
1 Explorations of Courtroom Discourse

1 . The European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms may be accessed at the following Internet address: NR/rdonlyres/D5CC24A7-DC13–4318-B457–5C9014916D7A/0/ENG_CONV. pdf (date of access: February 1, 2011). 2 . The Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the European Union may be accessed at the following Internet address: (date of access: October 1, 2011). 3 . Directive 2010/64/EU of the European Parliament and the Council of October 20, 2010 may be accessed at the following Internet address: http://www.eulita. eu/sites/default/files/directive_En.pdf (date of access: December 10, 2011). 4 . This directive is by no means the first legal instrument advocating vide- oconference interpreting in the EU, as the significance and full support for videoconference interpreting have been established under the Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters between EU Countries of May 29, 2000, under Art. 10. 5 . AVIDICUS I (an EU Project JSL/2008/JPEN/037, 2008–2011) and AVIDICUS II (EU Project JUST/2010/JPEN/AG/1558, 2011–2013) are two EU projects that examine the use of videoconference interpreting in criminal proceedings in the EU and evaluate the competence of participating judicial authorities and courtroom interpreters. 6 . Formal aspects of the English language of law have been studied by: Mellinkoff (1963), Crystal and Davy (1969), Shuy and Larkin (1978) , Charrow and Charrow (1979), Gustaffson (1975b), Hiltunen (1984), Danet (1990), Bhatia (1994), Tiersma (1999), Gibbons (2003), Gotti (2003), Butt and Castle (2006), Mattila (2006) and Jopek-Bosiacka (2006). 7 . The data from the O.J. Simpson trial are available at the following Internet address: (date of access: February 1, 2011).

2 American Courtroom Discourse

1 . Judges of the U.S. Supreme Court are referred to as justices, and the judges of lower instance courts are called judges (del Carmen 2010: 5). 2 . McKinny tape, transcript no.1, page 45 ( Info/fuhrman.html) (date of access February 20, 2011).

3 Polish Courtroom Discourse

1 . Group I comprised the so called Reichsdeutsche , Polish citizens and citizens of the of German origin, who expressly wished to obtain

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German nationality; Group II encompassed persons from mixed marriages, the Masurians, , and other persons eligible for ; Group III included Polish citizens and citizens of the Free City of Danzig of Polish origin; and Group IV consisted of the Jews and Roma (Jurek 1998: 111). 2 . The Constitution of the Republic of is available in the English language at the following Internet address: angielski/kon1.htm. (date of access: February 1, 2012). 3 . The Act on the Bar may be accessed at the following Internet address http:// (date of access: February 1, 2012). 4 . Following Article 175 sections 1 and 2 of the Code of Penal Procedure, the defendant provides explanations , whereas under Article 177 section 1 witnesses give testimony . 5 . The principal of substantive truth is sometimes referred to as the principle of objective truth, which assumes that the truth is founded on real facts and not on theses presumed a priori (Waltoś 2009: 221). 6 . Under Article 187 of the Code of Penal Procedure, a witness may testify with or without being sworn in. Pursuant to Article 188 of the Code of Penal Procedure, the witness swears as follows: “Being conscious of the validity of my words and responsibility before the law, I hereby solemnly swear that I will tell the truth without keeping secret anything that I am aware of.” 7 . Article 233 section 1of the Penal Code provides that whoever, in providing testimony which is to serve as evidence in courtroom or other proceedings conducted on the basis of law, gives false testimony or conceals the truth shall be subject to a penalty of deprivation of liberty for up to three years. 8 . Article 280 section 1 provides that whoever commits theft with the use of violence against a person by means of threatening the immediate use of violence or by causing a person to become unconscious or helpless shall be subject to penalty of deprivation of liberty for a term between 2 and 12 years. Article 282 of the Penal Code stipulates that whoever with the intention of obtaining material benefit by using violence or threatening the life or health of a person or threatening a violent attack against the property causes another person to dispose of her/his own property or the property of others or causes a person to cease running a business, shall be subject to penalty of depriva- tion of liberty for a term of between one and ten years. Article 13 section 1 provides that whoever, with the intention to commit a prohibited act, directly attempts its commission by his conduct, which subsequently does not take place is held liable for attempt. References

