
DR. DUE 5§ W ... death. - ten-year-old Jean Finlay, a deaf MORGAN ABANDON8 CANAL «ILL. TO LD IN A P E W W O R D S and dumb child, became enveloped, in TO COERCE . Millionaire Murderer qf HU Wife and Give* Notice He Will Renew Hi* Advo­ Child Kxecotcd- flames and was burned to deathat Jack­ cacy of (lie Bill at Extra Session. sonville, Fla. ______^ U nion , Mo., Feb. 17.—Not until this EVENTS OCCURRING IN ALLSECTIONS W ashington, Feb. 11.—Senator Mor- JOINT FORCES OF FOREIGN WAR. • --Monday," Feb. 15. morning, when he arose after a fitful SUMMARIZED. gan, the champion of the Nicaragua SHIpf.NOW OCCUPY CANEA. night’s rest arid saw. for, the first time John Tutt and Dave Spencer quarreled over a 15-year-old girl at. Trenton, Ky., canal bill, announced in the senate the gallows upon which he was to die. Happening:! From Home and Abroad Ite­ and tho latter drew his pistol in a coinhat Wednesday his abandonment of that Officials Aunouuce That. They 1V1J1 Con­ did Dr. Arthur Dnestrow, tho con­ ri need From Column* to Llae*—Every­ and killed Tutt-----A light at the Kickupoo measure for the present session of con­ tinue to Dispatch Troops U> to demned St. Louis murderer, show miv thing Bat Fact* Eliminated For Oar Indian reservation occurred between gress and thereupon it was displaced by Suppress Disturbances—Claim Interven­ signs of the realization of his fate. For members of the Kickujioo and Seminole the bankruptcy bill. The senator made Header** Convenience. tion Is J usi i lied by the Massacres. the first time since the crime, was .com­ tribes; which resulted in alxuit a dozen this move after a protracted contest, mitted. three yopi's ago, he shed tears. killed-----T. Tomlinsou, while under the covering several weeks which had dis­ Turning from the .window; from which Thursday, Feb. II. influence of liquor at South MeAlster, 1. closed the fact that obstructive opposi­ London, Feb. 17.—A dispatch to The William Phillqis, an aged resident of T., insisted on making Jessie Wilson take Daily, Mail from Vienna says it is re he had gotten a glimpse of the gibbet, tion could not lie overcome. He gave he began fi> spb like a child. He put Buchanan county, Mo., was killed in a a drink of whisky at the point of a pistol, ported the powers have addressed a col­ but Wilson succeeded in drawing his gun notice that he would renew liis advocacy TO away all semblance of insanity, which runaway accident.-----W ill Johnson, son lective note to Greece demanding flu and dispatched his assailant----- Miss Dora of the bill at an early day of the coming he had earned out for so long: “I know of Postmaster .Johnson‘at Austin, Tex., St. Paul withdrawal of her naval and military committed suicide by swallowing a dose Troxell of Marion, Ind., who had secured extra session. Mr. Morgan bitterly crit­ I’ve got to die,” he,,said, “I killed my forces from the island within 48 .hours, of rough on ruts-----A severe earthquake a judgment against Colonel G. Guilder icised the British opposition to the canal. Minneapolis wife and child, but it was not my fault. failing to do which the port of Piraeus shock was felt at Brigham City, Utah, and Dr. T. C. Kimliall for betrayal and To Prevent Carrying Obscene Literature. Duluth and It was something \yithin me that made tho shock being so severe us to ring the malpractice amounting to $5,090, died and will be blockaded and general hostilities W ashington, Feb. 11.—The house me do it. I'was'hot myself.” These court house bell-— Four members of the left the money to Mrs. Korwright, a 4* Fargo will commence. passed the senate bill relating .to the words were repeated over and over Seneho family, ranchers near Ures, woman who had liefrieiuled her-----Mrs. Gr’nd Forks London, Feb., 16.