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r h Helen Kwalwasser, 6, Is Solo- ork Gallery Displays Notable Russian Male Choru> •• usic Sir Days p/ Week and Sunday, Also Musicals, Inc., 5 ol Ancestors. Work Appears Monday at Cen- i An Organist -Director's hours — How Spent ist at Grouse College tra! Hish School ' Tuesday Nisht Announces of Artistic Dependents ,-00 ^ Jtf.— TcAe Pro/. ribSen! *o "The Cossscis tre eocs^ err K#lea the Appearaaee BT ELENOBE iLELXOGG l Msrosr In the A i ****• appear JLssociaU& Press Staff Writer I- f 4T - Xcw Voric. Kov. i-fc. — *Uti«flc«Ja to ^CC ! or Social 8:15 Hour With. o'clock Thomas, ^risiisiTes/* the parxraiw ot un- the pacirtc advenr of one of the greax- Protf. Asier* Pc^aii kcowri ancestors, are beisg put to a Qf,* C*^T*»-J» or** issizis* t S ley's portrait, of Mrs* Ford at the Sho ws HowEasy •^ r^r^ • ^^i^"^^^"^^^"^"^^*^fc^^"^^^i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^i"»i^*^^pi« . S effect. All of their smEins: la in r Athenaeum. - Through Whistler. F* Vi ps. Duve- omas Left This, their aTth transcor.t!neriU2 Brief Comment on Life and Living neck. and Chase, the exhibition pro- Th « tour, has been a continual march of To MakMet' ' ceeds to the modems. There is a bril- triumph, frosa. Quebec to Vancouver liantly painted Sargent, with more and irora there to Mexico, in every American Contralto Has Defi- OSRALD225B , 33-i Montgomery Street—aiy early love was color i'n"»n usual. Sobert Henri and Medical Study dry sold-out houses. The Toronto George Xiufcs. the former with a smart nite Ideas Regarding Fu- Beethoven's "Moonlight" sonata, Jn recent years I Snd. particular in- nude and the letter with a portrait" 31ail-Bmpire said of their concert: terest la concerto b. orchestra, particiilarly by •THral "Xo other coscerz stage £~oup so - of "Henry," bridge the centuries. To Study«/ Voice ture of Grand Here The modems shown here run to ries ^he listeners &T«i~to "a Tr 3£ES. 3DWAED S. BAHLOW, 5O8 r>erwitt Street— Regardless1 of •where emotions are more real zhazi violent blues, green" faces, speakeasy Son of Methodist Clergyman objects, and pictures in. the mind Torfc. Nov. 24 (#•). — For years wiicther he t^7i;s much, or Hstle, the person who feT^s "the greater under- interiors, though Alexander Brook's more real than masters of fact.*" , Harry L, Vibbard the European traoitioa has domi- standing of 'ffnglte'X is the person w2ao n?a&es the lewest mista "The Model" is decorative. of Musical Wife Won nated Grand Opera in America. Many f^ Some 500 "primitives" who are alive When the company played Seattle conversation- ' - , ^* - Music ScholarsKip the Post-InT-eHicencer oT that; citv re- Americans have felt it necessary to now in. more than 40 countries have ^^ ™. Her Hobby Is Her Garden there axe concerts and recrsals either- ssudy. to train, to zoafce their debrrat pictures in an exhibit at Bocifeller ported tria~ an audience of more ^han BASX3S KLOCK, 615- James Street — mere are lots 4,700. -s-hich included many leaders and Collecting China (Now down town or at Grouse College, abroad. Center. None of them Is more than 12 The varied .career.of John Charle* Professor and Mrs. Vibbard enter- But -shere's another group of Amer- of -fc>iir>gft I should like zo see here in t^he United States, Although. years old. .... of the civic and social life of ihe Exhausted) tain friends- h Thomas, Met2x>politan Opera Com- clt^- listened to £oe "superb artistry" icans -who bruit reputations solely in there are wonderful tf^ygs abroad I hope first to see California and These children . draw and paint with t Simday brings services at Fourth. •Ehe United States. Ireshness, vigor, and fearlessness", and pany baritone, reveals a continuou* of ^he men. Among talented Trotnen. most ac- have a, real holiday there. ' In Porzland. Ore., the Oregonian re- Church, one of the "in the heart . Typical of this group is Bose. sometimes with brilliant results. There succession of artistic triumphs and tively Identified -with, musical inter- of -E-h-e city" churches and the Sab- Bampton of Buffalo. are only two still lifes in the whole ported tha« every seat in the Munlci- H. KHVAXD. 