Port Douglas WATERFRONT MASTER PLAN Landscape Design Guide

Port Douglas Waterfront Master Plan Landscape Design Guide

April 2012 - Cairns Regional Council 119-145 Spence Street - PO Box 359 - Cairns, QLD, 4870 Ph: (07) 4044 3044 – F (07) 4044 3022 – E: [email protected]

This document is available on the Cairns Regional Council website: www.cairns.qld.gov.au

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The Port Douglas Landscape Design Guide would not have been possible without the collaborative efforts of a number of people and organisations. Cairns Regional Council would like to thank all contributors for their involvement, passion and valuable contributions to the Port Douglas Landscape Design Guide.

References Port Douglas Waterfront Master Plan Indigenous Cultural Heritage Assessment - 2009 (Australian Museum Business Services)

Port Douglas Waterfront Master Plan Non-indigenous Cultural Heritage Study - 2008 (Maunsell/Aecom)

Port Douglas Waterfront Master Plan - 2009 (Urbis)

The Project Team includes the following Council officers:

Council’s Representative (Project Manager) Sandra Burke Project Manager

Project Team Members Stephen Tyter Manager, Infrastructure Management Liz Collyer Regional Manager Port Douglas Jez Clark Landscape Architect Claire Burton Graphic Designer

5 6 C CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ...... 10 1.1 What is the Port Douglas Landscape Design Guide? ...... 10 1.2 What is the purpose of the Port Douglas Landscape Design Guide? ...... 10 1.3 What area does the Landscape Design Guide cover? ...... 11 1.4 Who will use this document?...... 12 1.5 How to use this document...... 12 1.6 Glossary ...... 14 2.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES ...... 18 2.1 Philosophy of Change ...... 18 2.2 Key Design Principles ...... 18 2.3 Design Elements ...... 20 3.0 PRECINCTS...... 42 3.1 Village Centre ...... 44 3.1.1 Mowbray Street ...... 46 3.1.2 Warner Street ...... 48 3.1.3 Macrossan Street ...... 50 3.1.4 Wharf Street ...... 52 3.1.5 Grant Street ...... 54 3.1.6 Davidson Street ...... 56 3.2 Waterfront Parkland ...... 58 3.2.1 Rex Smeal Park ...... 60 3.2.2 Anzac Park ...... 62 3.2.3 St Mary’s by the Sea ...... 64 3.2.4 Sugar Wharf ...... 66 3.2.5 Waterfront ...... 68 3.2.6 Island Point ...... 70 3.3 The Four Mile Beach Esplanade ...... 72 3.3.1 The Esplanade ...... 72 3.4 Sporting and Recreation Precinct ...... 74 3.4.1 Wharf Street (between Mowbray and Port Street) ...... 75 3.5 Town Gateway Precinct ...... 76 4.0 APPENDIX ...... 80 4.1 List of special projects ...... 80 4.2 List of suitable Species...... 82


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1.0 INTRODUCTION “The attributes 1.1 What is the Port 1.2 What is the purpose Douglas Landscape of the Port Douglas that comprise the Design Guide? Landscape Design The Landscape Design Guide has Guide? character of the been prepared in response to and The purpose of the Port Douglas as a result of the Port Douglas Landscape Design Guide is to town are strongly Master Plan. ensure that future changes to Port Douglas are consistent with the reflected within The Landscape Design Guide Port Douglas Waterfront Master describes in words, pictures, Plan and that these changes the Landscape diagrams and illustrations the enhance the existing character ‘relaxed tropical style’ that is the of Port Douglas. The Landscape Design Guide and desired design direction for Port Design Guide will ensure that Douglas. The character of Port landscape design strengthens the guidelines set Douglas is defined by its tropical the experience of residents and latitude, waterside location, and visitors in Port Douglas and adds out within this mix of tourism and marine activity. “authenticity” to the tropical village These elements have been a character. The document promotes document reflect defining feature of Port Douglas’ the continuation of the “Port success and have combined Douglas” style and establishes the aspirations of together to create the unique a comprehensive framework character which underpins the that identifies the design of, and Port Douglas to town’s appeal. The Landscape how to carry out landscape and Design Guide is a tool that has streetscape works; been developed as a result of retain its’ unique the Port Douglas Waterfront ‡ 7UHHSODQWLQJWKHPHVIRUVWUHHWV Master Plan to limit and control DQGSDUNV identity” future change. The attributes that ‡ 3DUNODQGGHVLJQ comprise the character of the ‡ 3XEOLFDUW town are strongly reflected within ‡ +HULWDJHLQWHUSUHWDWLRQVLJQDJH the Landscape Design Guide and ‡ 5RDGLQWHUVHFWLRQWUHDWPHQWV the guidelines set out within this ‡ $UULYDOQRGHODQGVFDSLQJ document reflect the aspirations of ‡ :DWHUIURQW3DUN'HVLJQ Port Douglas to retain its’ “unique ‡ $FFHVVWRWKHZDWHUIURQW identity”. ‡ )RUPDODQGLQIRUPDOUHFUHDWLRQ IDFLOLWLHV ‡ 3DUNIXUQLWXUH ‡ /DQGVFDSLQJDQGDQFLOODU\ IDFLOLWLHV


“Landscape design enhances the experience of residents and visitors in Port Douglas and adds authenticity to the tropical village character”.

1.3 What area does the Landscape Design Guide cover? The Landscape Design Guide covers the area of Port Douglas as shown in the adjacent illustration.


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1.4 Who will use this 1.5 How to use this document? document

The Landscape Design Guide is The Landscape Design Guide is intended for use by: divided into two key sections which will allow the user to find information ‡ Cairns Regional Council ²WR relevant to the design element or FOHDUO\GHILQHWKHFKDUDFWHURI particular precinct within the project IXWXUHZRUNVDQGWRDOORZIRUWKH area. SUHSDUDWLRQRIGLVWLQFWSURMHFWV ZKLFKPDNHXSWKH3RUW'RXJODV The two key sections are: :DWHUIURQW0DVWHU3ODQ ‡ Development Proponents and ‡ Section 2.0 Design Guidelines Design Professionals²WRJLYH ‡ Section 3.0 Precincts DFOHDUGLUHFWLRQIRUIXWXUHZRUNV DQGWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIGHWDLOHG GHVLJQIRUWKHYDULRXVSURMHFWVWR The Design Guidelines section EHGHOLYHUHG examines the key principles which ‡ The General PublicWRIRVWHU will govern future design and deals DEHWWHUXQGHUVWDQGLQJRIIXWXUH with the general elements which FKDQJHVWR3RUW'RXJODV make up the town streetscapes and open spaces


Each element is discussed in terms The Precincts are divided in to five Precincts within the village centre of their relevance to the delivery of main sections; are defined by street name while the Port Douglas Waterfront Master those within the existing waterfront Plan, detailing “WHY” the element 1. Village Centre have been selected based upon is important and “WHAT” guiding » Mowbray Street historic usage and are already principles lay behind the use of » Macrossan Street familiar to the residents of Port each element. This is followed by » Grant Street Douglas. a further discussion of “COMMON » Warner Street ISSUES” which answers some of » Wharf Street the more common questions on » Davidson Street the application of these design elements. 2. Waterfront Parkland » Rex Smeal Park Images depicting desirable design » Anzac Park outcomes or good examples of » St Mary’s by the sea what has been discussed are » Sugar Wharf included. In some instances, a poor » Waterfront outcome may be included to clearly » Island Point demonstrate what is considered inconsistent with the character of 3. Esplanade Port Douglas. » Between Macrossan Street and Mowbray Street The Precinct Guidelines section examines specific areas within 4. Sporting and Recreation the project area, which have a Precinct unique distinguishable character » Sports grounds (previously established by the Port » Wharf Street Douglas Waterfront Master Plan 2009). 5. Town Gateway » Davidson Street 3257'28*/$6:$7(5)52170$67(53/$1‡/$1'6&$3('(6,*1*8,'(

1.6 Glossary

Port Douglas Planning Scheme The planning scheme applies to particular land uses, such as residential, tourism, industrial and commercial developments and subdivisions. It identifies where different land uses such as shops, houses, units or industrial activities can occur in the Shire, and what performance criteria and specific outcomes are required to be satisfied. There are 11 different policies included in the planning scheme. These relate to a variety of subject matters such as building design & architectural elements, water supply & sewerage headworks, landscaping, open space contributions and cultural and heritage values.

http://www.cairns.qld.gov.au/building-planning-and-infrastructure/ planning-schemes

CPTED The fundamental concept of Crime Prevention through Environmental (Crime Prevention through Design is that it is possible to use knowledge and creativity to design our Environmental Design) built environments in ways that lessen or prevent the incidence of crime. For more detailed information on CPTED issues please refer to the latest Queensland Government CPTED Guidelines for Queensland at the following address: http://www.police.qld.gov.au/programs/cscp/safetyPublic/default. htm WSUD WSUD offers an alternative to the traditional conveyance approach to (Water Sensitive Urban Design) stormwater management. WSUD is a philosophy which aims to mitigate environmental impacts particularly on water quantity, water quality and receiving waterways, conventionally associated with urbanisation. http://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/planning-building/planning- guidelines-and-tools/subdivision-development-guidelines/water- sensitive-urban-design/index.htm

FNQROC The Far North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils is made (Far North Queensland Regional up of a membership of councils from Ingham to Cooktown and offers Organisation of Councils) comprehensive and practical guidelines to assist development across the region. http://www.fnqroc.qld.gov.au


Cairns Regional Council Carbon Corporate Sustainability Policy Emissions Reduction Policy Protection of the Natural Environment Policy Carbon Emissions Reduction Policy CRC Climate Change Strategy 2010 - 2015 Douglas Shire Council Sustainability Code CRC Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan

Landscape Design Landscape Design is the art of arranging or modifying the features of a landscape, an urban area, etc., for aesthetic or practical purposes and is usually divided into hardscape design and softscape design. This will include planting and paving, signage and furniture as well as place making.

Precinct A distinct area with generally definable boundaries

Streetscape The visual appearance of a road, including the rhythm of the built form elements such as roads, street furniture, vegetation and open space that combine to form the streets character.

Hardscape The hard elements such as paving, decking and other usually trafficable areas

Softscape The planted elements within a design such as , shrubs and flowering , grasses and turf.

Sightlines The clear line of sight from one vehicle to another, generally at intersections, roundabouts and driveways. Sightlines protect both vehicles and pedestrians and need to make allowance for small children.

Viewsheds/View Corridor Viewsheds and view corridors are areas of particular scenic or historic value that are deemed worthy of preservation against development or other change. These are often spaces that are readily visible from public areas such as from public roadways or public parks. The preservation of clear lines of sight to features of significance within these areas is a vital component of the landscape design process.

Street Hierarchy and Road The hierarchy of streets and roads is an urban design and traffic Hierarchy management technique for separating vehicular through-traffic from local streets.


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2.1 Philosophy of Change 2.2 Key Design Principles The existing character of Port Landscape Design is guided by the Douglas underpins its attraction following set of principles: to both residents and visitors. Change will be limited, or controlled ‡ Landscape is designed and to ensure that the town retains its maintained to create a safe iconic charm and appeal. and accessible environment with a strong pedestrian The Landscape Design Guide focus. Vision ‡ The style and form of ´«ODQGVFDSHGHVLJQHQKDQFHVWKH landscape and built elements H[SHULHQFHRIUHVLGHQWVDQGYLVLWRUV and selection of plant species DOLNHLQ3RUW'RXJODVDQGDGGV and materials are consistent DXWKHQWLFLW\WRWKHWURSLFDOYLOODJH with the tropical character of FKDUDFWHUµ Port Douglas. ‡ The selection and placement The aim is to ensure that future of plants creates a shady, change remains true to the park-like atmosphere which relaxed village feel of the town, an features and showcases incremental change that appears native species. both natural and in harmony with ‡ All landscape works embody the current surroundings. Subtle principles of sustainability, transformations are sought which including: will blend with and flow from the » Reduced consumption of unique character of Port Douglas. water » Conservation of ecological and biodiversity values » Maintainability and longevity » Local employment DESIGN GUIDELINES

‡ Landscape design honours the many layers of cultural heritage in Port Douglas through art, design, interpretation and story- telling. ‡ The unique qualities of individual precincts are clearly distinguishable within the overall village character. ‡ Landscape projects deliver a choice of recreational options and experiences, from the main street to nature-based activities.