—The news that a again as he lay ou the cot ip his cell, Mexico, were murdered by ludians who Lucy Roberts was burned to death at her carrying of obscene matter by express force of regulars from four Greek ships tears flowing fast and sobs occasionally tried to steal cattle-----The postoffice at holdout Ruthton. Ky.,---- John Werner companies find it has gone to the presi­ & Winnipeg shot and killed Will Lewis at Wynowood, dent for signature. has disembarked on the western coast checking his utterance. Clearfield, Pa., was entered by burglars, of the Island of Crete has been con­ tho safe blown open and over$l,1001n cash I. T., during a drinking quarrel-----Will EltHtloi'al Vole4 ouiite<). T0- It was but a short time, however, be­ and valuables taken-----John 1*1 North- Johnson, who killed Henry Hobson at firmed. No details have been received, fore the condemned man regained his W ashington, Feb. 11.—The electoral but the fojiee was probably identical rope, treasurer of the Oomstock-Chunoy Bayou, Ark., has lieen sentenced to bang Helena Pullman composure. He talked with all his vis­ March 19-----Mrs. Adison Deck lias been votes of the 45 states in the Union were with that which embarked from Piraeus. Piano Manufacturing oonqiany at Essex, itors and even smiled. This was prob­ Conn., died at tho ago of tiO years-----John arrested, charged with the killing of Vic formally counted at the joint session Butte Sleeping Cars Fighting was reported in the v^iuity ably the result of the sheriff’s order re­ Cramer, a lalxtrer, was crushed to death tor Mankins at Sandusky, ()., whom she held Wednesday and Vice President spokane of Heraklion and three Mohammedan scinding one made yesterday that the at tho dump of the Interstate Sand Car shot through tho heart-----It is officially Stevenson proclaimed the election of Elegant villages are said to be burning.' Itetimo prisoner should not be allowed to have company at St. Louis by a ear loaded with announced that Sir Alfred Milner, chair­ McKinley and Hobart as president and Tacoma Dining Cars and are more quiet. A dispatch to sand-----In the ease of A. Baxter against man of the English hoard of inland reve­ vice president, respectively. any whisky.' At 10 o’clock he decided nue, will succeed Lord Rosemead us gover­ Seattle the „Chronicle from Athens says the that small doses should be given Dne­ City Marshal Kitteridgo of Bath, Me., for The totals were as follows: For T ourist false arrest, the jury awarded tho plaintiff nor of Cajie Colony-----Harry Corn.er, re­ commander of the English ironclad strow from time to time. president, McKinley, 271; Bryan, 176. Portland threatened the commander of the Greek a verdict of 1 cent damages-----The illness presenting a syndicate of English capital­ Sleeping Cars The condemned man walked to the ists, has purchased a tract, of 1,300,000 For vice president, Hobart, 271; Sewall, cruiser and told him he would sink his of Roswell G. Miller, president of tho Chi­ 149; Watson, 27. gallows without a tremor and mounted acres of land near Puebla, Mex.. which TIME SCHEDULE: boat if he again fired at the Turkish cago, Milwaukee .S: St. Paul railway, is the steps to his doom without a shade more serious than antioipatwl, and will lie laid out for tobacco raising----- Diplonuitir lit 11 I'assud. AIIUIVE AT BUTTE. transport. Charles Bradley, adisperute character, in No. 11. From St. Paul and all eastern of fear passing over his face, lie died as his wife has been summoned to Washington , Feb. 12.—The senate i points, arrives at N. P. local The Chronicle also gives dispatches “General Brandenburg,” quietly and Los Angeles, Cal., to attend him----- charge of United States Marshal Little, Thursday passed the diplomatic and depot, daily...... 10:45a. m. relating the substance of an interview bravely, bidding a last farewell to the Charles Becker, aged 72, fell downstairs at while ell route from Ardmore, I. T., to consular appropriation hill and fixed M. U. No. 2. From Portland and all in­ between Prince George of Greece and Waukegan, Ills., and broke his neck----- Paris, Tex., jumped from a moving train termediate points, arrives at man who hud fought, to save his life. and escaped-----The works of tho Richard next Wednesday at 4 p. m. as the time M. U, depot, daily...... 