Chapter I


1.1 Background

Since ancient times, chocolate or cacao has been well known in around the

world as currency, medicine and precious food or drink. Chocolate in form food

and drink is the most famous one. At first, cacao tree comes from Europe. Then

by trade and colonialism, this plant was spreading around the world. Therefore, in

some countries chocolate or cacao has an important role as their


Not many people know that is the big three in the world as cacao

producing country after Ghana and Ivory Coast. It shows that chocolate has a

good potential in business and in Indonesia. Consequently, there are

some companies in Indonesia which process and produce cacao , cacao

powder, cacao butter. However, it is not enough to make Indonesian chocolate is

famous as Belgian chocolate. It is because most of the chocolate that is exported

by Indonesia is in the raw or half raw materials. That is why Indonesia has to

create a unique and interesting product of chocolate.

Fortunately these days, several companies in Indonesia create the innovation of

chocolate. They combine chocolate with something interesting which is related to

culture or traditional food as additional value of their product.

One of the innovation of chocolate in Indonesia comes from Garut. Garut that is

famous for its dodol has the unique product of chocolate. It is a kind of chocolate


combined with traditional food from Garut such as dodol and ranginang. They

also use the taste of Indonesian as another variant of the chocolate flavour.

Moreover, the uniqueness of this product is the unusual packaging. They use

besek (container made of wooden bamboo) as the package. Some of them also put

the picture of tourism place in Garut such as Papandayan mount, Talaga Bodas

mount, Candi and so on.

However, this Indonesian chocolate especially from Garut is not as famous as

Indonesia such as Luwak coffee. In order to introduce Garut Chocolate to

the international people, I am interested in making a book delivering in English

which explains about Cokelat Garut includes the traditional snacks that are

combined with chocolate, the process of making the traditional snacks, and the

combination of chocolate and those traditional snacks.

1.2 Problem Identifications

Indonesian traditional snacks is worthy to be introduced to other country.

However sometimes it looks not interesting because of its package. Fortunately,

there are some who create Cokelat Garut as innovation in

traditional snacks. This kind of innovation can add the value of its traditional

snacks. Unfortunately, there are not many books talk about Indonesian traditional

snacks especially book about Cokelat Garut. Moreover, the book about Cokelat

Garut has not been written in English version yet.

1.3. Project Aims


The aim of this project is to develop a book of Cokelat Garut in order to

introduce Cokelat Garut to the world as the innovation of Indonesian tradisional

snacks. Then, this book also can provide the information about Cokelat Garut to

domestic and foreign tourists.

1.4 Project Questions

The project questions of this project are :

1.4.1 What kind of information about Cokelat Garut that can be provided in this


1.4.2 What writing types are used in writing the book about Cokelat Garut?

1.5 Project Methods

The research methods of doing this project are divided into some steps.

Fist step is collecting the information. Collecting information are done done

through literature study, observation, and interview. In literature study, the present

writer read and review the products that are similar to the project to know the

strength and weaknesses of those products. Moreover, literature study is

important to collect the available information which related to topic. Websites,

magazine and books are the possible resources that can be collected to do this

literature study. Another way to collect the data is through observation.The

observation was conducted in several producers of traditional snacks and

companies in Garut which produces Cokelat Garut such as PT. Tama Coklat,

Roslyn’s Chocolate Company and PT. Herlinah Cipta Pratama. Other method to


collect data is by interview the producer of traditional snakcs and the owner of

PTTama Coklat, Roslyn’s Chocolate Company and PT. Herlinah Cipta Pratama

also several workers in those companies.

The second step is writing process. Buscemi (2002) explain that there are

several writing processes that can be done in composing a piece of writing. They

are prewriting,drafting, revising the draft, editing and proofreading.

The third step is designing the book. This step includes making the layout

of the book, inserting the picture/diagrams, considering colour and font of the

book. And the last step is printing the book. After finishing the steps above,

printing the book and make it into several copies are the next step that should be


1.6 Significance of Project

The project significances are:

1.6.1. For the writer:

- Through this project, the present writer can apply the lesson such as

Essay Writing, Text Editing, Vocabulary and Grammar in writing a


- The information about Cokelat Garut will enrich the knowledge of the present writer.

1.6.2. English Department in POLBAN

This final project will add the variety of final project of English

Department Polban. Moreover, it also can be an example or reference for

the next student who will make this kind of product.


1.6.3. Community

- This product can be a kind of promotional tool for Cokelat Garut.

- People who read this book will get information about Cokelat Garut as the

innovation of traditional snacks.

- Hopefully, it can increase the tourism of Garut, West Java and its surrounding.

1.7 Scope and Limitation of the product

The scope and limitation of the product are:

1.7.1. The Indonesian traditional snacks that will be discussed are just those

which are combined with chocolate.

1.7.2. The example of chocolates mentioned in the book are only produced by 3

companies in Garut. They are PT. Tama Cokelat, PT Rossalina Sejahtera

Utama and PT. Herlina Cipta Pratama.


1.8 Organization of the Report

The organization of the project report contains five chapters. Chapter one is

introduction which includes background, problem identification, project aims,

project questions, project methods, significance of project, scope and limitation of

the product. Next is chapter two which explains about literature review and

theoretical framework. Literature review discusses the explanation of some

resources that relate to my project. Theoretical framework contains the

explanation of theories used in making this project. Chapter three is methods of

production which explains steps that should be done to making this project.

Chapter four is results and discussions. This chapter describe the results of the

project. It also contains the discussion of the problem identification and research

questions of the project. The last chapter is conclusions and recommendations

include the conclusion of the whole project and the recommendations for further