“…landscape design enhances the experience of residents and visitors alike in Port Douglas and adds authenticity to the tropical village character”

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2.3 Design Elements Design principles

‡ Design local streets to Streets reduce traffic speeds so that pedestrians, cyclists and Why this is important vehicles can mix safely. On- Port Douglas is not a car dominated street parking can help slow town. Movement corridors are to traffic speeds and shared be characterised by shady trees, spaces foster respect and soft edges, water sensitive urban caution from drivers. design elements, natural finishes ‡ Provide clear routes for and mixed materials. Green pedestrians and bicycles as infrastructure will continue to be well as for vehicles. If separate used as a foil to the urban fabric of cycle paths are provided the town centre and plays a leading indicate them with street role in the character of the tropical markings or by discrete but streetscape. clearly displayed and well- designed signage. Streets need to be safe and ‡ Ensure pedestrian and bicycle accessible for all users, including routes are direct, continuous people with impairments. The level and well lit, and that appropriate of passive surveillance of a street, street crossings are provided. traffic speed and parking behaviour ‡ Reduce road signage to a affects the actual and perceived minimum. safety of pedestrians. The current ‡ Streets need to accommodate mixture of activities along the the Carnivale Parade. northern end of Macrossan ‡ Shade trees and tropical Street serves as an example of plantings are a key feature of this principle. Traffic speeds are the tropical streetscape. controlled by the number and ‡ Maintain village atmosphere “streets to movement of pedestrians and by and avoid the tendency to the function of on street parking. urbanise. be designed This is a model to be used across ‡ Maintain idiosyncrasies of the local streets. streetscape with an ‘if it isn’t primarily for broke don’t fix it’ attitude across Streets that feel safe are more the town. likely to foster social encounters ‡ Create a series of linked pedestrians and and activity. The key aim is to public spaces that provide a create streets where people have unified identity for the public cyclists” opportunities for walking and realm whilst respecting the cycling, and this requires streets ad-hoc nature of the current to be designed primarily for streetscapes. pedestrians and cyclists not just for cars.


Response to common issues

How will we create a legible hierarchy of tropical streets? The quality and scale of landscape design will be used to define streets within the hierarchy of the established road network. The main streets will be defined through the use of large scale trees and open street edges. Local streets can be smaller in scale with a more enclosed character to help reduce traffic speeds and create a more pedestrian friendly and intimate environment.

Refer to Section 3.0 Precincts for further details of individual streets.



Intersections Design principles

‡ Design intersections to reflect Why this is important the road hierarchy. Intersections are the points at which ‡ Control vehicle speeds on all users of the street converge. minor streets by: They must be designed for the » Extending verges to narrow safe and convenient passage of all the carriageway at the users. Intersections that prioritise intersection (creating ‘pinch- pedestrians generally cause drivers points’). to slow down. Traffic signals and » Using differently textured excessive road signage are not materials on the carriageway Pedestrian priority features of Port Douglas and across the throat of the should not form part of future traffic intersection to identify a solutions within the town centre. change of road structure and to alert drivers to Local streets are for pedestrians pedestrians and cyclists. and cyclists as well as for vehicles. » Ensuring the design Our aim is to create walkable indicates the presence neighbourhoods and active of the intersection on all communities, therefore, streets approaches. must be pedestrian-friendly. » Use planting to delineate On local streets, well-designed road geometry. intersections provide an improved » Ensure planting complies pedestrian environment. They allow with current CPTED pedestrians to cross safely and principles while maintaining directly without diverting from their the tropical relaxed feel. chosen route. » Splitter islands are not generally recommended because when they are used, larger splays (kerb radii) are required to enable trucks, buses and other large vehicles to turn, which compromises pedestrian amenity and safety and widens intersections.


Response to common issues

Intersections and the street hierarchy

Different treatments can be used to indicate the priority of connecting streets. The image above has used a different approach by widening the verges and using planter beds close to the street edge to visually and physically narrow the street throat - further indicating that it is the lower order street.




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Pathways through open Pathways within main town Pathways outside main town space areas centre centre ‡ :DWHUIURQW3DUN ‡ 9LOODJH&HQWUH ‡ 7RZQ*DWHZD\3UHFLQFW ‡ ,VODQG3RLQW ‡ )RXU0LOH%HDFK(VSODQDGH ‡ 6SRUWDQG5HFUHDWLRQ 3UHFLQFW

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pathways Design principles ‡ Paths are to be visually through open unobtrusive and pedestrian in space areas nature. ‡ Use natural materials, and Why this is important create soft edges which blend The role of pathways across the with natural landscape features. open spaces which comprise the ‡ Signage and cultural Waterfront of Port Douglas is to interpretation can be laid provide a legible and permeable on horizontal plain and environment which can be easily incorporated within the path traversed by pedestrians and network. cyclists. Pathways will link these ‡ Use of a mixed palette of open spaces with the wider natural materials for the path townscape and provide for logical treatments to lessen the impact and desirable movement across of the path network on natural the site. or predominantly landscaped areas. ‡ Sustainable materials and products will be sought for all landscape treatments. ‡ Paths must be usable by all members of the public including those people with disabilities. ‡ Paths are to be organic and curvilinear in appearance rather than angular and geometric, reflecting the relaxed unhurried feel of Port Douglas reflecting the open parkland experience. DESIGN GUIDELINES

Materials Palette: The main path system will link the Service vehicles (this includes following: council vehicles, and delivery ‡ &RQFUHWH(coloured in natural vehicles - which will need to access palette) ‡ 7KHQHZ0DULQDDQG5H[6PHDO St Mary’s Church and Sugar Wharf) ‡ ([SRVHGDJJUHJDWH XVLQJORFDO 3DUN DJJUHJDWHDQGVDQG ‡ :KDUI6WUHHWDQGWKH6XJDU:KDUI ‡ 0DUNHWVWDOOKROGHUV ‡ 7LPEHUGHFNLQJ ‡ 7KH&RPELQHG&OXEDQGWKH ‡ (PHUJHQF\YHKLFOHV ‡ 5HF\FOHGSODVWLFGHFNLQJLQJUH\ 6XJDU:KDUI ‡ 3ROLFH ‡ 'HFRPSRVHGJUDQLWH This simple path network will be ‡ 8QLWSDYHUVDQGLQWHUORFNLQJ treated with a mix of materials which SDYLQJV\VWHPV will emphasise their pedestrian function while remaining usable to the various vehicles which may How large do these pathways share them. need to be? Pathways need to respond to local The path network is further levels of foot traffic and allow for a designed to accommodate the variety of uses: necessary maintenance for the parkland and its various facilities: ‡ 3HGHVWULDQV ‡ 3HRSOHZLWKGLVDELOLWLHVDQG ‡ 5XEELVKFROOHFWLRQ LPSDLUPHQWV ‡ &OHDQLQJDQGVHUYLFLQJ%%4V ‡ -RJJHUVDQGUHFUHDWLRQDOZDONHUV DQGIXUQLWXUH ‡ 3UDPVDQGSXVKFKDLUV ‡ $FFHVVWRWKHWRLOHWEORFN ‡ &\FOLVWV VKDUHGSDWKVRU ‡ 'HFNPDLQWHQDQFH GHGLFDWHGF\FOHSDWKVDV ‡ 3RROPDLQWHQDQFH GLUHFWHGE\WKHFXUUHQWF\FOH ‡ %XLOGLQJPDLQWHQDQFH VWUDWHJ\IRU3RUW'RXJODV  ‡ 6HUYLFHYHKLFOHV URXWLQH PDLQWHQDQFH Allowing for easy access will increase maintenance efficiency and prevent scouring and damage Pathways may vary from 2 metres of the parkland by maintenance to 4 metres depending on location. vehicles. For specific path requirements refer to Section 3.0 Precincts. How large do these shared paths need to be? How will we manage service With nearly one million visitors each roads and vehicular access year, shared paths will need to be within the Waterfront Park? a minimum of four metres wide to Access for vehicles is limited in use accommodate pedestrians and the and is not considered sufficient following users: to require a network of dedicated sealed service roads which are ‡ 3HRSOHZLWKGLVDELOLWLHV undesirable within the proposed ‡ -RJJHUV parkland. Vehicles will need to ‡ 3UDPVDQGSXVKFKDLUV share paths with pedestrians and ‡ &\FOLVWV drive at speeds appropriate to such a mixed use. 3257'28*/$6:$7(5)52170$67(53/$1‡/$1'6&$3('(6,*1*8,'(


pathways Design principles

within main ‡ Paths will generally extend form town centre the building line to the edge of kerb. Why this is important ‡ Trees will be planted in Pathways are a major element grates and protected with tree within the streetscape informing grills (where space allows trees the character of Port Douglas. may be plated in garden beds Traditionally Port Douglas has made at edge of footpath). use of clay brick pavers and these ‡ Use natural materials, and have been used across most of create soft edges which blend the town centre. It is intended to with landscape features. continue to use clay pavers as a ‡ Paths must be usable by feature of the path network. The all members of the public scale and pattern of pavers is well including those people with suited to the relaxed tropical feel disabilities. of Port and lends a less urban ‡ Paths are to be organic and appearance to the streetscapes. curvilinear in appearance rather than angular and geometric, reflecting the relaxed unhurried feel of Port and relating to the open parkland experience. ‡ Paths are “domestic” in their design rather than urban.

Refer to Part 3.0 Precincts (3.1 Village Centre) for more detailed information on particular streets within the centre of Port Douglas


Materials Palette: pathways ‡ 1DWXUDO&OD\3DYHUV (Boral Summerset Opal outside main 113x228x40mm or equivalent) town centre

Clay Pavers should have the Why this is important following characteristics: Pathways provide a safe walking ‡ :RQ·WIDGHDQGVHDOLQJLVQRW environment for pedestrians and QHFHVVDU\WRPDLQWDLQWKHFRORXU the system of pathways helps to ‡ +DUGZHDULQJUHVLOLHQW GXUDEOH articulate the pedestrian network. ‡ /RZPDLQWHQDQFHDVWKHUHLVQR Pathways within these dominantly QHHGWRVHDORUUHFRORXU residential areas should be ‡ (DV\WRLQVWDOODQGOLWWOH consistent with the FNQROC PDLQWHQDQFHUHTXLUHPHQWV Development Manual and will PDNHVWKHRYHUDOOFRVWORZ generally measure between 1.4 and FRPSDUHGWRDOWHUQDWLYHV 2 metres in width, depending on ‡ +LJKOHYHORIVOLSUHVLVWDQFH local demand and site conditions. Pathways are generally to be located 600mm from the property Paver Patterns: boundary and allow for a grassed ‡ 'HJUHH+HUULQJERQH verge or nature strip within which ‡ 6WUHWFKHURUUXQQLQJERQG DV shade trees can be planted. DOWHUQDWLYHSDWWHUQRQO\²WREH XVHGZKHUHKHUULQJERQHSDWWHUQ LVQRWSUDFWLFDO ‡ (GJHUHVWUDLQWDQGHGJHGHWDLOLQ VROGLHUERQGZLWKPLWUHGFRUQHU GHWDLO

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interpretation and signage

Interpretation and Signage Both the Indigenous and non- Why this is important Indigenous heritage of the Interpretation and signage play a waterfront should be recognised, vital role in the legibility, permeability enhanced and protected. All and accessibility between the interpretation and signage waterfront, the town centre and recognising Port Douglas’ surrounding areas. Way-finding Indigenous history and the assists on a practical level helping connection of the Kuku Yalanji, visitors to navigate the townscape Irikanji and Jabugai peoples to and waterfront while locating key the area should be developed in features and places of interest. close consultation and negotiation Interpretive material tells the stories with representatives of the local which are particular to Port Douglas Indigenous communities. and should be presented in forms which are readily accessible to The waterfront of Port Douglas has the wider public. Both ensure that a wealth of history some predating visitors and residents gain a full early white settlement as well as appreciation of Port Douglas and all covering the growth of the town that it has to offer; and that they are from its founding in 1877. While engaged in the broader historical much of the early waterfront has and cultural influences that have been lost there remain several shaped the township. features which still give testimony to the towns past and its’ importance as an administrative and maritime “visually centre. interesting Sandblasted concrete presentation of material”

“simple forms and clear text”

