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Avian Gastrointestinal Anatomy and Physiology Kirk C

Avian Gastrointestinal Anatomy and Physiology Kirk C

Avian Gastrointestinal and Physiology Kirk C. Klasing, BS, MS, PhD

A 's gastrointestinal (GI) tract morphology, diges- their GI tracts appear to be morphologically tive strategy, and metabolic capability have been inti- more similar to and turkeys than to mately intertwined during evolution to match the nutri- ent content and physical attributes of foods available in with very different dietary patterns, such as its natural habitat. The most commonly kept compan- carnivorous or herbivorous species. This permits ion species are granivorous with a tendency toward us to use the well-studied as a point of omnivory. The beak, oral cavity, and tongue of granivo- reference when examining the GI tracts of com- rous birds have anatomic adaptations for shelling seeds, panion avian species. including ridges in the tomia of their beak for slicing the hull and a dexterous tongue for manipulating the seed The GI tract of a bird provides an environ- and disposing the hull. Granivorous species possess a ment for the physical and chemical reduction in sizeable or an expandable esophageal pouch for the size and molecular complexity of food and storing food so that large meals can be consumed. Their then absorbs the end products of , is somewhat small, and their is which are needed in widely differing quantities. large, muscular, and possesses a thick cuticle relative to carnivores or frugivores. A vestigial ceca and short A young chick requires a diet with more than provide little area for use of symbiotic bacteria 15% protein, but only 0.0000003% of vitamin to aid in the digestion of the fibrous components of B12. The anatomy and digestive functions of the food. GI tract are designed to accommodate this wide Copyright 1999 by W. B. Saunders Company. range of quantitative needs. The GI tract has Key words: Digestion, companion birds, gastrointesti- sufficient morphological plasticity to accommo- nal tract. date changes in nutritional needs during the life cycle and to adapt to changing physical and nutritional characteristics of the diet. ~,4 re than 9,000 species of birds (more than ce as many as mammals) fill many of the possible niches within the earth's food web. A bird's gastrointestinal (GI) tract morphology, Anatomy and Physiology digestive strategy, and metabolic capability have of the Digestive System been intimately intertwined during evolution to The avian digestive tract is a continuous tube match the nutrient content and physical at- that opens at either end (beak and vent) to the tributes of foods available in its natural habitat. outside world and consists of a mouth, esopha- When compared across species, the GI tract is gus, crop, proventriculus, ventriculus or gizzard, the most anatomically diverse system. intestine, ceca, rectum, and cloaca (Fig 1). As However, distantly related species consuming food progresses through these organs, a specific similar food items often display morphological sequence of digestive events occurs, including convergence because of similar nutritional and grinding, acidifying, hydrolyzing, emulsifying, ecological selection pressures. 1,2 The most com- and transporting of the end products. monly kept companion species are granivorous The distinctive anatomy and physiology of the with a tendency toward omnivory (Table 1), and avian GI tract reflects the constraints of flight, in that most of the tract's weight is centralized within the body cavity to optimize aerial maneu- From the Department of Animal Science, University of Califor- verability. The avian GI tract has a larger number nia, Davis, Davis, CA. of organs, which have greater interorgan coopera- Address reprint requests to Kirk C. Klasing; BS, MS, PhD, tion than their mammalian counterparts. The Department of Animal Science, University of California, Davis, One Shields Ave, 2131 B. Meyo'Hall, Davis, CA 95616. precise anatomic plan of the digestive tract of Copyright 1999by W. B. Saunders Company. companion birds varies somewhat, depending 1055-937X/99/0802-0002510. 00/0 on their typical diet.

