Plan^Produces Praise, Queries SS Pt H ^ US Proposal
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W A S H IN G T O N (U P I)—Prei- to the .Communist negotiliton' pcesijteht, NgOyetf Van Thleu, ending the conflict. ' i^Tridicates the Communists the A m e ^ an eleotorat<^—some ident Nixon, apparently cqn- 9t Paris m ei^t-polm peace was wiUint! to resikn one month Although he did not aay so, plarining a main forcft rif" : >p— said,— :‘b«wfc- jaaB B t ~ »TO' tfte tm iaci:/ of plan, ft "oaned tor a cgasiynre M fof^ thaf balloting continued. Vietnam con.tiict_oi> ant^s»nmtaneous withdrawal of-^ T[he plan_«as: siibmitted to concerned about a heaVv North lands at. abnht'thp timg NivAn hia trip TO Oifaa ahd .bn htS all Ur& torc^ ana release ot th'e~Comifiunteta OcTnirirfter "Vie^iimesebuUdupin Lags and i&.,.is Qaon hisms Hiati.way, to- 'Fak-Ppi-ing, ing, soy's tiwstd NlMiri^ natiflina steurlty aJvl-' Cambodiji -along tlie Suutli ■souriBi .. ..I — '---- c onunimliji reslatanbe, patT ' : unveiled dftails" 6f secret f>eriod—all. within this frame- ............ ' ser, Henry A. Kissii^er, made VietnameM border. The tieefing High administration officials "American reluctance,'Is rpspon- . negotiations 'With the Commu- work -of an arrar^ement }2 dartdestine trios to Paris. have expressed fear that such - sible for the lengthy confUct. In ^nists to end the Indochina War. designed- to settle all political B u i' Nixon admitted the idan an offensive might undermine particular it was a move to He said the disclosures prove Issues, Bui he mentioned no drew no response from the Nixon’s visit to China—and depriveDemocraticpresidential'■ that Hanoi, not .Washington is specifitUKithdrawal date. -* NortJi. Vietnamese' and Viet Nikon Tuesday night appeared hopefuls of their claim, that the" Mockiitf! peace,.^! . i , . , He suggested thej-e should be Cong, who instead'too^ 'a'dvaiv t9-be...tryyiM to head off that arin.iiii-itriainn hnH ■ froe-L'l'-c'tirtris, m tewaaanaily tage S P siipa^sed. with partii^ipatioiT the neeotiations tffconxletTW the ^ dealings wilh.aanoi. United-SiHter1irpijt(ltirTcr“nTn: in.^addition, th^ sp§ech was prisoffer's Octo'ber he secretly submitted South Vietnam's controversial' making w y new suggestions for an obvious prove to. (fontinued on p...S) V- . Itln h o'fi I .(Ioslsp<ij)vr 68th yenr, ?4Rth issue ___L_____ TWIN FALLS, IPAHO WEDNFf^DAY lAhJiiAC-y ?6. 1972 - TDF h e a d h o m e Plan^produces S S p t H ^ Caurt-lesi& praise, queries says ,An onon/moui ftpjfer WASHli;G;F%\ 1 U Bi IP r e s - CY i '.k 'S ot the war who have wai paid .JI.OOO ihts idsm Nixon, generally won d e m a n d e d total withdtawanjy" F F C o u n t y weei for informattan US proposal bipartisan praise Tuesday for a fixed deadlme' also p ra is e d leading to ■ appreh^n- his V ie th ^ 'peaw offers, but the iVesident's offer. Sen. lion ol a drug pusher in P A R IS lU P li -North Viet- failed to respond -some CTitics.of the war said the 'Philip~’A^Hart. U-Mich.. s a id he , i <ui{t^Wk^et here? -nmii und the \'int Cang rejeolad. C o n w i nnts--lvy»;=fet 'lung' the, was ".delighted" that Nixon had tVeside'nt Nixon's new Vietnam tiohs "fundamental for the Just United States will remain m embfai ed the general terms of . -today.-. 4ind- the »nd legiea^peaoeful- ^in'tfogKifra ~>SQuth iiifnate Democratic Leader -J t ,__, ^ tgaMon to the Par is—»f the Vietnam pr oblem .'' '\ietnain 4i»like Mansfield's amendment | ^ r V ^ By BO N N IE BA IR D JOIVES • requested funds. N ixnn had broken his---^.sairl thp-se nnint-s were: -thtrt— FwUs v fei---(eMii— ----L . ) ^ r a 1 — Further, thft .districL healtti- pledge not to disclose, secret ' - The ' ArtiericaOs refused "Backers-of N'l.xo'h's polities TWIN FAl.1.5 — The Idaho-, hnarrt allgges thg--emmti; he had now: i-6VKrsf—T" Supreme Court has been itSKed budget ot $51,000, with'” another everything possible has been adviser Henry A. Kissinger. to pull out from South Vietnam _________jfil , . .. .Man^idd. ■ mt* to decide i| Twin .Falls., Cgunt-y. -. IkOOOr-^iQc.jpficial, .itemfc;, ia.. .dfestr^ays. ... • TT^ttt tfx • ^nav ■ eA urtcn ptnnttrtr tTUt a f -PrSr'—•ahd-'-oth a " ' • arc-war' IRi'uq^r'-' aineratment but' it certainly -taxpayers arp rlH^nirpH hy law $18.400 short of what is required that Mr. Nixon talked-one way troops, military advisers, per- neOoUalHMis." . .. ■arfopis'the underlying elements to pay $69,000 for public health of the county 'to support the and acted another, " a state sofjnel and war materiel and ~Sen. John Stennls, i>.Miss .