Digg finds the key is safety in numbers - web - Technology - smh.com.au http://www.smh.com.au/news/web/digg-finds-the-key-is-safety-in-numb...

Dylan Bushell-embling May 15, 2007 Next

Australians who join the ongoing cyber-protest against the big movie studios risk prosecution in Australia and even extradition to the US, an academic has warned. Thousands of global netizens have been deliberately violating the law by posting a decryption key all over the internet. The code is one of a number of keys which can be used to crack the Advanced Access Content System copy protection used by HD DVD and Blu-Ray discs. Dr Matthew Rimmer, a senior lecturer at the Australian National University, said the risk of prosecution is slight, given the number of protesters. But it is illegal under Australian law to communicate all or part of a copy protection circumvention device to a second party. Dr Rimmer said the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement, which came into effect in 2005, includes very strong technological protection measures, and any Australian who posts the key online risks prosecution in both countries. The recent extradition of Hew Griffiths to the US for copyright violation charges is a sobering reminder of that fact. The key and several others were uncovered by a poster at the forums of site Doom9.org in December. The key spread across the internet, including in multiple postings to site Digg.com. The AACS licensing administrator began issuing cease-and-desist notices to a number of , including Digg. Digg began deleting posts containing the key earlier this month. Incensed, Digg users posted the key in droves; for some time every single story on the front page had the code. Other protesters have joined the fray - a search for the key yields more than 1.6 million results. Still, experts suggest there is safety in numbers in this case. "The Digg protest kind of reminds me of Grey Tuesday," Dr Rimmer said. On Grey Tuesday, hundreds of websites hosted DJ Danger Mouse's Grey Album (a mash-up of the Beatles' White Album and rapper Jay-Z's Black Album) after record label EMI tried to prevent its circulation. "The copyright owners were unable through legal means to stop such a mass civil disobedience," Dr Rimmer said. "Under (the) law, communicating circumvention devices would violate those provisions . . . but it's very hard to stop when thousands of people are communicating the code." In the midst of the protest, netizens have come up with some creative ways to spread the key. They are building on the work of the DeCCS protests of 2000, when US activists wore on their T-shirts the code that cracked DVD copy protection, to make the point that they were protected by their constitutional freedom of speech. The current protests are much more Web 2.0. Artist Keith Burgun sang the key to acoustic backing and uploaded the song to YouTube. It has been viewed more than 200,000 times already. Blogger John Marcotte created a picture he dubbed the "free speech flag", which codes the key into a coloured flag. According to Dr Rimmer, these creative methods of distri-bution don't change the illegality of posting the key. "I don't think it's necessarily designed to stay within the bounds of the law," he says. "It's just a fun way to comment on what's happened. I think that it's designed to show that the law is absurd or ridiculous and should be abolished." Digg founder responded to the protest by reversing his decision. "Effective immediately we won't delete stories or comments con-taining the code and will deal with whatever the conse-quences might be," Mr Rose wrote on the Digg blog. "The Digg community is very passionate about open dis-cussion of content, and against censorship of any kind," said Jay Adelson, chief executive of Digg. Mr Adelson believes allowing the key to be posted is not an infringement. "The infringing content was appearing on many other sites," he said. "We believe once the infringing material was everywhere, it became public domain." Dr Rimmer feels this protest is endemic of larger concerns. "Lately there's been a big rebellion against technological protection measures," he said, comparing this incident to the Sony Rootkit saga (recall of CDs with copy protection software that was also spyware). He said consumers were con-cerned that there was "inadequate recognition of the importance of access to infor-mation, freedom of speech and privacy," and "that technologi-cal protection measures have anti-competitive effects". THE LAW Australia: s116AO of the Copyright Act 1968 (as amended in 2006): a copyright owner may bring an action if a person manufactures

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a circumvention device, imports it into Australia, distributes it to another person . . . or communicates it to another person. US: s1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1998: No person shall . . . offer to the public, provide, or otherwise traffic in any technology . . . component, or part thereof, that is primarily designed or produced for the purpose of circumventing a technological measure that effectively controls access to a (copyright) work. To "circumvent a technological measure" means to descramble a scrambled work, to decrypt an encrypted work (etc). How AACS was cracked The AACS encrypts High Definition-DVD and Blu-Ray discs. Content is unlocked through a title key, which is decrypted through several keys and a volume ID. By analysing a memory dump of a software-based HD-DVD player (WinDVD), hackers were able to determine several of the keys required to decrypt the content. The key being circulated is the processing key. The AACS encryption has not been cracked. Instead, this method is known as a "side-channel attack", because it exploits information gathered from the implementation of the encryption process. The compromised keys have already been changed for all new releases, meaning the key is useless for newer discs. But the methods for obtaining the keys remain. The AACS also allocates a key to each brand of player and reserves the power to revoke them. WinDVD's key was revoked until patches were issued containing uncompromised keys. But this may prove a stopgap as software players still must store keys in memory while the data is decrypted. BackupHDDVD, the first program to use the key-reading method, was released on December 20, 2006. By January 13 the first pirated HD-DVD movie was released through BitTorrent. LINKS � http://blog.digg.com/?p=74 � forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=121866 � www.badmouth.net/free-speech-flag � www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9HaNbsIfp0 Did you know you could pay less than $1 a day for a subscription to the Herald? Subscribe today. More Technology

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