Njoy Family Fun Day Currently, the Building Is on Sched- in the Event That the New High School Saturday at the Von Thun Farm on Ridge Road in South Brunswick
POOLS and PATIO SETS IN THE NEWS PRICES IN NEW JE School taking shape rtfPete11*** foot 254-5115 rf»»- •" & SKI CENTER **•*•"•* ' '**:. 1020 ROUTE 18 • MOVIE CITY 5 MALL • EAST BRUNSWICK Page 3 MAY 15, 1997 40 CENTS VOLUME 4, NUMBER 31 Contingency plan reviewed Students would stay contractor has been hired to test and bal- ance the heating system. But despite the at the present schools progress, Laurita warned that unforeseen until Oct. 7 or Nov. 18 circumstances might throw things off schedule. BY TINA CRAFTON Under the contingency plan, until the new high school opens, grades nine-12 Staff Writer would remain in the old high school, grades seven-eight at the present Cross- lthough the new high school is roads School, and, with the exception of expected to be ready on time, the some Monmouth Junction students, stu- A South Brunswick Board of dents in grades K-6 would stay at their Education has a contingency plan if current schools. delays interfere with the Sept. 8 opening. Board members stressed that this is a At Monday's board meeting, board last resort and not an ideal solution. President Brian Laurita expressed confi- Board member Gail Barcelo, who serves dence that the plan will not be needed, on the board's contingency plan com- but said a lot of factors are beyond the mittee, said several options were con- board's control. sidered before settling on the current "I wish we had that control," he said, plan, but the committee wanted teachers but because "we work through the public to move with the children and to have bid process, it isn't cut and dry." only one move if possible.
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