11:05 pm the British admiral at Canea and Tho Illinois Steel company’s plant at for a final vote on tho immigration con­ M. U. No. H. From Garrison and Helena vouches for their absolute correctness. SrlmiuH ami Foster Handed, Joliet will resume work next week----- Grant company, dealer in cooperage sup­ , Mixed arrives at M. U. depot, daily.. 5:00 p. m. plies, in Henderson street, between Seven­ ference report. These wore tho only The prince having admitted that his St. Louis , Feb. 17.—At Clayton, a 1-uck of employment caused James Moody DEUAllT FROM BUTTE. teenth and Elghteont.li, Jersey City, were features of the open session, which was orders were to prevent thp disembarking suburb of this city, Peter Schmidt and of Chicago to end his life by means of car­ M. U. No. 1. For Portland and all inter­ Sam Foster (colored) were hanged to­ bolic acid-----Chicago Music company, 1115 utmost completely destroyed by lire yes­ cut short early in the day by the execu­ mediate points, leaves M. U. of Turkish troops, by force if necessary, terday. Loss, $60,000. depot daily...... 9:00 a. m, day. Peter Schmidt, who is only Hi Washington avenue, Chicago, has failed, tive session on the arbitration treaty. the admiral, without reservation, de­ with liabilities amounting to $13,000----- M. U- No. 7. To Garrison, eonneetinp TiiCNibiy, Feb. 10. POSTOFFICE BILL GOES THROUGH. (Mixed) with N. P. through train for clared he had strict orders to use every years old, was swung off first. He died Thu Missouri senate has passed a bill to gamely at 7:05 a. m., with a sullen look Mrs. Booth-Tucker of the Salvation all eastern points, leaves M. lueauB in his power to prevent the exe­ compel assessment insurance companies army is seriously ill at Brooklyn-----An­ lloUHe Doeti Not Suspend lliislnens lo r U. depot, daily...... 5:30 p. m. cution of the plans of the prinoo. How­ on his face and without any sign of re­ to pay suicide death claims——John W. other toll gate on the Isiwreneeburg turn­ l.hii'olii’s Itirthdnv. No. 12. For Bt. Pari and all eastern points leaves N. P. local depot 10:56 p m ever much he might regret it, he had no pentance. Sam Foster, the big brutal Cumpbell, charged with swindling the pike near Frankfort, Ky., was destroy«! W ashington, Feb. 13.—The statue of Adams Express company at Brueeville, M ixed. To Whitehall, leaves N, P. local option in the matter. He then desired negro, who followed him to death 15 by dynamiters-----During a drunken spree Abraham Lincoln in the old hall of depot at 7:80 a. m. daily, ex­ to know, the prince’s intentions under minutes later, was so weak that ho al­ Ind., pleaded not guilty-----A. B. Clark, in a saloon at St. Louis Leo Bunk was representatives was draped Friday in cept Sunday; on Thursdays this train will run through to tile circumstances, Prince Goorgo re,- most had to bo carried to the scaffold. aged 72, late editor of the Daily American seriously stublnxl by Flunk H incs -----W ill­ the American flag and wreathed with at Newark, O., was run over niul killed Pony and Norris. plied that he should execute the service IliH lips quivered and his eyes filled iam Phoenix of Sedaliu, Mo., became en­ flowers in honor of the 88th anniversary by a passenger train-----A Masonic raged at his wife and beat her so severely Trains Nos. 11 and 13 will havn with which he had been entrusted to with tears as tho black cap was drawn school of instruction lasting .three of his birth, but the house did not sus­ standard Pullman( sleeping that. shew ill die-----Saline county, Illinois, ears to and from the east. , the letter. over his head, Both died almost in­ days, has commenced at Bloomington, pend business. On tfie contrary, it cel­ Republicans refused to cast, their vote at a W. M. TTJOHY, General. Agent, 23 E. The Chronicle editorially denounces stantly. The two men, or rather hoys Ills., at whion 400 Masons- are present. priinurv because of tho appointment of a ebrated the" anniversary by discussing in a highly indignant manner the fore­ wh6 suffered the death penalty, held up -----The