Sandblasted patterned concrete ‡ 6XJDU:KDUIDQG'L[LH6WUHHW Design principles ‡ 6W0DU\·VE\WKH6HD ‡ Interpretation and signage ‡ 7KH6WLQN7UHHV are to be visually unobtrusive ‡ 7KH&RPELQHG&OXE (signage must not obscure ‡ 5H[6PHDO3DUN URFNZDOODQG views or create unnecessary PDQJRSODQWLQJV visual clutter which detracts ‡ $Q]DF3DUN from the natural parkland feel). ‡ 7KH&RXUW+RXVHDQG3ROLFH ‡ Signage can be located within Materials Palette: 5HVHUYH the ground plane or at low level ‡ 5HF\FOHGWLPEHU ROGZKDUI incorporated within the path SRVWV network, furniture and art work. ‡ 6WRQHDQGUDZFRQFUHWH The intent is to develop the ‡ Landscape design should ‡ 6WDLQOHVVDQGJDOYDQLVHGVWHHO amenity of the waterfront as a express and honour the many major component of the tourism layers of cultural heritage experience. The understanding through the selection of Response to common issue and interpretation of the areas rich materials and forms which echo history is integral to this and should both indigenous and non- Way-finding signs will just be be expressed not just through Indigenous historic land uses more visual pollution conventional interpretive boards and activities . Way-finding signage will be but also by recognising aspects ‡ Signage will include maps discreet and carefully situated to of the original working waterfront which locate key areas of not intrude on the townscape while which was so instrumental in the interest and landmarks which being accessible to all users. It development of the township, are top be located at key points can make use of existing signage, integrating historic references within across the town. which already exists within the the landscape design. Heritage ‡ Maps are to be augmented with town and be located near or close interpretation is discussed in discreet but legible navigational to facilities where there is already more detail in 3.0 Precincts (3.2 signs which can be integrated infrastructure. Signage within the Waterfront Parkland). within the path network. park will be minimised by the ‡ Signage should be easy to introduction of a simple and legible read and accessible to a wide pedestrian network which will clearly “Interpretive range of users including those articulate movement across the for whom English is not the first site. Signage will make use of the material tells the language (the use of pictorial ground plane and area below waist and diagrammatic maps is height to avoid obscuring views and stories which are preferred). cluttering the broader landscape. ‡ Emphasis on natural finishes in particular to Port materials which acknowledge the cultural heritage values of Douglas” the site.

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Furniture “...located to Why this is important Furniture has an obvious function maximise key within the landscape but also serves to emphasise areas of interest and views” can be grouped to create informal meeting places, which allow people to gather and creates a sense of It is important to see furniture in community and vibrancy. Within the broader context of the story of the waterfront furniture should be Port Douglas, its community and located to provide rest under shade shared histories. The sugar industry, and to maximise key views of the wharf structures, trams and cargo inlet and those special buildings ships can all inform the design of interest, a topic discussed in of and manufacture of furniture more detail in 3.0 Precincts (3.2 and can help to tell this story and Waterfront Parkland). make visual links to the towns past. Design should avoid the “Disney Approach” to such elements and “The sugar rely on simple authentic forms and industry, wharf materials to suggest rather than 6LPSOHIRUPVZKLFKUHIOHFW replicate historic artefacts; new and WKHORFDOKHULWDJHYDOXHV introduced elements should readily structures, trams articulate their contemporaneity and not cloud the authenticity of and cargo ships historic features. Within the town there is no current can all inform pattern to street furniture; it varies in style and form and offers a the design of and broad range of types from post war cast iron seats to in-built slatted manufacture of timber benches. The variety of furniture types is not to be seen as furniture...” a negative; the variety belies the evolution of the townscape and adds to the “authenticity” of the experience of visitors. A rigid palette of standardised urban furniture should be resisted in favour of a more relaxed approach, which tolerates the differences in form and style and has a “don’t’ fix it if it isn’t broke” approach to the 1DWXUDOIRUPVZLWK current settings. Overtly urbanised DFRQWHPSRUDU\ DSSURDFK forms should be avoided in favour of simple contemporary styles in natural materials. DESIGN GUIDELINES

Design principles Materials Palette: ‡ Furniture is to be organic in ‡ &RQFUHWH FRORXUHGLQQDWXUDO nature and respect the heritage SDOHWWHDQGH[SRVHGDJJUHJDWH values of the waterfront. ‡ 6WRQH ‡ Raw simple shapes are ‡ 5HF\FOHGWLPEHU preferred over standard urban ‡ 6WDLQOHVVDQGJDOYDQLVHGVWHHO forms. ‡ Unique and bespoke hand made pieces are preferred “unique and over commercial furniture types with the possibility to make bespoke hand use of local craftsmen and manufacturers. made pieces” ‡ Furniture should not intrude on the parkland and can be integrated with interpretation Response to common issue and signage to minimise infrastructure. Do we need a palette of ‡ Replace all concrete picnic furniture? settings with a suitable The answer is that we do not. The contemporary setting. variety of furniture relieves the sense ‡ Where existing furniture is of sameness which can result from affected by site alterations such standardisation across project ensure that where possible it is sites. The ad-hoc charm of a more recycled and relocated within random approach suggests a more the project area. natural growth and evolution, one in ‡ Sustainable options should step with the towns’ development be sought for all furniture over the last decades. While certain selections. furniture such as the concrete picnic settings are not a positive feature and should be replaced; in “locally crafted general furniture need only adhere to the guidelines set out above to and organic create a harmonious approach forms” across the project site. 3257'28*/$6:$7(5)52170$67(53/$1‡/$1'6&$3('(6,*1*8,'(

planting design

Planting Design broader landscape. This guide recognises the value of exotic Why this is important planting and the role it has played in Port Douglas is well known as a establishing the resort character of tropical oasis; a place to refresh, Port Douglas; while acknowledging restore and revitalise, either in the importance of the regions the aquamarine reef waters of natural plant communities. Mixed the Coral Sea, the crystal creeks plantings incorporating both of Mossman Gorge, or the palm native and exotic plant species fringed golden sands of Four Mile are supported across most of the Beach. Plants play a vital role in townscape but should be restricted establishing the relaxed tropical around the foreshore where a more character of Port Douglas which natural approach is preferred, and makes it such an appealing place where native species will enhance to live and visit. Streets lined with remnant stands of vegetation and tropical trees, bordered by swathes the natural appearance of the of lush tropical foliage are a key coastline of the town. feature of the township and help to distinguish Port Douglas from other Quality landscape design is destinations within Australia. imperative for good streetscapes. Street trees, when mature, tend to Port Douglas is unique in being be the most prominent landscape the only place on Earth where two elements. They can contain vistas World Heritage listed sites can be and help to define boundaries, found together; the Great Barrier reduce traffic speeds by narrowing Reef and the Daintree Rainforest. the perceived travel-way, and While development of the town has provide shade and habitat for significantly altered the natural plant fauna. Green streetscapes help to communities which once fringed its create a sense of place and are an coastline, there still remain stands attractive feature of port Douglas. of mangroves, paperbarks, Beach Calophyllum and giant Fig trees. Refer to 3.0 Precincts for specific view corridors. Planting design helps to articulate these plant communities and integrate new features in to the “The overall landscape character of Port Douglas is of shady trees set within a parkland” 34 “acknowledging the importance of the regions natural plant communities”

Design principles ‡ Ensure there are no potential ‡ The overall landscape character conflicts with other street of Port Douglas is of shady elements, such as streetlights trees set within a parkland. being blocked by the tree A number of iconic species, canopy, or car doors being mostly endemic, are to be opened onto tree trunks. used strategically throughout ‡ Where appropriate integrate town, whilst exotic feature landscape design with water planting adds localised colour sensitive urban design systems. and texture to key areas or ‡ Use best practice tree planting landmarks. technologies to assist in the ‡ Landscaping should preparation of tree pits. compliment the existing tropical ‡ Incorporates new plants which coastal “resort town” character encourage biodiversity; and of Port Douglas and create maintains and strengthens the dominantly tropically vegetated tropical and native landscape streetscapes. character of Port Douglas ‡ Ensure that existing vegetation through high quality landscape on Site is retained, protected works: during works and integrated » Native species are with the built environment. incorporated into ‡ Ensure that landscaping landscaping, as a means of screens buildings to reduce providing continuity between their bulk and to enhance the developed and undeveloped landscape character of the areas. village. » 60% of the total proposed ‡ Mature vegetation on site is species are endemic or retained wherever possible to native species. provide shade and maintain » Native and endemic plant diversity in tree maturity across species characteristic of the the site. area are to be included in ‡ Maximise landscaping in all the landscape design. streets with an emphasis on » Plant species are selected shade trees. in accordance with the Plant ‡ Ideally, space trees so that the Species Schedule in Port canopies touch when mature. Douglas Planning Scheme Policy No 7 – Landscaping (please see Part 4.0 Appendix for a full Plant Species Schedule). 3257'28*/$6:$7(5)52170$67(53/$1‡/$1'6&$3('(6,*1*8,'(

planting design

Iconic Native Tree/Palm Species: Botanic Name Common Name Deplanchea tetraphylla *ROGHQ%RXTXHW7UHH Livistonia muellerii 'ZDUI)DQ3DOP Dillenia alata 5HG%HDFK Melaleuca leucadendra :HHSLQJ3DSHUEDUN Melaleuca dealbata Melaleuca viridiflora %URDG/HDYHG3DSHUEDUN Melaleuca quinquenervia %URDG/HDYHG3DSHUEDUN Terminalia ssp. Callophyllum ssp. Barringtonia ssp. Alstonia scholaris 0LON\SLQH Peltophorum pterocarpum

Iconic Exotic Tree/Palm Species Delonix regia 3RLQFLDQD Plumeria ssp. )UDQJLSDQL Elaeis guineensis $IULFDQ2LO3DOP Pterocarpus indicus ,QGLDQ3DGDXN

For a more detailed list of suitable plants for the Port Douglas area refer to Appendix 4.2. Response to common issues

How can we ensure the health Wherever possible, existing native and success of our street trees? vegetation is to be retained, Tree pits must be designed to incorporated into the site design accommodate the specified tree and protected during works. at maturity. Roots cells and similar Mature vegetation is to be retained technologies can be utilised within wherever possible as this provides street tree pit design to ensure shade and screening, often has root growth and avoid damage cultural significance, and reduces to localised infrastructure by the the impact of redevelopment, appropriate use of root barriers. providing a more natural mix of Specialist advise on these trees of varied maturity. technologies is to be sought prior to all street tree installation works ‡ 60% of the total proposed proceeding. species are endemic or native species. How should exotic planting be used within future parkland Lush tropical plantings do not design? conform to CPTED principles! Exotic planting is not seen as a A balance is needed between major feature of future landscape CPTED requirements and lush treatments within the waterfront plantings, which typify the visitor parkland; and is only to be used experience of Port Douglas as in association with native and a relaxed resort town. Planting endemic species to create feature helps to reduce the harshness and planting for key elements within the urbanity of the streetscape and landscape design: contributes to the over all “barefoot” character of the town - which is ‡ St Mary’s by the Sea designed around pedestrian use. ‡ The Courthouse ‡ Water play or lagoon facilities and children’s play area (suitable coastal plants)

7UHHSLWGHVLJQ 37 3257'28*/$6:$7(5)52170$67(53/$1‡/$1'6&$3('(6,*1*8,'(

water sensitive

Water sensitive urban “preserve the Design principles design (WSUD) ‡ Use stormwater treatment health and elements in the urban Why this is important landscape to maximise the Streets account for a significant visual and recreational amenity vitality of our percentage of the impervious of future works. area of our built environments, ‡ Size WSUD elements relative waterways and causing increased stormwater to the contributing impervious flows. They are also the source of area (approximately 2-3% of its the Great Barrier a number of water borne pollutants catchment depending on the such as sediments, metals and geographical location). Reef” hydrocarbons that adversely affect ‡ Generally, WSUD is most the health of receiving waters. To effective on slopes of 1 – 4%. preserve the health and vitality of ‡ Where slopes exceed 4% either our waterways and the Great Barrier bioretention street planters Reef it is essential that we reduce or additional flow control the dispersal of these pollutants and features (such as check dams protect our seas. WSUD elements with swales and bioretention can be integrated into open space systems) can be used. and streetscapes to collect and ‡ Use WSUD elements such as treat runoff prior to discharge and bioretention swales on the can become interesting landscape high-side verge reserve if there features which integrate well with is one. local vegetation communities. ‡ Where the street runs perpendicular to contours use either verge for bioretention systems. ‡ Ensure street or driveway crossovers of bioretention swales are either at grade or incorporate a culvert crossing. If this is not possible, use discrete WSUD elements separated by driveway crossovers.


