The Influences of Chernyshevsky, Tkachev, and Nechaev on The
THE INFLITENCES OF CHERNYSHEVSKY, TKA,CHEV, AI'ID NECHAEV ON TIIE POLTTTCAL THOUGHT OF V.I. LETITIN THE INFLUENCES OF CHERNySHEVSKY, TKACHEV, AND NECHASV ON THE POLITICAL THOUGHT OF V.I. LENIN BY IAII GRAEI.{E WALLACE, B"A. (Hons) A Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies in Partial Fulfilnent of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts McMaster University (c) Copyright by Ian Wallace lAct{ASTER UNIVERSITY LTBRARY I,IASTER OF ARTS (L9921 Mc}TASTER I'NIVERSITY (Political Science) Hamilton, Ontario TITLE: The fnfluences of Chernyshevsky, Tkachev, and Nechaev on the political thought of V.f. Lenin. AIIIHOR: Ian Graene Wallace, B.A. (Hons) (McMaster University) SIJPERVISOR: Professor Marshall Goldstein. NIJI{BER OF PAGES: v, L82 lt ABsTRACT The collapse of the Soviet Union has challenged Marxist political theory. Many people saw the collapse of the Soviet Union as a defeat of Marxisn. Most scholars of Poritical Theory rearize that Lenin did not folrow Marxist writings. However, most still consider Lenin as predominately a Marxist. This thesis witl examine the source of Lenin,s ideas on Class, the Party, and the Revolution, and will trace these differences with Marx to chernyshevsky, Tkachev, and Nechaev. rt will irrustrate the extent of the influence of Lenints Russian, non-Marxist, predecessors. Lenin did indeed study and adopt aspects of Marxisn, but he d.iffered with hin in some important areas, particularly Class, the Party, and the Revolution. Marx, writing in western Europe, sought human emancipation, whire Lenin, in backlrard, autocratic Russia, sought political emancipation from the Tsarist autocracy. This resurted in differences between the thought and writings of Lenin and Marx.
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