300 Sedgwiclt Zttive — The advantage of notable achievements in. the several ' pal AudiTorium -s-as sold and many ests in. Syracuse is Mrs. Harry I*. baih ended on Monday 'morning the iliss Bampcon. young contralso of show, only one touch of romance, and week-day schedule starts over again traveling in the United Spates 2s the one language. I should HSe a long fields of musical art. and today ihix additional tenaporary seats put in," Vibbard, director o* the Music School tSie Mezropoiitan Opera, has never no mother love- native American baritone stands »o that the audience numbered 5,000. at Sluslc School Settlement. -even been to Burope, holiday in California. wit&. the mountains, lite desert and zfee ocean, so Living Tip to their traditions, the t • » among the gifted singers of the world. Settlement, organist of the Fourth * French children show amazingly good In Toronto* Massey Heli TTBS As & girl, Mrs. Vibbard says she "Quite often," she said. Tin asked: close by. . Mr. Thomas, sings at . Central High croTrded to tbe doors aix! the same Presbyterian Church, and -or years longed to be able to do rwo "things, HOTT does one get into Grand Opera? draughtmanship and a nne variety of ideas. The Swiss youngsters paint School. Monday night. Bee. ,10. under •was orue in "Winnipeg, -where, accord- connected Trfth. the 3Tev Tork State to swim and to learn the musical "If you've a" good voice and 'eel 'MBS. P. MESMHH. 128 Victoria Piece— If I had m the ausplcies of Morning Musicals, -Jng the the S*ree Press of that service of ^he arotestant Sp'scopal •tnat you've had. sufficient training, eidtlng Tairy -tales in glowing colors. federation of Music Clubs. During single long holiday to choose it would be in Florida- Bverytvhlrtg there Arab urchins picked up on the streete •Although intending to become • " '^the ent-husiasoi of the audience Church. These accomplished, Mrs. any £>oocL opera ho'jse in "she T/aited • those "creeks in summer "Wlien Pro- of Tunisia do admirable animal pic- surgeon, tais son" of a Mtthodist mounting as the program proercssed." Vibbard locks back happily to ei- States Trtll quicSJy listen to you is so appealing. Tnere is **™* climate and tiiere are flowers in profusion. minister, bom in* 3. small Pennsyl- lessor Vibbard is relieved Irom his tures. This "5rtll ^>e tfa« Cossacks' tiilrd "hliaration in. swmimiag and diving without *pull.' In New Tori, ^he : vania town, forsook medicine visit to, Syracuse, their appearance be- daily dtiiles as the College of Fine srttnts and years of organ work at hears scores of MHS. BUKTON 3dICHASt. 204 ar.fi Stree seems to me German children have sent some excellent black and whites, including winning & scholarsiilp with a . voic* ing sponsored by Syracuse Civic Music Arts. Syracuse University, and Tsrhen Grace Spiscopal Church. Among her singers each, spring snd fall, thai life in Switzerland is very near Paradise. I should lite to go bade which early revealed great; promise. Association. activities alor^ m.usical lines is the "In my own instance, - X _ simply • * > i one abstraction. The English section the Music School Settlement is hav- Tor a long .holiday there. It calls me again because it is sobeaiitoful and is rated as exceptionally good, while "With the heritage' Irom "his mocner. - Pro-Art; Club {Morale? Musicals' wrote zo t5ie MetropolitarL -wiien I an accomplished musician.. . of an *r»=^ {is summer holiday, breakfast is (club-within-«.-clu£)) with some half- Tsras 22. years old nnd just otrc of so the Chinese show scenes of pageantry ardent love lor music.. coupled" with Strathmdre Choral leisurely at the Vibbard liome in dozen, meeetlngs during the season school, rd had a year of practical ect- and the -liveliest ot wars. perseverance and capacity, for woriz. on Monday nights. perienoe. : . WAI.TrS ^ 3O4 Scott Avenue — The taBi of most Corot. lavorite artist o? . our grand- Thomas soon won his way to stardom Comstock Avenue, "here the gar- M mothers. is -usually thought of as The Vibbard garden Is a Joy to I -iras notified that I TTOS to have young peop2e is intelligent, not juss a collection of descriptive adjectives in light opera and his performance Club WiU Present den has eariy morning attention, fe •• painting, only oce'Mnd of picture — its owner. By now hundreds ot an audition. With my accorapaiiist. I and limited norms. Therefore young "people carry on, intellectual c^n- in -Maytune." "Apple Blossoms" and 3rcry oi&er morning; of the year, The 'Landscape with feathery trees, -T bulbs are asleep to aw&ken to new Trent to t£ic opera house end sang versation*. " , . • ' ' • dancing nymphs,, and twilight color- other Broadway successes are stm Cantata Nov. 27 however, a busy day In the Vibbard life in the spring and half a hun- several arias before the directors. In i-* vivicT meories. Harvest/" by ^ B ing. Collectors of an earlier day ad- Intent on pmsomg the-more seri- ata. "The family life begins at 7 o'clock. By dred, new rose " bushes give promise a -s-eei, I was asfeeci to return, to MBS. HABS.T S. SIOWKLi, 225 Bobineau Ho&d — I should like- to go mired the "poetic" quality of these Bichard Sountz, will be presented by of added beauty of form and color g again. After that audition. J 'sras L ' • ous forms of his art. the young bari- ^* o'clock. Mrs. Vibbard is motoring by automobile »n