42 Seminars in Avian and Exotic Pet Medicine, Vol 8, No 2 (April), 1999:pp 42-50 Avian Digestion 43

Table 1. Habits of Some Species of Captively naso-frontal hinge, permitting an increased gape Propagated Birds of the beak and providing flexion that absorbs Mostly granivorous species some of the shock associated with pecking and Gouldian Finch seed cracking. 5,6 Zebra Finch The hyoid apparatus, consisting of multiple Canary articulating bones and their associated muscula- Budgerigar Cockatiel ture, mobilizes the tongue. Psittacidae are unique Domestic Pigeons among birds in that they have additional muscles Omnivorous, but tending to be granivorous in the anterior regions of their tongues that are Conures independent of the hyoid apparatus and permit Rosella added flexibility. 7 The tongues of lories and Sulfur-crested Cockatoo African Grey lorikeets are relatively long and end in fine, Amazon Parrot hairlike processes for the collection of sap or Macaw nectar through capillary action, s Tongues of Chicken many other psittacine species are thick and Omnivorous, but tending to be frugivorous muscular, acting as fingers for the manipulation Toucan Mynah and extraction of seeds from their husks or from Barbets cones. The tongues of passerines, such as finches Omnivores, but tending to be nectarivorous and fru- and canaries, are narrow, short, and not very givorous muscular. Lofikeets The anterior part of the oral cavity is roofed Lories with a hard palate, which in finches, canaries, budgerigars, and cockatiels contains two ridges Beak, Tongue, and Oral Cavity that facilitate removal of the shell from seeds The beak, tongue, and oral cavity function in before consumption. Typically, granivorous spe- grasping, testing, mechanical processing, and cies have well-developed compound tubular sali- lubricating food and propelling the food to the vary glands scattered in groups around the lower . Their specific morphology reflects oral cavity, tongue, and . the physical requirements of obtaining and pro- The rapid transit of food through the mouth, cessing food items. The granivorous tendency of lack of mastication, relatively low saliva addition most companion birds is evident in their short to the food, and low numbers of taste receptors stout beaks with pronounced ridges designed for result in poor taste acuity relative to humans. cracking seeds and dexterous tongue for manipu- have about 350 taste receptors, com- lating the seed when shelling it. pared with 9,000 in hmnans. 9 Most taste buds are A keratin sheath (rhamphotheca) growing located on the palate and on the posterior from the upper and lower mandible forms the tongue. The palatal taste buds are usually located beak. The keratin is continually lost by wear and in regions where the epithelium is soft and replaced by new growth. The location and rate of glandular, typically near the salivary glands. The growth and wear influence the exact shape of the tongue, oral cavity, and beak have a rich supply beak, and subtle changes may occur as food types of touch receptors that augment the bird's rela- change. The tomia, or outer edges, are some- tively poor gustatory capacity with a strong tactile what sharp to facilitate cutting seed coats. Sev- sense. eral structural attributes of the beak, jaws, and Esophagus and Crop skull provide unique functional characteristics that are important in obtaining food. The attach- The esophagus extends down the neck into ment of the lower beak to the skull is somewhat the thoracic cavity and terminates in the proven- loose, permitting a large gape. A bird's gape triculus. In the budgerigar, the esophagus is places the upper limit on the size of food item dorsal to the trachea in the anterior regions of that can be consumed and is particularly large in the neck and then runs along the right side. 1~ frugivorous species (eg, toucans). A second struc- Peristaltic contraction of inner circular and outer tural adaptation found in parrots is the articula- longitudinal muscles in the tunica muscularis tion of the upper mandible in the cranium at the propels food posteriorly through the esophagus. 44 Kirk C. Klasing




Pancreas /

"Cloacal bursa Cloaca

lal loop loop

Figure 1. The digestive tract of a Budgerigar. (Reprinted with permission. 10 )