employes of the Lippincott Ixunp negro judge-----The clothes of Miss Mary the necessities of the postal service and Broadway, Butte, Montana. < going treatment murder, has been sentenced to hang on E. F. Glltner fell from a tree at New wd one in left ear. Double dulap in brisket. and of Crete as a sensible act and as with swindling and defrauding the public out after.it had been shown that this Counter brand—A bar across square and cos March 18. Ho is a cousin of Peter Washington, Md., and died soon after---- practical statesmanship. J. M. Longenecker, Chicago, drew out, (300 -----Extensive deposits of asphaltum have part of the appropriation had not been 9«nf e—ntacktail Deer Creek v*p**. , A dispatch to The Standard from Schmidt, who was hanged today. from a bank for a client and on ills way been discovered near Fort Stockton, 'Tex., expended for several years. Tho bill as and there are several good springs of oil, Constantinople says tho council of min­ V phiivIiih ItunH th e G antlet. to Ids office w as. mysteriously relieved of passed carries $95,435,714. also a high grade flow of petroleum----- isters sat until early this morning. It Charleston, Feb. 14.—Notwithstand­ it-----The discovery of exceedingly rich ore I’ea«« Treaty Aiiienriineiit. in the Paz mine near Saltillo, Mexico, has Will Drake of Pawnee county, O. T., fell is impossible to learn whether any deci­ ing Admiral Bunce’s carefully arranged from his wagon and was instantly kill«l W ashington, Feb. 14.—The senate sion has been arrived at or not, hut it plans for the effectual blockade of created great excitement; and prospectors committee on foreign relations has are flocking there-----Mrs. Carter, who -----Tho new Belgian minister, Count de appears that Turkey is extremely un­ Charleston harbor the dynamite cruiser Licliteweldo, was presont«! to the presi­ agreed to an amendment to the arbitra­ sued the Saute Fc Railway company for tion treaty providing that all negotia­ willing to make the Cretoan question Vesuvius successfully ran the gantlet of $10,000 damages for the loss of her husband dents---- Senator Harris is represented as casus belli with Greece. Oui1 reason is the North Atlantic squadron last night. at Emporia Kas., lias been uwarded $1,129 recovering, and, burring accidents, will tions undor the treaty shall be submitted the conviction of the porte that Europe The blockaders were not aware of the -----The jury, in the ease of Frank Ydcum, soon be able to leave his rooms at Wash­ to the senate just as the original treaty wiil protoct its sovereign rights; another feat of the ocean racer until the prear­ who killed A. Evans at Og.illala, Neb., re­ ington-----J. M. Bryan lias ixxin arrested had been. ut Conners," 0. T., charged with the mur­ is its dread that complications might ranged signal, a skyrocket, was fired turned a verdict of assault and Littery, COUP BY THE HOUSE LEADERS. and he was sentenced to (JO days In jail----- der of Joseph MeLeury, a few* weeks ago arise with Macedonia and the Balkan from tho deck of the Vesuvius. Ad­ -— Two masked men appeared at the W ill­ Sundry Civil Appropriatimi Hill Casieri provinces and with Austria. miral Bunco was surprised and disap­ The boiler of Wyriok Bros., saw mill near Under .Suspension of Itules. Magnolia, Ark., exploded and John Wy- iams hotel at Williams, N. M., and point­ A,, dispatch to The Standard from pointed. Ho had thought the thing im­ ing.their pistols at A. Altman, compelled W ashington, Feb. 16.—The coup ar­ Athens says that- the foreign marines rick and John Lewis wore killed-----Miss possible, and was loathe to believe tho Louise Sohuttler, after bidding her lover him to part with $4,000----- American resi­ ranged by the house leaders for the pas­ ELY’S CREAM BALM Is a poalUveowni. have landed at Rotinio and Heraklion. report, it is said, when it was conveyed good bye at Pekin, 111., railroad station, dents of London will shortly present to sage of the sundry civil appropriation Apply into the nostril*. It Is quickly absorbed. M Neiv Charier For Crete. to him. How the blockade was run is was mangled to death by a train-----Alex­ United States Ambassador Bayard a bust bill under suspension of the rules was cents at Druggists or by mall; samples 10c. by msA. of himself, the work of an American sculp­ ELY BROTHKR8. 