Online - 2455-3891 Vol 11, Issue 2, 2018 Print - 0974-2441 Research Article IDENTIFICATION OF FATTY ACIDS IN SACHA INCHI OIL (CURSIVE PLUKENETIA VOLUBILIS L.) FROM ECUADOR CARRILLO W1,3*, QUINTEROS M F1, CARPIO C1, MORALES D1,VÁSQUEZ G2,ÁLVAREZ M1, SILVA M1 1Laboratory of Functional Foods, Faculty of Foods Science and Engineering, Technical University of Ambato. Av. Los Chasquis y Rio Payamino. Campus Huachi, CP 1801334, Ambato, Ecuador. 2Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, ESPOL, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Production Sciences, Campus Gustavo Galindo Km 30.5 VíaPerimetral, Guayaquil, Ecuador. 3Department of Research. Bolivar State University, Academic Campus, Alpacha EC. Av Ernesto Che Guevara s/n and Av Gabriel Secaira, EC 020150, Guaranda, Ecuador. Email:
[email protected] Received: 04 October 2016, Revised and Accepted: 10 October 2016 ABSTRACT Objective: The aim of this study was to identify fatty acids in a sacha inchi oil sample. Methods: Sacha inchi oil was obtained of sacha inchi seeds using the cold pressing method. Fatty acids analysis was carried out using the gas chromatography with a mass selective detector and using the database Library NIST14.L to identify the compounds. Results: seeds only have 3.98% of palmitic acid. Sacha inchi seeds have a high content of unsaturated fatty acids with 34.98% of ɷ6 α- Linoleic and 47.04% of ɷ3 α- Linolenic. Sacha inchi Conclusions: functional foods. Sacha inchi seed is a good source of fatty acids ɷ3 and ɷ6, being ɷ3 and ɷ6 in a good proportion. Sacha inchi oil can be used to elaborate Keywords: Pluketeniavolubilis graph Sacha inchi, , Fatty acids, Gas chromato y - mass selective detector, Methyl ester.