To aid in swallowing large food items, the esopha- side of the neck, and this organ extends trans- gus is expandable as a result of a series of versely to the left side. The presence of large longitudinal folds. This accordion-like arrange- folds of mucosa allows considerable expansion ment is enriched with mucous glands to provide and shrinkage, depending on the amount of lubrication. The epithelial lining is thick and contents. Immediately cranial to the thoracic cornified for protection against mechanical dam- inlet, the crop narrows to reform an esophageal age as a result of swallowing food items whole. In tube and passes between the coracoid bones to many species, the esophagus widens into a crop the right of the syrinx and dorsal to the heart, i~ just before entering the thoracic cavity. In the Some granivorous species (eg, Cardueline budgerigar, the inlet to the crop is on the right Finches) do not have a true crop, but they Avian Digestion 45 usually have a very expandable esophageal pouch The thickness and physical properties of the that can store food items. cuticle are highly correlated with food con- sumed, being especially thick in granivores, but thin and soft in frugivores and nectarivores. It is The stomach consists of the proventriculus thickest and toughest directly under the thick (glandular stomach) and the gizzard (muscular muscles, which provide much of the grinding stomach), which is sometimes called the ventricu- within the gizzard. The cuticle lining wears down lus. The proventriculus is the site at which steadily and undergoes continual renewal. It is digestion is initiated. Its epithelium contains often green, brown, or yellow in color because of glands of two principal types: the tubular glands the reflux of bile pigments from the small that secrete mucous and the that intestine. A pyloric fold separates the gizzard secrete hydrochloric acid (HC1) and pepsin. from the and regulates the pas- These compound glands compose most of the sage of food between these organs. thickness of the proventricular wall. In granivo- The size of the gizzard can change with diet, rous species, the proventriculus is elongated and and in most wild species, the gizzard size follows relatively small in diameter relative to the giz- a seasonal rhythm. For example, facultative grani- zard.ll vores-frugivores have a large, muscular, and grit- The function of the gizzard is to mechanically filled gizzard with a hard cuticle in the winter massage and grind food to reduce its size and when they eat mostly seeds; but in the summer, increase its surface area. It also serves as a when the birds eat mostly soft fruits, the gizzard location for the action of HC1 and pepsin added weighs half as much and has a softened cuticle with little grit. 14 to the food during passage through the proven- triculus. The gizzard of species that feed on Intestines foods that are soft and easily digested (eg, lories, mynahs, and toucans) is a relatively round organ The form and function of the small intestine similar in thickness and muscularity to the proven- is less variable than the more anterior digestive triculus. In granivores, the gizzard is a larger and organs, probably because the diverse physical more muscular organ than in frugivores and nature of different foods is reduced to a rela- nectarivores and is typically larger in size than tively uniform and fluid chyme. The duodenal the proventriculus. loop of the intestine encircles the pancreas and The gizzard consists of two pairs of smooth receives the pancreatic and hepatic ducts. The muscles arranged in distinct bands that both and are not clearly demarcated in originate and terminate on a circular tendon. birds. The asymmetrical arrangement of these four The epithelium of the intestine contains villi muscles provides mixing and grinding actions and intestinal crypts. 15 Epithelial cells of the villi during contraction. High myoglobin concentra- have about 105 microvilli per square millimeter tions give these muscles their distinctive red on their apical surface, increasing the absorbing coloration. The interior lining of the gizzard surface area 15-fold. The villi contain a rich contains numerous deep tubular glands that capillary bed, which picks up the absorbed nutri- produce a protein-rich secretion that hardens ents and transfers them to the portal blood into rod-like projections. 12 These rods trap de- vessels. Goblet cells located in the intestinal squamated epithelial cells and form the cuticle epithelium secrete copious mucous that func- lining of the lumen. The cuticle acts as a grind- tions to protect the intestinal epithelium from ing surface and protects the underlying mucosa digestive enzymes and abrasion by the digesta. from digestion by the acid and pepsin that was The mucous is particularly thick along the ante- secreted by the proventriculus. The rods (--~20 rior , where it protects the villi from pm in diameter) act to increase the abrasiveness excessive acidity of the digesta leaving the giz- of the cuticle. Grit may also lodge in the gizzard zard. The intestine is surrounded by two muscle to add a more coarse abrasive action. 13 Grit is layers, the inner circular and outer longitudinal, particularly important for species that do not which are responsible for mixing the digesta and remove the shell from seeds before swallowing propelling it through the tract. (eg, doves, pheasants, and quail). The ceca of psittacines and passerines are 46 Kirk C. Klasing vestigial in that they are not readily observable by bile acids and bile salts. Bile acids and salts, the naked eye. The ceca are visible histologically phospholipids, and cholesterol are secreted into as a nodule of lymphatic tissue within the intesti- the bile canaliculi and collected by the bile ducts. nal wall at the junction of the small intestine and A gall bladder is present in some species, but is the rectum. Many familiar avian species, such as absent in others (eg, many psittacines, such as ducks, chickens, and ratites, have very large ceca, budgerigars). which aid in the digestion of vegetation and in The pancreas lies within a loop of the duode- water balance. 