
Researcher ID/ – 2019 Instructions

ResearcherID is has now been integrated into the Publons platform: https://publons.com/account/login/. Publons is similar to researcher ID and is a platform which records, verifies, and showcases contributions of researchers. Publons information integrates with Web of or records imported from ORCID, EndNote or manual uploads and allows you to track citations to your research outputs that are indexed in . Please note that publications that have been manually entered into your Publons from journals outside of Web of Science will not track your citation metrics.

Your Account

Existing Account

If you already have an account for ResearcherID, or Web of Science, you can login at https://publons.com/account/login/ using the same username and password. The publications you previously added into ResearcherID have automatically be added into your Publons account.

Create a New Account

If you do not already have a ResearcherID, create a Publons account here: https://publons.com/account/register/. You will receive a ResearcherID overnight from Publons that you will be able to use to attach to your publications in Web of Science.

Adding Publications

Once logged into your account you can load your publications by importing them from Web of Science, ORCID account, EndNote Library or manually using identifiers such as DOI numbers. (Note that citation metrics won't be tracked for records that do not appear in Web of Science).

Loading Web of Science publications

Select “Publications” under My Records then select “Import Publications”

Publons will automatically search Web of Science when you select “Import Publications” for publications that match the email addresses and names you listed in your profile.

When searching for publications to add to your Publons account within your Web of Science results list, find your publications then > choose Export > select Claim on Publons - track citations

This will take you to another page where you can select from a number of options such as Import from Web of Science, Import from ORCID, Import by Identifier (i.e., title or DOI), or Import by file upload (RIS, CSV, or BIBTEX)

Keeping your account up-to-date

To keep your Publons profile up-to-date, you can create a saved search alert in Web of Science (from the 'My Tools' function). Alerts will be emailed to you when your new publications have been indexed.


Web of Science http://login.webofknowledge.com/error/Error?Src=IP&Alias=WOK5&Error=IPError&Params= &PathInfo=%2F&RouterURL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webofknowledge.com%2F&Domain=.w ebofknowledge.com

Publons https://publons.com/account/login/

Publons FAQs for Researchers https://publons.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/5000103279