W A S H IN G T O N (U P I)—Prei- to the .Communist negotiliton' pcesijteht, NgOyetf Van Thleu, ending the conflict. ' i^Tridicates the Communists the A m e ^ an eleotorat<^—some ident Nixon, apparently cqn- 9t Paris m ei^t-polm peace was wiUint! to resikn one month Although he did not aay so, plarining a main forcft rif" : >p— said,— :‘b«wfc- jaaB B t ~ »TO' tfte tm iaci:/ of plan, ft "oaned tor a cgasiynre M fof^ thaf balloting continued. Vietnam con.tiict_oi> ant^s»nmtaneous withdrawal of-^ T[he plan_«as: siibmitted to concerned about a heaVv North lands at. abnht'thp timg NivAn hia trip TO Oifaa ahd .bn htS all Ur& torc^ ana release ot th'e~Comifiunteta OcTnirirfter "Vie^iimesebuUdupin Lags and i&.,.is Qaon hisms Hiati.way, to- 'Fak-Ppi-ing, ing, soy's tiwstd NlMiri^ natiflina steurlty aJvl-' Cambodiji -along tlie Suutli ■souriBi .. ..I — '---- c onunimliji reslatanbe, patT ' : unveiled dftails" 6f secret f>eriod—all. within this frame- ............ ' ser, Henry A. Kissii^er, made VietnameM border. The tieefing High administration officials "American reluctance,'Is rpspon- . negotiations 'With the Commu- work -of an arrar^ement }2 dartdestine trios to Paris. have expressed fear that such - sible for the lengthy confUct. In ^nists to end the Indochina War. designed- to settle all political B u i' Nixon admitted the idan an offensive might undermine particular it was a move to He said the disclosures prove Issues, Bui he mentioned no drew no response from the Nixon’s visit to China—and depriveDemocraticpresidential'■ that Hanoi, not .Washington is specifitUKithdrawal date. -* NortJi. Vietnamese' and Viet Nikon Tuesday night appeared hopefuls of their claim, that the" Mockiitf! peace,.^! . i , . , He suggested thej-e should be Cong, who instead'too^ 'a'dvaiv t9-be...tryyiM to head off that arin.iiii-itriainn hnH ■ froe-L'l'-c'tirtris, m tewaaanaily tage S P siipa^sed. with partii^ipatioiT the neeotiations tffconxletTW the ^ dealings wilh.aanoi. United-SiHter1irpijt(ltirTcr“nTn: in.^addition, th^ sp§ech was prisoffer's Octo'ber he secretly submitted South Vietnam's controversial' making w y new suggestions for an obvious attempt.to prove to. (fontinued on p...S) V- . Itln h o'fi I .(Ioslsp<ij)vr 68th yenr, ?4Rth issue ___L_____ TWIN FALLS, IPAHO WEDNFf^DAY lAhJiiAC-y ?6. 1972 - TDF h e a d h o m e Plan^produces S S p t H ^ Caurt-lesi& praise, queries says ,An onon/moui ftpjfer WASHli;G;F%\ 1 U Bi IP r e s - CY i '.k 'S ot the war who have wai paid .JI.OOO ihts idsm Nixon, generally won d e m a n d e d total withdtawanjy" F F C o u n t y weei for informattan US proposal bipartisan praise Tuesday for a fixed deadlme' also p ra is e d leading to ■ appreh^n- his V ie th ^ 'peaw offers, but the iVesident's offer. Sen. lion ol a drug pusher in P A R IS lU P li -North Viet- failed to respond -some CTitics.of the war said the 'Philip~’A^Hart. U-Mich.. s a id he , i <ui{t^Wk^et here? -nmii und the \'int Cang rejeolad. C o n w i nnts--lvy»;=fet 'lung' the, was ".delighted" that Nixon had tVeside'nt Nixon's new Vietnam tiohs "fundamental for the Just United States will remain m embfai ed the general terms of . -today.-. 4ind- the »nd legiea^peaoeful- ^in'tfogKifra ~>SQuth iiifnate Democratic Leader -J t ,__, ^ tgaMon to the Par is—»f the Vietnam pr oblem .'' '\ietnain 4i»like Mansfield's amendment | ^ r V ^ By BO N N IE BA IR D JOIVES • requested funds. N ixnn had broken his---^.sairl thp-se nnint-s were: -thtrt— FwUs v fei---(eMii— ----L . ) ^ r a 1 — Further, thft .districL healtti- pledge not to disclose, secret ' - The ' ArtiericaOs refused "Backers-of N'l.xo'h's polities TWIN FAl.1.5 — The Idaho-, hnarrt allgges thg--emmti; he had now: i-6VKrsf—T" Supreme Court has been itSKed budget ot $51,000, with'” another everything possible has been adviser Henry A. Kissinger. to pull out from South Vietnam _________jfil , . .. .Man^idd. M.tt ■ mt* to decide i| Twin .Falls., Cgunt-y. -. IkOOOr-^iQc.jpficial, .itemfc;, ia.. .dfestr^ays. ... • TT^ttt tfx • ^nav ■ eA urtcn ptnnttrtr tTUt a f -PrSr'—•ahd-'-oth a " ' • arc-war' IRi'uq^r'-' aineratment but' it certainly -taxpayers arp rlH^nirpH hy law $18.400 short of what is required that Mr. Nixon talked-one way troops, military advisers, per- neOoUalHMis." . .. ■arfopis'the underlying elements to pay $69,000 for public health of the county 'to support the and acted another, " a state­ sofjnel and war materiel and ~Sen. John Stennls, i>.Miss .