16,17 num. The digestive enzymes produced in the The rectum extends between the ileocecal tubulo-ascinar glands of the pancreas are col- junction and the cloaca. A frequently used syn- lected into ducts. In budgerigars, the three onym for the avian rectum is "colon." It is very pancreatic lobes are each drained by a separate short and small in diameter compared with the duct, two of which enter on the inner surface of of mammals (except in the os- the distal duodenal loop next to the bile duct trich), and thus is not appropriately referred to and one that enters on the opposite side of the as a "large intestine." Histologically, the rectum duodenum. 1~ Avian pancreatic juice contains is similar to the small intestine, except that the enzymes similar to those of mammals, including villi are shorter and richer in lymphoid follicles. amylase, lipases, trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxy- peptidases A, B, and C, deoxyribonucleases, Cloaca ribonucleases, and elastases, is The pancreas also produces bicarbonate, which buffers the intesti- The cloaca is the terminal chamber into nal pH. which the digestive tact and the urogenital ducts empty and has a much larger diameter than the rectum. The rectum enters midventrally into the Digestion of Food coprodeum region of the cloaca, which serves as a storage area for urine and feces. A mucosal fold The assimilation of nutrients present in food separates the coprodeum from the urodeum, requires mechanical and enzymatic digestion in which receives the ureters and the oviduct, or the the lumen of the GI tract and absorption through deferent ducts in males. Upon defecation, this the intestinal epithelium. Digesta moves in the fold can be everted through the vent, permitting general direction of mouth to vent, but in many the expulsion of feces without passing through species of birds that have been studied, this and contaminating the urodeum and procto- posterior flow is interrupted by refluxes in the deum. This fold closes during egg laying by the opposite direction. Retrograde movement of female and ejaculation by the male to prevent digesta occurs between (1) the proventriculus fecal contamination of the egg or semen, respec- and the gizzard, (2) the small intestine and the tively. The proctodeum forms the posterior re- gizzard, (3) the rectum and the small intestine, gion of the cloaca and receives the opening of and (4) the cloaca and the rectum. The reflux of the bursa of Fabricius. digesta between the proventriculus and gizzard is The vent is a transverse slit that has lips on thought to be necessary to optimize the action of both the dorsal and ventral sides. The procto- enzymatic and mechanical digestion, whereas deum and the vent are surrounded by voluntary the reflux from cloaca to rectum is necessary muscles that form a sphincter that provides the because of the need to resorb protein, salts, and bird some control over the timing of its defeca- water present in the urine. 3,19 tion. During defecation, the dorsal and ventral Most species of birds kept in captivity rely lips are partly everted, forming a circular orifice almost exclusively on the action of enzymes for passage of the feces and urine. coded for by genes within their own genome (autoenzymatic digestion). These enzymes are produced in the proventriculus, small intestine, Accessory Organs pancreas, and possibly, other organs of the tract. The , gall bladder, and pancreas are Alloenzymatic digestion caused by enzymes of important accessory organs of the digestive sys- microbial origin seems to be of little importance tem. The liver has two lobes of nearly equal size. in most companion birds. This is illustrated by Its primary digestive role is the production of the small size of the rectum and the vestigial Avian Digestion 47 form of the ceca in Passeriforrnes and Picifor- fore swallowing, little breakdown of food occurs mes, and the almost complete absence ofceca in in the mouth. 21 Psittaciformes.16 Unfortunately, most physiologi- Water consumption requires similar coordina- cal and metabolic details of digestive processes of tion of the tongue, laryngeal mound, and esopha- companion birds are based on knowledge gener- gus as swallowing food and may be aided by ated with , and these inferences generally elevation of the head. Many species of psittacines await confirmation by investigative research. also propel water backward into their esophagus by lapping motions of their tongue. Prehension and Swallowing The techniques that birds use to process seeds are dependent on the characteristics of the seed. The beak is used for grasping of food items Dicotyledonous seeds (eg, legumes, sunflowers, and often functions, together with the tongue, in processing food by sorting, hulling, tearing, or and many woody trees and shrubs) are cut, crushing. Salivary flow is triggered by the antici- whereas a crushing action is used to remove the pation of food consumption and by the physical coat from monocotyledonous seeds (eg, grains). distention of the oral cavity. Saliva and mucous Finches in the families Fringillidae and Estrildi- secreted within the esophagus lubricate the food dae have two lateral grooves in their upper palate when it is swallowed, z~ Swallowing usually occurs that are wide and deep at the posterior end of quickly after procurement of food. The tactile the palate and shallow and narrow near the beak stimulation of the tongue by food causes a series tip. 11,22 Large seeds are positioned by the action of rapid posterior tongue movements that push of the tongue into the broad region of the the food to the pharynx. The esophagus moves proximal ridge, and smaller seeds are cradled in forward to receive the food and propels it down- the narrower ridge toward the tip. Once wedged ward by a constriction of muscles behind the in place, the shell is cut by rapid anterior- bolus of food and dilation of muscles ahead. This posterior movements of the sharp-edged lower peristaltic action delivers the food bolus to the beak (Fig 2). The tongue is used to repeatedly proventriculus or to the crop if the proventricu- turn the seed until weak spots are found in the lus is full. Because of low level of enzymes, shell and also to transfer the seed to the other minimal mechanical action, and short time be- side of the beak so the opposite side of the seed

