Human rights program has strong impact on campus by Denise Harrison and Maggie full of what appeared to be inter- tries had been considered. Charlie King and The Bright gizing seminars. Topics covered were everything from putting Hanna ested students. He spoke on Weinglass has worked on several Morning Star used the art of song American Economic Policy and human rights cases and won. He to express their views on human your words to music to a mind Success! Human Rights Week later on that day, along with Bob feels it is the most impending rights. They could be seen boggling discussion on nuclear is over and its presence will leave Bond, Director of Interfaith Jail issue in society and that it will throughout the day Wednesday power and defense. For those a considerable impact on the Ministry, lectured on Justice in continue to haunt us until we and Thursday, lugging instru- who were not fortunate enough MCC Community. America. These seminars were realize only we concerned can ments from classroom to class- to view Bright Morning Star in a Leonard Weinglass made his ' well attended and after one brave change this injustice. room, doing a total of seven ener- class, one could have caught a first appearance on Nov. 13th soul started the question and glimpse of them in the Brick addressing a classroom packed answer period, students became Lounge, Wednesday during col- involved as well. lege hour when they did a teaser That afternoon wine and for their concert. cheese was available to those And what a concert! Compara- students and faculty wishing to tive with Peter, Paul & Mary, per- meet and talk with Mr. Weinglass. forming everyday protest songs, Charlie King and The Bright B.M.S. enthralled and captured Morning Star were also present at the attentions of everyone at- this informal gathering. tending. Vocals strong and in- The highlight of the day began struments many, the group per- somewhat after 8:00 p.m., pri- forming both together and marily because the speaker, Mr. individually, did heartbreaking Weinglass, was late. (Have no hymns of death from radiation, fear - Bright Morning Star enter- attention grabbing sound effects tained the audience until he of nuclear reactors and humor- showed up.) ous tunes like learning to square dance with a boiler. Bright Morn- Leonard Weinglass, a definite ing Star left but events continued. activist, featured his lecture around the key work, "revela- All in all, the week went well tions." For a period of five years, and International - Intercultural beginning in 1970, the American Programs accomplished what people came to realize the lack of they had set out to do: Making human rights within the U.S., students, faculty, and the com- Leonard Weinglas spoke about where as in the past only the Charlie King and The Bright Morning Star moves students with munity aware of a connection American Economic Policy. depressed, international coun- protest songs. between local and global issues. fnnonnoe 1 DOCTRINE) ^HImmmmmmmmmm^mmmmmmmmlmmlamBmmimmmmmmailllimammmHima^^ VOLUME 18, NUMBER 11 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29,1979 Affirmative Action helped by Civil Rights movement by Brett Hawkes job, they you have to be consi- nefits and services to students neither reverse discrimination nor preferential treatment but an The civil rights movements of dered for that job. This act was and employees without regard to the 60's are now more ember then amended in 1972 to prohibit dis- sex through self-evaluation. Its expanded labor pool with in- flame. The reverse discrimination crimination because of race, co- Title IX which allowed girls into creased competition." controversies of this past lor, religion, national origin or little leagues, boy scouts, male EQUAL OPPORTUNITY summer are now more reflective sex in any term, condition privi- varsity sports, fraternaties, etc. It means equal access. Every indi- thought then assailable interest. lege of employment. It also ex- is Title IX, that also is interpreted vidual has the right to compete Perhaps, now is an opportune tends these guidelines to all edu- to provide women's sports with for resources and rewards on the time to objectively take a look at cational facilities. equal facilities and funds as the basis of his/hers own ability and Equal Employment Opportunity EXECUTIVE ORDER 11246 - men's sports in schools. merit without discrimination on and their sister, affirmative ac- This orders an analysis of present REHABILITATION ACT OF basis of race, sex color, religion, tion policies. employment patterns and to 1973, Sec. 504 - This act provides age, physical or mental handi- Since Monroe Community Col- write, disseminate and imple- a check system to make sure capped, national origin or marital lege (and many other schools ment an affirmative action plan. college's and state institutions status blocking the way. and businesses) is partially go- TITLE IX p This forces educa- provide E.E.O. to all employees Copies