Port Douglas WATERFRONT MASTER PLAN Landscape Design Guide Port Douglas Waterfront Master Plan Landscape Design Guide April 2012 - Cairns Regional Council 119-145 Spence Street - PO Box 359 - Cairns, QLD, 4870 Ph: (07) 4044 3044 – F (07) 4044 3022 – E: [email protected] This document is available on the Cairns Regional Council website: www.cairns.qld.gov.au 3 3257'28*/$6:$7(5)52170$67(53/$1/$1'6&$3('(6,*1*8,'( 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Acknowledgements The Port Douglas Landscape Design Guide would not have been possible without the collaborative efforts of a number of people and organisations. Cairns Regional Council would like to thank all contributors for their involvement, passion and valuable contributions to the Port Douglas Landscape Design Guide. References Port Douglas Waterfront Master Plan Indigenous Cultural Heritage Assessment - 2009 (Australian Museum Business Services) Port Douglas Waterfront Master Plan Non-indigenous Cultural Heritage Study - 2008 (Maunsell/Aecom) Port Douglas Waterfront Master Plan - 2009 (Urbis) The Project Team includes the following Council officers: Council’s Representative (Project Manager) Sandra Burke Project Manager Project Team Members Stephen Tyter Manager, Infrastructure Management Liz Collyer Regional Manager Port Douglas Jez Clark Landscape Architect Claire Burton Graphic Designer 5 6 C CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION .......................................................10 1.1 What is the Port Douglas Landscape Design Guide? ...............................10 1.2 What is the purpose of the Port Douglas Landscape Design Guide? ......10 1.3 What area does the Landscape Design Guide cover? .............................11 1.4 Who will use this document?.....................................................................12 1.5 How to use this document.........................................................................12 1.6 Glossary .....................................................................................................14 2.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES ..............................................18 2.1 Philosophy of Change ...............................................................................18 2.2 Key Design Principles ................................................................................18 2.3 Design Elements ........................................................................................20 3.0 PRECINCTS.............................................................. 42 3.1 Village Centre ............................................................................................44 3.1.1 Mowbray Street ...............................................................................46 3.1.2 Warner Street ..................................................................................48 3.1.3 Macrossan Street .............................................................................50 3.1.4 Wharf Street ....................................................................................52 3.1.5 Grant Street ....................................................................................54 3.1.6 Davidson Street ...............................................................................56 3.2 Waterfront Parkland ...................................................................................58 3.2.1 Rex Smeal Park ................................................................................60 3.2.2 Anzac Park .......................................................................................62 3.2.3 St Mary’s by the Sea ........................................................................64 3.2.4 Sugar Wharf .....................................................................................66 3.2.5 Waterfront ........................................................................................68 3.2.6 Island Point ......................................................................................70 3.3 The Four Mile Beach Esplanade ...............................................................72 3.3.1 The Esplanade ................................................................................72 3.4 Sporting and Recreation Precinct .............................................................74 3.4.1 Wharf Street (between Mowbray and Port Street) ...........................75 3.5 Town Gateway Precinct .............................................................................76 4.0 APPENDIX ................................................................80 4.1 List of special projects ..............................................................................80 4.2 List of suitable Plant Species.....................................................................82 7 8 1 INTRODUCTION 9 