ORCID: What, Why, How? Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics October 21, 2015 Alice Meadows Director of Communications
[email protected] http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2161-3781 #alicejmeadows Contact Info: p. +1-301-922-9062 a. 10411 Motor City Drive, Suite 750, Bethesda, MD 20817 USA orcid.org How can you stand out in the crowd? And ensure your work is unambiguously connected to you? 21 October 2015 orcid.org 2 How can you minimize your reporting and admin burden, and more easily comply with mandates? 22 October 2015 orcid.org 3 ORCID orcid.org 4 What is ORCID? • ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that uniquely distinguishes each researcher " • Through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, ORCID supports automated links between researchers and your professional activities, ensuring that your work is appropriately attributed and discoverable 5 ORCID is… a registry • Free, non-proprietary registry of persistent unique public identifiers for researchers" • Community-led initiative supported by member fees" • Open data, software, APIs, and documentation 6 ORCID is… a hub DOI URI Thesis ID DOI With other ISBN FundRefID! identifiers, GrantID ORCID enables machine- readable Higher Other Educati Professio connections Repositori nal person Publish Funders on and es Associati identifier ers with: Employ ons s " ers • works ISNI ISNI Researcher ID Ringgold ID • organizations Scopus Author ID • person IDs Internal identifiers Member ID Abstract ID 7 ORCID is… interdisciplinary Science Medicine