The New York Herald. Whole No
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 12,Q87. NEW YORK, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1871.-TR1PLE SHEflT. PRICE FIVE CENTS. MIBCTOftf FOE ADVERTISERS. LOST AND FOUND. DRY GOODS. DRY UOODB. DRY WOO Dm, DRY OOPJR. op clothes, marked >*katb raoan," 8TEWART * CO. -GO TO EQRICH'S TEMPLE OP FASHION. .A<.Jl.A..A..-A..A-.A. -A..A..A..A . A,.A. -WET CANTON PLANN ELS, 18 CENTS, WORTH 15. Canton flannel* are from East Fortv-nrst down Park avenue . will offer on December 4. additional novel- L* A Thcee vary heavy. fifth and tilth ool- Lost-boxcoming street, AT. MONDAY, STfcRN BROTHERS, Cuitnmrr* ahould ¦iifllrteat to lait ail fnIL XMCBEMKNTS-Nikth Page--Fourth, to Thirty-seventh street, to Sixth avenue, down Sixth avenue lies in , hay umna. to 89 W. at Twenty-third street. Liberal reward if returned Extra Quality 6 FRAME ENGLISH BODY BRUSSELS. Cur Cantnna are of celebrated "Amoakeeg" make. ASTROLOGY.Twelfth Pagx.Fifth column. to above addrets Price only $2 26 per yard, In the price* of our Velvets, Velveteens, Satins, Ribbon*, 887 Sixth avenue, 3X7 Alao, In perfect order, BALL RF.ABON.Mntii Pauk.Fourth column. notwithstanding the announcement of another advance in Re., to make room for our all bonght aluce the '.break" la price*, B1LLIARI4.Ninth Pagx.Klnt oolumn. WHITE SPITZ DOO. TI1B FINDER WILL BE prices. between Twenty-xecond and Twenty.tblrd xtreeu, large lota of Blankets, Comfortable*, Alpaca*. BOARD Lit3 WANTED.Eleventh Paqi -Flrei, necond, LOST.Aliberally rewarded for returning him to 19 East Thirty- ENGLISH TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, Holiday Good* and Toy*.
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