From To Sri I. Samuel Anand Kumar, I.A.S., The Revenue Divisional Officer & Collector & District Magistrate, Land Acquisition Officer, Guntur Rc.No.3200 2019-Gl dt. .02.2020. Sir,

Sub:- House Sites under "NAVARATNALU - PEDALANDARIKI ILLU" programme - Guntur District - Krosuru (M) - Gudipadu (V) - Sy.No(s). 157 - Ac. 1.85 cents - Form-C · approved - Further action - Reg. Ref:- 1) RFCT LA R&R (AP Amendment) Act, 2018 (Act No.22 of 2018 and Rules framed vide G.O.Ms.No.562 Revenue (Land Acquisition) Dept., dt.13.11.2018). 2) Govt. Circular Memo.No.REVOl­ LANAOLAND(PM)/17/2019, dt.29.11.2019 and dt.03.12.2019. 3) Your proposals vide Rc.No.167/2020-J, dt.16.02.2020. 4) Connected papers. &&& I invite attention to the references cited.

The Form-C proposals received with the reference 3rd cited relating to subject matter cited, are approved and a copy of approved Forrn-C is enclosed. Please note that the Publication of Form-C shall invariably be published by affixing in (1) Village Secretariat/Ward Secretariat (2) Gram Panchayat Office (3) Tahsildar's Office and (4) Municipal Commissioner Office/ MPDO's Office (as the case may be) and also informed the public by beat of Tom-Tom in the village and to keep the Publication Certificate in the relevant file. Please note that the publication charges shall be met from the budget released to the LAOs in the matter. Hence, it is therefore, requested to take immediate necessary further action and furnish the following documents by return signal; 1. Determination of Market Value proposals in duplicate & R&R, if any, if applicable. 2. Certified copy of basic value issued by concerned SRO. 3. Form-G3 (Agreement with land owners to be made under voluntary acquisition (sale) of land).

These orders issued in cancellation of earlier Form C approved for Ac.1.85 cents in Sy.No.157 of Gudipadu Village of Krosuru Manda!.

Encl: copy of approved Form-C. / Yours f. ithfull~ - @I) ~) ~ k ~ ~-Vl, + I~~ \,""" Collector & ~i~n~~~ Magistrate, - \'\ 1 the Tahsi~, Krosuru Man~ Co to Gl / G2 / G3 Assistant with a , irection to get the approved Forrn-C published in District Gazette and sent to the LAO and Tahsildar, Krosuru by mail besides publication in the District website through NIC. Copy to DIO, NIC, Guntur for taking immediate necessary action. Copy to the Sub-Registrar, Krosuru along with copy of approved Forrn-C to follow. FORM-C Public Notice by way of Notification (See rule 6/12) Government of Guntur District

Re. No. 3~001.Jo 12 ~~( -02-2020

Whereas it appears to the District Collector I Authorised Officer that a to al of 1.85 acres viz, 0-75-0 Hectares land is required for the public purpose, namely, for providing house sites through" NAVATATNALU - PEDALANDARIKI ILLU" in the Gudipadu Village of Krosuru Mandal Guntur District as shown below; SCHEDULE t:iounaanes 1 rees ~tructures C .2

Q) "O ~ C ·:; 0 cu o-~ z ~ _J o!!! Name & Address of 0 >, <( 0 z Q) 0 0 .. cu person interested cu in e Q) Q) Q) C Q) I!! ::::, C. C. "O·- .z.. Q) <( c~ Q) ..c C. Cl) ~ ~ ::::, z cli ui ~ ·~ E s: cu ::::, ~ :§ I!! > z <( a:

C cu .!!!, 1. 157 Land Govt. 0.72 Y. Mohammad Pyari Jan :i E E cu Owner Dry "O Q) NC "O cii cu cu cu s: ------w/0 Baba Shamshuddin ~!!! Z=' 0 Q) -- . cu ::::, c::: ::i: Khan ~~ .>ti Cl) Cl) .>ti Cl)

cu "O C CUC cu :iE E cu cu .E 2. 157 Land Govt. 1.12 Y. Sk. Mehar Janbi "O Q) NC E Ill C cu cu E~ cu cu Owner Dry ~!!! Z=' cu .. . cu ::::, s: cu >-~ ------W/o Anwar ~gfla ~~ .>ti Cl) 0 >, .>ti Cl) Cl) ::i:Cl.. Cl) IUIAL ------

A plan of the land may be inspected in the office of the District Collector / Authorised Officer on any working day during the working hours. The District Collector I Authorised Officer is pleased to authorize the Revenue Divisional Officer, Guntur and his staff to enter upon and survey land, take levels of any land, dig or bore into the sub-soil & do all other acts required for the proper execution of their work.

No person shall make any transaction or cause any transaction of land i e. sale/purchase, etc., or create any encumbrances on such land from the date of publication of this notification without prior approval of the District Collector.

Objections to the acquisition if any, and claims from all the persons interested/affected for settlement y negotiation of the compensation, may be filed by the person interested in the land within 15 {Fifteen days) from the date of publication of this Notifjc, tion.

Place: 6,v"rl~ui District Collector I uthorised Officer Date: \ :f .02.2020 Jj1'fl.__ J'G ~oo-~

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For Read Name ofthe Name of the SI.No. Mandal Village S.No Extent S.No Extent

1. Krosuru Gudipadu 44-lA 1. 73 Y, 157 1.85

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~ Coll tor Krosuru Mandal ~ =sJ~ ~--~_:___------=--- ~~ )PJ1