56 Warren St., New York City. * The powers have decided to supervise prized as a secret on board the Vesuvius. ander Terrell, a negro who criminally as­ a complete success and this bill, carry­ The officers are all boasting of the feat, saulted Mrs. Jackson ut Hcarne, Tex., has tor-----Galveston, Tex., is entertaining sev­ the execution of a new charter for eral hundred editors, who are attending ing $50,644,743, was passed without op­ Crete, a feature of which will be auto­ and are as pleased over it as tho block­ been captured and sentenced to death----- position or amendment just as it came A burro train loaded with $210,000 of silver tho convention of the National Press asso­ nomy., The Athens correspondent says aders are chagrined. The passage from the committee. bullion • ft'om the Sombreroto, Mexico, ciation-----Mrs. Annie Bosont, the tliooso- a high Greek official has assured him through the fleet was made as easily as phist, who has just returned from India, St. Mary’s Academy, mine, was attacked by robbers who carried Senator, Morgan Carnes His I’oint. that Emperor William was largely influ­ the most experienced blockade runner has decided to make a lecturing tour of SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. off the ore-----The Wilson hill, providing W ashington, Feb. 16.—Tho senate ential in bringing about the present so­ could have made it. The trip of the for the closing of public houses in England the United .States. was in executive session most of Mon­ CONDUCTED b y t h e lution, which has extricated Greece Vesuvius showed her officers to. he on Sundays, was voted down in the house tVedneKday, Feb. 1 7. _ day, but the open session afforded suffi­ from an embarrassing position and thorough naval tacticians. of commons-----Preparations for an ex­ At Charleston the blockading squadron cient time for a sharp controversy over which guarantees peace and order for tensive season of bull lighting are being Six Miners Killed. resumed practice with the big guns----- proceeding with Mr. Morgan’s resolu­ SISTERS OF THE HOLY CROSS the Island of Crete. Public anxiety lias made, at Monterey, Mexico, and fifty Tho 12th annual convention of the Na­ Gouveuneuk , N. Y., Feb. 15.—Six of tion to abrogate the Clayton-Bnlwer Studies for Boarders and Day Pupils been greatly relieved. It is considered ferocious bulls have been ordered from tional Editorial association is in session at the eight men who were in the Free­ treaty. Mr. Sherman interposed numer­ will be resumed the first Tuesday in Sep­ that the crisis is'at. an end. Berovitch Spain-----Mr. John 1), Rockefeller lias Galveston-----Tho'education bill passed its man mine at the time it caved in, were promised to contribute the sum of $250,000 ous points of order against Mr. Morgan, tember. Pasha has arrived at Calama. He will second reading in the British house of killed and their horribly crushed bodies toward the paying off of the total indebted­ commons by a vote of 355 to 150-----The and when the chair sustained them, the proceed to immediately. TERMS MODERATE. were recovered. The other two escaped ness of $486.000 resting upon the Baptist 10t.h annual dinner of the Life Under­ Alabama senator referred to his being A dispdtch from Canea, dated at 6 without injury. William Hawley, ]*-ed foreign and home' missionary societies, writers association of New York was held “victimized” by the presiding officer Send references. 