38 urban design )RUPDOLVHGURDGVLGH:68'

‡ Native and endemic plant Should all streets have WSUD species can be utilised within elements? the WSUD systems to absorb It is not necessary or appropriate unwanted nutrients prior to to provide WSUD elements on all discharge. These species streets. Stormwater however can can enhance local natural be directed to a series of site-wide vegetation protecting local systems which utilise the natural ecologies. topography of Port Douglas to ‡ WSUD treatments must be concentrate stormwater to the area adapted for use Port which is in within the sports fields to the west :68'LQFRUSRUDWHGLQWRIDUPODQG a high rainfall area. of the town. ‡ This street has a swale within its central median as part How should WSUD elements be of the WSUD strategy. The integrated with travel-ways and unique kerb treatment and parking areas? timber walkway also create an Parking areas can be located interesting streetscape. adjacent to WSUD elements but ‡ Swales can also be simple should be designed to prevent grass depressions on the street vehicles damaging these systems. edge or within an open space Bollards or kerbs with regular area. breaks are required to allow distributed flow to the WSUD element. ([DPSOHRIVZDOHLQFDUSDUN Response to common issues Parking areas may be interspersed Bioretention systems present a between WSUD elements, such as health risk? parking bays between rain gardens. Badly performing WSUD treatments can present a health Do WSUD elements require risk by promoting the presence of much maintenance? mosquito larvae in slow draining In the first two years it is important water retention systems. It is to remove weeds. Only limited essential that WSUD features are maintenance is required after this. designed to prevent the risk of insect breeding. “WSUD elements ([DPSOHRI:68'WUHDWPHQW can be integrated into open space and streetscapes”


41 3257'28*/$6:$7(5)52170$67(53/$1‡/$1'6&$3('(6,*1*8,'(


What are the main Village Centre Precinct precincts within Port ‡ 0RZEUD\6WUHHW Douglas? ‡ :DUQHU6WUHHW ‡ 0DFURVVDQ6WUHHW For the purposes of this document ‡ :KDUI6WUHHW Port Douglas has been divided in to ‡ *UDQW6WUHHW five distinct precincts. These in turn ‡ 'DYLGVRQ6WUHHW are divided into sub-precincts which have been identified as possessing Waterfront Parkland Precinct their own distinct character. ‡ 5H[6PHDO3DUN ‡ $Q]DF3DUN Sub-precincts within the village ‡ 6W0DU\·VE\WKH6HD centre are defined by street name ‡ 6XJDU:KDUIDQG'L[LH6WUHHW while those within the existing ‡ :DWHUIURQW waterfront have been selected ‡ ,VODQG3RLQW based upon historic usage, which is already familiar to the residents of Four Mile Beach Esplanade Port Douglas. The Four Mile Beach Precinct Esplanade is a stand alone precinct ‡ (VSODQDGH at the eastern end of the study area. Sporting and Recreation Precinct ‡ 6SRUWVJURXQGV ‡ :KDUI6WUHHW

Town Centre Gateway Precinct ‡ 'DYLGVRQ6WUHHW PRECINCTS

1 Sugar Wharf / Dixie St.

2 St Mary’s by the Sea Waterfront Parkland 3 Combined Club 1 Precinct 4 Dixies Shed 2 5 Mobility Hub 3



Village Centre Precinct

Four Mile Beach Esplanade Precinct Sporting and Recreation Precinct

Town Centre Gateway Precinct

,OOXVWUDWLRQVKRZLQJWKHPDLQSUHFLQFWVZLWKLQ3RUW'RXJODV 43 3257'28*/$6:$7(5)52170$67(53/$1‡/$1'6&$3('(6,*1*8,'(

3.1 Village Centre “each street General description of design objectives for the village centre maintains precinct With the exception of wider circulation initiatives minimal its’ unique changes to areas outside of the waterfront are anticipated. Over all character” design will ensure that each street the need for on street parking or maintains its’ unique character, and other existing parking resources derives this character from existing but, rather, will lessen demand values, exhibiting a gentle approach on parking in the police reserve to change and a respect for existing and mitigate the future removal conditions. of parking within the proposed waterfront park. A clear framework for access and circulation will include The realignment of the Davidson improvements to the intersection Street and Mowbray Street of Davidson and Mowbray Streets intersection will promote a as the key gateway to the town, clockwise vehicular circulation with the utilisation of Mowbray pattern by encouraging vehicles Street as the first node of arrival. to use Wharf and Macrossan This will highlight the importance Streets as a ‘loop’. Macrossan of the proposed Community and Street is envisioned as a “Green Cultural Precinct and positions the Spine” with the impacts of vehicle “Macrossan waterfront as the key experience infrastructure being reduced by for those arriving in Port Douglas. the introduction of additional tree Street is The creation of the Mowbray Street planting, increasing green space Gateway sets the scene for the amenity while connecting this highly envisioned as a creation of a ‘mobility hub’ at the successful retail strip to the overall eastern end of Mowbray Street. open space system. This will form a Green Spine” The mobility hub is intended to lineal link from the Waterfront Park consolidate visitor car parking, to Four Mile Beach and consolidate coach drop off and pick up the east west axis that will connect facilities, cycle storage and hire car these two key attractors and the offices. This initiative will not remove town of Port Douglas.


Port Douglas is not seen as a car dominated environment and as a result a key objective is to better promote walking and cycling throughout the town and to improve conditions for foot traffic. Improved street lighting for footpaths and improving the environmental quality and amenity of certain streets through tree planting are ways to ameliorate pedestrian environments. Streets should be kept to a human scale, which is both intimate and “non-urban” in style. The charm and appeal of Port Douglas lies in its rather ad-hoc, relaxed, “barefoot” feel where the mingling of lush tropical vegetation, footpath dining and small boutiques blend together in a way which encourages exploration and lends an unhurried tropical “Port Douglas air to the centre of town. Design should encourage such pedestrian movement and assist in activating other less used areas of the town is not seen as a by encouraging access across the town as a whole. car dominated “gentle approach to change” environment” $1'6&$3('(6,*1*8,'(

3.1.1 Mowbray Street north-west and south-east of the sports precinct will allow opportunity Description for improved purification and create In order to rationalise vehicular multiple discharge points in to the movement into and around the Dickson Inlet, improving the quality township, and in the interests of of water along the waterfront making the waterfront a defining aspect of the arrival experience, Mowbray Street will also function Mowbray Street will become the as the key access to the Cultural new Gateway to Port Douglas with Precinct through which visitors will traffic directed via a new entry pass. It is envisioned as an inviting feature located at Davidson Street. streetscape with a welcoming The scale of the road will express community focus, placing the its status within the hierarchy and community and its’ values at the clearly articulate it as the major heart of the precinct. approach to the town centre and waterfront. This becomes the civic heart of Port Douglas and will express the A waterfront plaza located community’s values through the within the proposed new Marina following features: redevelopment will serve a number of functions within the broader ‡ &RPPXQLW\&HQWUHZLWKLQ network of public open spaces. SDUNODQGVHWWLQJ It will provide a waterfront arrival ‡ &OLQN7KHDWUH node and a dramatic termination ‡ &RPPXQLW\*DUGHQV to the Cultural Precinct, offering ‡ %LRUHWHQWLRQEDVLQVDQG opportunities for cultural events and VWRUPZDWHUWUHDWPHQWV\VWHPV activities within a more formalised DGMDFHQWWRWKH6SRUWV3UHFLQFW space that will help transition between the marina development and the broader parkland to the north.

Land topography together with the location and nature of land within the sporting precinct allows opportunities for stormwater collection and treatment prior to discharge into the wider water network. The redirection of stormwater through treatment lines


Design guidelines/features ‡ Ensure community gardens do ‡ Arrival landscaping and new not interfere with areas suited to entry statement at intersection future WSUD features and are with Davidson Street. located close to the Community ‡ Pedestrian friendly intersection Centre to allow ease of access treatment at Wharf Street to to facilities and provide greater connect Waterfront Plaza and passive surveillance. Mobility Hub. ‡ Create and articulate clear ‡ Integrate WSUD treatment to linkage to the waterfront for side of street no kerb. pedestrians and cyclists. ‡ Meandering 2m wide concrete ‡ The intersection at Davidson shared path along western Street will be re-aligned to side, passing through the promote left turning vehicles. WSUD treatment incorporating boardwalk and possible interpretive area to express “the waterfront commitment to sustainability. ‡ Shared path links to the existing a defining aspect cycle network and provides clear access to the waterfront of the arrival (ensure safe crossing points across Wharf Street). experience”

47 3257'28*/$6:$7(5)52170$67(53/$1‡/$1'6&$3('(6,*1*8,'(

3.1.2 Warner Street “reconnect Description this part of the The section of Warner Street between Grant and Owen Streets has become something of an iconic town to the streetscape for Port Douglas. Its avenue of Indian Padauk trees waterfront” provides a shady and attractive environment, but this theme needs At present the dominance of the to be extended to the full length of Coles building, its’ loading and Warner Street to Wharf Street. This parking facilities and the proximity will provide much needed shade of other rather industrial scale and help to reduce the impact of buildings creates an uneasy feel the larger scale buildings in this more suited to town fringe than section, of the street and help town centre. The planting of large reconnect this part of the town to scale tropical trees will lessen these the waterfront. impacts and improve the general streetscape. Landscaping will also frame the view corridor to Dixie “frame the view Street, which is in fact in direct alignment with Warner Street and corridor to Dixie forms a strong axis to the Sugar Street” Wharf and St Mary’s by the Sea.

7\SLFDO&URVV6HFWLRQ:DUQHU6WUHHW EHWZHHQ*UDQWDQG:KDUI6WUHHWV 48 ([DPSOHRIGHFNLQJLQXVHRQSDWKZD\XQGHUWUHHV Design guidelines/features Between Grant Street and Wharf Between Owen Street and Grant Street Street ‡ Indian Padauk trees planted in ‡ Incorporate a planted WSUD to large islands within the road the road side. shoulder. ‡ No kerb and channel rather use ‡ Maintain the view corridor to a concrete edge restraint. Dixie Street, Sugar Wharf and St ‡ Use a recycled decking system Mary’s by the Sea. to relieve pressure on tree root systems and to allow for a pedestrian footpath. ‡ Decked crossovers for driveways. ‡ Develop a maintenance strategy to manage the existing trees and to ensure their long term health. ‡ Install one way system to reduce trafficable area (from Owen - Grant Streets only).

7\SLFDO&URVV6HFWLRQ:DUQHU6WUHHW EHWZHHQ2ZHQDQG*UDQW6WUHHWV 49 3257'28*/$6:$7(5)52170$67(53/$1‡/$1'6&$3('(6,*1*8,'(

3.1.3 Macrossan Street “...typified by Description Macrossan Street is the main large shade trees shopping area of Port Douglas, and is a lively bustling thoroughfare typified by large shade trees and and tropical tropical plantings with small shops and outdoor dining. Vehicles plantings...” are currently controlled by the of Macrossan to Davidson Street dominance of pedestrians and will see the consolidation of the by the movement associated “Green Spine” that will connect the with on street parking. This mix waterfront parkland to Four Mile of activities slows traffic speeds Beach. and helps to foster a more relaxed and less urban atmosphere where The creation of the Green Spine pedestrians can move more would see the rationalisation of freely and drivers give greater loading bays and on street parking consideration to other road users. along the Southern Side of the street to create a continuous With Mowbray Street becoming shaded green spine that links the the main approach to Port Douglas street to the waterfront parklands. it is anticipated that traffic along This will require detailed traffic Macrossan Street will be further modelling to ensure its feasibility reduced. The extension of the but in principle would deliver an current centre planting and enhancement in the overall amenity “...relaxed parking along the northern end of street. and less urban atmosphere...”

&DUQLYDOHSDUDGH “...’green spine’ that will connect the waterfront parkland to four mile beach” PRECINCTS

Design guidelines/features ‡ Extend median planting and centre parking along the remainder of Macrossan Street between Owen Street and Davidson Street. ‡ Minimise the impact of the large intersections with surface treatments. ‡ Streetscape improvements must make provision for the Carnivale Parade. ‡ Maintain the ad hoc nature of the streetscape by allowing for non-uniform approach to street furniture. ‡ Maintain and enhance the current mix of tropical shade trees allowing for flowering species to add colour and interest. ‡ Improvements to the current intersection with Davidson Street to improve pedestrian movement and reinforce the axis with the Esplanade Four Mile beach. ‡ Maintain current pathway treatments (Refer to Part 2.0 Design Guidelines - Pathways Across Town).