D Cl

Figure 2. Shell of an oval-shaped seed is removed by a finch by wedging it into the grooves of its beak and cutting it with anterior-posterior movements of the mandibles (lateral views shown in the two top illustrations; cross-sectional views shown in bottom three illustrations). (A) The tongue is used to position the seed in one side of the beak, and part of the shell is removed. (B) The seed is transferred to the other side of the beak where the rest of the shell is removed. (C) The deshelled seed (light color) can then be swallowed. (Reprinted with permission. 3) 48 Kirk C. Klasing can be cut next. This process is repeated until that permits a bird to rapidly forage for large the seed is opened and the shell is removed by amounts of food and then fly off to digest the the tongue and discarded. Birds that frequently meal in safe cover. A crop also permits "tanking feed on monocotyledonous seeds (buntings, car- up" in the evening, so that food can be slowly dinals, tanagers, weavers and various other Em- released to supply nutrients during the night- berizidae, Estrildidae, and Ploceidae) position time. 27,2s In small species (eg, hummingbirds), them against enlarged buttress-like ridges in the the filling of a large crop by extensive foraging at hard palate and crush them with an upward dusk fuels their high metabolic rate for several thrust of the lower mandible. In contrast, round hours into the night. In larger species, food seeds are placed into the lateral groove of the stored during evening feeding supplies the major- palate and crushed by the lower mandible. In ity of the nocturnal energy needs. both cases, the tongue is used to separate the The crop and the esophagus play an impor- seed from the crushed shell. Birds, such as large tant role in nourishing the young by permitting parrots (macaws, cockatoos), that feed on very the storage and softening of food, which is later hard seeds can develop tremendous pressure regurgitated into the beak of the nestlings. The with their enlarged jaw muscles. nutritional and immunologic contribution of Seed preferences of a species are determined the hen to the regurgitated food is not known for by beak morphology, gape, and jaw muscle most species, but is important in pigeons. 29 strength, not by body size. 6,22-24 Further, seed hardness is more important in limiting seed Proventrieulus and Gizzard utilization than seed size. Passage of food through the proventriculus occurs quickly and coats food particles with acid Food Storage and pepsin. 3~ Control of gastric secretions and At the beginning of a meal, the food bolus emptying is coordinated by vagal input and the passes directly into the proventriculus. As the actions of the hormones gastrin, pancreatic poly- meal continues, the proventriculus and the giz- peptide, cholecystokinin, and secretin. Food can zard fill to capacity, and subsequent food boluses move rapidly through the proventriculus and are diverted into the crop (Fig 3), if present, or enter into the gizzard with little progression of remain in the distensible esophagus. 25 Within enzymatic digestion. Contractions within the the crop, food softens as a result of hydration by gizzard act in concert with grit to crush the food saliva added to food during swallowing, mucus and grind the edges of the resulting particles secreted into the crop, and water consumed after together. Studies in a variety of species have a meal. Glucose in the food or released by shown a complex cycle of proventricular, gizzard, amylase can be absorbed from the crop. More and duodenal contractions that propels the food significant digestion may occur because of the in alternate directions between these three or- presence of enzymes in the food itself or from gans. a134 Food is ground in the gizzard, followed microbial action in the warm moist environment by reflux of larger food particles back into the of the crop. 11,26 Emptying of the crop or esopha- proventriculus for addition of fresh pepsin and gus plays an important role in regulating the rate HC1. This refluxing provides additional time for of passage of digesta through the entire tract. the hydrolysis of protein, continues the breakup The crop provides a temporary storage area of large lipid globules, and homogenizes the

