PA rtecipazione e CO nflitto * The Open Journal of Sociopolitical Studies ISSN: 1972-7623 (print version) ISSN: 2035-6609 (electronic version) PACO, Issue 7(2) 2014: 294-313 DOI: 10.1285/i20356609v7i2p294 Published in July 15, 2014 Work licensed under a Creative Commons At- tribution-Non commercial-Share alike 3.0 Italian License RESEARCH ARTICLE WHO’S COUNTING? Institutional Autonomy and the Production of Activity Data for Dis- ability Policy in France (2006-2014) Pierre-Yves Baudot (UVSQ-CESDIP / CEE-Sciences Po) ABSTRACT: This article deals with the use of figures for public action piloting in disability policy. This parti- cular public action sector seems to lack piloting figures and comparable data for the monitoring of action in institutions in charge of granting social services for disabled persons, the Maisons départementales des personnes handicapées (MDPH). Based on fieldwork carried out since 2011 in this sector, this article re- veals that the production of specific activity figures requires resource mobilisation and precise tasks on the part of organisations. The production of activity data therefore can reflect the autonomy of these adminis- trative organisations. In limiting the capacity of these organisations specifically tasked with benefits attri- bution decisions, political authorities have also limited the autonomy they could in theory have claimed, and, in so doing, have limited their capacity to make these decisions independently of the political configu- rations and economic situations within which these benefits are recognised. KEYWORDS: rights, figures, institutional design, informatisation, statistics CORRESPONDING AUTHOR: Pierre-Yves Baudot, email:
[email protected] PACO, ISSN: 2035-6609 - Copyright © 2014 - University of Salento, SIBA: Partecipazione e conflitto, 7(2) 2014: 294-313, DOI: 10.1285/i20356609v7i2p294 1.