'For catalogues, etc., provided friends of the societies subscribe o’clock ou the evening of Monday, Feb. McCov, M. Louehlan, Charles Larock, .at. the Waldorf hotel. Comptroller Eckles and Mr. Sherman. Mr. Stevenson re­ address as above. j 17-2m the remainder by Jan., 1 next-----Rev. 15, says that when a decision providing A. Edgerton, John Matthews, were the spoke---- Magistrate Cornell in New York torted sharply that there was no disposi­ John Monaghan of St. Patrick’s church city committed lasigi, 'Turkish consul, to for the naval occupation of Crete by the unfortunates. Each left a, large family. tion to “victimize” the Alabama sena­ powers became known at noon Musli- Charleston, S. C., has lxjcn appointed to the-Tombs without-ball'to awftit the ar­ ; Suicide of ritilo McKitlln. life bishop of the sre of Wilmington, Del. tor. On a vote, Mr. Morgan carried his avir Ismael Bey drew up a protest. rival of requisition papers from Boston—— N ew York, Feb. 12.—Captain Philo ——A New York dispatch says that if point and the Clay ton-Bulwer resolution Before 8 o’clock. in the afternoon a It is believed that. President McKjnloy McGiffin, who commanded the Chinese Richard Croker will accept he will lie willname General Horace Porter as am­ was taken up. no capital to represent * reliat>le4iri», thatiwar- crowd collected all along the quays, rants stock firet-blass'Snd traetbMide:'' W aft ironclad. Chen-Yuen in the battle o f named as the Tammany candidate for bassador to France and Cliaupcey M. USES BITTER SARCASM. all the year, and good pay weekly. Onr famous evfilfmtly attracted ,by mere curiosity. Yalu river in September, 1894, dnring mayor of Greater New York— rA dispatch Depew as ambasseftlor to England-1—The Minnetonka Apple is warranted until it pro- Senator Chandler Make* a Notable Speech dnoee a bnsheloffroit. Stateage----- _ - - At a: 10 p. m., precisely, a launch, theChina-Jnpanese war, committed sui­ to the Kansas City Star from Scdulia Kas., conferene to decide upon measure» to pro-, Revenge, the English flagship of Ad­ says that. Rev. W. Fennise while conduct­ vent the introdqqtion of . the i bubonic In the Senate. Nurserymen, Florists L. L. MAV & CD., cide early today in the poRt graduate and Seedsmen. St. Paul, Minn, miral Harris, entered the harbor, the ing revival services has lieen arrested, plague into Europe and to take other action Washington , D. 0., Feb. 17 —Senator hospital, to which lie was recently ad­ charged with burglary. . in regard to the disease is In aesRidti at Chandler's speech , jn the senate Tues­ launph being commanded by Lieutenant mitted for treatment. He shot himself $ Tl(lM Nelson. , , Sublieutenants Addison and Saturday, Feb. 13. Venice---- It- .is stated that PiyMdent day, in advocacy of bimetallism, was over the right ear. A sis1 ret, meeting of the distillers was Cleveland, Secretary of State Olney and one of the notable efforts o f, the present Hunt landed with a detachnieut of,ma­ have made a diwovery, or worked out rines, who were drawn up to the quay Dlxou-Downey Fight a Draw. held at ljoulsville. Ky., and it has been Edwin F. Uhl, .now ambassador at Berlin, session, not. only for the scholarly care N ew Y ork , Feb. 16.—The Dixon- hinted that its object, was to form a whisky will form a law partnership in New York. with which the senator presented the by launches, followed shortly after by Mr. Uhl’s son is authority for the state- the French landing parties' Then the Downey light was declared a draw in trust, to control the output and price in question from his standpoint, but for the 20tli round. that state---- A mot ion for a rehearing of ineht---- At Cincinnati a conference of Austrian, Russian and Italian forces prominent whisky men from all. over the the bitter sarcasm addressed to Senator the eases against Alonzo Walling and Palmer and the Indianapolis conven­ put in an appearance. The weather AFFECTED BY EUROPEAN NEWS. Scott Jackson, sentenced to hung for the country, representing $100,000,000 of tire Age,” UlneUatednIagasiBe.dth year, was pleasant and the scene highly Capital invest«!, was held and resolu­ tion, the arraignment of silver Repub­ in interest of inventors guarantees work Morc Favorable I’olittenl isilliiilion Cannes murder of Pearl Bryan at Frankfort, Ky., of ift?'FatebtTDIto£mkSl4Vi^1Htotlttto!and picturesque. The Mohammedans did a Decline In Market*. was overruled and Governor Bradley Is tions were passed petitioning con­ licans who, bolted the St. Louis conven­ describes useful! inventionsfree. Complete, valid, gress to put the tax at 70 cents—- strong and eomprehehslvb .patents; best term» not make any demonstration. The Ch ic a g o , Fell. 1(1.