,, ^ . ' tf «-•",> i 6—Third Section SYKACISSE HERAI2>i 8SXDAT ^••^^^••••••••^^•^•••••••••^•^•••••^•^•••••••^^•••^••^^^•••^••^^^••••^••••••^ ••IIIIIMHIIIMI • Ml MVHII IMIII MM !•!••• I - I • II Andre PokhWill Concerto in A Minor With Child Violinist Tenor Soloist Dec. 13 Banks of Don Not Just Music, But Rowers S.U. Symphony John Charles Thomas Sings Here Dec. 10 "Primitives'* In S. U. Oratorio Sends Singers Too, Make Life Interesting and Will Play Bach, Are Shown With To Syracuse Provide Soul's Refreshment Brahms, Liszt Modern r h Helen Kwalwasser, 6, Is Solo- ork Gallery Displays Notable Russian Male Choru> •• usic Sir Days p/ Week and Sunday, Also Musicals, Inc., 5 ol Ancestors. Work Appears Monday at Cen- i An Organist -Director's hours — How Spent ist at Grouse College tra! Hish School ' Tuesday Nisht Announces of Artistic Dependents ,-00 ^ Jtf.— TcAe Pro/. ribSen! *o "The Cossscis tre eocs^ err K#lea the Appearaaee BT ELENOBE iLELXOGG l Msrosr In the A i ****• appear JLssociaU& Press Staff Writer I- f 4T - Xcw Voric. Kov. i-fc. — *Uti«flc«Ja to ^CC ! or Social 8:15 Hour With. o'clock Thomas, ^risiisiTes/* the parxraiw ot un- the pacirtc advenr of one of the greax- Protf. Asier* Pc^aii kcowri ancestors, are beisg put to a Qf,* C*^T*»-J» or** issizis* t<?iis Izs the urorZvl Metropolitan difficult test in a 2few Tort art ftal- —The Don Cos£2c]£ Hxisslsn Male 11. began siudjins tiro years lery. TSiey art* being huris with Chorus. TS:<2lr sppeararxc* :s .Svracuo^ Bussed wisn plich. exceptional mu- Ope by their arctic is sciedulei for Atonclsy nieh- Kov. sical flhiiiry, and extraordinary talent Obition <iesisa«J for the vio-lin. s?5e has made s^ici Company of figure paintir 26. es tincc^i Auci:or; outstanding improvement tfaar &he !s High School, untier ihe? auspices piaceci on this program because o' her Baritone, in a lie -Syracuse Civic Music ability to play nrusical-y ancl anis- exhibition, which. was arranged lion. -ically rather T.^an because of her Concert by th* College Art; Association, -will be as*."* says Director Po!ah o* bis pupil. r Kralt. above, tencr soloist *3TO *i.G"*^ I?y*T? t»Ci? ^* *?TV^"—T?<? OH aeni over the country. She -will play all rhree moTem.eni« of Monday Xigfct, Artist* included range £rod Henri for the laec nine years at St. Bar- the bar-.frs of rhe *-Qu:« Chrises. a siasdsrti concern number; tholomews Episcopal Church In New Couturier, who died in 16&i, to Ed- Don.** as ^hey are Tcorti to call the Ss A y-ir-or -or Dec. 10, York' City and president of tie Co- vide river ^hat; io'K's ward. Bibercaan. T2Kir lusibia School of Music, where £• th* long trial Iroaa the "Simner** of teaches at tbe surnmer canap in Wa- through the sieppes. is aiwsys a liT- at Lincoln Hall, - frns been engaged to 11*5 meniory. Refugees forever from AUeczo Ass Colonial days to the 2Oth century orchesirai numbers: appear In the University Chorus their native Hussia, *h.eir longing lor The Central artist who points * girl with * green presentatJoa of Mendelssohn's ora- the homeland is poured out in. *b- Th* iac* or a portrait oT a £at woman's torio. "Sr. Paul." in Grouse Cot!*s«. fc^ Klerii SehooL spinal column. Dec. 13. The orchestra,, now beginning its The "Umner" was chiefly concerned Mr. Krafs bas had a wide experi- -hi^h ricxisg boo^s *hey present ence in concert and oratorio work. an ir^posin^ sight; as tiler mirch en nili year, has given n^arly 50 pub- with getting a faithful likeness. The lic concerts and has grown in. artistic He has been so!oist for six yeera to the s:a£* in milirary rorraation srature year by. year. This will be The romantic or classical moods of Euro- in the Badi festival at BethleHezn. aad stand a- acientlori In a serai- pean arc are reflected in eome of these Fa., and iiaj appeared witb tae New circle. Without any "glTing of the only orchestra! concert given in Syra- patritisss. but others sr* stiff, na«re, Torlc Oratorio Soc!*trt Handel asi ZllJ-** *****c * -.-.Q^f^•—.