7\SLFDO&URVV6HFWLRQ0DFURVVDQ6WUHHW 3257'28*/$6:$7(5)52170$67(53/$1‡/$1'6&$3('(6,*1*8,'(

“Wharf Street 3.1.4 Wharf Street Design guidelines/features Description ‡ Slow vehicle environment. provides valuable Once Mowbray Street is activated ‡ Pedestrian friendly. as the major approach to the town ‡ Transition from town edge to Wharf Street will play a key role parkland (eastern and western views to the within this new arrival experience. sides of Wharf Street). In general Wharf Street provides ‡ Parkland edge treatment to park waterfront and valuable views to the waterfront and informal (avoid rigid plantings of the sea and mountains beyond. Poinciana trees avenue planting the sea and styles). Main View corridors: ‡ Facilitate pedestrian/cyclist mountains ‡ 0DLQWDLQWKHYLHZFRUULGRUWR movement between new marina 6W0DU\·VE\WKH6HDDV:KDUI and the parkland via clearly beyond” 6WUHHWSDVVHVWKHERDW\DUGDQG defined public access along WKHFRPELQHGFOXE the Wharf Street frontage of the ‡ 0DLQWDLQWKHYLHZFRUULGRUWR6W plaza. 0DU\·VE\WKH6HDDQGWKH6XJDU ‡ No additional kerbing to the :KDUI 'L[LH6WUHHW IURPWKH waterfront park edge and use LQWHUVHFWLRQDW:DUQHU6WUHHW bollards or similar to restrict vehicular access. Wharf Street is to be designed ‡ Park edge open to allow free as a slow vehicle environment access and clear views of the to allow for the safe movement waterfront park. of pedestrians to the waterfront ‡ Maintain view corridors (refer to parkland. Landscaping will provide illustration opposite). a transition from the current edge of the town to the open parkland setting of the proposed waterfront.


“ transition from the current edge of the town to the open parkland”

53 3257'28*/$6:$7(5)52170$67(53/$1‡/$1'6&$3('(6,*1*8,'(

3.1.5 Grant Street lively café scene Description The extension of Mowbray Street with shaded to Wharf Street to create a new approach road to town will result in the closure of Grant Street between outdoor dining Mowbray Street and Wharf Street. The southern end of Grant Street The construction of the Mobility adjacent to Macrossan Street along Hub will, however, help activate its eastern side has a lively café this corner of Grant Street. There scene with shaded outdoor dining is a lively café scene with shaded facing the Rotary Club Park. This outdoor dining at the Macrossan western side of the street requires Street end of Grant Street and will tree planting to enhance the improve circulation to and from this streetscape with large shade trees. area of the town. Design guidelines/features “tree planting ‡ General Streetscape improvements in line with to enhance the recent development. ‡ Continue theme of Copper Pods to Mowbray Street. streetscape ‡ Trees in grates at 8m centres along existing footpath to with large shade provide more shade. trees”



55 3257'28*/$6:$7(5)52170$67(53/$1‡/$1'6&$3('(6,*1*8,'(

“welcome visitors 3.1.6 Davidson Street Design guidelines/features (between Macrossan ‡ The provision of a roundabout and enhance the Street and Mowbray offers the greatest opportunity Street) for a landscaped arrival feature. sense of arrival” ‡ Possible entry sign to welcome Description visitors and enhance the sense In order to rationalise vehicular of arrival. movement into and around the ‡ Roundabout layout designed to township, and in the interests of emphasise the Mowbray Street making the waterfront a defining turn off and promote Mowbray aspect of the arrival experience, Street as the approach to the Mowbray Street will become the Town via the waterfront. new Gateway to Port Douglas with ‡ Incorporate Calophyllum ssp. traffic directed via a new entry to link existing themes on feature located at Davidson Street. Mowbray Street. The scale of the road will express ‡ Incorporate “iconic” plant its status within the hierarchy and species such as licuala and clearly articulate it as the major cabbage palms as well as approach to the town centre and white flowering plants that waterfront. compliment prevailing street themes. ‡ Signage should be clear “...Gateway to and simple in design and in materials which associate to Port Douglas...” Port Douglas’ maritime history - use of stainless steel and hardwood timber. PRECINCTS

,OOXVWUDWLRQVKRZLQJQHZFLUFXODWLRQZLWKLQWKHWRZQ 3257'28*/$6:$7(5)52170$67(53/$1‡/$1'6&$3('(6,*1*8,'(

3.2 Waterfront Parkland Key to the consolidation of the new General description of design walkable waterfront is the removal objectives for the waterfront of private buildings and parking parkland precinct between the Combined Club and The Master Plan recognised the the Sugar Wharf. The reclamation role of the waterfront as a principle of this area for public open feature of Port Douglas. A key space will offer many key design focus of the master planning opportunities: process was the creation of a “walkable waterfront” allowing ‡ 7KHFUHDWLRQRIDFRQWLQXRXV unrestrained public access to the ERDUGZDONEHWZHHQWKH waters edge from the Combined FRPELQHGFOXEDQGVXJDUZKDUI Club through to Rex Smeal Park. ‡ 7KHFUHDWLRQRISXEOLFPRRULQJV The implementation of a new ‡ (QKDQFH0DUNHW3DUNDQGDOORZ gateway via Mowbray Street will ZDWHUVLGHPDUNHWDFFHVVDORQJ ensure the waterfront will become WKHQHZO\IRUPHGERDUGZDONV a defining experience for visitors to ‡ ,PSURYHWKHUDQJHRIDFWLYLWLHV Port Douglas as they approach the DQGH[SHULHQFHVRIIHUHGE\WKH village centre. FXUUHQWSDUN ‡ (QKDQFHWKHFXUUHQWODQGVFDSH “...the waterfront VHWWLQJVIRUWKHKLVWRULFVLWHVRI 6XJDU:KDUIDQG6W0DU\·VE\WKH 6HD will become ‡ (QKDQFHYLHZVWRWKH6XJDU :KDUI6W0DU\·VE\WKH6HDDQG a defining WKHLQOHWIURP:KDUI6WUHHW experience for visitors...” PRECINCTS

Future design of this area should Pathways form an essential The waterfront has a vibrant seek to transition the waterfront component of the redevelopment cultural past representing both the parkland from the marina at its of the waterfront parkland as they early settlers and the traditional southern end, where there is a articulate the space and assist with owners alike and there is extensive concentration of built form, to way-finding reducing the need for opportunity for interpretive signage, a more natural, undeveloped signage. Solutions to providing which can help to articulate the character at the far northern end of pathways, access ways and towns’ historic context and link the Rex Smeal Park. supporting market activities need to modern waterfront to the past. be as unintrusive as possible. The waterfront parkland is divided in “walkable The current lack of appropriate to the following sub-precincts: maintenance access across the site waterfront” has led to it being worn by vehicle ‡ 5H[6PHDO tracks which have eroded the grass ‡ $Q]DF3DUN Activity is concentrated around and created a scarred appearance ‡ 6W0DU\·VE\WKH6HD the Sugar Wharf. Sugar Wharf, the with dust and exposed earth ‡ 6XJDU:KDUIDQG'L[LH6WUHHW Combined Club and St Mary’s by dominating the parkland. This issue ‡ :DWHUIURQW the Sea represent a vital reminder of is to be addressed by the inclusion ‡ ,VODQG3RLQW Port Douglas’ historic past. of appropriate access paths which can be combined with pedestrian Further north there would be fewer Rex Smeal Park will remain relatively paths to minimise impacts on built structures (although some untouched and serve as an area of the parkland. While paths are picnic facilities) and more natural passive recreation, a quiet zone, acknowledged as a key component landscape. Opportunities to provide which will continue to serve as a of the parkland they are not to be a limited parking under the existing function area for special events. dominant feature of the landscape trees should be investigated to A sealed path will provide access improve accessibility for a range of throughout the precinct to all users, users. including maintenance vehicles. The design seeks to remove the This simple path network will assist large areas of car parking and in the maintenance of the park and improve the general park amenity of allow for more controlled vehicular this area. Also to resolve the impact access, directing pedestrian of the markets on the environment movement through and across with the possibility to relocate the the site, incorporating the historic markets to the northern end of the features. park thereby providing waterfront access. 3257'28*/$6:$7(5)52170$67(53/$1‡/$1'6&$3('(6,*1*8,'(

3.2.1 Rex Smeal Park were constructed along Wharf Description Street during the latter part of the Rex Smeal Park is located on a site nineteenth century. The Court of enduring historic significance to House is currently listed in the the Port Douglas community. The Queensland Heritage Register, the park is built within the confines of former Douglas Shire Policy for the former sea pool constructed Cultural Heritage and Valuable Sites in Port Douglas in 1972 to provide and under the National Trust of a safe swimming environment for Queensland. the town’s residents. The pool was constructed using quarried rocks, As early as 1878, a large area of the partly built on top of the remains current police reserve was marked of the original nineteenth century as “Reserved for Police use”. As stone jetty. This jetty was the first to Port Douglas grew in importance be built in the town to service the the town became the headquarters loading and unloading of cargo. for the police in the area and it It was located at the end of Wharf served in this capacity for a number Street, which soon became the of years. The original barracks most important thoroughfare in the and site office are no longer, burgeoning town. Although the sea having been moved to Einsliegh. pool initially proved popular and The current buildings date from successful, it eventually became the 1960s to the present day, but unusable and was filled in during provide an historical link to the sites Annual Port Douglas food and wine festival 1976, at which point the new park past and to the early establishment was named in honour of Rex Smeal, of an administrative quarter. a former Douglas Shire Council overseer. Kuku Yalanji Port Douglas is located in the tribal This park enjoys patronage by lands of the Kuku Yalanji people. It residents and visitors alike for its is believed that there were originally amenity and unimpeded views of three or five groups within the tribe. the Coral Sea and mountainous Their territory included rainforest, backdrop. range, riverine and coastal environments. The communities The Port Douglas Court House lived on a wide and varied range Museum and the Police Reserve of natural resources. For the The Port Douglas Court House Kuku Yalanji, the environment was constructed on its current site was a humanised landscape, one in 1879 as the first court house in described in human terms where the town and is one of the earliest seasonal changes were interpreted surviving timber constructed as changes in the human or social court houses in Queensland. The world. It was interacted with, spoken building now operates as a local to and acted upon and in return history museum and has been provided materials and resources. run by the Port Douglas Historical Society since 1997. The Court The discovery of gold in the House is the only survivor of the Hodgkinson River and the opening Special Event original government buildings that up of the Christie Palmerston Road


to the coast in 1877, brought with Design guidelines/features ‡ Explore the indigenous and it an incredible and inconceivable ‡ Preserve and incorporate the non-Indigenous cultural change for the Kuku Yalanji tribe. existing rock wall in to any heritage values of the area Early contact was often violent with future changes to the site. by incorporating interpretive fatalities occurring on both sides. ‡ To protect existing trees, large displays and art work based on scale parking is to be restricted these themes. The area now known as Rex and a semi-formalised shared ‡ Incorporate an appropriate Smeal Park was an important path/parking and set down area Kuku Yalanji name on the meeting place and campsite for the provided within the footprint theme of the meeting place Kuku Yalanji people before white of existing access tracks to to compliment the later 1970s settlement encroached on their service special events. naming of the park. traditional grounds. The Kuku Yalanji ‡ Informal permeable surface to ‡ Natural transition to the coastal would meet here with members Rex Smeal access path. vegetation zone. of the neighbouring peoples from ‡ Access approach to Rex Smeal ‡ Informal path network, which the Irikanji and the Jabugai. The (toilet block) to incorporate an clearly articulates both the mango tree plantings, which persist enhanced planted swale as part coastal path and the island to this day, were particular to these of a WSUD treatment. point road lookout. meeting areas, and still have a high ‡ Replace the tired BBQs with ‡ Replace existing BBQs with social value to the local indigenous more appropriate lightweight more suitable light weight community due to their connection structures. structures (Refer to 2.0 Design to the community Elders. ‡ Create link to coastal Trail with Guidelines - Furniture). appropriate signage. ‡ Maintain views to and from the The beach near the court house ‡ Remove and replace the Court House across the park. and adjacent to Rex Smeal Park existing signs with more ‡ Maintain views from end of was historically used by the women appropriate signage. Anzac Park to ocean. of the Kuku Yalanji during oyster ‡ Replace damaged steps to the ‡ Relocate toilet and BBQ fishing. beach adjacent to Rex Smeal facilities to maintain key views. Park with low key access steps ‡ Replace existing play area with in natural form. new nature based adventure ‡ Retain existing character and playground incorporating “...important features and enhance setting imaginative play elements as a quiet area for passive around the existing fig trees. meeting place recreation. ‡ Provide permanent ‡ Renovate the toilet block and performance platform with and campsite for screen facilities with suitable demountable stage structure planting. adjacent to police reserve. the Kuku Yalanji Annual Port Douglas food and wine festival people...”

