Carlo Maratta Oil Paintings

Carlo Maratta [Italian Era Painter, 1625-1713]

Adoration of the Magi 44629-Maratta, Carlo-Adoration of the Magi.jpg Oil Painting ID: 44629 | Order the painting

Adoration of the Shepherds 44630-Maratta, Carlo-Adoration of the Shepherds.jpg Oil Painting ID: 44630 | Order the painting

Apollo Chasing Daphne 44631-Maratta, Carlo-Apollo Chasing Daphne.jpg Oil Painting ID: 44631 | Order the painting

Assumption and the Doctors of the Church 44632-Maratta, Carlo-Assumption and the Doctors of the Church.jpg Oil Painting ID: 44632 | Order the painting

Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels and Saints 44633-Maratta, Carlo-Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels and Saints.jpg Oil Painting ID: 44633 | Order the painting


Portrait of Pope Clement IX 44634-Maratta, Carlo-Portrait of Pope Clement IX.jpg Oil Painting ID: 44634 | Order the painting

Rebecca and Eliezer at the Well 44635-Maratta, Carlo-Rebecca and Eliezer at the Well.jpg Oil Painting ID: 44635 | Order the painting

Total 1 page, [1] Maratta, Carlo (Nationality : Italian Baroque Era Painter, 1625-1713) Carlo Maratta or Maratti (13 May 1625 - 15 December 1713) was an Italian painter, active mostly in , and known principally for his classicizing paintings executed in a Late Baroque Classical manner. Although he is part of the classical tradition stemming from , he was not exempt from the influence of Baroque painting and particularly in his use of colour. His contemporary and friend, Giovanni Bellori, wrote an early biography on Maratta.

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