Figure 3. The crop of a (A) pigeon; (B) budgerigar; and (C) Cockatoo. In some spe- cies, a true crop is absent, but some food may be stored in an expandable esophagus (eg, Canary, shown in [D]). Avian Digestion 49 food. When high lipid meals are consumed, lipid The embryo develops on a diet of lipid and is retained in the anterior region of the tract and protein (yolk and albumen), but essentially no digested more slowly than protein and carbohy- carbohydrate. After hatching, granivorous birds drate components of the meal9 are fed a diet that is high in carbohydrate and low in protein and fat. They must quickly make Small Intestine the appropriate digestive and enzymatic adapta- The small intestine is the primary site for tions to facilitate this abrupt switch. Our under- enzymatic digestion and absorption of nutrients. standing of the posthatch digestive and meta- Release of pancreatic and intestinal secretions is bolic changes of altricial birds has yet to be stimulated by duodenal distention, HC1, vagal investigated in detail, but has been described in stimulation, secretin, vasoactive intestinal pep- chickens) s tide, and cholecystokinin) 1,35 Differential release There are important temporal differences of these regulatory factors matches the amount between precocial and the altricial birds in the of individual digestive enzymes released to the development and maturation of their digestive type and amount of substrate in the digesta. Most systems into a completely functional organ sys- protein, starches, and nucleic acids present in tem. 3942 The allometric growth rate of the embry- the food are hydrolyzed within the lumen of the onic digestive tract is faster than that of the rest small intestine by pancreatic enzymes giving of the body, so that at hatching, it is relatively smaller oligomers. These are further hydrolyzed large and functionally developed. This gives the at the brush border to constitutive young altricial chick the capacity to receive and molecules (eg, monosaccharides, free amino efficiently digest the large quantities of food acids, and nucleotides) that are absorbed. The supplied by its parents and permits very rapid presence of an intestinal lactase has not been postnatal growth. For example, in the budgeri- shown in those birds tested, 36,37 and feeding gar, the absorptive area of the intestines relative significant amounts of lactose-containing foods to body weight is maximal at hatching and is usually not advised. decreases later as growth slows. The gizzard is relatively small and weak after Rectum hatching and increases in strength and resis- In the rectum, electrolytes, water, and some tance to abrasion as the chick begins to consume nutrients (simple sugars, amino acids) remain- food. This developmental pattern constrains the ing in the digesta are absorbed. Companion size and hardness of foods that many young birds in the Passeriforme, Piciforme, and Psittaci- chicks can consume. The parents of altricial forme families lack extensive areas for microbial chicks may contribute to the digestion of food by attack of dietary fiber, so plant cell wall compo- softening it with saliva and sometimes by enzy- nents are not digested. These undigested food matic action before regurgitation. components, together with bacteria, urine, and Birds hatch from the egg with a completely endogenous losses, collect in the rectum and sterile digestive tract. Altricial chicks are fed by cloaca and may be stored there for short periods their parents, and the food material is contami- of time. Endogenous losses include epithelial nated with a robust population of microflora cells, digestive enzymes, mucous, and bile pig- from the parents' anterior digestive tract. Sponta- ments, which give the feces their greenish hue. neous sucking movements of the vent (cloacal During defecation, there is an intense peristal- drinking) facilitate the uptake of microflora tic contraction beginning in the anterior rectum from the nest environment for colonization of that propels the fecal material through the the posterior digestive tract. Some of the micro- entire rectum and cloaca in a few seconds. Uric flora ingested by the chick will not find the acid can be observed as white crystals, usually on conditions suitable and are either killed by the surface of the feces. digestive secretions, eliminated by the immune system (eg, IgA), or are unable to attach to the epithelium and are defecated. The remaining Ontogeny of Digestive Capacity microflora proliferate and compete for space All florivorous and omnivorous birds undergo and nutritional resources. This process contin- dramatic changes in their diet as they develop. ues until the "normal" flora develops. 50 Kirk C. Klasing

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