Historic rock wall 3257'28*/$6:$7(5)52170$67(53/$1‡/$1'6&$3('(6,*1*8,'(

3.2.2 Anzac Park Design guidelines/features Description ‡ Screen police station Anzac Park was originally part with suitable native plants of the government precinct that incorporated with WSUD included a host of official buildings treatment. which had sprung up along Wharf ‡ Rationalise recent tree planting Street during the early part of the with species of an appropriate nineteenth century. The Park itself size (minimum 100 litre originally formed part of Macrossan specimens). Street and only recently became ‡ Landscaping should emphasise into a local government reserve the key axis with Macrossan allowing for the creation of a war Street. memorial. The contemporary ‡ Re-establish and enhance Park features a commemorative views to the waterfront. Anzac statue erected in 1923, a ‡ Open up views to Sugar Wharf disarmed sea mine from World War from waterfront edge of Anzac II, discovered on Four Mile Beach, Park. and a number of commemorative ‡ Establish appropriate beach plaques marking the celebration of access to cove. Australia’s Centenary of Federation, ‡ Repair and update damaged erected by the Rotary Club of Port rotary club displays. Douglas in 2001. PRECINCTS


3.2.3 St Mary’s by the Sea “The Stink Trees” Locally known as “The Stink Description Trees”, these specimens of Ocotea St Mary’s by the Sea is one of the usambarensis were rumoured to oldest buildings in Port Douglas and have been planted by a visiting was reconstructed in about 1911 sailor during the later years of the from the remains of the original nineteenth century. The species is Port Douglas Catholic Church, native to Africa and it was valued which had been destroyed during a at the time by cabinet makers in cyclone in March of that year. southern Africa. These trees are indicative of the town’s historic In 1987, the Catholic Church status as a major trading port gave St Mary’s Church (now in a in North Queensland and bear state of deterioration) to the local testimony to its maritime history. community who rallied to have it relocated to its current location in During its flowering season the November 1988. Once relocated, Ocotea trees emit a unique and St Mary’s Church was restored rather unpleasant, sweet odour; and renamed “St Mary’s by the hence its colloquial name “stink Sea”. It is used as an ecumenical trees”. This odour and the historical community church for weddings, connotations that are inherent in carol services and other special this introduced species have seen it services and events. The building become a locally significant feature is now listed in the Queensland of the Port Douglas Waterfront Heritage Register, the former and highly valued by the local Douglas Shire Policy for Cultural community. Heritage and Valuable Sites and under the National Trust of Queensland. Design guidelines/features ‡ Maintain view corridor from ‡ Vehicle set down area close to Wharf Street. the church to be incorporated ‡ Secondary view corridor from in to the main pedestrian Warner Street (relocate the network. existing electrical box at end of ‡ Key node on footpath network Warner Street to open views to and a perfect area for a meeting church). place. ‡ Remove the existing play areas ‡ Opportunity for public art and bollards adjacent to the feature as part of the above church. based on local heritage or environmental values. Toilet Block ‡ Opportunities for additional ‡ Screen existing toilet block to heritage interpretation of reduce visual impact. historic uses within the area. ‡ Connect to main footpath ‡ Enhance the scenic charm network. of the church and provide a ‡ Highlight “The Stink Trees” suitably relaxed tropical setting with appropriate interpretive for photo opportunities for both signage. wedding parties and tourists. ´7KH6WLQN7UHHµ ‡ Opportunity to enhance and enlarge the existing relaxed and informal tropical garden theme around the church with an “...one of the earliest Catholic emphasis on scented flowers. Churches in North Queensland” 3257'28*/$6:$7(5)52170$67(53/$1‡/$1'6&$3('(6,*1*8,'(

3.2.4 Sugar Wharf vessels anchored out to sea. The Port Douglas was established in completion of the Mossman to Port 1877 as a port to service the newly Douglas tramway in 1900 meant opened Hodgkinson Goldfield. that the sheds were used simply Between 1877 and 1893, Port for the storage of the sugar as it Douglas functioned primarily as a awaited transportation to larger port for the mining hinterland and vessels. secondarily as an administrative and service centre for the The Port Douglas and District surrounding developing agricultural Combined Club districts. Following the decision in In 1973 The Port Douglas and 1885 to construct a railway terminus District Combined Club took over at Cairns trade with Port Douglas the use of the one remaining shed, soon dwindled and the town the other having been demolished survived principally as a sugar port, in the 1960s. The original wharf with the last sugar shipment being structure and jetty were lost during made in 1958. subsequent land reclamation during 1977. The timber framed original There were a number of associated structure has been substantially buildings with the early wharfage. altered over time including a new This included two storage sheds roof and frontage. In spite of these which were erected on the alterations the current building is Divisional Board Wharf in 1896. listed in the Queensland Heritage These sheds projected into the Register, the former Douglas channel so as to load lighters that Shire Policy for Cultural Heritage would ferry bagged sugar to larger and Valuable Sites and under the National Trust of Queensland. PRECINCTS

The Sugar Wharf the timber framed jetty removed Design guidelines/features The Sugar Wharf building we see and the stone pitched jetty replaced ‡ Enhance the landscape today was constructed in 1904 by the rock wall which remains setting to the Sugar Wharf for the Douglas Shire Council to this day, however parts of the with historically sensitive and was designed to handle original stone pitched jetty are still treatments which recognise general cargo as well as sugar. in evidence at the side of the new and acknowledge the historic The new wharfage benefited form earth filled access to the building. character of the wharfage. the construction of the tramway Dixie Street is built on the alignment ‡ Opportunity to expose network linking the sugar mills of of this old jetty, and the original the historic stone pitched Mossman to the township of Port stone pitched approach is enclosed causeway currently hidden Douglas. The original nineteenth beneath the tarmac. The Sugar beneath Dixie Street and century approach to the wharf Wharf building and the Combined enhance the historic axis with consisted of a stone pitched wall, a Club are all that remains of the Warner Street. precision placed stone ramp some complex of buildings which made ‡ Link Dixie Street to the gardens fifty metres long, was extended by up the historic working waterfront adjacent to St Mary’s by the the addition of a timber jetty during of Port Douglas. Tramway buildings Sea. the 1904 upgrade. At this same including a station, customs ‡ Opportunity to restore part of time the original storage shed was office, bond store, workshop and the original quay line to the limit extended and relocated over the goods shed have all been lost. of the original stone causeway new jetty, sliding the structure back The Sugar Wharf is listed in both and reinstate a timber jetty in from the wharfs’ outer face. the Queensland Heritage Register, imitation of the 1904 original the former Douglas Shire Policy for with adaptation to suit the The space between the original Cultural Heritage and Valuable Sites modern requirements of the stone-pitched jetty and the storage and under the National Trust of Sugar Wharf and it’s possible building was reclaimed in 1977 and Queensland. future uses. ‡ All restoration work must consider and respond to the effects of coastal influences and ensure that any changes to the current waterfront do not adversely impact on the broader coastal zone. ‡ Sugar Wharf is seen as an iconic feature of the Port Douglas Waterfront.

67 3257'28*/$6:$7(5)52170$67(53/$1‡/$1'6&$3('(6,*1*8,'(

3.2.5 Waterfront “...creation Description The waterfront of Port Douglas was of a walkable once the life blood of the town; and it was here that numerous wharves were established to provide waterfront” facilities for the developing port. As of this area as public open space is trade began to decline upon the a key component of the waterfront construction of the Cairns railway park and the demolition and terminus in the late 19th century, removal of the current buildings is sugar became the major export. crucial to this new vision. This area With the last shipment in 1958, the is seen primarily as an open space remaining wharves fell into decline precinct that meets the needs of and only the Combined Club and residents and the expectations the Sugar Wharf Building remain. In of tourists. An experience that 1977, the waterfront between these is supported by ‘clean’ or ‘light’ remaining wharves was reclaimed maritime activity, which reflects and the area developed to provide the combined recreational and a mix of residential and commercial working nature of the port and buildings, which remain on the site ensures that boating is once again to the present day. a central element to the waterfront experience. A key focus of the master planning process was the creation of a The waterfront will provide a ‘walkable waterfront’ providing quayside boardwalk, potentially public access to the waters edge all incorporating floating pontoons, the way from Rex Smeal Park to the which will provide clear access Combined Club. The reclamation from the Combined Club to the

7\SLFDO&URVV6HFWLRQ0RRULQJ3RQWRRQDQG%RDUGZDON 68 Sugar Wharf and St Mary’s by the ‡ Create a park land with Sea. The boardwalk will take full pedestrian boardwalk, advantage of the stunning views and community facilities, short- allow opportunities to extend the term public boat mooring and current Sunday Markets to the waters visually sympathetic low scale edge. The amenity of the area will be pavilions. enhanced by the construction of BBQ ‡ The boardwalk should respect pavilions which will encourage and the heritage values of the facilitate social gatherings and make waterfront. best use of the magnificent ocean ‡ Boardwalk structures should views. not impede views to inlet (low edge barriers are preferred ([DPSOHRIWLPEHUERDUGZDON Design guidelines/features over balustrades where these ‡ Pavilions to be enhanced by ‡ The removal of several buildings are practicable and provide shade trees (tree canopies can associated with the existing adequate safety). camouflage roof structures). waterfront leases. ‡ Boardwalk structures should ‡ Boardwalk should provide ‡ To allow unrestrained public reflect the simple working ample opportunity to sit and access to the waterfront from the nature of the historic wharves; admire the magnificent views Combined Club and the Sugar simple, raw forms are preferred and furniture can be integrated Wharf and St Mary’s by the Sea. over more sophisticated urban in to the boardwalk structure ‡ To develop the amenity of the design solutions. (edge barriers). waterfront and surrounding areas ‡ To provide a suitable waterside ‡ Lighting should not interfere as a major component of the extension to the existing Sunday with the natural appearance tourism experience. Markets. of the shoreline or create ‡ Improve the visual relationship ‡ BBQ pavilions located to excessive light pollution and between the town and waterfront maximise views and local spoil night-time views by by enhancing ocean views. breezes, light structures which excessive glare. minimise the visual impact on ‡ Low level lighting to boardwalk the park land and possible (concealed within barrier views. structures).

7\SLFDO&URVV6HFWLRQ:DWHUIURQW3OD]D 69 3257'28*/$6:$7(5)52170$67(53/$1‡/$1'6&$3('(6,*1*8,'(

Example of timber boardwalk

3.2.6 Island Point As this area was essential to Description Queensland’s shipping trade, the Flagstaff Hill, originally known as dangers of outlying reefs were ‘Billy Goat Hill’ is closely associated originally marked by buoys and with the development of Port a small red light located at Island Douglas both as a functioning Point. As this proved insufficient, a maritime port and later as a popular small lighthouse was constructed tourist destination. Flagstaff Hill was in 1879, which was later replaced established as the location where following damage caused during the town’s Harbour Master would the 1911 cyclone. raise the flag to alert Port Douglas to the approach of a vessel; and Flagstaff Lookout, the former later as a cyclone warning. In the Shipping Flagstaff, the Global following years a scenic lookout at Direction Plaque and the Island the end of Island Point Road was Point Lighthouse are all listed developed and this spot became an under the Douglas Shire Council attraction to tourists for the vistas Policy No 4: Cultural Heritage and it allows to the Pacific Ocean and Valuable Sites, the National Trust of Four Mile Beach. A Global Direction Queensland List of Cultural Heritage Plaque was erected by the Rotary and Valuable Sites. Flagstaff Hill is Club for the people of Port Douglas now located within a conservation after its formation in 1988; and the area and is within the Flagstaff Hill plaque demonstrates the strong Special Management Area. sense of community that evolved in the town through the actions of such groups. “scenic lookout”

7\SLFDO&URVV6HFWLRQ ,VODQG3RLQW5RDG/RRNRXW Design guidelines/features ‡ Provide a discovery walk from ‡ Create a pedestrian connection Rex Smeal Park to Four Mile between the island point Beach via Island Point Road. lookout and Macrossan Street ‡ Provide a sensitively designed as a pedestrian only extension lookout located at the axis of of Grant Street. ,VODQG3RLQW/LJKWKRXVH Grant Street on Island Point ‡ Island Point is a continuation of Road. the natural parkland experience ‡ Lookout to offer views across offered at the northern end of the townscape and currently Rex Smeal Park. unseen ocean views to the ‡ Island Point offers nature based north. recreation in combination with ‡ Improve the visitor experience heritage and scenic trail. with suitable interpretive ‡ The Island Point Road corridor signage. will be dominated by the natural ‡ Combination of asphalt shared landscape that surrounds it. paths and dedicated concrete ‡ Platforms and stairs associated footpaths with recycled decking with the lookout structures to lookout. will be light weight to reduce ‡ The natural values of the site the impact on the natural should be protected and soil structure and reflect the enhanced. secluded qualities of the hill ‡ Infrastructure should be simple top. and unobtrusive in character and compliment the natural setting.