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act sequence social role during the inquisitorial act sequence with reference to the procedure of witness American criminal trial, 38–39 examination of witnesses, act sequence with reference to the 135–137 Polish criminal trial, 120 attorney for the prosecution in the adversarial procedure of witness United States examination under Common attorneys for the prosecution in Law in the United States, 1, 2, the American criminal trial, 23–93, 165–178 34–35 approaches to the study of language education, appointment to formal and functional approaches the position and tasks in the to the study of language, 5 criminal trial, 30–32 attorney for the defense social role during the adversarial attorney for the defense in Poland procedure of witness attorneys for the defense in the examination of witnesses, 58–60 Polish criminal trial, 115 education, appointment to Civil Law legal system in Poland, 1, 2, the position and tasks in the 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 94–102 criminal trial, 114–116 Common Law legal system in the social role during the inquisitorial United States, 1, 2, 9, 11, 12, procedure of witness 13, 14, 16, 23–27 examination of witnesses, communicative competence, 16, 176, 129–137 184 attorney for the defense in the comparative law definition, 10 United States context, 1, 2, 8, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20, 23, attorneys for the defense in the 92, 164, 165 American criminal trial, 34–35 conversation analysis, 16–17, 42–75, education, appointment to 93, 129–150, 165, 169–173 the position and tasks in the conversation analysis approach to criminal trial, 32–36 American courtroom discourse, social role during the adversarial 42–75, 169–173 procedure of witness conversation analysis approach to examination of witnesses, Polish courtroom discourse, 60–66 129–150, 169–173 attorney for the prosecution co-operative principle by Grice (1975), attorney for the prosecution in 19, 75–83, 150–164 Poland court system in Poland, 102–107 attorneys for the prosecution in court system in the United States, the Polish criminal trial, 113 27–29 education, appointment to courtroom interaction, 1, 2, 9, 52–66, the position and tasks in the 129–138 criminal trial, 110–113 culture definition, 13

203 204 Index defendant hypotheses, 14, 166 defendant in the American criminal trial, 37 inquisitorial procedure of witness defendant in the Polish criminal examination under Civil Law in trial, 117–118 Poland, 120, 140–143, 146–150 diachronic study of courtroom instrumentalities discourse, 8 instrumentalities with reference to American courtroom discourse, ends 39–40 ends with reference to the American instrumentalities with reference to criminal trial, 38 Polish courtroom discourse, ends with reference to the Polish 121–122 criminal trial, 119 English language of law judge idiosyncratic traits of the English judge under Civil Law in Poland language of law, 39–40 education, appointment to ethnography of communication, 1, the position and tasks in the 9, 15, 16, 17, 23, 94, 164, 165, criminal trial, 107–109 166, 167, 168, 171, 176, 179 social role during the inquisitorial ethnography of communication procedure of witness approach to American examination of witnesses, courtroom discourse, 23–41, 129–138 169–173 judge under Common Law in the ethnography of communication United States approach to Polish courtroom education, appointment to discourse, 94–128, 167–173 the position and tasks in the evidence, types of, 43 criminal trial, 29–30 examination of witnesses social role during the inquisitorial examination of witnesses under procedure of witness Civil Law in Poland examination of witnesses, free and unrestricted explanation 52–58 by defendant, 120, 140–143, jury, 35–37 146–150 free and unrestricted testimony key by witnesses, 120, 143–146, key with reference to American 146–150 courtroom discourse, 39 examination of witnesses under key with reference to Polish Common Law in the United courtroom discourse, 121 States cross-examination of witnesses, law definition, 10 38–39, 47–52, 66–75 lay assessors, 117, 125, 167, 180 direct examination of witnesses, legal norm 38–39, 47–52, 66–75 definition, 10 legal norms under Civil Law, 10 genres legal norms under Common Law, American courtroom discourse as 10 genre, 41–44 legal system Polish courtroom discourse as genre, definition of legal system, 10 128–129 legal system in Poland, 94–102 Index 205 legal system – continued social roles of judges, attorneys for legal system in the United States, the prosecution and attorneys 23–27 for the defense in the American types of legal systems, 11 criminal trial, see under linguistic anthropology, 2, 10, 13 attorneys for the prosecution; attorneys for the defense in the methodology applied in the study of American and Polish criminal American and Polish courtroom trials; judges discourse, 1, 2, 6, 9, 13–21, 22, SPEAKING grid, 15, 16 165, 166, 179 speech acts, 15, 16, 17, 18, 83–92, 93, 122, 158, 164, 174 norms of interaction speech acts in American courtroom norms of interaction with reference discourse, 83–92 to the American criminal trial, speech acts in Polish courtroom 40–41 discourse, 158–164 norms of interaction with reference speech community, 15, 19, 41, 42, 86, to the Polish criminal trial, 122, 128, 158 122–128 speech event, 15, 16, 38, 92, 119, 120, 128, 164, 168, 169, 170, 173, pragmatic aspects of American 176, 180 courtroom discourse, 75–92, speech situation, 15, 16, 173–176 164 pragmatic aspects of Polish courtroom stare decisis, 10, 26, 27 discourse, 150–164, 173–176 synchronic study of courtroom pragmatics, 1, 2, 15, 17, 19, 23, 83, 94, discourse, 8, 166 122, 158, 166, 173, 174, 176, 177, 179, 180 translational competence, 3 precedent, 10, 24, 26, 27 principle of formal truth, 20, 38, 41, victims 124, 172, 173, 177, 180 victims in the American criminal principle of substantive truth, 119, trial, 37 123, 124, 140, 153, 157, 164, victims in the Polish criminal trial, 169, 172, 173, 177, 180 117 questions witnesses questions asked in the American witnesses in the American criminal criminal trial, 66–75 trial, 38 questions asked in the Polish witnesses in the Polish criminal criminal trial, 146–150 trial, 118–119