■ of It. " Hart said. services as requested by the district underthe new state law. b i g b a s e ment by the North Vietnamese close down all bases. They also L u d l o u said Nixon had done ' UlJ that But Seib Allen Cranston, D- district tward of health for 1972. This would, the application--- delegation said. "He spoke of refused to st.op a ll. air and he could reasonably and honor­ Calif ,,said the issue still was An application for writ of states, leave the district, withot . SAIC.ON .U P Ii-So u th Viet­ sham peace but mad'^<i£_r,efllCnaviaI activities and "other acts ■!%/■■ - ably _^'l.andji£n^ Robert Dole. how lonj: do we want to stay mandate was filed Tuesday by some matching funds, including nam reported today its air war . " f -' -*ofof jvar'w ar" in North, and .South [ f U r i l S I C r R-Kani,, called for an end "tu- m \'ii‘tnaln. and, fight and die Tom Nelson, attorn^j for a \s>^.vi $9,900 in stale matching •force - had "destroyed- four - '^Tn-decidiriR—to"uniW erally -Y retriam the needless and divisive debate there until Vietnam is able to Di.strict 5, Idaho Department of ru'bney. ' Communist tanks m .the firsf Tnak^public the content of the . The Americans persisted in which has wracked this country defend itself" Health The appl^tion for writ I,eon Smith, Twin. Falls . .such incident of the war Front private ..nieetings that his maintainini' Pres^den'. Ng.ui'en . DU p.‘ 5t ftllegea th»<:Quni^ of -T^ytg-FaW Ctnrnfy attorney , said the^action dispatches said Am erican delegates had proposed—and Van fhieu and his ' puppet la see k failed to budget the' reqoired IS u friendly suit since both sides planes opfiratlnK.nparh>'in Ihij-prnmi.^rifl, .keep secret,, Mr___ramiiw ' iii iiffu; 111 narm nrar nppifiori fhi^ 1 ---(.‘witrai 'HiBtnanas Bie » up a~ Ni^toh'gave rurtnerTirgof tnai--- ~i as called for by state law move in- determining if the b]g Communist base camP: his administration very easily t r ^ m s e a t ' The distritrt asks . the high county can decide bow much K Chufeh hopes pifltit - U.S. planes have knocked out breaks Its engagements. ' the Court to order the County to will provide for the district Communist t^ k s in South...-,HanQLstatement said u ill start talks Gem Senate POCATELIX) (UPI)-A cam­ provide $69,400 for the health rather than being obligated to Vietnam on the very few "Moreover, his Jan 25,1972, pus minister at Idaho State Uni­ district operation or to shoW meet what has been budgeted occasions the tanks have speech testified*"1o his perfi- W.\SH1N'C.T0N lU P Ii - Sen Kra»k Church, versity announced his candi; cause why it should not be. by the districfT appeared and some were dious maneuver to deceive the .'ould -have ap OK^s age 18 dacy lor Congress knocked out during the incur- American electorate in thi^ plauded President "Nixon's speech o» Vietnam ing “ straightsand longhairs" S io n -into Laos, but spokesmen election year." had thf offer been confined to ivithdrawal of alike to join him. said this was the first time the Hanoi ,<mid the peace-makine for jurors m iTJimilM('Aiiifi n.aii ' frirces in ' exthanKe far 'South Vietnamese air force had efforts collapsed because both Kev. Willis Ludlow, a minis- prisoners of w a r . __ Puntriey sues -SlQhe.so, .. BOISE O JPIi — The Senata- Church said, "Tiowever, he aflded another -William J. PoFter- -i Ut*t^^^hgtogrgptwfi^---3cffrjy public, m fictirau^d Kissin- appcoved J5-Q and sent to -the Church, told about 20 onlookers conditioT House Tues3ay JegislatidrT'To’ ori the steps of the PocatSlo up lu Y irtht and nfiU e uiste.ad for elcclion.s in the Taylor, reportii\g from the ger in private sessitins had Highlands 180 miles 'north of lou-er-.the age-for--jury-service Federal gilding he w ss^k- p a y •Snuth under a fw e ta k e r gnvemmfnt “ ■from 21 to 18. ing the Democratic nomination He added. Thi.s has'lx-en soKK«steil .ind -Saigon, said U S helicopters Sen. John Barker, R-Buhl, in the Second Congressional B Y CH A RLO TTE B E L L salary from Jan. 4 until the ^ e rejected before Nevertheless. I hope Hanoi discovered the biR Comhiunist Nevv dock .said the legislature approved District and would defeat Or- Tlmes-News writer of his reinstatement as- police wfin'I tiir43 down the lYesjdent's offer 'lut of t)a.se camp when they came the Uniform Jurj' Selection Act val Hansen in November.
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