de­ 697,400 Americans are refe- Schwendy, who will be 100 to put ms in tbs German Goidwater and his ruimli>c istered or otherwise to vote army.” mate, Rep. William E. Miller, buildings. Four Americans were killed and 29 woundef. (AP Photofax.) grees of enthusiasm about rid­ years old nextA pril, says he ----------------------— — — — --------------------------------------------------------------------- in the presidential election. Schwendy joined the postal will appear on a pre-taped 0:80- ing the coattails of their party’s cast his first vote for Benjamin presidential nominee. They predicted that of this service in Atlantic City, retiring 10 p.m. EST program to be Some are hanging on tightly, number 70,856,050 wUl cast Harrison in 1888. After 19 gener­ in 1932 after 28 years service. carried by CBS. Enlarging War Talk Revived others ride with one foot on and ballots. al elections, he is still voting a . Despite his age, Schweqdy Johnson heads for Texas this Events will walk unassisted the two one foot off and some won’t ride straight Republican ticket. afternoon for electicHi eve cam­ blocks to the school to vote paigning in Houston, Pasadena at all. ’’Never in my life have I ever Voters in 11 states will select Four Fatalities Tuesday. and Austin. Then he will fly ^ thought of voting tiny cither'v "And why. not, I walk wherev- with his family to their Johnaoa In State New Viet Cong Raid a new governor in ’Tuesday’s way,” Schwendy said In an ' elections. In 14 other states, sr I want to go,” hd said. City home to await Tuesday’s On State Roads interview ’ at his daughter's His daughter, Tillie Hasson, returns. they’ll either re-elect the home. ”I was a Republican the present governor or choose his confirms that her father is con­ Goidwater, battling to wh| May Bring Showdown NEw /Ih AVEN (AP)— Con­ first time I voted, and I ’ll re­ stantly on the move < vital (California, speaks today in Deins May Sweep challenger. Eighteen of the 25 main one until I die.” governorships now are held by necticut’s weekend traffic toll: ’ ’He’ll walk to the com er (4 San Francisco. Tonight he ends A l l Contests Democrats. Two little boys, struck by cars, In his younger days Schwendy blocks), catch a bus, and the hla vote-hunting travels in the WASHINGTON (A P )— The Communist raid on a The coattails of President and two women, whose cars was a Republican ward leader next thing you know we’ll find little Arizona town-Df F re d o n i^ in Philadelphia. out he’s In Philadelphia, visiting where he wound up both o f Ujg U.S. air base near Saigon Saturday has stirred up new Johnson or Republican Barry swerved off the road. Goidwater ,,fbuld help some In addition, a Stamford ” It was nothing in those days friends. Senate campaigns. Then he flm HARTFORD (AP) — Schwendy believes television talk here of enlarging the war in South Viet Nam.
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