—As was the ease yester­ considering the matter——Richard Ac- tion, and for the dramatic personal ex­ Secretary of the Navy Herbert and party advice free Address THE ISVEliTI VIS AGS British force consisted entirely of ma­ day , the grain markets were controlled almost linger of Lovel. Ky.. was shot and killed change between Mr- Chandler and Mr. Washington,ADMINISTRATORS’ D. 0.. or The Tribune ACCOUNT, Dillon, entirely by the European news, but with a dit- left Washington for Charleston, S, C., to rines and was met by Consul General by his 18-year old son, Aaron, who escaped Pettigrew, the latter being one of the BOOKS.Montana. Especially gotten up for ad­ ferent result, tic- more favorable political sit­ ---- A St. 1-oius chemist claims to have witness the naval maneuvers---- Mrs. bolters from the St. Louis convention. Bfllotti and other of the officials. Some uation causing a decline in May of 1'}(/■. (torn Henry Ward Beecher hiwl a comfortable ministrators’ use. By their use accounts Turkish officers were present as well as solved the problem of making gold and Mr. Chandler’s speech lasted three hours declined %<■,, oats declined )4c and provisions and silver from common clay---- Tom day and there was no change in her condi­ with estates kept correotly with very lit­ the seventy attaches of the French and Tp,® 17>^c. Closing prices: tion. She is still unconscious---- Among and was replete with incidents. It was WHEAT—Feb., 72}-'>c; Mnv, T4c. Johns and Annie Faulkner are under ar­ an argument against a single standard tle trouble. Can be had only of Tbibunb Italian embassies and marines. The CORN—Feb., 21»*:fMay, 23tee. rest at Little Rock, Ark., charged with thcpaRsengcrs who arrived on the steamer P ublishing Co., Dillon. sailors of the varions mitions then OATS—Feb., H'/gc: May, ](%<:. issuing counterfeit money---- A .wool ex­ Kaiser Wilhelm II. was Lieutenant Man- of either metal, gold or silver, and warn­ marched to quarters prepared for them. PORK—Feb., $7.,a: Mav, *8.K7'7. change, which is the first to be operated Uo, Garibaldi of the Italian army, a son of ing against a policy of monometallism. The British forces occupy the large LARD-Feb., $3.8.'t,; May, $3.(0«. in the United States, will be opened at the famous patriot general---- The tmttie- . Sustain a Pension Veto. GUARDIANS’ ACCOUNT BOOKS. KIRS—Feb., il.Od; May, $4.02K- New York City next week---- George ship Texas, in her run from New York to Contain fall iDstructioDB^hqw,to, proceed building adjoining the telegraph office. Cash quotations: No. 2 red, wheat. S2p>84c; Washington , Feb. 17. — Monday Ibach, who attempted to wreck a Balti­ Galveston, Is said to be the fastest ever in the management of the estate of minor The great piajority of the Mohamme- No. 3 m l, 7S@30c: No. 2 spring,- 73<{74e; No. 2 made by a battleship, the average run night’s pension session havipg, practi­ daus seemed apparently pleased with corn, 20)4«; No. 2 oats, laUc. more & Ohio train at Mitchell. Ind., has children. Indispensable to gnardians. been sentenced to six years in the peni­ being 12X knots an hour-—“Much adverse cally failed of its purpose, owing to tfie the occupation of the island by the South Omaha Live Stoek. tentiary— -Joel Mack, a wealthy stock- comment has been excited even among difficulty of securing a quorum, the To-be bad only of Tbibune Publishing powers. Many of their leaders begeed So u t h O m a h a . Feb. 16.