3257'28*/$6:$7(5)52170$67(53/$1/$1'6&$3('(6,*1*8,'( 1.0 INTRODUCTION “The attributes 1.1 What is the Port 1.2 What is the purpose Douglas Landscape of the Port Douglas that comprise the Design Guide? Landscape Design The Landscape Design Guide has Guide? character of the been prepared in response to and The purpose of the Port Douglas as a result of the Port Douglas Landscape Design Guide is to town are strongly Master Plan. ensure that future changes to Port Douglas are consistent with the reflected within The Landscape Design Guide Port Douglas Waterfront Master describes in words, pictures, Plan and that these changes the Landscape diagrams and illustrations the enhance the existing character ‘relaxed tropical style’ that is the of Port Douglas. The Landscape Design Guide and desired design direction for Port Design Guide will ensure that Douglas. The character of Port landscape design strengthens the guidelines set Douglas is defined by its tropical the experience of residents and latitude, waterside location, and visitors in Port Douglas and adds out within this mix of tourism and marine activity. “authenticity” to the tropical village These elements have been a character. The document promotes document reflect defining feature of Port Douglas’ the continuation of the “Port success and have combined Douglas” style and establishes the aspirations of together to create the unique a comprehensive framework character which underpins the that identifies the design of, and Port Douglas to town’s appeal. The Landscape how to carry out landscape and Design Guide is a tool that has streetscape works; been developed as a result of retain its’ unique the Port Douglas Waterfront 7UHHSODQWLQJWKHPHVIRUVWUHHWV Master Plan to limit and control DQGSDUNV identity” future change. The attributes that 3DUNODQGGHVLJQ comprise the character of the 3XEOLFDUW town are strongly reflected within +HULWDJHLQWHUSUHWDWLRQVLJQDJH the Landscape Design Guide and 5RDGLQWHUVHFWLRQWUHDWPHQWV the guidelines set out within this $UULYDOQRGHODQGVFDSLQJ document reflect the aspirations of :DWHUIURQW3DUN'HVLJQ Port Douglas to retain its’ “unique $FFHVVWRWKHZDWHUIURQW identity”. )RUPDODQGLQIRUPDOUHFUHDWLRQ IDFLOLWLHV 3DUNIXUQLWXUH /DQGVFDSLQJDQGDQFLOODU\ IDFLOLWLHV 10 INTRODUCTION “Landscape design enhances the experience of residents and visitors in Port Douglas and adds authenticity to the tropical village character”. 1.3 What area does the Landscape Design Guide cover? The Landscape Design Guide covers the area of Port Douglas as shown in the adjacent illustration. ,OOXVWUDWLRQVKRZLQJWKHDUHDFRYHUHGE\WKH3RUW'RXJODV/DQGVFDSH'HVLJQ*XLGH 11 3257'28*/$6:$7(5)52170$67(53/$1/$1'6&$3('(6,*1*8,'( 1.4 Who will use this 1.5 How to use this document? document The Landscape Design Guide is The Landscape Design Guide is intended for use by: divided into two key sections which will allow the user to find information Cairns Regional Council ²WR relevant to the design element or FOHDUO\GHILQHWKHFKDUDFWHURI particular precinct within the project IXWXUHZRUNVDQGWRDOORZIRUWKH area. SUHSDUDWLRQRIGLVWLQFWSURMHFWV ZKLFKPDNHXSWKH3RUW'RXJODV The two key sections are: :DWHUIURQW0DVWHU3ODQ Development Proponents and Section 2.0 Design Guidelines Design Professionals²WRJLYH Section 3.0 Precincts DFOHDUGLUHFWLRQIRUIXWXUHZRUNV DQGWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIGHWDLOHG GHVLJQIRUWKHYDULRXVSURMHFWVWR The Design Guidelines section EHGHOLYHUHG examines the key principles which The General PublicWRIRVWHU will govern future design and deals DEHWWHUXQGHUVWDQGLQJRIIXWXUH with the general elements which FKDQJHVWR3RUW'RXJODV make up the town streetscapes and open spaces 3ODQWLQJ'HVLJQ 3DWKZD\V )XUQLWXUH 6LJQDJH ,QWHUVHFWLRQV 6WUHHWV :DWHU6HQVLWLYH8UEDQ'HVLJQ :68' INTRODUCTION Each element is discussed in terms The Precincts are divided in to five Precincts within the village centre of their relevance to the delivery of main sections; are defined by street name while the Port Douglas Waterfront Master those within the existing waterfront Plan, detailing “WHY” the element 1. Village Centre have been selected based upon is important and “WHAT” guiding » Mowbray Street historic usage and are already principles lay behind the use of » Macrossan Street familiar to the residents of Port each element. This is followed by » Grant Street Douglas. a further discussion of “COMMON » Warner Street ISSUES” which answers some of » Wharf Street the more common questions on » Davidson Street the application of these design elements. 2. Waterfront Parkland » Rex Smeal Park Images depicting desirable design » Anzac Park outcomes or good examples of » St Mary’s by the sea what has been discussed are » Sugar Wharf included. In some instances, a poor » Waterfront outcome may be included to clearly » Island Point demonstrate
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