9LHZIURP)ODJVWDII+LOO/RRNRXW 71 3257'28*/$6:$7(5)52170$67(53/$1‡/$1'6&$3('(6,*1*8,'(

3.3 The Four Mile Beach 3.3.1 The Esplanade Esplanade Description The Esplanade at Four Mile Beach General description of design is a popular destination for locals objectives for the waterfront and visitors alike. Situated at the parkland precinct eastern end of Macrossan Street and, only a short walk from the Design of the Four Mile Beach centre of town, it serves as a Esplanade will reorganise the Gateway to the famous Four Mile road to provide a more pedestrian Beach, considered to be the best in friendly environment including the Far North Queensland. calmed traffic and streetscape treatments to improve the visitor The Esplanade runs parallel to the experience and provide a more beach and adjoins a small area of fitting naturalistic gateway to the beachfront parkland. This currently beach front. offers picnic and BBQ facilities, *UDVVFUHWH outdoor showers, drinking fountains and cycle parking as well as access to the beach itself.

“naturalistic gateway to the beachfront”



72 7\SLFDO:68'WUHDWPHQW Design guidelines/features ‡ Incorporate pedestrian friendly ‡ Active and passive recreation intersection treatments at opportunities and high quality Mowbray and Macrossan vegetation and landscaping. Streets. ‡ Use of grasscrete to parking ‡ Landscape treatments to areas to minimise extents of incorporate WSUD elements bitumen and reduce perceived and to reflect the local dunal road widths. vegetation communities. ‡ Create an improved sense of ‡ Enhance and open the view arrival at the beach front with corridor to the sea at the end of informal native and endemic Macrossan Street and create an gateway planting. informal grassed “plaza”. ‡ Improve pedestrian safety and ‡ Offer equal access to the beach (XURSODQNUHF\FOHGSODVWLFGHFNLQJ enhance the existing “shared via the life savers hut and zone” approach to the roadway. improve disabled parking and ‡ Maintain two-way traffic and access to facilities. on road cycling but limit line ‡ Minimise kerb and channel marking and traffic speeds. and use WSUD friendly edge ‡ Limit change and maintain treatments to parkland. relaxed feel of the esplanade. ‡ Minimise use of barrier kerbs ‡ Re-alignment of roadway to and maintenance strips and remove the parallel parking to use edge restraints to separate the park frontage to open up landscape areas. beach front park. ‡ Informal tree planting using a ‡ Incorporate WSUD treatments mix of endemic species. within the drainage design. .HUEOHVVSODQWLQJEHGVZLWKVLPSOHFRQFUHWHHGJH ‡ Improve and formalise visitor UHVWUDLQWVLQFRUSRUDWLQJ:68'WUHDWPHQWV car parking and inhibit vehicular access to the parkland. $UWLVW,PSUHVVLRQRI0RZEUD\6WUHHW*DWHZD\WR)RXU0LOH%HDFK

73 3257'28*/$6:$7(5)52170$67(5

“...improving 3.4 Sporting and Design guidelines/features Recreation Precinct ‡ Infrastructure to be balanced by the quality of the addition of native plantings Description and shade trees which Land topography together with harmonise with the surrounding water along the the location and nature of land natural vegetation. within the sporting area allows ‡ Open up views through to waterfront” an opportunity for stormwater Wharf Street and the Marina collection and treatment prior to to visually connect the sports discharge into the wider water precinct to the waterfront. network. The redirection of ‡ Improve pedestrian access to stormwater through treatment lines the site from Wharf Street, the north-west and south-east of the Marina and Mowbray Street sports precinct will allow opportunity ‡ Capture stormwater run-off and for improved purification and create filter through natural drainage multiple discharge points in to the lines. Dickson Inlet, improving the quality ‡ Provide a natural backdrop to of water along the waterfront. the Marina and the Wharf Street scenic rail and cycle network. ‡ Protect and enhance the natural plant communities that currently occur in this precinct. ‡ Landscaping should respect the current natural landscape values through the use of native and endemic species. ‡ Create a network of pedestrian footpaths which will provide access and improve circulation through and across the precinct. ‡ Incorporate WSUD treatments as part of overall landscape strategy and make physical links to the proposed WSUD features along Mowbray Street. PRECINCTS

3.4.1 Wharf Street (between Design guidelines/features Mowbray and Port Street) ‡ Wharf Street will remain the key Description access to the yacht club and This section Wharf Street is sports grounds. relatively under used at present. ‡ Maintain and enhance the It serves mainly as a local access scenic values of the train road for the sports grounds and the operations. yacht club, and is used mainly by ‡ Protect and enhance the locals. remnant natural vegetation. ‡ Incorporate WSUD treatments. Bally Hooley is the name given to ‡ Principle cycle route to the the historic little steam train that Waterfront Park and Marina operates from the Marina Mirage (connecting to the existing station in Port Douglas every cycle path network). Sunday and follows the tracks ‡ Dedicated and fully separated along Wharf Street to St Crispins cycle path. ([DPSOHRI:68'LQFRUSRUDWHGZLWKSDUNLQJ Station located at the 12th tee of ‡ Concrete pedestrian footpath the Mirage Golf Course. The two with boardwalks as required. coal-fired locomotives (Speedy ‡ Opportunities for interpretive “a natural and Bundy) that haul the trains are signage on heritage values, both over 55 years old, and are the WSUD treatments in adjacent backdrop to the last steam engines used by the sports grounds and the local Mossman Sugar Mill. The track on ecology. Marina and the which these trains run has been in ‡ Improve pedestrian access to existence for over a century, and the and from the sports grounds. Wharf Street whole little set-up is much loved by locals and visitors alike. The railway scenic rail and is operated by a dedicated small group of passionate volunteers. cycle network”

7\SLFDO&URVV6HFWLRQ:KDUI6WUHHW EHWZHHQ3RUWDQG0RZEUD\6WUHHWV 3257'28*/$6:$7(5)52170$67(53/$1‡/$1'6&$3('(6,*1*8,'(

7\SLFDOWURSLFDOSODQWLQJVIURQWLQJDGMDFHQWSURSHUW\ 3.5 Town Gateway Precinct Design guidelines/features Description ‡ Incorporate WSUD treatments This precinct is dominated by where possible. Davidson Street which is the main ‡ Gateway treatment at the approach road in to the centre intersection of Port Street of Port Douglas. The precinct is emphasising the main cycle enhanced by a series of resort- route along Wharf Street. style hotels and apartments which ‡ Maintain the current mix fringe the road and contribute to of landscape solutions, the tropical character of this key incorporating resort style gateway. plantings with more natural parkland features with large ([DPSOHRIURDGVLGH:68'WUHDWPHQWV shade trees and avenues of palms. “Landscaped avenue suitable as key gateway to Port Douglas” 9LHZRI3RUW'RXJODV5RDGZLWKDYHQXHRIRLOSDOPV


79 3257'28*/$6:$7(5)52170$67(53/$1‡/$1'6&$3('(6,*1*8,'( 4.0 APPENDIX 4.1 List of special projects Item PDWMP Priority Deliv. PROJECT TITLE BRIEF PROJECT DESCRIPTION COM $ no Dependency 1 Grant Street Street Tree Planting between Macrossan Street and Mowbray Street Includes: ‡specimen trees 100 litre ‡possible specialist root cell technology for hard pave tree planting in accordance with best practice ‡tree grates and grills (in accordance with the workshop outcomes)

2 Mowbray Street Plant Street trees in Avenue along Mowbray Street ‡continue existing theme of Callophyllum ssp. along community centre side of street ‡find suitable species for planting along CLINK side of street ‡100 litre specimens with tree stakes

3 4B/5J/10A Mowbray Street Potential to punch through the connection to Extension Wharf Street ‡need to relocate the “Faugh-a-Ballagh” locomotive ‡approx. 90 metres of new road surface ‡local drainage issues ‡possible vegetation impacts

4 Warner Street Initiate street tree management programme for existing street trees between Grant Street and Owen Street ‡staged pruning/removals to enhance existing health of trees and assist in providing required streetscape infrastructure (parking/driveways/access)

5 5C/5I Rex Smeal Park Improvements to the existing access/service road at end of Wharf Street ‡Requires further investigation to ensure works will not interfere planned development ‡incorporation of WSUD treatments ‡design of more pedestrian friendly/shred zone approach to access/service road

6 Anzac park Enhance Anzac park with appropriate species ‡replace existing new plantings and tree grills with appropriate species ‡open/enhance view corridor to inlet from Macrossan Street ‡replace existing bollards with appropriate treatments in accordance with the workshop outcomes

7 9A Intersection Limited to surface treatments with possibility improvements of using permeable pavements/water storage. ‡Wharf Street and Macrossan Street ‡Wharf Street and Warner Street ‡Macrossan Street and Grant Street ‡Macrossan Street and Warner Street ‡Macrossan Street and Owen Street ‡Macrossan Street and Davidson Street ‡Warner Street and Grant Street

8 9B/10B Mowbray/Davidson Provide arrival node at this location Intersection ‡investigate options (roundabout) ‡implement ‡planting in accordance with workshop outcomes


Item PDWMP Priority Deliv. PROJECT TITLE BRIEF PROJECT DESCRIPTION COM $ no Dependency 9 5K Esplanade (Four Mile Complete detail design with consideration to Beach) workshop outcomes ‡landscape treatments and the use of native species ‡parkland edge (palette of native trees – not in avenues) ‡refer to iconic tree species list (port Douglas Landscape Plan Engagement Workshop Outcomes) ‡use of different surface treatments to reduce impacts and soften footpaths ‡use of permeable pavements and WSUD edge treatments to soften road edge and on street parking

10 Screen Planting to Install native screen planting to existing Police Residencies police residencies ‡liaise with police and establish cooperation agreement ‡define future boundaries in light of proposed future land uses

11 WSUD Treatments Construct bioretention areas along Mowbray along Mowbray Street Street on Sports Precinct side of road. ‡ensure that Community Garden does not limit/obstruct potential for future water treatment in area ‡incorporate WSUD as key feature of Cultural Precinct ‡incorporate future footpaths in design of WSUD features ‡wetland experience with seating and shelter ‡interpretive areas

12 Mowbray Street Re align the existing footpath to allow greater footpath relocation incorporation with potential water treatment areas ‡path to meander among trees ‡soft edge ‡incorporate boardwalk and interpretive signage at WSUD areas

13 Community Gardens Construct the community gardens in an appropriate location which will not interfere/ impede future water treatment along Mowbray Street ‡incorporate community gardens with existing and proposed infrastructure ‡ensure gardens are linked to existing and future footpaths

14 10C Macrossan Street Continuation of median treatments along streetscape Macrossan Street between Grant Street and improvements Davidson Street ‡installation of median parking and tree islands ‡100 litre minimum specimen trees ‡new line marking to shoulder parking (angle to parallel)

15 Davidson Street Continuation of median treatments along streetscape Davidson Street between Macrossan Street improvements and Mowbray Street ‡installation of median parking and tree islands ‡100 litre minimum specimen trees

81 3257'28*/$6:$7(5)52170$67(53/$1‡/$1'6&$3('(6,*1*8,'(

4.2 List of suitable Plant Species

Suitable as a Suitable Under a Botanical Name Common Name Height at Maturity Street Tree Powerline