-•-.l r. Serge JJ_T Tickets are on sale at n Butler's and delightfully decorative. Haydn Society of Boston, Mendels- they begin to sing, producing effects office and the TTnirersicy B Store. sohn Choir. Pittsburgh, and tbm in crescendo and dimiEiaeno zh« There is the flush of life in. poxtrlatc a Cappella Chorus in MH^rauiee. feir, i£ any* other chcrusec con 2s? bv Thomas Sully f™^ Samuel Waldo, Dr. .Howard layman, conductor at 4JO 4^C«* *i* w V C* both. bom 1783. John Neagle. bom THE WOMEN'S JURY 44 the University Chorus, says that th» Some of the songs Rose Bampton 1736, na» an excellent portrait of Mr. 1934-35 chorus haa the largest num- «??d, shoutrntg, soidier style, and in Joseph. Taggart." There Is also a can- ber of trahied voices in its history. striving consrass are th* religious vas described ac an oil afcetch for Cop- *T* eosgs with tii-eir intense devorional PASSES ON THING^^> S ley's portrait, of Mrs* Ford at the Sho ws HowEasy •^ r^r^ • ^^i^"^^^"^^^"^"^^*^fc^^"^^^i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^i"»i^*^^pi« . S effect. All of their smEins: la in r Athenaeum. - Through Whistler. F* Vi ps. Duve- omas Left This, their aTth transcor.t!neriU2 Brief Comment on Life and Living neck. and Chase, the exhibition pro- Th « tour, has been a continual march of To MakMet' ' ceeds to the modems. There is a bril- triumph, frosa. Quebec to Vancouver liantly painted Sargent, with more and irora there to Mexico, in every American Contralto Has Defi- OSRALD225B , 33-i Montgomery Street—aiy early love was color i'n"»n usual. Sobert Henri and Medical Study dry sold-out houses. The Toronto George Xiufcs. the former with a smart nite Ideas Regarding Fu- Beethoven's "Moonlight" sonata, Jn recent years I Snd. particular in- nude and the letter with a portrait" 31ail-Bmpire said of their concert: terest la concerto b. orchestra, particiilarly by •THral "Xo other coscerz stage £~oup so - of "Henry," bridge the centuries. To Study«/ Voice ture of Grand Opera Here The modems shown here run to ries ^he listeners &T«i~to "a Tr 3£ES. 3DWAED S. BAHLOW, 5O8 r>erwitt Street— Regardless1 of •where emotions are more real zhazi violent blues, green" faces, speakeasy Son of Methodist Clergyman objects, and pictures in. the mind Torfc. Nov. 24 (#•). — For years wiicther he t^7i;s much, or Hstle, the person who feT^s "the greater under- interiors, though Alexander Brook's more real than masters of fact.*" , Harry L, Vibbard the European traoitioa has domi- standing of 'ffnglte'X is the person w2ao n?a&es the lewest mista "The Model" is decorative. of Musical Wife Won nated Grand Opera in America. Many f^ Some 500 "primitives" who are alive When the company played Seattle conversation- ' - , ^* - Music ScholarsKip the Post-InT-eHicencer oT that; citv re- Americans have felt it necessary to now in. more than 40 countries have ^^ ™. Her Hobby Is Her Garden there axe concerts and recrsals either- ssudy. to train, to zoafce their debrrat pictures in an exhibit at Bocifeller ported tria~ an audience of more ^han BASX3S KLOCK, 615- James Street — mere are lots 4,700. -s-hich included many leaders and Collecting China (Now down town or at Grouse College, abroad. Center. None of them Is more than 12 The varied .career.of John Charle* Professor and Mrs. Vibbard enter- But -shere's another group of Amer- of -fc>iir>gft I should like zo see here in t^he United States, Although. years old. .... of the civic and social life of ihe Exhausted) tain friends- h Thomas, Met2x>politan Opera Com- clt^- listened to £oe "superb artistry" icans -who bruit reputations solely in there are wonderful tf^ygs abroad I hope first to see California and These children . draw and paint with t Simday brings services at Fourth. •Ehe United States. Ireshness, vigor, and fearlessness", and pany baritone, reveals a continuou* of ^he men. Among talented Trotnen. most ac- have a, real holiday there. ' In Porzland. Ore., the Oregonian re- Church, one of the "in the heart . Typical of this group is Bose. sometimes with brilliant results. There succession of artistic triumphs and tively Identified -with, musical inter- of -E-h-e city" churches and the Sab- Bampton of Buffalo. are only two still lifes in the whole ported tha« every seat in the Munlci- H. KHVAXD. 300 Sedgwiclt Zttive — The advantage of notable achievements in. the several ' pal AudiTorium -s-as sold and many ests in. Syracuse is Mrs. Harry I*. baih ended on Monday 'morning the iliss Bampcon. young contralso of show, only one touch of romance, and week-day schedule starts over again traveling in the United Spates 2s the one language. I should HSe a long fields of musical art. and today ihix additional tenaporary seats put in," Vibbard, director o* the Music School tSie Mezropoiitan Opera, has never no mother love- native American baritone stands »o that the audience numbered 5,000. at Sluslc School Settlement. -even been to Burope, holiday in California. wit&. the mountains, lite desert and zfee ocean, so Living Tip to their traditions, the t • » among the gifted singers of the world. Settlement, organist of the Fourth * French children show amazingly good In Toronto* Massey Heli TTBS As & girl, Mrs. Vibbard says she "Quite often," she said. Tin asked: close by. Mr. Thomas, sings at .
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