—CATTLE—Receipts, Spaniards at Havana by the fact that the house Tuesday vacated the order for a 2,70 ; active, firm ¡native beer steers, $3.70® breeder of Kansas, was murdered at Co., Dillcn. that the occupation be extended to the Nowata, 1. T., and his thrown intoabruiih house of refuge is the only place in the night session-and devoted the day, after 4.75; western steers, *3.25®>4.25; Texas steers, city in which women prisoners are kept. whole island. ‘ Only a small minority of $3.ia)®i.uu ; cows and heifers, $2.KO'u3-80: tan­ heap. His body cannot be found— -The the routine business, had been disposed the more fanatically disposed seemed ners, $¡.75^2.75; at-ockerH and feeders, $3.25® name of Rev. Dr. Holmes of Terre Hante, ---- A medal of honor has been presented of, to the consideration of private pen­ _ . f i £ to Nicholson iBoqnet of Burlington, la., _ topttentr disoontented. It was arranged that the 1.25; calves, $8.50®5..xj; bulls, stags, etc., $1.75 Ind., has been mentioned as minister to sion bills. For the first time this ses­ Protect your Ideas: they may brtngyon wealth. ©3.80. ’ late private company D, First Iowa volun­ Write JOHN WEDDEEBURN ft OO , Patent Attor­ occupation of' Heraklion and Retiino Denmark---- There is plenty of Fitzsim­ sion the honse on a vote declined to neys. Washington, D, Ci. for the It At .SOU prise offer HOGS—Receipts, 6,000; shade easier; heav mons money at San Francisco at evens- teers, for distinguished gallantry in action and Usto! iwo-linndm; light, $3.35it3.li>; at Wilson’s Creek, Mo., August 1«, 1861 override a pension veto submitted to it possible. Without doubt the landing of bulk of gales, $.23051,3.40. for those who favor the Californian---- Gypsies are terrorizing the inhabitants —>-The Lutherans of New York city, for action. - The bill was that to pen­ SALT LAKE 8RMI-WEKKLY TTRIBUNK the troops will produce a great effect on 8HEKP—Receipts, 1,700; strong: .fair to Brooklyn and Jersey City celebrated the sion Nancy G. Allanach, thè widow of choice natives, [email protected]; fair to choice west­ near Germantown, 111., by their frequent the Christians and tend to restore peace. demands for provisions and other neces­ 400th anniversary of the birth of Phillip Peter H. Allanach of the 181st Pennsyl­ Red nee« to 13.00 per l'ear After Jane 1, erns, $.1.OO®3.0O: common and stock sheep,$2.25 Melanethon, the co-laborer of Mfirtin Mushavier Ismael Bey, after a confer­ 3)3-25; lambs, [email protected]. sities-1—United States Consul Jarigan. at vania volunteers at the rate of $30 per ,1896. ence with the military officers,addressed Utilla says that banana raising in, Hon­ Luther,' the author of Augsburg confer month. The house sustained the veto <■ I , ..bi-d Chicago Live Stock. slou and the world famous scholar and On Jnne Ist the Salt Lake Tribnoe will a note to the foreign admirals stating he duras is a failure, and the same Is said; of —yeas, 116; nays, 79. Chicago , Feb. 18.- HOGS-Receipta, 33,000; student* • ■- ,■ ■. - . redooe tbe prioe o$ tfif j Sefni^wjkly to gladly accepted the occupation and he active, mostly 5c lower; light, $&45®3.60; mining in that country-— Eastern dele­ hoped, j t ifrigbtbe extended to Sitia mixed. $8.40@&57t4; heavy, $3.36®3A2}<; gates to the National Editorial association, ‘ ' Willlanx P, St. J o h n Vdmu L . -, atndnnieBtodjMknI* S2.R0 per year,. The, present fiigb stand- Selino and elsewhere. rough, $3J5@&80.' . ' which meets at ^Galveston, Tex.', are ’¿OF ,16.—:Will»m P. S*. Los ÁHúpGM.íjFeb. is.—The,, ard will be maintahiipd. and? every eltort CATTltE—Receipts, ZfiOQ; quiet at yester- mg at St. Louis to take in the rigM #^ day'a closing; beeves, $3A$0&lS:oowr*»ad haif- ' -YiOTWndent /of tie lCstctintiIe> tion will be made to keefi tbe Semi-Weeklj in - ' ¿ h ä c s *’Valli«»* loDIe March 16. that cRyvrii-3Its-: ..George» W ,, 'Twad^'‘ tiw im w c i ’tbe Lelflnteát ezr $Ue®O0; TexM steer«, $3.00®4.15; stock" mother of John M. Satam oos«^----- ¡ U t ile $belit»fr*stfr,s s - ,3Mtv ®t, Ky., Feb. -17.—The gov- era and feeders, KUSkfeLlii.' xnrional oommAtoin died 8HXKP—Receipts, WW, steady; natives« deei'dled In that cftjr----Dill Salney,^ flxed March Iff for the execu- »iTMUO; wwtenu, $125^00; teaks, $3.73# LOB. , ‘ , - v - .... - 2 has 2p'? ’V ^ *, Tis'-*