Abelmoschus moschatus subsp. Ground Cover No Yes tuberosus Abutilon auritum 1-1½m No Yes Acacia falciformis 2-3m No Yes Acacia hylonoma 8m Yes No Acacia leptocarpa Swamp Wattle 6m Yes No Acacia leptoloba 3-5m No No Acacia leptostachya 3m No Yes Acacia pubirhachis 3-5m Yes No Acacia racospermoides White-barked Wattle 3-5m Yes No Acacia simsii 2-3m No Yes Acalypha lyonsii 1-3m No Yes Acanthus ilicifolius Holly- Mangrove 1m No Yes Acmena hemilampra Blush Satinash 6-10m Yes No Acmena smithii Lillipilli 2-6m Yes No Acmena sp. Mt. Misery 5-8m No No Acrostichum aureum 1-3m No Yes Acrostichum speciosum Mangrove Fern 1-2m No Yes Adenanthera pavonina False Red Sandalwood 6-10m Yes No Adenia heterophylla Large Vine No No Adiantum atroviride Maidenhair Fern Ground Cover No Yes Adiantum hispidulum Maidenhair Fern Ground Cover No Yes Aglaia elaeagnoidea Coastal Aglaia 6-8m Yes No Aidia racemosa Wild Randa 6-8m Yes No Aidia sp. Gap Creek 6-8m Yes No Alchornea ilicifolia 1-3m No Yes Alchornea thozetiana 2-5m No No Alectryon connatus Alectryon 6-8m Yes No Alectryon tomentosus Woolly Rambutan 6-8m Yes No Black She Oak 3-8m No No Alocasia brisbanensis 1m No Yes Alpinia arctiflora Native Ginger 1-2m No Yes Alpinia caerulea Common Ginger 1-2m No Yes Alpinia hylandii Native Ginger 1m No Yes Alpinia modesta Native Ginger 1m No Yes Alyxia ruscifolia 1-1½m No Yes Amomum dallachyi 2m No Yes Amorphallus galbra 1m No Yes Amphineuron terminans 1m No Yes Antidesma bunius Herbert River Cherry 6-8m Yes No Antidesma erostre Native Currant 6-8m Yes No Antidesma parvifolium 2-3m No Yes Aphananthe philippinensis Native Elm 2-5m No No Archidendron grandiflorum Laceflower Tree 3-6m Yes No Archidendron hendersonii White Laceflower 3-5m No No Archidendron lucyi Scarlet Bean 5-8m Yes No Archirhodomyrtus beckleri Rose Myrtle 2-3m No Yes


Suitable as a Suitable Under a Botanical Name Common Name Height at Maturity Street Tree Powerline

Archontophoenix alexandrae Alexandra Palm 6-8m Yes No Arenga australasica Arenga 6-8m No No Argophyllum lejourdanii 2-3m No Yes Argophyllum sp. Koolmoon Creek 2m No Yes Argophyllum verae 2m No Yes Argusia argentea 2-3m No Yes Aryterya divaricata Rose Tamarind 5-6m Yes No Aryterya paucifolia Pink Tamarind 2-3m No Yes Asplenium australasicum Bird’s Nest Fern 1m No Yes Asplenium nidus Bird’s Nest Fern 1m No Yes Asteromyrtus angustifolia 3-5m No No Asteromyrtus brassii 3-5m No No Asteromyrtus symphyocarpa 3-5m No No Atractocarpus fitzalanii Brown Gardenia 5-8m Yes No Babingtonia tozerensis 1m No Yes Baeckea frutescens 2-4m Yes Yes Bambusa forbesii Native Bamboo 3-5m No No Barringtonia calyptrata Mango Pine 20-30m Yes No aquilonia Northern Banksia 4-5m Yes No Banksia dentata 4-5m Yes No 3-4m Yes No 1-2m No Yes 1m No Yes Barringtonia acutangula Freshwater Mangrove 3-5m Yes No Barringtonia asiatica Beach Barringtonia 20-30m Yes No Blechnum orientale 1m No Yes Blechnum indicum 1m No Yes Bombax ceiba Bombax 8-12m No No Brachychiton acerifolius Flame Tree 5-10m No No Buchanania arborescens Jallara 10-15m Yes No celsissima Ivory Curi Tree 5-10m Yes No Calophyllum bicolor 5-8m Yes No Calophyllum inophyllum Beach Calophyllum 15-20m Yes No Callipteris prolifera 1m No Yes Cananga odorata Perfume Tree 10-20m No No Caralia brachiata Corkwood 5-10m Yes No Castanospermum australe Black Bean 10-15m Yes No Casuarina equisetifolia Beach She Oak 10-15m No No Cleistanthus hylandii Bernie.s Cleistanthus 2-4m No Yes Cochlospermum gillivraei Kapok Tree 6m No No Cordia subcordata Sea Trumpet 10m Yes No Cordyline cannifolia Native Cordyline 1-2m No Yes Crinum pendunculatum Swamp Lily 1-3m No Yes Cupaniopsis anacardioides Tuckeroo 10m Yes No Cupaniopsis flagelliformis 2-4m No Yes Curcuma australasica Less than 1m No Yes Cyathea cooperi Tree Fern 5m No No

83 3257'28*/$6:$7(5)52170$67(53/$1‡/$1'6&$3('(6,*1*8,'(

Suitable as a Suitable Under a Botanical Name Common Name Height at Maturity Street Tree Powerline

Darlingia darlingiana Brown Silky Oak 8-15m Yes No Davidsonia pruriens Davidson.s Plum 4-6m No No Deplanchea tetraphylla Golden Bouquet Tree 15m Yes No Dianella caerulea Flax Lily 1m No Yes Dillenia alata Red Beech 6-10m Yes No Dimorphocalyx australiensis Shiptons Glory 2-4m No Yes Diospyros compacta Sea Ebony 3-6m Yes No Diplogottis diphyllostegia Northern Tamarind 5-10m Yes No Diplogottis smithii Smiths Tamarind 4-8m No No Eucalyptus torelliana Cadagi 15-20m Yes No Eugenia reinwardtiana Beach Cherry 3m No Yes Eupomatia laurina Bolwarra 6m No No Euroschinus falcata Pink Poplar 15-20m Yes No Eustrephus latifolius Wombat Berry Vine No Yes Fagraea cambagei Cape Jitta 6m No No Ficus benjamina Weeping Fig 8-15m Yes No Flindersia bourjotiana Silver Ash 15-20m No No Flindersia braleyana Queensland Maple 15-20m No No Ganophyllum falcatum Daintree Hickory 15-20m Yes No Garcinia warrenii Native Mangosteen 6-10m No No Gardenia ovularis Native Gardenia 4-8m No No Gardenia psidioides Native Gardenia 1-2m No Yes Gardenia rupicola Native Gardenia 1-2m No Yes Gardenia scabrella Native Gardenia 2-3m No Yes Glycosmis trifoliata Pink Lime 3-4m No Yes Gmelina dalrympleana Grey Teak 6-10m Yes No Graptophyllum excelsum Scarlet Fuschia 1-2m No Yes baileyana White Oak 10-15m Yes No Bushmans Clothespegs 3-6m No No Guettarda speciosa 3-6m No No Guioa lasioneura Silky Tamarind 6-8m No No Harpullia arborea Cooktown Tulipwood 4-8m No No Harpullia frutescens 1-2m No Yes Harpullia pendula Tulipwood 8-10m Yes No Hibbertia banksii 1-2m No Yes Helichrysum rupicola Native Daisy Less than 1m No Yes Homalium circumpinnatum Brown Boxwood 8-10m Yes No Hoya australis Native Hoya Vine No No Hoya pottsii Native Hoya Vine No No Hydriastele wendlandiana Water Palm 5-8m No No Hymenosporum flavum Native Frangipani 5-8m No No Intsia bijuga Kwila 15-20m Yes No Jagera pseudorus Foam Bark 5-8m Yes No Leea indica Bandicoot Berry 3-5m No Yes Lepidozamia hopei Zamia Palm 5-10m No No Leptospermum madidum Weeping Tea Tree 3-5m Yes No Leptospermum polygalifolium Tea Tree 1-2m No Yes Licuala ramsayi Fan Palm 20m No No


Suitable as a Suitable Under a Botanical Name Common Name Height at Maturity Street Tree Powerline

Lithomyrtus obtusa Pink Myrtle 1-1½m No Yes Livistona muelleri Fan Palm 12m No No Lomandra longifolia Mat Rush 1m No Yes Swamp Mahogany 15-20m Yes No Maniltoa lenticellata Cascading Bean 8-10m Yes No Melaleuca dealbata Red Tea Tree 15-20m Yes No Melaleuca leucadendra Tea Tree 20-25m Yes No Melaleuca viridiflora Broad Leaf Tea Tree 5-10m Yes No Melastoma affine Native Lassandra 1-1½m No Yes Melia azedarach White Cedar 15-20m No No Melicope elleryana Corkwood 15-20m Yes No Melicope rubra Little Euodia 6-8m Yes No Micromelum minutum Lime Berry 3-5m No No Miliusa brahei Raspberry Jelly Tree 5-8m Yes No Millettia pinnata Pongamia 10-15m Yes No Mimusops elengi Red Coondoo 10-15m No No Morinda citrifolia Cheese Fruit 3-10m No No Nauclea orientalis Leichhardt Tree 10-15m Yes No Neofabricia myrtifolia 3-5m Yes Yes Nypa fruticans Nypa Palm 4-6m No No Palaquium galactoxylum Cairns Pencil Cedar 10-15m No No Pandanus brookei Screw Pine 4-6m No No Pandanus cookii Screw Palm 4-6m No No Pandanus tectorius Screw Palm 4-6m No No Pandorea jasminoides Vine No Yes Pandorea pandorana Wonga Vine Vine No Yes Pararchidendron pruinosum Snow Wood 8-10m Yes No Paraserianthes toona Acacia Cedar 10-15m Yes No Passiflora aurantia Native Passionfruit Vine No Yes Pavetta australiensis Snow Cloud 2-3m No No Phaius tancarvilleae 1-1½m No Yes Phaleria clerodendron Scented Daphne 3-5m No No Phaleria octandra Cape Daphne 1-1½m No Yes Phyllanthus cuscutiflorus 3-4m No No Pittosporum ferrugineum Rusty Pittosperum 5-8m No No Pittosporum rubiginosum Red Pittosporum 2-3m No Yes Planchonia careya Corky Apple 4-6m No No Pleiogynium timorense Burdekin Plum 15-20m Yes No Pleomele angustifolia Native Dracena 3-4m No Yes Podocarpus grayae Brown Pine 8-10m No No Polyalthia nitidissima Canary Beech 5-8m Yes No Polyscias elegans Celerywood 10m No No Pouteria castanosperma Saffron Boxwood 5-8m Yes No Pouteria obovata Yellow Boxwood 5-8m Yes No Pouteria sericea 2-3m No Yes Premna serratifolia Coastal Premna 4m No No Proiphys amboinensis Cardwell Lily 1m No Yes Ptychosperma elegans Solitaire Palm 5-8m Yes No

85 3257'28*/$6:$7(5)52170$67(53/$1‡/$1'6&$3('(6,*1*8,'(

Suitable as a Suitable Under a Botanical Name Common Name Height at Maturity Street Tree Powerline

Rhodamnia spongiosa Northern Malletwood 3m No No Scaevola taccada Sea Lettuce 2m No Yes Scolopia braunii Brown Birch 5-8m No No Shefflera actinophylla Umbrella Tree 10m No No Sophora tomentosa Silver Bush 2-3m No Yes sinuatus Wheel of Fire 15m Yes No Sterculia quadrifida Peanut Tree 10m Yes No Syzygium australe Lillipilli 3-5m Yes No Syzygium fibrosum Fibrous Satinash 5-8m Yes No Syzygium forte Flakybark Satinash 10-15m Yes No Syzygium luehmannii Cherry Satinash 8-15m No No Syzygium suborbiculare Red Lady Apple 5-10m Yes No Syzygium tierneyanum Creek Satinash 8-10m Yes No Syzygium wilsonii ssp. wilsonii Powderpuff Lilipilli 1-3m No Yes Syzygium xerampelinum Mulgrave Satinash 5-8m Yes No Tabernaemontana orientalis Gondola Bush 3-4m No No Tarenna dallachiana Tree Ixora 5-8m No No Thespesia populnea Pacific Rosewood 10m Yes No Toechima daemelianum Cape Tamarind 5-8m Yes No Toechima pterocarpum Glossy Tamarind 5-8m No No Tristaniopsis exiliflora Kanuka Box 5-8m No No Xanthostemon chrysanthus Golden Penda 6-10m Yes No Xanthostemon youngii Red Penda 3-5m No No Xanthostemon verticillatus Poland’s Penda 3-5m Yes No


87 April 2012 - Cairns Regional Council 119-145 Spence Street - PO Box 359 - Cairns - QLD 4870 Ph: (07)4044 3044 - F: (07)4044 3022 - E: [email protected]

This document is available on the Cairns Regional Council website: www.cairns.qld.gov.au