of the above laws may vernmentally supported, it must tional facilities to provide all be- without regard to physical Han- Henry Cooper, Phys. Ed. De- be gotten from The Rundell Me- ascribe to all regulations and dicaps or marital status. partment (Continued on page 7) guidelines set forth by the gov- EXECUTIVE ORDER 11375 - ernment. Without debating their requires affirmative action pro- existence or morality, this article grams by all federal contractors Prof offers suggestion plans to take a look at: The laws, and subcontractors. Let us also what they're geared to do, how define some terminology: they affect us, what the college AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: (as to free American hostages policies in this area are, and defined by MCC) "The purpose how effective are the college of Affirmative action is the eradi- by Gary Hughson ing an embargo of Iranian policies. cation of unfair patterns and Professor Henry P. French, goods. The Security Council is First, let's take a look at the practices of the past and the es- Chairman of the History and having an emergency meeting laws which spawned affirmative tablishment of equity for those Political Science Department, today to work on the problem. action and other civiai guidelines formerly excluded from employ- offered a method for freeing the of open opportunity: ment and educational opportuni- American hostages in Iran. No- CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 ties by inadvertent or purposeful vember 25th on the 11 o'clock (Title VI, VII) This provides equal discrimination. It is a legal means news of channel 10 Professor employment opportunity to all to institutionalize fairness and French presented what he con- qualified applicants without re- Sandra Holt, Assistant Activities justice increasing, among others, sidered the best way to handle gards to race, color, religion, sex, one of the many qualified peo- numbers of qualified minority the take over of the American or national origin. This act says, if ple hired under the affirmative groups, women, and handi- Embassy. He suggested that the you meet the requirements for a action policy. capped. Affirmative Action is Security Council of the United Nations impose an embargo on all Iranian goods. Professor French said in an College expands international program interview that the take over The Board of Trustees ap- students—from 25 students cur- Copies of the proposal for ex- makes a mockery of Diplomacy proved at its November meeting a rently enrolled to a projected panding the international student and Diplomatic immunity. When proposal submitted by the Stu- enrollment of 100 students—by program and job description for asked about a possible military dent Affairs Office for a modest the Fall Semester of 1981 an International Student Advisor solution he said, "Basically the expansion of the current interna- Expanded services for these are available in the office of Stu- essence of all the things that tional student program. Initial students will primarily be the re- dent Affairs Vice-President Tho- have come out is that there are funding of the program will be sponsibility of the International mas Flynn. Starting salary is alternatives that we can take provided by a $25,000 grant from Student Advisor. The College is commensurate with experience other than military intervention. the College Development Fund. currently advertising that grant- and ranges up to a maximum of Namely an international em- This program will provide for a funded position on campus, as $17,500 with excellent fringe be- bargo on all Iranian goods." He Professor Henry French, Chair- gradual increase' int he enroll- well as through our local and nefits. also noted that China and man of the History and Political ment of qualified international national media. France are right now consider- Science Department. PAGE TWO THE MONROE DOCTRINE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1979 Veterans Awareness Week at a Glance Vet's Awareness Week, Nov. 5- get it upgraded if possible. The dents possible career opportuni- 9, 1979, saw many diversities of Red Cross Blood Drive was seen ties in the military. Veterans and students joining on campus Monday and Tuesday Tuesday also saw the MCC Sky together to present a unique pro- in the Student Center area. Sports team skydiving in the gram involving a helicopter on Tuesday the MCC Vet's Club American flag and the colors Monday at noon hour in the back had a coffee-up and information were presented to the MCC Vet's loop of the college. The helicop- drive to help burst the Vet's Club Club and the recruiters by the 3 ter was brought in by the U.S. membership. Roland Yeager's man skyteam. Army to help promote relations Veteran's Outreach project of On Wednesday the New York on campus from the views of the MCC worked side by side with State Veteran's Employment pro- military and students in general.
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