■ of It. " Hart said. services as requested by the district underthe new state law. b i g b a s e ment by the North Vietnamese close down all bases. They also L u d l o u said Nixon had done ' UlJ that But Seib Allen Cranston, D- district tward of health for 1972. This would, the application--- delegation said. "He spoke of refused to st.op a ll. air and he could reasonably and honor Calif ,,said the issue still was An application for writ of states, leave the district, withot . SAIC.ON .U P Ii-So u th Viet sham peace but mad'^<i£_r,efllCnaviaI activities and "other acts ■!%/■■ - ably _^'l.andji£n^ Robert Dole. how lonj: do we want to stay mandate was filed Tuesday by some matching funds, including nam reported today its air war . " f -' -*ofof jvar'w ar" in North, and .South [ f U r i l S I C r R-Kani,, called for an end "tu- m \'ii‘tnaln. and, fight and die Tom Nelson, attorn^j for a \s>^.vi $9,900 in stale matching •force - had "destroyed- four - '^Tn-decidiriR—to"uniW erally -Y retriam the needless and divisive debate there until Vietnam is able to Di.strict 5, Idaho Department of ru'bney. ' Communist tanks m .the firsf Tnak^public the content of the . The Americans persisted in which has wracked this country defend itself" Health The appl^tion for writ I,eon Smith, Twin. Falls . .such incident of the war Front private ..nieetings that his maintainini' Pres^den'. Ng.ui'en . DU p.‘ 5t ftllegea th»<:Quni^ of -T^ytg-FaW Ctnrnfy attorney , said the^action dispatches said Am erican delegates had proposed—and Van fhieu and his ' puppet la see k failed to budget the' reqoired IS u friendly suit since both sides planes opfiratlnK.nparh>'in Ihij-prnmi.^rifl, .keep secret,, Mr___ramiiw ' iii iiffu; 111 narm nrar nppifiori fhi^ 1 ---(.‘witrai 'HiBtnanas Bie » up a~ Ni^toh'gave rurtnerTirgof tnai--- ~i as called for by state law move in- determining if the b]g Communist base camP: his administration very easily t r ^ m s e a t ' The distritrt asks . the high county can decide bow much K Chufeh hopes pifltit - U.S. planes have knocked out breaks Its engagements. ' the Court to order the County to will provide for the district Communist t^ k s in South...-,HanQLstatement said u ill start talks Gem Senate POCATELIX) (UPI)-A cam provide $69,400 for the health rather than being obligated to Vietnam on the very few "Moreover, his Jan 25,1972, pus minister at Idaho State Uni district operation or to shoW meet what has been budgeted occasions the tanks have speech testified*"1o his perfi- W.\SH1N'C.T0N lU P Ii - Sen Kra»k Church, versity announced his candi; cause why it should not be. by the districfT appeared and some were dious maneuver to deceive the .'ould -have ap OK^s age 18 dacy lor Congress knocked out during the incur- American electorate in thi^ plauded President "Nixon's speech o» Vietnam ing “ straightsand longhairs" S io n -into Laos, but spokesmen election year." had thf offer been confined to ivithdrawal of alike to join him. said this was the first time the Hanoi ,<mid the peace-makine for jurors m iTJimilM('Aiiifi n.aii ' frirces in ' exthanKe far 'South Vietnamese air force had efforts collapsed because both Kev. Willis Ludlow, a minis- prisoners of w a r . __ Puntriey sues, .. BOISE O JPIi — The Senata- Church said, "Tiowever, he aflded another -William J. PoFter- -i Ut*t^^^hgtogrgptwfi^---3cffrjy public, m fictirau^d Kissin- appcoved J5-Q and sent to -the Church, told about 20 onlookers conditioT House Tues3ay JegislatidrT'To’ ori the steps of the PocatSlo up lu Y irtht and nfiU e for elcclion.s in the Taylor, reportii\g from the ger in private sessitins had Highlands 180 miles 'north of lou-er-.the age-for--jury-service Federal gilding he w ss^k- p a y •Snuth under a fw e ta k e r gnvemmfnt “ ■from 21 to 18. ing the Democratic nomination He added. Thi.s has'lx-en soKK«steil .ind -Saigon, said U S helicopters Sen. John Barker, R-Buhl, in the Second Congressional B Y CH A RLO TTE B E L L salary from Jan. 4 until the ^ e rejected before Nevertheless. I hope Hanoi discovered the biR Comhiunist Nevv dock .said the legislature approved District and would defeat Or- Tlmes-News writer of his reinstatement as- police wfin'I tiir43 down the lYesjdent's offer 'lut of t) camp when they came the Uniform Jurj' Selection Act val Hansen in November.